HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-4-6, Page 6er• , Sjasnlasaanal.77.,(li„,7,7 • t, Ilints for Busy tiottsekeet,ers. Rattles and Other Valuable lafereustlosk " el Particr lauereat to woraaa pone* B_REA,D. Whele Wheat )37.'eacl.--Eigbt cuP- fuls whole whea,t flour, one eake yeast foam dissolved in one cup of lake wa,rm potato water one tea- spoonful salt, Oue talilespoonful melted butter, three tablesPoonfuis sugar- (This makes three medium sized loaves.) at all together with enough lake warm water to make a stiff batter (don't get it thin); place le a Warirt room to rise over night,. Ile the mernieg stir down, coyer breadboard with white flour, turn out one-third, eQf the sponge, pat lightly . into shape (don't knead), so you can just handle, and place in. well greased tins; iet, it stand until it rises to top of tins, Bake in moderate oven an hear and a half. Watch closely at first and when the 1041rOS begin to brown over with heavy paPer• When done butter tops of loaves to soften crusts, This 'bread is easily anade. and i5; lOOSt beat1dd4114- nutrkkiars taaltlass THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, APItIL G, 191f, • • '.14...:1• • "A.e. "f#5. it i a good plan tio)„tsP\v'e'lenik,letliae: THE SllutIDAY SCHOOL' STUDY etehnemturiisesii!lattellre '-14or10liveim 370111::. NEWS FROM S uNsET coAsT earpet and the hoards by way of enemies." • protection. ----- 23. The bands of Syriacalrie When opriogeckaniog Rooms,— INI,ERNATIoNAL LEsnloar more.—Such merciful treatment ava1,11" THE WESTERN PE°Pifil° when '-turning out" a room t will be found a good plan to rub over AI)1111,4 90. made a profound impression upon Ben-loaded,who temporarily ,(eonie campaigne n* " chests of drawers, tables, etc.; with pluderand rapine. ARE DOING. the polished wooden ,surfaces of pare next ;verse). abandoned. his a, cloth wrung out io vinegar and tepid water, th<3 -proportion being TASTY DISHES, 1-talf a g0ill ef vineear to two quarts of water, This has the effect of Apple Onielet.„--Stew 'six large aP- clearisin • the wood effectuelly withs ' s, The new hospital at Quesnel i Lesson TT--Elislia's Heavenly De. j Leaders, 2 Kings 6. 8-23.• Golden Text Psa. 91. 11. THE 11.1DIAN 3IACIIIENE* Gives I'roia 25 to 35 Per Cent. PrO.. JProgress of the Great West 'Told In a Few Pointed Items. fit oft Expense of Keeping hp. hots ont injuring the varnish, a good f Pies; heat very smeoth while; Verse B. The king oSyria was adding one tableseutill. a buttr,peliab. with ordinary furnit,ure- warring against Israel—The reign Prof. Jules Amar recently °Pen; to the Pli• $ix tablespoonfuls of sugar, grot_ eream_being, howevera tieeessury of Uchoram was continually Inter- witted to the AeadeallYnal Medieine $Pring elliekens aPPeared ja g a nutmeg and half tea:Spoonful sekitzep , rooted by the marauding expedi- pads the results of his study of Rossland on Feb. 27. of rose extract. 'When quite cold s. tions of the warlike king of Dames- the mall machine, He proceeded. In Calgary in loaves of bread add four eggs, first " the beaten ''" ,,, eus, Ben -ha -dad- Often these cam, upon tile principle that a man who -are sold tor a dollar. , yolks, then fold in beaten whits. AVTEAT IMAGINATION WILL 1)0. paigna were. nothulg more than eats 1.-herally ought to recuperate ,j , Put in deep dish which has been a., ,_ forays, such as the one an which in weight avery twenty-four hours. niTpehge isatsotricnimona-dtien 5,26 'Visits to Win-, warmed and buttered. Bake in ueeter's ittistake Alrolos. Pat the little maiden who later served If his weight lessens he works to . Tii city n t in v weer has e mar e aaeo , the fire and let' simmer fifteen storY of the influence f th int i 9 Be va •e that thou pass not such -machine gives a o e ag n- \ 1 profi of 25 to 35 forcemeat of the cur,ew aw, Vaacouver is to have a. strict, en- moderate'soven to a 'delicate brown. Young' Man in InS GraVe. in the household of Naam a isba excess, if his -weight increases he a ai1at•e. • 1 -let Sahimn--set a Pan a sal° Dr. Charles K. Mills, of Philadel- ;captured: Then there would he has nth not expended e ina,aimum ef- proven mon in a saueepan -of boiling water Alia, told at a dinner an, amusing short pefiods of peace. fort. annaar, fo'and that the human to twesitY minutes. Open an close ation on the health. a piace—Row Elisha, knew of the per ceoton the expenditure; but Dr- f-'-nghsb reeelv'es $35 a month te the edge, and after draining off "A. Young hank elerkz” he said, m'airements ef the Syrians we are. that the best artificial machine in Rossland aa medical aealth of - liquid turn the fish on to the-een- "feeling fagged from the- exeessive not told. It is enough that he was returns only 14 per cent, ter of a serving dish. Surround heat of a trying summers consulted a man of God More than once It would seem frbm these exPeri- The night police in 'Revelstoke with potatoes eet in lengthwise a physician. The physician <tiles, 00 be was alcoe co put the king TKLents, says ,the Dietetle awl Hy-, have had their wages raised $5 a. j,etuartars on baps, cooked tender tioned him, sounded his lungs, and of Israel on his guard, and thus gicilic Gazette, that 01" Is, indeed, month. ' and draieed, Garnish with guar- thee said, gravely a- foillc. 103uatbIht eipeeps:lsootpnt funlra‘lsoi s eioefdubeetno1,11fa4asedihazdeu,ntiwiinhtigo$ )ts‘bi,t!ye\sele'i.:11r,ssttl-oeisghaetinleexirnzeeer;hdotai;nrnii;t;iilsat3t4,h,lefi,Vira:tslit-) ,i, ,1, ieTz .Isthe. . 1,410Sot rib oufi ; $4, 4i r2s0 op; .. is ,Ctaol Calgary r ,s, pethis,n t ters ef hard boiled egg, ' Serve "I win write sou btaon-Vocrireorkw.:e... , ,with egg saline, in a- saneebeat, ra- :711a 31ext day is, s- J :thee than covered with ir. eelyed a letter from the medieal or On SOMQ,OtnQr chance jourrleY, aye minutes of Wark, venire- regain- •Dttripg the patt sin months war. Nut Bread,--"rwo cuptale graham Tn.,* RAISIN RECIPES. raan telling him that his right lung • ing his equilibrium, - • I, 100 haVe beea scald ia • 11, IN liteh of tie Is for Ole king of I„ 4 ti waa goWt, and heart seriousl,v W.,91111 seeni let 4. 0 s 11.• ) 1 5 11 "o Ji> derati"sed and ;,tdvisine him ta Israel 7—Ile suspected that. e ;Ions „ , , . . n, a . man 4aUor toe niost aliaerlor anti, • Meat by the quarter is Pow sell- . Thais"' Pnddliig"--°ne enPflil ef aO time in putting his affairs in or- aMLSS because of treason T d white lie"' two "14'14 °ink' ene ?ful of sugar, two eggs, one-balf cup- 'Of catirse,' the doctor wrote, 12. Elisha — • telleth the Icing of a rest day; the Monday lassitude , There is bake,roye,n, in `Merritt, , , vies ass's themost superior, owing isle. at 18 centa . pound at Vett one an4 4in i all elilitt 'finely chopped suet, one -halt <sup- der, the eamp, to the ettriou:s action of Sunday as Ge4'orge, B.C. ' 'euPtiii sugar, elle teasP°°nfal '''''oda`lful tif milk, one cupful of entire "you may live for weeks, but you Isaael—Apparently it was common of the Isreech workingman is pro_ °n° t'easP°°nful baking P°'vcieer',Ori !wheat flour, one teaspoonful of bak- may do well to leave nothing of report among the attendants of t"i'm verbial. And it is found that the 'BeiCh.`4Z,2,11 a' "PaeitY Qf 144.1°4N" teaslib"ful' salt' "e'lltill '-ua,'""' titan PO der, one eu Aid of floured importance unsattledU ' itiug, The prophet's fame iiiilat workman who does not rest gr,adl.:1- The Salvation is Planning the MO* broken mat pleats, peeans wit, raieina,Y steam titre hours., serve -Naturally„ the young bank elerk have spread greatly with the _n_ot- ally . loses hie energy, and this is ection of 0, Luger aitadel in Van - 1/ %Ilia 'Makes two leaves. Bake one with a 1414 i was very =eh depressed by this able euro of Newnan, and it evoald now a subject <A -keen interest i 0 sauce. among Beieratists, ' The relation between fatigue and ,..aceidentaareeeives mach mere attee- tion in ISurepe than here, as do iill hour in not tot' oven. Colonial Bread.—Three cups l'aisin Pie----(5ne enP raisins, one sad letter', nothing leas than a not be difficult or unnatural for the beaten egg, three fourths cup or death-es:arrant, Ile did not, of captain's friends to think of Elisha fie'lr' time level tea51/°°ns hakin° sugar, one eup of thick Sweet course,- i- 6 go ..... work that morning, as reporting the most secret cowls Powder, oue level teaspoon salt, erenni, ,one teaspoon ei vanilla; and before noon he was haeipg oeis of their king. one mixing spoon sugar; sift these bake in one crust, treableawith his sespiratleso while 13„ Go and see where he is --It matters relating to the conserve- ephone Gompa,ny has put up a ss30e, ' all together, then add one-half env' - severe Pains shot rapidly through f 'ion Polio' to thiuk he tion of human euergy and the safe- 000 eaearnege (*bopped raieine, eue-ltalf map -chop- couvef„ ' The Bank ef Commerce has juat completed its $30,000 building in Revelstoke, In North Vancouver the B, C. Tel - his heart. He did not got up all hi • . oee ixt who divined ty ,the • workingdian. The relit- Ereeet Fletcher Rainloops red nuts (English via nuts), ono and SPRING CI<E4kNING HINTS, <14, , and on toaards miatnig t ins most carefully guartlea secrets, tielt between and ents about to estabbbef h a boat building fatigae aecid e u smalls in is oue.balf enpa -sweet milk, Stir well, To cosan tuiana Bun,ds.711,0,1„„ pli:eolpiaeeksineLsppeollsttillitteatti:?d thhis The plane where he happened to be has; iodeed, been noted in sweetie- factory in Alberni. e e • PauladelilaVwullreoreetobjs!att 1")"' v,''sukeu ure unq silgutkv doctor , "Pillg,fiDothr, was sio mar the ea, alalss all ferrns of human energn, ()Wing to the abundariee of Dutch wiled ean be easily dry-cleaned at Plta- *oess .t -an a teimon miles in nk elerks make most of theiruus- clover, the Creeten district is a , aoa doctor, on tte arrive , was the sane tbron,,,,h wbich real takes late in the afternoon, and tins good place to raise bees, , acruie. Remove the bliad and role astoueded. the blinds on both sides with a SOft symptesnYs' <l)ifeteltlilse weres'ertjtelyee,.2a,,v114J'iteip,oaangliails3e„,11:1' tt'h1g1t 4niersc1711':,f iltpare rultioins.e el3afiraSkeerZ,a.t° beurilceta,415 riniacie c)oft IneadIr1;711 r 1)1144111°'-'-tDr`e eillgIA/ brush* SPread the blind on the What on eartb have you been "do- DEssERT, ler from the brackets, and brush i-4 oath , • oi ;t-1 „ n the great tare:van. route from Egypt is. suld to , * tl th ' 1 1 - 0- f u -11 a sti any rate, d t t t I 0 , • t to Sagte)A One cupful :flopped 'walnuts, kitchen table and rub it hard with in, to noinself Ji., Syrian powee the Israelites were have -had the sense to rote that the . an Alberta, last year, 124', coal the white part of a thick slice <if Vaahe-patientes face serawed up that they permitted the enemy to mistakes of their elnPloYes are like- mines )Vere in operation, predaeing one quart fruit julve (grape or $ag,_° in !jeee,r,al rr,a$11,5ng„lr, lt'r enl,t!, Soiled Paint.—The lnistuke is of- i'l'• brPalant: alnedsaid,fee?)1 •• I1 tion of getting away unmolested. 4'----- The Kettle Valley „Railway Com- svaa,er eau atm to tee uoating mut, t.en mano of cieenire. white painted 11"Itec the,' hea.rt, I sup:Ose, doe- l'za The servante-l$0ine ether, Of GultnAN socIAL LIPP- pany bee bought fifty acres of mead - juice, *auk slowlY., tirring often liritele, <leers, and avlinseeting with torn course, than Gehazi, who, it will be , ' , ' „ ---- ow land at Penticton for yards, for. 4bWat one tour, or until the ea --hot soap and water, The heat of " 'The hearts' said the doctor, remembered, breuglit about his own winnoy a Rent IfolidaY anti DaY or This year the Governmeat will' go is as clear as gelatin. ,Add the undoing through covetousness. Relaxation. - expend $116,000 for roads and • Alas! . . . how shall we do ?—This Sir Henry Johnson is contribut- bridges in til° Siiniikameen dis- tract, is ever the question of desperation trig a series <if interJesting articles An Indian living on the Sardis re - upon the lips of the world in-sper- to the Westminster Gazette on Ger- has been fined ,2...50 far plexing straits. There is little help man social life. "The Germans,'" servation their own shadow. to enjoy life shooting a deer ont of season. for those who tannot see beyond he says, "contrive and—as a nation—to look very hap., In One <lay last, week, the centre " have aonlething to do The Kettle Valley Pailway ianuata r,assiberrso juiee preferred), AN-asli stale bread. over 2,000,000 tons of eoal. vith I pressedi is had to anProach SO close with tile oxPeeto- t° prove ewPensive" chopped mats and set aside an a ;cool place until time to serve. Serve on eliced oranges and benauas, with whipped cream. Date Pudding..' -One pounadates, the water has the eatect el destroy- 'Th -are was nothing yesterday j the ing the outer coating og varnish, matter with your heart,' the result being that the paint soon " lungs, then,' the patient wears away, For this reaSOn a la- groaned - tiler should be made with irot war " 'What ails you?' the doctor ter and the suds then allowed to etiolated. Yon don t seem to have eeel till just lukewarm, when it ber,n4ortitaraklineft.e'r, one-fourth pound walnut meats, orte-half teaspoon baking powder, may be safely used, doctor—you told one-half teaspoon baking powder, Cleaning Delicate Fahriess—ne me I had only a few weeks to one eilli sugar, one tablespoon most delicate fabric can be success- live* flour, two eggs. Beat this mixture f ` • . ' '"Nonsense t Are von trazyl I' faith there is. a world of ever -real .beean,se,e,t t-.1-ie..ir PUY. Sunday, w.inell ully washed at home by using soap - ' •t, • is a lea." holiday and day of reiaxa- about five minutes. Add enough jelly with a little ammonia and rain- told y,ou take a. month s vacation at and omnipotent defense. We are tion occurring every seven, days," . clear day nnis e c osen the seaside and you'd be as good as not dependent alone. -upon psahnist hot water to make moist, Bake water. A4 t b hBut Sir Henry says there is notch slowly, but not hard. Serve with 1 pro het for this assurance. The P . to critieize and amend in Germany &earn. eew again for this operation,' and colored ea- n and . - The patient drew the fateful let- church of God has never been with- still. "The abuse of alcohol Still Fruit Pudding.—Two quarts wa- . , tieleS rn LI St be dried in the shade t° ter from a drawer beside his bed. t 1- cl' g. out evidence of it, and auy man Star mine at Ressland shipped 43 16, They that are with us—Te the PY, with; fewer °facial- holidaYs than oarloads of ore to the Trail 4rneit_ are allotted to us, and this partly man who walks net by sight but by Furniture.—Dust the furni- said the <lector glancing may test for himself the reality of ter, 5 cents' worth of sago, one-half Oak at it, 'this is a pretty lees's. This unseen divine protection. cup raisins, one-half cup currants, titre thoroughly, one-half lemon, one apple, one-half Wash it well with letter VaS intended fo nother pound prunes, one wine glass of resspherry vinegar. Wash the sa- go in several washings of told wa- ter and add to the two quarts of boiling water. Add the raisins, prunes, -currants, and the half le- mon cut in thin slice's. When this ha,s all boiled for a matter of twen- ty minutes add the peeled and quar- tered apple_ When nearly done, hich is a, matter of one and one - 1 Of or two hours, add the vinegar. -e; best way to know when it is t.ene is when the fruits are Jute and soft and the sago is clear like gela- tin,. This is an old fashioned Dane pudding and is generally made for holiday desserts. This has the ad- vantage of being very nutritious as well as pleasing to one's palate. C kKES Orange Shortcake.—One egg, one f,eacup sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one cup of milk, two t -ea - spoons baking powder, two cups flour. Bake in dripper. Six oranges sliced fine with one cup of sugar. When cake is done lay on platter and 'split (or' better bake' in ;two pans), spread oranges on inside and top, and cover the whole with whip- ped cream. This makes a most de- licious desert. Black- Joe Cake.—Two egg yolks; save white for icing; -two etipfuls brown suet'ar, two-thirds butter and lard mixed, two One-half cupfuls flour, one-half cupfal sour milk, in- to which dissolve one tea,spoonful" soda, one-third cake bitter choco- -late ; dissolve in one 0111)1111 oF hot ,,water; let melt on back of stove, put in dough last and bake in lay- ers; pat white icing between layers. Spice Cake. --One and a half cup- fuls of sweat' one and a half cup- fuls of sour milk, one cupful of rai- sins, one-half cupful butter, three vinegar and water, and, when dry, man. My secretary mixed up the rub them with a little paraffin oil envelopes.' on a cloth, and finally polish with a "The patient laughed. Re at enlel. an(lister. It will then look like up in bed. His recovery was rapid. ev That night, in fact, he was well A tood Cleaner.--Looking-glas- again. ses may be cleaned by first washing 'And, what," ended Mr. Mills— the glass all over with clean hike- "what of the dying consumptive warm soapsuds a.nd a sponge. 'When who had got this young man's let - 17. The mountain—Dothan com- manded a pass which crossed the ridge of Mount Carmel. It was all ablaze with the spiritual forces with which God surrounded his servant Elisha. In like manner he shelters every believing soul. This may not mean a guarantee of freedom from the various ills of this world ("In dry, rub it bright with a buck'skin ter? The consumptive delis -hied the world ye have tribulation"), and a little prepared ehalk finely with the prediction that a. month at powdered. the seaside would make a sound Removing -Chemical Spots. -- man of him, packed his trunk and White spots which are formed on took the first -train for New Eng- furnituresbw dropping certain che- land- That was ten years age, and Trawls upon it, and which are al- to -day he is in fair health," most more unsightly than any *1' other defect, can be removed by TAXING imrpNTS • the application of camphorated_ oil. • This must be" vigercuslY rubbed in Ev.periment Now in Progress in the ' text seems to -show that the SYrians to take effect arid -should be left rencli' Congo. • were visited with a kind of illusion, to dry, the spots 'being treated some • • so that it was easy for Elisha to little time lata to an equally care- In ancient times as is well 'deceive them as to their where- ful application of olive oil. A pol- known, the African elephant was abouts and to hold them under the ish with selt VI' 0 r leather will -fin- domesticated by the Caraginions, spell of this delusion until he had ally be requited. - who employed it in their wars with guided them into the very strong - Soot on soot, is spa., Rome. No African race has since hold of their.enemies. but it does mean spiritual security in the performance of God-given tasks. The outward man may per- ish, but the man himself, his soul,a) his lavable. • lea Smite, this people with- blind- ness—The word for "blindness" is very „unusual, being found only here arid ill Gen. ,19. 11. The con - led on the carpet it should 'never succeeded in see/aiming this highly 21. my father—A term of inti - be wiped up with a, eloth fell' it is mtelligent and naturallY lie an- mace and affection. Di does not e sure to smear dyer the carpet and imal, a fat which has often beenj however, 'fully describe the relatioas- ma,ke an ugly mark; difficult:to re- °ited in Pr°°1 of the gene.ral infer- between jehorain and the prophet. move- 'Scatter salt 'thickly oaer' the iority 'the -Negro races Elishas • unlike his great prede- place ancl sweep 3.t a,nd the soet to- ; A Jsuccessful experiment in t a• eessor in the close connection Nirh 1C/11 gether: By so doine tbe spot will ing the African elephant' was made existed between his work -and the er. The new ferry steamer between. the two Vancouvers can carry 1,000 epleolded. people icomfort, and 2,000 when o Sea lions in thousands are re- a,- ported from the Alberni canal and strangles the physical and mental efficiency of a large proportion of Barkley Sound, where they aremaking sad havoc of the fish. German. anen in the upper and low - It er classes," A hopeful sign is the is said that because of starva- indignation shown by the bourgeois tion condition the northern Indians and professional classes against the storing guns and ammunition "senseless eighteenth -century tra- ditions of German studenthood." Sir Henry finds the salvation of Germany in its high type, mentally and. physically of womanhood. "The German woman, with the spread of education and new ideas of physi- cal development, is becoming in the middle and upper elassee a fine „creature, as willing as before to be wife and mother, though proving herself an attractive -and inspiring companion to an educated man." And that -men are, after., all, what Women make them is a, maxim handed down to us by philosoph.- - and are ripe for an outbreak, A valuable horse was killed at Saliva''B.C. The animal was foun'd to measure seven feet eight inches from tip to tip. , FOR DISINFECTING. . • Vessels Have a SanitarYMacitine Trhat Reaches Every Crevice. For the disinfection of vessels on the. Thames the sanitary authorite FOLLOWING THE , CUSTOM. Ail Queens Excelit, Alexandra Ilea " Lady Train Ilearers. • The fact that Queen Alexandra's train was carried at her coronatioo by pages has caused many people to think that Queen Mary is mak- ing all innovation by having hers' :carried by ladies. "As a matter of fact, it was Queen. Alexandra who departetd from custom. All records of the. coronations of queens and queen „coosorts shoe; that it was the custom to have lad- ies to hold the train. Queen Vic- toria had eight lady train. 13e,arers, dressed in 'White satin and silver 'ies of the PO-it.of Loudon have ad- iissue3 with wreaths of silver corn opted';an'apParatus knoWto as the 'ears and pink „Tose tritinnings. Clayton. Dilute -Gas DiOnfeefing -Queen Mary will; .no. doubt, decide Machine.. This. is 'usually fitted, in -what her. ladies shall wear; Init the hpld o a -hare,..e and taken -Queen Victoria Mt' account of her aidiigside tfhe vessel to he fumigat-. youth left all this .to her Misiress , come up. quite cleanly without leav- some years a°°'in the lenel; Cen4 politieal and; nailita,ra fortunes' of e aboutvessels are equip - of the Robes the 111.1-1 . f F' I ' ing any ; mark at all. , go, while out e eight n PtIlle. 1,11 has peOple, For'the most part this hxtul ,s tol theii 0-wii usc. '. '' ' aaje' D 1 , a. , ' i i , , though ,lea y in, ped :with, 111,10,11177 as permanent mond.: rtc).„,s,., seeni.s .0, 'la ..0 con - Ing -n_ amei.0 in 1900 th e li li s appaiatus rteltidcs a stalr suited the 3.i.oune. la.dies tfiems I ' IVicker Furniture.—This should eessfovi ,, tamed. Euro le.ffisile,; reartibular kin,,r,' tl T i- -,1 ',enleiatin', s'itlphui- .for site satcl, to Lord, ill/ell: - -n • '''' '' of salt and -water. Scrub it well, and - '' • ' ' - ` . - courtesy to him and their relations I - ; .- rinse* svith. fresh Water. -- boat) . ; .; - ' • t times -Wer fai: f oin 'cordial ' Th x ' - A ' ' an a c° • be cleaned with .a stron,g solution eetteta'-`1:1v, ,:hol..vevet ..h.tv1).::•thneePa-_,:ti- ., -debted.,,to Elisha, was.,1.ae,king in „rd-Aii,outicifeuriai.:.ge‘sas,o(7.1e, „0.1,:...ale. , eent otf. ,‘6,,u.„0i1,,,,etiliti„.,n.1g,s3.),v,ii:si iciete.„),.111.,indeocie:ii,:aleebsi.:,: - unsuccessful in their attempts at • • ae should not be used to wicker as it -re' t' ,he "a ' 'ti 'the Belgian klesire of Jellorani to smite, these l'I-,elv'er''s About 1 0°6 b. i - ges a .,,e ow ,int. • len h,..., 'eL. ,1,,`',,,,jele'letohped'Cw°,,D,',,, so ,,,,,,,,‘,,,,,:b.,,, i'oes is doubtless. true picture of ate pet' ininu e is, rail...n.alitn,,,ii,' the ..,iiiip,''';';:*thi'ilivei'it!.i 't S":1.1o''i i.1°-4.13;''''' , suction''pipe hy the -1)1oNVer,.divid;'‘'fg'''''"---;`-' ''''•:',-.4'47?;0'. ni 'la ' '-'1 -el' - it should y,efi.;Yesiteadbb.b3.;-1.0boeki.ning, .-iyiekseli,'. I -nay ibe f"'n'..-ii'e-d`'.:',-,--...-, -.' ----..2-,--.. --`, --/Tve the„n,faii.—an ungenerous, tempor- -.T1 ;, t , ; t - e : , A -okiei0ekeiD'Of:'''i,/iWilVe,,%^','. g Pain Althoueli t person who _ was ready to n ° tveo s s 1-e eiC he vive,04,-eN4.4-s. , no e al s aie available , , the mixing valve Ore st paint used should be well mixed. as to the methods ,emp,10..,ved, talotoin atole tob,clot a-11 •A -r' 0,11(1 i hi rine cl to tile pi ol)el eonsist- seems to be no dch.bi .w.1 a ,c t se e neg o vati age, u 1!)))u'S);-,lets Lel, .1 that , ,ose If to() thick 'is apt to re- essi.ie,,, elephants are _ sotiti svouto, ti.tcntm,pv that one,the • ;". • e- linIKLild to call. 111.P new ' ce11 u.a.P. '111exide, ' tne • Peallie se elY1 t tha main an the wicker na lumps, ,, „ . , eo,. „ ,,,,,essssessiss esoes.. -.-arged ; fifteen, pr an • . g ap .11,at„ling „sees ,h. e, . ' ‘+, 'e' Dirty ociline,...,_,Avho lvasilect has become 1).laalc.- -- the .-B,hhi Banoiiiii4a'r'ao'-naablea in"' aee`o'itd"*-''' ith the o b ' 1-te*s'' „ ^ ' 13 W1)110 mails and gdo'cis bt-Ween' 'Butiii`-14144.0.33311101011 410W.040PSMite ?ie.-U*1,s thcii,5' rnagh .1"fle-:c004, holtseigrow' sthaller. ened, apply' a. laVer -starch .and ettpiuls of flour, one taspoonful of !water to it with:a piece. of soft flan- - oda, two teaspoonfuls of. cinnamon Allow to .dr.,if; 'then ihru-sh' Ana. one-half teaspoonful of .cleves- off lightly with:a- hrtish„ The black- ': aViethod.: OrCanl. the butter, add Su- ness leayea ;gala and ermiin again, mix. and ing maro..,,'‘N,.,lattteryet.., 'the', dry ingredients ;, cut .raisin; -is Danip Eloor,S: , 3'tnd dredge with flciur,• 414 .)41iik., ttntil lpoth are u.se4'....Akhil result; ,e)f A sb eat -well. n lic,;(/ , e d j e/isn 4ate. „ floor silo' matea "e, (niark,':,c1 sona B tr‘‘'31''00 \\-' en , , 18, 'the'',pitehing 300111 100 100' ''; esoi. , is'afo iaajafate;a,L Li -„; ,neabi-Olihetet,J,God.,; arid ;! 'aestilten thereewaSAVetter W;1 -.6+i l'ne ,neaa ; a "EYen in alio 6 d -11 sho TA • 0 tar,' 1,te 111 11 Jr; b Wihidhatit.,44620 e•'; Oe: t'e\.. kfel0;2814-e p '4,0,,,Aaatt,?atina aa, ma,JeaJaaa'autta, ; eeNe. 31