HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-20, Page 8THE EXETER IIIINTUGATE, TH JRfJAY, APRI 2Li ,: The spring trade this year 'promises tq be & heavy one, and; we are prepay. ed for it With a' full; supply of the 'nest Clothing Materials, in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Ete. Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try tis for your"ttewSpring Suit. 13 W. TA IN erebant Tailor, Ontario EXETER MARKETS ED HAM WEONE BUOIEW 4$ tiintQ, , . , , , . < , , . , . 30 Pimar,.,.,..,.?,.,f...... 15 a bay 50 states >� ...,, P Jay,)aartau«,.,,..,.,.. 9 50 Flour, per ewt., farrsily Flout~, low grade per cw 1 46 ............. 20 JC,i�►chop, per cwrt.. , , , . Shorts pax ton...,, «..,.. Bran per tots. , , . ,.. ,... Ploughfrg:, xa eneral 111 ,thia.:neig borlOochl, fe Le+,ett is out` 9$'a_rt4 after' a l `illness o± several days. btr" Z} G '?3Fsseft.` is again confined t'o his,:.hoine ,talingh IlLness. ; .South i1 tnxm 'Spring Show will beheld ui_, irtaceLtel¢ron,?�prll Beth. • Mr, Joseph Tvis.has opened a flour and='feed-•atone in lila' shjap, recent1 ' va- cated 'by 'ter au$o mania+title. o'n'TueadaY bile., S, W. Bowe sold IAS handsoide residence ort Main Street to' Dr: „ McGil'l cuddy for a good" figure.' I t. §`Neel- ha, } erwaged Mr. W. M. Personas io9•,aii_re Ontario Yeterinary, Col_ lege t t h#tax•:"with his practise. -Saturday-last ;was a very bus$ •arae, in tCAw'lt •: Partners were in in great aunt- bora and .rnerollants,. report a ,very large 'wade • 4 Cal -;Stable- ,3.::Bissett last 'week es- corted. to Goderich a tramp who claims to have been` an l Wnate pf London AnY- unf,for 30 years. T'te dea43a oceurFed in London on Ap- i,;l 1511.4 of 'William Sheehy, who was cl:>rit'ot the Commercial House here last saaazm e . Lxt * trouble vitas the cause. The mins friend's of Mr, A. McDa tell w.o,4 ba pleased to learn. that he ,has nnu It. ;unproved during the past week; and now gives promise of complete rt- overy- To The Advocate,—Luean, Football Ch b invites eerrespondence with your local club to arrange matches, alsGa to arrange DAYlen, rte to this section. . S. 'Ot'iggs, DFS S [ Sec., Lueart, Tr. Wm, Jacobi. has disposed of his residence opPosite Mr: D. Brae ud's blacksmith shop, Exeter North, to Mr. Mees 'Amy or Stephen. ,1'osaeesion to ba: given in the favi, E. Huston is in Toronto rn t presgnta Ing the 'scimool ,t Board , trs � d i kduca=F .lanai asoc ntio;r meeting. The pri aelpa1, Mr. ••W'eidenhraminer is also ax WI 1,41,5Z, the Taneeting, 'w.",A, Stcini.'yr(a the Fullerton pit- she`: who bee been. with, Toronto Bass - o2 00 [ball Club, tires tteer farmed out to Haver, 6tlll.. !Lasa,, kIe .la said to be a stood ote,;ltoks experience. 73 50 32 ,0 5 1000 2 40 2 15 0 05 20 -LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Ws easy:. to be 'poor as it is 'u to bk disblanest. 'Do:n% „carp on One talk with a twang, Some s�aod people 1taiago to be happy e*ve;,if they are lonely 'sae weather mart; seems to be in league with the coal dealer. Few people know when they have enough until they get 'leaf, meet).C , m It a a.^t; is a fluei t talker WS a safe bet he inherited it Irene his n ath'er. . Of course a v�ornall hates to tell a secret, but there 'seems to be other way out of It. It's too bad that whet a man. puts id foot int it ho is net in a position' to kick himself. ,4 mans laziness has reached the limit when he refuses to stand up and lets a rich widow ;marry him. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK FOR SALE The present lessee of the Opera House having closed the same to the public the owners have instructed Mr. Jphn Spackman to sell. this most valuable property. Tenders` for the sante will be received by him up to Jump let next, Possession given Sept. let, 1911. FLOUR AND FEED.—Having put in a stock"=^f Flour and. Feed 11 solicit you ;patriank'e+e: Stand one door north of Hearean's `hardware -Rivers" old staled. Jos. Davis« MISS 3, J. ALLAN, Eye Sit;:i`t Special- ist, will ba at the Commercial Hotel,° Exeter, Saturday April 22nd. hours 10 a,m. to 6 pan. Don't worry, if you have had trouble with your ^baking, try \Madel. -Harvey Bros. ill If you. want to sell:or to rent ;yowl house or farm advertise it in The Advo cate1eiolumn's. ,Succeee is rarely accidental; There i> areason for, the fact that Model: Floud ® so papular.—Harvey Bios. '75e., pays for. The Advocate t the end of . the year. Subscribe now=' DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES' ICINDLX TAKE NOTICE the% my of flee is closed every" Wednesday after- noon. DR. ROULSTON. Go t5 The Advocate Office for Marri- age Licenses. ;aid Stops Falling Out. becomes utifu and llrt when exalt 93 Hair omc it gives new life to keeps the Scalp earthy and : is a for dandruff. xr tagic on the 50c. and $1, is q lvew lad• rlup J. town. Chicken, fan- cl+rsa beware. Beier a. thoroughbred itihaeelt,• it lit aa3d,`he has. a strong in- 1ie1atlon toward' the birds et the bet- ter class; But then he's young yet, learry Carling gave an address on ttnm Chinesle Famine Tuesday evening at the Jaynes Street League Meeting, It was well reeelved, and highly eomi iendcd The 1 eessue will be pleased, to ewer tire again. Sandy Eawden Ss eondueting .a Be- low -Cost Sale of Clothing, Men's and Boys" Furnis;:inge or the next six weeks, prior of going outer business He and .his brother, James Intend SP4 ins' to the West, Some people never :nand in an hent of ,news^ for•publication, buts if we hap - pet.). to ,vita& an item in',which they are interceded they are ewe to hand urt a ',north pale rmtare that would freeze the itve;i,or a polar bear. --Leamington News Goad •Friday and Easter Sunday gave. trio ladles a •chance to wear their spring bonhetS and there: wag an extensive dis- plak er.'4bri5'ht and brilliant colons in alit sorts shapes and ,sizes. Thank Goodness, the east -wheel size has aI•+ most disappeered•;, An editor" end his wife disagree with each other materially. She sete things to rights', and lte writes things to seam Sho reads what others wnite, • and he writes what otlteras read. She keeps the devil out of t'he„houact1 mucid as;poss- ible, but he retains hien and could not go to press, without him;. She knows more than he wrrites, and he writesmpre than be 'knows-. June 3, the birthday of His' :Majesty King George, and June 22nd, Oorona tion Day, will be preclaitned as stat- utory or. legal holidays in Canada. Vic- toria Day and Dominion Day are now statutory, holidays and with June 3rd added as a fixed holiday from; now on, and Coronation., Day an extra holiday this year, the`Domitalpn will be well, ser- ved"with public 'holidays- The. death table place at the home of, Mr;„ Walker, Con. 2, Stephen, ori April .14th, of d hie+little grandaugh- ter, Vieletta a:farg'aret, daughter of ^ Mr: Albert • Valker of the West, aged ' 2 years, 5 months„ 19 days. The, little on had no`t liesii"bf strong health since. fii£tm"r' Tile aiiotler* died in the West about t*a> years ago, Since which .time the children Ilan•'been living with the grainiest Cher. ''The fiineral took place. oe April nth. too -Fairfield cemetery. VISITORS Mr. • Albert Spencer left.. Monday for; the West. volt^. John Hunter wa,e in Goderic1t last week as juryman. Miss -Lulu .:fartin; "teacher at Ettrick,, is home for the vacation Airs. Gregory has returned fmtor a vis- it with her son in Stratford, Er. Case Howard Is home fror,o To,^: :onto' or two weeks holidays`, Mrs. Whiting of London visited her father, Mr. John Welsh, this 'week, bits, J. E. Smith and family returned from a visit in Cleveland on Friday, ;.1Tr. and bars, C. W. Babb„. oaf.'Birr, visited at . the Rectory over Sunday.” Miss Stella Gregory .of Chatham is spending the holidays at her hauls here miss -Annie Sanders •of Jarvis,' is spending a week's holidays at her home keens, Henry Jones was in Landon this v ek consulting a specialist regarding rs" eyesight. tt es, Cole left bl,'anday morning fa: T a onto, were he will attend tita kt •'3,11 Cotvention. 3i.. R9bt. Houlden, a. policesr^an and a: friend of London, were guests of. Thos.: louldet this week, 4Tessr. s. Andres Campbell and. Chas. bio rteith of Thames Reread left here est Ma,iday far the West. \Tessrs, John Walker and Loney Hey. wood are in. St. a aiaryslwritino on OW divinity examinations, ;.feeere, W, J. Dfurray, A tiUages and Fel. Willie attended the Oddfellowws' Ledger of Instruction in Goderleh Geed Friday. ', Mr. Ray Heller of Toronto visited over Sunday withhta kormer employer, l4tr• John H. so -At, He left :Monday foe the West.. air« John n Mitchell left 'Monday morn - re for Victoria Hoeletel, London, wiere he will undergo an operation for trouble, Miss Laura 'Werereeiser retureed #e aureate opt T.eureday last after a via- It or sante weeks wit.,; ler +sister, :'airs. 1. \Tarebaod, ..1TIss Ethel Arniatrong was hence front t,ucknaw this week. Mies Ida Arnt- atrorrg acv mpented her back to tee northern town, ''Atlas E. Livia, Mies R. Irwin, Mies Sipes and Mr, i3. Irwin of Clinton were t+teneavit visitors on Good Friday et tine :tome of Mr, W. J. Carliteg. Mise Lottie Welsh and e^eusltt, Mrs. Wm. Ray, returned, to -Landon Mondale after spending Easter vacation with the former'es parents°, wth and bars. 'William Welsh. Mr. S. 3,fartiny Mr. Wilbur Martin and wife, Metiers. 'Whitby, James Sparks, Wallace, Fuke and Dr. Kinsman were in London on Good Friday to hear the Sheffield Choir. Miss Erie Quackesueh ot Ridge- town Is visiting at non ;corn hero. Miss Bennett of Bleheeim and Mrs. Bennett of Bidgetsow,n accotnpan1ed her here, the latter returning on N nday. «' :Ir. Garvey Aeheso'iia of London` 'Was horns for the hoUdwys. Her has aneeoptcd' a position in the office of W. Alien Young, wholesale jeweller, London, and commenced his duties this week. The teachers are holidaying at their several homes, Miss Johnston at Toron- to, Mian Rabb at Seaforth, Miss Alex- ander at Forest, Miss Murray at Hen sail, and ;rise Thomnpspn at Toronto. Mr.: S.,. W..Rowe. and, wife, were in \Vallacebung last week where Mr. Rowe purchased -a ;hail :Interest- in a furniture and undertaking'- business. He has dis- posed tai ,1vi,s' interest in the well-known firm ofewe R & Atkinson to his broth er, Mr. ... Rowe, Rowe, ..Nprevi6usly owl ed the busyness, .and will have a sale of:has household 'effects on the 26th, aihit of which 'appears in. aniother col- usr n. They will move to Wallaceburg' about thefirst iof the month. The people., of Exeter and community will regret the departure of ?.1r ; Rowe and family, as they have been most estinnable citizens,' Arid in business, social and church circles will be much missed. A1thn igh suffering from a very heavy cold, Rev. Birksi' of London, president of ,-•the.Conference, delivered two able', sermons in James''9treet church +nn” Sun day ori the eecaelon •of the re -opening services. The congregations were targe and most- pr.appreela.tived During the year ,the : in}terior of the Church has been .decorated, stained glass wlndOwe replace the whitened windows, the base meat ha` been reeeated with chairs in- stead of :benches; 'the gallery has been enlarged and reseated,,and a viery, corn nodi nus shed built, the 'whole- eta.coet of 44"000; tor'eroure which amount" the treetede'`are asking • subscriptions I3ev. Dr.' Carman,- general superintendent, Will preach `neat . Sunday. ' • Tnss,Delivhh,+HI bbn is 'visiting in.Ot h ,Mr„, A'V,al'ter lalley of :London iisited'. ere his' .`,wee „ art, of:ahe vrcek aiimsaaw'. is[xr;`—;ra t sisto3Kre ahitisiljT \`snotsR.1 PAO esnt� I"u 95 Irl �41F1 8UllilER5 StwPLIES HEOWl C5 #lliE 00ti NAtt.,5AASSSPUTTY IROAP!DErfiTnN45 Preston Safe- lock Shingles Something to think about No matter what kind of imuild- ing you intend to put up or re- pelt, rile QNE most important part rs the Root,, Dant forget that the appearance stud dura- bility of the building, the safety' of its contents and the sellznt value, ifou ever put it on' themarket depend more upon the roof than any other part of the construction. Every Preston e to.mak 9Ml ate is made to conform with, Britieb. Specie. cations --admiralty and other. Publie Service. Guaresteed to he Wind And Weather proof. Preston corrugated iron and "ACORN," Sheet Steel Siding always in stock. Spring House- Cleaning Every Housewife and Proper ty Owner should see us before housecleaning time. We earl give you helpful suggestions • on tete easiest and roost eatinonaaeal way of making your home at- tractive, bright and fresh.. Seeds Braces Bite Pour -The larg- est and. best Field Roots in ex. 1stence--Intermediate Srtlooth Wtiie Carrot, Giant White Feeding `'Sugar Beet, Giant Yellow Intermediate Mange), New Century Purple Top Swede Turnips, Sruco's and Steel Brlgg s Gorden seeds. T. Haskins & Sou PHONE We deliver promptly Look here first Money goes a long way at Powell's Bazaar 25 CENTS WILL BUY Pretty China Salad Bowls Pretty 'China Jugs Pretty China Cake & Bread. Plates Swell Cups and Saucers, late shapes Decorated China Cuspidors And scores' of such goods. A new shipmerit of bright, and' up-to-date post cards just imp We sell thousands of cards. Our place for choice. Come :in and have ;a; 1ojok at them Visit the Bazaar first Every day will have Special Bargains and. Saturday will 'be a hummer, if low pricee stend for anything. Look in our "window every time you pase. Get the habit. It pays. 5 CENTS WILL -BUY Large Sunkist juicy oranges Jumbo Peanuts+ • • - Glass Salt or Pepper Shakers Pretty Bread and Butter Plates 'Pretty Birthday Cards . Goad. Writing Tablets and Envelopes Bananas 20c. doz. Extra Fancy 25e. Oranges 25c. and up, Candy, All kinds' all prices. Come often, Specials for Saturday. POWELL'S BAZAAR J. Willis Powel], Prop. :plemen •We are now busy re -building ': yj mT Implement, Waa-eroeams, and we wish to draw your 'attention to the fact that we handle a fu line of McCormick .••• Implements FOR-'rHE INTERNATIOIIA,L I .ARVESTER COMPANY Mowers, "Rakes, Manure , bhp lders,,tilling'tcjals, etc Binders in our display. See how they glisten and glitter, No wonder they make the most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring. Dor - jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings and rings just for adornment. We can supply you just as GOOD GOODS at just as R ABLE PRIOR as can be bad at any place in Canada. A. .. a °hand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician ighten the This is the time of the year when she 1 c tae one,. Thele is no better time to brighte with a little • Furodure We inerts you nnpeet our showing est and best in the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, -A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Root will be in order. We eau suit your taste and; 1? in .anything in the line of furniture, onie Cleaning will up the home h is the ROWS & ATKINSON Leg The Leading Rome 'laxlai her and Funeral Directors, pairs >' JONES IVIAY P$QNE NO. 32 Spring Hats All Should Have One SELECT YOUR SPBLNG•HAT NOW tYHILE STOCKS ARE COM- PLETE, OR LEAVE YOUR-. ORDER. WE ARE SHOWING THE LARG- EST AND MOST STYLISH ASSORTMENT OF STYLES EVER SHOWN IN EXETER. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. Stylish New Dress Goo ds THIS IS A BUMPER DRESS GOODS SEASON WITH US. WE ARE SHOWING*THE FINEST WEAVES THAT CAN BE 1301IGHT IN BLACK: AND COLORS. AT 50c., 75c. and $.00 per yard. POPULAR PRICES, Black V'Soles Black Poplins Black Satin+ Cloths Black. Venetians - Black Chiffons Black Reailda,s Colored Violee Colored Poplins Colored Mielrases Colored Salln Stripes Colored Silk. Glorias Colored- Satin Cloths And many other •kinds.. of Anew Fabrics . Ladies' Ready-to.Wear Garments That are Attractive & Practical Until you.: have seen our"_magnificient showing you will not be able to see what we are ::loin , in this line, $5.00 SPRING COATS This is a winner and is sure to take' your fancy. It conies in light fawn, striped and Blacks . SPRING SUITS Have you seem your all -wool Venet iaun Cloth Suits—coat silk lured In navy or black—for only $11.00. Its a beauty.. A -NICE LINE OF LADIES' LONG •SPRING COATS• In Fawn' er Black. • They, are very stylish and you will like them for their usefulness.. CHILDREN'S DRESSES A, new; line with us -We are showing -a nice range of white checks ..and plain colors at 1.00 1.2,5,` 1. o, 2.00, 2,50; ,5.50. WHITE DRESSES AT $4 TO $,10.00:. pe man,ufact}i nitpijber of .which r'.. will find,, it - r of-;Chsniham arv-; for ytlung'nmen. Any •see befpre, pur rnexmtea :rand, )lrw)JlTsh. him •' of i lflllp its- fiat all mmple ig Silk . Season PL IN SILKS , JAQUARD SILKS. We have a Lu11 ranee, of •all the ' 4r) alk' the neweet shades., .T,his 113 popular eilkei,;tin,20 inch», 27, inch. a' very' popular eurnmer' aiik, aayd it 1 yd. w1deshi�d.40 inch wide.' They comae 27 iinphea wide at 40c., are very rnud"h' and 50c. -per ya? d. 4r, f^, gni !i+