HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-13, Page 5Profeeaioual Geed*. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto Univecisty. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office oyesGladtnan &Stanbury's office, Mainetreot ;Exeter;, Medical HMin R. BRIGHT, 5i, D., tit, G. I'. & S.. HONOR • Graduate of Toronto Uniyers#ty, Two years i al' a t resident physician Royal Alex ndna Hoag , etC. Office and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew treet ,EXETER. SENBUSH, Physician, Surceon, Ae- DR 2UAt7 cqucleur. Office, Dr, Rollins' old office, Illaia, -Street. Residenee,eerner jetties and Albert streets opposite James street 3lethodi.t parsonage. Phone Office, 39 a; :Residence 39 b. 1 uetzdi.` Tea1OKSON & CARLING, i3AttR'ISr1rnS. SODIOI LA on, Notaries, Clouveyanwere, Commissioners. ffoiloltore tor 8lolsona Bank, etc Kelley to Loafs at lowest rates of steres. Offices, Main street, Exeter, B. O aLute, B^A.. Is. U. Dtcsa s MOSSY TO LOA$. We have 'large amount of private funds to loan a farm and village properties at law rates of inter NIL GLADMANA STANBUURY, Barristers, 8olicltore,Maln at,. Exeter Oa. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Malliu.St.. Exeter. MUSIC MISS DELIQIIT HOBBS, Violin la- structor, James Street Parsonage, MISS LILLYAN ELLIOT CONCERT SOPRANO PUPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS,--CENTRALIA, Q. LICENSED AUCTIONi9EIR WM. ANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County, Terms reasonable, Dates can be made at the Advozate,. Exeter. or henry Elilbees Office, Cred- iton. T. B. CABLING Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass' Insurance. Collecting accounts, and cone ducting auction sales, - Exeter, Ont, C. A. HOUZE, V. S. Graduate ot Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege; member Ontario Veterinary Med- teal Society ; treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals onscientific prin. clple8 ; modern surgery a specialty. Op- eratione on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- isfactory. Calls ty day or night promptly attended to, Office -Main -Me Exeter, Dr. Ramsay'e ofd stand. Phone to connection. SEED BARLEY'* FOR SALE A quantity of Manchuria Seed Bar- ley for Bale, grown Snom selected Beed. for four ,years. W. D. SANDERS, EXETER TEACHER WANTED • zr� For. S. S. Ng. 4, Ueborne, holding second-class certificate. Duties to con- mence after midsummer holidtays. Stat ,salary. Apply to W. H. COATES, Sec: Treaer., Exeter SEED OATS FOR SALE 200 bushels Lincoln White Seed Oats for sale. OM of the leading .Data inl,a field competition at Guelph_ ' John T. Hlrtzel Crediton, P.O VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE Twolots of 1-5 acre each, on;tin confer of Carling and Sanders street for sale. Apply to Mrs. Ellettt r. Carling. st., Exeter PROPERTY FOR, SALE. That desirable property 'on William Street owned by Mr. Thomas: May ie offered for sale. It consists of tae lots .ort; which there is a cornfo4''tablE brick dwelling of eight r�aoms with' e ;goad"'cellar and furnace, •also a Stable TIere• is a variety of large and snialf ..ruits. For,, particulars apply to JOHN MAY or J. G. JONES. FOR SALE Our Gasoline Engine Six Horse Plow- er, Golden & jircCuilough make. Same in good condition. By order of „the„,. Conn ci#• i T, B. CARLING, Clerk. RE :L ESTATES CHIANCES The following properties have been Placed ;ins our hands -for exchange.. FDA SALE -A good sized frame co - dwelling in Exeter, suitable to a C modato two families; in good repair; *D1 be. Sold cheap, WANTED. -to rent a ,farm, -supplied with the Inge etc. hundred acre usual buil FOR SALE. -A good trams house Exeter in good repair., FOR SALE -A fair sized brick red sidence welt located in Exeter, Mod- erate price. FOR SALE --A choice residential build - nig property 3n Exeter. FOR SALT --A small, frame: house 3,n; Exeter at "a. very'dew& til;uxe. q. For SALE-Qna of the best residences to Hueter, surrounded by cotstderabie land. ,ROUSE WANTED -TO rent apply at this office. For particulars apply at The Advocate n Horse Cards HORSEMEN -Now is the time to get your Horse Cards printed. You are assured of the best of workman- ship Sind reasonable prices at The Advocate erica Fine Cuts, Fine Cards. Prompt Work and Right; Prices will give you Real satisfaction. NOTICE FREE -And remember we give you a free ;,notice of the route for two weeks, which in itself is well worth: the price of the whole job. will find it to your .Advantage to have Tour work done at the Advocate Office Auction Sale OF HORSES RIGS, & FURNITURE., At T. E. I-Ianuaford'a .1-tes deuce, E eter, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL t0 '3.1, at one o'clock Sharp, -10 horses 3 to 7 years old (the propertyof ,Janne-e • ,Sz ltiehael Doyle) ; 2 buggies, ttew, Mc- Laughlin make, 2 cutters'.one neve, Me - Lau ghlin make, 1, set light double har- ness,: rubber, mounted; 1 set single bar- Toss, I set, racing hobbles; 10 cords of hard maple, cut ready tor: the Strove, 3 n bedraor2l sets, ah+tttia: cabinet, dins - i g roout chairs, 0 kiteheg, eha1'e, 2 kit- chen tables,1 extension table, 3 rock- ing chairs, 5 small tables, 2 sofas 2 b£ lounging' chairs, 1 large leather, easy chair, 1 hall rack, 1 .,secretary, t co* stove and utensils, washing deal chine, wringer, tubs and washboards, baby buggy, toilet sets, pictures and hand other articles ,00, nitltietOQO to niett1' i. These articles are all in; good condi- tidisoan.es , , y ;` Terms -$10 and 'under cash, over that amount 8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent per annum ee.1 fyer tap, on credit eine-enter. T. B. Carlin;,, T.s Ilandfortl, Atzetfox ser; Prpprietor. HENSAL1. Lon Wolper said on left for ttte'weet last week, and Cres:; SterUng lett for hist fatrrt�; hear Malt,—WAIL Stenentatt baa sane to Toronto,-irs. Uereton of Boehoster 1s here vletting her mother, Airs.: R. 13, :+feLean,-Sire, Menne. ars., ire vibtting her granddaughter Mrs, }3rooks in Londen,-•-Duncan KePewett is elowlY improving atter ttlo operation In Lon- don, -Airs, W. Carriquo of Oakville and daughter, Mrs, S. Johns of Toronto are guests of Afro, Neelande and :sire, Ding. --1)1'0r4o0c A cPhereon, who has been the guest of lite' treotber, 1., McPherson, for a month, hat) returned to Salmon CItY, Idaho, -T. Berry received six stallions from the Old Land T1lursdaY.-Mss, Car- rot, who has teem spending; sometime with tier sister Mrs, Sutherland, trap re- turned to E3eachwille,-Recentlx the tarry Bice of Dara. Shirray and IT. J.ID.C:ooke had a closer call front escaping, gee, All wore affected and some aeriouely so. Fortunately Air, Cooke awakened and promptly secured medical aiiLc but it wan sometime before -come of them recovered cclnsclousnese.-Mss. Bernard Thompson is seriously 111.--3ire. Thompson, of Tor., ont'a to visiting a.t John, L acarthur's,-- Bev. J. E, Milliard gave his popular lecture with line light views entitled, „Tito Rose, Thistle and Shamrock," in Chieethuret ;siethodiet church on, Monday. Casetdy, C, B., of Toronto, wait In town last week and took the measures manta to and levels preparitory to nut/sing an estimate on the Boat ot a syatem et waterworks. -RCE. Censers of Clinton preachedhe the Methodist church Sun- day. Death -The euddent death ot Janiett! Pat terson tt ole; place an April lat. The previous Thursday he was' cengaged fn hauling Srarel to put a cement floor In tho cellar ot his residence. Ile was FOE., RENT Thirty acres of land, ready for crop. Privilege of drawing' crop 'off the place. 4 number of acres of pastureland to rent ; also a number of cattle' pastured by the season. 'W. M. BLATCHFORD THRESHING MACItINE FOR SALE Decker Threshing Machine in fair con: dition, together with Decker Steam Trac- tion Engine. Machine is welt -feeder and supplied .with blower and cutting appar- atus., For particulars apply to WILLIAM HORN Woodham Y.O. .-5000 •Cedar. Posts.'forSale Our posts are "the finest quality and for size we have n,othina less than 6 inches at small end. Our prices • are right for we have them to • sell. G. E. HICKS, .Centralia. White ' Wyandotte Utility Eggs Hatching For ..Hat g $1.00 .: for 15 eggs ; 51.75„fo1 30: e gs ; L1eubator hats at reduced, rates ,al rite CHAS. k` .HOOPEIt; Box 157, Exeter, Ont, anninFactory Contracts g d and after>eb. h '14th The Exeter hi g and Pieservir3 Co wall be, ady to rOake' CgjLtiraCte with.�,tarmers; tuf rowing of f f ory41 actor r,a� IX to tale rimer AI $ ,ll 'resp groceries We are now ,well establish ed in business and we believe, on the best of authority (nam. ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction.,, - - Remember ' our --motto, "Fresh Groceries all the time," All kinds ofroduce taken 1n. 'exchange.P . J.LD tiB�• . Flour Several Brands. Manitoba specialty. ince, • A good stock always on band: .emelt.` Durham National Partla. Cement is the best Seid®n, eter NATURE WILL CURE YOU Of Kidney Disease, Aided by Father Moniscp's No. 7. Kidney trouble is one of the most dis• tressing ailments of mankind, and leads to backache and rheumatism. This is because of the importance of the wort; done by the kidneys, -work which must proceednormally to insure good bectlth, A very Iarge proportion of civilized people have some form of kidney trouble, sometimes without knowing that their malady is of that nature, Many obscure pains can often be traced to diseased kidneys. These organs are the filters of the body, Their function is to strain out of the blood and eliminate through the bladder the worn out tissue and oilier impurities gathered by the blood in its course. When the kidneys become congested and sluggish, these impurities, including the irritating and poisonous uric acid, are not entirely reproved from the blood. The result is that the uric acid is deposit- ed in the joints and tissues, causing the agonies of ,rheumatism and frequently affecting the liver and other organs. Father Morrisey, the famous priest - physician of Bartibogue, N.B., after much research eompounded a remedy which workedhand in hand with Nature. His doctrine, justified by thousands of cures, was that the need is not a patchwork relief, but a treatment that will enable the forces of Nature, tvorking through the kidneys, to accomplish their intend- ed work. -` His famous prescription, No. 7, assists the kidneys to work vigorously and elim- inate the harmful uric acid from the whole system. In the form of tablets, No. 7 is easy to take, and will effect cures where other _remedies have failed. Do not trifle:. with kidney disease, but take No. 7 Tablets, the treatment that has proved sorsuccessful 'with other sufferers. 50e. a box, at your druggist's or from Father .Morriscy Medicine Co,, "Ltd., MONTREAL, QUE. Sold and guaranteed in Exeter by W. S. Howey. heated up considerably while throwing on the lead and got chilled while 'drive 1n; home. Inflammation of the bowels set io, anddespite the beet ot attention) he passed away. Deceased was 'Dern at Rodgervilie, on the farm now o.ceU11ed by his brother John. After growing up he purchased a farm hear Brucefield where he resided 'until two years ago. when he moved, to Hensel!, Hits wife died a, year ago. He leaves nip children.. STEPHEN CO1iN;NC1L, 'The Council of the Township of Step- hen met in Creditors on April 3rd. All nentbers. present. Previous nhiriutea read and adopted, 1' Sanders '1("earleY-That Henry Mitis be appointed Jeltuty R.eturnfadg-Ott#eer for the vote to be taken in *le Police Yii- lase or Centralia on the Local . slier provement by-Iaw and, that the Ry -law be printed in the Crediton' Star, -Carried. a eflerna.°nn-'Sanders-That A. Hill Co., of Machell rte avea.rded the centred for oreeting the steel bridge across the Aux Sauble River _between,; Iota 1a -- 16 in the 5th con. of Stephen, and Joseeei Lawson the contract for the construct-, atg of the cement abutments end floor. -Carried. 'k earley-Love-,T,.ai the Creditor., Star lin suture do the printing for the Town.' ship of Stephen, at the same prices as a.re now paid under tender. -Carried,. Deputy -Reeve Sanders -••f o ee finder-- That neslf tenders be asked for the print. Sando s-Faye,,.-Wat Ity,law No. 175 being a by-law to a,tttlwrize the Bret and Treasurer to borrow money to meet expenditures having been read the third time he passed, alsnnd, and. aealed.--eneretied, Tho 1ollow.ing pentons were appointed to enforce the provisions of By-Iaw No 1;17, being a by-law prohibiting cer-, gain anintais trete running on t.be •Pub i#c bighw ty, WaT; Anderson, Can. d.-«- Chas. Stiere en, Con, 10-17 , and Steplton Webb Con .18i to "West boundary' Tho tollowing are the names of titin pathrnaetere, pound -keepers, and fence- viewers appointed tiee act in the ¥unie (panty during the present year,-, PPatlursaetere -'Daniel Smith, Theenaa Oliver, Victor Snell, William Swt, Tieleor; /Cootie. Itotyert :Mfitettell, WHOM W. Anderson, 0, Chriet1e, Ec1. Sllatptoa, Wm, Penhale, Wee. OcerroF. t''nl, bite Ezra Haiet, Ed. Short, Vagi, Schroeder, 'Wm. Sanders, Wes, Lamport, 3.,l3,s 'E ee sere, Geo, Felt er, John Smith, Jelut. Rosealer, Pat, Carroll, Wee. HUI, Henry Vedanta:et', Jacob Schwartz, W, .H,'MAr.- look, Moses Arty, Gertletd Steeper, Lye lean Glanville, Robe. Idawninnsy, Retie ben Davey, Jonah ICestle, Jaynes Carey Joe, McKeever, M. Madden, D. Upphal i Jacob Ilenitaefer, U. L. ICratt, fitop1en ae. o 1�forrlaon, 'Newton Clark, T m h Ke s Y + Henry England, "Win Brown. John Iiou- lahan, Jerry Drolihey, Chas. Lbehner, Dougat D4cIeaac, David Webb, Siouan 'Sherlock, Janes Hod,gine, Nicholas 1T91 - lard. Wm. Nichola, Thos. Webb, Philip Baker, Joe. Carruthers`, W. 11.:lIayter, John Taylor, Ab. MoUard, Alex Ferias, Arehy Webb, E. Gill, Joint Halt. Aue4 tim Ilaytcr,. Jobn. Eagleson, Henry Isaac EI. Bertram, Jaacph `Brenner. Andrew Dlajardtno,, Sr„ W. Reilly, Wes. Jones, James McCarthy, John, Barry, 14. Mo - tyre, 'Wm. S,haddock, Fred green, 35. las Stareako, ir.. Wen. Sanders, Mr, Steel Henry' Kraft, Henry Schroeder, Sam. 1411 ter, Joh Rhode, Conrad Walper, A. Webb.. Pound -keepers, -'Wm. Moffatt, Hiram Shepton, Wm. B. Geiser, 13. Cunningham Jos. Hickey, Geo, Webb, Jos. Edwards, T. J. Amy, Chris Finkbolner, Philip Ba- ker, Jos. Breezier, Fred Procter, Silas Stanlako, Jr., Wm. Z.ttnmer, Albert Mes- ser, C. H. 'Wilson. Fence -Viewers --Daniel McCurdy, Isaac 11111, Ezra I -Tait, Peter McKenzie, Geo. Mawhinney, Eli 'fling, Chas. H. 'W'113004 Geo. Dawn, Austin Hayter. They following orders were paid, 11. O'Brien, filling 1n washout on S.B. 1.50; A, Allen, drain, 7.00 S. Brown, broken plow 4.00; 1•i. L. Kraft, plow 4:00; A. 1--ladgins Co., Limited, gas, 3.15 Ham- ilton Stamp Co., cow tags 5.00; total 24..65. The; council adjourned to meet again in the Town. Hall, Credit;an, on Monday, they 8th day of May at 1. p.m. H. Eiiber, Tp - Clerk. finale aei • Liners :re eatty - Bros.' Feed IOIlanu - and' Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors.. eatty'Bros.'Steel .'; • ? c• Stalls 8& Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and Iast forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder. These three things are great. labor-sae`ers for farmers and ne- cessttfeson a farm, by BIDDULPH 0 When you are jaded_ your appe- tite poor—your whole systems weary -.1st try a glass of Labatt'a le and Stoul IPleases the palate, refreshes tlfe body, agrees with the weakest stomach. A truly wholesome beye- age fiat ,real% nourishes. For at milder drink try Lebatt's London Lager IEqual to the enest German brews. flats time true smack of. choice hope.. Very light. palatable* satistling• coir for the lavender m Cornet Beer STYLE)..., A tentperance brew—test and 'Nolo, like choles: Iz er,1 ut bait leas in s% of proof spine. Qu*xehte mit; refreshes; gives appetite. Order some today. ler Beer ' ,i;tte newest,port-isitoxleust, rad and delicious, with the read Oster Arid gv4ity of good,ale. Complies !16°31401 OP1d0/1„ recluireltnrrtts and may he operdy said sttyrrhrxe:. Oder any Labatt product from Your dodo tar' direct from Joico ,Uftal ''t, 70011DON, r 1{A1 1 ,s,_ Fee SE.FOR TL3,--Geo:se Watson oC Fitts• wa, eldest Ron of the late W. N. WateoS died at Seatorth one 3fmr'ch 30th. Mr. Waleoa was taken lit white attetlding ills father'0 funeral hero en March 7th. ST. elARYS,--JPhn, Henry Eirldemen died on April 5th. aged 38 Years, He+ had been in the 1lnnber business ast North Bay for some time. and died 'et '{l#abetee, (Too late for last week.) The farmers are beginning to think that winter teed will seen be gone. -Mr. and eirs.Wellington!Hasket were guests of Michael Armitage Sunday. -MISS Alma Hodgins has secured a position in one of the Granton Stores. --Miss Anna Dick- ens is on the sick list. -Mr. Aaron Dav- is entertained a few of the young people on Friday evening. --,James` Turner be- lioves It is, notwase tlo keep batch much longer. Ile has the cage and hopes" soon to have the bird. -Mr. Wellingtons Hodgins Ls 'h(ome tram the west for ' a few months. irk rtlawly reoi Yer€a a illncee., caused by' by a 'relapse, result the lunge. ltos. Cunningh Iron's lit o grdppi in.co soon:+ C i idrett Cry' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO FREE TO i OU7--MY SISTER gitlC#t FROM WOMEN'SYU AND EVERY14tI4 RNi ttF» Sit T am a tsaman. X lutow' wontans enftoringe, T lseve found the cure. L tvlll mall. free of any change, MY home trete. ¢neat with ell instructions to any entre: or from zvomen'a ailments. I want to tell ail etomen .about; this aero -you, my reader, for yeurseJ, your daughter your mother, or your sister, 1 want toll you how daughter, to euro yourself at hone, without thoa . Whatoe tor. S Men womet n i not (., ex. perlence. we know bettor than any dottn. I know that nay home treatment is a sate and., , 11) Leucorrhtcaor 'Whitish dIscharSe,Ltc,o ,•,s,l}is- placcmentorFallingafthe'.Vomb,Prti :iceety or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian fuant.rs or Growths, also pains In the head, back nod bowelL, heatingdof: nfcelings. nervousness. creeping feel. ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry,but flashes, weariness,kidney and bleed%r trusses Where caused by weakness peculiar in cur sex. I wantta send you a complete 10 days treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself et home, easily, quickly and surely, Remember, that it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a completes trial; and if you should wish to continue, i twill cost you only ubuut 12 cents a week, or less than two =tea day. It will not interfere with your work ortor npation. Just send meyourname an d a ddress, tell m o how you suffer, Hyatt wish, enal win-4cmt r en 1 ho treatment for your ea o.entirelvfree.inpplainwrappper,byreturnmail. Iwillalso seed )011tree of cos t,mybook-"WOMAN'S ti W N MEDICAL AI)YISER"with caplanatory Mastro inns .hew ingwhy 'women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves athome. Every 'woman should have it and learn to think for herself. Thenwhenthedoctoreays-"Youmustha , atopen tdon;' you can decide for yourself. Thousands ot women have cured themselves with laybotno remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of: Daughters, 1 will explain a simple hotno treatment which speedily and effectually cures Lcucornccen, Green Sickness, and Painful or, Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result front ita use. Al herever you live. I can reteryou to ladies of your own locality who know and t,illgladly tell any a'ufrorer that this Home Treatment really cures all women's diseases and mules women well, strong, plump and robust. Just eendmeyour address, and the free ten days'.reatmentis. yours, also the book. Writs to -day, as you may not eco this offer again. Address ; MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box • H 840 - WINDSOR, OPT. ST AFFA.-The` remains of the late Mrs. A.ndrevr:Bruce df tho lath concess:ion, of Hibbert, were interred .in the Staffa cem- etery 011 Friday. Deceased was 80 yearn old and had been ailing for years. She leaves a tannly of seven, sons, and an aged husband to mourn her loss. ST.IMIARYS.-Sarah Thompson, wife of -Simpson ' Ireland, died in St. Marys on April 8th, aged. 68 years. Mrs. Ireland had been ill about three years from can- cer. She had been twice operated upon at a London hospital. Her husband sur- vives,, :amid- one sister, Mrs. Robert Cope land of K.irkton, who is the only 'sur- vivinig member' of a family of 14. SEAFORTH.-Inspector John . Ayear stn Tee -onto, surprised the occupants of the Grip House here by charging them with se1lfing liquor without a"license. 'Messrs( F Carlin and J. Carlin were each fined Tl(0. and costs. o ri- '7.2',117 p S e. 1 ST. S. --John A p ti NI�iI2YS.-Jo etor nnf•;7the Ontario 1 -louse, died April `76h. Deceased was in: has 43rd y ear A widow and one daughter Mabel sutt- ee. ut-ne. Nie Spear -in was a son ,of Geo.. Spearin,' 4th ,colt. of Blanshard. De- ceased' leaves five brothers and one :sis- ter. Ile had bee,.7, proprietor of the On tarso House for 4 years, and previously- was propr •ser or of the 'Grand Central iHotet �', { ren • Ory LETCHER'S TORI► DKENNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS DR. KENNEDY. MEDICAL DIRECTOR.' or Due K. & K. Drs. K. & K. are favorably known through- out Canada where they ,have done bust. neas for over 20 years. Thousands of patients have been treated and cured by ;their great skill and through the virtue of their New, Method Treatment. When you treat with them you know you are dealing with respon- sible physicians as they own and occupy their own office building in Detroit, valued at $100,000. When they decide your case is curable, all your worry is removed for you. know they will not deceive you, They guarantee to euro all curable cases. No matter how many doctors have failed to benefit you; no matter how much 'money you have spent in vain; no natter bow dis- couraged you may be, : don't give up in des. pair until you get a free opinion from these', roaster specialists. If you are at present within then clutches of any secret baba which is'sapping your lite by degrees; if you are suffering from the results of past indiscre- tions; tions; it yourblood o has been tainted from nny priyate disease and you dare not marry;' if you are married and live in dread of Symp. toms breaking out and exposing your past; if you aro suffering as the result of a rills - Spent, life -Drs. ^ K. & K. are your Refuge.. Lthayey your tcaseeltyobeu hofornee Qstlremy confidifyou areentiacurally and: will ble. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat onct Cure CONSULTATION FREE ` VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, f n. If unable. es o &ie o n Diaeaa Fre o Books OOD SL and 1)RIN R • CO YPLA S A Y N 1NT ueat' n Blank for rite fo a to to`call,w z Q KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases HOME TREATMENT_ an all Diseases Peculiar to Men,., Cor. Michigan Ave. and Gr swo d St. Detroit, Mich. All letters from. Canada must be addressed:` to ourCanaddau Correspondence .De men. in Windsor; Ont: rif }'au desire` to.; see us personally callat. our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat` no patients in our 'Windsor offices whiclr are for Correspondence and:`: Laboratory for Cana dIan .bits iness only. Address all letters as loliows .' DRS.. KENNEDY &KENNE'DY, Wihdeor, Qat, Write for our private address "s• f s..