HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-30, Page 8THE EXETER rnr GATE, Tim SIJAY, MARCH 3❑ 1EUI IffIJg i'rat.e The spring trade thisyear; promises to be it :heavy one„ and we are prepar. ed for it with a full supply of the Finest Clothing Delaterials ill weeds, Fancy Worsteds, : te, Out workmanship :is the best and y ititkttzt $, ;k.,„:shed, A3rMlJ7tit1 Smit, A e' er, ,L t Gal.c'.r, Ontario EXETER KE!'Sit .4. ED i &QJ MM., -M Duo eat,. ,.,. Oats,' Pew 75 J,'otatoea, Icer bag . , . , M 50 ay,pertou..,— 1,4" . 9 54 Floor,Fer mt.:, Fleur, low grade per ow It 45 21 17 Live hogs, per cwt... —. Shartanper ten .., Bran per ton. , ......... IJII sDA 4 75 1000 2 1ti , 1.45 21 17 20 't, w), Their ttnz a • frietzds 'w'iil rests ;Magistrate T. \2, Way ;t-r.d, Ai Ee tell are still -Schuttely it ltorrnee. 'Tr 3+sd Mrs. Percy' Webber move+ flaws'• tram Stephen thts week. Mr%Wela- tt«r goes to the ova st on ;,Ionday to spend the summer. ' Come to our town, the tnyctr0poll8 of South Fluron County and we'll show y;au a model town—one that will snake any other own of Its ."size look liko- St) cents in chirncsc money, We'll show you our schools and churches, our prosperous fraternal societies, our solid business concerns. We'll call Your attention to the aprearetnce Qt the people, their dress, intelligence, health and smiles of prosperous and happy Lives, We'll show you nzany successful business men and farmers. We'll ehQW you a Iat of girls, robust, full of life and energy, who are fairly bubb ILng over with praise fir this, section of our great Dominion, Coo of ,aur subs!'ribers took us to task this week for tailing, as he re- marked, to publish all that happened' It was fortunate Zrrothis particular in- dividual that t discretioa 1 oc arae 11Y de- una ds the ami.ssion al unpleasant items a ,Y «ou'd we publish all th at Is taid to us we would be with the angels in about twenty minutes after our papers were. mailed. We try to print all Items that ;are new, or that will encourage, -help or cheer any of our elttzena along life's, rugged road. We all doubtless would enjoy reading "all the news" when it's =e about thisther fellow, but our, policy is to turn over to the gossips the spread 412.; of scandals that only leave sorrows is their trail. I s: Ann Snell, wi e I;as' been ail, is re -a vert;ag. See T. E. Carlanb's change in, adv.; this, issue, Churches, ,Allay soon be taxed in New Westnil ni ster. AIt•s. Nil, I -L Levet{ .hast been, ill during the past w2ek. . Alias Lula 'Martin ie relieving in a sc'naol ,near Ettrick A true trlok-fid Is one who sticks, tro you, like a porous plaster. D ' Te _hent shipped a car of #?grses to Winnipeg _peg 'Saturday, Myth as 'negotiating f,3r th Or its Oct. -trig light plant. Mrs,I' .err 13 iwde.: Inas been on eirk list son, several days. �I M iryron Hicks shipped a ta?:, to Taranto on Saturday. Wn :;ea tette pat—e.. has be.en„ purchase the Prusbyterian. oa*,ureh- te.' .;at a u rani it whe.t Sho do -esker,. say. 'airs L,-,'a;;e Sanders has taken za r os aan_ Mr '1211'-ia: Wilson as. sales- lµdy, nothing new wader tr-a I re Io.s of a q a.l Mr., J i. Sts a, t s beers co,arilac is r.,104 s .,ce Saturday suffering o'n aite.tvy cold. W. M. 3f,_,- : ]l'_, P: of Rea,ina• was speaker ai Ail'sa Craig- on Sata?rd y Cavo =of reciprocity, to n l> r Jags Ear nj'nell has bc'a'.tt confin to 14?a n,2,nna, to, several days. `surreri f''Qn ,lnrlalumatisnn in his knee. �xies f:.Uy RobL-son; and tie 1Ina l*ixn$rnan entertained r, nunxber of their (,lends very pleasantly on Friday evon- ne at the homey of the latter, Mr, .Harry Cundy moved {hie week fo r tax the residence Pin Sanders street, o Mr. basterbn aok'e realdence on Htir a S Asa teem 1y oc''upled tri: the late' ylra', Tledgsa:a, Ai:•, Fred„ Ellerington last week pur- e hared the T. Cann tarsal 011 ,©on. 6' of sborne, which Mr.,Carnaarpn offered for al>. by tender. Fred is 'tow- the pro Ietor at 250 acres. ra„td r'nueieal entertainment '+till be ilve^q by T,s flus !litre Sunday 3, Class, raasletcd oy }rr.Willlatnso n and 003 Teddy of I411-denit. ]n thea baeeme;tt of Mata -at, church o- April 7th. st' frill tali R1 t !sty tumble outs r ! cart on. Friday afterwaon at Qr of drain and jams streets.; oa*ly received a alight elaak- 1g up and a badly wailed ovcrepai. (a ; Saturday last J, B, Mug, Ter Piet' ye raa Grand Secretary of the In- optn4ent Order of Oddfeliow8, dill at las hone t;a Toronto, He was well - many of the Exeter brethren, Oa ,Friday last Nit', Jas. Handford and TY' moved to tor,wb,and aro occupy - house recently purchased tom - - Snoafrngh; reet. W.t e ler,ell Ra-dtiorduanailst d family to sr The seats for the gallery tau the Jam- ba -street church are a little late in ar- riving, consequently services. are still be- ing held in the basement. The rearrange meat of the 'gallery will niako a: gm*lmpr ovement. Zr.l"and lira, John Caldwell, who re- turned en Saturday from Lawson, hSaak., were they have been. residing, spent a Caw days with relatives here the early part of the week. They will ,!;', { future reside in i3ensall. '1r. John Leathiarn, who Inas been. conducting the Mansion House as a Tc,mpe.rence Hotel. Lor some time, left Itln his Cannily the latter part ,of last eek for Ingersoll where Ail•. Leathern will lea engaged as butcher. The Special Committee of the County Council has decided ttio•. recommend to the Connell at ; its June Session; the con- tinuance of the slpecIal grant of $2000 to be divided ani;?nom the High Schooll3 and Collegiates of the County. 31r. R. B. Pickard and son Allan leave Friday for Frobisher, Sask. They will bs accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. 3. Snarling, who have been living on the Thames Road or two years, and who will assist Ma. Pickard in his farming bperatlous. Rev_ Yelland preached in James street church ,Sunday night in the ,absence of Rev; Hobbs; who preached .int the Evan- gelical church at Crediton. Rev. Bean of Crediton, _owing to "filnese was pre- vented taking the service in James' street Rev. Hobbs lectured—in Crediton Mon- day night . .about forty. five neighbors and friends' gathered at the hone of Mr. and •Mrs. C. W. Cross OA ',Monday night and pies- ented them, with a beautiful cloak pri- or to their removal to London to reside. lir. and: Mrs. Cross have, proven them- selves worthy citizens and ',their friends could not allow their removal to pass without at least a slight recagnition of their goad qualities. Bless the mash wnoi is to a reasonable amount, uneasy as long as he -owes a dolma. IL you, are at souse time com- pelled ont el d p le by unavoidable circumstances to' request your merchant to extend you credit 'for a time, lay making your lap - plication to him for it, don't tell .him you will pay the first of ,the month when, In your' opinion; it Will ` .be, ttiie nth of the month before you"wi11 meet 'SIDNEY LOST,—Oa Main street, Exet- er, e March 27th, a tern dollar bill. Find r will be suitably rewarded by ieava,ng .sane a2 this office. It you want to sell or to rent ;your; house or farm advertise it i.n The Advo este columns. 75r. pays for The Advocate to the end the year. Subscribe now. DENTAL OF9'LCE CLOSES Iti:INDLY TAKE NOTICE" that my of- Llee is closed every Wednesday ,after- ' noon DR. ROULSTON. Go to The Advocate Office for Marri- age Licenses. HIS 9'IRST 524.-3ohn Wanamaker, teas or t na moat .successful, storekeepers that has ever lived this year celebraters his Jubilee year. He began, 50 years ago on practically npthing and it,is .a well ktniowri fact to iall •what he has ,accord ,pushed, and this' Is how he did it,—The List clay's receipts ,of the little store which he opened in Philadelphia in 1861 were $24,67- He "kept the 67i. cents for making change next day," and immed-. lately spent the,;i324 for-new,spaperl ad- verfisLng. That, investment took courage —a bigger amount of courage than the, espencuture of ,ten thousand times the n bunt w Ind cos:{ him ;now. It _nneant, taxi, a bid' confidence -in has , goodel and a big kriowledge tar human nature. I30liESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To 5W ester n Canada, 'via. ,Chicago, in 'eluding certain points On Grand Trunk Pacific . Ralwa .A r'nl y, p 4th,18th, May 2nd, 7 arta, .30th, June 13th, 27th';3uly `11.th, 25th, August':8th, 22nd,.September 5th, 19th. Winnipeg and return ' 383 , LEdtnanton :and return $41_ Tickets"g oo i a -a :Pro „'rtiatiat r?tes,',to the Manzfbba �a'ekat- ilorzeaeejters' tic - K en "certain dates yaa'Sa a a;iid't'he Northern Nay Ygatiea Cori ii y. .Sec tire' tickets- and. Ili is;tra.ted literature from any' Grand Trutil regent, or address _A. E.. Duff, pistrkt'Passenger 'Agents.::Toron ..1 ri notp„a ri? to the oblrgatiioln, The Oddfellows bf Huron iDistrict No. 15, will hold a Lodge of Instruction at Goderich nhr. Good`Friday, when an enjoyable time will • nil doubt be spent. During` 1910 the Independent Orderi of w pdetellos of O,ntaalo.'paid Put 'in sick and' other benefits •$137,964.18, aver- aging for each diay of the year ;3377.98. Acco-rding t:o the last returns there are ini. Ontario 380 Dodges of: Odfeilows, with`; a rnembershippf 44,400 members. Puts and pans;'are the bugbear; of the. housekeeper, and cleaning then is hard' work at the ',best.,It ie an easier mat- ter, however, to''' -keep' a Supply of . old papers in the .kitchen and asi soon' as' a skillet is emptied paur,,in a little, labii- Inc; -- water, then throw the, water out nod rub -the. skillet with a large 'piece of paper. If the drying pan i not: clean IS c e u add a little more' water: and polish, dry. .with a piece o.^. fresh paper and `hang away before- the Mother work is attempt-, 4d. When leaving the 'potsand ipans, to t :e- last thy, are likely to, be o' ne r4;-•br den.' The:Advocate can supply ,old hen e a .the en7all p icy of o e its +a Urndle,..r7.I* icvn .'t:. t.:`PtCl.fns+✓,„„u+r VISITORS AlkAILAIRca$c at_aiica1 e, '\i`au. 1:-Iawkshaw left Thursday €o Chicago. 14rs. Joan W. Taylor was ilk :Lando Thtxraday. Mr, Frank Sweet was' in Ilde °ton + Saturday. 3TC, W. T. Acheson}. was in Leiidon Saturday., J, G. Ste:;bury was- in .Land.. !Saturday, amiss Fila Ueyw pts was in Witglia over Sunday, Rise V...Leavitt ,returned last we '�t "orit Barrie, M, 'S 5-, Co'1no'` was in Woodstock'la eek on business, "•T , Harr;* I'arso;as ,i,L T,ondon wa o+nn over Sunday. 1.. W. H. Dearing, Steppe E,a%daat last week. Vii.. 1', T1. lreCallunn ,as ,a n husianese nanday, Rev, E. A. Fear of iilytba visited WI fi l.. his here e .Sunday__ l \Yes. Day nta; 'was gone ttolig e'r �s- to spend the eurtrne, Wm, +Ion puw- o€ Quelpb tsitecl its l e parents here, on Thursday last °- Shirley T. Robier of Belerave was , was :a, olid -a t ,o€� 'ares ,f,. J, J. T'C`abrrt Aiarrdayt it WPA, T-TasiiniVA o€ Ca as iia Es n1 visitin.g his brather, S', A, flair \ resets, Ezra an .M1 ephen left en Thurad.3 Sask. : Miss Tillie Tager latter Part or la8t week 'ittctri a visit la Clan- deboye, 3Ire. SIeTaYisli, of Shakespeare is Vit- -her parerilia, W. and tiara,. Jeh)a w, Taylor. -Mr, John lieIntyre, w p ha Taranto for three months, epe t!,e week in town. Miss Cowan, w:•;b was the guest o; Miss Ida Cattle, returned to her hen i t Londan Saturday, Miss Ida 'Armstrong tell vvc-cle from 14a;ndoln, where 'cudieg' NQrtnal Sca;aol. qtr, 3, N. ltateitfle, tiv:ta bass ;ri- 9l7Lesa fa: a week, returled.. S day to Partlas,d, Mine. Ilan Etta Kerslake spent part at ak vialtta2: at Eden, the guest pf end J -ettle Essery. Mr. E. IT. Oliver, of PeterbprQugh 1 visitipg ilia Pieper, lira,: Home an oLbes rolatives it the neighborhood. Rt. Elliot and sen Beverley o Norwich spent a few days with rela fives here the early part of, ,the wait 'lfraa, tit, Harris. Huron street, let Friday for Mitchell, where she, will viol. Mre. Wrn. Anderson for a fawn weeks, Mesern Richard and John Atklnaon lett Monday evening; fly attend ,tho. rWz oral of their sister, Intra. Carnpbeilr at Alpena, I,Iich. Mr. Frank Caao of Dashwood moved with Ilia family to 'the 3rd Concession of Stephan, where he lase; been ,enSas ed by Arr. W,. D. Sunders. ;'i1r. and Mrs. John T. O'Brien, who Svere att zding the funeral of ,tho form- or's brother, returned tta their home In Hamilton the latter part or the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gower, who have 'been. in the West tor several lixonthe. returned here Thursday last and are now staying - with the Tatter's mother, lira. T. Jones. 'Wein o e, w n Basins SUPPLIES MECHANtC5 FINE TOOLS NAMLS,GLASS,PUTTY IRQNPiPEr FtTTiNGS 1 SHEAR co Before the Sap starts up prune your trees and shape up the shrubbery, Do it, yourself land it will be done to your own satisfaction.Well supply the tools, A long handle Pruner with blades of good'steel :that will keep sharp, at d built so that it has strength' that you an depend on. Pruning !Shears t25e„ 51k. and Wet Select ae'- coreling to the amount” of work you have for a pair of shears to do, Pocket Pruning ' Knife have. You ranch that. piece of d Lie out. pt using $1.00 iglrt'to cans deadwood tbtq away, Out comes 'Pile and its done. "his week we have as twindot diiipaay of some of the, lnany els comprising in part of Shur y and Bletrick Sawa.: JJigh rade Nail Hammers Machinists amtners, Shingling Hatchets, athing Hatchets, Stone barri- ers. mauls, Ratebel Screw Drivers which are so popular will skilled Wood-W'orkers. The PRICES are as low as the QUALITY permits. T, llawkih PHONE 29 We deliver promptly Powell's Bazaar BARGAIN ilifEEK Customers to this this week will see (store # harQairsir be- fore unheard of, Our large stock of Fancy China, Granite ware, Stationery, Jewelhy, Drug preparations, Fancy Soaps, Picture Postcards, and lifuscial Instruments must bring some money. Every person Vantingood wares at mor �' money saving aving pl ices should first visit this Bazaar. Our fruit and confectionery department is growing rapidly. There's a reasort. yore keep only the .best of everything. Money goes a long way at n'°jthiS Store.” We' give(- ane JeWellry filo to all our Drug goods customers.'-------: 23 We ustomers. - We carry a complete line of Edison Phonograph goods at money savingprices. If you giant an --thininthi ou prices first, :, �' s l li ne yep 1. Willis Powell Prop. The Truth About :Patent Your attention is directed to the Rexall Remedies eanfor each ailment) edici ne BECAUSE they' are not patent med nized the ,World over 'as,.the' ACME'. of to benefit lor`we, will refund 'the money "Rexa11 Remedies" ,because we' know the exact formula' iof> each remedy if a harmful drug. ;, •r• IF YOU , DON.'T KNOW YOUR AIL. YOU DO! ,&UY, RE A"FEW`SEASONNABLE REXAI.L CHERRY BARK SYRUP ' (Caugh s, Colds, , Etc.) , REXALL GRIPPE PILLS • 'Wcxide,tu ( r£ i 'Quick R 3XALL SAI3SAFARII.I TONIC (Blood Purifier e' -P ,...;, ,�_. r tic 1. Special Aclii{fon i, 'r! M9TIIER,,; ROX,E' <-�w S REMEDIES icines, but <tested prescriptions , recog- pa-fection. Each remedy ie„,Guaranteed —You are tja be the Judge. We sell what they 'contain” and will tell y,ot You wish tto knows Not one contains MENT CONSULT A PIHY'SICIAN. - IF XALL REMEDIES, (?REPARATIONS REXt1Lt BAMBOO BLOOD' BUILDER wt fir, RGreat Spring Tonic) EX c, G, ALL KIDNEY REMEDY: v (b&Yres' all K , idtneY Affections)I. Xlf RHEUMATIC REMEDY' ata t`7,(Givee 'Prompt Relief) *4r call d a the ad:' Bee Pu,' ^' Marchand's Jewellery virATeR TAB RINGS in our display, . See sow they glisten and glitter. No wonder they make the most accepted gifts, aswell as the mostenduring. Our Jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, 'Yearling rings and rings just for adornment. We earl supply you just as GOOD GOODS ABLE PRICE as can be bad at anyplacein t jtist as RE SON- 'an• da, A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Brighten This is the time of the year when the House Cleaning -N\ 111: be done. There is no better time to brighten upthe with a little g hearse Furniture ite you t+ enspeet our showing which the lar - rid best i'il the county Perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker.. Something for the Kitchen er ining Room. order. We ean suit your y u taste :and pricenything in the line of furniture. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leadiu home Fptrnzshera and ` Funeral Directors. SONES 8& MAY PRONE NO 82 How About Your New Spring Suit This year we -are showing a swell lot of Ladies Ready.to-wear Suits; New Spring Coats and Separate Skirts, Do not fail to visit ` our Ready-to-wear De- partment. It will do you good to see the New Styles Our Special Suit at $11.00 In Black or Blue Venetian Cloth made up in the very latest styles. This is a beauty for the price. Our Ladies' Spring Coats. COME IE LONG OR SHORT,. Nice Biaek Coats, Long, Short or Cor Stout Ladies $5 to 313. Fa% , Diagonal,, in Long or Short, also ZL"buss Grey --$5' do 311.. - LADIES' SKIRTS Real ,nifty Black Violes, with fancy tralnrnings at $8 and 31.0. Pananna and Venetian Cloths in Black or )3lue for 34, 35, 36. -GENTS' FURNISHINGS The nobby goods, ate round here—New Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats and 'Caps. New underwear, Sox and Suspenders— .Eve„rythi.ng new for the boys. We are showing a swell lot of Fancy Tweeds :. and - Worsteds for New Spring ,Suite. It wilt pay'' you to, see -them before you buy . • HOUSE.,FURNISIII'NGS Now that the usy htousekeepers with be `shoal y�oase cleaning we want to call " your .attenitton to `our big" stock or !the fin•est - houses furnishings we have. ever shown,— :FPiltbn Rugs .Annj,nRugs' VelvetxRsterugs Bruesells Rugs Tapestry Rugs Weal Rugs Carpets Linoleutns Oilcloths ' r' Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains Rosier Blinds illin 1Vi r yForEast �l flue �a v e r r d our: Easter i1r0 . 8. �heS'tim t01 _ i'v e.. r order.- �a �, �., stet is only Our Mil�tnxs are very busy and would like your order izi can i#iG you up wttl>'your Easter Bo net '' r, '4't