HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-6, Page 8,11 THE EXETER. A.J1IOEt TE/,' .T; URS3 A.Y, APRI 1 111 THE Tbe ,spring trade this year promases to bea heavy one, and we are prepax. eat for it with a MI supply of the Finest Clothing Materials in, Tweeds, Fahey Worsteds, Etc, Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try us for yon.r new Spring Sunt. W. W. TAAIa e>"chaut Tailor, Deter, - Onto EXETER $AR ET i IELAINTGED E.44.0U WEDNRSD east . ..,. ..,.,. Barley. ,.,..,, ,.,.,, Rucl:Whezat ,. .,,,, ,5;tiaaa«,.'x t..,.«.,......, Potaatoee,per beg ...,,. Ray, per tot. ,_ . . Flour, per e t, £ax«l Tour, low grade per Cy?' l Livetogs,^,per cwt..... Shorts per ton..... . Brant per tort........,... 4g 30 7d 0 5 145 21 17 0 16 10 00 2. 0 l21 L7 G8Q au' Mri McDonell is improving -sone- bat this week, but is;still leery weak.S Magistrate T, M. Kay is ian VISITORS roving in Y 971 1 O health, and expects to be around in fevrdays', --..,. aa cal e, 1r-a c Rev. -Powell of Matsu street. church ex clissageS pul2?its' with Rev. Hicks Crediton on -Sunday morning. 'Mr: eJoh..ii,` Septi, proprietor of the Ex- eter x eter-CFearalery, has purchased Air. A, Q. %bier's farm. west or the G. mak, Trr John Brawn, who has been con- tned to. his hoesc tor several weeks,. Ys improving and able t?a move out again a. 4etle Thos. cam), of 43sberne has, mov- ed -lute the residence recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs, Williams, North -eta #;xis Week The II.D.G. if, Ri„ ant i 'or, Bro. P, Hole well of Baden, will pay his roffietal visit to. EFeve >Baaa;nic ;Lodge on Monday evea, ii,g next., 1i a d Mrs. Albert Spe neer have mov ,.d o raw , from Kxrkton ;and ,are Fe^ 3 : e house recently vacated by ,Bee- , Jos. Mr. Pay n -.v of v2 n..,pey s e. sp:tpe « ivlortln Bat- .] at- .%a,11s oto Exeter boy.' and ;atm Success. W. A. L litwtua pur4ta,cd zhe ':. i<u xd' ; s fom he Bank 'ar. Com- las; `.on2^ us. d . a a tiv c,r _ > oK e?gaged' darn and >rL a _ .a e sante' t mica, Mr.Jo.. _,iVias t. was _3 London. Mor- C'i nxn.- ids m ster-.141 rlR v I ",ursdc y Miss ltibci;,e,,, w.;o sus been attel dir`g l e '5.a lta,tu:ai, hut tier eonditiana is not anrosted. a ii? nlo.,ay friends of Mrs. Satnuel Gid res wild learn with regret that she .,la 1+ 's I-Ioapltal, Duluth, Meier ea eat for all internal traauble, and is _^.ow p"2gressifg very fava lalaiy; The Sudeley School Canventlon o1 Seut'a. Hura l eta• beteg held to %tt e Press- byterialt cla.urch. this Thursday morning .a•<a d of with s a ata, 4#la m a ti h s meeting n Male street ,Methodist church at night, Cele o" the plate glass wied,aws in Meesre Jae t May's sate was no, aced to bs bo- akea T ucaday.and also the tt it SI>. i d. Willis' barber snap. but Warne , broktr t la a zzali atery, ria zta a4y,11 +' of violetxCe vie#hie i Ro rein. who lett. latah week ester. Ml;i&s.. for the purpose upon for an internal Tuesday evening hltatted am re- # aaaplt al and as Ts Mr. Ghats. Seawright was in Essex this week. Arise Eva Ilalbbs is a> visitl rectory. Mrs. S. G, Bawdeat was in London on S aturday;, Airs. Ed,yar wilds 'visited in London ads week, James Waiters was in Harelhoat this week oa buaiaxess. pa Kelantan and Zdr, q'iaitti- were 'in i ?thorn NICsada r evening, Mr, Ed, Anderson of Seaforth spelnt S unday at his home here; +f . `, S. Christie enjoyed a holiday out of town during the past week. Mrs, titch, Teeble, who has been, vie itzre' friends, in town, visited, in Seaport, Past week, Mrs. W. D. Marko and, aol; are vis rah Londan, 3Sr. Clarke 'was lir,€he +ty over :S'4wlay. a =tart' TaYlar deft Saturday .z... t _ month at rile brae oe Nectar, at Molt. Spartifag'. who reeenaty dial, farm. stock .and, innpletne::ts =e, left qtr the West on T,hurs Obert 1:toggr. with Iter t?nF o'tdcago, arrived ;wereearlN on Mr, and M. riati tidt ler pavex+i . misses'guy E, and Aria 1% 1Taarahel,. astted to a few deans owing rite prat week with their S'ta2idtailaer, gr, Jae Kerslake, L .ndOli 11.004 $011111, Tno_nt`,p Fear wan dawn 'from Myth o -.Ter Sunday, _Mrs, Fear, who has been visite zn her da whiefr, Aire, W. Si, Dewey returned to BIyth. with Thraretor. Tues-. tey. Ma, '44 n1. Ctlanil shard, wire hasbeen tending bar at the Comrereial House, left la.fi t,. week, #4 visit ills nva4ixe» at Ciandeboye prier to returning to Pais- P ley. « \V. D. Weekes Ieft an x'asesday `ar Virdean, >dan., where be will visit Ods son. Mr F, rank'eekes nwh'^A" eta eft.. ;aged In that place in the photography business. . Mr. and; Mrs, Gert Rarnesa, win) have been reeidente of #:awn for many yeaars, i,aa'Ptd to Regina.on "Ir`aat=%10.y. Toe hest wiai,,*0 Of their many friends here ac- company zy 'heir. Mr. and Mraa, Ja !viers. ia4/ xrhd PC41, rezentlli ow$aal thetatter's' rather, who a few days after visited with friends In , ,,«. «,• ,, day of taut ween. Air. Frank Rook lett Tu ui Iaay for Calgary where he hada- acccPterl , altuation as book-keeper. 3fe, Cheater Harvey lett the name evertiag for Har- well, Man., where he will ire employed with his brother -SAI. -Taw. fir. Fe Bus well. ;yiisa Ethel Harvey accompanied her brother, at the' e tc leg, taut tilowI Mr, .T.. St after a weelc'`s lrmwea. ill dorm; aL Amprov-. med. 'werl. Mr. B Tricks n913ppcd a car oL cattle to Tarcetto Tuesday, Remember that no musrate may shot during April, nor speared at an time. Mr. John, Wood and ;;lir. kI Elworthy each shipped a car of cattle to Terento Saturday. Mr. John, Mcintyre liar accepted a poaition with Mr, J. E. S.'tsith, boot and shoe maker. In future Deputy Beturnin,e' officers at Poll Clerks at Election will not have to yr ite out the n-unesain the'.Poli'book. Frank Itobinsen, formerly of Platts. vine, has purchased the Gattis House, Thedford, owned by H. Boseenberry.— of Perkhlit Gazette. A grand musical entertainment will be given by The: Plus Ultra Sunday S. Class, assisted by Mr'wliliamson and son. Teddy of 'London, in the baacment of Main--st. church on April 7th. Admission 25c. i The matter of a difference of opin- ion, as to the amount of money owing to the School Board by the council was amicably settled at a meeting held on. Wednesday evening of last week and the Town: Treasurer will cantitiue to be treasurer for the S hoof Board. A FA,I,SE REPORT. --Since Mr. Mein, tyre has commenced work with J. E,. Smith a. rumor has been- out that Sir. A. Walters ,serve leaves ,for the Soo. This' is entirely ,untrue. Mr. McIntyre's en- gagerneat fa just another step ,ai pro- grecs iz ou- custom department, and. we want ou- customers and friends to. know that Mr. Walter's interest in this progress I- a: firth as even. at to 0 re trine eorlens results. Tiro firm of. Mitchell 4: Todd, pubnisb- cae caL` T:he Goderich Star, has bears;, d!s- aaonsed. lir,. Wm. Mitchell will continue olio shwas and Mr. A, M. -Todd ie re- #Yrir. ;ter, Mitchell hair been connected writs The' Star s':neo 3879, and, }rr. Todd iter 13 "year's. We wieell Mr. Mitchell ao atit ued success in the business and Air« Todd als-a has our best wishes. lxeaare: Ivan and Daniel Dew or, UT, borne attended the funeral last week of Mr. Ittobcrt Golder of Middlemiss, avho died non Wednesday of last week. The late Mr. Golder was a former resi- dent of Usbsrne, but left that township about 135 ,yciirs ago. He way' a. first CousinOL the Tato John pew and wlll,be romembered by the older Ivetdenta .of the township. he, having resided In the Hunter neighborhood, ' 'Goad Friday, April 14th, Is the day -tire Sixth Annual Shoot of the Huron Indian Gun Club, when six events will be shot, the let, 2xtd, 4th, 5th;;and ,oth of 15 targets each, prizes' in 3nerehand- Ise, and the 3rd Is the trophy event at 20 targets r the to tl ha champY;ah>,shYp of Western, Ontario and a purse of 010. Five high average prizes will also be given The attend part of the program con.siste of :four event'a at 20 targets- each , entrance money to be divided. The home of Mr. and airs. James Dear any," of the Lake R1oad, Stephen, has been saddened by the death of their youngest son, Carl James, who died on Tuesday ;est after five days il}nese f rain' brain fever and spinal trouble, at the Age of 8 months and: four days. He was a bright child and will be much missed in the home. Mr. and Mrs. Dearing will have the apathy of their many friende .n their bereavement. The. 'funeral will take place to -day tp the Exeter ceme- The Crediton Star made its appearance last week. 'The Star isa creditable sheet in, point of appearance, and is published by air. F. J. Wickwire, late of ' , the Times.' The odd thing about the mat- ter 1s" that anyone shined Imagine that South Hurpa should need another pap- er._ Twenty-five years ago • there were but two papers south- of Clinton and Seaforth; and nihw we are tohave a fifth—In, the face of the fact th&t, the• 'population o" of the county has de- creased one-third. Five Dollar 'counterfeit Bank of Mon- treal bilis are int ` circulation. The bill would easily ,pass inspection of the cas-' ual observer, the printing and engrav- ing being of a particularly high. order. A `close Scrutiny naf the bill, however, reveals- several defects, especially -in the printing of ,the heads of Sir Edward` Cioustan and Sir George Drummond. The profiles: are somewhat blurred, and the -lines very indistinct. The caunter- Le-it bears the 'date of the series of Jan. 2, 1904. So 'Eau- it has circulated main- ly'arotind Buffalo and in Toronto. SUDDEN DEATH.—Mr. C. Sperling OfTeraato, 'Ont., traveller for Wilson Lytle°aand Badgerew, of Toronto, was stricken, with,, paralysis at Port Elgin, on• Wednesday morning last while riding ir.en the- hotel to the;'statien, and was nunediately , ;taken to the hotel, but died -'a fewhours afterwards. Deccas-, ed:,foi•merly lived in, St. Mays wher0 his mother and two sisters reside,1 .Fr xk:Sparling,.who travels for the same company, -as a brother, 'and is -well kciawn', here.` Deceased ` was' a: cousin"'ot th6Carling, McPonell and. Acheson (aril les; t BUGGY FOR SALE.—A top buggy :di: first-class condition. apply at Advocate' Office. MANGOLDS FOR SALE.—A quantity. of niangolds, apply to John Kerslake, London Road South. HOUSE TO RENT,—That desirable frame house and four lots, situated to the south lof. the river, on lain street, Exeter, known as fhe Muir property. Im- medlite possession. Apply to WILLIAM REID- t MONEY LOST—Oa Main street, Exet- er e-lviarela 27th, a ten dollar bill. Finder .will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at this office. if you . want to sell or to rent ;your house or farm advertise- it ha The Advo rate columns. 75c.::pays for The Advocate tea' the end of •'the year. Subscribe now. DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that my Of- fice is closed every 'Wednesday after- aioon. DR. ROULSTON. Go to The Advocate Office for Marra, age Licenses. BOYS - BOYS BOYS The Canadian Century' are sending 20 an'adial ` Boys•, en a five weielts- trip' b Eaxgland during the c,ronation advertisement : appears in, this a 5 dati u,ht 'about 8 a'elock whie:h or a. e: ts threaafened serious results appears. Mr.':Theodore Waiper North was drivin,>; dawn 'town and It`i hard •Biatchlord and- -were nd were returning hoth o n t w; and wt en •ih frt 4iif Mr onst e: an;d will be read with .interest by 12Ys. f It SKILL =A.n accident In the way of coliislon happened' 'on Main street FORS Cora 2d Trkin Ye n] 3 kers 1 zhdfr asu lt3S,Qkeen , UWY'.n9 Cy a.xve cet,x a hie tri Canada ;ata as a "1~ii 8'aaid Buffalo N' YES li7pe:_ r s, n xtrorts IVi'c a Good, 75a )S.Ra L Ju,tgsa' 11.7 Retual iLitoa,wrCii} 1.911 run any: Grand Duff, % Outs, Ol ro ete Mr D ix , J, col TOr :twin Heasna e:' fit to theytwo art ''fir u shgta cv, r kai ed 1'nto the I: t Fortunatei rout tu clisii$! r , instils >iil3rs 11&ItttiaL acaeei+>iii Ifdetlwl "reeult,atixat d'Srii pceupssY>it`liueI j iderabi ai'erce eecapeclp u; g w an lY a,rrivaa It aofr. S. Hardy has Pnrehaseel 5fy. T* 3. '1Vilsgn'e, residence on Sbncoo agtreet. Uri. .Phillips and two daughtorea the' mother and etaters.aot .Mr. Phillips, or., gabiat at the James Street gothadiet church, have moved to town, from Lon- don, and will occupy part of Mr. Map- tle's double house. At the conclusion of his sermon Sun- day evening Bev. It. Hobbs( very warm-. ly condemned the use and saes oL tobac- co, and particularly cigarettes. The reverend gentleman feels very strongly against tobacco, is sincere In this 0990x1 tion, and apparently determined to throw the whole weight of his influence again- stit. BUILDERS SUPPLIES P4fCttAlilf;5 FINE TOOLS ifAits,GLASS.POTTx 1Ro.PiP£rfiTTii1G5 l archand's Jewellery WATCli THE RINGS in our display. See how they gl steu and glitter. No wonder;: they make the most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring. Preston Safe- lock-Shingles afe- lock3i S ngles Solttottoug to think about Nu matter what kind of build. ing yon intend to put up or re- pair. tba ONE most important: part ie the Roof. Don't forget that the appearance clad dura- bility o£ the building, the safety of its contents and the selling value, if yott ever pltt it ou the market depend more upon toe roof than, ny outer part a£ the construction. Every Prestont Sate -Lock. k xhits I asis made Shingle to conform with British Specifi- cations—admiralty and other Public Service. Guaranteed to be Wind And Weather proof. Preston corrugated iron and ".CORN," Sheet Steel Siding always in stock. Spring -House- Cleaning Ever' Rttylsetitifeaad Pri►lter (Tarttaraould aee us before nihseeleatning time. We can Ive ycau helpful suggestions on ae easiest rind most economical ay of making your borne At- eaetive, bright and flesh. Seeds Braces Big Four—Th Iarg. eat and best Field Roots in ex astence^—Intermediate, Smooth Wtite Carrot, Giant White Feeding Sugar, Beet, (Nithat Yellow Intermediate Mengel, New Century Purple Tap Stvede Turnips. Bruce's and Steer Brlgg's Garden seeds, T. Hawkins & Son PHONE 20 We deliver 1 ver promptly Powell's Bazaar BARGAIN WEEK Customers to this store this week will see bargains be- fore unheard of. Our large stock of Fancy China, Granite ware, Stationery, Jewellry, Drug preparations, Fancy Soaps, Picture Postcards, and Muscial :Instivanents must bring some money. Ladies! We have just opened up some beautiful Austrian Coronation China, to sell at 10, 15, 25, and 75c. each. Each piece bears the photo of their,: Majesties, King or Queen, and the British Coat of Arms. Remember your friends. Its a pretty Souvenir. Come early Money goes a long way at a'"a `hiS Store." We Je e rp free toallo our Drug goods customers:- We carry a complete line of Edison Phonograph goods at money saving prices. If you want anything inthisline . Yet our prices first. give tine Willis Powell rroP• The Truth About Patent Medicine Your attention is directed to the Rexall Rerinedies(one for each ailment)'' BECAUSE they are not patent. medleines, but tea`ted prescriptionsrecog- nized I he World over as the ACME of periectxon Each remedy is Gua t d to be -refit tax w will h ran ee erefund1t e money —You are to be the judge. Wo sell "Resell Remedies" because we know what `they contain and will tel you the ,exact formula of each remedy if yon wish Vo know. Net 'one contains a ha rmiul drug. IF YOU .DON'T KNOW YOUR AILMENT CONSULT` A PHYSICIAN, YOU .l)0 ,BUY REXALL REMEDIES. A, FEW - SEASONNABLE PREPARATIONS REYALL CHERRY" BARK SYRUP REXALL .BAMBOO BLOOD BUILDER. ;(Coughs; Colds, Etc.) a br:,„ . REXAL ., GRIPPE PILLS w ` , REXALL-KIDNEY rREMEDY S.oanderfel Quick Cure), 'i y (Cures all ''Kidney ; Affections) REX: l.Li-SARSAPAR-ILL,, TON l y `r ig 'XALL RHEtTMATIC REMEDY ..'v+uuid'l'titlfler) i YsKaA t*9ti 1 (Gives Prompt Relief), I1 Our Jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are Baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings an4, rings just for adornment. We, can supply you juste as ABLE_. P1-1OE as cart be haat OD GOODS 'at just as REASON to place in Cana( A. :are.and, Exeter Jeweller Si Optician Brighten Home This is the time of theYear when theHouse se « Clealll lg vill be done, There is no better time to brighten u` ° the home e with a little Furniture We Invite you. to inspect ` our showing 'hick is the larg- est and best in the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something infor the Kitchen orDining iit" 1n' Room. will be in order. We can suit our tate andri in anything in the line of furniture,F ct~ ROWE & ATKINSON Tb,din tome Furnishers au d Funeral larsctara, JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 32 How About Your New Spring Suit This year we are, showing a swell lot of Ladies Ready-to-wear Suits; New Spring Coats and 'Separate Skirts. Do not fail to • :visit our Ready-to-wear De- partment, It will do you good to see the New Styles. Our Special - Suit . P -at $11,00 In Black or Blue Venetian Cloth made up in the very latest styles. This is a beauty for the price. Our. Ladies' Spring Coats COME IN LONG OR, SHORT,, Nice Black Coats, Ltong, Short or for Stout Ladies --$5 to :.$7.3. - Fawn. Diagonal, in Long or Short, also Mouse Grey --$5 to $11. LADIES' SKIRTS Real &nifty Black Violes, with fancy i trimmings at 58 and p7.0. +, Panarna-and Venetian CIoths in l3lack or, B1 is for $4, $5, • $G, ' -GENTS' FURNISHINGS The ayabby goods are found. here—New Shirts, Collars,: Ties, Hats and Caps. New underwear, Sox and Suspendersw Everything new for . the:. boys. We are showing ' a swell lot of Fancy Tweeds and Worsted for New Spring';, Sults, It will pay you to see them before you ,HOUSIll FURNISHINGS New t bat tile b(t.113Y houeekeepers will be soon, hOuse 'cleaning we want' to call Iteg_s Cat -Pets. , wool Rugs - Reiter' Blinds ilikpery Fol.' as, ye ered your ster, ',your Baster Bonnet.,- Nowlat Ar can fii,yon bit 04471 113 U.