Exeter Advocate, 1911-4-6, Page 1• '' TwEETT-FouRtra YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. Local Items THE EXETER COUNCIL A special meeting of the council was held Wednesday, March, 29th. Members all preseat, Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, Messrs. Gladrnan and, Huston were a deputation train, the SchoolBoard by order of the. Connell with a view to having a long standing balance be- t..veal them and the council adjusted. The whole matter was amicably set - tied and we now begin the year with!' a (-Jean, sheet, Rivers -Day -That the clerk write the „z an Foundry Co. to ascertain the price of the followthg,-4 Is. water pipir.a-, 6 Inch hydrants, 4 tta 6 inch Tees, 4 MO, gttage valves, --Carried. Leveit,...pay,,,,,,Thst as order' be Passed in Myer of Dickson Carling to the alnotiet of $42.00, being duo Goold, $11-PleY 4 Muir Co,, Part payment of ac- pcsignt; far water tower. -Carried. Levett--WelPer-That the clerk pre- pare a form of agreement to be used, in e tinnection with the water 'works sYs- tem,-40arrieci, Adiourament to' meet, Friday Mar -11. Tho council met Vriday evening, Mar. hlat, All members present, lvfinuites o r tho last meeting read and appoovecl, Messrs. Davis and Pickard, gruditora., Pmactited their report and the sarnewas sPI3reved On a roPtion of Lovett -Day. ;11.Vers-Walper-That the treasurer's, nd. be eceePied.-Carried. li..eyett-Day-Thfit .we wish to niece record our high arPrirealtiOrk QA the errvices or our late treasurer, r.S, sanders, who ba gi held the Offige for the at eighteen years, During all these years he has Ineo a faithful, painstalthog. obliging, and VCrYirUlEit VrOrthY 11,01)Ored servast. true to th9 gent, for 'which OW 40111-gelpalitY ban great reason: ha be thankful, Such nen are at a prerrilmn, as is evidenced when we read of SO croOked work Apr men lioldinT like positions throughout tho country. But owing to 1111ocalth Mr. Sanders has been compelled to resign. Trusting that, his health may linprovo and that he May yet be spared fc'r Par many years tar usefulness, we here-, b7 tender hint this aPPreelation or his 1 faithful serviceal to the Corporation of e Exeter. I Itivers-1.0eveit-That the rteeve and p Treasurer be autholzed t borrow' $700 t. on the credit Of the Corporation for current expenseet.-Car4ed, Levott-Walper:--That the 11ceve pur., chest) rooter plow (Verity rake) through Mr. Murphy nt the lewest figure. -Car- ried. 12,30 p5- re- 414 7( to V the Elizabeth,. now Mrs. A. MeQuarrie of evening. Wednesday and Saturday. -Car- Gilmore City. There are tvventy-twoIli ided t1 ing grand children and four great -grand - e children. . Stephen ,Ccaincil minutes are crowded out this week, • r A the. Seaforth early Tuesday morn- • t leg destroyed the top storeys of the Scott block, including the law"office of l'. Homestead, the dental office of Dr. Fisher, and the offices' of Edge and g Gutheridge contractors while the gree stock of W. R. Smith and drug stork of Alex, Wilson were badly dam-'' Lvett-Pay-Thatlie Clerk write th care C4,ovornment to send us, book o aPPu roval tor the se of the Treasurer -Carried. Rivers-,..„DaY--That the c..oramisslone take the measurements' of the differen boulevards that are niaNtr constructed also tho required width Pi road bed an 'report to tile Coaacil at their next meet• i4D meet Friday evenin April 7th. v T B, Ceiling Clerk HICKS' PORECASTS.-A reactionar storm period marks the Siesiag" days of Earth's vernal equinoctial, central. on the 11.th, 12th and 13-te. Low barometer and very high tesiperature on and touch- ing the 1,1th and 12th will bring severe; tviulder, rain and hall to many sections. [let, nwggy conditions, with, very low barometer and angry, electriea.1 storms and tornadoes are probable In this per- iod. This also is a period in which seismic disturbances. will be heard from, within three day S of the 13th, THE HAWDEN S, g, Bewden en Monday night received Alio trophy which ho prezenting tto the bowlers of SoutltHuron, and, to say the least. It is a mighty handsome piece of silverware, La the form of a cup, and with the mahogany base stands 21 in. in height. ThQ rules And regulations to govern the eomPetitlen have not, yet been arranged, but In all probability the clubs to be invited to join in. .lay tor the trophy will OOrfolot Credlto Carmel, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensel! and Er- The cupr May be seers In the window of Mr. Dawdett's Clothing Store. THE OLD TIME. ---'Referring again to the celebrailea, ot the sixtieth Wedding amrdirerearY 7,.6". anti Mrs, Wm. Dew Grultly Centro. forine.rly of Lis - borne, the fallowing facts are of Interest to our miders,-William Dew was born Nay. 5, 3,830, at Upper Ayford, Oxford,. th' se, -',0,Tland, and Ann Downie was born Oct. 15, 1832,, at Arbroath, Scot- land, and they were married, In Usborne TewrIshiP. on Riverside Farm. the home f De.w's parents, on 'March 3 -7th. 851, Bev. Edwards performing the eer- many, The marriage Oak place in a, or house containing one room, in the resence of a few relatives and friends he minister coming ten miles en horse- Inik. throuGh tho forest. Nine children tune to bless the unlion, two of -whom led, in. Irtfancy, Tho children are, and T3enilmin or Alberta; Joh or near Grundy Cont, Iowa; Martha, now Mrs. John Hunter of Exeter; Ann, now MrEr. t..,., .4..?.., n '. ute I Jona J. ArMatOOng Or Gilmore city Clerk Jho from 10.30 o'clock a. in. (tolArny, now Mrs Wm. Murray of Albert; Nriterlik4.00r.41.011%.1.01%...10010%...6.014%.*IrstAterkrakers.4.111%Alrirsii.T34 C 1 S 18 PEECY'RE ,, House Piftels 40 Cleaning iNow that spring is here and housecleaning is the ; order of the day, you may need something that will p make the home more cheerful and bright. It is.— .. ) Lace Curtains k r. In this line we are sure we have some of the best and neatest patterns at prices that will defy anything f shown. - ., - . . . ... i Rugs p .. t• In this line we have the Brussel's rugs in green and fawn shades ranging in price from $14 to $20, also a choice range of small rugs in .newest shades from 81.15 to $3.50. ' • Wall Paper We have the largest and best range of Wall Papers 1 that we have shown for some time. We will be only . too glad to let you inspect Our stock. Carpets ,¼ome new patterns just arrived in union and all �Oi These carpets are.. exceptional values. Prices iktranging from 40c. to $1.00 per yard, - - The new ,arriving every week in Foulards' [ a,RaS,, In all the newest shades and t o sui evevone , ipg1,olearing out what pain elsewbel'e being,' ' ' ri.':--4^' , ,, 's on hand and of , 5. . ,,,), - ,3,,if ' V V ,p.. x , . •11, aged by water and smoke; The total insurance is $14,000- 1110, 1)ASIIWOOD Mr, Jack Spaia ericb- visited at the Gomniercial Eptel, over Sunday. -Mr, and „Mrs. Wm. Zimmer - spent Tuesday in London. -ss Katie Bender of. London Is visiting with, her Par9nto for a few weeks.-M,r, Jacob Brenner of Stratford sperit Sunday under the oatal roof, -,Ir. Ed. Wurm t Zurich was, a caller in, toWn Monday. -gr„ aac dlfler spent a few daors With friends near Theciford lest Week. -Mr, Louis Morenz left last week tor Still-. water, Man., where he intends remain- ing.--SiX or seven men of our village are engaged with. Messrs. Ratz, Co. to do up the season's savring,L-Mrs. Val- entine Ritter lett Saturday for Detroit to visit her daughter -Mr. T , Wrighten W3,437 a caller in troWn Tuesday businese,--Mrs. Henry Bender is rap. idly improving which we are pleased to hear. -Our popular bar-iender is leak- ing regular trips near Shia, -con. Urniation services will be Conducted Irx the Lutheran chureli Sunday by Rev., G, Thun. SLIM viL,LE It la certainly kralts as It .yre , are to have six months of winter this year: -About all the people can do now is wish the warm weather would came. - Mr. Henry Sinclair of $t ',111,rys le' vis- iting hia cousin, iNire. John Johns, Jr.. Mrs. Geo,. Kellett is under the Dr'e caro. -Miss Ida Stewart of London vis- ited 'Mrs. Iiyarn Rowcliffe over Sun- day. -Wilson Hawkins, went to Seatorth on Tuesday fpr a lead of seed oats and expectsto take in the fat stock show held there Ion the ittth.--Fariners are getting anxious to start their Leg now. It Is getting Se late. But the spring will soon be ter% ts'Eset.t-, f2 bertg, is the chief ,toPlo t . far - Mars' wives over the telephbne.-- Mr. johns Greasjon Is cutting wood_ with his gasoline engine ftor ),,fr. Robt. Wood. GRAND BEND. 4.fr. and Mrs. Heaman of Lendoe ,are here on business. 1.1r. Joe. Gill and son Ed. were in Exeter Saturday.--MIsses Disjardine of St. Joseph visited at Joseph Sharrow'a Friday. -Mr: Ezra Brenner, who has been sick, we are Pleased to report 18o;n, the mend. -Mr. Ilse and Miss Mabel, who were ,in Sea -- forth last week attending the funeral of: their niece and grandchild, returned home. Miss Aggie, Hayter has returned home after visiting her sister in Granton for a few weeks.-Mr.Agustus Hayter cenr Unties quite poorly. -David Baird, on of John Baird, of Grand Bend, !who has been working this winter, ter his - Uncle, Jas. Stubbs', of I3osanquet, was brought home on Tuesday„ having given, his totot a very bad gash With. the axe, while working in the, woods. At _pre- sent the foot. Is healing fine. . CLINTON AFTER AUTO INDUSTRY It negotiations at piesent on hand are satisfactorilY concluded Clinton will have a branch autombbile industry '.in the near future. A deputation from Clin- ton was at Toronto Friday night company with representatives of an A,merican auto firm, and all were pleas- ed withthe result o the meeting.- 1t IS expected that the matter will .be defin- itely. settled in a few weeks, as arrange Ments are almost complete already- . talk BIRTHS . Hunkin.-In Exeter, on April 4th, to ..mr. and Mrs. John Ilunkin, a daughter. Aikenhead-At Hensall on March 26th, to Dr. and -Mrs. .Alkennead, a daugh- ter. Hughes -In Exeter, on Mar. 27, to Mr. ' and Mrs. Andrew Hughes, a 'daughter. Ferguson -In !McGillivray, Mar. 22, to Mr. and Mi.. W. I-1. Ferguson, a daugh Foster -At the Babylon Line, Hay, on *Marc:1i 21th. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster, a daughter. Thiel -At Zurich, on March 28th, tta Mr. and Mrs. llirrn Thiel, a son. Coyne-InHibbert, ,on March, 25th, to Mir. and "Mrs. Mathew Coyne, a daugh McNay -In Tuckersmitla, on 'March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. John MeNa.y, a daughter. • ' M RItIAG Es Vright--Giondenning----At Parkhill, Mar, 22nd, John R. Wright to Miss Isa- bella Glendenning, both of McGillivray. .4.110,040•0.101. orgaln-At BrinsleY, ioh March 31:4? 1...1111an Kent 'bcibtfed wife of Mr. Fr.,44;„ erten Morgan,' aged 80 YearS''T intO. Dearing -In -Stephen,' Lake 404.44 .A01414 4th,' Carl Janice, intent son f .Mr ; SateriditY '46tti:Janigiv, Edieaid;; infantaged 20 day 'Y -#' Mrs 'MPsOnie his,„4 eid-In Lieuay, Marelk in his 81st year. , Mat Denham,' wice gf aged 79 yearsruge -At 5,4i4tt '‘g SANDERS & CREECR SANDY G. BAWDEN's ENING MOUst op ftwiropzi.1:4 Bear in Mind That our Superior Qualities In Work Clothes makes this the best placeto go to for every day clothes that stand hard knOcks. EXHIBIT Friday and Saturday April 7 and 8 of the Latest Spring Styles in MEN'S READY - TO WEAR CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS & FURNISHINGS has been seen and approved by a good many men in, the last few days, but there are many others who have not as yet seen our superb showing of bright new merchandise. If you are among the latter, we want to urge yOul'to call at your earliest con- venience and learn that this is the store that gives you the most for your money, the most in style, the mostin quality and the most in all around lasting satisfaction. Pleasing Furnishings o Quality New Shirits' Ties, Gloves, Underwear, Etc,, that will surely please you. High Qualities, low prices. Suits Overcoats Perfect in styles, handsome in design; excel- lently tailored, moderate prices, qualities un- equalled at $-10 $15 $18 $20 $22 aosmorisessoses usiamoarszers. Bring Your Head and Feet Here and we'll fit them out becomingly. stylishly and sensibly at the least possible cost. Surely you should see this elegant new stock of hings for men,hich it can be said thatl ofw nap e7; 't impossible to find a fnore andw°well selected line. tan o come in and see the complete s. 0 tshow you the advaritctge of • r'•-• range of cloths 1017's • buying yoUr: lOtheS orpei „ lot 9 vi $1' W4,