HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-4, Page 8THE EXETER ASST:MA,TE, THURSDAY, may 4, IEI1I THE The spring, trade • this year promises to be a heavy one, and we are prepar, ed for it with a full supply of the Finest Clothing Materials in Tweeds:, Fancy Worsteds, Etc. Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try tins for your mew Spring, suit. t'VLercl'bant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario EXETER MARKETS.. 0HANGED EAU( WET: NES.") Wheat , ,. x . . , 78 78 klrley , BucJ�whet.�.,"., ..„,., Potatoes, p er hag ,-.,,, Hay, per ton ,.. „ 'Four, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow 1 45 Blaney , . , , 18 Eglys,,,..,., 10 Live hogs, per cwt,. Shorts per ton,,..,,.,,, Bran per ton,,,.,,,, 55 00 48 50 34 34 75 80 50 74 } 50 10 00 2 40 1 45 18 10 0 00 .E3 00 20 t).! .C::et t certainly is no lack anf flour and rose s.o.es, by- atter a11. 'bur.—HarvezBir^as. t?i ERA. HOUSE BLOCK POR SALE Tse present lessee ,of the Opera :House t o'lr g elgsed the tante to the public e, owners 1 ave Instructed Mt'. Jaktn Spackt,tata to sett l'415 Most valuable prePer,y. Tenders for the same will be hteeelved by him up to June 1st nest, Posseesiar, given Sept. let, 1911. FLOUR .,1.11D FEED. --Flavins ,Put in a stock of Flour and. Feed ,I solicit your patrlotnag'e. Stand one door north of Ileanv'n'a Hardware—Rivers' old Estai:td. Jos. Davis., Now that the bard. work is to be done You :need good bread. :N/ode flour will produce it.—Harvey Bros. m;11 le Go to The Advocate Office for Marri- age Licenses, DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES 'KINDLY TRICE NOTICE that my of- fice is closed every Wednesday after- noon. DR. ROULSTON. FOR SALE.—The Mansion House, Ex-- titer, x-titer, for sale. Well Yuruislyed, Good arable and drive shed, If not sold will. rent. Apply to ROBT. LEATHORN, Ex- eter. { "The Finest Iron Pill She Ever took” That- is what a lady said,:,.• about Nyal's Celery and Iron Pills. Of course they are better and cost a little more but the value is the/ e. Itis n.,t pills you want, so much aa medicine that gives you sesults. Try one box of Nyal's Celery and. dross )pills at a quarter and you will be enthusiastic oyer them. Just the thing for tired ner- ves a,nd overworked hody, e S + mething New Something Good. ed Ce•ar Flakes (The best moth preventative known) Made from the wood of the genu- ine,Red Cedar, re-inforced by a com- 'bination of the best moth killers known. C CAL DOINGS:, Mr, 5. Hardy has moved into 3'Iiss I.... Pesti no's• residence. Once more the water cart is ,on ousel o and --the auto's toot is. hear4. it) the land. Mrs. • C, A. Southc'ott was taken to hospital at Guelph on, Thursday last for tre.atme,nt , Thit fur overcoat may rpw be laid'. away, but closet discard Vas winter underclothes. - Mitchell is having races on May 24th, when -The Eel" will perform ;an ex hibIttaa mile- Tnis ween the employes of the Jack' son Clothing Co, comnhenced work at 7 a.m. for the summer. mer. \ few model schools, are to be re established, aand. Clinton has been eho_ son for' this district. The rake, the shovel and the lsoe are rEow the means `by which the- honsebol- dr gets his daily exercise. 'Mr. Jahn \'Yelper has sold bis mail route from Exeter to 7Nfitelell to M4'. Harry Beirling of Exeter North. Please don't write letters t,a ;the ed- iter a:td then neglect o" slgu your :ants to thorn. It >.on1y =ices work for the office devil sweeping them rot. the floor, Zfr. August Guhr has moved to the house vacated, by ac. G,-Mtn{n;ta^; Mr. W. Couple to the reside„c, vacated by Ir. Gu>`nr,'and. Mr, Rolland to that vacated by Mr Couple, We are indebted to Mr, Robert San- ders, who is :claw sajaurning in Okla- raalita City", Kansas, for a eQPY of the Oklahoma: City Dally Painter, a large u 1 newsy sheet, Mies Kiusloy, who hat 'been teaching 9c•It,a?I at Sodom, has been Obliged suaparid duties owing to sickness at ' rxltolthe, Creelitsm, 1fr, ,Alvin Brint- s11 of town is. filling .the vacancy". M-, Trios. :stay .has diseased of his reside)tce on William street to "AIX 13, "* Phillipa, the price ben $1400. M- P.illips sill take possession short- ly. He has serured a goad Property, Mt W. T' :May of M itela.ell and 1 oea4rlemens have purchased a 0541 Sastline launch for ttso at Grand I'trnd avlsoro they spend the summer, It v'i11 Barry twelve passengers. We are pleased to note by ,the Free Press That at the Easter Examinations held in London that Miss, Ruth Hooper;; daughter of Mr. Henry Hooper, eame first In her class, getting 83 per cent. in teachers and 75 per eent. In matric- ulation, In another column will be found the notice of application to transfer the Commercial Liquor License to Mr, John s1, Newell' of Parkhill, the business. hav- ing been purchased on Wednesday from Mr Lyman W, Palmer, subject 'to the traahster. The Western Ontario Conference, that the Brotherhood of St. Andrew intend holding in Guelph, Ont., on Friday, Sat- urday and: ,Sunday, ',fay 5th, (Ith, and 7th, premises to be the largest attend- ed, gathering of Its kind ever held ,in the district. 'Messrs. Harvey Bros., who recently purchased the property immediately to the north °,sf the mill, .this weeklmoved the 1ICtle frame residence to the rear of the mill on William street. They intend erecting an addition to the mill at the north. Clyde, son of Mr. Caleb Heywood, had a rather unpleasant experience on Wed. nesday night of last week. While play- ing layin g around the tank near the Trivitt :Memorial church be accidently fell in the water and being so deep that 'he could not bottom it he had consider- able difficulty in., getting out. • Congratulations are due Mr. Will J. Ii::night of Eater oh his' successfully passing his final examinations in med- icine at London Medical School. Dr. Knight has taken a high standing in each years course. In, the recent exam- inations he gsot first-class honors in five subjects, second-class honors in, four subjects, and pass in one. Sir. Thos. Prior has disposed of his fi=rm property east of the, town, to 'Mr. Charles Harvey of Osborne. The deal put through by Mr. Thjos. Cameron, and o -n completion of the sale of Mr. Har- vey's farm,' which is now ih lYfr. Cam- eron's hands for disposal, Mr. Harvey purposes moving onto the Prior property Mr. Prior will Mold a sale of effects on the 20th. A large ;number greeted the Medal con- test in singing and elooutipn in Mani street church MM.nday evening, 'conduct- ed ' by the W. C, ;T+ U with Miss, J. S. 31urray as superintendent. Presents were given all who took part, a list, of whom was given, in last week's Ad- vocate. The Gold Medal in elocution was worn by Miss Lula Hastings, and the Gold Medal in singing by Miss Dorothy Kuntz. A number"pr ladies were pres- ent from 'Hensel), who judged the eon - test. An address on temperance and the liquor traffic was givenr'by Mrs. 5. G. E. McKee of Barrie, formerly president of the Ontarip w. C. r, U.. Mrs. D. Johms 'arrived here Tuesday on her return from the West. Mr. Wellington Hern and Miss' Jennie Hardy attended the 4Morr{ow-Richbiel wedding in Zurich Wednesday. Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay left Monday for her home in Scranton, N. Dakota, after a visit of some weaks wyth relatives MARRIED IN MONTREAL.—Mr. George E.'Case, who left here about threeyears ago to reside in Toronto, was 9n Satur- day last united in marriage to Miss Agnes Jessie McAdam, eldest daughter of the late David .;McAdam' 'Of M'ont'real, 1°ee' ole. od®r wee e t113,'.p n re,a_1,y gook tilace. reorga E. will have the best wishes of a` host. yelly Removed of, irie:tida here fol a long and 'happy. iwedded life,;, The most Convenient, economical and The .Bethesda a; C harch and contents s3ETHESDACHURCH FOR SALE.Sure i1 its resultsyr lT be ,o€fareax sale by public nucbestMoth preventative onthe uaar-ion',pn Tuesday afternoon, May,18ttz ,A$ CO-da,e packages 25c, r SEED ::POTATOES FOR SALE. About 30 'bags; or , Deleware Potatoes for seed got 'sale''' at George Mantle's Feed 'Store, Exeter • I1: ou Want to sell. or :to rent.;Y.ouri house or' farrn adtertlsc it in' The Advo' tate columns. Mr. John Wainer left Tuesday ,for Harrow where he has' taken a situation Mrs-, -Brawn and Miss ',Janet 13r'own left Tuesday .morning 4 for Jansen, Sask., where they will visit •Mrs. I'red,. Knight for- several weeks. vitas Li:ndehfeld has returned to her borne is1 Dashwood after a visit of seine weeks at the hoe tar cher brother, Mr. G;ia.s, Lindenfeld. Mr. Beattie'Martin, of Lpndoh visit- ed friends iia town, last week.: Mr. Fred Gould 'ief Strethroy carne home on Thursday last awing to the, soil ions illness Of his fattier Mr. • James Gould. Mr. W. D. Weekes returned : Wednes day evenii of last week from 'Virden,, Man,, where he visited his son, Frank for $0nnrweeks, l a BUILDERS SUPPLIES MECHANICS FINE TQgj,¢ NAILS,GLASS,PUTTY. E1FITFITreIGS iRONPIP Phone 29 `Braces" Seeds! Field Root Specialties HE ERRGEST AND BEST IN EXISTENCE SOLD 'IN 1 'POUND PACKAGES Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle Gate Post L.on,g Red Mangle New Century Swede Turnip Selected Swede Turnip ylami oth Intermediate Smooth 'White Carrot " This variety we also sell i bulk ALSO Ilrh;pee�'s Famous Platniltott, Lawn asses Seed, Bruce & Steele Ilriggs Garden Seeds Prepare For Housecleaning WONDER$HINE T ads is the ,quickest and best Silver. Polish made, Justt a dip and a rub 4.1Si the work is done. 25e SOAP C loans things right. Flaasoap is an -absolutely pure linseed soap for gen- eral cleaning, r?:ic. We have the agency' for the eels, United Sher- win ZFiiliats Paints and. Varnishes. This means that we have a special high quality* furn- ish for every purpose or surface, LIQUID VENEER Tv,•a size laottleg 25c. and 50 CFIAMOIS' SKINS Extra large size and a very fine quality. , :40c. MRS. POTTS SAD IRONS' Full plated, three irons', handle and stand. Per set .$7.00 ASIC HOW TO GET FREE STENCILS WASH I3AATtES \1 'e offer an extra good qu size 'board at -5e; WUSE I3ROO?IS 'We ,lave a fresh lot .of new ;corn breams, A, very Pipe assortment dye,, 40e, , 45e., :roc, It "CSkIES All :Tee t •ood 10e.. 15t'«, :Wen :1RPR1' SWE;EPE13S \\'e ltattdie only the well-1st:own tthtkes. Bissel's Grand Rapids, Na- tional Sweeps. Co., Newark N, J. we have Oral at 2.50, 2.7;i and $11.00 CATIPET HEATER'S Long, double extra strong wire; Big valu.s at 10c. and 15c. ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGER This Is the best faml}y wringer on the market. Solid rubber rolls, war ranted tor one year. $3.00 GALVANIZED IRON WASH TUBS No hoops to loosen-; "will not be- come foul ar musty. Light to han- dle. Three sizes, 70c. 80c. 9Oc. STEPLADDERS Selected woad, very strong and light 75c., 4;1.,00 T. Hawkins & Son "We deliver promptly" AMP Ask to see the latest improved Edison Phon- ograph Money goes a Special Sale of all our Jewellry long way at Stock this week. Powell's Bazaar 25 CENTS `WILL BUY Pretty China Salad Bowls Pretty China Jugs Pretty China Cake & Bread Plates' Swell Cups• and Saucers, late shapes Decorated China Cuspidors And scores of such goods. A new: shipment of bright, and up-to-date post cards just In We sell thousands of cards. Our place, for choice. Come in and have, a 1c ok at thea Every day will have Special Bargains and Saturday will be a hummer, it low prices stand for anything Look in our window every time you tipass. Get the habit. It pays. .5 CENTS WILL BUY Large Sunkist juicy oranges' - Jumbo Peanuts Glass Salt or Pepper Shakers Pretty Bread and Butter Plates Pretty Birthday Cards Good Writing Tablets and Envelopes Bananas 20c. doz. Extra[Fancy 25c. Oranges25c. and up, Candy, All kinds, all prices. Come. often, Specials for, Saturday. PO ®e. ELL'S BAZAAR J. ,Willis Powell, Prop. 'arm. Implement We are naw `busY re -building "our "Im 1 nena `W axerooms, and we wish to draw your attention to .the fact that s'e -handle a full. line of Binders, McCormick ` Implements FOR TI -IE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Mowers, Rakes, Manure Spreiders, tilling tools,_etc,: C' ckshutt Plows A full line of Cocksttitt Plows and Repairs uggies, A Carload of Buggies, ,manufactured'by Gray & Son of .Chatham,, . ive' Saturday, ra ntirna ber of which pecialty-'suitable' for young men. intending: purchaser ' will, find it worthwhile to 'call •ain,d see these before chasing..• \i e pay ; particular` iemts handled by us. Mr. , John Hunter . "still , renmairm ttentionr +;3 �pwairs` tra` fumishing n the business:;: arr- Any pur- of , repawss for all ample ne, ant, Exeter,. WATCH a rchand's Jewellery THE RINGS in our display, See how they glisten and glitter, No wonder they make the most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring, -Our Jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are baby ries, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings and rings just, for adornment. We can supply” you just as GOOD GOODS at just as REASON- ABLE PRIDE as can be had at any place in Canada, A. Marchand, ;fete Jeweller ''& Optician righten the Home This is the time of the year when theE c tut (? r ,<�i lxg ill be done.There is no better time to brighten up the home with a little Furniture We invite you to inspect our showingwhich ` ,- .p is the larg- est and best in the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite New Bedroom xaorn Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Room. will be in order. We Cali suit your taste and pried in anything in the line of furniture. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home' Furnishers and Funeral Direaters, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32, SPRING WASH GOODS A few Items of Interest about them THEY ARE ALL HERE AND BEADY FOR THE WARM WEATH- ER. 'EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW, :WILL, BE FOUND - HERE. COME AND SEE THEM AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU SCOTCH GINGHAMS That ars perfect washers-Plain4 Checks, Plaids, in, a big variety of colors - —Ali at 12 1-2 cis a yarddl EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING Very much in demaind. this year, for dresses, and real scarce. We have them from 18 inches to. 45 inches' wide. RIPPS AND LINENS In Navy, Sky, Tan, Brown, Lin -- en, Rose and Black. They aro the thing for 'Coats, Suits, or Dusters; 15c., 20c., ,and 25e, yds JAQDARD SILKS Another lot of those lovely wash silks and silk mulls in the sea- son's best shades. Prices 40c to 50c, a yds n the Ready.to- THIS IS HUMMING 'WITH^ 17S THAN PLEASED WITH IT, EVE ARE DOING IN THIS. LINE. CHILDREN'S DRESSES . Nice white dresses for girls' from, a.to 16 'years. Beautifully made,, and trimmed. Smart little sin chambra and 'check ire 1 an k ss e P y C( for girls'• 8 to 16.,.Fast colors.; Fricesi'$1 to $2. LADIES' WHITEWEAR • Now is' the time t'o buy your sutnnier's supply -just when they axe opened up. We have a swell lot of Skirts, Gowns', Corset Covers '8: Drawers' to su o'w you. illiner Do ,net fidget we are doing biggest illiiner b' siness it earl • m e y u i history Our milliners must . showing the right goods You must come along early and'see the styles,' and leave your' order as they- are extra'•busy. Headquarters for the wear Department THIS SP_R.ING. WE ARE . MORE RYONE SHOULD SEE WHAT WE WHITE WAIST;$ A big' tlo sllao;w;• you: 11 long! or short sleeves. The plain or fan- cy tailored_ waists are also here. They are very dainty this year. The best we 'leave yet offered to - our customers. .SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS We have sold a lot of them and have only a •few. left:: If' you want a good bargaini come and see'tthern' We will make it, pay,•you, ouse -Furnishio, Nearehcad ua tors in� L gate r for HohsPa' Furnishings—Milton, Ax minster, Velvet Brussels;: Tapestry and wool Rugs; in 'ail sizes ; ` Lace! Madras,'' Scrinn ,and"Tapestry .Cur,- tains; Oilcloths, Lineleuins ' ands, Roller Blinds, celebrated W. E. Sanford Clot: 1 61st%: