HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-4, Page 5Professional O*i rdrr.
Having taken over the'businese Of Mr.
T..E. i-lan dit d:-h,orsebuyer, I';'ram pre
pared to purchp.se'a11 kinds'; `of horses
that are sound and',10. good -condition
Eront four , to ten years 9E' age. '
'will e
il[ ceel-latently , he'd 1�
k, p on n num-
ber, Oe. ,Nunn ;5'�heav ' i ,ht
>b ,y g 1s
f9. f i+eoi t ode:
!' I r•
a,ti' "havi
rru ,
Tho following properties have been
placed 111 our hands for exchange.
WANTED. --to rent a hundred acre.
farm, supplied with the usual build..
lira's etc,,,....
FO>:t SALE. -A good frame house in
Exeter in good repair. d.
FOR SALE --4 fair sized brick re-'
sidence well located to . Exeter, Mo4-
orate price.
FOR SALE-�. choice residential build-
lug property in Exeter.
FOR SALE -A small frame house in
Exeter at a very IOW figure-
For SALT --One of the best residences
in Exeter, surrounded by eonstIderable
HOUSE WANTED -To rent apply at'
this office.
k'QR SALE -A good /Edged frame
dwelling in Exeter, suitable to aced--
rnodate two families; lar good repair;
will be sold cheap.: •
For particulars apply at
The Advocate
Tenders will be, received by the under
aeigned up tea and; on pie 1,'Sth May 'for
the purehaee of N. T',t. 17, Gro:raw .,d Lon-
don Read, Township of Stephen, contain
ng 25 '5 acres.. Oa he premises is a
good, brick house, kitchen and. WOQdshed
with. .hard and soft water, a bank barn,
3:x45 ; also he°n; and pis house. Large
orchard of choice winter fruit, also a
garden' of, small fruit, Abundance of
spritg wafer. This ie a desirable prop.
arty, near 'town of Exeter and must be
old. Easy terms of payment. For
tozms and particulars apply to THOS.
CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0,
Horse Cards
:HORSEMEN— Tow is the time to
re your
cured of the orse bests pofworknted. an-
hip and remonahle prices at
The Advocate Office
Fine Cuts, Fine Cards, Prompt
cork and Right Prices will give you
sal satisfaction.
NOTICE. FREE ---And relnenlber
ve give yon a free (notice of the
oute for two weeks, which in itself
s well worth the price of the whole
You will find it to your Advantage
o have your work done at the
Advocate Office.
We are now well establish
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam
sly that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
E long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
Fresh Groceries all the
All kinds of produce taken
n exchange.
Several Brands. Manitoba
a specialty.
A gioodetock' always'on hand`•
C ne n
Durha n ;National Portland
Clement is the best.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
VICTOR, 61277, as a pure-bred Import
l Percheron stalk n, of great size,ffne
tild and good pedigree, will leave hie
' n stable, at Zurich on Monday aild-go
Dashw eed and- Dinney :Bros, ; Tues -
y to Crediton for:, noon and : night ;
ednesday=-to--- and Centralia tlor,
ght ; Thursday to Wm. - Coates' to the
ommeretal Ilatel,, Exeter ; ', Friday to
ter Munn's, thence hone to Zurich,
v. H. BENDER, Prop. and Manager,
ttOM\ S CARL.YLE, No. •:;13,879, Is
re -bred imported elydesdale stallion, of
od' pedigree and an excellent record
will stand at his own stable, ' Gen-
tle, except on Wednesday
p of each
ek,'whedn, he goes to Josh. Hardings,
n. 2, Usly rne, for noon. '
an .,Prop . : Mona'
LORD, -IIOti-WATSO"N' 1..1.
406, 10703, an
imported urs-bred`clydesdale
stallion of
sound body, fine pedigree, good record,
Monday day will leave home Maguire, to y
e, Pat
En}e1 ' ..
s, t��Hugh hCarrol's„ 73iddulph,':
Tuesday. to Rich.,"Coates to Garr
Frayno s' till Wednesday noon then to
J3obt.,; Camel'n Sit en., for "night.
7�hur daij+a'to ITt a1z.Oest eicher's .,to..
Stafla.-iviris. Alfred Chappel died at
Staffs on Monday last week. On the
previous day her son's wife, Qee Miss
u4ler, who was married abant a year
ago, died is the West', • and her ;body
was brought home for" interment.
ERTIOEFI1LL)-The death of Eliza•a
beth McNab, took place at her 1resid-
sacs in Brucefield, on Sunday,'April 23
PARI FILL -,The dead body of Harry
Dodder, aged 23, bion of 'Grand Trunk
2aiygagortratt Johlt Dodds, ioE Parlt-h11t
s`ation, was found in the tunnel Yards
tt Sarnia on Friday zitlarning. The right
lea lead beat out off. It is' ;supirpsed
-.eat yeu.ru D aids' had lain' -,in the, yards
most ,or 1. -ted ,;xht and bled to ,death,
fI flitted., took the 'remains to Park -
P ll't,K HILT -The late Ed.w-ard Manes
died at New Teske.ard, Ontario, en
April 25th, • after several week's RI-
11-:l ss from a stroke of paralysis .
Several weeks ago he left New Lis-
keard for Parkhill, but suffered a
stroke 111 par.:My-sis on the 'train be-
fore reaching Toronto. His illness was,
so severe that he was placed on 'tbd
train and returned to New Liskeard. The
deceased was one hof the early citizens
of Parkhill, mavint; here in 1868. He
conducted an agency for agricultural inz-
pieme'nte and a blacksmith shop. He
-was also C;,ief' of Police of town, lfor
dlanY years,
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is a constitutional cause.
for this trouble. Airs. M. Summers, Box
W. 840, Windsor, Oat., will' send free
to any mother her successful home treat
ment with full instructions, Send no
money but Write her to -day if your"
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances, are it can't
`s=;lp it, This treatment also "cures ad»
ults and aged people troubled with urine:
diffieuities'by day or flight..
James Johnston went to Montreal last
week. --Mrs. H. „1.i D. Cdoke and bliss
Shirray visited lz?Tosnto,--Pete La-
mont and •Gibe Dick ` each took a car
of stack to Toronto last :week.=,'Nix's,
Lizzie Ronnie hag been appointed lea-
der of Carmel Church dh(air'anti com-
menced ther duties last "Sunday, -The
many friends of Rev.David.: Wren will
'regret to learn that he Is ill at Ms
home in Ethel with typhoid fever, -R,
Cucimore has had a staff .of masons,
at work an the foundation of E. Ran -i
hies new store. The Methodist young
men have organized a baseball cluband
the 'Presbyterian boys also eontezn-
plate fozmning- a club.-Riehard lier11e_v
of Clinton shoved to town.. -Sant Coulter
is home from Medlcal College I:ondon.
w;sere no has just c0mplet3ed writi'tl
On his third years exams. -Dr. James
Bell has returned from Harrisburg,
Pend where he practised through the
winter, He was called home owing to
the: illness of his father.--Rebert I3 g• -
gins has disposed of his laundry bust -
3o33 to a Chinese gentleman who owns
number of these. Institutions in differ-
ent parts of: the country.
Moore-Chuff-nA quiet house wedding
w'as celebrated on Wednesday .April
26th at "Pleasant View", Tuekersmnith
the residence of Samuel Chuff, when
hie youngest daughter' bliss Tdyrtle was
Witted in marritige with Cedrie R.
a7re of TOronte, Rev. C. C. dousens'
officiati'ng. The bride's dress was of
white batiste trimmed with clumsy lace
and insertion ger going away gown
vats :navy blue with picture hat trim-
med with: moss` rose buds. After a
sumptuous wedding breakfast dr, and
Mrs. Moore left for Toronto, where they
will reside.
Children Cry
At your meals and at bedtime, drink this, sparkling
agreeable brew: Your digestion will improve. Your
slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies.
Ask " ap
17 Better for invalids than ordinary.-
tonies patent med. It
is wholoresome a9, well as pure
Made of selected ■IOUN LABAT?icinesorder from any
barley -malt, chole- dealer in beVerages
estblendedhops,and of or direct from the
tested spring water. LO7WON, CANADA brewery in London.
BRUSSELS -While" Charles E 13one,
a home steader having but 12 miles;
2zorth of Kerr Robert, was discing on
ids land, he carried a shotgun +f,r three
purpeeo •of killikzg gRRhd^s, SliPP mE
from his lap, the gu,nz was discharged
the charge entering his abdorrten, and"
death followed in a few hours. Hiss
former ,home was at Brussels, Q;tta,r-
lo, and he leaves a bride. of a year,
EGMONDVILLE--Tile death of £to-
soy. Carty., wire et Mr. Jarnezl' Qucnlan,
occured at her tlare in F.gtn'c'tndvllie,
03 MO 24tH April, atter an 11111.0es sot
tivree days from pneumonia The deceas-
ed was in her 65 year:,
CLINTON-A pretty wedding took
place at Mitchell oni April 24th, when
Miss Mary Christina Elitson, iItchell,`
b3came tate bride of Mr. Richard FIe12-'
er of Clinton. The ceren o#ly was
p a: termed by Rev, John, Kenner, The
bride -010d V'tdts Miss :Louise Eltitspn•, sis
ter of the bride, While the g'iloom was
assisted by Mr. Jett'.+ Churchill, Clin-
Itra, H; Watts announces the engage-, <;
anent of her granddaughter, Elizabeth
Reed, to Edward .1. ,3enkins ,ot; Toron-
to. soon of, Mr. Thos, Jenkins of the
furon Road, the wedding, to take place
early in; June.
Thin Hair on Top
Tarlatan. Sago. the hair groxer that
W. S. Colo .'earantcoot, will n;lt cause
hair to grow where the hair !s' thir;nia:g
out, az.athing iqn this earth w,tl-
And we say to eVerybady, you cart
Have your' piney back it Paris a..n Sage
isn't the best hair grower, hair saver,
hair beautifier and dandruff etre on the
nfarket to -day.
It' stops' itching scalp and tailing hair
and nialceW hair STOW Blick and abuad-
antly, or nieney° back, 50 Vents ler a
large bottle. Parlslant Sago makes the
hair soft and brilliant azid promotes
ADir, A. R. EINsalAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8,,
lienor graduate of Toronto Univerlsty.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad efleets
Qoaeeoveraladn!an $ Staubury'e office, Main street
(,3 R BRICii1,T, 31. ll., 31. C. r, &S, HONOR
J. Le Graduate of Toronto University,Two years
resident physician Royal Alexandra ifospitat, etc.
OtHee and Residence ,Dr, Amos` Old Stand, Andrew
trcet• ,EXETER.
DE.,QUACKENBUSII, Physician, Surceon, Ae-
eoueheur, OMee, Dr, Robins' old office, Clain
Street, Residence, corner Janes and Albert streets
opposite James street Methodi.t parsonage, Phone
Office, 39 a; Residence 39 b.
L, tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners
frolieltoretor irioisous Banda, eta
Mosey to Loan, at lowest rates of nteres
Offices, Main Street, Exeter,
S. Qsatuia, D.A. L. H, Dzt'xsox
' W. hays charge amount or private funds to loan,
amiandvillagepropergeaatIOW rates of,star
Barristers, Solleitors,3taln et- Exeter Oa
Agent Confederation Life Ass trance
Company. also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing 'Clanadian and itish Jo '� les.
�' l ill lltpi+riles,
.brain -St., Exeter.
aIIS. DELIGHT 1.1O13fS, Violin In-
atruchor, James Street Parsonage,
MISS LIXil.aAi`i L4'1. LIOT
WM,: ANDERSON, 141tt'evzaed .Auctioneer
for I3uroat County. Termrfs reasonable.
Dates can be made at tt;s Advo,atte.
Deter. or It enru k713ber'sr Qftice, Cred-.
Lite, 'Fire, ,Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting' auction sales. -- Exeter, Ont.
C. A..UOLUZE, V S. 1
Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col- '
lege: member Ontario Veterinary Med-
ical SaciotY ; treats all diseases of do-
mesticated animals on scientific prin.- .
elPlcsi modern surgery a specialty. Op- 1
orations on 'Lump Jaw guaranteed nat-
Isf actory, Calls by day or night
promptly attended to. Office-blain-st., ,
Exeter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone 1
in connection, i 1
A quantity' of Manchuria Seed Bar-
lcy for sale, (;row.kt from selected coed
ter. fosr years,
For 5. S, N. 4, Uslbarnc, holding a
second-class certificate. Duties bo com-
onnlence after midsummer folidfays; State 1
salary. Apply to W, H. COATES,
Sec.-Treaa'., }Exeter,
Thirty acres of land, ready for. crop.
Privilege of drawing crop off the place.
A number or acres of pasture land to
rent', .also a autn'ber of cattle pastured
by the season.
Our Gasoline- Engine SIx Horse Pow-
er, Golden & McCullough make. Same
in good condition. By order of the. Conn u
fill. i
T. 13. CARLING, Clerk.
Fertilizer For Sale
Having purchased a, large quanti-
ty of Beet, Corn, Grain and.Garden
- Fertilizer,: also Lawn Dressing, can'
- furnish same to farmers and others
-in any -quantity.,
Monday, May 1st at ,the Exeter'
Depot i0
Our _fertilizers "'have %equal"`and''^`ia
, ..sure to, give the.best of -satisfaction.
. 9 aafaCtlatt
WM.' SHROEDER, ,Dashwood.
5000 ,.Cedar Posts for Sale.
Our"o t
s B. are the -finest quality and:
for e size we have.nothing 'les h 6
s tan
inches 'at small end. Our prices are
right for we have them ' Co sell.
G. E. HICKS, Centralia.
White Wyandotte
ae Unlit E
For - Hatching
a c in
81.00 Ear' `15 eggs; ec
81.75, for 30 eggs; to
Incubator hots at reduced rates.'.o;
Write CHAS. F .HOOPEII, ,to
Box 157, Exeter, Ont, d
Canning Factory- tC'
Cod facts
On' and after Feb'. :14th The Exeter
ilanninag and. Preserving Co., will be
°eady to make contracts with farmers
'or the growing of stuff for the factory. pt
Apply to the manager,
manager, g<
orses Wanted r.
Having taken over the'businese Of Mr.
T..E. i-lan dit d:-h,orsebuyer, I';'ram pre
pared to purchp.se'a11 kinds'; `of horses
that are sound and',10. good -condition
Eront four , to ten years 9E' age. '
'will e
il[ ceel-latently , he'd 1�
k, p on n num-
ber, Oe. ,Nunn ;5'�heav ' i ,ht
>b ,y g 1s
f9. f i+eoi t ode:
!' I r•
a,ti' "havi
rru ,
Tho following properties have been
placed 111 our hands for exchange.
WANTED. --to rent a hundred acre.
farm, supplied with the usual build..
lira's etc,,,....
FO>:t SALE. -A good frame house in
Exeter in good repair. d.
FOR SALE --4 fair sized brick re-'
sidence well located to . Exeter, Mo4-
orate price.
FOR SALE-�. choice residential build-
lug property in Exeter.
FOR SALE -A small frame house in
Exeter at a very IOW figure-
For SALT --One of the best residences
in Exeter, surrounded by eonstIderable
HOUSE WANTED -To rent apply at'
this office.
k'QR SALE -A good /Edged frame
dwelling in Exeter, suitable to aced--
rnodate two families; lar good repair;
will be sold cheap.: •
For particulars apply at
The Advocate
Tenders will be, received by the under
aeigned up tea and; on pie 1,'Sth May 'for
the purehaee of N. T',t. 17, Gro:raw .,d Lon-
don Read, Township of Stephen, contain
ng 25 '5 acres.. Oa he premises is a
good, brick house, kitchen and. WOQdshed
with. .hard and soft water, a bank barn,
3:x45 ; also he°n; and pis house. Large
orchard of choice winter fruit, also a
garden' of, small fruit, Abundance of
spritg wafer. This ie a desirable prop.
arty, near 'town of Exeter and must be
old. Easy terms of payment. For
tozms and particulars apply to THOS.
CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0,
Horse Cards
:HORSEMEN— Tow is the time to
re your
cured of the orse bests pofworknted. an-
hip and remonahle prices at
The Advocate Office
Fine Cuts, Fine Cards, Prompt
cork and Right Prices will give you
sal satisfaction.
NOTICE. FREE ---And relnenlber
ve give yon a free (notice of the
oute for two weeks, which in itself
s well worth the price of the whole
You will find it to your Advantage
o have your work done at the
Advocate Office.
We are now well establish
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam
sly that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
E long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
Fresh Groceries all the
All kinds of produce taken
n exchange.
Several Brands. Manitoba
a specialty.
A gioodetock' always'on hand`•
C ne n
Durha n ;National Portland
Clement is the best.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
VICTOR, 61277, as a pure-bred Import
l Percheron stalk n, of great size,ffne
tild and good pedigree, will leave hie
' n stable, at Zurich on Monday aild-go
Dashw eed and- Dinney :Bros, ; Tues -
y to Crediton for:, noon and : night ;
ednesday=-to--- and Centralia tlor,
ght ; Thursday to Wm. - Coates' to the
ommeretal Ilatel,, Exeter ; ', Friday to
ter Munn's, thence hone to Zurich,
v. H. BENDER, Prop. and Manager,
ttOM\ S CARL.YLE, No. •:;13,879, Is
re -bred imported elydesdale stallion, of
od' pedigree and an excellent record
will stand at his own stable, ' Gen-
tle, except on Wednesday
p of each
ek,'whedn, he goes to Josh. Hardings,
n. 2, Usly rne, for noon. '
an .,Prop . : Mona'
LORD, -IIOti-WATSO"N' 1..1.
406, 10703, an
imported urs-bred`clydesdale
stallion of
sound body, fine pedigree, good record,
Monday day will leave home Maguire, to y
e, Pat
En}e1 ' ..
s, t��Hugh hCarrol's„ 73iddulph,':
Tuesday. to Rich.,"Coates to Garr
Frayno s' till Wednesday noon then to
J3obt.,; Camel'n Sit en., for "night.
7�hur daij+a'to ITt a1z.Oest eicher's .,to..
Stafla.-iviris. Alfred Chappel died at
Staffs on Monday last week. On the
previous day her son's wife, Qee Miss
u4ler, who was married abant a year
ago, died is the West', • and her ;body
was brought home for" interment.
ERTIOEFI1LL)-The death of Eliza•a
beth McNab, took place at her 1resid-
sacs in Brucefield, on Sunday,'April 23
PARI FILL -,The dead body of Harry
Dodder, aged 23, bion of 'Grand Trunk
2aiygagortratt Johlt Dodds, ioE Parlt-h11t
s`ation, was found in the tunnel Yards
tt Sarnia on Friday zitlarning. The right
lea lead beat out off. It is' ;supirpsed
-.eat yeu.ru D aids' had lain' -,in the, yards
most ,or 1. -ted ,;xht and bled to ,death,
fI flitted., took the 'remains to Park -
P ll't,K HILT -The late Ed.w-ard Manes
died at New Teske.ard, Ontario, en
April 25th, • after several week's RI-
11-:l ss from a stroke of paralysis .
Several weeks ago he left New Lis-
keard for Parkhill, but suffered a
stroke 111 par.:My-sis on the 'train be-
fore reaching Toronto. His illness was,
so severe that he was placed on 'tbd
train and returned to New Liskeard. The
deceased was one hof the early citizens
of Parkhill, mavint; here in 1868. He
conducted an agency for agricultural inz-
pieme'nte and a blacksmith shop. He
-was also C;,ief' of Police of town, lfor
dlanY years,
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is a constitutional cause.
for this trouble. Airs. M. Summers, Box
W. 840, Windsor, Oat., will' send free
to any mother her successful home treat
ment with full instructions, Send no
money but Write her to -day if your"
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances, are it can't
`s=;lp it, This treatment also "cures ad»
ults and aged people troubled with urine:
diffieuities'by day or flight..
James Johnston went to Montreal last
week. --Mrs. H. „1.i D. Cdoke and bliss
Shirray visited lz?Tosnto,--Pete La-
mont and •Gibe Dick ` each took a car
of stack to Toronto last :week.=,'Nix's,
Lizzie Ronnie hag been appointed lea-
der of Carmel Church dh(air'anti com-
menced ther duties last "Sunday, -The
many friends of Rev.David.: Wren will
'regret to learn that he Is ill at Ms
home in Ethel with typhoid fever, -R,
Cucimore has had a staff .of masons,
at work an the foundation of E. Ran -i
hies new store. The Methodist young
men have organized a baseball cluband
the 'Presbyterian boys also eontezn-
plate fozmning- a club.-Riehard lier11e_v
of Clinton shoved to town.. -Sant Coulter
is home from Medlcal College I:ondon.
w;sere no has just c0mplet3ed writi'tl
On his third years exams. -Dr. James
Bell has returned from Harrisburg,
Pend where he practised through the
winter, He was called home owing to
the: illness of his father.--Rebert I3 g• -
gins has disposed of his laundry bust -
3o33 to a Chinese gentleman who owns
number of these. Institutions in differ-
ent parts of: the country.
Moore-Chuff-nA quiet house wedding
w'as celebrated on Wednesday .April
26th at "Pleasant View", Tuekersmnith
the residence of Samuel Chuff, when
hie youngest daughter' bliss Tdyrtle was
Witted in marritige with Cedrie R.
a7re of TOronte, Rev. C. C. dousens'
officiati'ng. The bride's dress was of
white batiste trimmed with clumsy lace
and insertion ger going away gown
vats :navy blue with picture hat trim-
med with: moss` rose buds. After a
sumptuous wedding breakfast dr, and
Mrs. Moore left for Toronto, where they
will reside.
Children Cry
At your meals and at bedtime, drink this, sparkling
agreeable brew: Your digestion will improve. Your
slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies.
Ask " ap
17 Better for invalids than ordinary.-
tonies patent med. It
is wholoresome a9, well as pure
Made of selected ■IOUN LABAT?icinesorder from any
barley -malt, chole- dealer in beVerages
estblendedhops,and of or direct from the
tested spring water. LO7WON, CANADA brewery in London.
BRUSSELS -While" Charles E 13one,
a home steader having but 12 miles;
2zorth of Kerr Robert, was discing on
ids land, he carried a shotgun +f,r three
purpeeo •of killikzg gRRhd^s, SliPP mE
from his lap, the gu,nz was discharged
the charge entering his abdorrten, and"
death followed in a few hours. Hiss
former ,home was at Brussels, Q;tta,r-
lo, and he leaves a bride. of a year,
EGMONDVILLE--Tile death of £to-
soy. Carty., wire et Mr. Jarnezl' Qucnlan,
occured at her tlare in F.gtn'c'tndvllie,
03 MO 24tH April, atter an 11111.0es sot
tivree days from pneumonia The deceas-
ed was in her 65 year:,
CLINTON-A pretty wedding took
place at Mitchell oni April 24th, when
Miss Mary Christina Elitson, iItchell,`
b3came tate bride of Mr. Richard FIe12-'
er of Clinton. The ceren o#ly was
p a: termed by Rev, John, Kenner, The
bride -010d V'tdts Miss :Louise Eltitspn•, sis
ter of the bride, While the g'iloom was
assisted by Mr. Jett'.+ Churchill, Clin-
Itra, H; Watts announces the engage-, <;
anent of her granddaughter, Elizabeth
Reed, to Edward .1. ,3enkins ,ot; Toron-
to. soon of, Mr. Thos, Jenkins of the
furon Road, the wedding, to take place
early in; June.
Thin Hair on Top
Tarlatan. Sago. the hair groxer that
W. S. Colo .'earantcoot, will n;lt cause
hair to grow where the hair !s' thir;nia:g
out, az.athing iqn this earth w,tl-
And we say to eVerybady, you cart
Have your' piney back it Paris a..n Sage
isn't the best hair grower, hair saver,
hair beautifier and dandruff etre on the
nfarket to -day.
It' stops' itching scalp and tailing hair
and nialceW hair STOW Blick and abuad-
antly, or nieney° back, 50 Vents ler a
large bottle. Parlslant Sago makes the
hair soft and brilliant azid promotes
William- Bill's Stephen.
Friday to Jos. Guaan1n's, to Wm. AP.-
isen's, via Mt. Carmel, for night.
Saturday to his ,owrz. stable, Con. 9,
McGillivray, until the next Monday. •
T. W. HODGSON, Proprietor
S'.4M. EASKERVILLE, Manager.
THE MILLER II., 27,851, a pure-bred
}mported shire stallion, of strong and
:sound limb, geed pedigree and a sure
will statnd for a limited
liember of merest •at,hisr';awn stable, at
•Dashwood. C. GUENTHER, Manager.
& GUENTHER Proprietors.
COLLEGE CHUM, 15553„a. pure-bred.
imported' shire stallion, tried and ,true,
of excellent p_dLgree and s,aund in ev-
ery way ; ;idonday npqn leaves his own
stable and goes ,1 o Ed. Lamport's ; On
Tuesday to Jos. Hickey's . and to Grand
Haid ; - Wednesday to .Louis Brinker's,
Greenway, for aught ; Thursday' do Jno.
B:reen's and 'to Mit. - Carmel ; Friday to
K,hiva and home. W. WILLIS, Manager.
WIr.LIS & GUENTHER, Proprietors.
UNCLE JOHN, 12668, is a choicely
bred C1ydeadato stallion, imported, of
ogcellone pcdi,;ree: and Sine record, iton-
day will leave home, Gan. 6, Usborne,
;oil; to Wm, Pollen's, Farquhar and
to George Jeffrey's ; Tuesday to Wm.
Coates' and Thos. Quinton's ; Wednes-
day. to, Frank Morley's and Wm.' Del -
bridge' ; Thursday to. Benson Will
Tam's and home ; Friday to, Norman. Jar-
rott's and John Rewe's ; Saturday to
John Westlake Er and Meme.
JOHN COLE;, Manager.
HUMIDE, 75739., a Perc'heran, Stal
liaij; imp;af-ted from France, is a par-
ticularly fine specimen wlth good +;pedi-
o ren and : record, ;Vlonday.leaves his own
'stable,. Coe., 13, Stephen, and goes to
Shlpka a :xd Corbett ; ,Tuesday
Rl'"Zrt w'a'nd ;Pat.'(It en's ; Wednesday
?� eg
to ,,Wm. Flyan'st and, Centralia ;; Thurs.!
illy 'to Dan McOt rdy's -"and O`redi't:on ;
Friday to :;T Anty'a j'.,,;the'nce`l yens f
Hill]Al`l lin gab.
I. 1,, •M9 t r
Who s.t .combeth his hair with a view
the bald spiot is a •,liar at heart.
W:ton' a titan nearly breaks hi's neck
getting. out- tot the way of a lightn'ng
bu ,, supposing it to ba -a locmotive it
is tints 'to swear 05f.
If all the devils were east out of some
p dople, 1they., would look like walking
skelet `
a '®
Whcsna ra • asles for bread, don't
give him a eto;te,set the dog ' on him.
Thr zfor kee :ng in
e e ant no credit
up o
the right road when, there's barbed wire
fences .on ,Moth sides.
. The man who wants the e art}i in
variably -gets it -when he dies+ ,
Ir some men . were ted lose their re-
putation, o they would be lucky:
rank nk is a shah who has+ a (Elr-
od -eat hobby n by titan` .your own, .
A man who attends etrickly 110hie
own business has a' good steady job.
A man's body may bs an earthly teti-
ement but he objects to,