Exeter Advocate, 1911-4-13, Page 7NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Nature Needs Aid in. Making New, Health Giving Blood In the spring the system needs toning uP. To be healthy and strong you must have new blood, just ae the treee must have new sap, to renew their vitality. Natuee demands it, and without this new bleed you will feel weak and la,e- guid—you may have twinges of rbeametiem or the sharp stabbing pains of eeurelgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the..skin. In other eases there is merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order—that the indoor We of win ter has lessened your vitality. What is needed to put you right is a tonic, and in Il the world of medicine there is no tonie can equal Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, These Pills actually make new, rich, red blood—your greatest need in the spring, This new blood drives oue diseaee, clears the skin and inakee weak, easily tired men. women and children, bright, active and strong. You can prove this by your ueighbore, for there is not neok or corner in this great land where some weak, ailing men or woman has not been made well and stroeg by this great medicine, Mr. Wilson, Stonewall, Man., says; "Some years ago I was run down, languid and depressed and felt as though I was only fitted for life"s wrap heap. A friend who had great faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills gave me a box, Before they were all used I felt some better, and thus encoeraged, got a further emu*, and it was not many weeks ntil 1 wds again enjoying ray for - r good health. 1 think Dr. Wil- BalesPik PIM a boon to every weak pereon." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 5 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHAR G ED MITE BAYONET. Soldier's Deadly Choler ,Cansed Unusual Stir lit 1alT“e1if3. A remarkable affair took plaee recently at the Infantry ,Barracks, ' York, England,. A private soldier was taken. before Col. King for a Minor military offer= and admon- ished, but not punished. When .corninanded to leave theroom he drew a bayonet from one ef the )guards and made a determined °rusk at the colonel. He was stop- ped by Captain Peel (adjutant), evho had a desperate struggle for the poseessionaof the weapon. It was not until several members of Om Guards had interfered that the man was overpowered. Colonel King and Captain Peel were unin- jured, but the man had a finger broken in the struggle. He was confined in custody. - 10inard's blniment cures Burns, etc, "My mistress isn't at home, ma'am," said a domestic to a cal- ler. "Oh, indeed," was the sweetly sarcastic response. "Will you please tell her that 'when I saw her peeping from the front window as I came up I felt very much afraid she was i" Sore Throat is no trifling ail- ment. It may carry disease germs to any, part of the body through the food you eat, When you feel sore throat coining on, use Hemline Wiz- ard Oil. CANADA'S BUFFALO PRIZE. Largest Herd in the World Thriv- ing,. in Immense 'Enclosure. The largest herd of buffalo in the world is now owned by Canada. They forma pietunesque group , as they roam over the new national reserve set apart for them near Wainwright, a city that has sprung up 125 miles east of Edmonton. on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Can adi an s recognized the need f action if the bison were to be preserved, and before the Ameri- cans realized it, says the World To- day; they had purchased practical.: ly the•entiee herd of 600 or 700 from Michael Pablo of Montano, who had carefully. gathered them together and proteicted them on his great ' C ranch near Ravalli. In the "Wainwright :National Park- r were placed more than five hundred huffalo, -which were transported ?across ,the international boundary THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, -APRIL /2,, fort will be made to ship these little later, In addition seventy - a CURED THE WIFE five -buffalo now confined in, a park at Banff will be sent to the Wain- wright reserve. The natural in- crease of the herd has brought up the number to nearly a thousand. Ii n the present f avorabl e env roll - moot. it is expectetd that they will multiply. rapidly. Although kept within the boaid- aries of the reserve, the bieon ean hardly be said to.be in confinement, Their stamping ground covers an area of 107,000 acres -105 square miles. It is twenty-five miles in an air line the longest way aoross. A wire fence eight feet high and sev- enty-three miles loeg enclosed it. When the fence was eompleted it was found that twelve wild deer and one wapiti had been fenced in. Eighteen small lakes and a number of streams are within the park. Prairie chickens, decks and other game And a resting plaee here un- disturbed by the hunter. The park is truly a buffalo para- dise. The grounds bear every evi- dence that inother days -they have been a favorite haunt of the lords of the plains. Everywhere are out- lines of old baffalo trails and wal- lows, " These wallows are being reopen- ed by the new denizens and OftPfl again the trails are, being marked by the hoofs of the bison, The gras- ses are the kind that the buffalo specially like. As the ordinary span of a buffalo's life is a Inuidred years lt may be that same of the herd are revisiting scenes of their youth, Michael Pablo, from wheat the Caro -lien overement perchaeed the herd is a pure blooded Indian, and ozie of the wealthiest of the red men. He received $200,000 from the Dominion for 000.head of buf- falo. Aroused by the lose of these buf- falo, the United States has estab- lished a national bion range in the Flathead Indian Reservation, in Montana, OCaliprifilig twelve thous- and eight hundred acres near the towels of Ravalli and Dixon, and it will be etoeked by the American Blson SnefetY, Some 4nimais for a nueleue may be obtained from a herd of about eighty, owned by the Conrad estate near Kalispell, BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Few other troubles ailliet the lit- tle ones as does eoostipation. Every change of diet seeme to bring this trouble on and baby suffers froni headaches, fever, dietairbed sleep and often vomiting. No baby who suffers from constipation can thrive well, Constipated babies are cross all the time and give mothers constant worry. The one sure .relief 'for baby constipation is Baby's Own Tablets—they never fail to cure this -trouble and can be given to the little one with absolute safety. Concerning them Mrs. W. S. McKenzie, Prairie'. Grange, ,Alta,. writes: used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby who was con- stipated from birth and they rapid- ly helped her and left her bowels in a natural condition." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or at 2a cents a box from The DT. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. THE REAL TROUBLE. Native—.,'Why did you leave the civilized east and corne out here to the wild, unsettled west to live?" Newcorner—"Because, the folks around where I lived' slandered me and said mean things about me!' Native—'`Why' didn't you make them prove what they said?" Neveconeer—'‘They did." Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Woein.,,Ee:terminat-or does not require the assistance of any Other medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. Little Ikey came up to his father with a very solemn face. "Is it true, father," he asked, `.`that mar- riage is a failure?" His father sur- veyeci him thoughtfully for a 'mo- ment. "Well, Ikey," he filially re- plied, "if you get a rich wife, it's almost as good as a failure." enen In its initial stages a cold is a lo- cal ailment easily dealt with.' But many neglect it and the result is often the development of distress- ing spizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that reoder life miser- able for the unhaiSpy victini. 'As a filet aid there is nothing in the handy medicine line so certain in urative -Jesuits as Bickle's Anti- onsunaptivc Syrup, the far-famed eniecly or colds and coughs. "------- 1`81any a young lawyer fails to nake good because he cpractises at lice'hy train from. the Pablo ••ranch. -t Thei rounding up andloadine of'the f5 of this large number of iintsni, ed aeineale and their,young',wasno light cliask,' and ..after a,long 'period hard work more. thanea hundred the rnost unnnlY:had to left behind, liaehing'. stampeded 7Veiiy time an .it,temPt was made to iilrive towaid a corral. eepeniallYweli organized 'ts e wrong ocr. , ' c, TRY 'MURINE EYE .REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and GranulatetlEyelicls. Murine Doesn't BratP•i—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists ell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,25C, 506,1MO. Murine. Eye -,Salve' in Asp' ptje ,Tutbet3, 25c, $1.00. Ely° pooks. land 'ye Advice Free' by Mail. , Oivitulue 10e Remedy CO., Chicago. "T have always worked ten or fif- teen ,.hours a day," said the boast; fill, mane the.'per- verse.*1k0Bpplitir. flatlet ,,be re, eaarkab eeasy worlr, oryou ' u o„,auue 1-o 11 ,?f AND HUSBAND TOO GREAT iyouli DONE BY 1101)19'S KIDNEY -PILLS ONE QUEBEC EAMILY. Thomae Laurietilt had Kidney Disease and his wife Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kidney Pills made them both well. Lae Cayamont, Quo., April et (Special) ---There is a world interest in, the simple story .4f Madame Themes Lauriault of this place. In her own words, it is as follows: "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured roy husband of Kidney Disease and my- self of Bright's Disease. We recom- mend Dodd'S Kidney Pills to all who suffer firom Kidney or Bright's Disease," This is a splendid example of the grand work Dodd's Kidney Pills are deing among the plain people of Canada. Kidney Disease is the commoneet of all ailments among those who have to work hard, be- cause the kidneys are the first part f the body th feel the wear and tear of heavy work, When the kidneys go wrong the bleed goes wrong, and the whole body gape wrong, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetee and Bright's Dis- ease are the usual reaults, Dodd -'s Kidney Pilleuro these by simply eurieg the kidneys, WHAT THEY SAY. Some women say they want to vote, Some other say they don't; Some men say we'll see them vote, SUMO others say we won't. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. .1\111.5.1V4,INSLOW?,SOCrrli;:441 SVACP has been ;:15011?F.I,(11:;eIr ithr lj"F'iM?/% .21"'149Ns. of their egleellUNG. with r eeeeer seeeese Soo -rues the CIIILD, SOFTENS the ALLAN'S all FAIN; CURES WINN COLIC, and is the hest remedy for DIARRIMIA. It, 51ah- solutely harmless, ne sere and ask for '' Mrs, Wiuslow's Soothing Syrop," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. WOMAN TBATELs AFRICA. ifer Only Escort Was Iter Black Bearers. Mrs. Roby, wife of an American brain specialist now residing in Japan, is the first white woman who has ever travelled the wilds of Cen- tral Africa without a white escort, Mrs, Roby, who has just return- ed to London, went to Australia in October, 1909, then to New Zeal- and, the South Sea Islands and thence to South Africa, arriving at Durban last May, She followed the route taken by the Duke of Connaught in her tour of Smith Africa'but continued right up to Equatorial Africa, mak- ing an especial study of native con- ditions in the Congo. 'Tor hundreds f miles," says Mrs. Roby, "I was alone except for black bearers, When the bearers became mutinous I would deal with them unaided. "I had one very good by of the name of Thomas, who saved my life when I had a bad attack of fever. My temperature rose to 107 de- grees. The boy persistently kept pouring cold water over my head after letting down my hair. I was quite unconscious and slept for five days." SNIPS OF WISDOM, Men who haye never failed don' THE EIEST MEDICINE believe in luelc. Hard work is the best antidote for.00VGH3 6��s • .• • EIKER-I-i0Fr•REMEDY A:„STHM.0"..,'• „ , , C ATAP Pi14.`,„ „ HAY FEVE.0, CAN Igtt C:0 THE RAV,..:GES TION MAY BE.,.-ST:OF,,:Pk.E.El, • wRITE' FORSAM wiLLiAivis-jviEoo(to. A WEALTILY CABINET. Six Members of the New J'renele Government are Millionaires. France's new Cabinet has an in- teresting personal side, There ar six millionaires in it—millionaire n francs. They are M. Monis, M Berteauea, M. eailloux, and titre of the minor Ministers. A carieu peculiarity of the new Ministry i that seven of the Mieisters aecl three Under -Secretaries of Stat have never been in power before Another peeuliarity is that ther are eight representatives of th eeuth -of France, five of the centre one of the west and two of th east, in the Cabinet, and that th north of France is not represented at all, All Paris is laughing at the nar row escape of M. Masse, the nee Minister of Commerce. Just beer he reeeived the offer of his port folio from the new Prinme Minister M. Leese wrote an article for Th Lanteree, in which he was extreme ly plain spoken about M. Monis and hie attempt to form a Cabinet In the evening Mine, Mem, arrived in great haste at the office of Th Lanterne to ask for her husband' article, which, for private reasons be did not wish to be printed. Since writing it Ar. Meese had been offered a, portfolio the Cabin° he had attacked so eloqueetly an he has accepted it, "WHY BE SO THIN?" for hard luck. It's as meeless to worry as it is to tell peo le not to worr, Flattery is the tribute that vamt exacts from friendship. ° A liberal -Minded woman .is'nt al rtt.iy$ giving her husband a piece 0 Fortunately for most, of rte, we are not compelled to follow our own jadsfO:nete:dnay of noble think'ing' and The man who lives, right, lives the longest—if not in years, in sat- geiterous acts is worth a life of sel- fishness and deceit. now To SAYE MONEY -- A, Pointer to lfousekeepers. Look at the financial side of Zeal - Rules use. A eut easteined in e the 011ie, the store, or the work- s• ball oQuPd-proeissuolntsi; gsaI einhafveesteo4lnagy off e a day or two. What does that mean se: 13willike4'inTlyiredsayyocuomagesaii7er tdha?t Zloasinsi A little Zave-Buk applied to euen e injury prevents ail dang,er blooel-poielaning, takes out e sinartieg and heale, e' 'lletitis of familiee know how' cost- ' a°CtOrillg is. Be wise and net oe the preventive line, A box of e;Zam-Ruk in the home is SO useful, The The baby's rashes the old- ' jer children's cuts and bruise, the i inevitable barn, cut, or scald—for all these, as well as for more seri-'eous ailments, such as Piles, ideerS2 ' eczema,. ringworm, ete„, Zara,Buk , is without a rived. c Dangers of Shaving.—You get a Clit at the ba ' ' 1 Zam-Buk smeared en the wound prevents all danger, If any ailment 0 I has been eontracted, Zara-Bulc cures, Zatu-Buk Soap is as good as the balm, but in a different waY. Washed in Zam-Buk Soap the skin is disinfect -ed and disease germs ly- -jug upon it are trilled. Mothers will .find it unequalled for baby's' bath. Zant-13tik Bairn and Zam-Buk S'oap are sold by all druggists and stores at 50e, for the balm and 2fie. tablet for the soap, VICE VERSA LATER. Knicker—"What is a swimming bole Beeker—"A body Of water entire ly surrounded by boys." To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. —Exereise in the open air is the best tonic for the stornaeh and SYS - tem generally; but there are those who are compelled co follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sick- neSs follows. Parmelee' s Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on band. Thinness is Embarrassing, Unheal- thy and Not Natural—Formula Now Used Which Adds Front One to Three Pounds a Week. ought to have some extra both for the sake of health, and self: Scsh on the bony structure of the body, Most, thin people are sensitive to the harsh, unfeeling criticisms which are con stantly being hurled at them by the more fortunate well -figured persons. Everyone pities a thin,bony horse, but, horses don't know it—while thin people are both pitied and renewed. It ought nOt to be so, but it is. A well-rounded figure, be it man or WO, man, excites admiration; not only for the figure but for the bright eyes, pink eheeks, red lips. and vigorous carriage whieh accorupanies a 'well-nourished body. Strength, health, beauty and sound flesh abound, if the blood and nerves get enough nourishment out of the food eat- en. Tins prescription aids nature; helps ab- sorption. digestion and assimilation.: helps distribute the blood and nerve elements w]nch ma o sound flesh, Get the ingred- ients and make it at home, and see hoW very fast ,von gain in weight. In a half pint bottle, obtain three ounces of essence of pepsin, three ounces syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound essence cardiol shake and let stand two hours; then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound, (not card. mom). Shake well and take a teaspoonful before meals and one after naoals. Also drink plenty of water between meals and when retiring. Weigh yourself before beginning, • - PROBABLY WOULD. "That sentence is not incorrect," said the professor,' "but it sounds ocld to the English-speaking ear." Useful in Comp.—Explorers, sur - epees, prespectors and hunters yillefind Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil ery useful in camp. When the eet and legs are wet and cold it is yell to rub them freely with the il and the result will be the pre- entiOn of pains in the muscles, nd should a cut, or contusion, or prain be sustained,, nothing could e better as a dressing or lotion. v outekly stops candle. crees colds, healib, I Ma throat and lungs. • • . 2.5 caviar V 0 a ."They say that when an ostrich is:surprised he hides his head in the seed." "I wish to thunder he'd everlastingly hide his tail there," observed the man who had just set- tled a heavy millinery bill. Illinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. , Young Lady—"You say you were on a raft for six weeks, and had nothing to cat but mutton. Where did you get the mutton from? ' Old Salt—"Well, you see, miss, the sea was very chcropy ` A DEADLOCK. Only ono "BROM0 QUININE" .stee oans noS eav,,—aottmesno real Ceylon tea3" Well-informed Young Assistant—'`Certainly, sir. Mr. Ceylon's name is on every pack- WIlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. That is LAXATIVE 1.4ROIMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE, used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Dy. 25e - In going clown the stream of life the average 'man tries to make a noise like a nnotoe boat. - A Remedy for Bilions Headache. —To those subject tO bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommeadede,e the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will sillodne irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerve e and loloocl vessels that -the pains in the head will ceese There are few who are not at sometime 'subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at band - -- Try diecounting your burdens counting your blessings. '41,ire4 aftciinhw arid a 'est men. Johnny— rant pa, do lions go Ito heaven?" Grandpa—"No Johnny." Johnny—ell, do n]inistcrs 1'' Geandpa—"Why, of course. • Why do you ask?'" Johnny—"Well suppose a lion eats a minister " "BY THEIR FRUITS!' She—"They say that an apple a day will keep the doctor away." He—"Why stop there? An onion a day will keep everybody away." I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. MCMULLEN. "I'm going to the dentist's to have this tooth out. Just mind the baby till I come back!) . Husband (with alacrity)—"You mind the baby, Jessie; I'll go and get a tooth pulled out I" PILES CURED IN 6 TO t4 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT- MBNT fails to cure any caso of Itching, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c, Teacher—"You dent know what this W 01K1. is Pupil—"No.'' Teacher --"What is your coat made of ?" Pupil—"Fathei's old pants!' Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. Clear the exeres- cences away by using Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughle- and painlessly. SOME RENIARKAPLE.NESTS. In Australia are to be found the largest, heaviest and most peculiar nests in the world. 'These are the nests of the jungle fowl, so called; and are built in the form of a great mounds, the average meaaur GM en t in height being fifteen feet and the circuinference one hundrc „l and fif- ty feet. The nests are erected in ,seeluded, sheltered spots; and, as in the ease of the small nests of birds, they are skilfully interwoven with leaves, grass and twigs, and such other suitable material ae the fowl may be able to procure. Large families of junvle fowl inhabit these strange nests. Tntcad of hoping foi thebest get busy. and hustle, for 01, Fientholated, • 1 CO ead. /2:11One Renledies InTubes, Camphor ke.Borated. CarholatocLCEmphorat4 Vniite.Oxide of Eachfor special pwposeqk Write forrrealraselint Badsb toup4coompoxic—tmchsb.A.Junw4 FARMS FOR RENT AtIO SALE. DAlf‘SDN., COlborne St. Toronto, I/BERTA. SASKATCHEWAN, an4 11ANITODA LANDS. CONsUIT me before buying again,. frt WENTY ACRES PRCIT PAR.U, good buildings. ,Five 4012s tv3cd logs, Thirty,fivo hundred, ut,i,t,14popo.E4DadA..011ES. CeuutY Peel. $.3rett, TT UNDER .A, °eat ji.„1, good loCality, Eight, thou 1. DAWSON,iaety eC1l?0 n 5 Toronto. LL P,INDS OPV,. t fattras specialty, W. r. GrtmsbY. Ufl eltES. TewtIthip Enpiai1slIterl,COP4, ,141tmllteo, soil rich cloy loam 25 U & acres mber, frame house. numuer oz outtbuildingS, 2 1.2 miles, to Oil Spring*. Will exchange for smaller farm. TRE WESTERN REAL ESTATE P.XQUANGE, London, Ont. Sr -ALE, special price. 0 'wale W9rks. Esplanade, Toronto, ACENT$ WART, 50, NENTS WANTED,- f,i".01 a clay easy, exPerience needed, Sells OP Abaoliate IletV4r$ity. to farmer*, 01* of tinny men. e4y6 for itsel Write to -day. -AIODERN 0.. Wept. 5), tl_zrola, Oat. WANTED, — 4 nlYfor two ary and cotecol aDLt INERTfiTA d. f=43 Albert Street, 0 FOR SALE, -Li-14111$ SC.ALE.,, special price, Wilson's it Scale Works. 9 F•splanade, Torouto. e` you are looking !Or ain best PREY, ma proposition in Canada. one that appeals to everyone. apply to snmr.n.y, Advertising Dept„ 22t3 Albert St., Ottawa. SV MONEY without. capital; gather- ing ferns. flawers, roots a-nti herbs wwhiter5c.F.10V,e13,pacyarr.0 Itcoon bforrinprgpitreicono , samples, and advice. BOTANICAL EAU, 7 Columbus and Redfield, New avert, Conn. ASEATOON'S splendid English.spe , trig agricultural community has won phenomenal prosperity from a woladerrui s011, Whet are the farmers to your dis- trict doing? Why not participate in our prosperity(' Come here If you want to make the most and hest of your energy and ability. At any rate, do it for your children's sake. Write for all information to Commissioner, Board of Trade, Saska- toon, Saslcatchewan„ Western Canada. XaIBARN TRE BARBER TRADE—NEW spumy -constant practice ---careful structiou—a few weeks' complete course —tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cittalogue. Maier Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto, 1 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc, In. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. 'Writo us before too late. Dr. Denman Medic:110o.. Lintited, CollingwoOd, Ont. *MEW A.11101110MWYMIMMIBIONS French Corsets. To introduce our latest Parisian model we will for the next thirty days on re- ceipt of 90 cents raail you, post paid, one pair N V," PI each Comets, REDULAR PRICE 51.59 Made in wInte French (len- til with 4 Hose Supporters, sizes It to 10. C. , E. FOSDICK. Agent, Diane French Corsets, _ 216 Yonge St., Toronto Reference: Any Bank or Express Co. You'll Save Both Time and Money—as Well as a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use "PO RPM MT' —PAINT WITTY -OUT OH:— Easily applied, gives you a hard permanent Brush that will wear for years. Send for Color Card—and full particulars-- . Please mention this paper,, The Poykrdrpairilt Co. TORONTO THE EARTH'S cRusT. It, is now believed- that the solid crust of, the earth cannot be thicker than 32 miles. From the earth's internal reservoir the heat radia- tions are believed to be passing away into space continually, but this loss is compensated for to some extent by the heat received from the sun. The man who does nothing nen- self is.never at a lose when it -comes to advising others what to ccto.