Exeter Advocate, 1911-4-20, Page 7THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THTJRSDAY, APRIL 20, 911. SP R1110 IMPURITIES IN TIIE BLOOD Kale the USH 8\301Ii0 Medicine a Necessity Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are au all year round tonic blood -builder, awl nerve -restorer. But they are especially valuable hi, the spring when the ystern ia loaded with ini- pueitiee asea reselt of the indoor We of the long winter meetbs. There is. no other season when the CAVES IN EAST AERICA. Discovery of a Great Cavern 3,300 Feet in Length. - A remarkable system of subter- rane,o,n ea,ve,s in German East -Af- rica. has been discovered and partly explored by Father Arabrosius, a Roman Catholic missimearY, and Herr Thurnaann, a German official. The cayee are situated ie the Mate umbi Moentains and uatives never ventured fertber than a small grot- to, the first one eneountered, as they sail en evil Bpirit elevelt'with- in. The tWO explorers discovered a hole at the end of this grotto whicb led to a great eavern 3,300 feet in length, filled with deep pools blood is really so ,nuch m need of ia which strange eellike fish lived. parifyieg and enriching, and every ataketeteee and eeeeageeiees ee feet deseeof these Pine helpto xnake 1 in length were plentiful here, aew, rich, red blood, In the spring Further searches- resulted in the one feels tired aim weak --Dr. Wil- discovery of other huge eaves at liamse Pink Pills give strength, In idceper levels, second level lay the spring the appetite ie often 1 150 feet deeper, a third 60 feet be- poor—Dr, '4Vi1liems' Pink Pills de- low the second, and a, fourth 90 velop the appetite tone the stee feet below the third. From this the mach and aid weak digestion. It explorers had to retreat, a$ thOtta, fe in the spring thatpoisons la the ands a bats attacked them, and blood nun an °wet p elisageeine 1 their lantetrns were in daee,er of • pimples, eruptions and boils --Dr. tbuerineghiextgaished by these ere Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear s. the kin because they go to the root of the trouble in the bleed. ID AN UNREDEEMED PLEDGE, the spring altelDia, rlemenetient, An incident not witheet pathos neuralgia, and meny other treat- oceureed toward the end of last lees are west pe,rsietent hecanee week at =le of teure,eaemea a poor weak blood, and it is at pledges at the Meet de Piete, (hie time, 'when all nature regain asaye the Leedon Globe. life, that the blood most eerimiely There. were sae h auction a child's drinking cep, plate, spoon and knife and fork. Fifty-one years ago these eotiveeire were deposited in the Paris menicipal paweshea. Every year Siliee the interest has been paid regularly lied the right of redemption secured, but the family ver seem to have possessed the accessary 15 oe. 20 francs to resume possession. Evidently the poor people are either dead or have be - more eeedy. Two years ago he lutenist ceased to be peed, but, the department, to their credit, abstined from selling these "lares d penatee." Several lettere were dressed at the last known resi- enee and to other .plaees where be pawners have lived, bet they havN'la COMO back Marked "Incon, TUZ" The sands of the glass have rnn out and the objects so eareful- ly guarded for half a centery have been sold. UNNATURAL THINNESS EASILY CORRECTED. By Clever Prescription Which Can Be Filled at Any Drug Store. No Need to be Thin New as Rep Show This Method Ef- fee tire. needs attentioe. To improve end fortify the blood is the speeial mis- ion of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and thee is why they are the best sprn medicine en exieteece. yon feel the need of a medicine this spring give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy, and 'will he especially fit- ted to stand the torrid beat whieh OltieSlitte beer. These Pille are sold by afl inedi- etun dealers ex' sent by mail at 50 eents 0, box, or eix boxes for $2,50 be The Dr. William' Medielue Co, Brockville, Ont, CORONATION FILMS. An invention has been made mak- s it possible to transmit cinema - graph pictures by wire and an ex- perunental trial is to be made on eoronation day. An attempt will be made to send views of the great eyeat from London to Paris, and if ft is successfully aceomplished the films will be exhibited at the Paris - Lin picture theatres a ftw hours later. The inventor of the `Tine - telegraph," as it is termed, has Wee ten years completing, his ap- paratus, and has but lately succeed- ed in trasmitting overland a film two hundred feet in length over a distauee of thirty miles. The eoro- nation film, whichit is the inven- Stor's intention to transmit to Paris, will show the progress of the King and Queen from Buckingham Pa- lace to the entrance of the Abbey. ee, -- WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS, Tile proportion of remarriages shows an almost continuous de- erease, says the, British Registrar - General in his report on the births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales during 1909.The num- ber of widows, he states, is always much greater than that of widow- ers, because in the first place men roarey later in life than women; .secondly, be-ause the duration of male life is shorter than that of fe- male life, a.nd thirdly, because the proportion of widows who remarry is much lower than the proportion of widowers who remarry.. Mar- riages of persons described as di- yoreede have steadily increased and in the seer -ITN were the highest on reeprer THE BEST MEDICINE SO MOTHERS SAY Mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are the very best medicine they can. give their little ones. It is the happy experience of one mother that helps others to keep their lit-. tle ones well. Thousands of mo- thers have found the Tablets a never -failing cure for the ailments that afflict their little ones, Mrs E. Sandwell, Coldwater, Ont., says :,--"I find Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine any mother can give her little ones. I tried "soothing" mixtures, but they did not help my baby, but as soon as I begin giving him the Tablets they made his teething easy and I would hardly know be was cuttirig a teeth. , 1 would not be without, the Tablets, and always recommend them to my friends.'' BalaY' s Own blett are sold by medicine 'deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a, box from The Dr. • CO., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Ne-wlywed—'Before we were married you said that my slightest wish should be your law." Mr. .c.Newlywed—"Exactly, my love ; but ,you have aa many vigorous and ell -developed wishes that am as unable to, decide as tie' which is eeslightest.'' een tailung t& e Emnerun SUFFERED SINCE RR CHILDHOOD, 111,l...e DODD'S Kip/STY, l'ILLS MADE MRS. LAPRA.IR E A NEW WOMAN. A Nipiesing Lady gh-e4 an experience that should prove of immense value to the suffering women of Canada. Lapeairieville, Nipiseing District, Ont„ April 17 (Special).—After euf- fering from various forms of kidney ills since she was a, child, Mrs. O. Lepreirie is a. well woman and once more it has been proved that n� case of Kidney Trouble is too se- vere or of to long standing for Deeld's Kidney Pills to cure, Is TetM or -rtie„, sr ST enEolouNie for COL/01-141 Z COLDS LIMITATION OE ARMAMENT., DEFECTIVE. ilbut he hasnh lttiei3:atdgeissoncly a five ergexyeears old - si$Digrtib eilOe htizigo hat she ea feels c 1 i r11:irsi Reeently there eame a real live baby into the house. • Whea it, was Pot into her arrOs, this real live baby, the five-year-old surveyed it with a critical eye. ' "Isn't that a nice baby ?" oried the nurse, with the. jOy011e pride With which a nurse always regards a new baby, in which the feels that the has a proprietary interest.. "Yes," replied the little girl he, sitatingly, "it's nice, but its head's loose 1" SPRI,N a SKIN TROUBLES Exchange of Information With Ger- Pimples, Eruptions and "Spotty many Will Tend That Way. Complexioned' . e, At this season, eeores of people RePlYing to a question An the girls and young wolnea especially— British House of Conirnans the oth- find their feces- disfigured, by vire- • eery of foreign affairs, said rd that the pies, darle 4pot$, eruptions Iriterviewed regarding her cure S' r Edw Tb s In nee ds atten n --nee e le- no-afing after the tryine time it I have iliyered from Kidney Di's_ Germau Reichstag on disaemaments has Passed thrQugh during the win' Xrs.. Laprairie saida mperial Chancellor, Von Beth. eo "Since I was twelve years of age- mann-nn in his sPeech iu the' ease_ I was always tired, idy lack eepressly accepted the idea of an ter, would ache arid I always had a h f t bt exe ange o orrna ion e ween sharp pain in the top part or Toy '117..4.te riftalu „4,11/4 G°erul, 4nt7 Olt t raia eleet and snOW Yoll have Sir Edward thought that, eueli an been at on0 nualnent AllaysNeurialgicPaint Nervous/I Cold in licaci laVaSeline Remedies in:112m, (..amphorIce.Boral:eci, Carbolatecl.Camphorated. Whife.Oxide of Zinc,etc. Eachfoispecial purposes Wlitefor TreeYaseline Boole te FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. A Li., KID s oP PA4ms—Fruit 1arnl 13Weialt.Y. W. Calder, Grimsby. eillOILE DELA% ARE FAIEMAx, clitaate. near beat markets, al/ sizes. Mans' bargains on easy terxxxs, Catalogue 'free. Edward 0. Wilson, Dover, Delaware. ion ,..tellfS liwarixix tif Alalha a sits I ila i - ' l ‘Tlit think what it has ene beae i!'*.if i° Sol s'"' "'"d "'Y g . .; ix eetr of eut,huilttiuo a , throw+ i You have been <nit in t94' WI E"'`e43'nge f'Qr filarajl ,1.4.e tern). 114 15 estern Beal Estate Exceanga, Limited, den, Ont, LU) Britain ext fee o BOA e042 X tle ncrspirir head, -My heart al,ee troubled me, be "lIearme," ef Dedd's :Kidney Pills, exesiange was not ouly praeticable P140,titiga or some other exertion. J. gave then' a trial» and now r feel but desirable, He added that, in-' Then you haee stood to "cool off," like a new Wenlan'" so far as n eel nge a e- la o f inforrea You have spent hours of the day in. Til°asonds of Canadian lnell tion tended to allay suspicion, it doors at a. temperature equal to wQrneP are feeLing just as Mrs" would have an ailed on the ex- summer heat. Then you have cav- penditure of the two cenntries for ed up your skin—except your armament. —and gone exit into a tempera- Lapreirie cleee—ae 14 life had start- ed all over for them—jest beeituee they have mired their kidneys with Dodds Kidney Pills, For the kid - nays are the mainspring of life. ,If they are clogged or out of order the whole body is wroug. Dodd's id - nay Pills always pet the kidneys in good working order. "Ab! So that is the oldest inha- bitant'?" said the mtv man. "How do you account for his having lived all these years?" "Well," a trifle aeidly replied the laudlorel of the Skeedee Tavern, "I gvess it's Wens he's never done anything else." Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. —Through lack of consideration of the body' e needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they beeeme ehrouie, ftlling daye and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and speedy_ way to regain health. Theee pills are specially componnded to Celli - bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they e successful always.: Mother—``Teminy, what's ,your ''So Much Peoplghe who are very thin titid scrawny little brother crying , r out not to be so. Undoubtedly they anent Fe: Tommy—`' 'Ofiese are more subject to disease aud contag- eatini my cake an' won't give him ions than the normally fleetly. Thinness is • usually accompanied by weakness, and any.:: his own cake finished7" wettkness sttbx eets anyone to COWS." Yes, an' he cried while I was eat - coughs, consumption, pneumonia, etc. It , . , , hits been discovered, alnaost by accident. 111' that, too.' that tincture cadotnene, when tombined III a prescription with proper aceelera. time medicines, becomes one of the most valuable, effective, and reliable nutritive or flesh making inedicines known to selence. It is espeeially beneficial to men and women between the ages -of six- teen and fifty-five, who from lack of pro- per nerve fore and digestion, remain undeveloped in body. limbs, arms and bust. A well rounded symmetrical figure in man or woman indientes health, mag- netism, stamina atid happiness. The reader who wishes to add from ten to. forty pounds should not fail to begin, with this valuable preseriptiou. Pirst, obtain from any well stocked druggist, three ounces of essence of pep- sin and three ounces of syrup of rhubarb in an 8 oz. bott16. Then add one ounce com- pound essence cariliol. Shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadoniene compound (not eardo- mom). Shake well and take one teaspoon- ful before each meal, one after each meal. Drink plenty of -water between meals and when retiring. Keep up this treatment regularly and of a certainty from one to three pounds will be added to the weight each week. and the, gener- al health will also improve, FOOLHARDY SNAKE KEEPER. The only fatal ease of snake bite on record in the London Zoological Gardens was directly due to the foolishness of the victirn. He was in charge of the snakes, and com- ing in one morning with some friends began to boast of his power over the creatures and the extent they would submit to be played with by one whom they knew. This led to practical experiments, the Over -confident keeper taking an In- dian cobra from its comfortable sleeping place, and declaring he was a snake charmer proceeded to swing it about his head and Play TRV MURINE EYE 'REMEDY - for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Maine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1,00. Eye Books and. Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. If a man does well in a small town he soon gets the idea that he could do better in a city. Only the uninformed. endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Core Cure and get relief, Conceited Young Man—"I won- der why that yeung' lady over there looks at me so much?" Sarcastic Young Lady—"She has weak eyes, and the doctor told her to relieve them by looking at something green." alarmed's Liniment for sate everywhere. Professor—' is the most de- licate of the senses?" Pupil—"Phe touch." Professor—"Prove it." Pupil—"When you sit on a pin you can't see it, you can't hear it, you can't tast,e it, and you can't smell it, but you kne*it's there." CHINESE BOY EMPEROR. An American doctor recently vise si the palace at Pekin to examine he baby Emperor, who, it was VI,reinedies, Smear ,Zam-Buk OUDd bad go,rged 'with, 4, lightly' over the spots, the erup- i 1 of ewallows' nests (a sore the sallow vetches at night, "ijnous material) and thus pro- d wash with Zam-Buk Soap (enl,y , per tablet). Thee notice how licitly your appearance improves. ni-Buk is also a sure curie for re away below zero! No wonder that, with all these ehangee, the skin of the face and eeck shows signs of needing attention. Zaen-Buk and Zam-Buis Soap are It is in Demand.—So great -is the demand for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric other tricks with it. A native 'Oil that a large factory is kept con: snake charmer would have known tinually busy making ° and bottling there was no certain -way to rouse it. To be in demand shows popu- the snake's temper than this, for the race abhors rough handling or sudden movement of any sort. The result of the cKploit was that the lar appreciatiotrf this, preparation,. which stands at theheacl of proprie- tary compounds as the leading Oil in the market, and itis generally keeper was bitten on the nose. He admitted that it is deserving of the was hurried off to the hospital, but clied in a few hours. , "Ever' been in Siberca,?" asked, S. TIlitIBFR FIGURES. the Yeporter. '`` 31—yes; answerred Lisst year over 55,000,000,000 feet the distinguished Russianrefugee,' of timber were cut in the United "I took a knouting'ihere one sum- ates. More than 18,000 acres of flier.," timber are cut in the Ilnit,ed States every working day. At the present rate of consumption the desirable' and accessible timber of the -country will be exliatisted in between twen- ty-five and thirty-five years. To,,Siipsi ply a paper like the Chicago Tri-' paper. for one, year. re - reglog thirst. The indis- yielded easily to the doe- eatruent. The Emperor, he pe in a gigantic bed, big ugh for sihm peopie. ue rises at skin Injuries and diseases. Eczema, 'eloele, at once has a meal of "leers,xgworrn,yield to its use - and tlien goes to pay his , For cuts, burns, bruises, children's spects to the 1)owager Lung-yu, rashes, ete., it is unequalled, and who is on most affectionate terms for piles. Mothers will find &m - with him. Even his own father and Buie Soap best for baby's bath! All mother have to kneel to him when drutgists and stores at Cele. box for they visit him, A Chinese nurse Zain-Biak and 25e. tablet (or 3 for named Mrs, Chang, aged 45, car- 70c.) for the Soap. If you have ries him about all day, and sleeps any diffieulty in obtaining, order in a small bed by the side of -his. from Zam-Buk Co,, Toronto, and The Emperor's romne are full of send' price. expensive toys. Che,ritable Man (to former blind beggar)—"What, have you eecoy- red your sight7" Beggar --"Well, quiche, eters ceatee, asses oelais heels von see, it's this way --I've lost me dog, arid as I cannot he blind any longer, I've heeernie a deaf mute." the throat and luroda' . 0 CC1313} Talk is seldem satisfactory anless it is your own, and the you may overdo it. TO CURB A COLD IN DNB DAY Take LAXATIVE 1.1110M0 Quinine Tablets. Druzgists refund money if it faits to core, B. W. GROTE'S signature is on each box. tie. Recruiting Sergeant—"Do you know anything about drill7" Re- eruit--"Av ciourse. Didn't Oi jist tell ye Oi wurked in a quarry these foive year past?" Revive the Jaded Condition. — When energy flags and the cares of business became irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They "I just hear -1. -rd wan man call an - will regulate the action of a de- other a liar. And the man that was ranged stomach and a disordered called a liar said the other inan Some persons are more suscep- tible to colds than others, contract- ing derangements of the pulmon- ary organs from the slightest caus- es. These should always have at hand a bottle of Biekle's Anti-Con- suniptive Syrup, the present day sovereign remedy LOT coughs, ca- tarrh ad inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no mat- ter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like Bickle's, for it is the best. "Why do ye look so sorryful, Den- nis7" asked one man of another. liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion - when SO simple and effective o„ pill can he got at any drug store. quires over 2,000 acres of timber. ated bette'r -PILES CURED IN 6 TORt tikyS,;, Your' druggist will refund inonot,Ifv,'F4C05 IlEIV`f fulls to cure any ease of-„Iteld4g, Bit Bleeding Or Protruding rili6 int to,1411a.ya", ^5 Hoisekeepepu'r a. big healthy man; •wify 4ont you.go tb. wer.rk?'' r.,11 tdll yer -me ,trouble. ,Ero an earthapPY ineclium4 14Y1'. THE FAMILY PETe Policeman—"Do you have to take care of the dog?" Nurse Girl—"No; the misses says I'm -too young and inexperienced. I only look after the children." lillnartes Liniment Relieves tieuralsla• If the world isn't better for your having lived in it, it -ought to help some when you get out of it. A pin scratch may cause bload poison, a rusty nail cut is very apt to do so. Hamlin's Wizard Oil used at once draws out all infec- tion and makes blood poison im- possible. IMPOSSIBLE. ,"Do you love your papa?" as the Minister.' "Yea,, replied *Willie, "And do you obey ,him?" ,"And now comes the, most im- p,ortant question of, all. Do you hint?" .f`1T76.)-vca,a1 I ,if he is the kind of maerania‘ keeps on telling him he ii?'" • , ed eltiickil, s,Cii1S liit ,k4e kliroats'ited husd beiit 35-eeeis ins 8. f evcji, woman, z.who 1iat KldreV o redder trouble, could gb t� ,Davisville, nSiitnd talk to Mrs A „Siinpson, they (lo just as she did, take Gir,!Pilla ad,tjlthernee1vC5 "For 14 or 15 years 'Nianey or , Bladder tro;,ible, suffer. - Imes intiiie aie. doctorcd but nothine,,,g,Oecperman- •• relief until I wai1,,p,eratiaded 'to try '0 'thin a couple 0,11 '1 received yoltef„ and.;‘aft elk ng one .110v 0111PI Vur,e‘d.' a retinal qo ii•- atikil le -4 would have to apologize or there would be a fight." "And why should that make you look' sad ?" "The other man apologized!" I consider 2,1INARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. Gk. MCMULLEN. ACENTS waerree. GENTs W,A2V,t'D.—S&,s0 a day easy. exporienee needed, Sells on hi, Absolute necessitY to farmers., DoeS work Q1 tllirtY men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write to -day, MODEEN MAC11, INEDY CO. (Dept. 0, Sarnia, out. Cr TS WANTED. — Experienced a -Mite only, for two new popular 1 goed salary and commission. ApplY BRITISII CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL LOA/. PANT. Limited, 223 Albert Street, Ottawa, CELLANE01.15. ARM SCALES, epectal price, Wilson's Scale Werke, 9 Esplenaile, Temente, J'Fyou are leoking, for the best l'IENta IUM taropositien in Canada, one _.'hat appeals to everyone. apply r.o dvertisiug Dept., 225 Albert St,, Ottawa. 007 of every description. Advertis- ing signs a specialty, Write for booklet, teeutesou. the Sign Man, Orillia, 131,GG F . !ix 41litick, Eyes, White. Barred ° EC niton giNT;caso Wrte G4"' Ont. A Se (r) 'INS u'Vo d tOVOU i bas tiv!,Mi..er leaven stiamons, ence the pros,ray °ti TeCi7 lish speaking nerloulm.iral cof rearrirunEity; fleece the fact that feasitatoon't popula- tuna has jumped from 113 to over I6,000 in less than seven Years. We have lots a land, Why not keep the family togethe by getting some for yourself and the boys For infortuution, write Commissioner. Board of Trade. Saskatoon, ..c.iNtatc..40. wan, Western Canada. You wonder why you have more troublg than other people, and they Wonder why you have less trouble than they do. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AHD CHILD. e MRS. 'WINSLOW'S SOOTi4ING SYRYTP IIS been nsed for over SIXTY YE,AltS by MILLIONS of MOTIkERS for their CHILDREN W1-11LE TEETHING, -with PERVEcT sucCEss. It soon-w.s the CTIV,D, SOFTENS the GUMS), ALLAVS.all PAIN; CURES,W,IND COLIC, and is Ole best remedy for DIARRNOSA. It -is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for ." Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Twenty -ave cents a bottle. ADMITTED HIS ERROR. L4ARN TUE, BARBER. TRADE—NEW system—constant practice — careful anstruetion —a few weeks' complete course —tools free. Graduates enrn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for mita, logue, Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto, One ofthe rroatest of parliame Lary apologies, says a. writer in the Loudon Chronicle, was that of an irate member of the House who de- scribed another as "not having the manners of a' pig. the cry of "Withdra he did so. ' "I withdraw and apolo- gize, and beg to say that honorable member has the manners of a pig.' - Suitor --"Why do yu object to my marrying youx daughter ?" i'a- hiii In the style tomeci, to .a,11 yen knew .ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatmeut. Write us before too late. Dr. Stillman Medea l Co,. Collingwood, Out. t TON SCALE, special price. Wilson's Li Seale Works, Esphanade, Toronto. The Soul of a Piano le the Action. Insist on the 'OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action EING I CLEANING Fortha wiry best, send your wak, Ale "BRITISH AMERMAN DY,EINC GO," Look for agent in your town,'or send direct. Montreal. Toronto. . 'Ottawa, Quebec. You'll Save Both Time and Honey—as Well as a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use ‘`POWDRPAINT" --PAINT WITHOUT OIL—„. Easily applied, gll'ea y011 a bard permanent finish that will wear for yours. Send for color Gard—and full particulars - Please tnentionthis paper, The Powdrpaint, Go. TORONTO THE MAKINGS. First physician—"Can you make anything out of the patient's trou- ble?" Second ditto—"I think if We man- age right we can make about five hundeed apiece out of it." Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon'to suffering children everywhere. It Seldom ails. ,I'd known how sarreastic you were I never shouldlhavenar- xied you,'? She—"You had a. chance' to notice it. Didn't INSay, 'This is sosudden," when 3,eit proposed to . me ,after font.- years' courtship 1" A 4