HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-6, Page 7THE .EXETER ADVOCATE, TTIUIt,SDAY,
PRIL 6, 1911..
Explosion of Lamp in Miller's Hotel Started
a Costly Blaze
A despatch from North Bay says;
Fire which broke out a,,t Eelso at
2 o'clock on Thursday morning as-
sumed: large proportions. The Mil-
ler Hotel, of three storeys with 200
rooms, was destroyed, as were also:
The Prospect HouseBank of Ot-
tawa's office, Davis and Di'm's''
general store, and several other
attires, The hiss: is estimated at
The fire started in the Miller Ho-
tel, from a lamp explosion, the
flames spreading very rapidly.. Ef-
forts to save geode awl effect» froth
flames resulted in many narrow es-
capes from death. Several riuiuor
accidents occurred, but nothing
Northerly 'winds saved the pro-
peaty of the T. and N. O. Railway,
Lack of water~ prevented the fire
being combated, but a railway en-
gine wasrushed flout Iroquois
Valls, and moved the freight ear,
loaded with goods for Porcupine
camp, out of the danger zone.
A. Gain of Twelve and a Quarter billion
Dollars for the Year.
A despatch ,from Ottawa says;
The Customs revenue of the Domin-
ien for the fiscal year, closed on
Friday, shows the unprecedented
gain of ,$12,280,930 over the fiscal
,year ending March 31, 1910, For
the twelve months ending March.
31, 1911, the total revenue was
$72,343,860.07, as compared with
$60,061,026.50, the year just ending
being the biggest, in the' history of
.the country,
f' The month of 11Tarcia, just closets,
shows the largest revenue of any
one month also in the lifetime of
the Dominion, being over a million
dollars greater than the .previous
largest anonth, which was August,
The figures for March, 1911, are
$7;445,474,52, as compared with $5,-
960,989.02 for March, 1910, au in-
crease of $1,4.64,485.20.
But Man Residing Near Ilaileybury
Was Severely Burned.
.... i. despatch from. Cobalt says
A woman and five children had a
narrow escape from being burned
to death in a house near Haileybury
on Tuesday night. .A lamp fell over
.and exploded at the foot of the
stairs in the house of Joseph Ross,
thus cutting off all e,seape, The 'fa -
tiler jumped from the upper vin-,
dow and got the children by means
of a ladder., but not before they
had ben severely burned. There
then remaineda month-old baby
in the house, and Ross went through
the flames for it and brought it to
safety, wrapped, in blankets, but
his face was a mass of blisters, and
flesh was hanging from his hands
'Mrs. Ross broke a rib in jumping
from the bedroom window.
Britaiti's Gross Income for the Year
Was £203,850,588.
A despatch from. London says :
John Bull is able to boast of a re-
cord income :.foe the fina,ncial year
whieh ended on Friday. The gross
revenue for the year 'rea,ched the
unprecedented sum of 203,850,588
pounds sterling. Nevertheless .the
net result is somewhat disappoint-
ing, the surplus being only766. The explanation of this is that
£31 ,500, 000 sterling are arrears of
1909-10, the collection of which was
delayed by the Lords' rejection of
the :l:.hred rdla ltrdlaaldrhaa hada
than „6'26000,000 of the total was
carmarl_ed to meet the deficit; of
909- f0•
Flag to be Displayed on Public
Buildings Every WeeI, Day.
A despatch from Ottawa says;
The Minister of Public Works has
issued an order, in accordance with
the decision of the Cabinet Coun-
cil, directing that the Union Jack
shall fly over every public building
in Canadaon every day except Sun-
day during the year. At present
the flag is flown only over public
buildings in seaports or ports of
entry along the international boun-
Prof. Robertson, May Become Di-
rector of 1)onunion Farms.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
It is stated that Prof. Robertson,
head of the Commission on Techni-
cal Education and Industrial Train-
ing, is likely to be induced to re-
turn ' to the Government service
and succeed Dr. William Saundeis
as director of the Dominion experi-,.
mental farms.
Prediction of Newfoundland's Gov-
ernor to Legislature.
A despatch from : • St , John's,
Nfld., says ; After a session lasting
but seven weeks, 'the shortest regu-
lar session on record, the New-
foundland Legislatnre was pro
rogued on Wednesday. In his clos-
in; speech the Governor, Sir Ralph
E. 'Williams, expressed his belief
that the colony is entering` upon an
unprecedented era of r '.t
Increase ,in Average Tinder Grain ---
w Helped It Along.
patcl s, ,q�u1 \ ,nnhper avti.,
i174". atzor In local ,a zaz.i
by mill rute,'i,
j�o"�t* c� i1T,,zzcal�nlis,and.
y ,sho`w' w,ost satistactoa . ag,
to concha ural, the C anti,
n flay IS'&] hjiph04t rs 3
11en ' lllViae' in b ll ti
c?li l?ta h th wig
lalc>.v a', though.. ihi: ...would, have
peen Still fiuth,er •incaeaased had it.,
not tact ni'ut continued bought.
But ;heavy and frequent snowfalls,
Fa tizu h have had a° ch anec • to soak.
ti�ell ;iii, have a°e.mo ed this danger.
It is clallieult• to estimate hew,
tie}v ;'land was broken last
.or ,Seeding n this pa )w•
a,1.u,ud nava,'i eeal et
; . atesre'ci it in yStigma
lie a bariught gin o r�+
Prices, of Cattle, Grain, Cheese'
and Other Prodaice*at Rollie
and _thread.
Toronto, April 4, Flour.-Winte
wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.2
at seaboard, Manitoba flours
First patents, $5.4u; .second, paten
$4.90, and strong bakers', $4.70, o
track, Toronto.,
Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 Nort.
ern, 95fc, Bay ports; No, 2 North
ern, 93e, Bay ports, and N.Q. 3
91c, Bay ports.
Ontario \\rl,eat—No, 2 red an
white, 80 to 81e, outside.
:Barley—Mating qualities, 04 t
67c outside, aecording to quality
and feed, 52 to 56e outside.
_..,Oats -No. 2 white, 34 to 34%e, o
rack, Toronto, and 32 to 32 e out
stele. No, 2 W.0, oats, 36x,.0 Da
ports, and .iia. 3 at 35gc, Bay
Corn No, 3 American, 51l
52e, Toronto freight.
Peas..- No, 2 around 800 outside
Rye -06 to 680 outside.
Rockwheat—No. r'ro. 1 at 481/sto 49
fi1'an--Man ts,bas$23, , in: bags,
Toronto, and shorts, $24.50, n
bags,' Toronto; Ontario shorts,
$24.50 to $25,
rt pples—Slys, $5 to $6; Bald-
wins, $4 to 54.50; Greetings, $4 to
,$1.50; NO. 2 assorted, $3;50 to $4.-
0 per barrel;.
Beans ---Car lots, $1,75 to $1,0
at d sma11 lots, $1.20 to S
Honey l;xtraeted, in tins, 10 to
llc per 'Ib.; No. 1 comb, 'wholesale,
$2 to $2,50 per dozen ; No, ,2 comb,
wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen.
Baled Jay --No, 1 at $11.50 to $1.3
an track, and No,. 2 at $9 to ;x10.5 0;
Baled Straw—$0.5Q to .7 on
track, Toronto.
Potatoes_ -Car lots, 80 to 85e per
bag, and New Brhmswick, 90 to 95e:
Poultry—V holesale Prices of
dressed poultry ;---Chicicens. 15 to
16e per ib. ; fowl, 11 to 13e per lb.;
turkeys. 19 to 21c per ib, Live, 1
to 2c less.
and lambs at from $5 to $7 each.
Calves—$2 to $0 each, as to size
and quality; Hogs—$7.50 per cwt.,
weighed off ears.
Toronto, April 4,'.- Tlxe bulk of the
trading, in butcher cattle was below
$5,65, Slices' were farmer alxd 25G Children,
S5'65' ewes - �: Women o
e e, selling
Fogs � were weak,, but uncharagetl. t ,
Spring lambs were present o1x the Saxe � a+ -exp !>
market in small numbers.
- Has been Canada's favorite
Yeast over a quarter of a
century. Enough for 5 ets
o produce 50 large loaves
of fine, wholesome, noun.
i hing, home-made bread.
Do not experiment—there
is nothing "just as good.''
]Rlinnq o T0ROtJTO, ONT.
p g Montrea'
Award1 hglte:t hozaar at
° .... all Exposition
Government Says illaugel Seed
Iust be Carefully \Y:tclted.
A despatch from Ottawa says;
George H. Clarke, seed 'commis,,
sioner' for Canada, has issued a
proclamation; to farmers generally
throughout the Dominion advising
the greatest diligence generally
with respect to the mangel. and beet
seeds which they this year propose
to sow. in the European countries,
from which manget and beet seeds;
are ,usually obtained, the climatic
conditions in 1909 and 1910 were
most unfavorable, and it is feared
,that the percentage of vitality ,will
be very low.- The department of
agriculture advises farmers to so v
from at least one-half more 'tang.]
seed to the acre than originally in-
tended or generally done. The de-
partment also strongly advises the
buying of seed from reputable firms,
and the bags or packages of which
are branded with the percentage, of
Butter --Dairy prints, 18 to 20e;
inferior, 16 to 17c. Creamery, 27 to.
28o per 1b. for rolls, 24 to 24-e for
solids, and 22 to 23c for separator
prints. '
Eggs—Case lots, 18c per dozen.
Cheese—Large, 14c, and twins
Bacon -Long clear, 121/e per ^Ib.
in ease lots; mess pork, $20 to $21
do., short cut, $24 to $24:50; pick-
ed ,rolls, $20 to $21.
Hams --Light to medium, 15c; do.,
heavy, 12 to 13e; rolls, 12.3de; break-
fast bacon, 1634 to 17e; backs, 18 to
Lard -Tierces, 12c tubs, 12Xe;
pails; 123a.e. •
Montreal, April 4.—Aeeording to
cable advices, the foreign wheat si-
tuation is very weak. Oats—Cana-
dian Western, No. 2, 38 se, car lots
et store; extra; No: 1 feed, 38c No.
3 C. W., 3724c; No. 2 :local white
36%,c e ; No. 3 local' white, 35/c; No.
4 local white, .341/2c. Flour ---Mani-
toba Spring wheat patents, firsts,
$5.60 ;. do:, seconds, $5.10, Winter
wheat patents, $4.50; strong bak
ers', $4.90; straight rollers, $4 to
$4.25; do., , in bags, $1.75 to $1:85.
Rolled oats—Per' barrel, $3:90; bag
of 90 lbs. $1,95. Barley Feed, car:
lots ex store, 49 to 50c. Corn —
American No. 3 yellow, 56, to 56%c:
Millfeed-Bran, Ontario, $22 to
$23, Manitoba, $21, to $23;...:mid-
dlings, Ontario, '$24, to $25; shorts,
Manitoba, $23 to $25; mouillie, $25.
to $30. Eggs -Fresh, 20 to 23e.
Cheese -Westerns, 12% to 121/20;
cisterns; 111/ to 12c. Butter—Choi-
cest, 26 to 27c, seconds, 24/ to
25',lc•, j
,ItinneapOlis, _April 4.--4-NYheat ---
patents, $4.35 to $4.6.5; second Pat-
aarloads, store $1.00 5-8 ;
Leading Line Has awed Two Extr
Vessels on Canadian Route.
A despatch fron; Antwerp, Bel-
gium, says: The diversion of Euro-
pean- emigration from the United
States to Canada is said to be seri-
ously electieg the Atlantic steam-
ship lines. The Red Star on Wed-
nesday gives up to the America -
Canada line two of the best special
emigeant steamers afloat, the Goth -
land and the Samland. These ves-
sels heretofore in the Antwerp -New
York service are now to be operat-
ed from Rotterdam to Canadian
ports. There are now 1,500 end-
grantsebound for Canada held up
here by a lack of transportation fa-
cilities. There is a proportional
decrease in the emigration to the
United States.
'Trinidad Planter Claims to Have
Discovered New Substance.
-"A despatch from Washington
says: Another substance from
which paper may be manufactured
has been discovered by a manager
of a- sugar estate at Trinidad, ac-
cording to the United States Con-
sul at that place. The new sub-
stance is emend sugar cane, to
Which is alled bamboo fibre. The
combination of "these two, the dis-
coverer believes, produces a sub-
stance of which the fibre is the
right length to make a cheap and
excellent paper. He has inade
paper by this process without the
use of chemicals. The quality of
the paper, according to the report,
can 'command the market against
any wood paper now being mann.
Prince of Wales Perforins Ills First
Public Act.
A despatch from London says: -
The boyish Prince of \Vales per-
formed his first public act and inade
his maiden speech on 'Wednesday
at Partinouth. The cccasion was
the observing of the ancient cus-
tom of presenting to the Town of
ing its traditional guardianship of
that harbor. The duet' Impression
left upon his huge crowd of future
subjects by ' the Prince was the
youngster's Modesty but notwith-
bell it d, the
despatch £lona Nogales, Ari-
zona, says In ,a laattlo which has
aged since last Mom between
San Rafael ants Urec Dire thousand
1 cderils and rebels are said to
1 v been killed, This report conics
from a Federal officer in Nogales,
Sonora, who is said to have re-
ceived despatches from Hermosillo.
I'ri= the ;salve source it is report-
ed • that many women and children
were killed during an engagement
fought at San Rafael while tlut
town was being swept by flames,
winch were started by the dynamite,
ing of a, big flour mill,
The rebel tomes number in c-,-
cess of 1,500, and their ranks ars
being joined by ranchers and min-
ers for many miles . around. The.,
original 1 ederal forces under .Col,
Ojeda and Barran nu ,ibered 500,
MMlc;luding 200 Y z,a.i lndi:ius..
"+>kili ..°1' MONTREAL
t't�uxced Ens' Ii i i'datughtei,
ala ram and 'Wounding.
ontreal saes;
A despatei
Thursday was sentence day tl
Court of King's Bench, Jude L
vergne sentenced Pasquali Bisne
to twelve years in the penitent'ia
for slashing a eemp;ttriot with a r
zor. He cut a gash five inches len
in the cheekof his fellow -count'
man. Rosario C'`azavant, foan
godly of 'manslaughter by causal/
the death of Ernest Bigras in stril
ing him a blow on the head,
of wounding a fellow-counti.yrna
eutting him on the chest with
three year* iP the penitentiar),
Lovie Caplet, guilty of obtainin
money under false pretences, at
sentenced to eighteen months i
TaltnelrY Finn in Quebec Province
This to Pay a Fine.
The Lastige Company, operating a
tannery situated at St. Leonard de
Port Maurice, was fined $750, in the
Court of King's Bench on Friday
morning for contaminating water by
products from their mill. Twice be-
fore they were summoned and or-
dered to make improveinents to
stop 'the nuisance, bet this order
was repeated on Friday morning.
Montreal Boy Admits Causing
Three Fires in North -en d.
A despatch from Montreal says:
Fifteen -year-old Hector Lefebvre
on Wednesday pleaded guilty- to the
charge of being a firebug. He ad -
mated that he had been the direct
ca,use of three outbreaks in the
north end of the city, in one of
which four horses were destroyed.
GOT $40,000 LOOT.
Train Robbers in Russia Rohl Up
Traiu With Pay Chest.
despateh from St. Petersburg'
says : Robbers held up a train at
Widsow on Wednesday night, and
secured $40,000, intended for the
payment of railroad employes. Two
passengers were wounded.
Canada, the Emir an
in General Before Y'ourvv"la
I. the Hon. David Tiss
ied Sinicoe on Friday,.
a health authorities wilt .step
the pollution of waters by stinuner
TC.11. thousand coal miners in .A1.-
berta and Britieh Columbia, ate
out on etrike.
The Arnprior Council has decid-
ed to prosecute Chief Mattson, the
defaulting tax -collector.
The Hydro-electrie Power Com-
mission has made arrangements to
extend the system to 'Windsor.
Mr, A. Dion reports that his va-
lise containing papei's valued at
$10,000 was stolen from a Montreal
street ear.
The Trust Loan Company has
offered to -give the Corporation of
Montreal land worth half a million
dollars for a park,
A meeting to promote internation-
al arbitration was held in New York
on Friday.
The British revenue for the past
year Was the biggest on record,
Rembrandt's picture, "The Mill,"
will be sent to the United States.
Premier Asquith and Ai:abase:1-
dor Reid spoke at the Bible cert.--
tenary celebration.
The British Government have un-
der consideration a proposal to re-
adjust the calendar.
The Albanians have revolted
against Turkish rule.
There, are 11.1MOrS of lighting in
the Amui. province.
Four separate expeditions are
racing for the South Pole.
What do you suppose has become
of the old-fashioned woman who
used to tie her head upin a towel
and sweep the house ?
Unlicensed Liquor Dealers in Cochrane and
Kelso Raided
The sewn. chapter in the raid plan -
so and, ,'Cochrane. The 'round, -up
11.rtyrn.Q1`5, 5200.,
Chas. Joilriston., cortrrnit-c ',for
' breaking into, Y:.".oclirrtn-c Jail and
. stealing 36 cases' of lig t/or out
Or far ten a iloe