HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-30, Page 7THE EXETER ADVOCATE, TIIUIWDAY, MAKGR 80, 191f,
¶hat You }Teed in Spring is a
Blood Building Tonic
A spring medicine is ap aeteal
"13cesSity to most people. Nature
lemawis it as an aid in carrying
,ff the impurities that have aeeu-
aulated in the blood during the long
vinter inoeths of iadoor life. 1.1a-
netueately thousands of people
vho recognize the necessity for a
ring medicine do not know what
s,hest to take and dose themselves
„eith harsh, griping purgativea.
This is a serious mistake. Ask
kny doctor and he will tell you
that the use of purgatiire medicine
weakens the system, but does not
cure disease. In the apring the
Aysteln needs building up—purga-
tives eannot do this—they weaken
you still more. The bleod should
be made rich, red, pure and only a
tonie medicine can do this. Th
best blood building, nerve reetor-
ing tonic medical science has yet
diseovered is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, Every dose of this medicine
Actually makes Pew, rich bleed.
This neve blood streagthens every
gen, every nerve aud every part
of the body. This is why Dr. Wil -
Rams' Pink Pills euro headaeltes
and backaches, rheumatism and
neuralgia, Imaith pininle$ and erliP-
Lions, and give a glow of health to
pale .eutl sallow elteeks. Men, wo-
men and growing boys and girls
who take Dr. WamsPink Pilla
at well, eleep well, and feel bright,
Aetive and strong. If you need a
medicine this spring—and most
likely you de—try this great reviv-
ing tonic and feel the new life, new
health, and new strength it will put
Into you.
Sold by all medieine dealer e or by
mail at 50 eente 4 box or Aix, boxes
for $2,50 from The Dr, 'Williams'
Medic' e Co., Brockville, Oat,
Third Engliehweautin to be Given
This Office.
Mrs. Lees, lately appointed Mayor
of Oldham, Eng., is the third Eng-
lishwoman to be giver) this office.
The reason why in her ease is not
far to seek, for all accounts of Mrs.
Lees malt° in untainted praise of
her, The newspaper accounts said
of her installation: "The eerereony
of her installation is a scene that
will never be forgotten by those
who witnessed it. A. small room i
usually all that is required on these
occasions, but this time it was the
big Town Hall, and it was crowded
long before the hour. Behind the
seats people stood, peeked like sar-
dines, and the seemed to be cling-
ing like flies around the walls. The
nomination and election take place
before the future Mayor enters, and
a rather regrettable scene of party
bickering and recrimination -was
witnessed. But it was almost worth
it for the -contrast, when, with the
woman Mayor, harmony seemed to
enter—and abide. The tall, digni-
fied figure entered, with the calm,
beautiful humorous face, crowned
with hair, upon which the black
velvet bonnet was a. graceful sub-
stitute for the ugly, three -cornered
bat which the Mayor usually wears.
Her entrance was the signal for
e an outburst of enthusiasm. The
rebe and chains were donned, and
Mrs. Lees rose to speak. Then she
thanked her colleagues for the hon-
or they had done her, with a little
allusion to -those who disapproved
of the election of a woman. "They
have a perfect right to their opin-
ion, and they also have a perfect
right to change that opinion.''
When her speech was ended the
whole audience rose to their feet
to cheer and applaud. There was
a beauty in the spirit of the whole
thing which must be felt to be un-
derstood. One can only say that
she seemed like the mother of a
great family, before whom her chil-
dren rise up and call her blessed.
J., spa,. one za,,,st As
the King Does.
When the Spanish provinces en-
tertain. guests from the court, pro-
vincial society is at its best, Secure
in their traditions, the provinciale
make even royalty welcome with a DE BY DODD'S KIDNEY
beatitiftil eymplieity which no doubt PILLS,
royalty enjoys very much. 'Mary
F. Nixon -Roulet gives the , old
adage, "The King is my O011s111,
"The Spaniard at Home," as ex-
plaining the very simple Spanish
way of looking at the situation.
Oe thing only must be strictly ob-
served according to Spanish eti-
quette, and that is, that every one
is eempelled to do exaetly as the
king does. Amusing eituatsons
sometimes 'appear tte a result of
this, as in the ease of a banquet
given in an Andalusian town.
The late Kinn- ‘lphonso XII
4 4 '
note a great jester. But his jests
were eueli merry ones that even
those who felt the point forgave
and laughed. A banquet was given
" honor of the king, and to it were
invited the mayors of all the neigh-
boring villages_
There were on the tables olives
stoned, and stuffed with pimentoes,
the first ever seen by one of the lo-
cal of4cers, The king lasted them,
Every mother is iiatnrally
anxious for information that
will enable her to keep the lit-
tle °lies in good health. The
Dr. Medicine Co.,
have issued. a little book which
colitairis a great deal of in-
formation oil the care of ba-
bies, an,d young Children that
every mother ought to know.
riItn book swill be sent rice to
uy iiiother who will send her
Millie and address, witli the
nne of this• liewspap(sr. to
'Fite Dr. )1edieille
Co., Brockville, Ont.
itting one lute hie month and
allowing it with evident enjoy-
nt. The mayor's eyes opened
wide with horror, Etiquette de,
mantled that he do the same„ but
he hesitated. His majesty had
wallowed a, - stone. He himself
would die were he to do such a
thing, His majesty saw the man's
hesitation, and in an instant had
grasped the situation,
"These olives, they are most de-
licious," be eaid, "From your pro-
vince, I believe, senor/' and he
popped another into his mouth, The
mayor was forced to follow suit.
Horrible! Be felt the storie going
down his throat,
"Another of e exeellen
olives!" How la $ a ey
winkled as he p d
rregidor saw himself earl men!
"I have four olive stones in m
mach, and I am a dead meu!
be moaned to himself. "Well,.
y, then, as well eujoy my las
esti an earth," and he fell to with
will to eat and drink, The wines
ef the province were excellent. Of
thern he drank more freely than
usual, hoping to drown the terrify-
ing thought which assailed him.
Then he went home to be received
bothlskeptically and unsympatheti-
cally by his wife.
But thereafter he would never
taste an olive, and to this day he
wonders at his majesty's digestion.
Ile is wont to relate the tale of the
dinner in the evenings when hie
cronies gather round his fireside.
"His Majesty Alphonse XIII. s
fine Ring, yes, but his father!
There- was a man! I assure you I
have never seen his like, A man
with a smile in his eye and a jest on
his lips, even with death in his
heart, " and always ho concluded,
"and the stomach of an ostrich."
Magdalen Islands, Quebec, tell of
Mrs. Cormier, a sufferer for a
yearto who was made a new wo-
man by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Amherst Island, Havre Aubert,
Magdalen Islands, Que., Mareh 27
(Special).—That suffering women in
all earners of Canada are being
restored to health by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills is shown in the press every
day, and this island is not without
its striking examplee. Mr. Peter
0, Cornaier, a well known and es-
timable resident,tells the follow-
ing story of her enrol'
"For six years 1 suffered wtb
nem:eat/eel, Beekeelie and Nerve
ougmes, 1 coil/A not sleep no eat,
and I was always tiret4a,,,,,
d, M,;e11ininbo.s rj s and women as an equivalentwere heavy and had
eensetion aeeeee the loam to the universal military service in-
, Hearing of cures lay Derld Ki ,
usejvcollitiLeis ndlenti:ad net, t;,.0Yriatallitemoi PaQisialieePtIANtlorIc'te7a/leadbivngVCIr:runtil%i:
feminist, in the earreet nuraber el
For a score years 1)°"'s Kid- ° Deutsche 1rau peoliriBteerloi:i that
mne3;.PiTiliseyhallvaevebei}eenenil'truiexise jinn tChru: compulsory military trbtehint% hota,,,38
mieds of eases and there is not on e'utribilted enornielislY
Via the 'Chicago Union Paelfie and
North Western Lite, deity from
March leth to April 10th from all
points in Canada,
Personally conducted California
tours in Pullman tourist eleeping
cars on through trains leave Chis
eago Tnesdays and Thursday s of
eaeli week.
Pullmari tourist sleeping cars
daily. For full particulars apply
to B. H. Bennett, General „agent,
46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.;
F., R. Terry, Travelling Agent,
Toronto, or 5, A, Hutebiesori,
Manager To Dept,, 212 Clark
St., Chicago, Ill.
omPldSerY Deni ie Serviee Pr
posed in Gernmey,
Compulsory domestie service for
eunibetit it on iaaent is a
novel Kid- p
recrd a single case where they have mental and phyeieal develepment
Thomands of camadian men aaa that similar beeefital would be in -
failed to cure diseesed Kidneys. l4 German manhood, and deelares
women will tell you they owe their "itable i the women subieots of
the Raiser were compelled to un -
good health to Dorld'e KidneY Pills.
€1. dergo the training for whiela nature
beet fite them.
Judge—"Why did you strike t She explains that it e ld be ert-
en V Prisoner—"What wouid forced without bra.4ening, the n
ei do, Your hewn', if yen kePt Z tional Budget, •and thateit is roan
VCery tere, and a man eame
d asked if be could take a raov
Piettire Pf Your elmese
An Oil That is Farnouse—Thou
nada was not the birthplace
Thomas' Felectrie Oil, it is th
e et that famous corapount
here its good mime was
rend to Central arid South Am-
iea, the West Indies, Australia
New Zealand. That is far afield
enough to attest its ex.eellence, for
in all these eountries it is en sale
and in deinand,
ho weuld benefit most from the
system, ILICCAUSP the etete would
nasuro them eouipeteat and
need Nausea -Ives, Fraidein
'nar thinks the marriage 'testi-
vould also become more p0 -
if men knew they eould se -
et wives who had done eervice
with the "colors" in kitehen, laun-
dry, nursery and eewing-roorn,"
"Wheu it bevame necessary
through the stress el war," con-
cluded Fraulein Warner, "to intro-
duce compulsory military eervice
there were many protests against
aneh a 'limitation of personal Ub-
e.," but Germans bave lived to
appreciate the incomparable bless-
ings of male conscription. Would
it be otherwise in the case ef girls
nd women 7
"There might be less of the craze
or higher education for women, but
ewer girls of our lower chews
would be compelled to enter indus-
trial occupations."
quickly *tope coughs. cure colds). Seals
U. throat and lunga • • • 23 cents.
"The edge on a razor," said the
garrulous barber, "improves by ly-
ing it aside ler a time.' "That be-
ing the case," rejoined the victim
in the chair, "I'd advise you to lay
aside that one you are using for
about 2,000 years."
Corns cannot exist when Rolla -
way's Corn Cure is applied to them,
because it goes to the root and kills
the growth.
She—"Yes, I rather like Harry
Fairfax. I think he's got a soft
spot in his heart somewhere." He
—"Don't know about his heart I
always thought it was in his bead."
mineral's Liniment for sale everywnere.
Airs." A.1,istocrat—r`Did you heir
'what Mrs. 'Nouveau Riche said to
me.' at -the -'concert-thiS ,evening?'
Mrs. AVellhor21-:--' (No, my dear ; do,1
'tell me' all aiou . -o-
stleo"ilrlfolued me that
il 0udedeiO 1iie a non de i
hune in het lit
An old plasterer was called upon
to give evidence in a law ease. The
opposing counsel tried to bully him.
"Your naine is John Dobbs?"
"Are you the- smile' John Dobbs
who was sentenced .to eight days'
imprisonment for using bad langb-
age ?"
"Are you the same John. Dobbs
who was ,sentenced to a couple of
years' hard labor for theft?"
"No,- that wasn't me, either."
"Then you have never been in
"Yes, twice."
'Ahand how long the
time 'V' •
"One whole aftiornoon."
"What 1.—and the second time?"
'Only one' hour.'"
''And pray, what offence had you
committed to deserve so small a
punishment ?''
'I'ni a house decorator, and
\'115 sent to prison to whitewash a
cell to accommodate a lawyer who
had cheated one of his clients.'
Father (after a long search for a
book) ----"Well, hero it is. I \yodel
why one alwayS finds a thing in
• •
the last -olace which ono hunts?'
. . ,
el" 'expect it's ,.bccaus
e et 'amthang
I we find What ..e.bliong .1,1r
euntirig. -
Mrs, J.—"John, there raust he
lot of iron in your system:." Mr.
'Why do you think so?" Mr
"Because you invariably lo$
your temper when you get hot,"
Household troubles: Headaehe,
Toothache Earache Stomach ache.
Rawlins Wizard Oil cures those
mhos and pains, so why don't ,you
keep a bottle in the house,
Anxious l'slother--"Oh, profes-
sor, don't you think my dear little
Reginald will ever learn to draw 7"
Professor Crayon—"No, madam;
not nnless, you harness him to a
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery lilies
and Granulated Eyelids. Marine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e,
60e, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Milqurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
"Did you ever have appendici-
tis?" asked the insurance man.
"Well," answered the sceptic, "I
was operated en, but I never felt
sure whether it was a ease of ap-
pendicitis or a ease of professional
No child should be allowed to suf-
fer an hour from worms when
prompt relief can be got in a sim-
ple but strong remedy—Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator.
Beware of the who is Asham-
ed to admit that he earns his bread
.by the sweat of his brow.
Tour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT-
MENT fads to cure any case of Itching, Mind,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c.
A student of human nature de-
clares that most men like to be jol-
lied and are willing to pay for it.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
The visitor was touring round
"Oh, Pat," he said to his driver,
"I've often heard of your poteen,
d'ye know, but I've never seen any
of it. On the Q.T., now—I'm safe,
of course—could you take me to a
private stili'7'1,
Pat's face darkened. "No wan
bitter, sor," he said.
They drew up opposite the near-
est military barracks.
"We're in luck, sor," Pat said.
"D'ye see that big spalpeen at drill
-there--the wan on the roight iv the
front rank, Oi mane 2"
The visitor nodded in th
"That's nie bh-, brother sor,"
Pat expiainecl. 'Tin, years he's
Jin in tile arrri.uly. and, bedad, sor,
he's' a private still 1."
Woriderral Stalactite Cave Over 200
Feet Long.
Gibraltar is the only place in
Europe where rrionkeys live wild.
But apart from the monkeys, Gib-
raltar has wonderful attractions,
as in her fossils and her great stal-
actite caverns, opeuiner into reces-
ses of the reeks a thousand feet ab-
ove the sea. One of these caverns
is over 200 feet long and '70 feet
high, and, as the stalactite pillars
extend from floor to ceiling/ the ef-
fect resembles the interior of a
eathedral. The name of the rock
has undergone a change since that
distant day in 711 when Tarik the
Moor ifiret built hie castle on it in
order to begin the conquest of
Spain. It was then Gebel el Then,:
(the rock of Tarika). But the ehange
to "Gibraltar" is net serous if one
pronounces the Moorish name
Cured of Piles by Zaualluk.
Thomas Jr, Hogan, Cham-
pion Clog and Pedeetal Dancer r.tf
Canada, who resides at 59 Cham-
bord St., Mentrcal, writes; "It
gives Inie maeh pleasure to let you
know ray opinion of your wonderful
•Zam-Buk, For seine time past I
have ben troubled with piles, but
thie year I suffered so much that
I was obliged to eeneel number
oL engagements- I tried all the pe-
ened remedies that were recom-
dad, but they seemed •to do me
no good. Having been advised to
try Zam-liuk I purchased a 1)041
PA1 A.ftor applying it a few times
ebit marked relief, I continued with
the ZasasBule treatment, and the
relief was extended into a perman-
ent cure, 1 gWly permit you to
use ray experience as an illustration
of the great value of Zem-Iluk."
Xr. Wiliian Kenty, of Upper
Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N Se
says: "I suffered terribly from
piles, the pain at times being al -
Katt anhcarable. Zam-Bult as commended to me, So I procured
supply, and after a, very short
time Zarral3uk effected a ecnriplete
Zam-Buk is also A OUZO for eora, abscesses, eezerila, cold sores,
apped hands, varicose uleers,
rashes, bloed-poison," ringworm,
cuts, burns, bruises, children's
abrasions, totter, salt rheum, etc,
All druggists and etores sell at 50e.
box, or post free from Zan-Bisk
Co., Toronto, for price. Zans-Buk
Soap, which may be had from any
druggist at 25e. per tablet, should
be used instead of ordinary soap in
all eases of eruptions and skin dis-
eases and for baby's bath.
"Going to move this spring?"
"I guess so, I heard ruy wife
telling one of the neighbors that she
doesn't like the wall paper in the
back bedroom."
quickly stops coodba, corns olds, c
Ilae throat and lend', • • RA Gen
To mend an umbrella take a
mall piece of black stieking-plas-
tor and soak it in ,yater until quite
soft. Place this carefully under
the hole inside and let dry. This
will be found to be better than darn-
ing, as it closes the hole neatly
without stitches.
Faultless in Preparation.—Unlike
any other stomach regulator, Par -
melee's Vegetable are the re-
sult saf long study of vegetable com-
pounds calculated to stimulate the
stomachic functions and maintain
them at the normal condition.
Years of use have proved their
faultless character and established
their excellent reputation. And
this reputation they have main-
tained for years and will continue
to maintain, for these pills must al -
Ways stand at the head of the list of
Standa,rd preparations.
Father (meditating on Time's
changes) --"Ah, yes, the fashion of
this world passeth away." Daugh-
ter—"Indeed it does, papa! I
shall want a new hat next week!"
tlinard's Liniment cures Berns, Eto.
Visitor—"Well, son, what will
you be when you grow up Toni -
my (aged nine) --"A soldier." Vis-
itor—"But you will be in danger
of getting killed." Tommy:—
"Who'll kill mcI'' Visitor—"Why,
the enemy." Tommy ---"Then I'll be
the enemy.'
Probably there is nothing more
inelustxioits than an idle rumor.
reaches you jus
fifteen weeks aftet
Ceylon—the workro
chief tea-gordeu
over 10,000 miles
11, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne $t..
TT UNDRED ACRES, County Peel, goo
J, buildings. Seven thousand.
4.414.0 4.4
fficjitREE HUNDitilD ACRES, Contaty
1 Yeel, fine situation, Bend nnilnings•
Thirty-one thousand.
TIIIRTESN ACRES, fruit, good bmid•
ings. Eight thousand,
District. Ten thousand.
vAalisSTOCK. oiteine A It
gae. befol.e41;.its 23 'd all
DAWSON, Inets Colborne Siss
FrAit farms
V. n. Caidsr, Gri
4 1-2 mf1e te Loudop as
ofl dark VlaY iou, 1 1-4 tic
ink bowie. good eut-buiidin,
OU5 to sell, T.he Western
tiste uzeange, 14d,,London. Out,
Aeg.gt. Peaelies
LL eve; oeapes teur; Gravel
l ace cOuvenicaces; CitY close; S
nil. siesta shientoe. W. P, Gander, li
SPiendid clay an4sand
,,res ood timber. Good brjo
fie, batik barn, other out-bnildiu
Splendid gas well on farruittor fuel a
light, Owner wishes ts) reitre. Barg
or quick sale. Address 41 Emilie
Gt. 'I' 'ANTS
I.lisohiza nrtsety
ctr thirty men.
o hour. Write to -day.
INERT" CO,, °Dont. Sar
Reale Works, 9 EspIsmsde. To to.
Seale W
X Muslin Dress, 2 to II;
dard Garment Co,. Lon
To whom it may concern: This
is to certify that I have used MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT myself as well
as prescribed it in illy practice
where a liniment -was required and
have never failed to get the desired
effect. ,
0. A. KING, M.D.
Tommy—Pop, what is ennui? '
Tommy's Pop—Ennui, my son, is
a disease that attacks people who
are so lazy that they get tired of
"A Grand Medicine" is the enco-
mium often passed on Biekle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup, and when the
results from its use are considered,
as borne out by many persons who
have employed it in stopping
coughs and eradicating colds, it is
more than grand. Kept in the
house it is always at hand and it
has no equal as a ready remedy. If
you have not tried it, do so at once.
"I hear your daughter is coming
out this season." "Yes; and the
bills for it are coming in!"
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVE TEARS by
CURES WIND COLIC. and Is the best remedy for
DIAMICRY/A. Sold by Drutcpista in °Very part of the
world Ile sure and ttsic,for "Mrs. Winslow's Soething•
Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five rents 14
bottle. G laranteed under the Food and Drus lot,
lune 9013. 1906. Sot !al Number MS
Judge—"Have you anything to
say before I pass sentence?" Pri-
soner (who knows human nature) --
'Yes, illy lord; I should like you t,,.)
have your dinner before you paSs
sentence upon am.'
The following is a good hint for
ironing sheets. Instead of spread-
ing out the sheet to ir•bn, fold it in
half, then cittarter, and lay it on
the ironing board 'as though to
iron. Now iron the rest of thi
•clothes on top of the sheet, turn ir
occasionally so as to reach, oveoy
part, then fold it arid begin on
othet 'sheetin this way . the
are ironed with very little
B'JIBED ROCK EGGS from Prize 1
ning Stock. One Dollar for th
them: utility stock sieventy.o cents, 3.1
son Smith, Jerticyville, Ontario,
system—constant practice carat
ustruetion—a few weeks* complete cow
—tools free. Graduates earn two
eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cats.*
logue. 'birder Barber College. 221 Quer*
East, Toronto,
S, LUPS, etc.
‘,..i terual and external, cured with1
ain by our home treatment. Write
store too late. Dr. Bellman Iledieal Co,
mited, Collingwood. Ont.
Teacher (to new seholar)--"Hov
does it happen that your eerie
Allen and your mother's name
Brown 7"
Little Lad (after a moreen91
thought)—"Well, you see, it's dila
way. She married again and A
Impurities of the Blood Counters
acted—Impurities in the blood eons*
from defects in the action of ant+
liver. They are revealed by pipas,
pies and unsightly blothes on the
skin. They must be treated ins
wa,rdly, and for this purpose ther*
is no more effective compound
be used than Parmelee's Vegeta
Pills. They act directly on
liver and by setting op healthy prom
cesses have a beneficial effect uposs
the blood, so that impurities ard1
A snaall boy looks forward to ttf50
time when he will be a man and cu
do as he pleases—and perhaps bat
will if he doesn't get married.
for tbo signature of E. W. GROVE. tJseif
World over to OUT() 2. Cold in One DES. „
The Professor—"I want you
dren to go to my lecture to -night -4 ,
Robert—"Couldn't you whip us few
stead, just this once, papa?"
blinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
• Husband—"Now, Mary, you dorfl
believe all these unpleasant 'thinai
you are saying. You know I would
die for you."
• Wife—"Oh you aggravate me se3'
I like men who do things, not mere-
ly say them.
• •
00,s .00- .70-0
P14 ;C *PI. In., Los
sok1 t -a., Toronto.-