HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-11, Page 51 Psofesetona �`�d". White Wyandotte Utility Eggs 1 IDR, A. a. KINSMAN, L. D. B., D, D. 8,•" For. Hatching Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlaty. DENTIST' $Loci for 15 eggs; teeth extracted, without any pain, or any bad effects 2,75 for ;3O eggs 011esoverGladman,tStanbury'sofHce,ilainstreet Incubator nets at reduced rates; $rater Write CHAS, F .HOOFER. Box 157, Exeter,.rit, Medical �l Fb, RRIGIIT, 31, A<. Ii, O, P. $ S„ FiOZ10It FOR SALE Lia gradua"eot'i'aronto. University: Two years Wiled Tenders will be received by }estdeptphgaictan,Royal-Alexandra HIospital, ete. either of the uuderaigned: up till, slay Once and. Residence, Dr, Amos' Old Stand, Andrew 27th, for the 7t�oliow l , either unitedly treat ,EXETER. - or Separately, -FrarDae Cottage, pump, DR, QUACKENBUSI', .Physician, Surgeon,Ae.4 acre or, land, situated ' tt and being coircheur, Office, pr,.Itoliina' old.od'ice, ySain � part of Lot 8, Secol?cis colacessiott at Hay Street,. Residence. corner James and Albert streets _,residence' of the late Henry OwBrie11 opposite James street Methadt�t parsonage. Phone e - Office, 3$ a; Residenee 39 b. dec asbd, Teresa Cash, :or 6 mpitths Legal t0KSAN 4 OARLINQ, IM RISTERS, SOL1GI tots, Notoriea, Conveyancers, tom ilssio ne liolieltorator kloieons Bank,, etc credit on approved joint notes, with 6 per cent, interest., �> H, E. HUSTON,WAS,° o 'BRIEN Reece { .,. Money to f.oan at lowestraesof stereo O$LI�iEkIl.A, Fresh Offices., Main street, Exeter. A.. $ II DieasalS =}�°NWT T4 LAW.. lzavealargeanxountofrivate uncle to, loars rata ia d nvillage p � atio w i rates o properties t a ter _. ..e. ret tafi, (IX...1 AMAN & STANBURT, Barristers, Soiiciters.-+ialaat., Exeter On J. SENIOR x3 gen t Ooufe ieratiQuLifeAssnl'aunt) f art#pally. Mau Fire Insurance ixl iend- in Qanladiall and British Companies. Main.$t" Exeter. ;CUSS D froetor. MIMIC ij 1 U0E113S, ' 'to'lt i Trl- ea Street Parsonage, MLIS1S LILLIAN AN ET41,4QT CQi"iOPJWI SC E'Tl;'a'NO FLIFILS ACCWIICD ADDRESS,^•-CEt T.I1ALIA ONT. LICENS.1:D AUCTIONEER ii. ANDERSON, Liettisnrd .Auctioneer r E3ULQa1 County. Terms reasoa;able. s=eas eats be made at the Advo ate, rater, or Iisnry ?tilbes's Office. Cred- 14ife,Fire, Aeelderit Insurant o, Collecting za ducting auction sales. d Tt'Ittte Glass mad con - or. Ont. G. ,1.. ITOiiZE, V. S. Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege; .ntember Ontario "Veterinary Med, teal .Society : treats all dieease i of do- =mesticated animals on eclentltie prin ciples modern aurgcry 'a specialty. Op- eratiorus on Ltunp Jaw guaranteed sat Iafactozy, Calls lfy day or night promptly attended to. Oftice?--,l=ain-t+t„ Exeter, Dr. Ra:msay's ofd stand. Phone tat connection, xE 1CHEIt WANTED k ear, 3. 3. N,a. 4, Usborne, tzolding a seealtd-chase certificate. DUt.tes to cont- rllatac4 .after Midutzmniet~ ltolidrays, Slate salary. Apply to W, H. COATES, Sec.-Treas:, Exetera We are now well,establish- ed .in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam. ely.that of a daily increasing business) that we are racaing a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,-- '1F esh Groceries all tne time," A11 kith of produce taken in exchange. J►.. GOULD Breeding Horses S0UTIl1,Q1iT*. ,E#al:T. the celebrated im- a xsted sP,ire ittallioxa, has a' ctaolee Ped- xaad record, and. Cis a sure total He will staled this seaeoat at stable, G-edttan, for a limited of :agaves; ' , tES COC .WILL, 1'',ro: t, at ;,Iaea'it ea Yillll'1G N,d.TE13Y ritniail its a fine YPs3 of shire st'allioal welt -bred and otxn L afoot/ay will leave home, Dcvop and 1;a to Wm. Brook's, Osborne, to ilaskett'e on Sauble Line; Tuesday iia L i ambusat'at and Jim :SfeFalla ; 'a4*caries% day to „Ilsb;a Whiteford's, to Wm. 'plod-: Gina'; Thursday to ItEssee Slrnpsoat's & lronlo; Saturday 63 Jolt; M=itchell's, at Crediton, and 1113me. RICH. CUL13ERT, Prop, and Man'r, ELECTRIC 13„ No. 0612, trial 2.261-2 at 8 -yr. old, lei alt, Imparted standard= bred Mullion, of fittest pedigree and excellent record. 7:4remiay will leave his, own stable at Ciatndebaye and proceed to Denfield, and aa Ilderton ; , Tuesday tel Dire and Luca== ; Wednesday t,a Sos. ..rmita,o'.e and Kirkton; 1huraday to Eittrtvfllt' and Centralia.; Friday to Ms owat:,. stable. GEO. & EDi SIIIPSON, Pro prietort;; It. 5,1MPSON, alanager. TEA HER. WANTED PEARL GIFT, 1364,6, is a pure-bred --~ - im=ported Clydesdale stallLan, of good For S. S. Nie.' 1, Stephen,) olding see- pedigree, and fine record as a breeder.; and -Glass eertitieate, Duties to cam- lio,sul;ay leaves- biome at Ed' rkton, and go - :mace after midsummer holidays. State es to Solna Durrcatt',a, and Farquhar; Salary. Apply to 'tvlar. J. 130WDEN, Tuesday to ,Bert Rundle's and Richard Oreditoia East P. 0. .Lingard'e, ,Blanshard ; Wednesday to Frank Parkinson's and Granton; Thurs FOR -RENNT day to David Pay titer's and biome; Fri -t Thirty acres of land, ready for crop{ day to. Wm. Ho11ingshead's and James Privilege of drawing ltobluts3n'ts ; Saturday homer efi trg crop off the place. A number of acres of pasture land toJOHN HANNA, Proprietor & Man'r rent ; also a nurnber of cattle pastured CLAN 11ACGItEGOR, 5566, 10528, is by the season. W. M. BLATCHFORD a pure-bred imported Clydesdale stallion with choice pedigree autd a first-cIasrs xecord as` a breeder. , gonday leaves FOR 'SALE his own stable at Ciandeboye, to Alex Our Gasoline Engine Sir Horse Pow O'Neii's taieGillivray, to Thlzs. Egan's ; er, Gorden & McCullough make. Sam=e TuesdaY •to J.-Aar-gar/a, to David .A.sh- in good condition. By order of the Coun worth's ; Wednesday to T. Morkin's, cit, i Biddulph,> to...harm ; Thursday to R. T. B. CABLING, Cierk. Flynn's, Biddulph., to T. Hodgins day to Harry McFall's' to Wm. Johns' Loadan Road; Saturday to J. T. Simp- son's, to*home. JAS. HANDFORD a A. &, W. MC VILLIA.MS, Prop. ; ` LEO. FOSTIJ7t, Manager- ., LORD OF: THE MANOR, 23216, - trial 2.08, is a magnificently bred stallion, and has a- fine record as a breeder himself He will, stand this season at his own_ stable, flat 6, South Thames Road; tjborme. john Smollett will also ,' tom', at. tie baiin+a,. - i3A.LLIE E3RoW N, Proprietor and Manager. , FARM FOR SALE' 13T TENDER. Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to and on the 13th _May for the purchase of N. Pt. 17, Can. 1,1 Lon- don, head;• Township of Stephen, contain ling 25 acres. On the premises is a good brick house, kitchen and woodshed with hard and soft water, a bank barn, 32x45; also hen and pig house. Large orchard of choice winter " fruit, also a gardenof small fruit. Abundance of spring water. This "is •a desirable prop- erty, near rop-erty,;near town of Exeter Aand zpust_ be sold *Edey "terms Of paytiient. "For TF3CMAS CARLYLF] 1Io X13,87'9,, is, •teraiie and' p'artactzIart3' a'p$ly' toe "TI OS Ci41ERON, A;itettoneer';1'Far'crihat, P:• 0. puri= -bred unparteet ciydesdale stag on,`ef 3a�il; ped° reQ and an ,e. cellen£ record, ZURIC1 L i CannIII ry.I FactoContracti. `MISS=' '1`arence' %parte of Drysdale,. On and after Feb. 14th The-vEa er left last week for a visit to ftYttawa ' i -Rev. and Mrs,A; D. Gisehler and .fam,+ Candhi and PreseTing Co r; w11I ,aSe ready ,to'Make eolvtracta wif•_h farmers ily left of TiliurSey m,ornitia- for their for tile growing of ®tuff for- the factory, 'new .home at Milverton. -Mr. and Mrs: Apply to the maata,g•er, J. H. Schue'ttlex of . Ctleveland, 'former ,.3, -,,at SANDERS'; 1 of Zurich, rejoice at the ^arrayal 'of r I� / a son' into their- famitY: :Rev. G.i- F. Horses Wafted B own of, „Walkerton, the new pastor �` of .tire Evan;elical church, 'is etpected to arrive last week, to take .charge oY I-lavtng takerd; -et the bu3't 1.aa of...,,...241,. the.'con,g.regatnan--Mr. W. G�, Hess has, T E Eandtord h;3raebvyer, 1 am pre- been 'appointed census enumerator foxy _• pared :to purchase all ki==ds of horses poli No t, The :ire -k will begin; List. that 'are sound and. h'- glaod condition. ot'Jwte and'. as to be computed 'ink 21 from'flDur Yo ten .e ly ; or are. days--4. ays, A q i et weddinG was, sotelnnized I.wi11 keep constantly on hand a` nurn- at the hame'of Mr. alund-•Mrs. 'J. ,F:`ktick b�r "of '. ytitrade heavy', and llgiit horses ' bell an ' Wednesday' afternoon'. adroit the; for h,aeal trade. ouriest daughter, ter 7h9ebe,Louise, was Parties haviung,"horses for sale w'i1i r ,a;, a rosper-'r. witted, to M^. D S,.'I''31 ar-rot p -do well t? cail.o write the undersigned. 'ors "'usiness man of Benton Onta-aio.•- Phone 41. M. NI; DQYLF,, Exeter. The'knot was t e3 by Rev. A. D1 t meh- le. in' 'the :;presence 'Of the innmed,nts� L'elatives.- Ors ' Win.' Frita has Moved.Cream Separators into` Mrs. A St, Fausta s d'wellin'g, 'wellin, and birs. Alfred "Gei er its moving into the dwellings vacated" by Mrs. -Fritz'- The. �or Sale police trustees ,are ,,arranging ta' lay down between • six and seven thousand We are .agents ,for the -Tubular squire feet of cement walk this; year.: Crat°'- ', S ePa n,.1 tin:r, . one of ;the. best.. ,:SEAFORTH-The death occurred' Wed , 'day ;of 'last ve k r;o ,Tarte.' Oatrnochat1 separators an -the malket< -' - . wi$e.'of Stdt.ey Jal �ttg i i her;i�Ri%,rl year. ,Sae. was at''ickCn with paaralytilrs 'tyro.;; ;alritweeka a�eo,. inever•�'reca eringlt 'h `wash', r arys� d ugh of the `late Rabb'^trincian K i, � -roP i 3ryt ; 'w ''tkersrult; ; vi#aCsdt ltved3Y utl ny � a�''tx�f�� �p'atl4atfown aa a- u Now is. the true tp get *Ott fertilizer== beef w00 cs CANADIAN P dire HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Alberta �t 'Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.ts. on APRIL 4, la MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 21 JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19, Second elms, tickets from °roads stations to. priiapal: Northwen points et LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES 1Vizmiaex end return x33.00: Fd-^,stea, and rearm. $31,00. and to other points io proportion, Tickets good to return winks 60 days from gems date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS oa oll excurr ons, Comfortable berths, fully equipped' with beadle:, eau be recured at raodeeate Tatesthrouath local arena t, Y Early pPticati onmust be made ASK FOR HOH,ESEEKEHS' PAMPHLET contaiaiaa Fates and full information. Apply to seams C.P.R. Arrests o: tsR. i,' hettetoa,' Diu. Para, Att.. Tomato. OLY DIRECT LINE NOx ti � CHANGE OF CARS HENSALL Hensail will vote on the 24iti' day of 1%l Y ^ tan a by-law to raise ' $I6,OOO1' fot' fire _Protection purposes, and for the purchase of weigh sealese-,K' , Ltr ria art is steadily regaining her health. Hannah Gun Club Will hold a, short o t the, 24th when lib rel prizes 'will b, ,given, -Mrs. Thos. Flueas n taas been co .fined i o her bed by illness, for past two weeks, ---Geo, Sterling ltd she tut d frofl- the West and. leaves ,r3is ._re with his family and effects in a fe x d ye. - .13 ce, lona of Ira Bice, pass ed his third year exams, alt the West- -.1 Medical College, with first class I'M ?a Cats Oauitet' has.: again trade pod a'tie riledtcal exams., taking second class honors 'in some sultj'cts Mr J.t alit Carlvsle died atLandon on 31ott- :1t after a l[n$erin it ass. The re - FREE TO YOU MY SISTER right it To YOU ANO EVERY SITU sUFirl l INC i ROM WWQM N't6 Atl.MIENTS. I am a woman. I kxu)w woman' sufferings. I have found the cure. I will, mail, free of apy charge, my home tread. anent with full instructions to any sufferer from women'eaiitnehta. I want to telt an vfoauen about this eure- you, my reader, for yourself, your, daughter Your mother, of Your sister. T wenn= ti - telt you Itow tot euro yourself at :ho=ne w4kU o thehelpotatioctor. Mencitnnotunderatnadyp>9q. n'ssutfcrings, What we. women itnow-frotrY'eX• perienca. we know better than auydoetor,, ,l1Caaow that my home treatment is a safe and, sura cure for Leucorrbeeaor Whitish discharge, Upceraf ion,DiaF- placementorFaliln of tit eWornbtPrrriuse,Scant.y or' Palaiui Periods, Utari,pggr Uvar asx :b'arri=ers o Orowtba, also pains ip thehead, backend bowels bearing 4ov, ntcelings, nervouspess.: creepiagteei.: ing up the spine, melancIuoly, desire to cry, hot, flashes, weariness, kidney and laddertro where caused byweakness u troubles vv aknesa peculiar t0 our. sex. I wantto send you a complete 10 days treatment entirety tree to prose to you drat 3ott Can sura" t. 011 3 ou^=' :.tat home. e if , ufckl and sural}-. Ittruember that it will cost ou rioxisl_ g � the a-,1:ru-,ntaa.uompletetrtal;andxiynusitould3nsltLOContrare.xGt�Y+llcOsi;yoatonly*alroutlB t..,. y,a track, grlessthan:Gcgocet,Guaday, ltM1viil noG9C°4 nuu, th dices orllor,,aeupa19) give to*ought here an Z5'edtres . t tell me haw &u er if on s an wzl r' You ti S ^=tri la d2 _,I =,tui 3•ou tiro : daY ttr az lain wrapper:byreturramaii. �wrllaisokuz4d oufres a.< i=a with exp arca ry txstr,ttitane show tsar.- sneyournameandaddress, ort.ing and taken tp the eemr ter'S, t,.-atanrnt€oryourc,so°art address, 'ern;tnt lrs» G,arSleat Wright °rc,ass,trtybuak.-,-�';Y4LVpAy'S�WNt4 r EIDICALADYlS p!' th I to ill ; on, y xcca,0 uffer,n tf fortheY berg i cos' uret.hemselvesathorXte Everlrwoananshould °a +'t'='?y president Landon coo_ ltayo it itrd fear t to ttsinit for berg it 'inenwhentlzedoct X u G o , Tuesday or ar s s- oumshsa'n were a' 'aq a rens on, .ou ••tu said u f n=et b y 4, t eforyourself. T3no eandsa wo lhavo eared themselvee�vlthutvh' • me ciso u e nter y of. t,t O e a .-et a del' d d ti P F c c . t d d d ora oa miesian re d It li d hi h f D h .rs, ltvill:oxplaiaa,plehbmo Green Sickness, aa,d Painful or lth aiwaya result Fiera= its ulna. ta; b_e.t in tit„ harness buanacas here Wherever youlxye,3 eanreferyass toladxeagfyourownlocalitywhoktiowattd csi1ig10dry o: ab.nut etgh montla,s. cies r'qp 'Ttt Saturday ni ,rat, havin of h s Psi rei4 to C. tlartlotb or young,To s o au is s iia mite Ileihodist =:briefs ; s 1l algia=, -Percy 1'ti ! tains, wh,a k tre�.tnaent which speedily and effoctnally cured I,eueorrizoea, g Irrez*u2rtr Ilenstrnatf0n in Xoung Ladies.. Plumpness and hes . ed his tell any sufferer tlas=thistlomaTrcatince=reaklpcnresallWouien'atdiscasos d k -t - g drapes- ;A -1,szt sngipltbtmp anrl%bnto-d «if Jnr' e1 sn ma 'es wome us-addresas,andthefraetonda s re' i ' y ur>,a sa t no ook, rite to -day R Ma SUIVIME6tS, 13c4x S 0:H, n JustsenGmeyo y z atmozaG,,is ay, as bu array not nes this offer again, Address WINI'D5OR, OtilT. ONMONM 11 11 1 Ill('III� 111 p�11 IIIl{lI (IIIIIIuIIl1lIIIlIl111�1�Ilil( J111tje �1lIII�INigIIlII1lNlllil►iliiliilll ll IIiiliN8��IIIII I1III111NIII1IJ Ilpp„1t1.„=tii l ,,' � _IIIIIIIIIIII . 1 1 1 11111 11 11111111111 1111 ' a over vest *s!: .. Paves you ire Ai. How af- rounded--subs#dial No, they wont fa when cot er, Beriaustfobgt firspelt is rn erntin t ; eaten, This stua `dy ptastic glum haAjtept theta from drop 11d tea Ik over No =46 never. .lrisen '4vent taOats e Never Lea rap --star fituti at asrin attic- Criokbr potizta shaaa apps. dao --1 ei! if*tthtTcdowaI. 1 R 3 �teipa ialot 1 1 11 111 UI u� 111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111 se OP rh •MI'ut3l r'r `4 ?Nv; 5� 111111111111;;11;1„1„111111111111111111111 1111III"19IA119I1l ent fa1,ernded «0001 MILLI$O COMP hr t ,,,Tao 111111111 iOIOIllllIllIIlIlllllllllIfflI111111IlllllQllhIllII OM tft.At He will attend at his own stable, Cen- tralia, except on Wednesday of each week, when• he goes tb Josh. Hardings, Con 2, Usbeene. for neon. C. H. BASICERVILLE, Prop. and Manr HUMIDE, 75730, a Percheron Stal- lion, imported from France, is a par- ticularly fine specimen with' good pedi- greeand record. Monday leaves his own stable, Coat. 13, Stephen, and goes' to Shipka. and Corbett ; Tuesday to Mat. Regan's and Pa'. Regan's ; `Wednesday to Wm. Fly,rin's and Centralia ; Tliurs day to:. Ilan. McCurdy's and Crediton ; ,Friday to T. Amy's, 3r., thence hrome.- REGAN BROS. & WITZEL & Son, Prop: WM. WITZEL, M ah'r THE MILLER II., 27,8.51; a pure-bred 'imported shire stallions of ,strong and. sound limb; good- pedigree and a sure foal getter, :will stead for a - limited number of .nuresat hi Town stable, at. Dasitwoad. C.„ GUENTHER, Manager WILLIS &`'t UENTHER,'•Proprietirs.. UNC<'.E JOHN, 121168,, is a choicely b sed Clydesdale stallion, imported, ' ,4of aaaellea' p-'di;ree and fine record, ALalz- 1 ty will leave home, q?n. 6, Usbor e, a.,,; to Wm. Pollen's; Farquhar, and o George Jeffrey's ; Tuesday to Wm.. Cat'cs' and Thos. Quinton's ; Welnes Sty :to Frank Morley's and Wm. Del- bridge's ; Thursday to Benson Will- un'a.and home; Friday to Norman Jar-. rs and John Rowe's Saturday to roe-. W'estlake's and home. F.RE'D A. ELLERINGTON, Prop.. JOHN COLE, Manage. Ca-;,EGE CHUM, 15553, a pure-bred 'moo -ed shire stallion, tried and true, at: e_xreae.•tt' pedigree and sound in ev- ary,way ;..Monday rttoon leaves hie - oven raid goes tto Ed. Lamport's ; - On Ts ad.ty to Jos. Hickey's and to Grand B ;nd; Wednesday to Louis Brinker's, G.eeaway, for ntgbt; Thursday to Jno. Green's and to Mt. -Carmel ;. Friday to 1C.hiva and home. W. WILLIS, Manager W3; T„LIS & GUTNTHER, 'Proprietors. f 9 . That guarantee means that I`believe Cream of the Westto be the; best bread floor on. the market, If your bread doesn't:.beat any you; ever'baked before, if itfaits` to rise. "ar doesn't give ..extra satisfaction in every - way, your grocer °will pay ,you back 'your. money .on`return of the unused portion of the bag. �1 r�a th ` aHard wheat flour: guaranteed,..or hre,ar% .. If people will 'fairly and honestly try -Creast of the West they witl,lhave ',succe ,a with it That's why= we guarantee it :Wts ,are sure of it.'' ''3'"A" r C imp y', Limited, Tomato: ' PliEtL Praerdast ' • l0S tr Order Spina r -t'+ st When ,you,•are jaded -your appe- tite poor -your whole system weary . yiist,.,try.a glass of Labatt's t F� -**10 r i St0U- . :Pleases .the ` palate,' refreshes the body; agrees with the weakest stomach: A truly wholesome_ bever- ag'e that ;really' nourishes. For milder ' drink try Labatt's. Eilu to the fufest c Germtari- Arews :this the'°;true° smack of. choice hops: - Very light, palatable, satisfying: Look for the lavender ' labI: '(LAGER STYLE) A trriperance ,brew -tastes and looks lake thoiee lager, but, has less than 9V2% Of proof spirit. Quenches thirst:;' 'refreshes; gives appetite. Order some..':today. (ALE STYLE) The' nevvest'zton-intoxicant, m=ild and delicit3rss, with :'the real flavor and (finality of good ,ale. Complies with local potion requirements and may be, openly sold ' anywhere, Order" any -Labatt product from. your 'dealer, ; or direct • from JO-RN,LABATT, LONDON, CANAD or i6 !tl