HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-13, Page 1`WENT.;S-FOIItT$ YEAR.
APRII 13, 1911,
Local Items
The council met Friday evening, the
7Ui inst. All members present. Minutes
of the last meetiog read and approved.
Mrs, Wm. Sutton waited an the "Coun-
cil asking: to have her taxes for 1910
remitted, No action taken..
air. Jas. Jeckelli presented a petition
asking t";te council to have drain on
\'V,illiana street, north of the creamery,
flushed out, Lovett -Ravers --That the
commissioner see Mr. Scottto have same
attended to. --Carried,
Mr, F. Sweet asked the council for
$1.50 for extra work o.z drain on Main
street. Day -Rivers -That he be grant-
ed $1.g5. -Carried,
,evett-AVaper.-.Th:at Mr, &Iurp'iiy's o '.
ter of ;29 for Verity pavement Plow, laid
dawn here, be accepted. -^Carried.
)..'[livens--Day--That• the roltkwingoe-
eOunts be passed and larders issued .in'':
l aynaent,- T. B. Carling, part ' carry,,
$43.75; W. J, Bieaett, pt,r, salary $33;
Jas. Cantor, Pari. salary librarian $25
S Sanders, poptage and salary 19.25;
T. Brock, aria labor 1.06; Ts ?resell.
labor, ?3e,; T, Iixttulde-t, waterworks,
3.25; 'l'V J:. II'oanaaxa, coal, etc,', 10.70;
Z. Grigg, stationery, 2.95; Electrito Light
Co,, 109435; total $250A5,
Levctt--Walper-That anyone having
ashes to dispose of will kindly see the
road conanitasioner, and he will direct
them where to dump the ashes, as the
eouncit can make use of earns. --Carried,,
Mr, Whittaker, representing the Goold
Sl glee and Moir Co.; at Brantford, wag
present and waited on the council with a
view• to haying the :natter of indetnnity
between them and the couneil settled;
Days -Rivers -'That we intake, the company
an otter of $600 in full of. (bail claim,
•--Carried. Tse sante was refused, (Later
in the evening, however, a settlement
was made between the Parties—Ed,)
Adjournment tio April: 1401.
T. B. Carling Cleric,
daily papers ot Saturday contained the
news of the death rat Dr, Tlerbers .Button
of Part Colborne, son of Rev.Ili L,,iJut-
ton, of Brueo Street, South, London, for-
merly of Centralia. Deceased died sud
denly of heart disease. The doctor was
well-known to many Exeter people, belt-
awing for several months•. assisted Dr. Rol-
lins In his medical practice; and during
his stay hero he became a member ot,
the Maros Lodge, in which he ha°tt
since ;retained his membership. Deceased
Was a bright student, clever In his med-
ical practice, and was much esteemed
and respected by a, large circle of
frit ds here and elsewhere. His wife
survives' him. Ho was 33 years of age.
EXETER SCHOOL BOAR?? 'ray, white Lebanon Forest was respond-
ed to by the Wtor. M; aster, tBgo. 'Fired.
regular monthly streeting or the Kerr, the Senior and Junior Wardens,
Board was held on Monday evening last Bros. W. D. Sanders' and. R:. G. Seldon,
with only one absentee S. iyfarkin.
Re -;
With the xlInE .f Auld Lang Syne ne
sides confirming the minutes of !a� concluded one of the.most interesting
session the following items were duly: events in the history of Lebanon Forest
considered and approved, Per F. Weed: -,---
and II, Huston -The report of the DEATH OF MRS. 'FISHER. -The death
principal, asking for drinking .cups and occurred early Saturday morning last of
palls tor the different departments, a a respected resident of Exeter in the Per-
erson of Elizabeth Buswell, relict of the
late Frederick Fisher, at the age sof 63
years, 5 months. Deceased bad been DI
for two years, but was ltriproving for
some months previous to taking grippe
and F. Woad, T. Rawl -cute & Soo, five weeks ago, which was too much for
051 cups etc,, 1,70 ;, S. A. $tevrart, rxaat- leer enfeebled constitution to stand, re-
eites coo.,F5c, r H. 1-1nn orr and t
pe t k a F,. sulti;rya as whore orated: She .:was a
, sad, i53at the Corporaiiott, of the Val- daughter of the late Richard Buswell,
rage. o Exeter be treasurer Son the and was barn in the slawnshlp of Lis-
rr e^. year. P T Pl. Carling, ad-
cit 3borne, where $7 years agta sae ntarecl
;jsutounent. ,:ser late huslaa°nd, wino predeceased her
J. Grigg, Secretarysix years. They resided in Usborne un-
---^^* ^ tit twelve years ago, when they retired
OFFICIAL VISIT. -1?. D, G. M., Fred. to Exeter. D+eeeased was a rpst estiin-
Holweli of Baden officially visited, Leo- able lady and highly esteemed by all
arson Forest Lodge, No. 133., A. F & who knew her. One daughter, Idles P,aliy
A, M., cnx Monday evening. There was a Fisher, survives, besides one sister,Mrs
large attendance, including a number a A, G, Dyer of Exeter, and one brother,
visitors, Is. Wor, Bro. Stewart and Wer. Mr. Geo. Buswell of T7sberne. The. Ad -
R o• v arrell, ilatroddeed the D, 1), G. td. vocato $sins the ,,any trlendw in tend -
of South Martel District and the visitor ing sympathy to the bereaved. The fen,
belt,[,; treeelved, in the usual ,Manner, oral took place to the Exeter, cemetery
thanked. the lodge for their kindly re- a,a Monday afternoon, April. 1Otb
caption, and then directed. the=W. M. tai
proceed with :the work of initiating
clock far :Miss I£insjnan's room and
suggesting the purchase of all seeds
a.,td bulbs desirable this week, also the
purchase of about six loads of earth;
The toil swing eccoutats per F. W.Gtad
casadidrite. The work of the degree and School closed Thursday for the ,East-,
opening and closing of the three degrees er 1=alidaga:
ging done, and the Wer. Master, Bro. Mr,, Joseph Senior is improving after
Fred. Derr{ and the officers crotnpli- -- a week's :ibises.
mooted. snits excellence, the work of the: Seasonable spring` weathet has been ori
everting was concluded by a hearty vote tap du/sal O%e weslc,
of thanks being tendered to the distin We regret to report that ,tier, Al, M
,rigged visitor, Then, followed }the exenx DWetl Ia hat ass wort Ltala weak.
plif.eation or the "Fourth" degree,
wlticrx was a most enjoyable affair, The Mr, Simon, Roster has puret.ased° sr
Wor, Master in a brief' address ap, 3ia thew Kellarnd's far tat of 100 acres set
pol'ated V, 'Wer, Bro, 3. A. Stewart I lotr,
toastmaster, wh,o, atter a," feww pert:- Mg, Harold Swan gave all address on
.aeaat remarks, proposed the toast or The G:xznada at the :gain Si. League on Tues:.
X ing, which was .heartily ,honored by ovening< t
and an appropriate verse sung by Services it
lire N. ;D. Ilurdo act T3tc Grand Lodge t the several churches will
w,ts i°estPanded ipa lay Rt. drat. 13ro. °F be art lreepla with t9ao Easter season
Holwell, and his address wase a„g'rand s0 Sunday.
tributeto the Craft. The Dominion war; ° Mr. Melville Desiring has accepted a.
"...situation as nook -keeper with the• C, I'.
ct.:rcrly replied to by Bro, li eldetxtaam R, at �aar;ejaw,
Ina. its 'which. he extolled the vastness,
the Immense` possibilities and the great ' My. Jars, H. llatishall has beers ap.
advantages of this fair Canada. The re- pointed Registrar x)f North - and
sponse to the toast of The Empire by East Middlesex. ,
Wor. Bro. D. W. Cellos was a most Don't lie -it wastes my timetend yours
able one. The address wan punctua.tetl -I'm sore to catch 'Ass, in dile end, and
alai illustrated with Items of the world's that's the wrong end.
history, and was listened to with deep The Odtifellows will attend divine ser
interest. Theren sang by Bre. Ilurdori vIce' le Trivitt 3fenlarial church on the
was well rendered as was alga thatw#tuttg -v --"a"'" Of April 3OtIt
by Bro. W. IL Ellicott* The toast i of
'Visiting Brethren. fell to \Vox% °Bro, kki.. Mr. Frank Sweet was last week
Intyro, who did it alrlple justice. ma awarded the contract of erecting the
toast of The Ladies received response new Methodist church at Ilderton.
from Wor. Bro. Davis and Bro. 3iuri• Rev. Powell of ells street Methodist
church preached at Credlton, Sunday
House Cleaning
Now that spring is here and housecleaning is the
order of the day, you may need something that will
make the home more cheerful and bright. It is.—
Lace Curtains
In this line we are sure we have some of the best
and neatest patterns at prices that will defy anything
In this line we have the Brussel's rugs in . green and
fawn shades ranging in price from $14 to $20, also
a choice'range of small rugs in newest shades from
$1,15 to $3.50'
Wall Paper
We have the largest and best range of Wall Papers
that we have shown for some time. We will be -only
too glad to let you inspect our stock.
Some new patterns just arrived in union, and all
wool. These carpets 'are exceptional values. rices
ranging from 40e. to $1.00 per yard.
he new -goods are arriving every week in Foulards,
s, Rajahs, Mulls, Etc. In: all the newest shades and
rices to suit every one.
3p®CxttlWe are clewingout what Paint we have
at 50c a can. The price elsewhere being 75c.
G{ roceries---Always on hand and of best quality,
esti rices paid for all kinds of Produte, ,a,x� ;
; :sir aw tY 7$A 4:111:.
g, exchanging pulpits with Rev.
R. Hicks.
lir. G 1
ard0ax. ,,Senna has moved into
the house vacated by hire Johne Ford on
Andrew Street, the later having taken
up his residence in the ho'nxe at the
Word has been 'received here of 'the
death of Duncan McEwen of near Hen -
Tho remailn,s° will be interred in
Exeter cemetery under Masonic auspices
on. Thursday afternoon.
A load of young people of Main -street
church. on Monday night drove out to
the home of Mr Adolphus Hooper and
enjoyed a taffy -pull. One et theboys
says, "We had a, whale of a time."
Dr. Mo{are of London was here Tues-
day in consultatipn with Drs. Hyndman
and: McGillicuddy on the, case ;of Ufa'. A.
McDoneli, whjs Is still very LII; and
while his case is a critical One his
chance' of reciavery is favorable.
Mr. Wes. Snell announces in another
column that he carries a full line oZ
McCormick implements for the Interna-
tional Harvester Co., a full line of
Cockshutt Plows', the Gray & Son, bug,'
ries, and repairs of all kinds. Give hint
a call.
The Re -opening Sex'vices of James+-st.
Methodist church . will be held April 16th:
and 23rd. The Rev. A. I'~: Birks, B. A..,
L. L.. i3., President of the Lpendon .con-
ference will preach, both morning and
evening' next Sunday. The trustees are
asking for liberal ciollections and of-
ferings towards the improvement fund.
Mr. T. E. 'Handford last week sold
his handsome residence to Mr, Michael
Doyle of McGillivrayand on Wednesday
next will have a sale of his effects, Air.
Handford and family will move to Edr
mon,t0n. to reside for a timeat least.
Exeter residents will greatly regret Mr.
EIandford's departure, ' as he hats been
one ,of our best ctitizens, and hope that
he wall`. retunn to Exeter. We welcpme
Mr. Doyle to Exeter.
A quiet wedding took place at James
Street Methodist parsonage on ' Wednes-
day,of last week lof Mr. William:) Carrick
to Miss Linda Prouty, second daughter
of Mr, Sahnuel Prouty, all of Stephen.
The ceremorvy was perforated by Rev., R
Hobbs, Best wishes ,of their' friends
will be extended' to Mr. and ,Mrs. Car -
dolt. They will reside on the Prouty
homestead, Steph+eno
Mr Wm. Miners leaves to -day (Thurs-
day) for Saskatoon', SaJsk., where he' in-
tends remaining, at least for the summer
and if agreeable will continuo to re-
side there. He will be' accompanied by
his son, Clarence of .Florence, ,who re
ce.ntly 'passed his civil: service examine-
Ilea,. and who has, accepted a, position
In the Saskatoon poet • office. Another
son, Mr. Fred. Miners of London will
foll•'sw In a couple of weeks
F'or the fleet: fourhyshc o ,
ing week ere will ice fora
430c. per tisk of 90 lbs'' a tra4+
one wishing No. L Gove
/Standard, Red Clover, Timet y
Alsike, We will take potatoes rn pa
went for came
Morning and afternoon seselons of the
South Huron Sunday School Convention
were held a.x Prestryiertan church Thurs-
day.Rev.Sl presided. aa.r p p e lied at the morning
session Rev. R. J.' M. Glassf-ord of To-
ronto, Field Secretary of the Ontario
S. S. Associatitori'addrecsed the dole-
gates oh the°new County Standard and
the ,purpose of County organization. The
organizatitara of South, Huron was, then
token up and accomplished. During the
nftersto„ ih session Mr. J. Elgin Tont, I.
P. S„ Coderic;i, gave a very practical
xrtd o:cible address ,an "The organiz=
at -an ri;ad naana4enaent +o1 the Sunday
. Mr. Glaaaiord, in a way that
gripped the eonvontIon, spoke on "Four
Foundation S. S. 'Factors," and Rev. E.
EI. ll a of Credigan gave an excellent
add,.ress e+�, T.„,n
Q IdaRne and .its relation
to the Sunday Setkool. In the evening
Rev. Mr,, Glasstord and Rey. D. W. Czi-
ti;ts deeply interested the audience that
gathered at Main street Methodist church
with splendid addresses. Mr. Glassford
spike on, "The Modern Sunday School
Vision," arid Mr.. Oollins gave a scholarly
`resume of the hist,ory of translations
'of the Engbtnh Bible. Miss Moncur aid
Mira liincman rendered beautiful solos
at the afternean session. The Main st.
choir had charge of the music in,fthe
evening. Township organization will be
art -waged, it possible, towards the end
of May. The following compose theEx-
eeutive Council' for South Huron,-Prest-
dent, Mr Frank O'Brien, Chiselburst :
Vice-president, Mr, John H. Scott,
eter; Rec. Secy, Mr. I-1. E. Huston, Ex-
eter; Cor, Secy-Treas., W. Go; Medd,
Winchelsea,: Supt, Elentetxtary Dept,
Ortwein, Heiman; Sup't A.
13. C. 1)ep't. Mr. 'Wm; O'Brien, Zurich'
Sup', Teacher Training Desi Mrs. 0,
Fletcher, Thames Road; Supt Missioxx-
ady Delict, Mr. W. II. Johnston, .IGppen:.
W. G. Medd.
A free lecture will b: given In 'tate
Town 1141, Exeter, on Tuesday, ,April
18th, at 8 p. m., who R. 111:' ,Cameron,
ruthorized rcpreecntativc, will explain,
the Government Annuities Act recently
'taaugurated. This an Important sub-
jset a.ad is creating a great deal of in-
terest when it is properly' understood,
And every citizen should hear how to
secure an annuity of from „50 to $'600
per year for life at age 55 alndoupward..
Reeve Taylor will preside, Ladies are
specially invited; everybody welcome,
GODEri1CH, April 6. -The h'ensington
Furniture Company's Factory here was
almost entirely destroyed by the fire
to -night. The plant consisted of four
separate buildings -two' frame and two
brick structures. The totallass is
estimated at between $50,000 and $60,-
000, about 75 per cent. of .which its
covered by insurance.
The tire originnted in the top flat of
the three story frame building, which
was used as a packing room. The two
story building' was also burned. Despite
the efforts of the town, s+ fire brigade
a third b di
ail ng, ons e ..f brick,: was
also partially destroyed, but the 4th,
block was saved, as were, also. the God -
elicit Wheel Riga Company, the Doty
Boiler Works and the North American
Chemical Company..
The property is owned by ex Mayor
Rumball, of Ltondon, and his son, John
Rumball, has been in charge of the
plant .
Death of :tire Clements. -Last week
another of the pioneer residents of this
community passed ; to her reward.
We refer to the demise pr Jane Wilson,
widow of .the late Isaac- Clements, whd
'died on Wednesday of last week, at the
ago of 73 yearn and.19.. da,ys. Deceased
had been In popf health for four months
or ,over, suffering from an attack of
jaundice and the nature of the disease
being of a malignant type her constitu
tion gradually gave way under, • the
strain until death 'released her of her•
sufferings. The deceased's maiden name
was Jane Wilson, being a native of Ire-
land, and canh,e to thiel country about 40
years ago, Bunce which timer she contin-
uously resided in this township. Her
late husband: predeceased her about six
years. Mrs. Clements was highly re-
spected as, a citizen, and neighbor, -
kind mother and true friend and her „de
mise will be much regretted by a large
circle of fr Lends. She is survived by
two sons and four daughters -John of
Mt. 'Forest ; William, Mats. Winer, Miss
Minnie and Miss Eliza atthoine,a,nd Mlysa
Sarah, New Toxic: The funeral took place
Friday to the Elimvilie cemetery.
Mr. John Cic+anents of Mount Forest
and sister Miss Sarah of Newark, N.J.,
are Thome at present lowintg to the death
of their nether•=Miss Lilla Heywood
left on Saturday to spend a few weeks
at Bryanston Miss Emma ;Upshall re-
turned home >froni London on Saturday
last.. Mr. David Miller spent'a few days
wlth friends' here last week, prior to
leaving for 'his'h;tnie at Il.ansomviile,
N. X.=Mlas May Jones of Exeter is
visiting friends here. -Rev. ,Colin k let
cher and wife of TIaas Piped spent
Tuesday visiting the school here. -.,Ir
W. W. Kerr is on the 'siek 11at this week
The following is the report of the Pro-
motionExamination . held .in. S. S. No.
6; Usborne, in April of 1911. The En-
trance class teak the Junior Fourth
papers with the exception of the Hie
tory paper. „A. paper on English
:history was given them. All the pupils
at tii�ree" mads the required mark, name-
ly 60 per •'cen Entrance Class--totah
7110=E. Kellett 659; lo Creery (157 ;.`E.
Coward 112. Sr..IV.-•-t'o'tal 700 -Eric
Coward 497. Jr. IV total 7fl0-G,
Duncan 597; D. Corms,. 577 I, Hey.
Wood ' nee , kid Cornish 544; L,... Johns
503 ; :D Creery 408, ;Jr. IIL total 685
-V. ,Sell 555- M Washburn 530 W.
Routley 528; G •Delbridge 475 V. 1-ley-
eyi-iey u d 452 L Cornish, 396 F Hey-•
wood 278 R". Crecry:,259 Jr II ',ilial.`
525-G. Johns 475; P. Coward 446,
M. Camara 441; L. Johns 439;; Rhea;
Sma1e 435; 4. Andrews 410; 3} f. Ixey-
woad 409; M. Cornish 331; W. �5 Hey-
wood �,��. These are s
h+e e as
tit e s s
they have beery writing.
Jessie A. Hamilton, Teacher,:
The Misses Marry a„nd Lucy Young of
London spent a few days here last week
visiting their sister and brothel's. -Mr,
and Mrs. Daniel Sweitzer are visiting
f=1•=rads in Buffalo. -The auction sale of
T:tos.. iledde:t's. household efterts on
:efo,.day was well' attended. Mr. Heddert
moved to Brantford, with. his family or,
Tuesday, where he has secured a good
steady jab. We wish thein every sue
Bess 1a their new home: Next Sunday
past»ting.. Ribbon Horn. D. A., of Cleve-
, nd,
leve:and, O!tlo, will occupy the pnlpit in the
Evangelical church, All those who under
stand the German language should at- INIMMINEIMENUME
tend as. the Bishop is, an eloque'tt speak
Or and well worth hearing. -The remains]
of the late airs. g ph#a. Wiejlert, who.
died in the Old Pe9Ple's Floras. in Eben-
ezer, zer, N. Y,, were interred in 'the Evan-
gelical Cemetery here On Tuesday. Some
four years ago, after her hushaind's
death, the deeeased wont to Ebenezer,
where she was well taken: care. or ;in
her old age. She and her late husband
lived at. Crediton East for quite a nuna-
b?r of years and were highly respect -i
ed. Sheleaves a trieeej Mrs,,W{u. Snaith:
of. Shlpka and a number of relatives
rear Greenway, Ont. to mourn her lass.
--Mr. Stoneman ot, Hensall spent last
Su•hday in town, -Some of the summer
saIS are znaltias their appearance, We
expect to see them burst torch to
all their glory next Easter Sunday, The
,says are secret°Qy in -signs 'gine hats
will be smaller In slue. -Mrs. Floral
Walker spurt a 'few days with. ?ftja. Wes
Kerr of '0 j'.citelset last week. -Rev.
Molts of the Methodist Church eXchaan
ed pulpits with Rev, Powell "of the Main•
street Methodist Church last Sunda. --
Elvin ,''McMurray, who has been ledger
keeper of the Bank gat Caxnnaerce here,:
since Decenxber, has resigned and in-
tends leaving for Winnipeg where lie
accepted a situation. Ills friends wish
Mtn all kinds of luck. ;air. Colin: Car-
michael of. Collin,gwooxd has been sent
here to succeed him.-Gat;tet Baiter tot
London Sundayed in o;r,t, 11rs, Bar-
bara Oestretcher, who has been quite
III the past week, passed to the great
beyond ,an Tuesday :noon at an udvallc.
ed age. At time of writing ••the funerttli
irrataggnents hadn't been made but
M all probability the: burial will take
place `oix Friday. Ample notice' will be
given to all the Lrhenda.-Rev. E. H,r
Beans made a business trip to Berlin tan
Monday.-AIbert Wialf Is busy breaking
in 'a colt which appears to go along
nicely. We notice, however that Albert
doesn't sit lies firmly for fear that he
won't have time to jump .if his driver,
should get frisky. -Are we going to
have a Victoria Day Celebration? Last
Year it was thought best? ea :postpone it
for a yeatr. Blow would it bo if our
town father's called a meeting to dis-
cuss the matter? A crossing is badly
needed between the crossing at Mier -
lock's and the corner. People will take
the shortest way across regardless of
mud and thereby bring in a lot of thp
dirt into our places of business. -Messrs
Hewitt and Steer of Exeter; were in
town last Sunday evening.
e fu
Clark -In Uaborne, April 9th, to Mr,
and Mrs, Nelson CIark, a daughter.
,,Reader -In Stephen, on April 2, to Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Reader, a daughter,
Wedd-McGillivray, Friday March .31st.
to 14r. and Mrs. John, Wedd, a 'eon.
House. --In Clinton, on April 6th, to Mr.
and firs.. John R. Douse, a son.
Carrick -Prouty -lm Exeter, on April 5
Wm. Carrick, of Stephen, to Miss Lin-
da, second daughter of Mr. Samuel
Prouty of Stephen.
Sherlock -Williams -At the Central Meth-
odist church, Vancouver, B. C., Mar. 28
by Rev, G. S. Osterhout, Mr. Bert Sher-
lock of Vancouver, to Miss Lillian
Williams, daughter of Mr. E. Williams
of Exeter.
Gray -Blaney -In Mitchell, on April 5th,.
Miss Rebecca Blazey of Mitchell to
51r., 1-L Gray of Hibbert,
Hislop-'Viioray, April 4th, Mrs. Isa-
bella Hislop, relict .of the late Robt.
Hislop, aged 69 years, 4 months, 20
Fisher. -Iia: Exeter, on April 8, Elizabeth
Buswell, relict of the late ,Frederick
Fisher, aged 63 years, 5 months.
Clements -In Usborne, April 5, Jane
Wilson, relict hof the late Isaac Cle
agents, aged 73 years, 1:9 days.'
McKown,-In Clinton, on April 4th,
Jane Potts, wife of Alfred McKown,
aged 64 years,
Watson, -In Seaforth, on March '30th,'
George W. 'Watson., eldest son of the
late W. N. Watson.
4ti r $
Miss 1. 1. Allan
Eye Sight,s 3CIialis�
Will be at the. Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, Parlor on Satur-
day. April,' 22nd,
ON7 .ii.�Y ONLY
Anyone su Perin igr'.Eye.
Trouble could not "rddo lietter
than consult her.
Remember "thy date
- April 22nd.
Suits and
The Best on Earth
for the Money
See the Goods
hen You'll Know -
The Clothier