HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 2THE EXETER ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 27, AIL F+++-1-+++++++++++++.+++.4-4-4-4-4.4-4-4-4,.+++-1/e4s+4-4-4-4-+ OR,.A ...LOOK. . PAST . 4.04-0.4aseasseatselessfa, CHAPTER XIV.-(Cont'd),. have prepared her, Dorothy's Yoke seemed to scatter all her strength, Ae4("i iCrawshaw,ieetonoisrearkne'dey,baismiheadiheinn to erush tint all her courage; she coaM not peak or move. th au evil look in his black e.ye But if she were feeble, Crawshaw he turned and louneed towards the rl lust as Mrs. Fairfax glided was net; with an air of proprietor - to Derry-, side, ship he took Naney's hand. "Here you are at last," she said, "Miss Leicester seems to doubt with a eigh, of r chef; "where have my word," he said, in a voice that you been to ? On, there is MISS. Hamilton, also, Shall we join then),?" -I prefer -to remain, here, ii vou have no objetition," To all •appearances Mr, Darnley 'wee only very languid, very tired, and rather dull. -I an delighted -delighted!" l'ed Mrs. Fairfax, with enthusi- asm, and spealcieg the honest truth. "I have been, dying fer eome con- genial seCiely all the day." betrayed has anger, yet in which his triumph still rang, "perhape believe yon, Nancy.' Dorothy pulsed him on one side, and snatched Naney's two cold hands in her own. Constipation is the root of many forms a sickness and of an endless amount o human misery. Mors Root Pills, thoroughly tested by 'ewer fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 25c, a box. I will not believe it 1 I will t'sding over awkward n10111C*3, 8n4 not!" she said in tones of such her tact certainly .did good east...ice pain that pierced NaneY to the now; but, though she was outward - quick, s'Naney---Naney, say this is ly so easy and IlliSitSpiCioliS, she not true !!'''' was inwaidly conameed with curio. The girl rested her hands in those say, two gentle ones for ene instant, ealornethiug very tote a taagea,„t„ There comes a limit oven to suffer- I don't particularity like the girl. 'Scarcely flattering to my ecou- ing. and her limit had norne- A She is too outspekeo, and much too ia and her guests," sense or nambeess was creeping pretty.., but she ;s ui i1 So rniteli too He was Siiiiiii1;7, bnt his ears were ever her ;wising heart, a dignitY good for this brate." listening for those tones once agaie. born of despair slowly filled her she kissed ettaacy with a allow She was surely very silent. He did very limb; the baPPY Past wa3 of warmth, and then it dawned.on not dare look, for if he did it meant dead; elle had cried for help, for her that perhaps •she had better go freeh terture. deliverance, and none had come, now inaottra, "Oh you know what 1 mean;" elle must' rivet the chains that were "early hairtvatt eleven :., she cried Sirs. Fairfaa, settiug herself to bind her henceforth to one whom alien, with a little shriek, .as she in a luxurious chair and glancing she knew to be beneath the very glanced at her watch. We ehall - up at him coettishly, feeling thatbeats of the field -ea man without get no beauty -sleep. osoodoeight, Ler complexion mast look well in heart or honor, _ dears," to Dorothy and Nancy, the moonlight; then her smile went, She dimly felt ihat Darnley w,a.s nuood...night, you lucky man:, to and she frowned. near her, and, eneonseicately, true orawshaw. To Darnley she gave a "Oh, they are venting te slieterb gave her stren,g,th, she let her eyes coquettish smpe„ us, just when •we are so vomfer- meet Dorothy s, and her pale lips I eGoodsnight, Sir .Derrick,- she table". BOW grave they ail look:" opened- was beginning, when he interrupted She leaned baek in the chair and "I can't deny it, dear," she said, her: unfurled her fan. "Are you dis- ()wetly, 'for -for it is true." a/ will escort, you to the foot of euesing state secrete, you four "You ---you are not going to marthe stairs, fair lath., with your per_ young people 7 How sileut you are ry this " meseion, Doratatt% what are you They, none a them, answered "Oh, don't mind me:" sneered going to do" her, though Miss Chester evinced a Crawshaw, as Dorothy's voiceiT I ' .1. WArl Lt ACCOMPIXU.Y YOH," simmer - desire to giggle, which she managed broke; "You don't seem pleased:ea Dorothy, and without a glaoee, to check with difficulty. at Miss Hamilton having chosen. 1 t as i, a word, to astmey, she mounted the As. they reached the steps Doro le, Miss Leicester." , steps to the terrace, and then thy turned to erawsba*, "Pleased 1" -Dorothy forgot ev- passed into the ball with the other You must forgive me, Mr, erytbing, her duty as hostess, the two. Crawshaw, if I spoke rudely to ordinary eonventienalities of soci,-; Tile 'girl then lett understood her you," she said, coldly. drawing ety, everything but this hideotur action only too well. It was the Naney's trembling band through feet -that Nancy, her dear, true' outward expression of. the hard her arm; "but Please. understand Nancy, was about to give herself to thoughts that every one wowid bare that Miss Hamilton is 'my dearest such a brute as Thomas Crawshaw. i bor against her henceforth, she friend, and I resent an insult to ,"1., cannot -will not believe it!" ---1 stood branded in the worlds eye her as I should resent an insult to tears were coming to her eyes, andt, as a manoeuvring, mereendl,), ad_ myself." ' !a lump rose in ber throat. "Nancy, 1 venturess, who would sacrifice her Mrs. Fairfax shut her fan and sat you must be mad! What has come youth, beauty, everything, for. the bolt' upright. This was going to be to you, darling -don't we make you rsake of the luxury Thomas Craw - amusing with a vengeance! 1happy-do you want to leave rnelshaw's money would bring. Derrick Darnley only leaned still No, no, it is only a joke, or" I She stood with her head erect, closer against the marble pillar; his Dorothy turned suddenly to Craw -land her arms hanging nerveless by face had grown euriousiy set and , shaw-"or, if it is true, yon have her side' and Crawshaw gazed at stiff, and his eyes were fastened on made her promise by some unfairt, her withsavage jey shining in his that slender, .shrinking form before ;means. Yes, yes, I fee' it; I know black eyes. him. it. She would never have done this "So we're quits at last, Nancy, Acting or no, there was such a of her own free will!" - are we'?" he said, with a sneer. "I look of pain and anguish written Crawshaw's face darkened. , u for your good opin- swore to bring yon to my feet; I visibly on her white cheeks and "I thank yo lips, tt atv, swore I'd make you my wife; and oning that it his ion of me, Miss Leleeeter I" he aid, a-iverli, i . you see I've kept my word," -pity. ' • savagely- then he put ins hand on And then turning OD his heel, he Crawshaw smiled almost insolent- 1Nancy's 'shoulder. , "Speak out!" lounged to the room which Sir I'. , he muttered. "Don't stand there Humphrey, with his boundless hos- are young and hasty, Miss like a dog! Don't you hear what pitality, had placed at the disposal Leicester, and so I will pass it over is being said, Nancy Miss Leices- of the millionaire whenever he felt this time," he observed. "Wait," ter gives me one insult after an- inelined to use it. " he added, as Dorothy drew -herself other, and you must set her right." Nancy watched him go with dry, up with flashing eyes, "we shall "Don't listento him, darling, hot eyes, then With a shudder she tome to a more satisfactory cons listen to me!" cried Dorothy, walked across the lawn. . elusion if we refer to Miss Ffamile throwing her arms round the girl's She could -not go indoors yet; she tam herself, as being the supposed trembling form. "Is -is this aw- could not bear to meet Dorothy's aggrieved pasty." • ful thing forced upon you, Or do face, full of oin and undisguised He threw away his cigar, and, you mean to marry him of your own , . mp with great delibesation, he turned free Willi Naney,,you must answer contempt. with she reached' the edge' of Lo Nancy. , the lawn* ehe saw two, forins c,oto- Nancy reared her head, her eyes ,ing towaid-her, ca,aryinp,- something asked, shortly. , went across to those of -the man she . between theme and (evidently mak-- She tried to speak, to meet his must call raaster. At the cruel, ing for the plantation. gaze. Surely he ateuld 'spare, her wicked lookin his face she flinched; She stopped till they eamea She the pain of this publicity -1 She lift- she seemed to see her uncle alone, had guessed their errard. . ed her eyes to his, but at the de- deserted, perhaps dying, for she "The dog is dead, Foster?" she termination and triumph written in. anew Crawshaw would give him no , said, questioningly, 1 Or ‘ ',lee r aid his they fell again,.eyand constrained. r Dorothy broke in hurriedly be- me"IIn. sassy .him of my own free oyes miss,she were in such ag- fore she could find her voice: will, " she said, slowly. and delitat ony ,we, was obliged to give,her poi_ "Miss Hamilton does not desire eeately, son. Pear Zoe! Well, she's out Of to hold further conversation with Dorothy's arms senein t .lackd heir all further hurt• miss She can't' you, Mr. Crawshaw," she said, hold, and she stepped back. get no.kicks now. You'll forgive with trembling. lips. "Then," she Said, -in trembling -me, miss, but ra sooner serve un_ "Does she?" Crawshaw• gave a tones, "then there is nothing h ft ,der -a savage nor e be a servant of short, sneering laugh. "Is that for me to do but to offer my sin- Mr. Crawshaw's." correct, .Miss .t.Hamitton? come, cere apologies to Mr. Crawshaw, Nancy made no reply, and the' don't he shy. 'Why not speak up, and -and to wish you - happiness, men passed on. For an instant she and tell Miss Leicester as you don't, dear." - stood motionless.; then she stretcbet4 Bed fault with as man taking a kiss Derrick Darnley had not moved , • y ,. • • . . out her -hands with a gesture of de - from his future wife, and, witi a- through this short strange' inter- 0„ea • flash of his black eyes. and another view, but at Nancy's'11 a, '-'".. , 9" , curt "If -if I could only die s Zoe shortaugi, e bent forward de- words he Started, and moved for- has died 1,, she -moano,4:- , a liberately and touched the girl's - ward ','. , ,',,: -.• Alas ! Er her the end of hermise cheek with his lips. As she was unmerciful in her ery was not to coma yet. Dorothy startd back' e ,' , . strength so he would show henhe *, . „it. . es e "Nancy !" she cried, and a whole had no mercy.. - • "Did I insult you just now?" he Lord Merefield awl Sir Humphrey, they were, to use their -own terms, "simply flabbergasted!" But every one kept their, opiniene ' to themeelves wheal eithe,r of the - affianeed couple were preseet, and' a very short tinse Nancy found that she was treated with a 'marked show of deference by the Very pee, pia who had tried previously to snub het and taiott her with her depen- deney Humphrey's bounty. l)erriek DarnleY had been called' , away to Loadon on private and end - den duty earl) the merning follow- ing on his retain. frorii transacting his mother's be sin ess No one kaew why he, had gone save one poison, and 'she had the knowledge buzied deep in her heart of hearts, never to be rsvealed, (To be c.mtinued.) OTTAWA'S SPLENDID NEW The (trand T,14.1m7t2EBIju'ilding one el the Vinest Hotels on the Con (Wen t. The "Chateau Laurier," Ottawa, Ont„ which will be owned and op- erated by the. Grand Trunk Rail- way Syetem, will be, without doubt, INES1202=31111111MMINSI•CRIEmosmeteasse TE -$11 When you paint this spring let this testimony hell) you. All oVer this broad Canada are thou- sands of cuStonterS holding up atati with gratitude the old re- - liable brand of guaranteed to Preserve, t"O pro- tect, t9 beautify, ttelfoi* to Peel, crack' ..or chalk, ,always Hying Lor the lifetime of pure paints and alWaYS SQId tb� right price. Ask about them, and write us. for Booklet AB free, a handsome -Booklet on house painting,. You should have It' A. RAMSAY & SON CO., , PAINT sante...24 magens .saanav rates. 1842. DISTEMfER CATARRHAL rzym AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the sk anit ets as a preventative for others, 1,Nuid given on, the. Ioupte. Safe for brood mares arid ;all ()Olen% Rest kidrzey remedy; 50 eons bottie; Keo the ilezen„ by ati druggists and barnesiat houses, Distributors -ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, SFOH121 MEDICAL CO, Citendsts, Gashes', La, U. S. A. the fioest hotel on this eontineutt iivtbeW444.11.41V.A.4*.4avitelteekb,EVteeltve.10 not only arehitecturally, but also in regal,d to its general appointments, bituated atajor's Hill Park, it faaea t4i the west the Parliament Buildings and groueds, to the mirth the Ottawa River, and the Grand Old Laurentian Hills in the Province et` Quebee, It Can truly . The tidings of Mise -Hathiltow.S .0li V'me of astonishe,c1 hoaror was, ``01 course you do, Dolly,'' he' ... . , , engagement to the millionaire 'Wer'e, .expressed ,in that',,r.:',011e- Word, lieu said, s,peaking,yery easi1tud cieai,..., hand slipped from Nancy's arm, slie ly ; "and se do -we all. Come,1V1. received first with ancredulity cirld, -,".., then, with, ainaeeinent, teinptered tn seemed positively stunne-d at this Fairfax, ,where are your congraqu- some easefi with exeessiye apiloy_ , 13:1-°7- ' ' '' - ' : -. lations 7' - , ; an-c:e. , Lady liert;on could not cost-, N:.ancy stood alone, fe'r the Hon.' "Here; ari:d at , -Miss -Hasnili.Ore s , trol herself suffiCiently to offer .her, Maude"lad :ran as ay, c'verecinie•• seivige,'' as tile 1)rnIni)t r'eP•~LY' constra,tnlations" to 'either ' part,V; with sudden jealousy. surpriSe and "My dear; -I- congratulate yell roost' t• disappointment. will be the envy et whilc.., as,' for 'the Hon. 'Mande, et ornt Y S eYes wsTo fixed On, her half London.and the manor hot e ' 'severe and very 'unusual 'hedaeIT its, h , • sincerely. ,. You downeast face. , ' . . , e - Ite kept her confined to her room` foie s a positive ,ctrearia. While ,as to - " - • , "NaneN-. is this truc7" •Mr. „ eraw-shaw"-She , keen -witted , The Countess' 01 • Ildeeelield , was Mus.. ,ali ax was Intensely intes- little, matron held out her, hand •• estecl, she had not been so rituals I with' a ,graCeful gesiaire--"it is for., clisag.reab-e abcnit the matter' IVErs- alnused for,'Year,Fi. *le ''ot,s'ot tunitef° -' 'r'.." -he 1-1':"'-'f' I am " a rnaeried D:a,InlbY iped,iff-eren'u': while .:''' fou al` le- fo'' the ,g0tant ' u4hpjwman, or' th ere. i.s, ,,O0 SIIATille; tvhut • - ,,' - -., 1 eagerlk njury j 1ni(,1-it-'tatlha1e cl'obe Ili eLS , t had ,(. 'e-- 'afi'), ilton fo 1 ebigin_h.! s , . 1101 hr ,l(,), 'n't.:"...otls."?' fctib,, ,ti,os critItIlie: "PC.* 6°14S -I ,benh$ ' e'Rleeoat' rod iuntia., t . • ,,.. .... 88 ast kW' .11Ours'. . Farfax, ,Wa's" 'well vers, oemta. , Farm BREEDTRE TO B be eant that the location is unser- tatoet men who now rill sheep passed on this eoetinent, those who are shout Inako '''''.11.1-tetsitleaPVI7rOn'te'ehtIC1111Polttin calutearbtolt‘h'augtoitiutbrteneu(t1 ttoitTta‘nvdill'glo'reostyle in th d. ef nroProof oenstmtion. Tho fr4m° weol--a rather difficult combine - of the building is steel, the walls tien„ eareti:1413 eetiotpQtriedriii1=,Lligsnesi 5tIlltrefils()vlillont; tb'aj:therrodartteeesonbwotibt,rebe4u$; however, I building presents tv majestic as. .1 tAttoo vow they are. Det. in favor with -welt as picturesque' appearanco the ineu who believe that one must from every viewpoiut, The to$''' lireklti for milk and butter,, Or tor session of 8neh A structure must beer, gtud not for ell, prove to be not only a valuablo The following breeds of sheep ar set to the City of Ottawa, bat a probably better fitted by Natur credit to the Dominion of Cauada. aud improvemeut to produce wool The hotel will content, 111 0(41101 and mutton ' Its regular dininr...'"-roorn natl. Tbe Shropebire,s are much thought eafe, a Ladies' DiningeBstom, Ban- of throughota the Weq,,, The ewe (met Boom, Bell -room, a State weigh front 1.9.4' to lso pounds, are Suite, end a number of private dins very early maturing, producing ing-rooms, as wen as 9,,lreehnut,1"d Yety excellent eareasses and Shear - and fifty bedrooms wan 1,WO jog from seven to ten pounds per drcd and sixty-two private bath- heed. MOMS.' Each bedroom will haw al The Eampshires are a large "front outlook, for there is no court- sheep, not quite so early maturing, yard to this hotel, and upon three but producing very large lambs At sides fronts the beautifel Major's an early age. They shear aPproxi- Hill Government Park, tely the same as Shropshires. Ever,y feature of drainage, heat -I The Oxford are very similar to ing, ventilation, lighting, and cook- the Hampshires in size and cha,rac- ing arrangements have rt.ceived tbe ter. most detailed tonsideration, andl The Southdown is particularly a will be of the most modem form:mutton breed, producing a fleece and appointment. 'somewhat lighter than the breeds Besides the ordinaly entrance to mentioned above, but, neverthe- the -Chateau" from the street, it less producing a good fleece and a will he connected with the Grand inos't excellent earcase of mutton. Trunk Raihmy's new C0'11,1,111 Und The Dorset, when mature, weigh ion Passenger Station by a private' from 180 to 180 pounds, and are passageway. I very prolific, They ahear fledie Mr. F. W. Bergman, the Man- of medium weight, and yield a good traduced. When the pigs are agers has had a wide experience in 'carcass. They are particularly vale weaned they should be fed on some - hotel management, both abroad uable because of their extreme-proe thing that will give them blood and and in thh3 country; and hae heen:lificacy, producing, frequently three musele. Corn is extremely fatten - selected to make the 'Chateau times hi two years. ing and should be ied very lightly Laurier" the favorite hetel in America. The hotel will be opened for busi- ness next fall. That AUVON Oars use. HOME OYEINO hze always been more or less OA dcult under- takin8-. Not so whoa You IMP. 'Send for Samoa Coed gad Sum" 111.91.let 9t 7110 JOHNSON. RICHARDSON CO.. Limited. Meelcvki. JUST THINK. OF r With OY.0.14 yet; ce.n color either Wool, Cotton. Silk or Mixed Oeo.le Perfeet!y' with the SAME Dye, No chonco of voing the letriONO Dye for the Gds sea havata flflLJflI $1 a box UlIIL 6 for $5 The most itifilizy t. Iepoicktioo tor the reductIon of SwellingN Coltre, T1kk Neck, Ulan4nlay Eniargemets. it's Puaitive. pii cp of ali kinds, in any and ail '00.1.,‘' tagc.s, quickly relieved and positively cured. Cure year suffering - and live quiedt. "Common Sense" or Pite.s Will do it. $1 a box. $5 fOr 6 bo,es. Alailed on receipt of price. LIILE gig,INgf, TORONTO 71$ WEST QUEEN STMET of their flock,.un se ru pu lo s faneiers misrepresenting their stock and. Jo - cal judges being incompetent or too anxious to please. WEAKNESS EN TOUR PIGS. When any weakness is discove4 ed in the pigs it Ls time to change the boar. He should be disposed of at once and a new boar, not re- lated to your sows, s"nould be in - The Rambouillettes and Delame Merinos are fine wool sheep, and produce fleeces which will yield from ten to sixteen pounds per head. They also produce good car- casses of mutton; however, more emphasis has been placed upon the fleece in the case of these two breeds if at all, during the first two or three months of the pig's life. Feed the youngsters bran, wheat middlings and a little dry blood THE FOX'S CUNNINO. meal occasionally. 11 his ration, with plenty of exercise, clean water and a dry, well ventilated place to Why Ilis EtTorts to ltetvilder sleep, will produce sound animals. than in the br,eeds mentioned above. that will ,take on 'fat readily when lIminds Are Often •Stiecessful. •Th.e greatest difference between the „time, comes to pour corn into. When foxes find themselves beat - the Itarabouillette and the Delaine them. en they often resert to peculiar .1. means to endeavor to bewilder their Metine is in the greater size of the A NASTY ONE. of their traditional. cunningbut ,it are known . ... , K.. O. , "you say you dieeharged the pursuers. -1. do not for one moment I former. k, - . . The Cotswold, Lincoln and Lester wish to rob the species of one hit "Now, sir," began the sina.rt as the long -wooled always..seems.to xee that legend has breeds, -producing ileeces weighing plaint.iff' from your service because -e- eight to twelve pounds and surrounded them , witis a greater from he was somewhat addicted to liquor. . . rod ine • od carcasses before 7,, baasri • power. and thoughtfulness ° , ° Is that correct than they really possess, says a the iambs reach the age of one year. .it is, answered ' the defend - writer in the Court Journal. 1Tliese three breeds. are conipara- It is usual to place to the credit ' tivelY large. ' ' ' an'L'.Good In said the' G. 0. ‘`You of the fox every accident which oe-! Ent' ,hree4, is ,not every -thing curs in. a; run which turns cut in his the selection of ,breeding rams and in do not consider it:advantageous to favor, wheneas in seven' case s 0,ti ewes. After one has made up his Y°ttrself. that your emPl°YeeS should ever with the scheming or the hunt- 'lie must kaOw .110w le tfilethbalt'e.ebdrelelde.wants then select the best ' "Now, kindly 'tell the gentlemen be devotees of Bac:elms ',." a "That is So." 1 mind as '.to 0 of ten it has, ne connection what - ed animal. The otb,er day a Goath- individual land ,fox, after a sharp burst, found There are some mighty poor spe- of the jury -do you drink yourself ?" hinizelf too eloise to the hounds to cimens 'of the best breeds, and the "That is my business 1", retorted be safe, s9 he scrambled onto the trick is to know enpegh to let these the defendant angrily. ' roof of ,a dwelling house in Sleights alone. — "Quite so !" iiesented ,the K. 0 , . , village. 'The Prebabl.lity is that had suavely. "And have you any othei hounds been alone they would have TH'E EXPERIENCE OF ,MANY. businessl" throtvn their heads, up. and have A man who has gone into the MADF, HIM THINt'a been bea,ten, for they rarely look poultry business in tile right way for the unexpeeted. , The foxhound essentially relies prerci:endtlyhin7ceillYeed,,,paaid]°alt good psrlilere- ni,1:111,1e, , • w:,ns31.1.1 es .11e ' '.\\\;:i:/, cloljneg'st,a1:1°nsng upon his nose. They may course the fox for the last few hundred for eggs guaranteed to be from hens ceutcl to encourage him. - i yards of the hunt when they min that; had lscOred , toe) poirits, and ' "Did yeti knots," lie: asked, "that t e , . . ... -, . , ,„ ...: ri,7 , , , . to .... ell I. paseed t,au lisa. e la,t, eveamg . frone scent to view, but this is un when his first flock 'of hltas stele Orthodox an•cl 'helon ' t . ' . about a year old he had the,in scored "Of course"...1 •;;;:l ''' she -insevercd hoilrOS. T -he sante applies' to the by a local judge' He was 'deligh"-6d Pr°rnPLIY. "Dfd you L1 -17:-.91c ; ' ii,e of their ,hrahis. Titere ..are when several of his best pullets and wouldn't know 1Tour step 'i" ' bounds which think, tut they are cocicerels scored 1.00 and the ret Arid the Y°1-Ing'Pla'n'grew 1;11°11°111' the exception, so ,that when they , ran up above, 95., He Wag- sure he ful and gi'ave, -foe lie had. passed' in have, overrun or lost the line. and, had eehamPl.on Plie-,wl.nrierS - until a, eab. • have cast ti-mmt.elYcs unsuccessfnl-, 11•us'eq-1,t: abPut, a (10' -en' Of ' his hest ' ' ly, they invariably gis-e Op and wait ones fo P'oultrY ship -W. l'hen came for . the as'sist,anee of their hunts- the 3o11 . ' ' . --tii, iiid- vere neleed by men -, This Goathland, fox V:as seen an who knew their' business a,nd play niittklY '8*OPs eeCilkiha; "car'e3 '001ilel. h ,. the housetops, and he knew. it for no favorites ).1'11..ci the result "showed th'3 trot sind..infis . - whateaer. p OWCTS the species may none of his st,ocit to be better than srTmEns, igow -13.ttrEs t, or may not have they undoubtedly 92'; while, Mere than halt , of tile , ctNt,pi,,t,:g „sa,Q,BT,IlttylEsT 'dwolteknnbt\leybY,•areniclisicnoYtsriele•ercil°'disuriniteagan: Ifin7lcbireaelns,dat°1''Nerin, nbSeelt°tYWg85P..0(10,1;.°'11,11,11.a7,,•••.': ,1;1,-1: ,caallir,7,1s(`';'‘EG,i4) k4-1:7) 01I ' run. He theneFor e continted -hia but not good eriongelagtg<s) b,‘,11",iililig' fbarli)ne3; .1...\ rjri,i 4, 11, ,is--2-..a.14;,.).„.,6,n il journey, .juniPint,>, from 104 to roof:- prices, while the 11 flt:0°e1,r11.11,10''ellh"cvlp,'!1'v:le:)1cnal,Pg1„,,,,tisii;:iii..gFle:-0t.,f't11:,'1,3.ei..ilsdt.loi,k):11:et:h.,';e1c;r--:°hItal;e;11.1n'fr::::n:1:',' eltisetyrtl'illiciseil:'ne'a:::':'d'st.1:,.:1,x'glri.,uhractibe:-,,,,v.chc6c'tsliets°1t.:;o:ubiot(fe'l::' '''ilt•':::,l'C''IlSa 1,t1i91:3adPela:'.11111'tel:51:11.0):1e'peGa11)11:117Ce't1'1:tiarti'';::;°\.neae\cl.'i?rit'Ittil.C-v.'(ni:!;':' Itch Yon Stn et Tl • ,nt 0 t- 1 . ran. into , hi - Tin ,IS lies in amateurs expecting top m