HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-11, Page 7°Ili° medicine' 11'91k:wing th° kng' PhetograPhed sleel;ing, aPParre Rheumatism and Kidney Dieease
feel depressed and easily tired. This and on the floors of houses, ia which —three h°xes of Poda's EldneY
meaas that the blood is inpure and they seitght, refuge fraia the PilIa tainie hint a new man.
watery. It is this state of the blood heads of their ewn hoaseholds.
that causes pimples and unsightly These and other devices of a- simil-
eruptions. To this same condition ar character to escape the enumer-
is due attacks of rheumatism and ation May have been pieture.eque,
lumba.go; the sharp, stabbing pains but they had little effect, On the to -
of sciatica and neuralgia; poor ape tal of the cense*.
petite, frequent headaches and a For the rest ti tte Census Passed Mr. Lackey has no e always esnoeed
desire to avoirt exertion. You on- off with its usual calm, King his present health, "For twenty -
not cure these troublee by the use George filled up his census paper five yearn,' he says "1 suffered
of purgative reedicines—you Reed a as the had of a tamilY with all tho from Rheumetism, which I inherit, -
tonic, and a tonic onlv. and among Punctiliousness his father used to ed, wag aersous. My limbs
all medicines there is none can ' oxereise ire this matter. would swell and / had a severe
equal Dr, Willieros' pink pins red Edward VII. hy the way, during
sensation across the
storing powers, feere does of nes'thoegh be was king for less heavY dragging
jr-lh was served en bim in Paris I attribute it all to three boxes of
which drives out impurities, stiont- t—Pe
new bealth end energy to "ills" Was be/Ua tak'en' ti514 and 1(111eS 1)j"z' have en'
n and children, re sou ere fed. British Embassy throagli the Mr. Leekey is showing his appre-
g out of sort$ give this medkilw a French Foreiga Office, and did not elation a Dodd ?$ .bY
trial am; eee new (penny se win in, come as iisuel terongh the Prefec- buying the nt aed presenting them
store the -appetite, revive drooping tore a the so", to his flle3" ge 11" jeined the
spirits and till roar veins with new, e°1"'"e' King F:4- great arritY a those Wh° b417e
heeltlegiving blood, Da. wiatiana37 '('" was on English soil at the learned bent their own experience
itieh Einbassr, And the appliea. that ae a, giver of POW WO to (Ad
Pink Pills aee sold by 4141, 4041'01'5 •
,m,„lt. by Trmit lor tion might have been ignored. But and young Dodds Eidnes Pins
¶VtH be
E li.O`ge—yreEereffM1W,7,„ THURSDAY, MAY
Suffragettes in Hidiag King
George Dia ilis Duty.
The British otetusits has been tak-
en, and in spite of the efforts of
the su4regettes the list of the peo-
In he Spring Most People ,eeII fi
, a ple is believed to be as complete
as usual, The papers publish some
quaint, pat -tires et women
Battering a midnight martyrdom
for the cause, One was photo-
Milst 'up your blood with a Sleeping in a bath^ 'others were Stiffered for twenty-liee'years from
Tonic Mealeine
If you want the best of health and
new etretirth m the snring You graphed hy 6:x411104 and shown
01.0 MAN
indoor winter months most people ently sleeping, On narrow benches
Swift Current, Sask., May
(Special).—Seveety-six years of age.,1
but strong and healthy, Mr. J. P.
Lackey ofethis place is one of the
grand old men of the prairies. But
their tonic, nerve -1.e- his reign, uP tWO census Pa- Pahl acr°ss the back" I also had a
medicine ni4k.e5 11,11,, rie weed than ten years, His secoad census loins' 1 am 4 well 11.1411 to -day and
!eees every organ and beiege, a feel, where he happened to he when ow,' 3 -.),),:id's IciAbley Pills, MY Rile:ulna-
reneb la tired out, ailing meee we, Tbe doennieut, 'was delivered et the tirely disappeared"
an ceats a box or six boxes for $2.-
nO bs addressipg The Dr, Williams
Medicioe Co. Breekrille. Ont.
Telltale Nskil Brought Woman to
the Scaffold.
Dr, John Donne, ibefamoue
Eaglish divine and poet, \Oka lived
the reign of James I,, was a
)ie Sherloek Holmes, says Lon.
'don. Tit -Bite. One of his famone
exploits is as 10110WS: He
-walking in the ehurchyard while
grave was being dug, when the eex
ton east up. a mouldering skul
The doctor idly took it up and, in
handling it, found a headless 'Pa
driven into it
This be managed to ta1c out an
coaceal in his harkelkerelsief.,It,
ex Went to lam that murderha
been done. Ho questioned th
sexton and he learned that the sku
was probably that of a certain IBA
who was the proprietor of a bran-
<ly shop and was a drunkard, be-
ing found dead in bed one morning
'ter a night in which he had druak
two quarts of brandy.
"Had he a wife r, asked the <Me-
etor, "Yes," "What character
does she bear V' "She bore a very
good character, only the neighbors
gossiped bemuse she married the
day after her husband's funeral.
She still lives here," The doctor
soon called on the woman.
He asked for and received the
Particulars of the death of her hus-
band. Suddenly epening his hand-
kerchief he showed her the telltale
nail, asking in a loud 'Voice,
"Madame, do you know this nail I"
The woman -was- so surprised that
shc confessed, -was tried arid exe-
the "Due de Laueastee, hie age,
hinth and so on figure in the offiekal
eeords of the popidatioa
Prance. In 1896 the Preach censu
eaught some other distinguished
vieiters. 9uven Victoria, tho Em-
press Marie ef Russia and Xing
Leopold of Belgium Were all in Par-
t the time, 41114,1 all three appear
the list of people living in
Boroughs in England with a pop
dation of 0,00Q -attain the 4iguit3
eouuty borougitg. This has giv
rice to several Odd effeets dux
the peasant census taking.
Mayor of Dover, anxious
his town should achieve the
dgnity b
(1f „ .„,eeploing a county bor.
wgh, issued an appeal to the eiti-
' to stay at home for the San -
and help to make up the e0,000.
uiltenhem was in the seine
as Dover, helves. 50,000 at
e last census, but perhaps over
lumber last Sunday.
however several thought -
d map realized 'that if the tenses
That is what thousand of mothers
say of Baby's Own Tablets. We
have received thousands of letters
praising them—we have yet to re-
ceive a single one condemning them.
The Tablets cannot possibly do
ham even to the newborn babe.
They contain none of those poison-
ous drugs which make the so-called
"soothing" mixtures so dangerous
to the welfare of the little one. They
axe a scientific medicine prepared
by one of the greatest specialists on
childhood ailments and should be
kept in every home where there are
babies or small children. Mrs.
Fred. McCarthy, Oinewood, Ont.,
writes: "I have used Baby's Own
-Tablets and have found them a
great remedy for little ones. 1
ewould not be without them." The
Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or. by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
'Co., Brockville, Ont.
• •
Many persons, Young and ofd, of-
ten wonder how the modern electric
ears, tiains. and locomotives are
operated and what eleci„ricity
No one knOws what .electricity is.
We, know some of the things that ,ease. c.,barige 01 water, eookipg,.
stand without an equal,
, Smith (heaanig A great nosi
e Oltildren's room the other
day, went up to see -what was the
matter): "Children! ehildrea !," s
id; whatever is all this nois
' Jetnie—"Oh, we've bad
pa and ancle Henry locked up
g inboard. for 411 hour, a.nd
they get a little angrier I'm
play going into the lion'e
"SNAP" is
a wonder -
worker in
t he home.
Try it on
those pots,
pans and kettles that soap
reople axe discovering new uses
for "S -N -4-P» every day. TrY it
yourself. 15. a can. co
, - •
El KEA, RE1401,spy,
C ATAP call; '
, CAN ita.E.-4cuRtb,
TNE R/A.VAGE.-s0,r, cotisg
fiQN ,•ft .SS(Oeslit
, WRITE F -OR sanapt.:a0"
.1 cne F.() L,T N
"Walks and People in Tuss
„ SSE' Fraiteis Vane tells
of a coltrageone but unfor-
ate dog Teree, acqnaint-
mice he ank'de near Greve, The ani
mai was a farm dog, ,O0 *pleudid
apecireee of a bleclaand-white
sheep dog,
Bora with an adventurous dispo.
ioa, Turco explored the peigh-
oorbood, awl one sad day wine shot
t, and with euch little accurecy
that his aear hind leg was destrey-
A kindly Euglish lady had him
a ended by a veterinary, and the
dog recovered, although, of eonrse,
with three legs only. Yet his in
domitelDle dariug was not lesserked.
etill roamed and fought xnany
6007310TO aVneV hAfi bVtn.
NSW inir over six-rv vnaas toy au-LIAO:la of
ALLAN'S ail rani.; etneRS WHIP COLIC, and
is Ilea hot retnedy for PIARRIKBA.. It is ab•
solutely llarmleeis. Be FM'S and for "'Mrs.
tlaathinft $311110 and take uo other
kind. Twealy.five cents a bottle.
Neighbor—"Did you la
,ak this
wet.1 a population of 50,000, al-ewindow, Charnel" Charlie-- 11 ell,
- 4, it
ough the honor of county bor- 1 helped." Neighhor--"Helpeal
aughship would be atteinta, Mr. Mow helped'?" Charlie -9t was a
Lloyd George's budget would else) , ball that broke it—but I threw the
„e an increase, in lieenee duties 'ball.) -1
he town; So brewers and pab-
- did all they eould to reduce Pills That Have Benefitted Thou -
population for the night, of the , sands.—:Known far and near as
ensus, and paid the expapses of sure remedy in the treatment of
their employees, their wives and digestion and all derangements of
their children for a week -end bon- ,the stomach, liver and kideeys,
day. l Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have
brought relief to thonsands when
other specifics have failed. Imam-
erable testimonials VIII be produced
to 'establish the truth of this asser.
le tion. Once tried they will be feemd.
treatment of the ailments for which.
they are prescribed,
quguttcturtarnall°102P111;"11111114 tat:3*4")12a3s3 c'hert" superior to all other pills in the
The two sailors had just returned
from a long voyage, and it was
good to get back on English soil
once more. They were a little in-
clined th be sentimental about it, you think that is right 'Of
says a writer in London Tat -Bits. course it is," replied Tommy, "You
Above the rumble of the traffic they don't want me to grow up and be
heard, one day, a very harsh and good for nothing, do you 7"
unmusieal voice. After listening for
a few moments, one of them turned
to his companion and said:
"Eh, Jack, it's a long time since
we've heard that song."
"What song" asked the other.
"The one that fellow's singing in
the street, 'The Light of Other
Days.' "
"That fellow ain't singing The
Light of Other Days' at- all," re-
plied the other. "I've been listen-
ing to him. He's piping 'The Banks
of Allan Water.''
"Here, Tommy," called out' the
first man to a, small boy, "run along
and find out what. that man's sing-
"He ain't singing at all," pro-
tested Tommy. "He's hawking
herrings 1''
"Tommy," said a. father to his
precocious five-year-old son and
heir, "your mother tells me she
gives you pennies to be good. Do
Don't -handle the dough any more
than necessary when making bis-
cuits, douglanats or cookies. The
more you handle it the tougher it
will become.
Some persons have periodical at-
tacks of Canadian cholera. dysen-
tery Or diaerhoea, and -have to use
great precautions to avoid the dis-
atcnt, leaned )kW totocoantete„orlt, ,teielee antiitnaecukss.ress.i,iQs.:itticriel to bring
' we
aud, for wBAII °I 'a better name, \\-ould recommend Dr. la Xel-
-e -call it a flitid. , We have discov- l)ysentery Cordial as being
ered, too, that it is one of the raos
the best medicine in the market Or
in11)°1-tant forces,: if not 5170 most all stile -truer complaints. If a few
i3E1j°rtant f"ce' of :which we have drops are taken in water when the
any anowl,eage. We are almost as symatonas arc notic.ed no f•uture
gnovant manY 01,1ler great 701'ee5 traal,,le; will be expericaiceci.
-aturc as, for exainpJc. the at-
'ction or gravitation. lior the Torn --"Did Maud. ail, 3, LIlO
e"ient vce nInst be ccInt'ent •tro teeth telier. yoU asked her hal' age ?"
T such forces in actian, Toni— at i d
de ti the best nlet110,1s cc",--Itr(11 slie say 7' sa d e,
' et s
them'. In this knowleciaii, manrd (1 nane. or my bit Sine;:S.''
8 r rd's and take no ether
Minard's Liniment uSed by Physicians.
Wife --'`Wake up! There are
thieves in the house I" Husband—
"Go dow'n and show them your new
bonnet, and they -won't waste any
time looking for money here!"
It Will Cure a, Cold. --Colds are
the commonest ailments of mankind
and if neglected may lead to seri-
ous conditions. Dr. Thomas Eclec-
tric Oil will relieve the bronchial
passages of inflammation speedily
and thoroughly and will strengthen
them against subsequent attack.
And as it eases the inflammation it
will stop the cough because it allays
all irritation in the throat. Try it
and prove it.
A little boy of eight years, attend-
ing school away from home, wrote
a letter to his sister from which the
following extract iS taken: "We
ha.d a spelling match in school to-
day, and I beat all the boys and won
the Meddle."
keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
Grocer—"Good morning, • Mr.
Popple. How, are those eggs I sent
you?". Popple—"Better, , thank
you. They are gaining strength
every 'minute."
VOr. over fifty years Rheumataan
and Neuralgia' sufferers have found
great relief in Handles Wizard.Oil.
Don't wait for inflammation to set
in Get a bottle to -day.
The ,Lady ----"I thought .you said
von were looking ror 'wsork.?" The
•Tranap--"Well, am. mum. , But
I don't Want get it own'. I'm 0
detective: ver see, au' ran jest aLer
cluea to-siOy.'!
me the poison t.
bad Wilanged to
t and had prepare
by laying down poison. ,
ost by a miracle, Tureo re La
after weeks of agony, and
his spirits, too; for he
kaut one night, had an im-
mense battle with a dog larger than
himself, and came baek to the house
vith bis fore leo. hopelessly broken.
1,000,000 MEN 131931Elt ARMS
ermany's Field Hanomerres Thf
Germany will have under arms in
sonnection with field manoeuvre
his summer practically one million
en, In addition to the regular
army with a strength of 622,000
Inen,,over 3a5,000 reservists will be
called to the colors, making a total
effective strength for the army of
077,000. Adding to this men serv-
ing with the fleet, an armed force
of considerably more than a mil-
lion will be engaged iu the gigantic
waTrbgealnnee;v firing regulatione for
e field artillery, just published,
contain in addition to further di-
ctions for fire against captive bal.
oas, a new set of inatructions gov-
erning the use of the artillery
against diriaibles and aeroplanes.
It is adrnittebd, however, that artil-
lery fire against aeroplanes offers
alight chance of success without
enourmous use of ammunition.
13 WEEKS IN nosinvfx.
Came Away 'aio Better and Then
Two Boxes a Zane -Bilk "Worked
Complete Core,
Mr, Fred. Man, the well-known
ipholsteror and mattress
terer of St, Andrews. N.B„ ,says
"I had eczema en Ply, knee, which
caused me teerible pane and incon-
venience. The sore parts wonld itch
eel burn and tiagle and then when
ubbect or eeratchecf„ would becOMe
ery painful, I tried various
rnedes but got no better, eo dced-
to go to Montreal and take
special treatment. e received treat.
ment at the Montreal General Iles-
pital for thirteen weeks, but at the
d of that time was not eared,
d almost gave in. friead ad,
vtted me to give Zette-Buk a trial.
a lthough I had little hope of it
Mehl t 0
ase ne
Invaluable Internally
.Sore Throat
roup, E t
i2VaselineRemedios Tubs
of Zinc, Cernpboratod,
loCarloolated,Camphorated. e
itiontholated.Elc. Each
.C9r.sPecial purposes"4
Co or
Y04 W ila iberts„
aatchewan or 'toba lands,. -
proved or ununprove , it win pay you to
cousuit Z.ne.
IINDRRD ACRES, Comotr of Xent.
irty..ave aluodred.
NDRf7D „ACRES, County 0
e Vsialiava Frve Run -
nd rovem
onsult me.
FTY iCRES, comes -
ea; Tailored,
doing toe good, .1 took the advice,
1 as soon as applied Zara-Bule
the Haling and the irrita-
evered with the balm,
n evident that ita 4
would do good. Each day the 200 en niat In
tr Nplectlid Kat
pain was 1 U * the sore apots tee beg, 'cern paatture a
began to heal, AD by the time I had l'ku'A.ebur,1 butiails Ow
k .
in _ Vali ex(
WO a, few hO.NeS .0/ ZaM-Blak I was smouvr tar TAO.WegvPn
cured." aachersre, 144., aeueoa
GE Tracts Weqern bands for Saie.
i.yon Ave„ Guelph.
3 -
rros lag
Take ee
8 fariA
Ninety C'olborne
Street. To. romp, ),licate ,Marn4
hts and, 51.
Ds in
od, openings
Engitsit ea
tar. ittu&J!..ted
rraeo Trwie,
He MAY has ete1
nly two legs, or had pireosr, ukacegulszlos,bakb°sede-Psstis,
when 1 saw him lest, yet although cose ulcers, bad leg, sore feet, bli„
had not seen him for more than
ters, insect stings, poisoned wounds
a year, he limped up to greet me
in -
with the wildest ei weeesnen cuts, burns, hi -tines and all skin
'''''''''"" juries and diseases. Zam-Buk is
• • without equal. Zum.Buls Soap
t a job for a man wot's been should also bo used for "WaSiling
Olit 0) work six months, gWel1Or 1 wounds, eezemous patches aud
Sorry, 1 haven't! I've more men
on the place now than I can find
work for," "But the little I'd do
wouldn't make much odds."
il le ell
quickfr Mops condhs, cures colds, he
tha throat and lungs. * * 28 caata.
sex. 10011Y, on goods neeesSary 41
broad. Salary dollars per OW and Om.
mission, Experieuee unnecessery. J, L.
Niehols co., mental. Taraatc..
OENTS btudy (-a ofber
AirencY propositions rativineol as
/sores. All druggists and stores sell Th'" mne 1131- "ual "I's' IQ° "
Z0.111 -3311k at 30e bon and Zarix-Buk gPoirkftset n'41.°A.elia" aPPIY f"
era Dept., 2211
Soap ae ;sue, pee tablet, or from abort se, ammo,
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto.
"Father," said the youth, "
.e decided to become an altiet.
HaTe you any objection "
"No, provided you don't draw on
Mistrese—"Who was that gentle-
man that eame jilet ITOW Ser-
vant—"It evasn't gedleman,
ma'am; it was only the master, who
eame for his umbrella."
Proteet the child from the ravages!
of worme by using Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator. It is a staed-1
ard remedy, and rears of use have
enhanced its reputation.
He—"At last --we've alone! I've
been hoping for this ehance." She
—"So have I." He—"Se, you have,
guessed then that I wanted to tell',
you that I love you'?" She— 'Yes,
and I wanted to say 'No' and have
it over."
tor Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
andGranulatedEyelids, Murine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e,
$1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00, Eye 13ooks
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
.E.Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Teacher—"Don't know the sixth
commandment? Now listen: If a
man came up to me with a raevolver
and shot and killed me what\would
it be?" Johnnie (brightly)'—" -A
WANTSD....Outario Vetetatt
located, A. N. Ilett, Fieriio,
BEIIDEEN Virk TL3:.. Thn
Greatest 'B'eef 'Breed. Unparalleled
— James Bowmen, Elm Park, Guelph.
crossing purposes. For Buns. write
lir IlAitIsti DIE 11.0.1113ER THADB.--NEW
A Pill That is Prized.—Theee itetztigracoArgea"ggep1;70•egitgi
have been many pills put upon the ,z,itzienteccitattpraluates ern twelve to
market and pressed upon public leeue- "steler Int11..11g1Y601,1:g,tePir Oetigi
attention, but none has endured so E"t' T°r"t"°*
long or met with so much favor as ptealnANS,Crzge ailnuemeagessel'elle,X0Pesrnircniteeni
Parmeleea Vegetable Pills, Wide- by our home treatment. _ NV:Tito te
spread use of them has aatested
before too lat'e'
Limited, Colliugwood. Ont. "
Dr, Rothman Medical Co
their great -value, and thee need
tnbois.furtheiterangadfiverrtotilsyenelestnatblitrend 1 5,. TS0collamle;erBk8', stescialljapdrei'"7..4:"Watt°17' *4
WANTED to take orders in
themselves in. public esteem, they! IAT spa e thne, no experience neees-
now rank without a peer in the list lestiseiTee,,?aIneinglre‘e es,gl'oe.g!'llivlept.ttlle Bed
of standard vegetable preparations. ish Canadian Industrial CoMpan-, 2i2
Albert. St, Ottawa.
"Yes, I remember the time whert
Mr. Rich the millionaire, did not
have a pair of shoes to. cover his
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
Add a teaspoonful of sugar of lead
to the water in which the silk hosi-
ery is washed to prevent the de-
licate color fading.
Tough steak should be chopped
and mixed with diced potatoes. and
then baked. Grated cheese over
this dish improve a the' flavor.
feet." . "And when vets that,
pray?" "At the time be was bath-
Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited.
is our reinedy for sore -throat, colds and
all ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
'Port 31u1grase.
Many a, wife -beater draws the line
at beating a carpet.
If one be troubled -with corns and
warts, he will find in Holloway's
Corn Cure an application that will
:entirely relieve suffering.
Patrolman George Malone of the
Denver police department is a firm
believer in the efficacy of pr ayee. '
One day last week he was called to
make an arrest fellawing a neigh-
borhood quarrel. After listQoi
Ito the stOries of the women
ed, Malone lifted his lieluma,
!his club on -the floor and knelt in
prayer. The prayer 'Was brief,
bet to the point. When he arose
the women were silent. "Cut out
this squabbling,' he said, "and
. pray more. Malone as as strong
physically- as he ismorally, for a
few hours afterward'he stopped and
threw a runaway horse.
A mail who insists that he's lust
as goad as vett are may not be extra
good at that.,
clanciaarsas ADVICE PREE, Consult
1:71,, us in regard to any disease. Lowebt
prices in drugs at all kinds.
Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
ment. Glauses fitted by age. 'Write to -day
for anything sold in first-class drug
stores to Dr. Penman, Collingwood„ Ont.
Lower in Price and higher in quality
than you can obtain them elsewhere.
Write for our catalogue of prices.
174 York St., Hamilton Ont.
"If you don't marry me," he
cried desperately, "I shall kill my-
self !"
"And write a note telling all
about it?" queribd she
``And hold my photograph in you
other hand?"
'`I had ,thought about
"Well, ;just wait a minute," she
said, "and 111 borrow pa's pistol
for you. My 1 Won't it be ,ronaan-
tic 1"
TO prevent fat from splutt,ering
Set folr
Nat na
free eatriple to 1.7ep.. W.
tat ,And Chemical pa.' Toren