HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 4xkejI 1brfocatv9, Sandler s & Greece . Frops -Eau RSDY, A PR. ` .. A,.ccorditr 'ho the :report oft -he i1i:lte- ter of Educatio=r, eehool teachers thru- -put the P='avtnce are getting higher s11 - arses'. than. they did a year ago. Ttt ur )3 11 h:96ls the average salary for males i s :;1009, ar iner_ense of $14aver 1909, :k:; d: Por Ieraaa/es1532, an increase of, fir+ I;: rural. scr,dols the average tor ntalea has increased $r2 beim: now d3 azael fe sales iz1 these acho+ais are 8 rerelviug $17 more, the ;average being. ;39 The roe t act .f.,'or prir;tiing a special is aue of postage stamps to ae 1pierwn as: e Coronation issue has been awarded . to the American T$PA:kir Nate Cotllpany. asd it is expected that they ,will, be L tribtt ea r<7&ghoui the country by .Iris; Bra, ttte icing's. Birthday. These .#17,0411P4 will he 0ub14 the size gar ti e ard:,r:ary number Wil be printed, as !rx the case of the a ueltzeo Tereectteap,'ry issie: , The r.taw Iwai -cent stamp Por or bearing ib daead, of the new 34'4.3 'w111 aot be MAY :01r 94:11 e tinrea ;at. 1� raz T +$ by xv' ':Iiclu it to C1:l+rIM:TO 1. quite a number 4+ our people ,gave h.� 3 attendirf, the sessions of The Can- adian Conference of the Evaugellcal, church in, zur•iett the past week, Rev, E. 'EI, Braila who has +been; the pastor here t. tt past five years, has been transferred. to Tavistock and Rey. Bern, who was stationed there for a like term; will conal l:ere.• It is expected. that Rev. Baan will, Preach ids farewell sermon riezt SundaY. Samuel Brown, has purchased an auto- mobile from bir.. Krug of Ctesley. Tbey autoed, v, Bright on Tuesday. This nukes three for our tewtx. When tine railroad comes we will make the natives sit up and take notice. Editor Wickwire of The Star was ir- dlsposed far fn few days last week, but is back again• i1't fi'r's sanctum Sanctor- -nun. Rev, Oecl' 4 33r4wta of Chesley visit- ed his l :tiler .0erfttlob and lAtstf r, Mrs,. Unary iNfetz, on Monday. Wm, Witze1sem t a few day's last weep lar, TTerr&tltozx, visiting friends, The past week two newly 3nathrted roup.'les Came to tetw a and are now get ittg settled in their respeetlye Hosier. �Mrs. reser to:W. arid Fred. Young i 3 Mr. and Mrs Edwin Beaver, ' 5a e te.:d to ttzere grtr very he ,*-best, evmr gla.tulations and wish. them every NIP- py:'easdaring their married AM- A teLep.3aone 1;04% 'J ett ilosts.Lled art tt.il p=' atilt; affiee, We are pleased to lear & that G, SV4j is health Itas inlp€eved and zu to walk, around Q4r donors µ.^,day Inertring and everting a: ti.ta village wvrre aiateu th of 00 ryamd art: sllikirtg` tnear,m?ark it ,Western, very fi141� a alt t ,,.ptPtllr,a .'.rlarllt wvlklx the fatlz eat tIr$ f vel an addtt:og', znel7r tuna or 'rttallea everg'. t of its ItP1 ^: 3 ilusi to a pt apoats- itSe e:v. t4 lAsten t yg. WaiQ 11:1'z the mar.t are loat;li to lose a good citizen, even thOu,;li his bees: may cause amlt,oyalice sant' quarters, Lie Trustees; of Our village have de- cided to spend $1200 in cement side- walks this summer. A by-law for the fia,rrying out of the same 'was :"voted on. last Monday with,,the result that not; fs solitety vtote was cast against It. Whenthese walks are completed Ceti, traiia will then. lie one, to't the ,neatest azul cleanest villages in Western on- Carie, BRE S ER, Faxnxers are busy now on t he land.- . Wm. Begin is home suffering with bleed. poisoning. He is getting along as well as can be etpeeteci: Mrs, J. Wade, son and grand -daughter, visited Wath tiers, J, Begin on Sunday Mr, Pe, r Disjardtne of the B. Line is ksie . 'We lro.,L?e tp. roan, See fiins, well. again. - Mr, D, Das.lardine is still confined to his ted.; Mr,. At Ratgia spent Sunday under the parental riot. Baker,-WWaxager.-A. quiet wedding wee soleninzied at the home of the bride's ;father, Mr, A. Warr-er, on 'Wednesday pril 19th, when his youngest laugh `er, ?glary, was united in marriage to Mr, M. Baker, all A+ Stephen:,, Rev, e, A. Carriers officiating. We extend to tate you;, ' eptple eongralulatiens and ',naiehes for a la':,g and hagP;l- weld- ed lite, s o'Egmand Ayietett ?.. #,rave lest. a ►ai last wwlt t!trona1 e Faille, . who bad ~s, we- are 044 „to' , School opened holidays, with s leacher. . 1 $100 Reward $100. Vie readers' of this paper will be pleased to that there is at least, one dreaded disease thatscience has been able to cure In all its stages, and that i8 Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now knows to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constita- tional treatment. #Tail's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, sctint,direMy-upon the blood. and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the aiir ease, and ,giving the patient strength by buildipl� up the constitution anal assist• ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials, dddress• F. 3, CRENEY' CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by all Druggists, is cents, „ 'Take 1ialt'y Family Inns tor constipation. The ,order for the: chin tor the Chateau Laurier, the new Grand Trunk Hotel at Ottawa, has been awarded tta. the Theodnre Haviland Company o� Limoges, France. !Chis' china la sat a very handsome and PAR.11# paitgltic and wilt be the best that cat! he Awned, out, by this well-known company, and In - eludes Regular Serviee,, Baxigtnet Sera vice, Palm Room or Tea Room Service and a. Pe Luo set for uso-in tiles R;gyal Suite. able men. 1e?«avit visite kik . It hildren Cry FOR FLETCHE i'S I A MpORESVILLE-Quite a number of. farms have changed hands in Biddulph the pant week. We1Ui:1,gion gargarn and T. Tid%laran, have exchanged tams, while T,+ewls has sold his 0 -acre 'fares „tr. "argatir leg a good figure._ 0 P to Atr..10.t11:t ter i a.'vbaib6AJtg g it1 t. $vigl�,li«x:31, kl "0 1w: 'in a tank t0 a tlr tk a Till tit« Il orf «,.roltnad A;atarr;?e a.cere hi no,at91lt her V01,:e n ,,.„3znA4rAs. '1i treat ramal ,7tB oaf`-`tl3i? �tl`tIR 6;ia>4 l.. it 1s IPO maty 'rt/ ha ou't*t!4*aslmly, THE EXi-'eI`F.it :t lI7NF: The Council slot in the Town ILalI, Aoriday� evening, April Z. Ntembere all Present, with the exception or Mr. Wai- ves; Minutes of last meting' were read. approved. Levert -Day -That ' lite foil owing ac' ca>urats be paid; -Paul Coates. Treasur- e. of Uebaranr, ro•o4 scraper $4l0 ; :las. Murray Son, water supplies $'5.01 ; Dickson ik Carlin,: legal tees, .14;' Harvey Bros., coal Towtr. I alt, $12,61:;; Brown Braa., hook for Treasurer, $0; W. x Carltn , brooms, ;00c.; 3. Nor-; xy, labor wterw,orket, a6.4t) G. Atkin- son, 'c1.7 5 ; D. Russell, $1.7:1; 3. Lydd '1.75; 3. Glouc:ner V1..75;1T. ICeatie 1.. ra; li..Se &leen 7; .7tt; (deo. Cudntore iaowse and rte drawing stone, ?3.7,; P. Sweet. allow.a'ura .tan drain, t/ 1.25;: Thos. 73rock, rep. drain and cleaning street bir. N. D. Hurdo:tl waited on the Coun- tit re. %v',ties laying* on the sidewalks natal road err .lain street, asking to have removed. Na action 'taire.t. lair. Gtadmmn presented a petition sign ezl by a. 'nuinbsr' of ratepayers residing on Albert Street, asking to ]&ave mains s2:d, Rivers -Day' -That the petition be fated. -Carried. The prayer of a petitL m to have Hur- on Street 'Watered from Ma -In to Carlin.; •w•as granted on r btion of Levett and: ii iters. 13y -laws No. _, app;a.nting T. B. Car - claw Mites: F+^ tv, s • wb4i gals 'particultir litkt*, anrdtr, win loots 1y , ora^ villa„, e w3'll dui 1,ceri ora to. strata' r t 4l, itay,> ai may "d )f till .t rttis- 3`cd t1tzi1 n tits,' e enerl Otto In hortics a1agl and theca b1' tom - (From Another Source.) Ce t rattit3Ai1Ilona are extended to > . Fred �'ta tbg and 'bride wb;7 was former- ly boss Vitae -i11 gains, The marriage tock place itt IVyominb on ',, ednoaday of last week, at the home of the bride's irl t r. They will reside Lai, Crediton.. Edwin Beaver and bride, nee Pius Evelyn Kerr, also have ,bur congratulat- ions 7n their marriage which took place itt Toronto on. 'Tuesday -of last week. r+'OR BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. The simplest and most effectivereuz- ady for sick kidneys` is ,Bjooth'a Kidney Pitts. If there Is weakness, congestion inflammation ;or soreness, Booth's ICid- t;ey Pills quickly relieve it. They gent- • lie futlel'e la, & a~1rs, Lase. )Ti ss llfae M sf Detlrcait 1s visiting friends ateihltborirood --Quite a number cf tarIU I e i1a rials neighborhaod iiaS iilnwed tkreie sluing plowing; It ilea v Rhee Iletwits� they will be suite busy for sr»ne weeks getting their crops /It. Thos. and ripper Rowland has 'bought '10 tones terra in. 1VIeGilliv.ray, paying t0r i.t -..a g,aed .tigt1re.:4fias lvelylt Qk Leary of Parkhill is visiting'; lrtenda ln. tine r,eighbor,b od.-John 3. Boland of In. geraoll is home visiting his parents, ri DA.SL31VO0 D E. \f, BROKENS1:iIR.E, Dashwood, Conveyancer. Deeds, Wats, btertgagea a'�d all legal documents carefully and p-onnptiy prepared. Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Rev. S. P. Brow.,, of Regina will oe- snap the •Evargelleal pulpit on Sunday evening. :4Ir s. H. Harris of 'Sarni " mother, lIIrs. Rinker, u+seks. ttss Olivia 'SVeltim, nurse or Hotel Dieu Hospital, 't elnds^ar,. is visiting ber parents Thr a few days. .irs. Fred Jennings. who has beet& vis itiv.,. her parents, Mr. and :ND's, Wm Brown, returned to iter home in. Thed- .ord on Monday. Ltev. A. W. Sauer occupied the pulpit :1• the Evangelical church Sunday morn- ing orn- is& ' and Bev. '� '. 'Yager. hi- the evening.'' ..11n treasurer, No. 7, giving reeve and>Doth were farmer ministers of the con - treasurer power t3 borrow money on +gregalion here. credit of the corporation, By-law No .8, ( Rev. L. K. Eidt will pros i bis tare well season in the Evangelical church next Sunday. Rev.-Eidt will leave next weep :lar ltaltstern, Sask., where, he has been stationed by the conference. Itis! successor wilI be Rev. Gretii;'senbach. c"lepartmexit be instructed to have. Fire Dr. T. P. McLaughlin: received his !Tall kalsoanined.-Carried. Lev ett- Ali jouenunent. T. B. Carling, Clerk lotting'; few' ter he governing of roadbeds: and boul- evards -were read the necessary number .,oi: times and finally passed on motion of Rivers ane Day. Day -Rivers -That the chief of the fire P011. SALE -A good sized frame luiwelling in Exeter, suitable to acco- modate two' families; in good repair; a;f111 be sold cheap. A GOOD SUGGESTION Pnends of the Advocate will advent- -age themselves and all - concerned if . ifae- study its advertising columns. They are: worth reading regularly and it will I1lease the advertisers and very great- ' 2y ,"benefit The Advocate if on reapon dinlg to an advertise:neit our readers sate that :they saw the advertisement its columns, and. alt who pariiculagrly value. the Advocate will: 'i aturalty ap txeciate those,,who advertise in its columns' and give them the preference. For Infants and Children. 1 s Bought *lid You Have >� �a new automobile Monday.. It was brow girt here by Mr. "Iran, Allstein of Park - 1111. =Mr. Henry 'Itiiliert spent Monday at Grand 'Bend. Messrs. M. Mcisaac and Chester' Gaiser lift Monday for Chatham to resume the studies at thee C.B.C. The public school re -opened Monday morning with a number ,of new begin-; :liars. CENTRALIA Spring` seeding is in full swing now among t:he farmers. ,Though some of t:'nem look weary they wear .a 'plea'sant a;riile. .' ?des. Marshall, who was formerly a resident of our village, oat now resides lar .Exeter, is here renewing acquaint.- Rev. cquaint- Rev.R, Hobfia,of Exeter sailed at cine I etnodiet. parsonage on Monday morn tilt The teachers of the Suaday School are ; oid.i ,� 'weekly aireetings• for . the study of the Sunday School "le sons. Tn 'boys have been putting their din- n17_,d tt oil FJ: -..ape for the season's, spat. Challenges will edori be issued to e:irua',Li a• the: surrounding country to .a�••' '[ill with our Lads, who will surely shays, up t.o edvain,tage. CompLtint .has:' ,beer : 1od ed against' F. �.hbo_t's apiary which •trlay necessit- it is 'iremoval' frsin our village. We Simple Remedy ly relieve .it. Tliey gently stimulate, tone .and strength en sick kidneys, drive away back rheumatic pain and dizziness. clear up and reg_ late' the urine and restore a perfect filtering of the t' blood. Best of all is relief is permanent. A11 druggists sells, and guarantee Boa 's Kidney Pills, ::aoc. box. Money back if they fail to relieve. Write to The R. '17-. Boot11 Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont., for a free trial. Sold and guaranteed :in Exeter by W. S. Cole. Go# Father Morriscy's "Not lo" Just In Time To Save His Life. Mr. Aylward's letter tells the story : Campbellton, N.B., Feb. 5, 1909. 'Co. Father-Morriscy Med. During the winter of 1907, •while travelling on the Gaspe Coast,•I contracted a severe Cold which settled" upon my lungs. After.I returned home .I wrote to Father Morriscy explaining nay case. I received a letter from him with a prescription for hist medicine, which. could' not be filled at the time here. After one week's delay I received it, just in the nick of time to saye my life. After one•month's use I felt like a new man. Yours truly, Jno. Aylward. There is riot much time to lose when a cold settles on the lungs. Pneumonia kills }within a week. With Father Morriscy's "No. xo" at hand, you don't even have to wait for a doctor. ''No. to" cures all throat and lung troubles, =It is a reals Lung Tonic, and fortifies against, future attacks.' Trial bottle 2,5e. Regular size roc, at your dealer's, or from rather' Morriscy 1VIediciue Co, Ltd., tiONTREAL, QUE. Sold and guaranteed ill Exeter by W. S. Ho'Key, SUB. SCILIBE ` for the . Advocate` get all ;the clews. CAN -;At the n.lt1&xat vestry meeting tlolj Trinity Church the financial meat for the past year' was read by topla'a warden. James Stanley, and; wl a tlrtalce on hand et *10,, W. iwkallaw wa,s re -sleeted vestry a;1tl 'Thos, Il, Caursey and. Caleb a r vrere appointed rect;or's and pea - artistes respecttvely. An effort is ize nl del to pay at tits-clturch debt, Children Cry FOR FLLETC IIER'S A S # O R I A, NOEl3QXEs T'., l nal*irks Telephone sy`atvt1! 1 ns=° sure lisle from Drinsley t I Da.vts cosipi�,1y instrumento.--Mre. 1 r,0491,Ia13 111 but tis xe 11 as- can be expected - ainghant; has engataed Dello Trod sort --,Tal ler ll a°,aa lw1 S a valua'bie twee by 3 111 ;:r aril bresk21t1 its neck. -Mr, SsaIi l':° ;1 i s op'rnttl up a eenrnt txiocl 'a ^ 11 by T. M.'ka r' of ;1910. Mr, atiwgus litaod, 1+I.S., wrote us,•-• three years old wags tri 1xc td t+u foot with eczema r twenty dilterent ltinda of sales.*s attd washes but could not acini any 11npi`Q}ema011t--ill raft it seemed to bo ettir1b" ^',"orae. F , 1 w,na about discouraged and had lost t,xtrl. in all kinds of so-called eczema cures, wire r I saw ata ad. telling shout 1.1. D. D. Proscription,. I sent for sam- ple battle and the third application con- vinced near that I lead at last a surer cure." Nifr-httt D. T1. D. "did (tar this little boy It will do Tor rutty skin autterer. A.mild, soothing liquid made up 1oft.Oil of Win- tergreen, Tb>ynlol, Glycerine and other in vredients, tt penetrates to the root of the trouble and washes the disease terns out.. 1 Vlay not_ get relief i' Simply write to-daY to the D. 1.). D. 7.abtoratdrles Dept. E. A., 4P Cotbarz,e St„ Toronto, and they will send you a free trial bot- tle. For sale by all Druggists. A QTRUH t.SYSEM THE POPULAR TOURIST ROUTE to. MUSKOI 1, LAKES LAKE OF BAYS TEIIAGAi*LI ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER- GEORGIAN IVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUCHTCI-IING ICAWARTHA LAKES, ETC. ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKER$' EXCURSIONS TO THE WEST AT LOW .' RATES VIA SARNIA OR CHICAGO Literature and full information . from any' Grand Trunk 'Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at Toronto, : Ont. pc1^'1'loess -170+4"1.1-1-1"Ic' 444,1 c3�Rrdr+� Chance for Piano A new upright Grand Piano ,Reg- ular price$325 Sale Price $229. Only one instrument ',will be sold and that to the first buyer, Call earl and let us -. de- monstrate its merits to you, This instrument is on ex hibiton at our store the bal- ance of this week. 5 MART P A number of good . organs for sale $12 to $?5 no; higher. Payable 50c. a. Week. . THE CANADIAN BANK: OF .COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD„ D.C.L., PRESIDENT =: ALEXANPER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER REST, $7,000;000 CAPITAL - $10,000,000 THE SAVINGS BANK DEPAF3TMENCT of The Canadian Bank o£ Commerce will receive deposits. of SI and u ,wardsf on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is n:g, upwards, delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Sniall deposits are welcomed. 234 Accounts maybe opened in the names of two or more persons, to be. operated by any ne of the number or by the survivor. Apia account of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the, money after death, and, is especially useful when a man desires to provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. Exeter Branch. -W. H. Collins, Manager. 8raneh also at Crediton, The IVlolsons Ban Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - Total Assets Qvor $4,000,000 $1,400,000 $44,000,000 Branches in Canada, and ARente and Correspondents in sllthe Principal Cities in the World, ng DENBRleL tiA'";KINO if ISINL'.SS "TiIA141sri4`1'i?.A, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ,. ISIMINIS a#, all Branches, Interest allowed at r heat fxurrellt rate, EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the l)onlilaign Government, :D1oltaolk & C.aiiimo, $oli.eitors;" N.D. HURDO1 Manager, The etxrral public will take notice that I .r. he line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. doing lxusiness in. Exeter in: I3ijhest Alaxrltet Prices Paid for SCRAP IRON, RAGS, R13I3I`3ERS, COPPER, BORSE IIAIR, Etc. All purchases to 1)e delivered to T. H.AN- %EIN%EARDWARE, EXETER where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap ay be left at the surae store, prompt attention will be given, 111x'1. Wexler, -- Junk Dealer, -- Exeter Ul1SCClealllli� AClIV1tiCS Are in fall. swing. ,Spring Bargains in furniture We have a beautiful, selected stock of all kinds of Furniture. T reallythink you would enjoy a walk through our store to see the nine stock e carry. Everything new and up.to-date. There will be the usual amount of discarding and replenishing. This store shouldbe kept in mind, because to forget it, is to lose money To buy here is to be sure -sure or right Treatment and sure of the most for what you spend. We have the ma tresses that will surelylease you, --beautiful art:tickin p 3' i'',a cotton tufted. Regular price $4.00 for M5, while they last. Also the Os- tomore and Banner Spring, Springs 52.50 up. AU manner of bedsteads in Brass, Iron, Enamel and Wood. A 13EV- E Md � ii Undertaking and 'Embalming Purchased BUS. and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I aro prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in - work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech LOTS, For Sale Lots, First class lots in the Great Northern :addition within the city limits" of. Calgary. This is what .the C. P. R. states. - "You can recommend this property to your clients as a good in vestment both sale and profitable. - These lots are selling now at 175.00 each. One-third down and balance in six, twelve and eighteen. months, 6 per cent interest.". If you want to make some money, don't delay in looking me up as this is a chance of a lifetime. Don't for- get that we have farm lands' to sell as well, of the very best and splendid'' 137 situated. T. B. Carling' STRATFORD, CONT. A LARGE SCHOOL. A GOOD SCHOOL THE BEST. This School has a continental repu-. tation for high grade work and for the: success of its students. We have three departments -Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. ..Ambitious young men and women. should send, at once for ours large free catalogue, Write "for it at once and see What our graduates: are doing. This is a igosod time of the year ifor you to enter our classes. Students are eptering each week. , Commence your course at Once. D A.'McLACHLAN, Principal. Boys And Should learn thosesubjects by which they can earn a living. Spotten - Business Co11eges are the 'largest "trainers in Canada, and our, graduates secure the, bestositions. You can' study Y at home, or partiv at home and finish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY. DAY CLINTON . BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTQN•, - PRINCIPAL''. ts„