Exeter Advocate, 1911-4-13, Page 8THE 'EXETER ABVD LATE, THURSDAY) APRIL 13, 1311 THE. !ug Track The spring trade this year promises to be a heavy one, and we are prepar.' eel for it with a, full supply of the Finest Clothing Materials in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Etc. Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try us for your new Spring Suit. TAMAN Merchant Tailor,. Exeter, - - Ontario EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESD4' Bas>rley..44•••••••••••••• Buckwheat.. . , • ,, ChYs,40.1,4,1,11.9“(•••• �a. `v ,t e14pibrbag ,,.. Hay, era Flour, per cwt., family Flour, r, low grade per cw Butter .,.• "live hogs, per cwt. • ,., Shorts per ton....... <.. Bra zz per ton.....,, ...... 78 60 75 80 50 75 9 50 1000 2 40 145 14.5 21 21 17 17 605 20 00 00 a00AL DOINGS. eel, „ea,ell Acetic -Pe Ac-gen- ...Be 'The man wlzo 'whispers dewaa a well About the geosls he has: to sell, Worst reap the glen corse, :golden dollars Like the ,man wile climbs a tree and hollers. 11iISS J. J. ALLAN, Bye Sight; ,Spee1al- let, will be at the Commercial Hotel," Exeter, Saturday April 22nd. Hours 10 amt, to 6 p.m. Don't veerry, It you Itavf with your taking, try. 3F. Bros. ad trouble iareee BUGGY FOR SALE.—A top buggy in first -clans eondltion. Apply at .Advocato Otflce, , MANGOLDS FOR SALE,—A quantity of naaxrl;olds, apply to John Kerslake, Londcon Road South. HOUSE TO BENT.—That desirable traane house and four lots, situated to the south of the river, on Main street, Exeter, known as the Muir property. 111I- ntediate possessi•en. Apply to WILLIAM REID. 1 t MONEY ;LOST.—On Main street, Exet- er, on March 27th, a. ten dollar bill. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving' same at this office. If you want to sell or to rent ;yeah} house or farm advertise It in The Advo tate columns. Success Is rarely accidental. There Is a reason for the fact that Model Flour is so popular.—Harvey Bros. 75c. pays for The Advocate to the end of the yeas. Subscribe now. DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLYTAKE NOTICE that my ot- fice Is closed every Wednesday after- noon. DR. BOULSTON. , Go to The Advocate Office. for Marri- age Licenses. LOW RATES FOR EASTER Via Grand Trun laRaiiway Systema. Re- turn tickets at single fare (with mini- mum change of trwearty-five cents) be- tween all stations in Canada, also to. Niagara Falls arid Buffalo, N.Y., De- troit and P,)rt. Huron, Mich. Good go- ing April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Return limit Wednesday, .April 19th, 1911. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, 'Toronto, Ont. Trusses We carry a complete stock of different ,=keel. of Trusses. When .need of a Truss COME TO tUS• WE DO NOT CHARGE FABULOUS Pi;1ICTils'' the firs onsultation Free WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. If: your told one is worn out °pr u comfortable give us a bene- tit by ourexperiruCe a Headquarters' for.; It GOODS;,.'SIIOULDER BI,LAIESCE RU LL D{,}(0ISI" 4 SLPPLr; To marrow' is Good Friday. Bev. Yeliand preached at Granton on Sunday. Workmen are engaged xe-building Mr, Wes. Snell'S implement wareroonts.. ?4fr, B, W. Fi Beavers: is cavern,;, the eXe cavating done tor hie residence north of vainest,, chureh. • A number of Exeter Oddfellows wilt. go to , Godericle Friday to, attend the Lodge of Instruction,. 4 number from :Exeter drove. to, Zurich to hear G. leteKey speak ote iteeipro- city on. Monday afternoon,. Mr. Jab. Motors -of Kirkton, purchase ed the Ja$. Beatty fare st at tKirktdn on Saturday,paying therefor $12,400, • The Huron O,,aunty Stock show was a huge success, the exhibits being,' above the average in quality and quan- tity. '_Mr. John Torrance, License Inspector, Seuth Huron, has been confined to his :outs :for several days owing, to illness, --Clinton. Ne"s, Record. T::e 15th Annual Convention of the R=:.cher District of the Woman's- Mission- ary Society will be - held :rt Crtditoa on Tlruursday of this weelr, We u:aderstand that 3fr. A, J. Rollins ' k exchlraged. tis property at By rag. o: the property of his: brother, Dr. .L Boinns, In th.e. West, and will mow 4it t e West ,alaort.ly, daaietrate day has sufficiently reoov a ed frons lata 1llnoss as ttj be able tq take a Want up Iowa Monday, 11r.', W, G, Bissett is also able to be out again ter a short time each day, after ateveral weeks' illness. The folIewl,ne officers of the baseball. club were elected laat week, --Pres„ 5, G. I1awden, Vice., Jas, Bawden; Sec -Tress., E. I3, Axt ; etaztlager and captain. F, E4yie; managing committee, T. Boyle Imo. jenes and T. carli'ng, Oa Friday morning Gerald, eon Of %'; I?ye; Hurdon, -met with a nasty aceld ent, lie was pruning trees on .arch. Mc Curdy's tenet, tlsborne, when the limb oa which he stood broke, and he .Lehi sustaining a dislocated ankle which will lay taloa at work tar eanzetinte. Rev. D. W. aatd firs, Collins, were last weelr presented with a handsome, baby. earriarre by the Ladles' Guild of the Trivia .laieraaorial Church, This is asa o»"acr evidence ot the appreciation felt by flat Trivitt Memorial cangregation for keit' rector and his good lady. The one thing in your career that s.aould ha in perfect tastes is your „wed - announcement, edannouncement, The material, the na titer on It and the sy le of lettering si ould be e rreet, and they will be it sou entrust the -s matter to us. Ve make a.3 specialty ot hurry orders In wedding llwitations, , announcements, visiting cards and polite stationery. -Advocate. Job Departinent,a Air, Geo. ManK1e wishes to inform the public that he has this week movedinto t.bo premises vacated by Mr., Well. Johns, who hats given sap his tailoring; business, where the will conduct the Flour and Feed business recently purchased troin Mr. Wm. 'Rivers. In; addition he will .handle coal and Wood. He is nave Open for `the purchase ot 1000 cords ot Weed. Try him with am order. The militia camp of the western dis- trict will, in future be Meld at Goderieh. Such is the decision of the Ottawa Gov- ernment. With the exception of one year the camp has been held at London for many years. The dates annnitnced are tram. June 1Dth, to 30,th. This year the infantry along will camp there but next year the camp wi11 consist of Pantry, artillery and cavalry. On Friday evening 7th inst., the Sone of England held a meeting In their hall and after all business had been tran- sacted sat down, tie a bounUful supper, given by President W. H. Dearing and Past President N. D. Hurdon. Atter a few speeches sides were chosen for a carpet -ball match, which continued until the lights went out. They are now op- en for challenges feam other societies. Some person, fond of warning people et the innumerable dangers that lie in wait for him, ,has written the following, —Drink water and get typhoid fever., Drink milk and: get tuberculosis. Drink whiskey and get. jinn -jams. Drink soup and get fat. 'Eat meat and- encourage cancer,., apoplexy and appendicitis. Eat oysters and absorb typhoid gastric poi- son germs. Eat vegetables and give the. system Asiaticathineblooded weakness. Eat desert a'nd die with paresis or some- thing ;else; Smoke Cigarettes, and die too solos. Drink coffee, and fall into insom- nia and nezyous'; prostration. Drink tea and get a weak beag•t.'' Drink wine and get gout. 'You ,pay your money and take your' diploe. The entertainment given by bliss Wi- nona Hgvrard's� Bible Class, "Plus U1= tra," in the basement of the Main street Mhurch on Friday evening waslargely attended and thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. A. C. Williamson and son Ted of. London assisted id the program.. Mr. William= son is a wonderful musician' and Ted is a very pleasing singer.: ,Their selec- tions were appreciated by all. Other num hers onthe program were,—choruses by boys and girls, reading by Earl Powell; solo by ; nr. Angle ; quartette ,by Misses Howard and Follick, Laurie Watson and Dr. Kinsman; piano duet by Miss How- ard and Mr. Steer, .whistling chorus ,be, the boys, eblo ,by Herb. Southcott, laugh- ing chorus by the boys, cornet.`sole by Ed. Treble, reading by Joe Fellick, pi- ano instrumental by Mr. Phillips, ad- dresses by H. E. Huston, the chairman, and Rev. Powell, pastor. The receipts an ousted to $45.50. VISITORS Mies, Murray went to Landon Friday evefi;aln ,.' Afr., 0,. F. Seawright was in. Stoney Point last week, ?Miss Vera Bowe was game from Loa - on over Sunday, ?lir, Ed, Campbell has returned Iron, a,' visit in Hamilton.. 4r, ,Herb Phillips left last week for for Saskatoon, Sask. ?.r.1 W. W. Taman was) in London on business Friday night- eiiss' May Jones oe Hamilton Normal _Le •hoiidayitr„ at home.. DICKS' FORECASTS—A regular storm, period extends rom tilts 16th to the 21 * We will, designate the 18th, 19th, and 20hi as the crisis, o'f this period. On and "touching 'these ' dates, expect many active. April 'storms and,: squads, attended by hail and followed by change. to Hauch cooler. Not only this period, but the entlre month . ot April seems excep- tionaily freefr'nn, great and ;-general; disturbances, but the storm periods,will bring normal and regular •.phenomena`' such as, are comr11a21 to this season of the year. A reactionatly etornv period, utas its cera tre on the 21t11 and 251h, on;. and about which dateai ��t Wbdt+o'meter We pay - pa'titeular, will fall,;ard theeaten nge weather will .mp s ndled"by s. appear. This period will most likely, Huaxter still ren?airy Oscar Andersen and Gea. -Srnallscombe spent; SundSeaforth, M. Peter Baa$v,tar'dea or Itldgetown spent Teursday with relatives here. elise: Ida Rowe is home from Loddon Nornaai for the Easter holidays, Mrs. R. G. Seldon and Mrs, J. G; Stenbury were in Londan Thursday. Mr Geo. Hill gees to Toronte to -day sp.nd the holidayswith his sons. Mrs. Gorden Mantes leaves this nears. *r, for Brantford to spend the holt. Say s. J, E, TOM. I. P. A. et Goderich visit- ed his Pareets here the latter part i.4t last week, !sirs. Chas, Blrney left Friday last to visit her daughter a,ttd other relatives ;near Windsor; al r. and Mrs, Tues, Hawkins* leave title mantling to visit their daughter, Mrs. P. Pollard at Windsor. 'sfessrs, Loney Heyvereed oe Union and Joint. Walker of Beryl/4 divinity students are holidaying. at hunts how. , Lr axed Mrs,- J. G> S#aialrury, with ;a party of friends from Toronto, go f0 New York ona visit this week. Mfr, and Mrs, John Snell leave 'to -day or Brantford, where they will visit n ,v eek with their daughter, Mrs. Smith, Me. TT'. Larnbrooia, and daughter, Mrs, D, Halloran, returned.. tea Brantford on Wednesday after spending *UMW weeks' hem; Mews, James Jewell awl Jatpea.Be Sett o> ,1dl uday for Regina to work du. lag the strnanzer, Much building le in progress la that cite and big wages :area fettered naealaar=les., ZIT*. 3, Alvin, Drintnell returned ora Thursday twin Stratford, where he at- tended the Normal School, and wrote for sa, aeeand-class'te tehers' protessioea. al certificate. Miss Pollard, Who has been the guest of Miss, May Hawkins, lettelvDenda'y evert.. in„ for Brantford, where shewilt visit! a few days priorto returning to iter liome .in, Winds ,r,y Mr. John Haawksliaw left on Saturday last for Toronto, where he will visit his son Fred for a month. Mrs. Havekshaw; lett on, the same day for Milverton to visit her daughter, Mrs. Livingstone, who will mOVo with her husband and family about May 3st to Calgary, Alfa. Mr. Thos. Fisher attended a meeting of tho nnaragerci ref tife different Fire Insurance Companies of "etcetera Ontare to and the local agents covering the sante terrietory, at the Tecumseh douse, London, on Wednesday of last week. Tho business of the meeting over present participated in a eumptuoue ban quet• I All things come to h1m,,w;ho waits But there's a rule that's' slicker, The man who Maes for what leo wants Well get there all the quicker,. .�O BUILDERS SUPPLIES MECHANICS FINE TOOLS NAILS,GIASS,PUTTY Preston Safes lock Shingles Something to tizin,lf about No natter what kind of build- ing you intend to put up or re- pair, the ONE most important part is the Roof. Don't forget that the appearance and dura-_ bility of the building, the safety of its contents and the selling, value, if you eyer put it on the market depend more capon the reutthieei any other part of the cntuere construction. Every ratoal. Sate -Lock, Shin to is made to conform with British Specifi cations --admiralty and other Public Service. Guaranteed to be Wind Arid Weather" proof. Preston corrugated iron and ,,ADORN,". Sheet Steel Siding always firs stock. Spring Honse- Cleaning Every* Housewife and Proper ty Owner should see us before housecleaning tiwe. We can give you helpful suggestions an the easiest and most economical way of making your home at- tractive, bright and fresh.. Seeds Braces Big Four—The larg. est and.. heat Field Roots in ex. ietence—Intermediate Smooth. Wtite Carrot, Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet, Giant Yellow Intermediate Mange]. New Century Purple Tap Swede Turnips. Bruce's and Steel Briggs Gardena seeds. T. Haskins & Son l PHONE 20 We deliver promptly Powell's T Bazaar BARGAIN WEEK Customers to this store this week will see bargains be- fore unheard of, Our large stock of Fancy China, Granite ware, Stationery, Jewellry, Drug preparations, Fancy Soaps, Picture Postcards, and Muscial Instruments must bring some money. Ladies! We have just opened up some beautiful Austrian Coronation China, to sell at 10, 15, 25, and 75c. each. Each piece bears the photo of their Majesties, King or Queen, and the British Coat of Arms. Remember your friends. Its a pretty Souvenir. Come early Money goes a long way at "This Store•" We give tine eTewellry free to all our Drug goods customers. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonograph goods at money saving prices. If you -want anything in this lineyet our prices first. J-. Willis Powell pi.,. 'arm -Implements We are now busy re -building our, Implement Warerojoms, and we 'wish to draw" your attenttilon to the fact that we handle eull line at. McCormick Implements FOR TelE.,INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER ,COMPANY Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Manure ,Spreaders, tilling tocols, etc : h w ekshutt A full lone' of Cockshutt'Plows acid Repairs Co Buggies Carload of Buggies, man,ula,ctured by tray ek, .San et Chatham, :wilI. °syr_ five on ,Satwrday, a number of,which.are specialty suitable for young mien.,' Any, &Mending purchaser will find It 'woz'tta while to ca11'ani see these before pur.-• cheetnig. not reach in: to high barometer and gen Aur Jp eral arrci 'st firm conditions but 'run intq; ar:e�ries >daily: April .showers, o c .� air ,4 ,ilros P�'rf.'th�e cawta�'fY"�ea`ciL.n'���„ tent on. e iy airs fur;iishir btsine repairs fox .tat: e; Marchand's Jewellery WATCH. THE I in our display. See bow they glisten and glitter. No wonder they mak e the most accepted gifts, i4swell as the most enduring. Our Jewellery Display contains: rings of every description, There"are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings and rings just for adornment. We can supply you just as GOOD GOODS at just as REASON- ABLE PRIDE as can be bad at any place in Canada. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician righten the Home This is the time of the year when the HouseCleanin wilt. be done, There is no better time to brighten up the home with a little Furniture We .invite you to inspect our showing 'which is the larg- est and best in the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite New Bedroom e Sults3 A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Room. will be in order. We can suit your taste and price in anything in the line of furniture. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Some Furnishers and Funeral. Directors, JONES & MAY PHOlsTE NO 82 Easter Hats All Should Have One SELECT YOUR EASTER HAT NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COM- PLETE, OR LEAVE YOUR ORDER. WE ARE SHOWING THE LARG- EST AND MOST STYLIS1T ASSORTMENT OF STYLES EVER SHOWN IN EXETER. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. Stylish New Dress Goods THIS IS A BUMPER DRESS GOODS SEASON WITH US. WE ARE SHOWING THE FINEST WEAVES THAT CAN BE BOUGHT :IN, BLACK AND COLORS AT 50c., 75c. and .$.00 per yard. POPULAR PRICES. Black Vloles Black Poplins Black Satin Cloths Black Venetians Black Chitfon,s Black Resildas' Colored Colored Colored Colored Colored Colored And many' other kinds: of anew Fabrics . Moles Poplins Itfelrasess Satin Stripes Silk 'Glories Satin, Cloths Ladies' Ready-to.Wear : Garments That are Attractive & Practical Until you have -seen our naagnificient showing -you will not be able to see what we are Aging in this line. $5.00 SPRING COATS This is a wirier and is sure to take your fancy. It comes in light fawn, strlped and Blacks' SPRING SUITS Have you- seen, our all -wool Venet- eau Cloth Suite—coat silk lined in navy or black—for only $1,1.00. Its' a beauty. A NICE LINE • LONG SPRING COATS In Fawn or Black: They are,'very stylish anad you will like them for al usefulness: CHILDREN'S DRESSES A new line with us; "We are showing: a nice, range of • white checks and plain caters at : e.00. 1•25, 1.>0, 2.b0; 2,50, 3.50. OF LADIES' : WHITE 'DRESSES AT $4 TO .t,10.00 Big Silk Season PLAIN SILKS We have a full range of it the Popular silks . in 20 inch., 27 inch. 1- yd. wide and. 40 inch. wide. They are very nxuch`:used. • JAQUARD SILKS en ,all the newest shades ` This is a'very - popular sunrnmer silk, a,id it comes' 27 inches wide at 40e., 45c., end '50c. per yard. quarters fort e celebrated W E. Sanford Clothing'' ave;; FP; Lir4