HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 5Professlonaal Lards, Fertilizer For Sale U. A. R. KINSMAN, L. L1. Q; D A. S.+ Honor graduate of Toronto Untvexiety.,; DENTIST, 'tem; extraeted without any pain, or say bad effects Olen oyer (Madman Ae Staubury's office, Main street >sxyitar Medical RRIORT, N. D.. M.C. P 44S, ioNOIi H., Graduate otToronto Uniyersity: Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Boepitai, etc. Odleo and Residence „Pr. Amos` Old Stand, Andrew trees EXETER,, DIL. QUACKENBUSH, Physician, Surgeon, Ac• coueh tr, Oace, Dr. Rollins' old oiace. Main Street. Residence, corner Jatnes and Albert streets opposite Jauaesstreet 31ethodi•tG parsonage,. Phone. Oce, 39 a; Residence 39 b.` lb tenni D aRIQHSQN & OARLINO, tsL STElx.S, SOLIDI _LAT torr, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner Solicitors tor Motions Vasa ,role" ,lre%.y to Loan at lowest ratesof nteres 4»ce',liainstreet.Exeter,: ' lt. Omettns, B.A.,. L. II. Dieser MONRY TO LOAei. Wehave stargeamount of private tondo to loan Afarmandslflagepropertiesatlow rates of inter est °LADXAS & STAiSBURY, Barristers,, Soliettota,tlialnat..Exeter On r. SBNIOR Agent Confederation LifeAssurance Company'. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Oanadlan and British Companies. Maixt-Sit„ Exeter. MUSIC MISS DELIGHT HOBBS, Violin I; struct,or, James Street Parsonage, MISS LILLIA ELL1OT CONCERT • SOPR.ANR I'OPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS,,- r,,E1N',i"Ret.I,.xA., ONT. LICENSED AUCTIOiVEER WM. ANDERSON. Liecatsfd Auctioneer for Chiron County. Terris reasoa,able., Dates ran he made at tte Advo ate; Exeter. or I3enry Eiiizer's Office, Cred- iton. . . CAk :LIN( Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ductlnS auction sales. Exeter, Ont. C. A. 'LIOUZEl, v, S. Graduate of Ontario. 'Veterinary Col- ; ;ne:ituer Ontario "Veterinary Med- ical Sciaty ; treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals on scientific prin- ciples; modern surgery a specialty. Op- erations on ,Launp Jaw guaranteed sat- isfactory, Calls sty day or night promptly attended to. Office--:Bain-st., Exeter. Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone In connection.. SEED EARLEY FOR SALE rtunntity of lianclauria. Seed Bar- ley for sale, grown ,fr3na selected seed for tour years. W. D. SANDi9ILS, EXETER TEACHER WANTED For S. S. No. 4, Usborne, holding a. second-class certificate. Duties to com- mence after midsummer holldfays. State salary. Apply to W. H. COATES, Sec. -Tress;, Exeter; SEED OATS FOR SALE 200 bushels Lincoln White Seed. Oats Tor sale. One of the leading .Oats int a field- competition at Guelph. ' ,Jahr!, T. Hirtzel Crediton, P.O. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE Two lots of 1-5 acro each or ;the corner of Carling and 'Sanders street for sale. Apply to Mrs. Elioitt Carling st., Exeter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. That desirable property on William Street owne.d by Mr. Thomas May is offered for r sale. It con,sists of two lots an, winch there ins a conlfo'rtable brick dwelling of eight rooms with a good cellar and furnace, also a stable. There is a variety of large and small Ystaits. For particulars apply. to JOHN MAY, or J. G. JONES. FOR. RENT Thirty acres of land, ready for crop. Privilege of drawing crop off the place. Anumber of acres of pasture land bo sent ; also a number of cattle pastured by the season. BL.tiTCHFORD THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE Decker Threshing Machine in fair, con- dition,, together with Decker Steam Trac- tion Engine. Machine is self -feeder and supplied' with blower and cutting appar- atus. ., For particulars apply to • WILLIAM '.HORN .Woodham PO:. 5000 Cedar Posts ,for Sale Our posts are the finest quality and for size' we have nothing less titan r 6 inches at. snnll 'end. • Our prices are right for we have them tosell. G. E. PACKS, Centralia.' White °Wyandotte; Utility Eggs For tiatching $1.00 for 15 eggs; $1.75' for 30 eggs; Incubate loots at reduced rates. Waite CHAS. F .PIOC?PEi , Box 157, Exeter, Orit, Canrnng Factory Contracts On and after Feb. 11th The Exeter, Canning and Preserviing Co„ wail be ready to make contracts with farmers for the growing of stuff for the: factory. Apply to the )manager, S. M. SANDERS o'. Ravin, purchased a large quaztti- ty of 'Beet, Cora, Grain and Garden Fertilizer, also Lawn, Dressing,. can sttrnish same to farmers and others in any quantity. CAR. WILL ARRIVE ," Monday, Depot y l,st at ;tie Exeter Our fertilizers have no equal and is sure to Sive the beetof satisfaction. AVM.SHROEDER, Dashwood. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITIUJE, ETC. ON JAMES STREET, EXETER, on SATURDAY, APRIL M9.th, at 1.80 o'clock, the fotlotwing property, viz - 2 bedroom sets complete, 2 bedsteads 1 aingIe,bed, 3 mattresses, 3 sets .bed springs, couch, extensgon table, centre table, 2 small tables, drop leaf tablet kitchen table, 2 toilet sets, 6 perforated chairs, six diningroAp a chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, a rocking chairs, 1 sofa, glass cupboard, bureau, 3 atartds', pictures, 1 orgaxi and stool, hanging.lamp, 3 table lamps, lounge, about 50 yards rag, car pet and, severer rag mats', coal heater, nearly new' with oven; 0ommode chair: Happy Thought range, coal or wood, 2 woad heaters, weed coals stove, washing machine, wringer, carpet sweeper, waltla better, wash tttb, stove pot, :flour eiaeat, quantity dishes; step ladder, wheel bar- row, lawn mower nearly new; about cords liurdw^aad, a number oP sealers, quantity of preserved fruit, a number Of cedar 'posts, a lot of summer kindling wood, 2 flower• stands', forks spades, shovels, dishes, and a lot of other use- ful articles, TERMS —CASH. Ialzzlo k rayne B. S. Phillips, Propricta`ess• uctIpneef FOR, SALE a, A beautiful home composed of part lot 15, on. 1., Tpwnshlp of Usborne In the ti'illeSe of Exeter, e;aatainIng 7, 1 acres of land. On the premises is an up-to-date two story brick -louse with dining room, Parlor, alx largo bed. roazla, kitchen and woodshed, largo; celslr, well furnished with up-to-date sur ;tare, )oft and hard water with dog power to drive water to barb. Up-to-date honk barn 12n32 finished In the tnosi' modern style for ;horses, rattle, and 1zo2;s. Dive house 22z30 and hen house, Sm 111 ore, and of winter apples also a ;gard^13.1 of )mall trusts. 3 acres ready for cnop the balance In grass. This le ;i very desirable property and must be t laid as the py:',3PI-letor's health has; failed and he )rust take it easy for a time. Easy terms of Paymernt. Fpr terns and particulars apply to Thos. Prior on the prrrltPses 13f Tilos 'Cam.c3J0n, A otioneer, •FPargu,har P. O. FOR SALE Sin horse Pow- e Engine St Our G tsolln lagi Gald:,a cC i<.LcCullough snake. Sante la good condition. By order of the Caun ell. T. B. CARLING, Clerk. Horse Cards HORSEMEN -Now is the time to get your Horse Cards printed. You are assured of the best of workman- ship and reasonable prices at The Advocate Office Fine Cuts, Fine Cards, Prompt Work and Right Prices will give you Real satisfaction. NOTICE FREE—And remember we give you a free rnotice of the. route for two weeks, which in itself. is well worth the price of the whole job. You -will find it to your Advantage to have your work done at the Advocate Office Fresh roceries We are now well establish- ed in business and -we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all the time." All kinds of produce taken in exchange. - JAS. GOULD` Flour Several Brands. Manitoba a specialty. Lime A good stock always on hand` ement Durham National Pa land Cement is the best. C '. Seldon, Exeter 1 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQ,RIA £ �13AI FQR: SALE BY TENDER.. Tenders will be received by the under-, signed up to and son the i:;3t1a May 'for the purchase of. N. Pt. i,7,: Gens. Y,+ Lon- don Road, Township of Stephen, contain 25 acres, -On the, premises is -a ,goad brick house, kitchens and, woodshed with hard and soft water, a ban barn, 32x45 ; also hen- and pig house. Large. orchard •a'f choice: winter, fruit, also a arden, of small fruit. Abundance of any water. This is a desirable Prop- erty, near town ,of Exeter and must be sold. Easy terms er payment. For terms and particulars apply' to THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar P. O. Breeding Horses VICTOR, 61277, is a pure-bred Iipport ed Percheron stallion, of great size,fine build and ,good pedigree, will leave his' own stable at Ztzriobi on Monday and go to Dashw,opd and Dinney Bros.; Tues-: day to Crediton, for noon and night: Wednesday to— and Centralia r+or, night r Thursday to Wan. Coates' to the Commercial Hotel, Exeter; Friday to Peter Muscat's, thence home to Zurich. W. H. BENDER, Prop. and Manager. THOMAS CARLYLE, No, 13.870, is pure-bred imported elydeadaie stallion, of goad pedigree and an excellent record Re will stand at :his own stable, Cen- tralia, except on. Wednesday of each week, when he goes to Josh. Hardings, Con. 9, Usborne, for noon, C. 1I, BASXERVILLE, Prep, and .Masai' LORD I'IOWATSQN, 11400, 10703, an imported pure-bred Clydesdale stallion of sound body,: fine 'pedigree, good record, .Monday will leave home, Maguire, to Pat Doyle's, to Ilu,;h Carrol's, 131ddulph,, Tuesday to ttleh. Coates, to Gannet, h rayne's till Wednesday noon. then to Robt, Oarrol's Stephan, for night. Thursday to 1-ferjnan Oestrelcher'a, to William M1:il'a Stephen, Friday to Jos, Guatnitl's, to Wm. A1: taon's, vitt Mt. Carmel, for night,. Saturday to his own stable, Con. J. dfeGithvr?,y, u:;,t11 the next Monday^, T. W. "HOI.IGSON, Proprietor B;1,SI'ZER VILLE, Manager. ZURICH. lllss Agnea '.Kaereber is hose via£ring 1,r p31'ertta. 11r. F. Kibler and laugh - r Mss Tillie, of Listpwel, visited re- ttivc;q a ;d friends here last week.—Mr. ll;rrotd Appel, of Seaforth visited his p3.a,rnts ASI, and Mrs, E. Appel, over trine liolldays,---Mr. William Vender has intoe std a fine *qa;y pr},g,htt&3n stal lt�a f::1n Illinois .1It stands 'over 17 lands hi.;h, and 19 a fine, Jo,lang an - Misses Iietdentan of Detroit vlsittl t)elr plrnnts, `lie. and, drs. Rud- olf held"nozrt.—b'rank 13assow left oft Thursd ty for 'D:trait, where rte will re main To:' the summcr.—llr. and Noss, ., Theo ;`SeAdam9 and son Wilhelm, t:f Detroit, visited ltr, an,d Mrs, \Vna. 13ase- ow, Bronson Line. It Grows Hair BUT NOT AFTER TIIE, HAIR ROOT IS DEAD. W. S. Cole will tell:ytou that he.sells a great many bottles of Parisian Sage because it gives satisfaction. Pse• gu trantees it to eradicate dandruff stop falls 13 and slitting hair and itch- ing scalp, or nitsnoy back. Paidsialt Sage will snake hair grow if the hair root is. an'gt -dead; it !puts life and luster .into dull and laded hair, and Is the angst delightful hair dressing t the worid. Only 50 cents a large bottle. Parisian Sz„e is the best hair grower tad beautifier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our money back plain. HENSAr.L Mise Grace Couzens la on the sbelt , Weismilier left for the,West on Tues(3,ay.-T,he new Queens Hotel. is ag. preachin completion, -Abe Chesney of Toronto was bare visiting his parents. —lir. W. Couaeh,s teacher was home for the Easter holidapis,- 1fr. McLean; son of Hugh McLean merchant, who recently carne here from, Calgary, hassecured a •position in a repeating office in Bur- lington,—J. McD:oueil is in Sit Joy seph's Hospital London, -A Whiteside lett for Port Arthur oa Tuesday. It is his intention to .bring his sister -In-law a;74 children back with him to reside In I.ensalL—Rev. John Tart ,of Corinth, visited with his: daughter Mrs. P. tladde t.--Vi11 Buchanart is boast:: Iron) the west,—R. Cudntore Is busy putting in the foundation for the now' hotel.— Mrs. W. S'iirray of Detroit is visiting here. James Coxworth has gone to the west' oa business.—Bolo Twitchell has lett sea, fortis for Edmonton, where he proposes to Pocate., Tne late Duncan McEwen was born in the county Of Carleton. At the age of tan years he snaaved to the township of Hay, about 3-4 mile? south .01 Hertsall on the London Road, and, lived there un- 11' his death recently. HO was twice married, his first wife being Catherine ,MeEwei), By this union be had three sons and one daughter, Duncan of New Zi rest1x':inistcr, Dr. Joint. of Galt, Ven. 11cgwe:1 attending Toronto Un.iversit9. o ad Jessie at home. His second mar• ria pe was to 'Miss WAN Krueger of heat Zan; ieb, some 21 years ago. By this alar rtt,c he had four s,ar„s; and one (laugh - tor, William la Alberta, .Alpine, :Almond Earl and Nora at home-, He was sixty- four years of age. LUMLEY. . i.3rinera are all busy putt,ni, in t'v, ared.. It is late thls year, --Master 00,11t and Miss Gladys Broadfaot have re -0=1N front a visit to their grand-. mother ::ear Brucefield,--)frs. Thomas Dickson and Mrs. Jos. M'cLinchey- of Ssoafortlt were visitors here over Sun- d.ly.•-Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Jackson .of G.istowcll spent the week end with, the 1 tter's mother, Mrs, films, Glenn. -Mr,. and Mrs. -i'.111. Glenn went to :Drayton the. first, of the week to attend 'the ,fun eral of a relative, who was killed all. Parry Sound. --Mr. .Jas, }Torten was 'tit Forest 111e be;inning of the week: ltes- ors. ,7. T. lAtitchell a.3d Franklin Hos- ton, with their families. spent Sunday with ,alt, RR;er sales ~;:ear Meai';artlt.-- 14r. V. Hort o.t is Glavin; the interior +�f ids residence nicely decorated,—Mra, I;ull trd of liersell was a visitor here o; Sunday Last. CO12IBETT—A very quiet wedding was $01e1531704 on April 03111, at the :u fuse, Grand Bend, by Rev, S. A. Gxrriere, when '[Nellie R. youngest dao- ;:Jibe z of Mr. and Mrs, M. Aldeislon, of Sep t s, was united In lnarrlage to/ tilt William Isaac, of the same place. Tao bride was beeonningly attired In a' b,tutlful costume of grey with hat to. * match.match.'1'�c •wish them 1 son, and nappy wedded life. IIII.ILIERT--A P'-onecr settler of Hibbert, passed away on, Tuesday of last week; in the person ,of Henry W,inslaw, alter a short illness. At the age fat 21 yeard lac came to this country from Troland: Deceased, who celebrated the 60th an- niversary of his wedding day 2 years ago, is survived by his widow; twely children, thirty-four grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. KIPPEN.—The firm of Balfour & Cus- -sons, who have been carrying on busi- 1?a-ss here for the past Tour years, have sold their store and good -will to ?,1r. Jacob Deitweller of Moorefield, who. cornea to our village very highly recom- tn"•tided.—Alex. Monteith has boon ad- d4,rt to his possessions, having pur- e:lased the farm of .the late Thtos. Mc- Kay. This farm contains 60 acres and s a rune property. The price paid was $9•,500. Czr eTi�. ,w4xoles®fie The most digestillle of nottri endo btevera$es ALE and. STOUT Creates appetite; males ,meals taste better; brings healthy sleep Keep it :,always in the bOUrpe, Your cher sells it, or you can order direct. 21 John Labatt LONDON - CANADA. LUCAN—Alex. W3.1ficka who was fined $311.60, with the ol'ttion3 of tel?days its Jail, by. Squire C. W. Ha[rrkshaw o1 Lucaat on a charge of being drunk and disorderly, was takers; tp the County Friday n1Qrztl.ng to serve bit; tern?, as he did ~fort'sect Ilia tea” Glea' ,to Py tris line. ; PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer -from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, ;send 3120 your address, and Will tell )'Qll 13Qw 10 cure your- self at house by the absorption' treatment ; and -rill also send some of this Lome treatment free for trial, with references from yr0Tlr own locality, if re- guested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send 3;10 mono '- but tell others of this offer. Write to -day. to lqrs. Summers, Box 840 Windsor, CANA AN PALAFic IIESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Matt att Spedal Trains leave Toronto 2,00 a,ra. as APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 18, 28 ,JStiiE 13, 2l JULY 11, 26 AUG, 8, 22 SEPT, G. 19 Secnad clans tickets from Ontario assign to FettciPal. 1'iscalyrztt ee oa*t LOW ROUND-TRIP RAT:S lliitaoi .c and return $33.00; F,. dazorator, and were $111.00 and to, other paints Ia propee,s , "Picket* POO/ to centre within 60 days £mast $grog dot, , TO1,RIST$LEEPtNG CARS oa all rxcursons. Camfartabte berths, fol?an .o.33,4,3•4 I. with bci3 ani , eaa be,ccwucd at moderate r;lt tal014,14 local ,stmt„ Early appllretion must be m- no A5I Fort HOMESEgitERS' PARAP,lit.4r eo;ataiataa ratssadtell ia.aratano-. ApPtytaasdtc`tCPR..AetntortaR,L. x .von Dat. Pan, A8t,, 'I gmpto, NL OtREGT LINE 60 CliRilSl, OF Dr, Order the Guaranteed Next Time , Bread If )rightly used Cream of the West Flour wille the lightest, m ak hflakiest, most nutri- tious bread you have ever tasted, If you haven't tested it order a bag next time you go to the grocer's. Cream We'eta °.^ r theloue the bard Wheat flour guaranteed for breed Fro'=oC1OC10t 10n=io1=2O1=1ac3OcZOI o 1;1 t„. . E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the "West lir. "" Flour is a superior bread flour, and as such is subject to our absolute guarantee—money back if not satisfactory after a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to return price paid by customer; on return of unused portion of bag if flour is not as represented. Tice Campbell Milling Co. Limited, Toronto. q.eq :;Y11.1 Archibald Campbell, President yrr,r4 LOQol�ot.=00=I0 E.5 .j.} 11=1 0 G3 0 I= of=OL„0 Add water 'to milk— You weaken the milk. -. Add soft wheat to flour— You weaken your flour. Cheapens it too. Soft wheat costs less -worth less. . Soft wheat flour has less gluten less nutriment. Your bread is Hess nutritious, sustaining, economical. Soft flour has less strength, less quality gluten. Giving less good, things for your money and things less good. Use Manitoba flour- Manitoba-' hard wheat flour. Having everything the soft stuff lacks. Five Roses is alt Manitoba. Without a grain of cheaper wheat. Strengthen your food values) Use FIVE ROSES. 01101111 1 t'�{IIIIli ,q ��{,It,,.,t Irl + � L � �. Ulilt,' - IIII��� � jj f 1` illlh���a�111�I111Nliliiil!ilIlll Ili{11181llflhI11{fIIINIIiiiifiliI1I !� 1 tllill1011IQ1 i�1111iI llhIInnhiI111�{ Ilhlili�1111iN11IIl�Il�l10►f111111 Illlllllilllhl; �4r1li1llilli lll .�w77 11111111111111111111111 SII'111111111111111111111111111111111111111INk��11111111 i iiin11111i CAKE 0 IME «0008 M,a.L 0NG 0o,$4•An 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 001155 'ta