HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-11, Page 3THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THL1RSDAY,;MAY 11, 1911.
or Tea You Can't Beat Lipton's'
Tho Accepted, Stazncictl?J of Tea Perfection
AIT Over the World IS
Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly
Canada, the Empire and the World
in General Before Your
C'AN t A. ,
Berlin waterworks matte $14,000
profit last year,
"(�Casx iM* #�v; eipR,<�eY Rural mail delivery
Yw" boxes are
being made m loronto,
The Provincial Government will
requcleanize that inland waters be kept
Two brothers, Joseph and Berg
hard Dugan, were drowned off
Prospect, N.S., when a squall.
Lloyd -George's Measure Compelling Pro- stMeboat.
Messss rss.. I3, C. Prowse of Prince
{. �w�t Edward Island, J. &I, Wilson of
ecle{{. ion for Certain:(
7 a.borin Classes Montreal and ex -Lieut, -Governor
Forget have been appointed to the
A despatch from London says:
David Lloyd -George, British
Chancellor of the Exchequer, on
Thursday introduced the lang-
lrrornised pian of State instzranee
against unemployment, sickness
and invalidity. Every worker
Whose annual earnings fall below
•- the income tax level of 2160 (ap-
proximately $800) will be compul-
sorily insured against illness so as
to assure him the receipt of five shil-
lins p
�, per week during his incatpa-
eity Toward this the worker would
contribute about one-half, the
same being deducted from his
wages, while the balance would be
paid jointly by his employers and
the State, The weekly assessment
against the insured would be eight
eents in the ease of a manand si
cents fora woman, representing,
as the Chancellor put it, "twoizats
of ale or one ounce of tobacco."
Every one w
0 o rn
the class mentioned
between the ages of 16 and 65 is
included ides i n the plan. The employ-
-ors would pay six cents weekly for
'every employe and the Government
contribute "four cents for each of Tenders for the construction o
the insured,. fezur cruisers and six destroyers for
Mr, Lloyd -George : estimated that
his plan would affeet 14,700,000
erten and women. Provision is made
whereby women will receive thirty
shillings in maternity cases on con-
dition that they do not work for a
month following child birth, and
for free medical attendance for
every eontributor.
The state would also help in the
crusade against consumption pro-
viding $7,500,000 to aid local au-
thorities in building sanitariums
and $5,000,000 towards their main-
the new Canadians navy have been
received by the department at Ot=
The Grand Trunk plan to build
an earthen embankment for track:.
e,aew ellen. at Nautical is strongly
objected to.
Substantial inereases to em-
ployees of the Postafirco and Cus-
toms were -foreshadowed in notices
given by the respective Aiinisters in
the Commons.
A little boy named Donsbreuski
of Montreal was choked to death
with pepper that is supposed to
'4lthoulli in eases of permanent have been put Into his Mouth by
disability the sick allowance eould°art older brother,
be live shillings weekly, ten shit- Hon, Geo, ;P, Graham's bill, to
pugs would be allowed for the first amend the ratlwway act, making.
three months in the ease of men y telegraph, telephone and express
and seven shillings six fence in the ""companies subjeet to the Railwva
ease of women, 1 ' C`.ommission, wwvas introduced in rho
Those who can be shown to have Contnnons.
inviteol :incapacity would receive no
insurance, though any necessary GREAT BRITAIN.
medical treatment would be prowrct-;
i n
This Week Sees. Opening of London
Season's Peativiti Vis.
A despatelz 'from, London says:
The period of mourning at court
being at an end, mourning was dis-
carded on Sunday, and there Will be
,an advent of brilliant costumes at
this 'week's balls and dinners. The
season's festiviti>s have already
-commenced, and debutantes Are
rushing to luncheons, to dinners, to
balls, and to bed just before dawn.
King George, Queen Mary, Queen
Alexandra, the Prince of Wales, the
Duke and Duchess of Connaught,
:and other members of the Royal
Family attended a memorial ser-
vice at Windsor on Saturday, on.
t anniversary of the
death of
King Edward. Many friends
of the
late Icing were present and a great
.many wreaths were sent to the
chapel. The Archbishop of Cant'er-
biry conducted the services.
Arthur 1)uroeeltcr Commits Suicide'
at Montreal..
A despatch from Montreal says:
Arthur Durocher, aged i9," is said
to have committed suicide by throw-
ing himself into the river off the
Thompson Line wharf on Friday.
'Constable Nadeau found a hard hat,
in which was a Chinese laundry
check, on the wharfSaturday. On
:the check was written' name
"Arthur Durocher." Further in-
quiry showed that a 'sailor on the
Frontenac had seen a young man
throw himself into the river on
Friday, and that the man had been
:swept: away in the swift current.
Duroeher's father said that the
young Man had been drinking heav-
ily and had left the' house in a pas-
' :sion at noon on Friday, threaten-.
ing to drown himself.
Three Steadiers Sail Front Clyde
With '3,500 Immigrants.
A despatch- 'o ,
from Glasgow says:,.
Three steamers sailecl on Saturday- .
from the Clyde, carrying:3,500 Scot-
tish,emigrants bound for . Canada
and the Unit ed States.
Feared That 1t May Spread. Over
a Wide Arca.
A despatch from Remora, Ont..
eve : A. big bush fire is raging near
the 'oast end of`'Olearwater Bay,
about 10 mile,: from here, and, with
the very dry conditions that are at
present, existing, it may spread aver
considerable territory. East of
here, between Tache and Ignace,
and four Miles from the latter point,
a fire is raging, and there are also
fires in some portions of the country
very close to the main lint of the
C.P.R. Fire rangers started for
Clearwater Bay several days ago,
and, men have also been sent east
along the line to battle with the
serious outbreak there. Conditions
regardedaided as serious.arae S.
Baker Lumber Company's Yards
Badly Gutted.
A despatch from Lindsay says:
A somewhat serious fire occurred at
the Baker Lumber Company's
yard in tke east ward at about 5.30
Saturday evening, by which over a
quarter of" a million feet of beech
and hemlock lumber and half a mil-
Iion shingles were destroyed. A.
G.T.R. car, filled with shingles, was
also destroyed. The fire, which is
supposed to have started from_ a.
spark from a passing steamer,
proved a stubborn one to fight, and
althoug'ht under control during the
night, the firemen were not released
until four o'clock Sunday morn-
ing. The loss is roughly estimated s
at about $8,000.
A woman's suffrage bill passed.
the second reading in the British
House of Commons on Friday.
The King has expressed himself
as gratified with the resolution
at thepeace ca a n ix-
c meeting in Lor
p g
The British Commons adjourned
after disposing of the veto bill in
the comnmittee stage, with the ex-
t'tieTcs of Cattle. Orate. Cheese
and Other Prodnce at Bowe
and :broad..
Toronto, May 9,--Flour—Winter
wheat 90 per eent. patents, $3,40
to $2,45, Montreal freight. Mani-
toba. flous = ]hist paten,antsd, $5sero,10.;
second paternts, $4,60
bakers', $4.40, on track, ''Terme
Manitoba Wheat—No, 1 Nort
ern, $1, Bay ports; No, 2 at 27;
and No. 3 at Sae,
Ontario Wheat -•-No, 2 red and
white, 84 to Sec, outside.
Barley—Malting qualities, normn
ai, 67 to 68e, outside,
Is the Standard Artide
For snaking soap, sa£tening water, ,removingold paint
-disinfecting sinks,, closets, drains and for massy other
purposes, A can. equals 20 lbs. SAL SODA,
Useful for 500 Purposes --,Sold EGerpe' ere.,
. . tr LLW F 4:o IP1tfi"Y .1"IDiI rEP TonoNsro, ONT.
Oats ---Ontario grades 35X to 3.6e,
outside, and 37% to 38e on track,
Toronto, No. 2 \V, C. oats, 39e,
and No. 3.Inspect(' 364 Bayports. ►�J eG'�
, , l r .
('ornn••--.NQ‘3 American yellow,
6Qe, Toronto, and 55 to :Safe tai.
Bay ports,
Peas --No. 2 at 80 to 81c outsid
lye—Noneinaoffl,ering, with prices
z y
Buekwheat leo, 2 quoted at a2 to
53e, outside,
Bran--Iwlanitobas At `�22, n bagi.
Toronto, and shorts $23 to $�3-
in hags, Toronto. Ontario bra
$22, in bags, Toronto,
Beans -Car Lots, $1.70 to $1.75,
and small tots, $1,90,
Roney Extracted, in tins, 10 to
lle per Ib. 1 No, 1 comb, wholesale,
52 to 52.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb,
wholesale, $1.7u to $2 per dozen
Baled Hay—No. 1 at 812 to $13i
on track, and No. 2 at 510 to $ll
Baled Straw --56.50 to $7, o
Potatoes—Car lots, 80 to 85e p.
bag, and New Brunswick at 95e t
Poultry — Wholesale prices o
ressed poultry :—Yearling chick
erns, 15 to 160 per lb; turkey*s, 19 t
s1c per Ib. Live, 1 to 2e less.
Lawrence !ecures Many Oen
Ions atCloverdale, . O.
A de etcl from Vancouver, B, at Cloverdale, and fined amounce
C., say , �: w. exs ago the Cana varying from $30 to 550 and thea.
dian ir.nr.;g;'ation Inspector, H. G. ordered to be deperted,a Two of the
Lawrence, ,�
who has but recently alleged ringleaders, who are said
been, appointed,, instituted ;r special to have charged from $2 to 55 for'
effort to stamp out the wholesale' each man piloted across the bop,
railroading of i:ndesirable foreign ',der line are now
immigrants across the internation- Westminster, in}all ate--
per -
al boundary , • ., (, tminstar, and: two hundred
un the Blaine district, P sons were tuirued back at the boun-
Here are a few figures of the re--dary, being. refused admission but
sults during a fortnight, One hen- o were not placed under arrest. The
dred and fifty persons were arrest -'intending immigrants weremostly
ed, brought before the Magistrate ; Russians, Greeks and Italians. t yr
3%e per pound,. There were only:
a few bulls offered at. prices ran; mg,
from 3;/,,a: to u,�,1e. per pound, as tea
quality, Hogs deelined 15c to lac
n per hundred pounds,
Toronto, to May , Tl en' r
� e was aS� R
pe strong demand for good lisle#, laszt-
0cher eattle f rom 900 to 1,0m Iles,
eaeh, and these were even firmer
than the heavy cattle at around
$a-: S to $5,85. Common and medi-
e um to fair light butchers' r« aged
from 55.25 to 55.65, Cows were
quite firm at $4,40 to $5,15, but
bulls were not so firm, and were
hard to sell. Sheep and lambs
were steady, with a light supply.
ption of the preamble,
President Taft opened the thir
National Peace Congress at Balli
Butter—Dairy prints,18 to 200
nferioi, 16:to 17e. Creamery at
23 to 24e per lb. for rolls, 21 to
22e for solids, and 21 to 22e for sep-
arator prints.
d Eggs—Case lots quoted at 18
per dozen.
Cheese—Large, 14e, and twins
143c• New cheese 13 to 13%c in
jobbing way.
Mexico City is in a site of alarm
ever the approach of the rebels.
Australia's Premier Says Defence
Measures are Needed.
A despatch from Victoria, B. C.,
says: That Australia fears the Ori-
ent was the opinion expressed by
Frank Wilson, Premier of Western
Australia, who arrived an Wednes-
day by the steamer Zealandia en
route to London to' attend the
Coronation. "Unless we people of
Australia prepare to defend it, we
will lose it," he said. "The defence
movement, the construction of an
Australian navy, was not begun too
Montreal Teacher Collapses in a
Street Car.
A despatch from Montreal says
Alexander Shewan, Principal of
Lansdowne Protestant School, died
uddenly on the way to school on
Thursday morning. Although suf-
fering from influenza and advised
by his doctor to stay at home, Mr.
Shewan started out for school as
usual about 8.30, o'clock. But
while he was on a street car his
illness became so apparent thatthe
conductor stoppe`tl the car at On-
tario street and went- to his assist-
ance. He was taken from the ear
to the ce olistat'nn
p n onOntario
street, but was beyond human My r an aid ,
by the time he was carried into the i`Se
biiildin si
_______,I. 00
Bri'tain's imports,' However, Show
• a Large'Falling Off.
A despatch from London says
The April statement of the Board
of Trade shows a decrease of $38,-
326,000 in imports and an increase
of 52,001,000 in prin-
decreases -in the imports Were
$5.000,000 in foodstuffs, '$7,500,000
in raw cotton, and 56,665,000 in 'raw'
wool. The exports of cotton goods
increased $6,250,000, but other 'tex-
tiles, metals and machinery showed
Bacon, long clear, 104 to llc pe
ib, in case lots mess pork, $20; do
short cut, $23 to 523.50; pickle
rolls, 510 to $2Q.
Hams—Light , .
�1 t to medium, 150; do.
heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 10'r to ile
reakfast bacon, 15%, to 17c.
acks, 18 to 1834c.
Lard—Tierces, 10'/.,c ; tubs, 10?�c
ails, 11e.
The Drunken freak of Young,t •
A despatch from Montreal cars:
Crazed: by constant drinking, Jos.
Belleau, a young French-Canadian
residing at 2$7 Delisle street, a:eizcd
a revolver on Friday afternoon and
r opened fire from a front window at
passers-by on the street. Mr, D.
d Mallette, a neighbor, was wounded
in the back, and Constable Mail
len_x in
tlte, art
nr 't
a r attempting
attaintin S
arrest him.tiether
victim is seri-
misty injured. When the police fn-
' ally forced their way into the honse
by a rear entrance they found Bel-
leau had collapsed, and was lying
in a drunken stupor en the floor.
His mother, with 'whom he haddbeen
living, said that he had been drink-
ing heavily, and had the idea that
he was being persecuted by human -
Montreal, May 9,—Oats—Cana-
. dian Western, No. 2, 40% to 40%c
1 cal: lots ex stoic, extra No. 1 feed,
39X to 40c; No. 3 C. W., 293 to
39%e; No. 2 local white, 39 to 391,4c
No. 3 local white, 38X to 39c ; No.
4 local white, 37X, to 38c. Flour—
Manitoba Spring wheat patents
firsts, $5,30; seconds, $4.80; Win-
ter wheat patents, $4.50; strong
bakers', $4.60; straight rollers, $4
to ._$4.10; in bags, ,$1.80 to 5190.
'Rolled oats—Per barrel, $4.35; bag
Iof 90 lbs., 2.05. Corn—American
No. 3 yellow, 60 to 61c. Millfeed—
Bran, Ontario, 523 to $24; Mani-
toba, $22 to $23; middlings, On-
tario, $25; shorts, Manitoba, $24 to
525; mouillie, 525 to $30. Eggs --
Fresh, 17 to 19c. Cheese—Westerns,
11X, to 11Xc. Butter—Choicest,
20'/=___, to 21c;,seconds, 18 to 20c.
sty in general.
Minneapolis, May :9.—Wheat
ay,• 9"r', c ; July, 98 5-8 to 98 3-4c;
ptember, 91 5-8c; No. 1 hard,
.01; No. 1 Northern, 99 to 51.-
1/2; No.'2 Northern, 96 to -99c;
No. 3 -wheat, .94 to 97c. Corn—No.
3 yellow, '51e.'': Oats --'-No. 3 white,:,.
30% 40 313.c: r Rye—No.,2, ''$1.0a.
Bran—$9l 50 to $22. Flour -First
patents, $4.60 to $4.90 , second Pat-
ents,', 54:50 to '$4.80; first clears,,
$3.10 to -
:53.55 ;- second uld°ars; 52.10
British ,Admiral Reports Peace so
Far as Canton is. Concerned.
A despatch from London says:
Vice:Admiral Sir Alfred L. Win-'
sloe, commander-in-chief of the
ritish Eastern, fleet, 'cabling from
Hong Kong on Wednesday, informs
he Admiralty that the situation at
anton is not senores now, 'the re-
olrrtioriary , outbreak having been
crushed before .'the news of the
Largest in Canada, .Outside of Winnipeg t
BeErected eC to
d In
A despatch from Quebec says:
The greatest railway workshops in
Canada outside of V Winnipeg will
be erected within ' a few miles of
Quebec City, in connection with the
Grand Trunk Pacific according; to
the plans- presented at the'of
p e board
'-.sa•ase building on L1ii s
dav after-
iuion•':`bi t r chair -
S. N:�: Pa eat' chain.
. t.
®Wan f the transec nttnental `. coin-
Laaissian. ...The plans of th:s, proposed
1 1
workshops are most extensive and
the large meeting at We board` of
trade was b Trill
impressed p ssed wvith'thc
t 'was announced that tenders
would be called for thie_ erection of°
the new station of the Grand Trunk
Pacific in Quebec at the end of .the
rnont-h. • and:, :'the'- tenders-;.
uoiksho p would
be cal. ,d
1 c as ::den
as details• had -been' arrant,,d
movement was received by him.
Sir Francois Lan ,elier Chief Justic4
of.Superior Coiu't.
A des atch from Ottawa says:
Sir hrancor, Iran •eller Chief Jus-
to 52.75.
Buffalo„ May 9.—Wheat—Spring,
No. 1 Northern, carloads store,
1.047 -8; -`Winter, No: 2 red, 95c
Corn—Na 3 Yellow, '57%c; No. '4
yellow, r.56c"; No. 3 corn, 55% to
r• T
56c; No,. 4 coin, 54„ to 54_/,r all
on track' through billed. Oats—
No. 2 White, 37c ; No. 2 white; 3B /c
No. 4 white,35z;`c Barley—Malt-
arle -Mal -ing, $1.12 to. 51.15.
tice of tlhe F t1 5eiror Cotirt of Que-, S 1 efai
bet was elms. ednesda appointed
.S 5c"•
. Lieutenan:t- -o`c ,rib i • -:3
e c r of'' tae Pi°ov- _
„ iO
ince _h s ..o
i ee n
t. 5 to the fat ' Sir c e
C.'.:A.' h. .Pealetrar is r;h�rd y,al rtnr
,LIVE STOCK ti � ,
M 9. -----Choice ,
May c,e steers
d 6l -4c god 'at. Gc to 6��c
rl•v good' at 5;1/.0 to 5%c fair.at
:r , ;}.
to- 5 ,c and common at _4
-c per'poiiud:'; A few,'choi e'r,cr�w,s
aednt. �
uua'ht zits high
7as,5,lt� bre 1'7ndM,
'.' de714 soul. '�rithryNila'y,3il'iyfi i5
Iron Workers' Secretary -Treasurer
Will be Arraigned June 1.
A despatch from Los Angeles,
Cal.,: says John ,1. -.McNamara, sec-
retary and treasurer of the Interna-
tional Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers' Association and his bro-
ther, James B. McNamara, were
arraigned late on Friday before
Superior Judge Bordwell on nine-
teen indictments, charging murder
in causing a dynamite explosion in
The :C os -,.An elect .Times building,
and the consequent death of 21
Attorney Rappaport of In-
dianapolis for the McNatnaras- ask-
sk --
ed for;.30 days' time in which to'en-
ter for
pleasthe 'men. District
attorney Fredericks consented to
a postponement till June 1, and
that time was fixed `by Judge Bord-
well. 1.
specter' at Glasgoww° J ep
ous Losses.
A despatch from Ottaww•d sags;;,
Dealing with the question of cheese
imported into Scotland, James
Finndland, inspector at Glasgow, re
ports:—' There is still. tt dcpreee-
ing feature of the Canadian 'cheese
trade, in respeet that the accuracy
of marked weights cannot be relied
on, and importers find it essential,
to test thoroughly' the weights 0/
° each shipment for shortage, pare=
cula.rly during the summer months.
It is a serious matter to importers,
who have contracted to take a foto-.
tory's weekly output, to find than
cheese arrive showing from one-half,
to two and three pounds short
weight per box, not to speak of odd
boxes turning ftp five to ten pounds
lighter than the marked weight,
which, viewed in the most favor-
able light, can orzly bo considered
gross carelessness. Importations
into Glasgow of Canadian; cheese
last year fell off 35,000 boxes. It
is attributable to a heavier output
of Scotch cheese, and also to the
strike tz 1.0 z waki
a as many idle,t
Bu lei •'
importations from Canada to Glas-
gow are also decreasing on account
of tithclee ," high price of the Canadian
Messrs. Churchill Se Crans' Report
on Tulamen Mountains Finals.
A despatch from Winnipeg says.
Mr. F. L. Churchill of Rossland has
returned from the Tulamen ;Kona -
'tains, where imp:'rtarnt discave.rries
of platinum and diamonds have re-
cently been made. Mr. Churchill"
in partnership with Mr. J. L.
Crans, the Government Assayer,
has found the ore to run 3;.._ ouneee
of platinum, with a number of -dia-
monds of clear water, exceptional
hardness, and very considerable
commercial value.
Remains of Two infants are Dis•
Covered in Montreal. '
A despatch from Montreal'' -s
Entering ' a manhole on Ma $
street, a few yards above Ontario'''
street, on Thursday, Zeon Houle,;`
a corporation employe, discovered
the bodies of two new-born infants.
There was nothing on the bodies to
aicl in their indentification, but the
circumstances of the case show that
they could not have been there more
than twenty-four hours_
I —
Ill -Fed People a -Preyto Fevers ---Babies
p la��a�
Eold as . Merchandise.
cl�.andl e.
A despatch ` from : Toronto f,ayS
Ina letter otoRev.'
-1 . P. ' llc aye,
secretary f the Presbyterian
Foreign Missions, Miss �Irss A. Bostick;
missionary in China gives, an ac-
count of the conditions in China at
the present time.
W'lieat bra n ti
n now sell., for what
was ordinarrlw..con5: _ dered the high
n' e for
vod fI
I g our:," she states
and elr-i d. ' `
e potato' ;lea a' find a
wl s. �.
read , .stile. r
y � �a .l
raTLr g.
k rte �CSarT2L ':. �.
. .. ,. , . Ire w�
rt r'
aU�'.�rV%!�1•d,,l)k'c,SaCd ;neww'
foram comuhon articles of food.
Those who -eat, it .fincl themselves
burning With fierce' inward •fevers;
anal being rixrab.l.c:Lo' bu 'tea , dr K.
y , rn,
freely of cold un1ioilco ww atgif < *Eich'
Yell ofteni•esults in Ya ,"'`j Little
t._ a
c 1c..
Cra ate still bean
1 i:'
c uo
to duo '
as c<mrno
n ar
nzerclh zndise` Most of -the
poor are just wrappi.d in matti,
and buried.' in trenches, ww her e . 4i
dogs rangeta ,ii
8 i at tai,.m. ;
• 1/r, )
z Donald >4TcGrllxe
ih•rt,tlac ague zS af;t}y
z14' ,S Still,x o