HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-11, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH Y 9.01=1112411we EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 191 S,ANDERs OREE C Local, Items Lyle Stathain is, On tho sick. list. Mths Alice Etta 11:-,)aviS of ,I:lell'eaa ila.4 Nr, Thos. Hawkins is able to be out again afte;:' A week'a Maces-., -. THE EXETER- C4,,,IJMALLI \Viekett's bridge, 2(Itit con. at $4.80.1 - T'lle Ceurtell taet la the Pawn 15." en l'rel-Y en.ite,„ fs...y th. ..4.1i preaent. .1\1"utee et thetam meting read d --;,PP:oved. A letter WAS read front Dr, McCullough &lief health officer of Ontario, iaviting the council t 3 send their Medical Health officer and 8l1e4 other representatives a -s tholr MaY desire te attelsi a e.' ng in Lotielan. Levett",-Rivers-that P C yard, be aces ie aid thagi N.5"-z:T-ttb-4-111cerk'sbe4.1311`hiedPeoclainisaiatiel.."' for the sarne.--Cairried., Rohitisaia MurdY-That c tendof Dwoithe - SPa,r. for tho iron work on Wic:1e ,. bridge for Oh elm/ of .-Z.,-)35 be accented said iroa ts he delkvere-d at and e;:e'cf,- ed o:, bridge. --Carried. The eauncil ad - „latirned to "Nelay 29t.e. ,T, D-Drummmld, elerk. ' di OU C 'one i The Reeve and Cettheillatert made, theas ennual tour ineppcton oMondY Mrs. -.Tames' Sweet, who has been- il r severs) weeks, is again a_ble to b '' : Next Sunday will be Edueatieltial DAY La James Street methodist chureh, il;C pastor 1) .33.) . lir, Harry 13 03. of Credillon. is stalling . a hot water heating sYstetri .. e1,..ed her 13 A. degree at M'cl"4:ster • - E-averattY. Tor3rito. The nenibea ot t1e r4aic Wai I"r1 Fishiaz Club are requested to. meet at „he re, siderte,s of Mr. N. t DA Harden this Thursday evening • :Main Street Iceeagne celebrate their sarY ell Strriday next, when, D,r, 0a tor, of myth ondeete: the servie'es, a•id addresses ,;:fr.., ITandford'e Bible Cl -,...ss lkir. Geo. Pedlar' is again4 confiried - ' h ' farm- his roz,m, another ahseess aving side He -'s ttkewoh wa Tuesday morning. ,, A quiet wedding teiak fia-ea in r- Thomas on A.prill 2,4th of ',Mr. Jos. Sut- ten of Exeter ahd lifrs.....1)4".vris of Lon - doh- -.3.it'• alrld Mrs,. Staten are 414JCV comfartably settled iti their residence en, ginte, street, aa'al will have the beat •N-iShes of their many friends. sa. be nie ifiled.-ce,reied, .24. leiter- was rea.d trornMr. 1,', E, 'Wit- Hs asking the council ta consider the graar.ing of a license for t:ile hlatalling of a poet rOonh--Levett---41.alpor- That same be filed. -Carried. 13,- :.' , the following ac- eeuents be paid.. --J. Gillespie, -for ' street waterteee 1.40 ; W. Davis, caretaking'effects ek.. , Ee fire than, a,,c1 80 '41 oilowe eio,,,,. . , 34. A, G. Dyer, pasta -e .„1.50 ; R. MUT- PhY. Plove :0.00; S„Cudan,ere, tile, 8.20, 3.3. car, laelery'300 w 8Sp43.Y8300Jlo (3 P; Wiley 1EecricUghCoc reeksexpre.ss' 135 ,Jas' 910 C11.."'e4ez.1 .,1T.,B• 82RDavielabo4,T TBrock 10 00 iilto- u.l- ,i0) SaoGlec0jKydd 8 b a, inWll if/C7e.ff'34(33. ,s,t1 Geo. uui'db-la:.65T..'1o ?,410 ; 1fyntey7;00; p: Risell ilwatergoke 090 to:i . . ,,.v6. .-:,4WSonastet1 eekieeil ter permlesion to ereet a sig ,, , e _, In Arent oi toeir store, k*relltee. , Street watering tendere were as follow -T Houlden, $18 Per weat . ,. . 3eereensi.7,3>5; '1% Creeca 18,,,00; N,,," >1» 33 iett-•Da771iat11: ee10be401;ot . • Z--;1.-•••ONOrlea.Iwo ' Itivers--14,-... o."-T.tat the. cannon To.sa .1 01 at '8 4 elefee 4.111 '13.1 ba 3') as „he4: tear or 14,,sm 0 arried. . t C . ItIvers-tecellte*T.tat the reeve tare« berrew nono tor etirent pe Arried, L3)3.C'4i-'I*3'-"Tr,at..-1011,111 NarrY 'beI- Za an fermata to work On Inc ,St dutle to 0401111eiteti A.S. soon as cony Seale -Carried. WINCHELSEA - Ri-:••":-!••-•." - D?ath of iNfrs. Heywood. -.A. particular- ly sad death occurred here on Thursday laet„ waen. the sPirlt of Mrs, Wesley Iblwoed teok ite flight, jutit as ehe in the prime of life. Far about six months' Mrs.'HeYwOod bed,. been ell - ,a,-,' an Internal „,...rowth, pro,i,,,o" t o w1,40, oho bad oi, wa),-s been partieularly rebetet an 4_ 1 wee "d gIc1)'(411e'3 h . rSee'e'ly.,keowin'g,0' wnh',at - d Uttl liteIFebruary aI , weepereeat Victet AyrloE'Aa Sa'f. 4L3 inwi P ILondonTe o'perti041 ` In» tb'eaihWrethe troube waseereuefro3. ittill deafeleirneel er 8hgrad- 'ta*,'y .wr,eaits,e.'e,d aew1r,ea,yDeet'asd t (4 atiVe at Ceberiebeingg daughtegr ebridesshot114 \1 .#-e"‘4ga4rv1:elsee WAssxt 1:thtiow;ali2-wassirXella :. dael' cful1311111'. dieP004OPabeen w feact;ed indulgent moher, a1 td(334y8, fly demise will bo deelPiY regret-'' the *bele commeirdtn, About 21 4.4-te married her 1/t3w, bereft h „ there were b0rn ttO li'M .1. ''' daughterS. Othello, i 40 POI Franeeie. vee AIVleaves tierUrsa/sonY ' " . Ell Ittywo . ' 1 of Klritto.13 ,3 el Arthttr ot in the west. h years, mentba, and. d.iys. =1 'plat* *0 a I 4re. SsItUr(lay and was *leaded ; ',INf3335 141)sena BeYWOred retUrned home W V' Iasi, from Irl'ullartma after leo /sit with bar aunt, Mrs, .'si . Woodley. --Miss Lille Haywood tante.- soli 0L11CiYnWeI.4., At Sellini , 011t. Sale Ot , gr. S., 11., Sanders. Harry parsons, who has been engaged .0,1,1-- v"- 3 Carlir''' bee takese a poae Mon with \f 53_, ,Iqtle RI: & Ma)" , SumBler st`rt16c 11''' v4th 41411 r°rCe 'thl' week And we "have bail Sortie „days c, emrion w:uapTrei.r.04,4z,:i$eanr:i:fisclv,o,tel:0- irne; 830 discarded. eboalbolatiemed0.0 the whave twom holidays 53. 11 uture Tle Postal Departnieet on Monday last 7:-n's-•--; "iced to run a sPecial early MorniAg „"TilE,,,r' 3,12oEt,,i."3:YF,is 3-fArgiluRui-9--e--1,1210t-aien; t ZNPR T,01"oanto to West -tern Ontarf0 *" "°" C.-4 .3 ' 4 'cl tn. e _ the puriaase of carrying only the a" 0410011 i'lle glArriage 9n "sra "May ot Rev J WI Ten .Eyok ‘M, A. Toronto 'PAW' PaP0;13', The Mail 4; Ero- ' ' • 'ive="13-1AalPet,--That 01.00e' and World. Cong- clueatlY we' "reet°r '4I St retefo etutreh.i.Hteamt‘tittoh't to Jessie gray Bouiter, deli.. r o .,-, ive t‘wse papers l"-,, the morning In- „.„- ' . -te,.,,4.41 el,'" at '5- 1441. ,i,st'e" .t..4.- atm la ea‘h,,.t.....' late juaor „Gray. ...Rev. Ten riy_cle ....w....a...a.,.?.. torrner eite paputar reefer oi artvat "The flying Post," ,, ,,, „,, Ne1e0r1al etiore-N,E%eer* 41-M "e yr' Rruield Stoet h3vthe ys the besws oa /piaof IOI•7wrSalie Athe prio winners ri d erfOr a Ixag nd '13i'4' 3. e3e eld carriage stalliond Le : iddmeiMlieA,RRI.D, $eaYSgrae_ ged oad- 0mausttwi) mereweeksin n harvesfied 0q' stationery s of th , shilal, tty. 8413.3) aPrie3°8)4 e cellAtile bate dQ , pes ohle behtWiali", lUsh1ii--o for themovPgt 1 aullaS0woa1 in a CritipAl 3.43.413.' of ealth • 3. adwe Waptd i pr , ickeit with another oi. , 'Wel received here geladay that '..frii. a -Ohl MeAVOY Of Pin*. fertiterlyt gists WA SAO Ot RAM:Cr, 114 1/AllgOrAU5-s iy pl. Ur- \VIA. Seell her brother, left, eveningfar Pace Nil I Ansts taw, putrbaecn eap t Ilitt Att),NM, the Sal . will serest larg OM IS A Patiam' ' - . eulioStephenod KlingS QDON-AQUet v.ed :IN. L' "41 I4 iiIiProvn-es,44xd 04 the w sole MllZed AtSPeter's Cahe :ob10oarriaaooree'3. 3.1 mew. ol ndon on the moror r .„.c-ar,' .• , 33 l( nsteBrossingle oadeterNlaY oihli34 eold0ntornlei, 44 ,eRB-,rwv,0 "l(,-.3 daer,aa.1r3eI - C Wh'e DPgTl111ma.sl3.12 . 1 4 'Mks-., TrverB,130(4bor„391thron c. 114 araduate 113.31eta 8Dragle two 'tar old relate, B3.033.032314'4 l081gal, Were Whitedin 311343.! -rt" TItkeSe#Tte cerp OWee Pervorni the day was past Iani Igshop 41'1%41'1%'4o1', assisted 134i3e 1134038-4 could West i3AYlwad. Q I pap.V.. At leest tour ttetnedlate Telatirea '°'4 '"e in thi rt of ontarle have an " Atter' the eerereonY Dr. end Mre . Er. 1 VIt Ot`biteinessi eornewhat Tillit " t Te , will tor t:ie egs , e5 .., ' c -The Wroxeter >j"( 0? the Harr Y - "'Pronto ;led '''eel1 • Tribtille. the GOrrie 3. (3(3+4. Mai rope thie we,K., wHelateitt Leader, The 0' were IR eoioe*.uli.)9; w tr the VdettTilltonbeofwti4 , Tdbane were long established, Is, he A Catilltlete e; '1 )1 a newspaper ill- ',.." stern labor to build up .1 Id be. st Ideno,d3tbollin,:= 4341 8'S5U1 sicess, sod neeessitates I - field Ibilitye of fir.d. "1/4 "an.. titles in he tetv X With A. 33413.33(4 and COn gOlnr$O t P3)03)3.83.17 14143)10 ahd 5' 1 I ' 153.% tat t 4 3OWAthe fliflilOn MAZY 1" Wttgbana 1. 1 _ , l' ' .L . .. IIqUar License Actwoh The Old epeetaele reeket. Waa work n 'IOWA TbUreelaY last by* gilts tengtted yenta mon about twenty years of age. is inisnion, as 'netta,l, 'Was tre eell me useful household artlele-thls 41918 east 03)0310733-'3411dre and befoleaving lt e garne din th cl went ,trent Valise to house Jib Mr. A Ottawa 3.11353 week, r. ea e Eawden was In London ole.. 3111 ' ' '''''''''' '"'"'"'-'''' ,. tr. and Mrs. IV.. S. Cole Lu - Suhd4Y* rte. Joim E. Athirkelon Wi-8 1» Lon- LeVett.--Adpurnment . T, E. Carling,, C1 k. t ryanston on Thursday 'last.- ed fronB Messrs. T. Coward and WgW. nherr spent Saturday in London enbusiess .°Marl° STETtibAS COUNCIL,. essrs. Wellington Batten and Albert. .13 IA eXeitin:r, W4,POritInOa On Sunday! 1kIEN'S SUITS fro $5, ti . ........... License District of South Buren, N0,10010‚41'' by oyen nut 14b,„ w. x„auner he) htaetidosr tmVmoiaelsdleiteJsInoeoghpnep*fletiAvohescntiBtoNonMoetwrodeerrleo' eLoWrifmceeinrsassPiteaoantCrekcohtiomaillm) tirsaIsennionsnfteE.errx81 43)8 131s oorulaered st the beheld -at theCommerelslITOteiritaillsgeoi ,Fixe- thereltelrorridflAta.* the 1°th' d4r "t1145.' 19114 At An persensinterestedwill 'govern themselves aq. cerdingly, John Terrance,License Inspector. DatedstOtisten, meant tisrOfiday leii I was that hhad itist arrived t" . from Centralia and while there had Piol!- eroitfimnmuoeP d ufs, sroopemtco tatchhlewiem s ' sht' reeBeewt oaIunlPqduaA.iinrreeldol f thgaoenlmdd cheap -4,1 dollar, Those who bought win have a better Ides, ot their "bar* in" after worring tile sPectscleir fl. few d0.70. -Thus the old adage again, applies-, ''a ,,,,,, , „,,,,, ,,, , ,,„Ak„,„. ,,,,,„„„ ,.,,,,i,,,,ily ,,,,,, •",ki,,,,, •iim ,i-i."...s,7 ...'''''.. #'''^.---- de Nit leaer i• -04 ' 4tt- • duutire,,actrbeeTonnoawnator, ha$ returned t:o his D. J. •M' . gndaYMpiotonnt with Ma parents here. l‘iiss Mary Welsh, la La London, welt Ing on her sister whos Su 111 Rev. Sharp wa.s in, Brucetield Tuesday litending the Pr‘nitrifiti'y of Huron. - ' Zrfr., and lire, George E. Caso of -To- rento spent 'ilkiondaY with relatives. here. Tee couniejl of the Townehip or sto. tmYe, t Ilnayth„s8,Toawt n 3Hpa.lblu, CArenditomn,eman. bars present. ",11nutes of 3)18(340418 toir read and -approved,. Love-Santlers-That the, Township C4'.1',:*:.(' o.„r' Ilovistokl to 35eax. ahhealeagehlf- st .tlio. Assessment Roll, he held in the Town Hall Credit= o Frit! - . ,. , n a,"* MT 2htik, at 10 a.m.-Carrled.. T „..ovc-Yeari y --That By-law No. 1781 being A b3' -law to .raise, the sum, of $1,- 200 tor the purpose of constructing cc- moat sidewalks and crossings in the Pollee Village of Centralia, having bean dui). voted 011 reP0,rted,iblravtinh: ehnleork. to have received the required numberot vetee '44 -- -."•-• ' by-law, beon reti,altythte'llet,11111.1evetilniten'tibePearkesseartdatftestlaVons-1 1 While out driving one shaft coup- ubnrtothokete,htohleertstehinowggghtYihc. he thbsrrhooawkfetinlgtoaottsohee,aarenmedttht 04114.3.41443 out, then escaped with the obaftp, Luckily tbe occupants ,or the buggy cseaped with only a few bruises -On Sas turday, while driving from ExA eter Nir john Bern Or. `hfeCWIfe •Ithd * • • • • Mrs 5Onna johns were throvvn, front the buggy w.hile tunaing onto the St. Marys road. The horse escaped with the rig' and badly demolished it.-Mrsk IP: Pratt- els left Monday par the St. Joseph, Hos- pital, London, where she undergoes an ko, r , opere.ti n on be knee which has been TtrIol:sh,lirt,D, 1.,41mier ite-oxrt .ruounelsert tyintsteornasstTirld,hortan. as to vis.t her sant Pr ci and wile. UIT•S .from $.•'-"• tr* 1S3H0TIRST' SS, • CADE PANTS front 1,0 OVERALLS & SMOCKS, UNITERAVE.tUt from 20c. 2 Pr. 'WORN: SOX, wool, WORK SOX 10c Pair L,..1,CK CASIESERE SOS 'Messrs. W. May and TA: -T. Christie were in Mitchell Sunday visiting the for- meet* paron.ts, Mr, 0, Be Andermon and her r3.3th-1 , ,.)t a Elsie, returned Nfo, nday ,frbm a visit In 'Fingal. cARLINGys er r , ;Messrs. 1Sr, 11,11)071e and, T. E. Hand- ford wore in London Tuesday to nem' PRONE 18 William Jennings Bryan speak Mr. and 'Airs. Frank Blasohette et at the ,00rporationattached thereto.- EIIEWSTER. carried . . . - Sonders-Is-ellerman-That by-law No. 177. and 1.78 being by -3a'' to borr- ow money from The Canadian. Bank of , Commerce te meet current expenditures and to aPPoint Path -masters, Pound- keepers and Feuce-viewers, having been road the third time, he passed and, sign- ed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corporation. attached therete,, 'CaTrhreled.I°1114w1110 orders era were Pala.- canadain Express Co., Express, '771-25; lb-nillton Mach. CO., Edge for greder; $10.00 ; Municipal World, Supplies, $4.- 30; Sarnia Bridge CO. Tiwio road drags . ' , '' $30.00 , Paul Shenk, Culvert, -,,,,2.00; , Chester Prouty, Gratuity, $25.0.0 ; The Crediton Star, Centralia By-law, k,20.00 ; jos. - .., _ , uiuman Salary as assessor and for truant book, $90.00; The Advocate ing.,„ co. Printing $170.45 p-- Dcath.-David Disjardine died at his 1101110 en Stephen, May 4.411, in ids 57th ,year. He leaves to mouna his loss, his wife and. two daughters, Maggie 12-yr- oid, and Annie 0 -yr --old, besides' .a liest of relatives and friends. The bereaved onee have the sympathy of the commun- ity. The remaina were buried at Grand Bend cemetery- . 0 House clea.neng" la the ',order of the Hope t3 eNVoth.Wzaeede bini41°11rett"the sdIckaglaTilt-. -Mr. S. Green is. fishing with lare Dewy at Grand Bend. -Mr. W; Begin, who bad, Wood poison. is getting along tine. - ,fise Mabel Green had a quiltipg bee „ an,d a dance on her birth anniversary. Au enjoyed themselves' until the wee ma' 'hours She received a number of • - useful presents. -Mr. WI Masson visit - ited at 'his home on SundayeelVfr. and Mrs. FANCY TON SOCOT',7,i.- , 10,ANCI" SILK, SOX 40c . „ .. .. STII,P IIATb at eel„.0 FELT HATS from 30c. , - .,4.00 SetOES at „„-12.95 47'5.00 SHOES at $4.00 .wcyRK saoEs, an kinds, CHILDREN'S JUMPERS . e.e.,e,,.......„„.,.... Niagara Falls, N.Y., are the guests of , • mr. anti 'Mrs. Geo 'Tialaterhrbole.• Great 13argams ,Xre. Prank Sweet, who has been in 'Lentron with her father, Mr. jobh Mit- ellen, since he wee operated upon, re- turned home Friday night. Mr. Prank Taylor came up fnom Lon_ For one week we are offering some exceptional bar - don 1),4Prrlas' Ill his auto. Mr. 1,.. R. Els- sett of Strathr.sy ciecompanied him, re- gains in summer dress goods, prints, ginghams and tuoninir Tuesday morning. suitings, Messrs W. May and James Walterts' suitinas wall paper, carpets and rugs. Vissee Tillie Yager and Nettle Walters Shansu pp in three colors Regular 2 5c. for 18c. went to- Toronto Wednesday In T. Ba - ker's auto driven, by D. Hartleilt Clingb.arns and Suit. ' ' ' 'Mrs. J. A,: Stewart ancI Mrs. Balfour jugs Regula,r 20c. for ,ot Usborne are in Chatham this Week attending the Miss* Donary convention as 15. and 15e. for 12c. delezates of the P.resbyterian church. Mr.. and Mrs', rekeater of pans, .and - Shamrock Jacquards Regular 25c. for 20c, . Mrs. (Dr.) MGDONV161.1 ;of Listowel came Mercerized Gingham here this vreek, owing tly the illness of .7‘,Irs. Inksater's and Affs. McDowell's Tnother, MT1S. Welsh. . was 156. now 8c. Re- Mr. and Mrs. James" Flyger and gular 20c. suiting' at (3.,,,i1.3-3,.ter, Miss Flyger of Welliegtion, aceount, ;• Airs. J. Ravelle visited at'Mr._and, 01>1' s. ICienele and others Grading, S76 ; Russel Warmer, Rep. R. S. Rd P4;84.00 • , •I .1 > John Feltner, Filling 'out' on 8r41 S. 'Rd, ; Rdbert Adair, Cement culvert, R J Taylor's on Sunday,-lefiser :Mary ee.racle visited with her alai.'e"P Mrs. '. I. .. Ragin Monday. • ,$1.50 $3.0,0 ; W'rn. /vIcGeegore Cement culvert, :7f.2.7.3; Thonia.s Webb, Cement Culverts, --,- b5.00; 3. A. Hodgins, Rep, creek, .,`;,1 ; john Hepburn, Rep. cement culvert, $1.- 50 ; Thos. I3aynhan, Rep. culvert, -2, 50. , ,21-- The eouneil acti)urrted to meet again in the Town Hall Crediton, on Friday: the :Mill .of May at 10. a.m,.. ,Gravel cootractors. win he let for 'frevelIing. , est • . 9 the roads in the elownshipdat ... p.ene HENRY EILBER, Clerk, BIRTHS Witmer -At the Goshen, Line, Hay, on may lee to Mr. and Mrs'. Sylvanus yeWitmeri, au.^sos. ' 110 n shorn°, _April 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yell,ow, a daughter.; --- MA RRIAG ES Sutten-Dovrns-In St.. Thomas, on April ,24 'Jr. Jos. ,Sutton of Exe- ter te Mrs. Dtevene of London. Ten, Eyek-Bouiter-At St. Peter's, church . It wall pay e tO come in see the value e yourself. Shamrock Stripes Re- gular 15c. for 12c. 15c , Re,,crular 15c. suit- New Zealand, who are. on. a tolar of the . • ing at 12c. world, aee visiting their c:ousin, Mrs. P, Frayee. They sail on the second of June for England tp attend the Coron- . ation. nibbOnS7-In the line of Blue Black Red and 1 t - White at 10c. ......_-___ 4 IP" P BANK MATTERS Al NOCOS print Reg- -- There have been no new deVelopments . ular 12c to clean 10c in the liqution of the FArrners Bank, • . _ • but the curator states that, in dance with the annouricement made soine time ago, . the double liability, ' . A discount of 15 per cent on all rugs carpets and wilt be exacted from . the shareholders 1 • The present ii.st shows that there are ) wall paper. Dont fail to see our stock Which is second ahe‘Lit 700 sha, reh,oldera who will come under the, doubie liability Proviletion, and 10. to'none in the trade: . . .. ; . the amounit that theY will have to , make ,good will appro_viniate $500,000 USBORNE COUNCIL Hamilton, May 3rd, Rev. .1)ohn, Wallace; Ten Eyck, M. A. rector of Ste! Peterfs church, to jeSsio Gray Bpi:titer, daugh- 'Ceuncil ' ter el the late 311111/31' GraY' met in the Tlawnship Hall on may Elth, All niembers Were present. nuths o :the last. meeting. were The mi f ' ' - ' read' approved and signed.; T,he contract t 3 build a 8 -foot cui- Keck--Hodginsee- On MaYe. ?rdi at Allste Craig, by , Rev. JIvr. , Kec;:milverd. y, iNeHllied, thIrd "lighter 01, 1. aa.1 . rs. t .0 ,ris to Jo'irn Keck, all of Ailskii Craig. ''' " " , 6 urtting U4 a i MEN'S TROUSERS . . MEN'S HOSE , Many of these are •Ontariol fa.rmers. Vert opposite lots 24 and:23, Con. 8 ee 9, was let to J,Ohn, Hunkin foi $00., The council ..having been duly' notified DEATHS ,d Disjerdine--In ,Stephen, lVfay 4th, Davi in .1118. 57th , , Regular $1,75 for' $1A0 - "_ea a . 94' 2.00 , $1.60 ._ •$1.85' ). i$2.25 ' ' . " ,. $2.50 " $2..10 . , . .. SIM ' $2.35 , ---- An application intended to be made , Friday ;Or 'the appeintment of a liqui" In silk'plain and fancy dathr of the Sovereigen, Bank, Waa .With , , held owina to. the success of the Pr*. . , . - ed f rn t'o -f w; • - an tO 'laic and,cotton. Regular pos o ie 1 ie o a new comP Y, t • - - take over the assts .of he bank and .. I, preserve this charter . The chief dife 50c, for 40c. Reguia . . . . ' ..-.fiesities have b,,en; tile daiatoriness of ,. , 25c. for 20e,r, tlre holdere in eeteedheg eepp,ert to the -non,' - scherne, but. this, has been overcome., The "Dreedner Bank, N'rhich was' a r01 7 to re.pair Branc.,e B of the Elimville drain year John, Riegel-, 0,1. S 'wa..s notified to ex- , • ' . * * ' ammo said branch 311(1 18410311 accord - anee with tee preetweas of sec 78 of preine.,-e Act . ' - ..., . „..„Disia,rd-12"e' n a Tin IT borne on May 4th Se- rleYvi-D - a . , • e - ' Una . Francis, wife of Wesley Heye wood, age4 4,5 'Years', 10 Months', 10„ , - The Court iof Revision, of the Assess- Roll .for. 1911 will 'be ;held: in, the i ' Township flall.-on Satu.rdaY; /Title ard, - No More Dandruff , . , as . .. at 1.0, o'clock lin the. forenoon. ., A few email seenunts were pasSed and 11 rd . , a ..,council.' then 10 -- '4'.'. S. COLE IcNOWS" WHAT,JIS MAK- ING 'CL.EAN SCAL.PS , ..,..elderable holder . of Sovereign , bhares, . _greed to the plan:, and J.' pi. nor -gall . Dinner, SetS-Regular ,$8.50 .to ' clear at $7.00 b 8.- Co. of New York, have also, assented l' Regular $10.00 to clear at $8.50, 3 sets toclear at $5 00 . . .-., after a. persOnal intarview wittr Arr. Jern------10 . ,. . . , , " Mett:' . , , ighest•prices paid for all kinds, 9f:Produee. ' The crisis I* the Winding -,up of ' the ' hank's affairs was , produced bY the ' deOta,:10 of one bank fOr, the' payment of, ' adjparned tio meet J-une 8rd at a.m. ' T'your, 'of • Morley, Clerk. In order ta rid ECalp ,filthy' - , . . daladrUff you must kill the gefm. There ICGII. VitAlr COONeCii.. ` . . lea a hair . dressing called Parisian Sage , . -which le now 81143in „every town in C.i,np.da. It ha guaranteed' by, 7,7". &Cole ., The, council -met' Qh, 'may ist, with , , . 1 all .:the-., menibere Present. Minn -les et 31 4,11 .rread .d approved.-nmber f accounts re paid and a , large , n weber Of gravel corh- iet. Nickles,,,Tiosser-7 That t the (-.)t W. p. Nickles; f4r the ere Ct`'. toS eradica.te. da1ndrilff, stop 443.4 l_ /weir , 1 , • spiittini7 hair and ,Sealp fteh in, - two, weeks om,ioiey 3. 4(1-,. .., it nu . . have dandruff get a Targ-e o0c. bottle 33-1ay and rid yourself of it.--Re- mb r ,at it dandruff' 4''0)143are not emeth 1..-.,..%t4ro)re 1 rtv Ttlarie, 'the hair will 'surelYI ph ei th. a 1,1-,1- Made -t-'°'.k-12-C.• S'eyeelgr,1- In, '..e°11' , , , . - Uti01163' at the ianetl°n, Yilth 'ather:'i11a414 t . .,l Me - ,te ST. MARYS-,CharleEl , A.,,Spearin., Of n ,Diash..ard and Mist Amnie S. Talbot: of, ,tracts Downie were married ai St.1'..%ry I .,on, ..-terider ST $1000 4133 50e. to to 40 20c.