HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-27, Page 1l " TWENTY-FOURTH Yr AR. EXETER, ONTARIO. T.IUR DA , APRIL 27, 191i. 1iocaI items is rather late,. nut just the same We're mighty glad. That spring is carie. Ilicltrrd Hill of Stephen. spiel a !terse last week to Mr. M. •Dtayld of Egeter for $245.00. It certainly pays t'a raise goad horses, g -. T. E. Handford and family are, <Y•ctapy= =3 rooms m Mr, Jas. Gould's residence for A short time before leay. a •g for the West., lae:: a a old bachelor ltaarriPS women acquaintances. all wander that re did^a't do it sooner and his mean friends vro:nJ;-.r bill ha happened to get 'caught, :Lr. Jas. Gould, Heroin Street, .was talte4 suddenly 111 en Marlday last ata Ter :: tittle lt. was; tt•:aa'ugght the ,4 A was ,t.e t;, but he rallied, and, while in a very 1©•v state ,at health he has somewhat :improved. A Pleasant, event to Place :klondaY naor:aintg when Mr, ,Allen Blown was, aiati'iett to Mrs, L. ,4, 13vja1V by .iievt J. r rn ly at the Parsonage, They left on a trip to ]tandem and other pe?ilata' fol- lowed lay the beet wisr=es oaf their, inapt' triemds,=Ailsa Haig fianier. Mrs. PY- a ne wage formerly a resident of teter. Mrs, Jame Desiring received the sad aday or the death of her slater, The synod cit ITuron, which .opens tinge year on Julie 13, and likely ,will co were in Stratford ra• ..�zri instead of London,. For years the gathering hats been held ion- London, but the bishop has' the pow- er both TO the time and the place of ieetaan„ and owing, to ^the fact that tits ge;teral synod la do be heels in Lou- don •1 t September, he has" Considered wise to soave the gathering:of the Dio- cexse of Huron, to Stratford, if ,the reel - dents or that place can arrange t1a the clerical delegates, Mr. Peter Bawdenr, of. toyer/ narrowly ped severe injury, It t..ot death. on y last. Ht wa.s engaged in put - the brickwork ith ;front of Mr, Tito .n, Baker's maehine shop, when Mr. ElwiiE White, who was engaged in. cut-'. -.way some "timbers from above, brag joist was released and fell sidewalk below. Mr. White Prot., the timber On the t love yelt to iwd.cti, who bad barely' stepped to When the heavy piece or time• rushing dorm within art then head. The escapewas a use, which; occurred at West Nebraska, on Friday last, at the 78 :Na're, :Nurse Krouse has Poor health for some time, Sufi from sago internal growth. The 'a aide,, name was Maar, A aleater of Mr. Jahn ow in St. Joseph' tfter#nt~ Imre hat which Awned r a#any 'lana le. Baia. With her est in °sip `ing and eiocu, Held` th Ktiltnistreet,Mettio, tax annaeh on lY ladAY,'tight, May 1st, under tits auspices: of the. w, P. T. II, Tisa eenteetanttr for the medal In sing- ing are Denothy Kuntz, Amy Johns, f'ia ,lops Harness, Gordons Ford, Maur,. ices Senior, Karl. 'Weidenharnnner and Willie Manson. The contestants in el- ocutionare Ethel liauhk#n, Lula. Hard,. irgs, Verele Geiger, Blataclhe Quance, Lola Tayler, Ariel Beverley, Myra Mar. ;inn and luetic Dewey. Besides the con. eta there will be auz address lay Mre,, 'ifeiCee of Barrie. fernierly Pro,, aa- of Ontario, There admission, fee of ten Bente. :Sleeting at 8 o'cluek,--,1", S. Murray, Sula« of Medal Contest Department . Oa Friday: euentiig the Canadian Ord r 4"Oad aAen eft. the W o 'id, initiated a good class or you. a " 111,14) into las an'nyetedes, tier which the follOwian a, orricers were I ted for the ensuing ear, 1. C, C., V. JJO-.n,ta, who Wax. also! rtnado au orgala for the order; C.tC., dv, Lieut., T, TT: ;;+fasaxklna Danker It. guance; Cie*, V, 11", .4t; Escort. 'W. glen; Watchman, kl, Grit!; Sentry, eo,d Sura cies ,gna sear, Ti. J. T,,uker, T0hils; and H. M4 Quance. The ss of the conenin being ^ eon- t- ude4 t°na canto presented Soy°. Sea- wrlglat, who is leaving tear Essex, with a. beautiful watch rob. ori which were e As old arid highly dent ot W:ingharit ,P nlo, on April 8th, in Alevaatder Bethune, f, D,,, . ed was. bora in Fifeshire. Soot 18113, alhd came tot Canad . wne ears of age, kIc graduated Cr an queen's College at Kingston, and conn, in'::tccd tiff+ practice at his profession in .1routit Rope, near }Ianiilton. In the eprin,gat 1877 Dr, Bethune went Co 11'ing1i-am and was there some 'years e a v✓hcn movedhe -o Sca oz'tin and remain- ed ten #n - ed there for a low years, #leturning to `'1'Saghriin, setae 'esteem years iia he re- ned there until two yc:tre ago when «Teat to reside with; his . ser at','Erne. T,3ethu"ne died In 1900. these parta ne States, farmer +vay A arson of tieeea s - n theemblems. a nr tt orthe 1 ;�, order,acknowledg- ing i ow ed - a,c l ltzh it hi services a ak, sae c s to the comp in tit pts0t Soy, Seaweight made a suitable reply, thanking the camp for their kind e n- sideraticsn. Deputy W. P: Canardtrade the resenta'tion. CARLING'S PHONE 18 Spring -Supplies It has been our airs this spring -to supply the wants of every housewife for housecleaning in Lace Curtains Rugs, Mats, Wail papers, Linoleum, Etc. Dress Goods It has been our ambit- ion in selecting our Dress Goods to meet the requirements of every one. We are proud to think that we have been successful. Call and inspect our stock which, is in the newest ' and best shades at` prices which are un- questionable. Ladies Hose Just received' a few lines of Embroidered Lisle Hose at 35c, a pair also a few pair of pure silk hose at 50e, Ribbon A few bolts of : ribbon in Blue, White, Black and, Pink .A 4 inh ribb- on to ' clear at bargain price 1Oc; a yd. White Wear _ We have just received. our new and up-to-date lines of Ladies white - wear in Waists ranging in prices from $1.00 to 3.25; Skirts trona $1.00 to $4.50. These lines are of the best material and are not lacking in that style which should'de- mand the inspection of every lady. Ladies Under- wear We have just received a complete stock of Lad- ies fine knit underwear• prices ranging from 10c.' to 50c. Cents 1-2 • Hose Lisle half hose in many, shades and patterns at 25 4t1, 45 and 50c per `pair also a nuralo r of pure slk'half : . A' fresh stock of the best i'oceries always an hared Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, DEATH F � F � T O JAMES A S T03i AL his re dance on Main street, Exeter, Ontar there passed away on, 'Monday, 1 24th, in his 91st year, Mr. James T Horn, at Padston, Cornwall, England, unbroken line of Norman blo Hv receivezi his 'education, at 13.5 es and being a younger Son, at the a of twenty-four he came to the Weste world t7 seek his fortune. He beat at Hampton, Durham County, On whore is the year 1831 .he married Ma A. Ket'i.ck• In 1853 they came I tarot County, where he bought a fa a td began the formidable task of ds the immense forest which only r:4ontitafb1c courage of the British pi :n er would attempt. There were ,torn them four softs and three daughters Joh`.1 E..insnector' of schools. Qoderic Gregory II, Principal tof Stratitcoana schoot, Vancouver, 13. C.; James ?C., d sett, and Frank 1 . :is., merchant of Toleeto. Qhie i lnfr4. (Dr.) S.Yeet, Nancy J. and Mary .A . all of Exeter. In 1883 1n retired: from active life a:td took up hfs realdence on Main street. Mr. Toni was a Conservative in politics and a; ane nber of the congregation of Jaynes street Methodist church.. In, lits early ys in Huron Mr, Hans took an ecti terest in ac. ho; i, municipal and P eat affairs. Be ,was well read a d wi ;aeehtr'ate knowledge of affah using to Canada and the Env; reryone Wlnl, knew him was his tyle artd ha was generally beloved. Aiwa a nun of pace, beloved. by hia� net hare. The end Pound hittt full of y and he passed away as peacefully as') 4tad lived:. "Surely' the last end of tl Boyd marl 19 peace, blow caknhlsex line „nightly dew calls not trr)re [gently ti ground, g,rou,nd, nor weary worn can win,. expire so sort; " .Aliii3t..PiSS. E Rut: - Jt+ SSat ai- T:IIe hick front Is being placed in io, the Stell 3fachone £hop this week. Aril "Miss Mabel Miners was confined to To the house tha+ougn !,,nese last week. of Miss Steer sane; a beuti£ul sola tat the end. Presbytera,t church Sunday anorttityS. altiE d Harold Ramsay, grandson of Mrs. SAND iS ORM 31, pass - tot Ramsay of town has succeeded in pass - d in; his examination as mining. engineer as Queens University. ry T=ae baseball club interviewed the to Sw"a:: iloa.rd. on Tuesday evening anal rah- 5'c u,'e3 t„e i ' ':lege oat play` na •311 tine ar- ,. 0vt ' 2(,'j:1St9 L,i1U, a os 4f F.k7n;t IIiF� L d e zi1,:;'1. o' %^-:rtes Y. Murdock, t'i e Jarvis to Ye.:zle swl LdDetl15`a TraeV o? $,is cl'e kits. .; aggre tleg ':ten or twelve: tc.ous2:4i "'aa dllr, was Tuesday* sentenced at si= years, i;, tLe penile^1liary, e- .. , 8utta:n was in London this arse Mit• ap iiat �> dtsestlay len S. G. 33.1wdean watt' in Goderieh on Tuesday. Cay. 'Afr, firs, heard of loon4Dn fs visiting Sac NI! father, Mr. Robert T.eatltprt nd JT ii, Larbroalt and airs. 1?,: Hone re an are here from Brantford. re. M. D. McQesech is, visiting her dau: l pd err, Mrs. (Dr,) McGillicuddy. Yr: :�fr. Salell;reve of i.ondon sPeot, Sun- h- day at the hone of -'tor. William Pen - EVA ya,le; he it, to de Ti. •-, Ttia last uA laIr. Sarni t,ays. t P4C ,et'c1 cancer in thcs Hca and 3tad: trled ;t9: reatu!ent, but wstt must have 00810 to I ease, 110 watf, a sato. tits late iYnnn, I'#sianmore and was be o,t the farrni ramp vrlxteln hirx died, Lot' ;1 N. Thames Road, ile married Miss > I kin, daughter at John Hunit#n, er., an she together W filar with the & and t n a Cg >h daughters, survives. Mrs, John, Bac e7 at Uaborne, Urfa. Arthur Snell -mine, hi#ss Nettle of Toronto, Al Wltilam and Garnet'at home. Two br tilers and five sisters alio survive, Wil r I , tarn I ei r ' <� Thomas f U bo n y and tion s a s , n ret '.ors. John McInnis,Mr , anal al Donald M Innis of Exeter, Mrs. Andrew Carnplao at Stoney IPlain, Alta., Mrs, Chas'. Sne :Exeter., :sus. Rev Sparge of Bancroft Mise lAfary Paaearatore, who died la Mrs, Stanle; int: her parer lira, o t • Winnipeg, 118 visit- Ur, isitUr, and lairs: Mclat ti, George 1'4o lef1. Wednesday morn:- en a two 'weeks' trip through and Ohio. `Jctlialc%4117 was ln,:'I.gtad;an Mone I t eaantnecta;ana with the aper,a%'latt ir: 3'ftnn MitCt1e11. adersot and her trnlltl ea'. El�to. lett 'Wednesday eventt9tt to I tfvo w! les tR Fin,gai, rcitsar!. john Rtied hone owl.' they, and he passed, away., ter returned trash, s vi in, Grundy Cce n Canadian west sand V. W. tuft we to the' illness • of their 1n 13aw' hint 'before 118 lira.. D. Talo wll'a as bee visit in been vis# its,.. 'her ,daughter, Airs, C. Adams', in. Cal- garY, Sat- now visiting Mrs. Goodlson in Sar„afa„ and. is expected hone this week. and Mrs-. Seawright left :tfoanday, ez where 1n. a will 1 matte ,K t ax ke'r their X a w and hers Mr. Seawright i6 ,fa urs e- ll .taut 1 factory. of processor ler the J )'' a h EVA f.1CAi. ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE. Zurich, April 24th. -The Eaangelica3 association conference to -night by a vote of 43 to 10, decided in. favor o church union, after a lor.g discusser. The doctrines of tine Methodists and the Evangelical Association are :.early alike p'a.0 Association, wishes to retain their pflsaa. published int German at Perlin; yr l !k sleould easily' be arranged as the publteatio:a is self -sustaining - It is estinal.ted 1. a.t. ::-e are 0,00tl ra^.:,hz 8 of the Eva >el cal Assiac:a- in Canada wa " would be affected 0,inr1l; union. Creditor,, Paehweo,g,� t Zurich taell heave churches tf;1t- ;;o:,c1 ecm regati(attS. April ^Tal -- Th" s Eva0nge.ic it As- :n Co,Iference ra#oaned it it.. ie:iop 1Jorn,-rs. B., lam the ,granted tel "'. C. Dant", %„ ��trg le Cit tin tr. eel) t ice n tnk'lna if 9F tla+ e 11 eve I'e#t r ,1 a;nx xnt we co ;fere ce ,yea taeltait of the ttilla C. X. I oepiae WAS. arttted tlldfir{tl er s3el's,, i'lea.corh,,'S Orders, A, T. Nash and W. dreier*; Kupp of )i3c tig'a 8 requested ed upon the list or 'beneficiar'.(ae, ttev. D. iIleder eel, tae- tfuilerart n ?, list. Both granted,. Missions, the raew ehureh at Na villa, ill„ the Sundayf r.c hull, the People's 1-1 znnen were discussed.. Dr, A, T. ' wises, .Di. It., secretary the Uietlltndis general' conlerenee, we iro,daaced tla the ealnierenace. 'Dr. Moor eloquent and :tareeted address, bird"a eye View ., i the wet* ethadlat church. The resolution ai til cOSUnitiee of the Meti'Odi,St aa, submitted to the coan- so, n ts1 lscatsastd. baa, final faetieaa ae postpaid until Matnday*, when 1t esaalte^d as a,b.o' e+ slated, "Ease eiNgetVle,e, derided tna' ;molt, eat annual session in CaanAladean, 0 1ao '!bird Thursday in, ,April; Iacu. A. T. Mast resigned, as Pretald- i eider on acooupt of Illness. The "°n:a.ti a was a& apQ Pted with re lu e tw Yee, Usu. S. It. K;a'tec1l,tel Wasrelected cart the grad ballot. The preeldin$ eldera ire stationed a+s�y� r'3lnowst-•Northwest strict, Itev, L. ',H', Wagner; north di rct,Rev. J G. Litt; e s t district, Iosv- S. It. Ktnec/nto1, a The report e>) ,9r the tltatio»lltng cormtn#fisc placed J". H. OpenZehaell at DalittWOOti instead Or L, K, Z1dt, w:bis goes! to( %fine- Mara; E. Burn at Cr"edtton, 'instead of E. IT. Bean, wlio titOees tot 'a`aviaiack; G. F. Brown at Zurich, inatcad of A. D. Gladder, wito goes to Milverton. .Ru M1NISTEBIAL CANDIDATES , Mr, and Mrs. at;. 3. S't tbaln and Lyle st ware in; Acton this week attending the November %Imo sa sister. Deceased wsa Methodist and a Liberal, and was Highly respected by all who lttOW llim. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Exeter Cemetery, DIED 111 MOOSEJASV.-Tile sadnews was received otn . 8onday of the death, in Moasejaw, Sask., of Nettie Butler, wife or 1llr. Bax, Chappel, at that 'ate of 22 years, 1) months and 17 days. Death was duo to giving births to a child on Sunday morning, atter which she did not rally and passed away the same ev- ening. Deceased and her now bereaved husband were nnarrlod In March of las year at the home Of iter rather, air, Wil Butter, Cromarty, alter which they lett for the, west, resid.Lnag until• six weeks ago in Hoharnn, Sask. Besides the hus- band her parents, Mr.' and Mrs: \Valliant Butler, -three brothers, William, Russell aped Bert, and one sister, Miss Jennie, al! at home, survive . aad have the. sin- cere sympathy of their raspy friends: On the arrival of the .rentaitur the fun- eral will -take place from the residence of the fattier, to the Staffa cemetery. funeral ot Mr. Sta'dna?ah'th sister, ;Airs, Wellington Smith, who died on Friday. W..7. has our sincere sympathy. Mrs. Jos. McTavish, who etas been vis illni; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 3Y, Ta o yl r tor the past five wecita, re- turned to her biome to ,Shakespeare Mon- day, accompanied by air. McTavish, who was bore over Sunday. LICENSES IN SOUTH HURON At1E BEDUCBD BY TWO: At a anwetivay, of the Board, or License' t Commissioners for South Huron in Ex- eter on April 2X,st, the following licenses were granted,-- 1 14 L. W. Palmr, Commercial Hotel, Exeter W. T. Acheson, Central Bote1, 'Exeter. John lvtaorley, Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter Henry Darrow, Commercial, Bayfield Mrs. E. Elliott, Albion Betel, Bayfield W. J. Perltins, Camnnercial, klensall R. R. Johnston, Dominion Hotel, Zurich J. P. Rau, Commercial Hotel, Zatrich. Mrs. W:m. Nicholson, BlakeHotel, Blake; Wm. Moffatt, Duffezilm Bouse, Centralia Ezra Btenner, Brenner 13'1, Grand Bend August Hill, Central Hotel, Creditbn Wm. Zimmer, Commercial H'1,Dash:wood Jos. Ziler, Ontario House, Mt, Carmel -Three rnontltsr-to sell stock. B. CunninghamKhiva Hotel, Khiva -Three months to asiell stock. The application! of James. Coxworth of Queen's, Hotel, : Hensall, was laid over for Suture consideration. Jo`Iut Torrance, Inspector. The License Commissioners are Messrs rMiddleton,'Delbridge, and Canning. , i'fi': Middleton was not present at the meet- 'Trig owing to illness. The Khiva and Salt. Carmel Hotels were given. license for three months to sell their stock, as a result 'of a motion pas sed by Stephen Council to reduce the. 'iumber • or licenses to four hi Stephen. NASTY RUNAWAY. --When, driving in. to teas n on Wednesday morning Mr. Wm. Quinton and erg. Samuel Smith experienced an exciting runaway. The team, which was hitched to the wagon, became frightened at Mrs. Smith's, um- brella and made a dtash for liberty. The, tongue became I'oose and finally the horses broke away from Mr. Quinton, and dashed up ',street with the whiffle - trees dangling at their heels, arid the wagon with the projecting tongue a -Tac - along behind, stopping in front of the Commercial, with the occupants little. the ;worst for khe r rough and rocky ride. The teats' got tangled up . in front of Carling's store and were caught. The principal damage was the breaking of the wagon tongue. ' FORECASTS FOR M'AY.- A Regular Storm Period, having its beginning tai April; will reach its culmination, hi east ern • parts of the\,cp'untry the first two or three days in, May. .A seismic per- iod also reaches into the same days. A ,wave of higher bavonactric pressure ;will foll,aw from the west and north, bring- ing cooler weather behind the storms,. The Mercury 'Period causes prolonged cloudiness and intensifying: regular and reactionary storms which fall under its. influence. A reactionary storm, period will culminate on and touching the 4th and 5th, and this period being. under the Influence of this Mercury equinox, will bring storms of thunder and; rain, with continuation of cloudy, threatening' wet., ther for several days. Under stress' of the Mercury, period, and .solar condition® peculiar to this snj:irt.h, very setters storms are probable - at this and other May periods. High 'barjomete.r, very coal' weather, with probable ,frosts north, ward, be the natural order from about; the 5th to the. 8th --first to 'the west :and 1%erth, advancing eastward and southward. T):. Roulst-aht of E', :.l T00-:2' the Her- o Sunday afternoon; *theea the 'accident' to ,Ii;ev. Coure .s. The BaTnhe of Gomntercc building will be commenced light Quay.; It will be built, of red'' brick,' blocked with stone, and Hatred With. marble --one of the rifest up-to-date bank buildings, in ;Canada,' ORALS AND HEALTH IN SCHOOLS Important paragraphs, from the dig- cussion at Toronto last.. week at the Teachers' and Trustees' Conventions.- "The schools muet do: what the homes have neglected -to, do. Either the parents could not or would not do their duty 1d tell their children all about the mystery of life and the sacred laws , f reproduction, and the ignorance which has resulted has led tai the prevaienc9 of the devil's half truth instead of God's whole pure` truths." "The schools are not 'the 'aid to ,pub, lice morals that they should be..Irnmor ality is 'more'' prevalent in the schools, aid consequently alit of the schools, than it aught to b', .and the tiny for education in this ,regard"' is not fully taken advantage "of." "The school too, is Roti the aid to, pub. tic. health "it ;ought to be. react -time dot do not know enough about ,these 'natters or, if they da know, they do' .not impart 1t to the young mind when l,. as• most likely to .receive 'a,nd:''assiniulate It," "I would like to -say that `the scarcity of male teachers is public echiools is not alai:o due to insufficient' i-1n2Uhcra-. tion, ,but ats,o to ''the fact that ,,our school worst lacks in breadth and in - ', to such an 'extent as to make life to a; monotonous .to be endured. The tfethodiett ministerial candidates ,a the London Methodist Conference wrote on the eXatminatitalls in St. Marys last' week, with the result that all the can , - !dates' wenn successful !'ani passing, Prelim1na ry-Stanley B. Bunt 113, A. L. Sprachlia 00, Fred DYanntng lit, .1;. W. Brown 84, Fr. J. <Lf Woolley 80,i B. F. Lae;klaod 70, H. S. Swann .or 70xeter 75, 8, W. Craik 73, A. J,; I3eywoodt cT 'Exeter 65, F. J. Fortier 53, Preliminary (in part) --J. A. Walker of Easter 85. First Year -A. W. Browa'i,, -84. First Year (in part) -R. Dalzell 80, x A. Walker of Exeter 8S, D. D. Ti1;ornpson 54, A. 1'. F. Butt of Centralia 40. - Second Year On part) -D. D. Thpmp- 9ea e;3.,. Si1CCESS'FtI NC/MAL/TES Among those who .succeeded in passing tho Normal Sclvaol Erannftiations last week were the followiri,g of this district) At Stratford, J. Alvin Brintnell et Ex- eter, Miss Evelyn Horton of. Lisborne ; At London, Margaret 1..,. Coward of Win- chelsea ; Freda C. Hess of .Zurich; Ma- bel Hord of Parkhill, Beige MtDouga of Lumley, Lena McMahen of Ileborne, Maggie Sterritt of St Marys, Pearl Toll and Kate Marshall of Blyth, Norman IL Boyce of Blake. BIRTHS Spackman. -In Guelph., on April 21.st to ivtr. and Mrs. Clifford Spackman :t daughter.. Aatderson--At Lumley, April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Anderson, a son. --- MARRIAGES Baker.-Wat'her. 9.t the hoiiie of the bride's parents, on April 19th, by Rev. S. A., Corriere of Graand Bend, gr. 1841 Baker, to Miss Mary Wanner, daugh- ter of Mr. A. Wartier --both of Stephen. Young-Willianns- -In Wyoming, April,. 19th, Fred Young ,of Crediton, to lviiss May Williams. ,waver -Kerr --In Toronto, on April. 18, Edwin Beaver to Miss Evelyn Kerr, „ both .,of Crediton,. DEATHS Tont.-I,n Hester, ,ah April 24th, James Tom, aged 90 years', 7 months', 12 days. C .appel-ln Mooeejaw,, Sask., April', 23, Nettie . Butler, wife ..of Earl Chappel, formerly sof. Cromarty, aged 22 years; Sn'ntoliths, 17' days,• Krause. --At West Point,. Nebraska, on. ' 9rdt 14th, Mary Mitchell, widow oft the late 'Fora':tda l!rijuse, aged 78 years. Passmore -In 'Osborne, rorne, April 22,`Samuel'. P;ssxnlore, aged 55 years, 2 menthe, a.nd 16 days. Hayes -in Blaniehard, on Saturday, Apr. 15th, With Mayes, aged ,40 years,:, menthe. FLialow.-In Hibbs -t, »li :April i8,I3yi tV1i^slow, aged ' 92 years, a -s, mi months: Calla n- In 1-Iibbert, on. the 19th Patrick Callan,,: aged 70 years', �Salis-lit St.`Ma-rys, on Tuesday, April, 18th, Mary Matilda" Balin,,reiict of the 1to Benj. Balla, 'aged Sq' years: are s e i bum hefting below° Clothing Furnishings. Boots,Sho. Children's Suits Ram Coats llats& Caps ., Everything New.. Everything go. . bsotutl y reserve. We have iX eeks to sell out. Come early and haveyour choice. as. yt rt a:y