HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-4, Page 6THE EXETE1, AD)V©CATE, THURSD:t3•Y, MAY 4 1911. ++ +++++-+4+++±++++4.+ 1F-++++$++++++++++++++++ ONE fNVORS INE BRVE , A LOOK INTO TRE PAST C1 A11TER X1V.-(Cont'`o ishaw"s wife, Dorothy was disappointed bey acely- EF tweetalone wviwoman huld have seta ow rth aney ,whenover her" sunaand that ,be, hould 1 J ave wwritten and have gone wiut a word or sign:;+ , -to he�r; a sense of ve;�ation, too, iNaneyC cleric to come Lorliled'in ww'ith :.r.:c n "aney:rrthe sartl, gnty', g hesatstson in will take tine ww oleo that she wwais efe tiadly parted from le # y°oi,z' - ,•Se;iun hand,ranolease .>rt-srs oenerl teaeaplease do tot deny roe this one 1` erat y°oui, for the tht Raney sale.of tiie love n „ des de ntarue 1'� a �@ fi,an shipfi, !'onee exsd between us to allw re' to cit tward v'rtr. as I should raid pasac "The neighbors hint at some e- know thInotldl- l Dr•zleys,tcthink me naw. Sh.,:would'"and are of opinon that he was sympathze witz me and hal zmy cozzpelled to go away. Of courseaching wound:> wth her sweet 1 emy dear child, you nzay zely on my it is the very hardest of all thatdoing all in my power to discovr 1 must be •'1t ithhis whereabouts, however diicult wa,toh them <* cat I,zaz; �_� cold an<l ]larda tak it pray* pove to be, I only toward me 're e �� ,, Hzlci eL �ie�'er zno��e uiy grt that I was not at hme when lips to tell thein awe story, I'erthis •crisis, whatever it was, ealne haps _f he t'ere to hnowhe would upon hinr, poor man. I hall a. be less:.cruel ie his anger, Derrystrong feeling of friendship. for oh, Dey luy` dear• het, my lost Henry Chapli, and I eitied him lovefrom the bottom of my hart; he 'r r Fthafe.lealidwvas an honest. a.tlemanand: hglad,oldspite at hrrndr d „eu. yoUt_. and glued i� SsTho` cool, rmd wwi t,a1`S $:lops.T damp night air• Stole. ill through thAn th a few more kid ale open widow to gz•eu her �-`ds to Hrsef the chilly towel , th motei•view , x c c1oc1: from Wt letter ended, tover.chizned the qrrs and the Nany='s heart beat wth a suddhours, ad sire stall salhonv to her uncles truth andue,honor, belt the faint le• m, f a- 1 g a o� ple�on.n wtth a dli-nib, great l iriginsure did not last longthat it mht end even b euniar,y trble 'which lately beell mercenary, r le `vol c eunr<tteitzl creature she'girl enc e " a..zd hoting as it ck- !wabe i r& Daley wvas 1—aaad lia&i o i, zt, .n mored t6niber 1 asked hurriedness as she zeal that sample e ho� ed in :ler eliair, battl;ng, with her 1 grief with all her strength, a n I nan 6111:1& .T ICT'. Pty ., .P,.'an3P'� .h'a It Is the paint that'ste nds up bright -and beautiful thro�;'gh rain or shine. That is what you want on your home. You can't experi- ment. Let RAMSAYS PAINTS do the experimenting' tor you. They have done it already. and are fully guaranteed. Therefore, take no risks. You don't need to, Use Ramsay's Paints. for an true painting and be protected', Do you warm our Booklet on 1 It is very beautifulhouse . We send it free. Ask for ?ooklet ABODE. ri. RAMSAY 84 SON CO., Th AAt?3,T MAKERS, " Nontreni, st'd. 11342. h . COLT DISTE114PER 4P b F. .2AceclvePye,.er50,.bstckaracorca.a,ndznot4a r1P barPPe tflablkli tPQ Ptlttttey� Etoct "•es4%ascq."lee L t[qW hafn tit iligcd s».ti g' $«1'1'k?Ai-uAL f;i ,�}l$'t" tip , tti ' Gtrep9111bfrtpronw rx pied, ect onili ilons1ananxne i`^�hBl§&!4 ' it'#ftkuldad'd1,�tea,Per ttea9 R•e ue4'.vTer knowlp ri =liitors:. Stip ,2nd .`t rc bRttra� 1;& feu is doyen, of ttr•'te tattean * tia.esa de Viers. hut., rlro,,s t#otir to ixinttii98+ „lows. acc;<Fea Dix; iogiTes •teR.Rbint,.. 1.art;esr4,eUi rlz horst, remedy In azistenee—k5. years- »istribp�wr—•4.y Wnon sAx g DRr.ctaISTa. SPqu N fa1EDEC,,6 ' 'Oo., ehiinrtsts And Ettgter%oiraists, Goshen. €ltd., U. S Aa designing l r 1, ve ration new to " N r leaf, li speak ei pr d natarr;, u uioro i enSeS L - than 'prat*, It was rived thou. fault a'• ugh `hor; it wetly not be Ufa.- ; "Saucy s t rlt ` h„� eyes w.cr`e blinded by 0 far noW ilei* wag o e. sha i tati e, ":he. 'Ir,'ilt nil Dissect. emelt.. elt. The torture of nseerrrtx thy''s ,b,,,r,er rt and flisgi4St, vaiadtl;she of d� ' ' a been too }m,at, ig s.. r It Choked, rules great e . x ..:-.i zEr rryqr,,, ry,y nM" aa.t � '. ,. ria.. � ti tlaw� r her as c R ;5 rasped 1 Tune,} i t] Doro-, e after day reading iiia EEL 11' " o gag y Pir will dear 1 ae' t , eraible:� .Her uncle was gone, flown to dis- tant lands, without a word orsign- What further proof of` his guilt was nece.ssa ry To fancy this news dropped the last stone to the barrier that. stoeart she eared not how, so that she might be free, :a < s The morning broke radiant after the sorrente oa rain that had lanerr arPrwcacal)1yTisttl'ef?n her i in the night- ' and aapni, i U nese it wa>;s e oitgh, and her 11"a3 l4 fr+�ta.e ;alt' and lttalalatcrney hope, faint and feeble though it lage were awake early, and' busy had been, vas killed preparations eemmeneed with an d entirely, eagerness that bespoke excitement. The Tie night before her izabaerriage . And is aot a wedding always art eat What a dark,e s , r night .S at was 1- � e;4citctnent, came when it may? Ol" One by one the glitter' caatrsc, there wwcwuld have been 'coii - dead A gloomy, clouded i b • i ell . a;l •, ae_ sc,ernd, '', pattering haired mistress g ]" to lair; on tll:ra leases cite;side mica ed a ti e. ' and idol; but acs as t. ears 2s she sat it iw as, thoi 'r wsA a good briskness r ke Plug: r'ovaiiin , i ' hone1v, nliserab,o vigil nail " p g> as iTe.^cry' caoe had a mauling xr+t:a. Stec wvas vary king wi$ r .far »w.ancy, who laud, en momxy, taut sleep wi�aS izlposcible tY deare d herself to all with her quid' heli. eer hot, sad eyes went xortncd s*vnir lin atnd generosity. the dainty room. How dear, how ± Sir Humphrey and Dorothy were inas e'xpres;tibhy. dear, it looked to her; ell r ed on doing t ea�tuld >a dtsise, tides despite "exwbacl b ou $pent t1ee- ha�ppiest�l the very disagreeab xemai'ls zits4S +of: her w`ouuta life, retch, a Ants agar shie could atilt, uiaddti y •1 iaas.eed tali tlicis fulhy by ?;.aatw• �Ttx�a- they old no: sea far flew, and the sneers with which' rs, Darnley watched the proceed- s if they nad belonged to 1 anrTs v, tax ;her creature Olit to lrei�", �" ' 14ut pa€ar, bodprlaaas,, hopeless ;aincy i It is seantialoutt,' t he eves tired of thinking,, tired oferchelc# declared; tlicrct wield lww llirrg on ilea past—the future 1)o tbt he more fuss On to at would rtcat let elder• hal D<rrtathy la.elr:;e'.f was going be aghts; shit slriw=areal with drei4 nrltrriccI; i�E is passing all ecarn re - fear at tlita :aura mcaiticin ai this laensfon: What; claim has this girl upon them. that; they shoid d male he was site:; as poor, youngcite ,fools of themselves about her in um'e tel fight; against so rnauy and this way? she is a very lucky per• hideous difficulties, y g son, and it would have been more "Oh, if I eoulct onaly upon my ' bccaniing altogether had she tiara g heart to leer t" she ericd, as Dorn- thzw' et'ept into her mind;; "if ani ht c�nl el w t 1 heir fi sill and dlold lien cl. ispett irw my aruns, it would � ' thol t6 oat and Hua he# c,n be almosthappiness. She would ,�.. "� "'aariekr 1" she began, ea s the moment come when. ld threw aside this horrible er-y that hung over :her 4,e - She waited almost breath - but then otjler girl made no d, w itn a deep -drawn; sigh., to the -door and flag s ars S; aoi ably V 11lore Of this li4,,c1 the bride out of the ioorn w• cluriag, the Coronation season amid e1 c1 Ureli simply, witheout.:aall t:h. bow and 1101$0,1 u r "F., Te1. Si a box ( be coat:61W) , f for $5 6 VISIT THE t'' t.l' T a " *� wpw.L°� �`��� The most highly efficient application If you wish to visit London bu a beard the �ane,-'s over- her" sans Any tal.a a delightful trip to the eon tinent at a lnoderate'raite, write. to • W, -f`l.. Pratt,, i i Yonr'e route, Canada. 'R `, Pratt's Tis Mr. i. 1 i“nit s t�aatxs have been established dor seventeen years and be takes the best people to Europe. Ho can only accomo- date a few, so' applieatien should a be nude at <RICO. There hug, for all 1 of :Mere'. ,e altar, vanished y'ta wbita'itwrr ,tri<t old leer tla;ttX' tIr. Darn- , leer had one aw a F "one for good they said as I.,w+ertr„ u 1, i,t l castor saitf aorticlthing words- were ww°rittetr the _ _ - appeued, ,aiad vllaoxr Baines °phis comes rrf cluixotirs kindness: v what that ataariethiiig Wats sha 111 1 we always knew that girl would thunderstruck with :;terror; tarn out badly." t ain't natural i'x she clic;:, •to )Ind to Dorothy, in her simple. llow servants; "and she truth, it seemed as if she :must, er OAf her heart, sec if she dtaxr t. ligainst all love and loyalty, agree If it ain't already broke," ob- with this, kw she ,felt that Nancy served old Foster, shrewdly, 'Don't •must be sacrificing tier very soul t Miss Dorothy take on, toy"; I never gain this man's money. eec two snehe pretty faces so clang- Mrs. Darnley watched the rift ed. Lord 'a' mercy un us, what does widen between thce two girls with a nice young woman like that want intense satisfaction. a-marryin' that beast; like enough “"nee niairiccd, Dorothy will have he'll kiek her as he did .poor Zoe." done with her for ever." And at this notion Baines turned And Nancy, alone in here room, laatle with horror. the night before her wedding morn, A`I wish I might go with her when with none but the stars to shine in. slie goes," she thought to herself; on her solitude, spread her a,rnzs but .lhe said nothing to ,either her E and bowed her head upon them. young mistress, who had grown "Only give nit strength to bear strangely quiet or, constrained, crit all 1" was her prayer, "Oh, to Nancy, when she went in to help Father, above, da not Thou desert the girl dress for dinner. It was me Utterly." Baines, and Baines alone, wvho no- ticed bow wan and weary :Hiss Ham- iitee was becoming. She knew just CHAPTERXV. how notch value to put on the red It must not be imagined that patches which decorated; the fair,- aney had ealnilyf accepted Craw - young eheeks; she knew that it was shaw's statement concerning her no amount of beat which brought l uncle as complete and final. -She the dark circles round diose blue had received' a letter from Henry eyes. Her heart beat in sympathy Chaplin, as we know, giving here with the girls, though she said no- ,a rather incoherent account of his thing ; she noticed the quie~k, bun- came, and imploring Jier, , by every- gry look that -cavae in Nancy's face thing she held sacred, to save him when Dorothy's voice Sounded ottt- from dishonor and open shame; side or her step came on the stairs but when the first sharpness of the Dorothy, who used to rush in blow had worked off, Nancy set every other moment laughing and about procuring furtherf ation arO 4 Sit aai, she f dis- Was 110expres S ail: ;tie faces; ugh the romping, but who never eaxne near from her uncle. in orm She found it -eery hard in her own mind to reconcile the thought of Henry Chaplin with so mean and wvhelmed with grief and disappoint- base an act; and thought she could> ment. She had to listen, day after not deny the authenticity of `his day, to bitter remarks about _Nancy Hamilton, and hear her summed up as, mercenary, heartless and un- grateful, knowing all the while she the room now, and, Indeed, rarely addressed Nancy at all. For Dorothy was ,simply over - ,.a NOTES. rnurh of a hurry fioat to shod, in ding exposes the no is needy, to come t the aalarhaiets aand it quickly become dry arab_ ha.r^sh, selduin acts sick mor than *nee and he genertilk t di then, y 11lorc mules die of caceid old age than from disease, A horse that brings .$3ti0 at :t'M<.,~., "years of age pays as well or L tt° than any other animal on the .farm FOR SI('It LIEADA.CEIE, For a headache take the juice o. a lemon in a glass of water with pinch of .soda in it. Drink while the reduytien of Swellings, Goitre, licit Neek, Glandular l,nlari;emets, Pesltive.. .LEsof ail kinds, in any and all shave;y cured, Sure your euf Bring and live gatietir. "Common Sense” tot" s Will clo .it. .4'1 a box„,, for 0 n s.tailed on receipt oxprice. LYLE =PAT TORONTO 713 WEST (PEEri ETR -ET stages, ni okiw relieved and reels a, That 8P'YO CaZ Use. l#Kt�9t 10YtrInIChas always baea ;nom or hassO ,.dlt' ct:ltunaer- ta+*tng--Not sa when Yon no* 14d torSrmrlc' C,;ard'and &tory ooklet 94 'Tha JOHN ON- RIGIIARnmYS' CO,, t;imllad, htantuol. Can, JUST THINK O' IT) ittr DY--O.I,A you can color either Wool, Cotton, Sick sir Mixed. fiends Perfectly with the SAME Dye. No chance of using* the I fRO Nn Uye for the Good* Yon hair* to color.. "rsaming. This is excellent for bid crI s people. uu`''w•+,cnM�1:d1 *fWt1ff11ryry1w,.wu1fI.�...aril/ rill4111.,,rrari attain Ito InSUS..4kµ'n4o.N1,P 1,11V I . Ietter. yet she could not crush down a' strange suspicion` and doubt that Crawshaw was deceiving her some - could contradiet the slander, how in this matter: "I tried make her happy, and When the first. week of her most pl y , miserable and comfortless engage I failed," she used to say to her- ment had-passetl,- Nancy- wrote to self; "she wants more than ive can Dr. Grantley. give her—with that man she will She dwelt 'but briefly on her pre - have every luxury possible—that is sent position, but- asked him many why she is going.' If she had not questions told inc herself it wv:is her. own � !t estions about her uncle-altvay.s; v rt wish, of course., repressing anw mention; I wotild never 'havobelieved it; and of his crime—andended b'y 'sa in even now she is longing to be gone. ,hew glad'she would be' if Dr' Grant - She Y $ never comes near me; - Oh (, Nancy ! and I loved you so dearly ley would 'prevaileO on` RtHenry, Chap : . Nancy 3 lin to" come down . to Ripstone Well was it for Nancy she was lame and se .' e her, if for a.few these laments, or her burden only' • moments. would have been still heavies : It was a`l r Theanswer', to this fetter arrived' o rible'time—a living night-; the night preending' mare! She shrank from mingling Dr..,- , 1 t d fig - er marriage. with the flow of guests,yet shewas. Gianngy enc, been abroad, compelled � , hence ,the lig silence:: • I to do so , an, 1 all the time Her old friend a� rote hi • - she 'Was conscious of Dorothy's t s.congiu u14ti�ns on'her �o�,ci r'ort�ine; but' changed facc, ,Sar }Iurlphre's as- t' tonisiiiiient a 1' ;.m teen tlid 2tgi sound `altogether sin nc und. ,,wised Vr•earet, core, for he was in ;reality Mrs, Darnley s doniement, and theastound,' ed at the news,'knok=fag, 'a s; he,tlid curiosity 'bestows ed en her _ by a•I1 howv.-the girl: had ' the rest. Awful as the_ .future loachnd and de- i,estecl her Future husband when he seemed, the present was to her had been si." ore texribii; and sheml�le Thomas Noss, .`of grew'to.long the timber yard.- Then he TTor the moment when she could es- towentcpt: all � say that.' immediate] on" receipt, cape this, even though in that of Nancy'si 1 escaper she � form • .� letter, :.tie had gone in 1 d heiseli Craw-., search' of her uncle, only.to find,' t his ,a sto s ., Y to ni,hmcnt;that 'the;,-.-. - Ma little grocer's shop .was e-mt t ; v and .: that the Chaplin fnmily had gone away, some to America, some€ to Aan talive+ bwt na ode' chute mew wt i2exid�,'!� colas. ha..l ' ecu„,*., Send for this free book $3,600 in Cash Prizes for � CEMENT Farmers oil TO' You may win a prize by doing so S UPPOSE Your friend Bob Wilson, on the next concession, "pulled up” at -your front gate on the way back from market acrid asked about that silo or barn foundation you built, you would be'glad to tell him, .wouldn't you? And it wouldn't take you long, either, would it? And, as a matter of fact, you'd find as much pleasure telling him as he would in listening -isn't that right? First you would take him over to view the silo tion. Then Q oribarn founda- tion. would start to describe it—its. dimensions ---the' kind of aggregate used -the proportions of cement used—number of men employed—number of hours' working time required— method „of mixing—kind of forms used -method of reinforcing, i any—andfinally, what the job cost. So:that by the time you fin- ;shed, neighbor`Wilso'n would have a pretty accurate idea go about buildingthe of how to . particular piece'of work which you described. Now ;couldn't you do ,,the same for us, with this difference that you stand a good chance of getting well paid for, your time? In Prize "D"' of our contest,:, open. to the farmers of, Canada w offer $100.Oo to 'the farmer in each:Province whoe with the' best and • most, com �ete deseri will furnish tis p l, ption,'of how any' particular piece of concrete work shown by photograph sent in was done. The size', of the work described makes no difference. ."The -only im- portant thing to remember is that the work:must-be done in 19k1 and °'CAraADA Cement used.' In writing your description, don't,bear or spellingor � P too particular about gram - punctuation. Leave that to literary folk. Tell it to usasyou would tell it to -•your neighbor. What -we want are the facts; plainly and, clearly told. •• Sounds simplc, doesn't it? „,::And it is simple, And well worthsurely 3t ilt your:u•hile when ya>z �Ghink of 'the reward in view. } Now i sit right, ,dowtake 4F a aaK perr;tetr pencil -01 out that at b,Y - -tom-.at't tached coupon—or a post -card if it's handier—and write for the circular which fully describes the Condition§ of this, the first con- test of the kind ever held in Canada. Every dealer who handles "CANAAD a supply of these circulars:—and cACement , r also be_given you nget tn the dealer in .your town, if that seems more convenient than writing for it. Contest will close on November 15th, 1911—all photos : scriptions 'must be sent in byand ' of these that date, to be eli,gibie for one' of" prizes. Awards will' be macle as soon, as 'possible The decisions will be made' byP 1 le ehereaftor: a :disinterested 'committee,.: the fol- lowing gentlemen having consented to act for award: Prof, Peter .Gillespie Theory of as the jury of 'University of 'Toronto; Lecturer 1n Day, Professor -Construction, Prof. W. H. Professor oft Physics, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph• an. Editor, of Construction," d Ivan S. Macdonald, ' Having -decided to; compete sho Pete for one of theprizes, old` be t i. get all thef 'onyour flirt in. or,riatioii you can onstep Concrete Construction on thethe sof the of pointers that anyone ' can : Farm, Fortunately, most i of wonderfullycot possibly need, are contained iri:: replete book, rentitled our Do With Concrete•" A What the 6`a Canadian farmers, have already sent for ge number of Canaoian this free boolc. Have you and; o y yet? copies o-- you'd better send for•'on got - you Whet yet? If e- e to -clay, Whether you-ai•e a contestant for one of our prizes' really ought to havethis-book or not, you For it contains a aoh to your information vast amairnt of information and '-hints that are invaluable valuable : to farmer, the ontre Address please send full particulars and book. •