HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 81f HE �riu� Trail The spring trade this year promises to be a; heavy one, andwe are prepare. e fpr it with a full ..supply of the Finest Clothing Materials in Tweeds, Fancy Wom.tecX Etc. Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try us for your new Spring Stmt. W. TAMAN erollan. Tailo tor, - Ontario XETER R Ei$a ED 14O}WEDNES Meat .,.... 'Buckwheat— ^P�rn�t�,toa*, per "ba ; Maur, per cwt., ffamily', 'lain•, low grade per ew +itrehQgs, per cwt .., Shoe per ttl>a..,. Drat( per 78 30 60 0 50 1 20 TELE EXETER ALVT ! AT E TsiOCAL. DOINGS. Sunday was, St. George's Day. Frena the Way Some Persona disregard thelir doctor's advice you'd think it was a free sample. Mr. Case Howard sans a sale in Main street chureh pat- Sundae nearlting.. T" e 3'aeksot? hlanufaeturing L'bmpa ty suspended operations for a part of last. week to take stack, Mr, 'Mos. Sweet, who has been suffer-, nng from an attack of lagrippe, is again ai, to leave'his bed. Sr:roel re -opened on Monday with all e teachers on, duty, after setending :the "sepia; s at their various, homes. Mr. Thee. Hawkins was ex -tithed to ;cis bvd for a couple of Jaye, this week "asough an acute attack of ind'ageetion. T adjourned Vestry meeting of the i fee 'Memorial church will be field in, Sclaool Hail o )fonder alight next. Some St. Mary r residents are making a . «zone rt( educe the business eaten nee their •gores :at 9..p. tn. on S.1 =days. John McQueen has, trOve3ere/n 'low rd house en William Street eeazdertee of the tete Miss Resew Saone street Mr. A'a. Wart -tag of SiePhen finiebed on Tuesday, while the greater, tun b.r tat tarineri} in thls. eeciian leat,?re f,;ointgr.ced, TS'e Grand. Central hotel at C•ember x8 'eaectttly purchased, by the tentperanc ^ezlate, ilas been leased to Mr, 'Wnt, Ietre 50 rum oI hear Heraail, 32 A w,ti,te Leghorn, lewned by Mrs. Relit. R „ v ell of Ilens,dll seeat a V3 have the, re- 7 o d tear large egg's. Good Friday it laid ifl inti egg that was R z-2 incbee ,one way 2 40 '. i 0 I•-_ inches, the other way. 145 R.zcte» Qddtellowa are requested to 20 Gx,-xt at their Lodge Ream on, Sunday: l8 meening next at 10,30 to attend divine sv: }-i e in Trivitt Memorial Church, when Vgtclr, TNI, D, ' , ..--Clause, vvilk 2290 20 0 There eertainl ° is re. lack of Xlo teed stores, but atter all t. t9 he place to buy.—Harvey Bros€, OPERA, HOUSE BLOCK FOR SALE.— The 'present leasee of t;ic Opera •House t ving closed the sante to the pwbllo the owners leave instructed lis, John.: Spacitman to sell this most valuable property. Tenders toe t..o same will be receivedby hint up. to 3uao z,at nett, Possession given Sept. let, 1911. FLOUR AND FED. --Having put in a stock of Flour an•d. Feed .1 solicit your patty>a•,age. Stand one door north of Heitman'a Hardware—River&' old stand. :foe. Davis. Now that the, hard w,ark. to .to be done you need good bread. yTodel flour will produce 3t.—Harvey Bros. If you want to sell or to rent ;yowl house or farm advertise It In The Adva cat(' columns. DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that my of lice is closed every Wednesday after- noon. DR. BOULSTON. Formal Oiening Ice Cream Parlor ON Sat. April 29th. from 2 till 10 30 p.m. Plain Ice•Cream Sodas 1 in al heading Sundaes J Flavors. Try our 10c. Specials Marshmallow Cream Fig Trappe Marascbina Sundae They touch the right spot. Foltick's Bakery PHONE 34 A. STOCK Clearing Sale 25 per cent off On rr e Goods. Hot water bottles, Fountain Syringes, Anem _• and all Rubber Goods. This week only. Now is the time to pure good rubber ' s at whole. ,ale prices. e's [rl tore Headquarters orPP-1, Sick, fsreac;l. Tee Qniario leerd'e Pay Alliance wit ':old za. nic tt^g` in Janxea Street clear(' etcr, Wedeve4ay, ,fay ard, at lr :t(1. W. D. Ia;u a, Seer+etary of Tomtit. w»ll dAlve, an address, The nublie svit l tta Mtettd. 071y snail attendance greeted Rev. l , Scott eon Monday night in James street church, when he delivered trial be 4;et on "lbe Cages of Gold.'" The tetttarti was a goad one axad deeervin of ,a ntueh larger iaatPon«'ig'e.. tfr, Jelm Mitchell, who lett here last week ,fog St. 3aeeph.'a 'I:lospital, Lindon, underwent an operation on Monday, which was a contplete success and there Is every prospect of the patient being greatly beaettted as a result, A 'horse belonging to Mr. John Presz Gator narrowly escaped a broken leg en Saturday morning by the earth giving way beside a sink in front Carling's 'store, A number of men as,. slated the animal out of ,the hole. lVe are in receipt of a copy of the North 13attleford News of April 13th, published by an Exeter Old • Roy, Mr. J t(6 W. Dawdan. It is a newsy sheet and has a very extensive advertising patron ase,—extensive enough iia make an On- tario editor tura green with envy, and wonder why he remains in the Old Prpvv ince when the fields Look so green far away. - .About twenty of the boy and girl friends of "Lola Bowe, daughter of liZr, acid Mrs. Samuel Bowe, nick at her Warne on Thursday to spend the evening with her,, prior filo their leaving for Wallace -1 burg to reside. A very pleasant evening' was spent, in the courses lot which Miss Viola was presented with, an address and a beautiful manicure set, as a token cf their regard for herami regret at her departure. A bullet from a 22 -rifle broke a Pane of glass an the window of a room in which were sitting the Ailsses, Carl- ing at their home on Saturday, and the bullet was afterward fond in the room. There is a by-law against shooting in- side the corporation, so beware boys. The throwing of missiles about on the streets is pretty hard on plate glass windows. We notice a hole in a plate glass in the Johns bipek, besides those previously mentioned. The Bell Btngera of . the Trivitt Me- morial church recognized i'n a very happy and pleasing manner one of their 'number,' Mr. Harry Jennings, on Tuesday night last. Accompanied by their wives, they went to Mr. Jennings^ home andpresented him with e. hand- some silver mounted carving set. After the presentation a very pleasant evening was spent the new host and hostess proving themeelv;es excellent entertain- Ed, Anderson of Seat+ Sunday. lalr. A, 13owcy left last Thursday for Toronto where he will be eaigaged ab :ala trade, Mies Stella Gregory returned to Chat - n, after 'vending the taolidaya at her hont° here. ` t Miss Nina Carling left 1,iotldarevening for a month's: visit le Toronto and E3ra etford.. Barry Carling and Ciarc;nee Pickard returned to their studies ^ in Brantford et: :Alotelay evening,: Mrs, Harris. after a $noilth'a visit with friends in Mitchell. returned to her hone here Thursday. Messrs. Prank Taylor and Garvey Ach- eson London spent Sukaday here, conn up in the fornner's auto.; }rr. Claude l3luett of Ifondon who v ed friends at Crediton laid. week, was a pleasant caller at the Adveteat ' Office o:i Friday, Mr. , Will. Knight, who, as week fin- ' `'d writing on his !aurth year medic- 3aminations, spent Sunday with rel. - 'elves ;sere; h was in town TITLTRaIIA -, APRIL 27 .exs. ' Large congregations attended the ser- vices on the second Sunday of the re- opening, of James street church, when Rev. Dr. Carman, general superintendent of the Methodist church,' occupied the pulpit and delivered very able sermons. A feature of the services was the: beauti- ful solos rendered by Miss Lillian El- liott of Centralia, which were appreci- ated very . much. Miss Elliott has a very pretty voice and always pleases her audiences. The fotbawiing taken from -the London Free Press has referedncce toithe',slonof. Mr.- John Bnoderick.-"J. Me Broderick, •Por the last five years assistant ac - countant of the National Drug. Company of London, has been' appointed account- ant of the Regina. Office, and has gone to take up his, ivewf, position. Before his leaving the members or the staff met him in the office and' presented hhn with; a trunk and unibrella, accompanied by an address. While he has, been con- nected with the firm Mr. Broderick had made many friends and all will hear of: his Suture success with pleasure." Miss Annie Sanders returned to Jar, - vis on, 'Friday, Mr. L. II. Dickson Was in Gedertc.h, on buei;iesa Tuesday: Mr. S. Hicks after ependieg the :holt-�, d;tye with friends here, returned to Ter - onto MoudaY. er-anto¥ondaY. Mrs. Fife of Strathroy is visiting with frieads in town, the. guest of Mrs.. Peter I3awden. T. A. Leeey, assistant travelling and.. itor of the Canada I..ife Assurance Co,, paid Mr. A. `Haetin,gs` a personal vitiet e; Friday. Mitis Malay Jones has returned to her studies in Hamilton Normal, Miss Ida Armstrong to London Normal, and Was Ruts: kloaper to London Collegiate, ;afire. Graham, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lindenfeld, left Wedgies da3 evening to visit a tevv { daya at •Ztue ieh, before returning tip her hot'he i Goderich. Mrs. lent. Cudrnoro left last Saturday on a trip to Vancouver to visit a brother she has not seen for twenty-five years and two children whp are residents re the Sunset City. She will probably be away until Christmas. 1811, in our display. See how they glisten artd Titter. No wonder they make t e most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring. contains rings of every description. There are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings nail rings just for adornment. We can supply you jest as GOOD GOODS at just as REASON- ABLE PRICE as can be bad at arty place in Canada. p eun.QERS SUPPI.UE5 MKOANKS,FIKTOKS tialLS,t'iLASS,PurtY 1410i1P3PE rim "t FOR SALE.—The Mansion House, I x- etor' far sale. Well furnas:t d. Good stable and drive shed. If not sold will rent. Apply to ROBT.-LEATIHORN, Ex- eter. .1 17 PAINT. A durable, 1L,aseed oil paint for cupboards, base- boards, shelves. •etc. 44 •attractive col - 'Ore. 5. W. SCREEN ENAMEL and window screens, come in or doors black a,ld green, 5. W. !1T,I.UMINUIhi PAU T for a silver tInleh on .radiators, gas pipe, stov ea, picture frames, etc. S. W. IMPERIAL GOLD ENAMEL or F13IPRESS LIQUID GOLD for a Gold. finial." on radiators, stoves, gas` pipes, Picture trainee, etc, S, W. INSIDE FLOOR PAINT for giving a durable patnted coating -to in- side floors -10 colors. S. W. FLOORLAC—Adurable varnish Mils/a. for floor, woodwork, furniture, etc—comes in 6 calors'. S. W. BRIGHTEN -UP STAIN for staining and varnishing at ono opera- tion,: suitable for use on chairs, tables woodwork, etc. Paint Brushes Gold brushes are as necessary to a goad job of painting, as good. paint, and a good painter. We sell good b; ushes--the kiwi 'to use an first -claw work. No leoso bristles, because the bristles on^ our brushes are properly act in a ,substantial foundation. You'll tied the price is rbaht.. Garden Tools Whatever garden, and lawn tools you. att*eal you wlU find we can supply fat a reasonable price, We use tools ° our.. selves, so know hew to discrianiisate when plaet .y our stack. 1, COM PLb:TE LiIIH IN $TOCK Poultry Netting Cleveland Spiing- coif Wire, barb No, 9, soil 12, 13 wearin pale) T3anmaocks Fishing Tackle, Plotting poles and house cleaning supplies, etc. No Flies on You If you take the proper precaution to screen your windows and doors. cor- plete line now in stock. T. Hawkins & Son Ask to see the latest improved Edison Phon- ograph Money goes a long way at Powell's Bazaar 25 CENTS WILL BUY Pretty China Salad Bowls Pretty China Jug e Pretty China Cake & Bread Plates Swell Cups and Saucers, late shapes Decorated China Cuspidors And scores ,of such goods. 4 new shipment of bright, and up-to-date poet cards dust in We sell thousands of cards. Our place for choice. Come in 'and have a k k at them Bananas 20c. doz. all prices, Come Special Sale of all our Jeweliry Stock this week. Every day will have Special Bargains and Saturday will be a hummer, if low prices stand for anything. Look 3n our window every time you %pass. Get the habit. It pays. - • 5 CENTS WILL BUY Large Sunkist juicy oranges Jumbo Peanuts Glass Salt or. Pepper Shakers Pretty Bread and Butter Plates Pretty Birthday Cards Good Writing Tablets, and Envelopes Extra Fancy '25c. Oranges 25c. and up, Candy, A11 kinds ottett, Specials tor Saturday. POWELL'S W ELL' BAZAAR J. Willis Powell, Prop. ,. Farm ;mplement We are now busy re -building our Implement' Warerosotns, and, we draw your;; attend/on to the- fact that we handle a full line of McCormick hxnplexrients FOR THE INTERNATIONAL. HARVESTER COMPANY Binders, Movirere, Rakes, Maniire Sprdiders, tilling tools, 'etc : ocicshutt Plows A " full line of Cocksh itt -Plows ` and Repairs u . •ies Brighten the Home This is the time of the year when the H u c Cleaning will be done. There is no better time to brighten up the home with a little Furniture We invite you to inspect our showing whic1i is the larg- est and best in the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining . Room. will be in order. We can suit, your taste and price in anything in the line of furniture. ROWE & AT IN ►ON The Leadinz Home Furnishers and Funeral. Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 SPRING WASH GOODS A few Items of Interest aboutnthe i THEY ARE ALL HERE AND R,EADY FOR THE WARM WEATH- ER. EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW, WILL BB FOUND HERE. cogE AND SEE THEM AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOTJ SCOTCH GINGHAMS RIPPS AND LINENS That are perfect waahsrs—PTai;ni Checks, Plaids, in a big variety of colors' -?all at 12 1-2 ets` a yard. EMBROIDERED FLOUNCING Very much 'ins demand this ,Year, for dresses, and real scarce. We have ahem. front 18 inches tion .45 inches wide:, In Navy, Sky, Tan, Brown; Lin- ea, Bose and Black. They are the thing for Coats, Suits', or Dusters; 15c., 20c., .and. 25c. -.yd JA.QUARD SILKS Another lot' of those lovely wash silks and silk mulls in the sea- son's best shades.: Prices 40c to 50e. a yd,' n the Ready -to wear - Department ,:THIS IS HUMMING WITH US THIS SPRING. WE ARE ' MORE THAN, PLEASED WITH, IT. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE WHAT, WE ARE DOING IN THIS LINE. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Nice white dreslses for girls from 3• to 16 years. Beautifully - made and •; trimmed. Smart little Plain chambray and check dresset s wish to `4 for giros 3 to 16. Fast colors. Prices $1 to $2. LADIES' 'WHITEWEAR Now ian the- time to buy your summer's supply—just, when they are opened: up. We, have a eweil Nat of Skirts, Gownis, Corset Covera & Drawers to show you. Car ad of Bug 'ee `manufactured by' Gray 4 Sen' of Chatham, A to _bg�s , , ive Saturday,' a number --of which aro specialty suitable' for ypiang men. intending perchaeer Will •fond • it -worth while to call and see these before chaetng. , LOST—April 2'i, be'^t'ween+ I-Iensall and E.eter, on ;Lnndora Road, an automobile brass .lar°np. Finder rewarded if .return- eel teeEd.,^.Shirt, Crediton East, ear to Jas. °Peverley Exeter. Go to The Advocate. Office for Tsfarrl- age Licenses. repairs Vre pay' particular attention tea the furnishing eats handled by es. , _Mr. John Bunter -gtSll remains in the busLneea e eepaire for all art. Any put. Ple Snell, Agexit, Exeter' WHITE WAISTS A big lot tin • show you tta long! or short ,sleeves. The plain, or fan- cy tailored waists are ales, here. They are very dainty this year. The best we hove yet -offered to 'out" customers. SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS We 'Lave., sold a lot of them and: have only a few left. If you want a good bargain come and see them We will make it pay;,you. • Millinery. Do ..not fanget we are doing the biggest. millinery, business In oun history. Oiir .mtlii+riers, muet be - eltewieg the right . •goods. You nnus,t cone alo'ng .early any see the etyler, and leave- Your order as the,y are extra busy. ouse Furnishin We are 'headquarters in'Exeter for House Furriishiinge—Milton, As mi'ns_ter, Velvet; . Briissela', Tapestry and Want"%lugs in all 'sizes;- Lace'. Madras, Scrian and' Tapestry Cu , tains; Oilcloths, - Lin'oleuma and!' Roller. Blinds. Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing it