HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 7THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THIJR8DA... APRIL 27, 1011. It 61)011 MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Bo Not Iiso Raii.sh Purgatives—A, , TOula is la You Need Not exactly sick --but netfeelinl quite well. That's the way most people feel in the spring, EasilY tired, appetite fickle, Scuiletimes headaches and a feeling of dePreSe elan. Pimples or eruptions may per on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or nenral- gia. Any of these indicate that the blood is out of order; that the in- door life of winter has left its rnark upon you and may easily dc. velop into more serious trouble. Don't dose yourself with purga- THE T P11%.1. Which Ifas a Crossbar in Place o the linob Head. A novelty in pinsi , s the T which in place of the age long fam- iliar little lob at the top has at Up head end of the shaft and set at right angles with it a short - -crore ssbar, makinit a T pin. Often, it is difficult to thrust an old style pin. through a, number of folde of paper or through fabes or other materials; and the head vof the pin sinks into the lager tip and hurts that; and..when the. 13in has been finally set into plaee the material pinned is apt to tvork up around its -head. All these things are avoided by the use of the T. pin, which with its tives as so many people do m the crossbar head gives surkee hope that you can put your blood upon valid).- greater Pressure eau right. Purgatives gallop through be exerted, making the pin easier tho system and weaken instead of to use; while when it has beep set giving etrength, Any doctor will in place the matea ei 1 twork tell you this is true.. What Y01.1 need up over it:; and finallyetahni7pn(:an in the spring is a tonic that will be more eesily paned ent, make new blood and build up the T pins are made in various nerNee. WI lams Pink Pills and finished in various eolors for „cot et, -ed g is the only medicine that can elo sorts of don t. — Tbe'Y erImPlete4 " simeed oe asleep before half an 10S IC pses,; ant ISHE LEARNED FROM HER LITTLE GIRL DAME BO UCILIRD POtr,,ND gE- LIEP IN DODD'S KIDNEY " VILT4$. They cured be Daughter's, iiidner Disease and $he fried them her- self, with the resalt that het backache and heart trouble are gone. Jonquieres, Chicoutimi. Co, Que., .Apr. 17 (Special).-Eneouraged to use Dodd's Kidney Pills by the fact that they completely -mired her lit:- tle girl of kidney disease, Dame Jos. Roueliarel of this village, is- 4ati-stied she has at last found per, Tflanent relief from the heart trou- ble and baekache that have trOlt- SLEEP, RESTFUL SL bled her for so long. WORDS OF.WISDOM. A judge who is never worth crit cism is probably never wortn any- thing at all. The load, writing of signatures is affectation of the worst form. Beware of that terrible expres- sion, "1 keep myself to myself," A self is not worth much if it is kept g toTihteselb.Lusier a man is, the better aobaileeriswohle„kt.0 threw his energy into long Ywearyy, erigicalitY goes a In our busy present we are apt to forget om. past and those who helped to make it for us. It is easier to give a direet nega- tive answer than a plausible eva- sive One. BY IN. PORT -ALBERNI. B.C.'biTenhiesomfalinfello'httoendobdaseas better rni9e- F.,-you have a, small Or large stun 'to • in thaivite151tt-'01-1Yd°eUr flthi°1 eaport f ati•ta itiovra,bytiy riteor7, mino. of the La.st -West, We ear) prove our reliability. Write us to -da. 144 W HICK, A1,104 Broad Street, Victoria, B.O. caa" a > •g yes Dame Bouchard tatsrn {..t.es, murmured the man who su4lered from insomnia, "some fele ark interview, "1 4,111. hapoy to tell son s Kidney Pills h's-iv- nylde low 1.4111 "1"411at if drardc three 1 - 11- b f ' d this ,speedily, safely and surely, there is altict made a T that is reZelelt,t1,1;egelri' twel‘i'e 044 (4 hour was up. Every dose of this medicine helps called a wrvneek; this'll tor bank t-r-st''': -",.-a8‘et" SO mat'? "le) "1- (1: I', suggested and now to make 'new blood, whieh clears and office use, wino To fry cuem Aor my oneetache, for t b"(th> t °thers rjo 1134 the skin, strengthene the appetite, The wryneek T pand .in has at the b°41t liQuhie' lu" take° 1 and makes tired, depressed men, top the head end of the shaft, . a twelve boxes ;iral feel sure that they woinon and children bright, active little curve, the crossbar being at et:VPI„,,,et„e,V eunre.„1".' and strong. Mr, R. MaLtin, Deux the curve's end, A pin with this 'Joe(' s Alf-I-P(1Y l'1118 are doing a Rivieres, Que, saye, iq,About, a littl-e cnrw in it can lie thruetgreattwork this Oighbctrhoealt year ago Was all run down. I- was throngh n a bunch of papers to lie have yet to And a case .01 pale, weak, and had but little ape Ihltin them, horizontal with them, 15;'-°2ny disease they cannot Cure.. petite, also sufferd from a se, while the cross head dee net ti Whether the disease takes the form "Then a friend with his head un- 'vere pain in the back, and though up above tho top paper but lies,of Backache, Lumbago, RhQ11.11111- der his arm came along and asked tied several Inttneinet nethinlelose,ig where the pin and flat open a.cross the tism. Urinary Trouble or Bright's me if I wanted to buy his feet. 1 was thrust Disease, it is all the same to Dodd's was negotiating with him when the helped Inc until I began the use of lihpenn Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these i "a"g}:" Kidney Pills, They ol-ttays cure it. dragon on which 1 was riding slip- on fully relitOre-Li 'My 11.0411X11, "I; it might have seemed thiit the ed out of Ins skin and left me floa.t- aze lo I 'It • " th can ,etrongly re000111101W '01050 pills - ng 41111141 Pulwas.lust nuo-air, "While 1 -Was e011ki4erill°` !IOW I. be afflicted with insomnia'1 feel It to bo my duty to report, 'what hap- pened, so far as 1 am able tO recall the retails., "First, let me say my friend was right, I did go to sleep very soon after my retirement. te. ever,y weak person," Sold by 11,11 medicine dealers sr by mail at iitl4 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil, liaras' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. N r linUne Nerve Speeialist Invest gates Amerivan Women., ntative Ameriean wornei of h working elasses, the well-to- do and the rich, have been investi- gated by Dr. Enrico Serafini, an Italian specialist, uervous diS- easeSt who states that chatter and mental excitement are responsible for $".10 per cent. et the neurasthenic cases in America. Ile has travel - 11.5 far as the Pacific coast, and will soon tabulate the result of his findings. Dr. Serafini says he intends to write a book OD thc subject for thc benefit of the inedical fraternity. It has been a generafly accepted fact by doctors that rest and mental re- laxation are the two states neces- sary before a cure can be expected for any illness but Dr. Serallni will set forth dm constructive rea- sons for restful. requirement. He will explain the physical make-up of the various races, with their re- lationship to the nervous system. Why Britons are phlegmatic under pin and that so it would always r 1,nain, in the future as it had "Iwo n the past, always just, the SUMO that nobody woold ever think of such a tning as trying to invent a w pin ; but here new in the T s a novelty in pins. A-4{ HOW THIN FOLKS CAN GET FLESHY. Perkins looks very happy the "Tie has reason to be should get down a bull with two 4, wn replied, "After his wife heads peered over the edge et the MAystiguralgicPain liervousHeadadt Cold in Head. 1ZVaseline Remedies in -rubes. CamphorIce,Boratect Carbotateci.Camphorat4 White.Oxkle of lirictek, Eachfor Oecial purposes Write far FreeVaseline Back t9 umummorimto is,...44$90,4,0P0.21omar.o. ttteamo.ehe luau who tries to Solve H. w. Dmeiso Ninety cetbeetie streote One of thl greatest mischiefs of the present day is the spirit of e• ta`Toronto, as -you -please which- prevails. IN THREE ACCID N S. report sent by Mrs. E. Daverin 786 Ave„ Winnipeg, will il- lustrate the value of Zarn-Buk. She says; "My little boy, of three, while playing, fell from a high verandah to the ground, cutting Ins forehead badly. In- stead of calling, a doctor who would undoubtedly have mit in a number of stitehes, I bathed the wound well, and applied Zam-Bok. The little fellow, although suiTering keenly, soon get relief from his pain, In the course of three week, by applying Zare-Buk daily, the wound was nieely itealed. c`Since then nave also used FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. TT does mot nta,tter what kind of a 'farm you are loaltinc for it 1011 pay yon to consult me as X, ha.ve Sereral hundred farms on my list., Y ACRE FARMS Tram Ta -o Thous. Dallers uP. UNDRED ACRE 44 Thousand - )V0 HUNDRED ACRE Eight Thousand up, rem eo 7' 1IUU11 DUNDR.PND A.C2Btroi Xwe)ire Thonsanci n7 A IrfthatTA. 11,41KATCV WAN Kr „OIL xitxr.ron.A. IUDS, both improv'ed, aud unimproved. You should see me De - fore going West, r11,3111,Ell TO TEN" ACRE FRUIT FA,RIXE-1 4, from, tl."went,y-Ava ,H11.11.dredio Thou altt -FIVE 1E4 FIli; urt„ I'S • p Hue „.tiftY Pratt Twei.;;:i`rs• vood value 'from Eight to 1 /Mastoid. ZaM-Buk for a boil which eatee en my ebeek, and which proved 'min' IF$e)rn,/rTirtte, f proper DAWSON. 11 rt.r painful and looked unsightly, Zaro,t Bilk soon drew the boil to a .itead, reet„ Phone and it then quickly banished it, a d Another time my be.b,y was, eall and ehildren bad been fitted oat wan and said. lie would haul me up 'ettideti os het' left thigh °ad „ mei eostoroes, ho it wenid eurush up Ind a of leg with boiling water, Directly their sure • Wltfl ars f‘nind there was enough money left Tindlass fro, him, et as was snd- it was done I thought to use Zags - to buy a new straw hat. mg ov,n e moan . SI 0, d . ai • he Buk, and spreading sortie on lint REST AND HEALTH TO AND SHIM ket_ceanter camo arid ask_ wrapped the bars limb. Neixt ma% wtsSlow`s Sooriirso Sratm bits bee= the $tation• and I applied a frhsh bandage With. TIMTITING, with PliltVkiCT :Wt.:CUSS. It nunoreo Years axo,' he sant ea,buly, din.Y, and WA$ rewarded IV seeing 14110T11141tS for their C/III,DREN him when the train would reach morning $ a reste unteb ea$ er ;not for or st,f-yy ypAtts by MILLIONs of 1' r1V4.* Iml'55(xl Your station four Zan -I -Buis, kept this treatnicrst soo.runs (nom), sorrENs no:tic:us,. folding the train 'up and slipping a great improvement each t ne is the Uost remedy for DIA101:101iA, it is ab. 16 1111.0 111$ VOS6 pocKes. dressed the wound, In a very short' ALLAYS all MINI et7RICS WIND COLIC. and . New „tecidental DiseOvery Gives soeacin harmless ge sure end it0.1. for ',Mrs. At this jUncture the clown space of time the scalds were all Wiuldgw's SYttIP." «tul take no caner bounded into the sIng and imeely healed. the eentre-pole out of the ground, For all skin injuries and diseases, lifting the tent and all the people piles. eczema, salt rheum and face in it up, up, while 1 stood „on the earth below watching myself go out of sight among the .clouds above.' "Then I awoke, and found I had been, asleep almost ten minutes." Startling Results -Puts. Plesh on ttfed. Tweaspare cout a bottle. puflcd Thin People and Rounds Out Fortune-tellor---Your future hus- peace( Figures, band will be tali, have dark coin- plexion, and be very wealthy." The Caller ---`‘Now, tell me another Win* Prescription thing. How cant „get rid of my pi.esent husband For Women--antl,men, too, for that mat- „, , „ . ter-^,v1to can never appear stylish with cucapess or an viss.-Lonsioer- anythins,r they Wear, because of :Omar- Leg the curative qualities of Dr. mid 3hirtssess and angularity, this re- , , . markable preecription is destined to Solve Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil it , is the the problem As a beauty maker for the ehea est of all preparations offer- figUre it is stIttPlY wonderful while., it P adds brightness to the eyes, and cetera° ed to the public. It is to be foimd the cheeks and lips. It requires no 1,5ar- • , drug store in Canada from trcular dieting, but acts as an aid ,to g in every nature by its peculiar action an Alm -coast to coast and all COttfltry nler- nerves and blood supply. The blood and , , , nerves distribute over the body all Alto Onallz5 keep it for sale, So, 'being nourishment or flesh building -elements easily procurable obtained front the food. The trouble d and extremely they- do not absorb or retain "050 'of he With011t a bottle of the fleShy matter to make them gain in weight oven, to a normal extent; ,but this ' new discovery of blending certain harm- „. „ rr less drugs is a revelation to sdenee and Mr. AXISlit (savagely)—Before married you, was there any clod - pounds fa a few weeks. There is no dam In en. with thin netle has always been that 1110 erate in price, no one should hundreds have gained from ten to tarty ger of becoming too fat. Whethe right weight then stop in you get eirelelirrflicSatnasTICOS that would interest 'he general health and utVg.gt , (A1-1_ er t , excite Latins and have c_frleasitgegiaroved.in atlYone frolmelithell age leiff en. effect on other peoples will gvluusmcnitnithmteownelsIblxrtoyntidWerlaernmss0a0nd fu41 ll b a point he will try to simplify. strong - looking and healtliy°,1n? straight, strong - wealthy persons are more nervous get three ounc s A000rding to nis observation, of noszeteillisaolf of bottle t PeP/ine and. three ouncees than because it is said syrup rhubarb. T dering idiot gone on you ?" Mrs. Misfit --"There was one." .,. XT. ICSAib---"I 'wish. to goodness you'd flia,rried hire!" Mrs.e-Misfit•--"I did!" n . add. one ounce reater the education the stand -two hours.corapoundeaed.eneenee cardiol, shake and t Then add one ottne.e tincture keener the mental acti eerresponding nervous debilitation. after meals, and -weigh before beginning. 'Id BABIES WHO SUFFER WAYS OF cRoss-ExAKINERm. FROM CONSTIPATION now Two Famous Trials. Lawyers Handled Perjured Witnesses.. that thepoor ones, y with compound (not cardto- , mom). Take a teaspoonful before and • The little ones who suffer from constipation, colic, indigestion, or Two famous cross-examiners at , any of the many ills that afflict the Irish bar, says Francis L. Wellman in "The Art of Oro"- children will find prompt relief in Examination," were sergt. sea, Baby's Own Tablets -a medicine van, afterwards Master of the Rolls that is guaranteed absolutely safe and tree h,orii all injurious drugs._ in Ireland, and Sergt. Arinstrong Barry O'Brien' in his- "Life of Lord in fact the only medieme for babies Russell,' describes their methods, sold under the guarantee.of a gov.- • "Sullivan," he says, ,,approach- e'rnment 411413714 contain no°131- ed the witness qUite in afriendly atO, narcotic or other "soothing" way seem ed to be an impartial stuff. Concerning them Mrs. Er- ,inquirer seeking information, look - nest PlamondOn, Ste,. Julie` Station, ed surprised at what' the witness Que'., writes : c€1.t is a pleasure for said, appeared even grateful for rue to let you know what your the additional light thrown on tbe Baby's Own Tablets have done for case. -iny children. My baby suffered " `Ah, indeed Well, as you terribly from cOnstipa,tion and al- have said so much perhaps you can,' Aselitio Tubes, 25c,$1.0,O. Eye Books 'th„Ough we had a tioctOr there was help us a little further- Well, and EYe-Advice rree 11Ycage ' :Ile change in his condition fill 1 be- really, my. lord, this is a Very in- 4M,Prille Ere Rem, edY f.Aaal to give him Baby's Own Tab- teIligent man I'. ,,e, avi lie, the witness \violOcca sionally those lets, but sinc,e then he is enjoying k ) ' little talk too much. .medicine,dealers or stealth113% on, keeping him corn- Bielde's Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it speaks for itself. Years of use in the treat- ment of colds and coughs and all affections of the throat has unques- tionably established -its place ameng the very best medicines' for such diseases. If you give it a trial you will not regret it. Yon will find it 25 cents well invested. Servant---``Prease, ma'am, can you' give ,me -pay character?" Mis- tress -‘`Certainly, 13ridget; but what do you want it for'? You are stirely not going to leave me with- out giving notice first?", Servant- "Oh.neverf ' I' you m am, . m not thinking of leaving you but my sister's going into Service, 'and she wants the loan of it." MURINE EYE REA/1ED? for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes amd granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye,Remedy, Liquid - 25c, 50c, $1.60, Murtha' Eye Salve in good health." The Tablets a TO caution f.ind skill, drawing him uy -at 25 cents; a box,from The Dr. Wil- pletelyin the dark al'c't thC" real Thoekvi1le p9int of attack,,. the little -sergeant tlie man Wa's 'in the who say' but hIlnard's Liniment for sate everifwnera. waite'l 1111211 mesh'e and then flew at hini' and , But the gesslP crop is shook him 'as, a 'terrier would ,a rat. • storage clays out. of seven. had more humor, ,and rr,orc power. - YOui ewn eake, don' wait ,Snme uteri keep June in "The 'hie,- sergant': (Armstrong) -4. resoure-e ,11ottil appens It may be a . • ‘, . • e ' lova less, dext.er , , . H headache, toothache, earaChee, Or - an( . ever " TT. wean'on was mdieule• e , , • Only ono "Imemo QUIRINE" gre- • i . p niut, oxe?.p.elyt. for -tha natnte$ 01..E. GItOVE. lised'tha . body else laugh. The witness' , That iv LAXATIVE,131t0fd0 QtriNINSI, „Look rlauglier-i al the YY1-rless , Wizard Oil:will Cure , Get a bOt- e.World ovsig or to Ciire Cold 2.5e e`"elY 111(1,t his terriney, tle, -now; . _ said the '.„ .i..g. :, -. ..' .., a --h sn-wm t, hend Fine- eptec Il teir21tutowpoudel-' Dumey7-Im sure ye eyouago liai.rt)rto n • • 'ill,have to eat plam.footand tay out late atniht.V Plied the-parent;:thetees.whatJ lave been thipene.eveeSince yc Sentin yeur at 1.1ninisni Bpi 0,,i/ 1), band,'' Miss Briglifiv.--q" a, -. -off I, of 'the qtiestion,-bit,t 'I nr,sul„ e'mk I'd make you a good husband if I ii:VfVfca" 15 opted you.'. Aliment ,anden,. iiloh8,Cu eulcklY stops cesiibit; cures colds. !meld Om Ousel auditing* * • Z comae; Father (to lazy son)- "I can't im- agine how you can dislike work; to me its real ,enjoyment." Son - "Yes, father; but I don't want to give myself up wholly to plea- sure!" Sleeplessness. ---Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. -Whatever may- be the cause of it, indigestion, nevous -de- rangement or mental worry, try a eolirse of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach whereby the trouble lies, they will restore normal con- ditions and healthful sleep will fol- low. They ekert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is unrest they bring rest. Mr. Baggie---'`Confound that tailor ! These troihers are a mile too long." Mrs. Baggie-"How much shall I turn them up " XT. Ba,ggie-"About half an inch." Slinard'a Liniment Cures Burns. ate. "I made my husband cross this afternoon,''. said Mrs. Caller. wasthat?" queried Mrs. Ho- mer. "He. was" on the apposite side of the street, and I beckoned him to come over," explained the other: Sweet` and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to children, and it does its -Work surely and promptly. Mr. Bilkins (fierce.' ,)-"I owe you a grudge, MT. Wilkins -a', grudge, sir; remember that !" Mr. Wilkins (coolly) -"Oh, that's no- thing! -I shan't be alarmed,, for I never knew yOu to pay anything you owed 6 sores, Zara -Bid; is absolutely un- equalled. ttne box all druggists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Toronto, for price. Try Zarts- Buk Soap!. Only 2.5'c tablet. Tim -"Shure, the doctor says I've got tobaccy heart." Sandy- "Ye're safe then, Tim. If it's any- thing like so strong as the tobacey ye- smoke ut'll shtand anything." , 0 Ornel pou SALF.---150 res goo ideal fa 1.▪ stark farm or gtune rrefie front- ing w.1111 three hay's onto Lake Restaule. Clutarta. Fish. and game alundaat. V44443Tw Appy 11. Szulth, ADENTS WANTED, CIANYASSERti WAN fRO UeelOY Tk„.„. paid, -,Alfred Tyler, Louden, Onvarip,, romoram.•••*nvernonsemarno...... GENTS WANTED. -$5.00 a day easy, No experience needed. Sells on saght. Absolute necessity to farmers. Does work of' thirty •11,1041. PaYs for itself in ane hour, Write to -day. MODERN MACH, WEB), CO., ED(1pt,, 5), Sarnia, Ont. NV AT,F.F2?9ei,ltirg bread. Salary 2 dollars per day and com. mission. 'Experience unneceSsary. J. Xt. Nichols Co„ Limited, Toronto, A GENTS WANTED, --A study of 01.4404 ,1-1. Agency propositions convinces 10 that no can equal ours. You will al ways regret it 11 you don't apply to particulars to Travellers' Dept., 22 Albert St., Ottawa. miscELLANEous FeSOALES, acifltzce.Vrisonabueg9tpaogT000to! TJ (GS FOR HATCHING. Red Cap Buck Eyes, White, Barred Rock B ack Minorca a. Write Geo. Pollock Milton Heights, Ont. A. Safe Pill for Sufferers. -There LEARN THE BARBER TRADE -NE ystem-constant practice - caret are pills that violently purge and insteusotion-a few weeks' complete cour -tools free., Graduates earn twelve ,eighteen dollars weekly.. Write far cat logue, Itoler Barber College, 221 Quo& East, 'Taranto. fill the stomach anti intestines with pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be eon- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. "Are you feeling very ill?" ask- ed the doctor. "Let me see your tongue, plea,Se." "What's the use, doctor ?" replied the patient. "No tongue can tell how bad I feel." I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. . I got my foot badly Jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. MeMULLEN. Mrs. Henpeck ---‘‘p, you reliter- ber when and where we first met?" 11-enpeck-"Yes, it was on Friday, the thirteenth day of the month; it was at a dinner -party and there were thii.teen at the table." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS • Your druggist will, refund money if PASO OISPI - NI:7;NT fails to cure any case of Itching, Itlind, Illeeding or Protruding P1101 51 6 to 14days, 60c i THE MULES, OE CHINA. , Nortl-Lehixia iS noted for rearing the best mules -in the.Middie 'drn. 'P ki ' oe lig one W, see mules ,quite as _good in ever respect • as the llissotiri and Ecritticky prti- dvict. The finest ,are etn1)10,y,ed b'y Chinese officials and' ot,1),ct', wealthy men to draw their "Peking ca_rts.'1' 'mese, Peking ..carts have been un- F 511 recently" the only vehicleused by the -Chinese to correspond with pleasure , carriages in this Countryel. Now the inore Proigressi,ve".of veal -thy Chinese are bee'inniroe. to- - use niocein eal,lianes. The latter, how-creer., etia only be .used, citY str<_,ets., The, Country roadt worse than any dirt .road that Ibe found in, this country -5114 carriage lattilt could make a joui., over then) without., b reaki n 'do 1 ANCEjt, TUMORS, LII'MPS, etc. 11( ternal and external, cured withoti pain by our home treatment. Write ti before too late., Dr. Bellreati Medical Cot Limited, Ceiling -wood, Ont. TON SCALE. srcial price. Wilsonl 5 Scale Works., splanade, Toronto. WOMEN WANTED to take orders i spare time, no experience nee sexy. Our lines especially used mothers and. girls. Apply Dept. A., Bri ish Canadian Industrial Company, 2 Albert St., Otta.nat. r11110 Children's Memorial Hospital .1Montreal, .-Que., is enlarging i nursing staff, and is prepared`to applications from young women of goo education who are desirous oi becomin trained nurses. Application forms will forwarded on request. Accepted appl .cants will be, given a thorough trainiegi all branches of nursing. Address all coni munications to Lady Superintendent. ASKATOON WANTS AGRICULTUI ,ISTS in all branches. Poultry fern ers, 'market -gardener's, dairy farmers an hog raisers are badly required. Prices ar very high; demand great and supply tri ling. This is your opportunity. Bei ter write for particulars to Commissione 'Board of Trade, 'Saskatoon, Saskatch wan, Western Canada. PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consul( us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices - in drugs of all kinds, Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure, meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for anything sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Bella -Ian, -CollingWood, Ont. " , Bad habit,i' don't' seem so bad if .they are yours. 't 'There, May be other. -corn cures, bpt Halloway's. Corn Cure, stands at the hea.dof the list so far as re, sults are concerned. „ -.A Mon was groaning because of his -aching teeth." ‘`WhY: 'clont you, go to the dentist asked:one of his friends. 'Oh, haven't' get 'the nerve,"; was the reply. "Never mind that," i•ePlier41`the friend, "tho dentist will! 'find the''' nerve :al l righty",,, • - , _ 4 4