HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-13, Page 41`. Sanders es Creech, Prop °`TSi7RSDAY,-APR, 13, 1 'Tis said that the -Americans are cal- culating how• ,many., years hence they wilt Iia ab3,e to engrave on their coins,, "Flom the Pole. tp, Panama." Now it has Mise to dealt -up tinre, The refuse accumulated during the win- ter usually amounts to considerable, and early diapt<sai ot it !s necessary to cleigtiinesa and goad health„ Let all the citizens unite in cleaning up their , premises to the rear as well as in *.>i nt, _,*tat Exeter iz:ay retain its gaud, name as the neatest and, cleanest town in On - °i axle. L Ali. important order has been, issued by :the Post Office Department, whereby the ;amount in the post office .savings bank may be increased from $3,040 tp $5,000.. Porrmeriy ohlY $1,000 could be placed to the credit lot art`s account yearly, new ilia amount is increased to $1500 In any one year, and the, maximum:.limit .pit an account is fixed at $5,400, exclusive of .,rstterest,. LUMLEY, miss Nan Hereon is visitio'g her els- London,-We are sorry„ tore- po: the illi ss of W\rilllant, IrTiller, Mrs; Mi?ter is recovering from an. attack 'of la ;grippe. Ilse. Garnet ItY kman is re- c, ae,i,g; `slowly." -•Tire Ladies' Aid of O:}ise attrst Methodist ch?rrch held their mastlrin meeting at the, hone of , Mrs; 'William Glenn gn Thursday of last week, when a goodly number were present: -,There. \wa.'s" an exceptionally good run of ss -p olr. Saturday last: -Mrs, C, 0; Couzet e Of Ilensall, was „the guest et Mrs, \Vnt. Glenn for a few days.--. Mrs, Workman tot Hiilsreen is attend- hIg: her .daughter, Mrs. '0, Ryckilan,. CENTR,tiLI , B. Elliott and daughter, ;,figs EwatttoiL"te, leave to -day for Toronto to spend the Easter holidays.. 'Miss Laura, Butt, Parkhill, has been spending, a eouple weeks under tine par- ental roar: -Thos. Elston has been do - Inge. bIs buslnes8 in the manufacture1 of maple syrup, --Frohn Colwill is having a new anti up-to-date furnace put into! hte donne, -"rhe Epworth League Aunl- ve-rsat Z to t?e, l',icld 1 7:, Sunday and 14ionday next, Tile pastor will preach in the morninS and the choir,under the able leadership of Dir.: Andrew Hicks, will give an Easter' Cantata In the evening. 'Ort Dionday evening a tea meeting with `frons and maple syrup especially.: will be given by this Yount; ladles ,at (}are clitlrch, followiaig with a choice program, 'sot :music aisd addresses. Mr, Fleeter illson, Whalen, Sites Hada Baker, Ex - Mr. Andrew Rieke, Centralia, the' alfa Quartette and others will turn - will Ilaih mucic, Addresses 11 be{ Gdelivered by DIr. Jo.'an Wright, Whalen,] Offs Robt. Milner, a successful bust - net. man of Chatham, Ontario, on a "Surceeatul Life,"' and Mas. ?lilacs, president of tbe W. M. S., ,an "China and other. Lands. Dont fail to hear Mrs. M3hier, eapeclally, Tickets 25c. -The \V, 1st .S. stet in, the residence of Sirs. John +Coiwiii on Tuesday afternoon, when the following were elected to office; -Mrs, .(Rev.) Butt, president; Mrs. Baynham, vice-pres.; Miss Wilson, cor. sec'y ;firs, .T. Celwill, rec. sec'y ; Mrs. 1'. Oliver, treasurer; ,Dire. F. Colwill, prganiet ; Mrs, N. B:tker was electel delegate to .the Crediton convention. HARPLAY Miss Lydia Sherritt who has been at "tending Normal in Toronto returned on Erida.y.-The road. Grader is grading the Toads in. this vicinity at time of writngs --Misses :Rona and Addie Hickey vis- ited. their graind 4Lrents. AIr, and 'Mrs. A, Hayter oY Gzjand Bend on Saturday. -:-The trustees of. S. S. N. 1.0 Stephen have hired Miss' L. B. Sherritt , for the "coming year to begin duties after. Easter.Mrs. Fred Kadin; visited at Or, J. Loves on Saturday'. WHALEN CHISELS QRST .Aizgus MCICalg and family ace this week znovi;%ry into, tta house he recently purchased from Dir. Ed, Ryck-, hts.�i,-'!fr. F. , O'Brien attended the South Huron Sunday School convention in Exeter on Thursday- last. -The lecture iiia tae'Mettledist churclt'here on Monday evening liven by the Rev. J.'E4 J. yard of Hensall, entitled "The Rose, Thistle :and Shamrock." was good, Mr.. Millyard is a• fluent. speaker and illus- trated.M the lecture with lime fight pic- tures,, The Dfisses Couzens, daughters Ci the popular homer of the Methodist chur- ch sang several songs which, were Blue- atedr,on»3 capKaty by 9fr, Millya.r'd, The eyetl,ina;'a entertainment througb9ut was moat lnterexiing, :The, W. M. S. held thein annual meet Mari; on Thursday afternoon. After the usual rou"fine bueiness was transacted the: following officers were elected, - Pres., Mrs. John Hlodgson ; 1st. vice* Mrs. Albert Gunning; 'end vice, Mrs. Sutherby ; Ree. -Sec., Mrs. Frank Gun- ning; Cor. -See., Miss bottle Squire Treas., Mrs. Tyromas Gunning; Organist Miss Bessie Morley ; Pres. of Mission" Band, Mrs. John Wright. -Mr. Thomas L'ingard of St. Marys visited his mother who was very sick ou, Saturday. She still remains quite ill. -Messrs. Hector and; Clarence Millson attended the Palm Sunday services at St. Patrick's It. C. church on Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Har--' ' vey Sutherbe of Ciandeboye were the guests of his mother here on Saturday MOUNT CARMEL McGILLISrRAY, hir3hly esteem ed resident of Mc- Gillivray, G'ilivra in the ersata.�ad Babe is ,H s- i y, < p I 1 i lop, widow of the late Robt. Huslop, died otr Tuesday,. March 4tla, aged 69 yrs. 4nra:rths and 26 days,. Mrs. Hislop was a great sufferer for years, with xbeu niatisni but her death resulted froth an attack of pnueni,anla. She was, born in Northumberland, England and carne to Canrada, in 1864 beim at that time nine- teen, years old,: Since theta slie nae been, a resident of the ,Township;: and her death will be mourned :by a large circle of personal friends. She is survived by. three brothers. William: Johan aiidGeorg'e Gletrdening and two sisters, Mrs. Joh and Nix's. \\'til, Potter. She fa also sur- vived by three :sons, Adam, Thoniaa and John :Hislop. ` The beautiful: spring weather is here. - t? Thk ursday, March 3Qth, the death, oo- carreri-iei the village of Margaret Carty, atter an illness of several months. Two sisters are la( Ics nrpat rr; her loss. Mrs.. Sutton ,of Shipl a, is a niece, -Mr. and Mrs, Jolirt O'Neil and Mins Flanagan of Criii'i`alia visited at P.Maih;oney's on: Susiday;-Jas.. Quarry has gone into the maple augar business. Having sup - piled this neighborhood. Jim has conn irl=nced''ehlpping; to I'tOrt Huron, -Jos, Guainan has. Completed the assessing of Stephen township for this year. -Sire, NoraI ache is serijously ill at :her home, Daniel 13arri4 has invested in a{, driver. Dan isgains ala sport a team of drist' era In , tUture,--Jits. Glavin, Centralia, visited his slater, Mrs, Cory Regan on Sunday, -Mrs. Madden, who has been seriously ill liar .k'he pant: two weeks, is ,new renavering^ -nicely under the care of Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood. ELIMVILLir. Jack Keliett •41,as moved Italie our burg. Alt, the, .lotuses met the village are filled up now.-Dirs. Adam, Nichol and aon of Gorier dr spent a few days last week with Writ. Veal and Wrn. Sleamon,-Miss Mary IHHerdmain Is able to be ati,ound agahat atter, a couple of weeks illness. -Mrs, George Kellett is also recover- ing after a severe illness. -The "Weary Willies" are eta the move again -signs of 'app3aaching spring. -People are be- ginning to talk fish and suckers again and^ spring athletic sports have begun In our burg. Farmers are taking ads vantage of the fine weatherand are Plowing ,sod, altho , the frost is not ail out of the land yet. -Mr. Robt. 'Woons Inas 'Neon. drawing sand tor hid iwew' barn and expects' to start oper r tions Ina• ,,CMV days. -Mr. John Simpson started out with hie post driver ani Tueis- day morning. ' John expects a busy sea- sten.' USBORNIF COUNCIL Council met April 1st, pursuant to adjournment. All the -members were pre- saint. The minutes, off the last meeting 'were' read and approved. Bylaw No. 3, 1911, confirming the` appointment et Pathniasters was pas- sed, signed and sealed. The reeve was authorized to sign an „order tor the purchase of a irew Steel_ Champion Road Grader, manufactured by .the A:mericatz Road Machine Co., oT God enich, Machine to be of full standard ,w utpmeilti,' and to Include the following 'eatras,I edge, 1 set af.double`and sin- gle trees, 1 closed box, rand one ' three •team equalizer., Price $200 F. 0. Pi. Meter, payable in{ thirty days after de- livery. If order be nit .accepted: the ,council to investigate the offer o£ A. Langford, Granton. Accounts :$1.50. Adjournment to : meet May 6th. F. Morley, Clerk. 'HAIR BEAUTIFIER _ BEFINEO WOMEN THE WORLD • OVER USE IT.� -Every woman knows' that there is: frothing so good, for hair and scalp trouble as' Pari),Maata Sage. if Parisian . 'Sa'ge is used two; or three times a,',week will' keep the scalp nice and 'clean remove dandruff. r It makes the cair lustrous" and, fluifyy and keens it room ,qht. • We urge every warrant who loves ra --giant and fascinating hair to go to W. Col is -day rind get a large 50 cent "ttle of :;Parisian Sage. He zu ranteos '} i and itch= 5.t `to cure,dandruff. r , fallr,��, � 'or Money back. BRE W STER. The 'angel of death entered the biome of Mr. and Mrs, S. Maiss'on and 'look their baby of five weeks. They, have the sympathy of the community in their bye- retvemant.-Mr. Wm. Ragin is working with I3. D. Hunter in. Usborne ftor the summer. -Mr. Dave Disjardime is con- fined to has bed with the dreaded white pingue.-'drs. Earn; Ireland is home front the hospital and getting along web.- Mrs. R_ J. Taylor is ,o"zr, the !sick list; -Mr. Gus. Latta's baby Is getting bet- , -.-a Adair has eleven lambs from 7 owes. -Mrs. Pope has a ewe that had tires lambs last week. -bliss Vera Liu - tiler had a quilting bee on her birthday anniversary and a party at .night. She received many pretty presents. -Alex Ra, gbh is working Dor Frank Glanville near Crediton Mr. Will Baker and wife mov- ed to Brewster no reside. -Mrs. J.Wade is on the sick list. --Jonah Green had a wood bee and got 2'6 cords cut switit Fred Paige's 'gasoline engine. Deaths-MLr. Robert Hamilton passed to the great beyond last week at Turgoose, British Columbia, to' which place he mov- ed some 'months ago. He was' a resident of 'Grand Bend for years. Hie leaves to .mourn alis' wife and twp sons, 'all' of E_itish'� Columbia. -Robert Pollock, a former residernt ‘Of Stephen, also passed away in Fillanor e, Man. - s, 'ZURICH. Mrs, David Schnell and family left last week or their new hiorne-at 'Aber- deen, Sask.-Mr. and Mra. Jacob Sar -1 oras moved last week to Mitchell where they will reside. --Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wickets of Ingersoll. visited at the home 4f >,tfr, and Mrs. JtahnHey,sr ,last week,„,.. ---,Mr,. and Mrs. T. W. Horner iofi Concession 14, returned last week, at - ter a visit i,nn, Detroit, -Mrs, F. Bpssen- berry, who has been; -visiting relatives and friends hero for fere weeks, has returned to her home in Merlin.-BeelP- rocity was discussed in the Town Hall on Monday by Hon, A. G, McKay, prov- incial' opposition leader, M. ', McLean and Thos, blrbilllan. BIDDULPH. Ed- Smith went to see his brother - in -law. --Mr.' P. iDickena'- horse brt?ke away whiles it was being unhitched the other day and rain about a Mile. Little or IMO damage was done when the horse wapt urea' by Mr. Jos. Armitage. Mr. Darling - of Lieury visited friends near; Saitsbury, one day last week. -M. Was. Culbert lost a valuable 'mare of Friday iday last bydeath.-The maple, syrup a..asan'is about over, the sap run being a fairly ` good ` ane. -Messrs: Jos. and M H. Armitage took a business trip to 'Loindon one day last week. DA SHWOOD CLANDEB0YE Mr. kid, Simpson" last week purchased the well-known standard bred stallion, Electric B., from.. T. 3, Ber.ry . of He -- Sall. Electric B. is one ot the best stal- liana in this part tot the' eo'tuttry,--Mr. W. Cunningham ot Paisley 'vlsited his anotherhere last "week. -Mr. Jas.Seale is, visiting his brother -In -lav', Mr. Eli Meet --Miss Marry Mcllhargey is visiting friends In Landon, -'Mrs. J. Carter hag moved into the village to Mr. Chowen'd nor -rte. -Miss Bradley, Can. d, McGill: - xray, le gone tp Konoka, N, W, T,, to visit her aunt, Mrs. 0, Sellars, -Mrs M; Hodgins, wl?;a has been very 111, Ila bet- ter, -Mr, W. Lee is going to ".make 'big impievenl exta in hiebuilding#his year. --Joseph Seale left fear Saskatoon, Sask., ea, i1bnday, and intends taking up his esidenee sere, -Jas. Simpson has re- turned to Ticnsall, atter visiting rola- lives here, -Miss Lou Hennessey is vis, itinl her sister at Centralia. --'biro, F, Sails has returned to her it'ome 111 Clev- eland, after 'spending the whiter with: her mother, Mrs. d rleY,--dills Mc4:enzle spent Sunday with her parents in the city: . 1 SAINT 8II'URT Mrs, Wm. Keys and son, Edward et Hamilton, after visiting for a couple ot weeks here, have returned home, -Mr. Edgar Smith has gone to work ,at his trade, brick masoning. -F, J. Davis nae been laid with an attapk of.!,lagrippe, but is able to be tut agal"n. - DIr,• Dan, Auatin of Centralia is cutting wield: with his gasoline engine. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis visited at Bryanston ;last',Sun- day,, tho guest of Mr. and Ore. :Gar. field, Needham, -Little Mies Anna Dick- ens Is suffering from an, attack of St2 Vitus Dance. -Mr. Ralph, Atkinson, wile recently sold his -farrp stock and Im- plements, left last week for Detroit. We are having very .fine weather; it looks like . spring; the roads are drying;, off nicely. -Mr. John Hoff- man: moved, his old, f urniture shop to the hack part of his Lot, ; and in- tends to add an addition to bis house which will much iinprove the .appear- ante of that corner. --Mr. ' Fred Rinker soldhis house to Mr. Hunter::' of Ber- lin, and, has.reported=that he intends leaving our village. ---Mr. Henry Bren- ner was on the sick' -list for a few days last week,.. but is able tobe out again. -Mr. Christopher Mueller of the 14 Con. is 'seriously ill with Rheu- matism; we hope for a speedy recovery -Mr Levi Humacher.and family „are this week moving to ,their uewr farm dr hiyi We wish them e.tely r: rind MIs; Alex 'Zimm,¢rt mornitl ayyfoP $t r9f all] he'-fnne3 fG. -4111. MCGILLIVIIA.Y COUNCIL, How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannotbe -cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, , F, J. "CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. We the underaignedhave known I . J, Cheney for, the last 15, years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ableto earry out any obligations made by his-rm- WAL➢1NO, KI8NAN & MeiwzN, Wholesale 9rugsists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Teatimonlalssent free. Price 750. per bot- tle. Soldby allDruggistc Take Ha11'sFawily Pills for constipation, RESULT OF PROMOTION. EXAMINA-- TION for S. S. 4a. 1, Usbortaer Jr l IV. to Sr. IV„ Cecil Harris;" Sr. III4,k IV., Elgin Rowcliffe honors, Maggie Strang, Mira Dew, Joh Dougal, Harvey Neil, Frank Jarrett; Jr. to Sr. III., K,) Sanders; Sr. II., to Jr. III x Clifford Koir, Ila dhell ; Jr. II 'fio Sr'. Clara Neil, Rosa Moir, Malcolm Dougal ;W. B. Rydall, teacher Council met persuant to adjournment with all members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved: Ac- counts amounting to $28.10 wore order-,. ed to be paid on motion of Rosseri,and Nickles. Nickles -Rosser -That in: re- gard to the application to change the boundaries ,of S. S. Nos. 11 'and 15, the said application be laid over to 'be caasidered ton Monday, May 'l.st; and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the trustees of said school section, of the proposed compromise, or exchange of lets. -Carried. R.cbinson-Murdy-That, Bylaw No. 4: Of 1911, appointing path - masters, dividing the township into road divisions and defining the amount to be paid for the commutation of statute labor, as read a' first and second time, be read a third time and passed. -Car- ried. Robirtshn-Murdy-That the ten- der of W. I3. Kennedy Lor roofing and eavetroughang the township shed' at West McGillivray for the subs of $135 25 be accepted. -Carried., The : Council adjourned to .meet on Monday, -May 1st at 10 o'clock a. M. Gravel contracts to be let at 2 o'clock p. sn. 3.:D. Drummond, Clerk. ti 1E40d6 JgfV bet. Oof ver Sun Lr Wa87-til • ra, Or' SCHOOL REPORT; OF S S. NO. 3, US - BORNE, for. ;;March.--Sr.:IY., max; `300, L. Harris 249, J. McCullagh, 204, R. Doupe;181 ;;'Jr. IV., max.'300, F,' Fran- cis 204, T. "McCurdy 190,-,D. Balfour' .184, 1x1- Hodgert 118„0. Copeland :114, Jrr. II1., neer. 300, H'Shiite 230, . R. Fletcher 178, L. McCurdy 174 G.Cope- land' 168; Jr. II.; max, 200, Bo MC - Curdy, 91, G. Harah 67; P. I.,' Sr., I Francis, I. McCurdy, M. Coupe, M. Mc- Curdy; Pt. I. Jr., `V i Hodgert, E.Harris A. Giifillarr, E. Copeland, L. McCurdy, E. " McCurdy, G. Gilfilia4 No.' un roll 25. -Average 22 -EM. Greason, teacher, HOW TO..LIVE LONG With'healthykidneys one, has good i o u do a anca.to live long„ n b, t weak k ki eysl af- flict old ago with great discomfort. The back becomesbent and lazr e, - rheuma- tism , is chronic, eyesight fails at ,d oa fregcent- or, ,involuntary " passages of ,the , urine cause eln barrassmetnt; ;by ', day and lass oT sleep at r;,i,lt F3ojth'e K:icld y P.115:''b'iiuy n Vr streiosth to backs' and quick t eLieT to .wen leaned kid seg lsaohe a> d ahetittf; c a l;atider "a_rid unne` >�Jth's Kidtk y Pills a net's "iii old ,o young a 't' bye Lt Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST ORIA REPORT OF S. S. No. 1, STEPHEN, for March. -IV., A. 'White, M. Hoist, M Elliott, L, Isaac, C. Davey, E. Bowden, W. Baker, H, Neil, Rhea McCurdy, I, t,Curdy ; III., Ld, Wilson, M. Hog-' arth, V. Neil, A. Roble son; il,, LAIAlat', 'E, 13owdec, 3. White, E. Heaslip; Pt,', II., L. Brown, E, Hogarth, Me drown F. Bowden, C. McCurdy ; Sr. Pt. 1., L. Davey, C. Isaac, IL Robinson, C,Walper; Jr. Pt, I., W: HeaaliP, B, Heasill',, Neil. -Dorothy Cooper, teacher. ass SKIN SUFFERER TRIED EVERT - 1 H NG--THltN D. D, D. CURED Tests was the experience of ,Mrs. Geo. Newman ot orangeville, Ont. She WONT in January, 1,91,0, t ! I was terribly troubled witheczema on my face, neck and 'hands for four years, I tried everything I had heard tell of, then, salwlyour advertisement in +tie paper, seat for a trial bottle of D.D.D., used 1t onmy taco and got web. It is now two year and no return ot the eczema. I consider 3. am cured anti Itcertainly was ;a blessing to me.". No matter bow terribly you softer from eczema, salt rheum, ringworm or any other akin disease. you will teal instantly soothed and the itch relieved at once when a few drops; of this com- pound of Oil alt Wintergreen, Thymol# Glycerine, etc., is applied. The. cures ab seem to. be °permanent. too . For tree trial bottle ot D, D. D. write the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. E. A..1 49 Colborne St., Tioronto. For sale by all druggi'ats. • y, banish Mate HE CANADIAN BANK MER MR EDMUND WALKER, C,VO., LL.D,, D,C.L,, PRESIDENT ALEXANDER, LAIRD, ,GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL, -. .$10,000,000 10 000,000 REST,. - ` $7,000,000 MONEY RDER The Money Orders of The Canadian, Bank of Commerce are a safe, convenient and economical method of remitting small sums of money, They payable are a able without charge at everybranch of a chartered bank in h Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank, In the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund the amount of the lost Order. 232 Exeter Branch -W. 11. Coiling, Manager. Branch also at Crediton. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 185 capital (paid up) - Rest Fund .� Total Assets Over $4,000,000 $4,400,000 $44,000,000 Ras 78 Branches in, Canada, and. Agents and.Vorrespondepta in all the Principal Cities in the World. i1 6fl4aRAL BANKING BUSINSMS, TAtANSACTRif. SAVINGSBANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate. - EXETER ,BRANCH - *T Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICS90N & CABLizia, Solicitors. N.D. EURDON, Manager, 4 SCRAP -'1 The general public still take notice that I and doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for SCRAP IRON, RAGS, RUBBERS, COPPER, HORSE HAIR, Etc. AU purchases to be delivered to T. HAWITIN18 HARDWARE, EXETER where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given. M. Wexler,-- Junk Dealer,- Exeter between Niagara GR ANO TRUNK SYISI -TWE ANNif EASTER RATES, • SINGLE' FARE FOR ROUND TRI,Pt with minimum charge of twenty-five cents) all stations in Canada, also; to Falls and Buffalo, N.T., De- xon and Part Huron, Sikh, :OOD GOING April 13, 14, 1.5, .16, 17 RETURN LDITP April 19, 1911 LOW RATESS, TO THE WEST Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent about ionreseekers, Colonist and Settlers trcursions or address A. E. DUFF, D. ?.A., Toronto Ont. Chance for Piano Anew upright Grand Piano Reg - alar priceS325 Sale Price $229. Only one instrument will be sold and that to the first buyer. Call' early and let, us de- monstrate its merits to you. This instrument is on ex- ' h1b iton at our store the bal- ince of this week. TIN -AR&SON Amber- of good ` organs Cor sale $12 to ~$25 no higher.. Payable - 50e. a week. . CANADIAN ' 1FtC. ,,Manitoba,:- APRIL- JULY Second'clas 'LOW k'innipeg 541.00. TOURISTSLEEPING 01.:all with k i. . ;5.1� /►aQylyiln°nearestC',P EXCURSIONS Special 4, 18;. 11, 25; tickets ROU acrd and good to return elfcurei.00al bedding! s, Early,appileation, , FOR ' M ttN � tl,'ft 4Dst,,,r IRE S TO, . Sakatch sewan Trains leave ,Toronto 2y00 MAY 2,110, 30 - AUG.. 8, 22' from Ontario stations -. NorthWeet points at N.D-TRIP return 5i3.00. 'Edmonton to other -pointi in prcportioe. within 60 day, frotn-gotn5 Cotnfortablc becthr, can scanted at modetatc must Ion e HOMESE,EKERS ;PA� xlaysnd full tnfonna f Aentei,104' ' Totohte TUNE . ' , ANGEtO R . ,` ':Alberta p.m. oni JUNE 13,1/ SEPT, 5, 19. to principal RATES and return Tickets date. CARS, fully equipped -- rate, through a me, dIIP LET 1 l ° ion, f [�1�Pk�.', iso 1 CA[1,li' '. HOUSECLEANING ACTIVITIES Are in full swing. Spring Bargains in furniture We have a beautiful, selected stock of allkinds of Furniture. I really think you would enjoy a walk through our store to see the nice stock we carry. Everytbing.new and up-to•date. There will be the usual amount of discarding and replenishing. This store shonldbe kept in mind, because to forget it, is to lose money To buy here into be sure -sure of right Treatment and sure of the most for what you spend. We have the matresses that will surely please you, -beautiful art ticking, cotton tufted. Regular price 84.00 for. 2.75, while they last. Also the Os tomore and Banner Spring, Springs 82.50 up. All manner of bedsteads in Brass, Iron, Enamel and W ood. JA]VIES BEVERLEY Undertaking' and Embalming Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire' to announce to the Public of Exeter 'that 'I am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business, For the pres •:'ent:orders left by phone or other - .;wise at THE ADVOCATE:: OFF- ICE, PHONE -25, will receive prompt attention. reec or Sale Lots, First class lots in the Great Northern addition within the city limits of Calgary. This is what -the C. P. R. states. -- A LARGE SCHOOL. - A GOOD SCHOOL 'THE BEST. ' This School has a continental • repu tatlo,n for high grade 'work, and ,for the success of its ,students. We have three, deliartments-Co`mniercial, Shorthand alid Telegraphy. Ambitious young men aid women abtould send alt once for' null large free catalogue. Writ& tor it at ohee and see what our graduates 'are doing. This; isa'lgeod time` of the' year (for you to eniter our classes. Students are entering each week. ., Commence " , ypur course: at once. D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. 1, "You can recommend this property to your clients as a good in- ,. vestment both safe andP rofitable. These lots are selling now at 175.00 each. -One-third down and balance in six, twelve and eighteen months,, 6 per cent interest.". If you want to make; some money` don't delay in looking me up as this is a chance of a lifetime. Dont for- get that we have farm lands to sell as well, of the -very' best and splendid, arlang Should learn those subjects by, which they can earn -'aliving.- •.'" Spotten Business • Colleges are;' • the largest trainers in Canada, and our graduates, secure the .-best positions. You can study at home, erp artly at home and; finish itt the College. T....: iNSTRLC,i i1�lt)N'• I1�DIVI]Du.Ai, ENTER 3N Y DAY. CLINTON BUSINESS 'COLLEGE - G1E0 SPOTTON PRINCIPAL rr