HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-4, Page 44
1`.L. .13ROKENSH1RE, Dashwood,
Sanders (So Cresol:a. PronS.
OoeveYarxicer. Deeds Ws Mortgages.
and all legal documents carefully and,.
-Tali-Rs])Ay, TWAY- 41,JL .01 00y prepared OrgeB moderate
'Issuer of t,tfarriage Licenses,
' SiNtoo4ive "bars eloaed 041 Satardal
ffight in °Atari*, ask a. result •of logeol
Q.Ption oantests or' January last: There
SISe geYeral lat3er0 that have bait
threno;,,ths MOre itt
Jeb t do bi.s-
Last week EdtQ ftbe Mitchel
Adaroca MT. R. Davig, started la
OT S21Yaa: business as pub-
ittratil, Or the men and
-1i 1business la Mitehell when be
hOt -one remains, Our fraternal.
,20.'•ngratulati3ns awa bcst Wishes are
teue to Brier Davis.
TiLie MegillieedtlY, of dredging fame
W110 TagaTO rece letie becaMe, TOM -
Cos tor driving the ''''Eere Opener" out
• of 'btasitoesa,Ia. noW said to be the Inala
wit -0 beas• threatened to baud proofs, or
t,tte boodilleg of a cbet iterore
th-P- 4i1P9gitto-ti. it Sir Wlifred does lto
+dismiss the mittlefer, It May tiotLx
pay,t, but tt listerta like him.
OQUsPYthillg more disgustin
*An the averalge hennery at this Sea
scirt Of -te, 'year; Many hentterites ar
foot cleaned, toaal fail until spring, and
th-ea front siffing ta tali again, „Di,
sease gerensT 414 Ilce are given eyery
' OPPstiff.sitY to Play -havoc with the
flock. This ie particularly true in the
warM sVmeter peoatbs, es during
30,Titer the tenWerature la tao low fo
bareterial and insect growth to n
• rapid hea_deeery. The theroUgh cleaesing,
ot the heo. house and the liberal •use,. of
whitewash would be flute well speet.
,P1,11•Ing the sunwner, It Possible, the
hen houee eitould 'be whitewashed two
or three tittles and eleaused every fp
at week wae
traers do
1 'their
' ge
flbe nd Nel
w OntariO wit
Dtorm thrdruties as FireRa
" R;t1tway-
get, haft asidittra great')." tQ
1 sed tO See Frank Simi,
bakone again tram Landon wen3
cet throftztt an opera.tion for ap-
,peatileities In S. Joseph's HOsOltai.
'Ho Is dot= ,SPIentiffilY.
Willlorn Wenzel lett for ittqina, Ed-
lontan and Saskatoon, on Tuesday. We
wish hira Pleasant tridt and \trust it
voill be the latexes fit Improving MS heal-
• Lest Sunday- morning Rev Sarnue
.1.3eown ot Regina, Sash, occnpled the po
pit in the Evangelical Church. Rev,
BrownI r.other Crediton Boy wee has
made good in the West and 4e one ot
tr.e tWelvo men who eaa entered tbe
mlnistry front the members of thie
churcr: In the past Twenty years, We
are pleased to see R. Llrown „In our
Midet. The West appears to agree with
Art Zwieke o Ijonflort mad! a Wei -
Less trip la 'own tMoed_ty.
If tee weltitcr tures favorable 1111S
week, our brick al.d tilt. yards win
trat SL)S work.
1a h1itotlee Te.ece
ttvtn.id -Ives ead
sOrne earth tlrawh o complete the
lawa around his residence'.
Jonathan "ferne".- of Zurich visited a,
few- friends in town last Wednesday.
Oitost of the farmers are throegh seed -
ng 'a,TOUncl here. --Mr. Jacob Brenner,
wto has been living In Stratford the
Past live years, is This week tfloY1PS
back to Da.5h NT -ed. with. is randlY, and
will reeve the house be purchased
Hartman Use We welcome l,Nfr,
atal WO. Bier to our 13up-Ph.0
ses Bertha and Ida Becker left Tues -
thy tor Datroit, where they will ,rernairn
ente.----Miss Katie Geattnett
ieft • for London Tuesday moraing.-Miss
011yla Weittn, who hes bean visiting her
li,-1Tent.3 hers the past week, left 'Wed.,
nesdaY tc TerAnne her studies la the
Dieti Raspital, Windsor ---Misses
and Rosa vriuert were in Landon
SalsedaY ).1eLaugh1ier took a
triP Po London on Wedii:esdaY in Mg'
ffato,--Mr. aad Mrs, Fred reeeter spent
SwIdaY with friends in ZUricho---Ed. Bog
senberryof gurteb. was "in town Sahut-
.1,)7 .9t farrtiersare through
in this viehd.ty„-Mias Nag
Or 4 has returned on the Forest
city. v.'-ite.oe she Speht the post Menth
101 ter .014, grai Sr
tslt.0 the latter's parents, :11r;
j; vanee Saltday„,-.Mlas
Wan spent Part ot 'Oda welt
e,Mr, Gordon Boltoniahav-
e interior ot imgase rernedeled,
-Mies Ellen Ford is the guest pi her
letees. tbe, Mrs. .11,, GI owl Rol,
F. A, •Elleriagfeort has par
lo,tsed the Well-lo-nOwn ,steeh ;terse,
l•Tocie 491-oe" foaton Mr, Miller, Staffs,
h hint. suceess La his new enter--"
to, Go;4311 a0-ltec, recently par
a tine, imported Wile friont T,
3Vm.MiIIr weare
! report still coakinues
piano Omer, ruade spring
WOO pa•ot et last weelto-Miss.
WOrlitnen Hillagree0 ig the
t ber sister here,
Ottnerville, who
but reoaatly hos
t aud, liras suffered a re
pe od I aInvoltrfned morn.
Mr, Samuel Deeper visited
et. Intel To'regam last ViVeit,
ee'r"K' annual ine-4114 of the girlfron
ten Of the South Perth; WOMen'a In-
nOd itt Aberdeen Hall on
meeting ot the South Perth
Leae.Att was held at Fullerton
Irkton,•Fullarlort on St.Marys
• :e raproSonted. Orficers were
leii4 qfloW1ng schedule drawn UP.
at KIrlacta ; :470110
Kirtt Ful on; June 7. Fullarton
at S. jay t,, iStarya at
Fuliarto 22, 'Fullerton at Kirk -
Jule ga, Kirktall at S. Marrs
July 8, Kto at Fullarton ; July 1*.
Fullartoo at'1CIrktn ; July 10, Sr.INfarys
n,tVallartoo; July 20. 1C.Irkt1711 at St.
lryil 7, 2, Fullartoni at St, Marya •
• Aug. 9, bt. LUY8 at leirkton:
The death OcCu:recl oh. Friday, April
2901,11 icailllyray or Mrs. WillSarn
mileon, aged 33 years. Mrs. Alliaon
h bee.1 in or health ler settle mon-
ths. She is survived. by her husband
and Sive children, also her mother and
four sisters. Mre. Garfield Steeper, Mrs.
Morrissee, Mrs. 'I', Cohen, of Detroit,
ind Rarliel% also or Detroit.
't'P sod death .3i:curved in Detroit or
a et Ilallodaughter or Mr. and 'Mrs,
3oi, IXalt, aged 10 years, formerly of
:Nttss Hall had been In
a•lwaith to the past three years.
Her father, mother, four sisters and
two brotherssurvive, aloi have the sin-
cere sympathy of their mahv friends
h ere. •
Thos. Lane is in,„L'ondon thiss, week
o. buslitess.-'111s..la Josephine GIs -vitt is
SOVEREIGN BANK AFFAIRS.- Ac eh:e1l:1:T her brother Frank or St.Marys
- cording t3 report front headquarters, --Miss Mae ,Sultoo. of London. called on
•everything in connectri with the frields here Sunday, -Mrs. Bigger and
Bank is reovirog satisfactorily. The sub- 'date/later of Niagara are visiting her
• ae,riptioei, 11;st has now' been open ten. motner,..14frls. 'Lennon. -Mr. Jos. Mahoney
days, and *1,815,000 in stock subscrip- and sister, attended the party at'egr .141.
tion, wired and in letters, has been stub- Hartman's en Tuesday evening.- Mr.
scribed. Aemillue Jarvis says- that Franir Ran visited his parents Sundy.
y.o,orf as a sum exceeding $2,000,- -Miss 111.e.rgaret _Carey of „Sandvrieli
v000 was reached a meeting or the spent a weak Witih her parents her last
subscribers would. be called and the; ,-,weelt..-7-,Prl aghlin of Dashwood pas
company organized. He said the •sub- sea t,ttrougli here last weekiwith: his new
seriptions we ;re coming- In rapidly and -'6Uto..4rev. F. Foster lias'art "assistant
•trom every part .of the country., „Rev. Pro Goodwin. In future there will
pp sertieejit both churches: each ,Sun-
day. -We are pleased to say. that Miss
WHAI,EN Ma:MieSo1111;iiin7 is improving nicely. --Mr
fter is loathe to leaVe, having come
bark agaie with a Yengeenee, and Nt•
rather bard; on spring grain that 10
sprottted.---Maelee Dia. Ooraleti. returned
home otr Saterdey, Orter spendiog. a
week with his sistee in, Loecion.--3-elin
Johns is 'Moder f.tte doetees. e0-To.'":"',11t14
1-4TEie Johns leaves on Wednesday morn
4or Saskatoon to Join her brother
1,1‘111, who went 01k4 a year. no and
WooLs engage d in the photographic
lonsiness,--Ut4te 'will be greatly missed
the conanuatty, as she; has been or'
gaoist in the eltereti here for a nulnher
of Year sold leader in, the Yontrz‘ Pee-
Ple's INOsoloaarY Circle here,--mr. John
leltnan is all snliies nOW-It's a boy -
1r. 'Wesly ,jaeques tiorseg are ell lai-d
up with diatemper, it is a poor time
of the year ta haYtt hgrzes tatd tap.
• and O'Brien - • 'fed
'The sad news reached hare on Wed..,,froop 000 , Jen vis Joseph
f -will be-
nesdaY last a the sudden, death ot Mrs. -,`"-'n'a, ,,,o°11-"`S-ou","`"Y:'-'rbel41"'"-
E.:ranter of v;hto.'is well known tif„....-a-t.tu
in this,piade as • Miss Katie McLe_ugh., QntlnUe unt_iloteocellovelagunday
Airt; daughter •Ot Mr Martin McLaoghlie
For aevth.al years he was engaged -a
- our public school,. alse after gpiog WetS
-she taught for a _time. The _family, bad
no ward of her being- 111 ;and he aeries,
news of her death came as a severe
blow. Her sister .Mary left on Thur§lt
day for that place to' attend the
fitnei•al.--Mr. and MTEk George .111111E4o0
attended the fumeral of his uncle 4r.
-"Tom at Pbe ter oh! Wednesday. -Mr.
---rWm. Gunning is under the doctor's care
suffering from a severe cold, a.nd owir4
, her advainced age she is very vreak.-:--
; -Messrs. I -lector. and Clarence Millso
• have both, had their buggies impeoved
by S. coat of paint. They intend to deal'
"Fancy goods" this summer. -The
congregation of this church met on
•-'''Ittrursday evening- a.nfl decided on the,
_ -
o -of ,the.- faiomers have
3•=bontit)."tetiotheir. Seeclini; and the
;3-fiAtifiday and Montle.y have caus-
Ovilt,e.t and, hay craps -tio
e-ogreen. -pat, Oh, .how quic
triazi.,• can Make the
.1`olerson, is „ boay those
g, the •-fertilizer for the
ogood, big crops are look-
Mr. an4rs, Jo 0111 vie.ited at Ar-
iPana Sunday and Mpnday.-Mrs., Joeeph,
Eremner and gra. E. Brenner were in
Exeter WednesdaY.--Mr. CamPbeil
SYlvan was here Tuesday cfa buss, -
J. BroolleY of OrM'iveaY oisitcd,
Gili • Saturday -7-31e.. Harvey Bose
e-aberry Wito has been at the Poreu-
pbe Mines fOr the Past three weeks,
rived home last week.. -Mr. C: Tiede -
mart and chile:Leen of Detzfoit are visit-
ing Mr. Tiedeetan's pa its, -Mr. CYrus
OtVer1! '6473e.„ .11A5 vOtte net get ighelalte
hag had rather pOr Wel;tt
Stubbs et near Therltord visited, at
OajM' qU wig> 111
aged near Thedford spent Sunday
here with his fertlilYo.Mr. Walter Stef-
fen has Ida saw Mill sgairt in oPeration„
Tre. Lae farmers are through seed -
t1 moved to near Thett-
Set wee -4r. Ross 3.114 Mrs.
Nelsen Revelle attended the ttliteral
11,osa' brother irrt- law.- Dr,
tWdin of AktihToOnet waa here Frit,
AT le ids new a-flto.-Mr. jopes and
mily, who were bere from LontiOn left
" that place Ierida-Percit fishing is
e order of the daes Dale, who
1,c1,. been visiting near Lneart, arrived
•heene Saturdeyo-Mr. Amos is on the
ming harvest._
• - • •
Hicka•bad - his "Delivery
"Minday.• Ovezo 600". cedar poets
yioffa car btf-, tae- farmers'.
is is, enlarging and
'anal' part ;of ilia
Garnet ha. :14 of his
badly bur letting tiM-
Ptt one• It, and
e 1 a able fe
t -It ally while
0 Didduiph,
rnUelakouth of the
bre teams
c int It' mien force
toat e Ispdod. Nor 1.ttio bar.
some lea -.0 Two ribs
brolfea and he wavt dly bruised.
thought he will recOver.
;Ntra, Time. .Wark got Popular Hill and
Mrs. Ed. Teenliason and sonoar London
.returned to Weir „homes )fonda$. after a
visit with delativas here .
-odate for celebnatmg their anniversary, rew_19 •getting ,things in
-•. .
whiich will be held on, Sunday- 18,ta ancll to,bti!ld a- new addition to th,e
'Tuesday the 20th a strawberrti tegtiVa 13, . ‘1;Thos Mitchell:,
will be lield.--itev. We H. But who' ba.j.ii," "Siln,1--FeAtbloott ha a lDy
a ed . his . bees
has been our pastor since last August : a.t.;,itii.Ves---to the home of to
arid who is leaving for another charge dalig, W. Levris.- "Pis Said the
ltavitig been four years' at Centralia, was bees were rying to rim the village,
- ,
, -ojnanirnously invited to. preach Oft the ,h'e-a.,e,,t."1.),;11,0--„i„fen1ova1 to the eourrteln.
, Sunday of the anniversary, June 1St..hr, -'1,t1..a1mitellei,1, has received a
mention will toe Made later- ' as,r6tertifitV4'.s1lrar hest seed for distrib-
-.-..-- otioo,1,,ais4roo „the many farmers who a --e
pr:XOL•lito EUld Children..
Jd Yolf'
°are the
The4aSehe11 boys
rasSietaraceoin; theirra.d.
„ConAins.,iri Llindon"-,
a314, M
i 1 ndfare'. !atilt 6,011
STATE Or (1)1x0, CUT OF To,
LrieA,5 CeuNTT
Frank J. Cheney Inake oath that be is senior
parteer a the ern of F..J Cheney & Co., doing busi-
ness in the City of Toledo, County and State Idore.
said, andthaf sai1 firm will pay the sem of ONE
MiNDItED DOLLARS for each anti every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of. Itairp
Cat4rrh Cure, FRANK, 3, oxiotfEy
Sworn tor ;nese me awl sebscribed, in my pres
ence, this eth day a December, AD. 3SS6
(Saari) A. W. GLF.AS ON,
•Nor.urr Peek4c
Rall's Catarrh Cures taken internally, and acts
directly en the blood anti 0114o:1;f-surfaces of the
system. Send fer testimonials free,
F. J, CHENEY 4, CO., Teledo, 0,
Sold by all Druggists. 7e.
TakeliairsEaseiy Pies for constipatioe.
April, based on eonntY Pxaminations.
The names are in order of merito-Sr%IY
E. Roeszler, Aroy, L. Smith, flia
Either: Broltenshire,
loch, Schwartz; Sr, Mer-
l**, C. ,Sehmeder ; Jr. HT., Wild,
E. Wein, A. Wein; le: /Tr", D. Sehreeder,
E. Ellber, C. Brokenshire, Schworin
M. Weinl Sr. Pt.. Stsith;IT,
her, G, Moripek, F., Schroeder, 0„
Jr. Pt. L. Rohinspn. teacW
quiet weddhw took place on Ap
at The 14.regbyterlan Manse, Park
wn'en :sir. Sandford Smith, son of
Robt. Smith, MeGillivray, wasornarried
to .Mlas Jo;n1W% daughter ot John
Elliott, or West Williams. 4
.1%Irs. Klopp Stratford VS
visiting her sons and other friends in
this seetion.-Mtua Florence Laporte Of
Detroit Is visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Joan Laporte, Dryadale.-lirs. 13torn
hardt of Preston, wile took quite iU
while visiting her home at the Lutheran'
parsonage Is rapidly recovering.-- Mr.'
Fred Kibler of Listowel, IormorlY of
of this place has sold his shoe business
nad intends' going to Va.twouver., Ho at-
nded the Conferenee here, and renew-
ed former SeqUaintanCeS, during the
poet wee'ro-Misses Annie and Tillie
Flew.: of Port Arthtir are visiting their
mother at present. -Mr. Julius Thiel was
'married recently to a young lady from
Kincardine. They are residing in
Ilensale-Mr. Edward Ducharme has ref..
turned home from Detroit. -Rev. G. F.
Brown or 1,Valkerton, brother a Mr. J.
Brown of the Goshen Line, will ;be the
rteve minister of the Evangelieal chur-
ch in. Zurich.
No Appetite
Children Cry
The following ie the rper,,-t s,
Ng. 8, lia3c, for the ructath ,t)f
Truemner. Sr, Kuntz, T -
tiler, Jr. IN% -1.; ottis Truenr,
r Sr, 111,-0: Kuntz; L. Shurnecher,
h macher, C. Wiegand, Broder-
. Mesaaer, UL -C, Becher,
egand, Miller, C. Ilarttuan, E.
clienfeldt, N. 11:11enfidt.
ileeker. gessner. Sr. Pt: II, ---A, Hart
pool. T. ",,fessner, W. Ziler. E,
Trkleeiner, V. Becker, Jr. Pt, f1.
E, Messner, HIda Messner, K. Hartman
F. Klienfeldt, jr, Pt, L -E, Broderick,
Beeelier, W, Brolteashire, H. Wie-1
Graybiel. Teacher,
If you have no appetites' for meals, c.ari't-
work,„ can7t. rest and are annoyed with
103 frequent urination and a burning,
scalding pain in making passages.
If at night you retire, bophig for sleep
that either does •
net collie, or is
tro uloted -; and .f -
rue you have
dney trouble"
and need Bobth'e
'Kidney Pills • the
guaranteed re-riedt
Lor all - kidney'
ad bladdertrou-
hie . A •few doses
of Booth's Kidney ,
Pills will Wake up the sluggish kidneys
and regulate the urine. Conti ed treat-
ment• will cure and heal ttie weakened
kidneys and restore the appetite in the
natural way.- Sold everywhere 50 cents
hok,.or postpaid trent The R. T. Booth'
Ont. Fres- trial sent
on application: '
Sold and guaranteed In • Exeter by
W. S. Cole.
Ili chief
Children Cry
gang et men are xcava tg the base
4 the new seliaol nous nutlet; the
Ingement of the tontraeter, 1,Tx. 0,
dep„-delen Ward of Cliniten haa
been trisitins• friends hem during tho
pas few day., -G. Lewis has purchased
tho store ,sn the corner front $., 0, chew -
1. --The farmers are rushing in their
these last few days. -Mise Teresa
D.trry bas been vi.sitin's In London the
bat row days, ---Miss Amirellee McIlhar-
goy, trataed nursz, Dettiait, visit -
her rather, Mr. A. MeAhargey, 2nd
of meGillivral.-vir. Dunce of Detroit la
his brother-in-law, Seale,
This was the experience or ,l,fre. Co,
• Newman of_ orangeville, Ont. Ste wnoto
10. January, 3,1o. .
• I was terribly troubled with eeZenta
oo. my face, neck and Otands tor our
years. I tried everything I had heard
tell of, then Bawl -your *advertisement in
1..Ole paper, aent for a trial bottle et
D.D.D., usod it olotrity race and got well.
/t Is now two yearal and, Ivo return of
the eC2Chla. I COnsi(101.• am cured and
It certninly w•as a' blessing to inc."
No matter hoot terribly YOU suffer
from eer,enta., salt Thealtn, ringworm or
aro.; other ekitt disease, you will Zee],
instantly soothed and the itch relieved
at once when a few cirops1 or this com-
pound of Oil of Wintergreen, Thymo4
Glycerine, etc., is applied. The , cures
al; seem to be permanent, to,3
For freo trial bottle of D. D. Dowrite
the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. E. A.4
49 Colborne St., Tpronto.
For sale by W. S. recovey, Exeter,:
Auction Sale'
CAPITAL., - .$10,000,000 REST, - .$7,000,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient
form in which to Carry money when travelling. They are negotiable
everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the prin.
cipal foreign countries is printed on the face of every cheque. The
cheques are issued in denominations of
.$20, $50, ,$ 1.00 artd 5200, 2as
and may be obtained on application at the Bank.
In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadia.n Bank of
Commerce has issued a booklet entitled "Information of Interest to those
about to tra.vel", which -will be sent free to anyone applying for it.
Ezeter Branch -W. Collins, Uranager. Dranch also at Crediton.
The Molsons Pank
Incorporated 1s55
Total Meta Over '4r44'.,:°°40°0°,:::0°a08
t Fund
Eras 8 Branches in Canada, and A,gents Orre*SPPThientO he
, Priacipai Citlea io the World.
01111K00. 11414X.Ditt IttISINASS Vaa,14SaCIII1D.
0011.11111101111101111110111110101111111111110111111011111 WORNEINISOMMIONNOOMMOMINK
at 0,141:keno/tee. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
DlOgiiON 4; CABLING, Sotos. N. Li'. TIETTRDON„ Mark
S&T13RDAY,MAY 13th, at 1 o'clieck.-
1 Parlor soite, g Parlor tables`, 't
rocking chairs, extension
dining -room table, sideboard, 3 lounges
2 drop-leaf tabies, l bedroom suites, 3'
bedsteads, bureau, 3 mattresses, 3 Pair
springs, 3 feather ticks, a number • of
about 30 yards Axminster car-
pet, hanging lamp, 4 table .1a,mps, 1
p:ece linolenm, 8 -day' clock, 1 Happy
Thought coal or wood -range, nearly new
woad c0P, s'tove, Washing machine, 1
wringerr.'693313rfsder, new; babYrearriage.
tcp-laddraumber kitehen chairs, '
I 13fre, moWe1 cupboard, quantity of dish-
tOornwherefla to
ontder ca
erod4t groa
1.;Alca QF BAYS
TO THE, wtst •• o'
• „.. .
Literature and full information from
a.ny GrandTrunkAgent, ,or. addreser
E. DUFF, District Pa.ssanger Agent, at
Toronto, Ont.
Chance for Piano
The general public will take notice that I an doing business in der in
e line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid. for SCRAP IRON, RAGS, RIMBERS#
All purchases to be delivered. to T. FIAWKIN'S HARDWARE, EXETER
where the cash will be paid Or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap
may be left at tne same store, prompt attention will be given.
M Wexler, — Junk Dealer, — Exeter
A new Upright Grand Piano Reg-
ular price$325 Sale Price $229,
Only one instrument will be sold
and that to the'llrst buyer.
Call early and let us de--
monstrate its merits to you.
• This instrument is on ex.
hibiton at our store the bal-
ance of this week.
er ro
• organs
25 no f
Are in full swing. Spring Bargains in furniture
We have a beautiful, selected stock of all kinds of Furniture.
I really think you would enjoy a. walk through our store to
nies stock we carry. Everything new and up-to-date.
There will be the usual amount of discarding and replenishing.
This store shouldbe kept in mind, because to forget it, is to lose money
To buy here is to be ettre-sure of right Treattnent and sure of the most
for what you spend.
We have the matresses that will surely please you --beautiful art ticking,
cotton tufted, Regular price $1,00 for 2.75, while they last. Also the Os-
tomore and Banner Spring,
Springs $2.50 up. All manner of bedsteads in Brass
see the
Iron, Enamel and
Undertaking and Embalming
Raving purchased' the BUS •
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that r am
prepared to give you the best of
satisfaction in work connected
, ent orders left by phone or other -
ICE, PHONE 25, will --receive
prompt attention. •
• T. G. Creec
or Sale
Lots, First class lots in the Great
Northern addition within the city
Ihnits of Calgary.
This is what the C. P. R.
"You.can recommend this
property to your clients as a gootl in-
vestment both safe and profitable...
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