HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-30, Page 1TwBNTY-FoUB,TH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, ,THURSDAY, CARLING'S SPRING FOODS Spring is now forcing itself up on us and we wish to inform you that we just received some of the'newest' shades in Wraps,Muslim,Snitin s, , Etc, Dress ., Goods We have been very careful selecting our dressoods for spring securing some of the newest and best shades. at right prices, Call and allow us to back up oar statements. Hard Hats We have just received for spring a fresh assortment of hard bats at prices and in styles that defy competi- tion adies' Belts We have this season a very choice lot of Lades Belts in Elastic, Patent Leather and wash belts. Prices ranging at 20c, 25e. 35c, and 50c, Caps, Caps, Caps Just the thing for spring, What? Why a nice new p. We have them. Just a, fe .v pair of Ladies, Hose to clear at 2 pair for 25e' The completeness of our Grrocery stock is unquest- ionablo. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, W. T. OA -R LING Professional Cards. DB. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8a Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristvi DENTIST. „Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office over Oladman : 8tanbury's office, Main street 'setts,.. Medical �] R. BRIGHT, M. D.. M. C. P. •k 8., HONOR LLle Graduate of Toronto Uniyerelty, Two years resident hysiciah•:loyal .Alexandra Hospital, eto. Office and 13esideece,Dr. Amos' Old Stead, Andrew Streat XXSTEB. 11-1R. QUACKENBUSH, Physician, Surateon, Ac. 11JJ coucheur, ' Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Main Street. Residence, corner James and Albert streets opposite James street ,DLethodibt parsonage. •Phone Office, 89 a; Residence 39 b. L`ei:ul. r tOSSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLIOI SJ tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for klolsone Bank, etc. , Moitoy to Loan. at lowest rates of ntores • Offices, Main street, Exeter, R, OAianino, S.A., L. Dickson °�. ONEY TO LOAN. •. Wo nave alarge amount of private funds to loan n ,arm and village properties at low -rates of inter est. OLADMAN & STANBUItY,1 .- l ' Barristers, Solicitors,Main at., Exeter On J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead, ing Canadian and British_ Companies. Main -St., Exeter:,-" LICENSE]] AUCTIONEER WM.. ANDERSON,' Licensed Auctioneer. nor Huran County. •Ternns reasonable..; Dates can ,be 'made at,,,the Advocate`s !xeter °or Henry. 1ilber's Office, Cred- B. CARLINGi ,Life, Fire, Accident :,and Plate,', Glass; as}trance,.Coile,Ung accounts arid eon- A}tiig' auction sales. - Exeter,, Otit. rima . tpi tarso - eterinar . Co Lo eserine Y � . dI a sea: dent.. 1 MUSIC, :MISS DELIGHT HOBBS, Violin structier, James Street Parsonage, In MISS LILLIAN ELLIOT CONCERT SOPRANO V PUPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS,-CENTRALIA, ONT. REAL ESTATE CHANCES The following properties have been placed . in, our hands" for exchange. FOR SALE -A = good sized frame dwelling in Exeter, suitable to acco- modate two, families; in good. repair ; will be sold cheap. , WANTED, -to rent a hundred acre farm, supplied wlith the usual build- ing's etc. FOR SALE -A' good - frame house in Exeter in good repair. • rOR . SALE -A fair sized brick re.; sideline well :`located in Exeter, .Mod- erate price:'• FOR SALE -A choice residential build- ing property in ,leder. FOR .SALE -A +small• frame house Exeter, at very rlovr, 'figure. • For SALE -Ons oY the best: residences Exeter, 'Surrounded by considerable land. , 131 HOUSE WANTED -To rent `apply at his office. For particularsa: " 1 Pp Y at The _ .. Advocate Canning Factory ..'.. Contracts On • and. after ;Feb. 14th The • zeter, Panning and Preservting Co., • will be ready to make. ,'cootracts,with : farmers for. the growing of stuff for the factory:. Apply to the manager, S.:M.. =SANDERS, - Local -Items ida1. Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson left on Tuesday for Botha„ Alta., to reside 1Ir. Richardson has been West for some years, and spent the wino'- here. DIED IN ALPENA,-Word was re- ceived here on Monday last of the death of. Elizabeth Atkinson, "beloved wife of James t 'ne a, s C a tpbell, who died in Al p^tta, Mich., after an illness from tk phoid fever of six weeks duration. The deceased was a daughter of the late Richard Atkinson, and was born in tiro Township of Biddulph. She received her education in that township and for sev- eral years; taught school in the neigh borhtaod, Deceased .eft these, parts' about thirty-tws3years ago, and for the greater part of, the time ,has resided in Alpena. A brother, Thos. B. Atkinson, Hind an Feb. 13th in Phillipsburg, Ken, sas. Besides her husband and two sans she is survived by her mother, 'Mrs. Janne Atkinson of Exeter, four brothers acidthree sisters, --.Richard; George, John' D., 'William, Exeter; Mrs, nipper or Clinton, ''airs. John May, London Road South, Mrs. 'Wilda of Alpena,` Tntdr orient toalc place at Alpena, ._MARCH. 30, 1911,, g was, in London Mon- Last- weer, we mentioned in these eolu-. in is that Mr, John Mitchell bad gone to Gland Rapids, Mich to consult a spe.cialist regarding an operation for the removal of aa internal trouble, Mr. ,tttchell .trade the trip arid ,returned from that city. oa Thursday na•arning wit)lout 'Carl accomplished. any results. The sp .,aal,gr made a thos;;iugh examina- •i r O L J `19case, I>:'onounri:l,y it an esi,,ni gro•,oth and advised ts.i Mr. Ml chola c, 'o at '):ice to 1tocheste'. Minn,,. for ,,pcl'rumor. Mr. \xitchell has scuff- used much of late from the trouble and °Cict Jays. cardigan ls. Last ebecorn g. ci.ticrl, cor,sectuenely he decided to go to Lindon for examination and if decre- ed avisable will go to Rochester for op eratio'i, h ay -mg yesterday (Wednesday) Lor London. As in the other case Mr, S'ilsen Anderson of Crediton accompan-, Sed h#rn• -4�+r.:Ii^p�; STORY A story Is circulat ag'thatbas, exeeut= or ,af the Horia estate I got or TOOK $999.QI1 for my titlark. The judge allow- ed nye $500. I TOOK for myself, With- out ithout being exact, one-half the allowance. E was very faalish, It is worth F,500,QO to bs sp slandered, JOSHUA- JOHNS Elimviile litarch. 15, 193.1. SEED BARLEY FOlt SA A qu.ntity of 'Manchuria Seed star- 1sr.Y far sale„ grown from selected seed for four years. W. D. $ NDDRS, EXETER , SAL'S. BY TENDER Tenders will be received by thsa un- dersigned up, till Friday; 151st lsrst.i.at 1 put,, for the purchase and Xeinoval of the Irani* batildinga ton the property o, :train St., recently purchased by the Ca:nndlan Bank' of Commerce from, the Treble Estate, _ GL;+aD 4XAN STANBURY, Solicitors for Canadian `Bank of Coaaa- merce. I xeter, Oat„ Alar -'r1, 1911. SEED OATS FOR, SALE 200 bushels 1.4i,ttcoln White Seed, Oats for sale. Oat0 of, the leading 10ats .int a held competition at "Guelph. Jobxi. T. Idirtzel Crediton, P.O. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE Two lots of 1-5 acro each enr .the corner of Carling and Sanders street for sale. Apply to Mrs. Elloitt t Carling; st,, Exeter. SEED FOR SALE Choice Clover and home grown Tim- othy Seed for sale. -W. H. LEVETT TENDERS FOR CEMENT ABUTMENTS AND FLOOR The undersigned will receive tenders to build cement abutments and floor for bridge across 'the Aux Sauble River between Lots 15 and 16 in the 5tiy concession of the Township of Stephen up to, April 3rd, 191.1, at 2 p.m. Ter ders must be in lump sum. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of HENRY EILBER; Clerk Township Stephen; • Crediton, Ont. BARLEY FOR SALE O.A,C. No. 21 Seed Barley for -sale. This is the best yielder sth•oingeSt, brightest, stiffest straw ever grownin Ontario. Good plump clean seed. 75c. a bushel. -T, J. COLLINS,; Kbivrt'. FOR SALE Our Gasoline Engine Six Horse Pow- er, Golden ci'c McCullough hake. Same' in good condition. I3y order of ,the; Coun T 33. C ARI.LNC,, .Clerk. FOR :RENT Thirty acres of land, ready for crop. Privilege of drawing crop cif the: place. A •nurn'her of acres of pasture land do rent,; also :a' number of cattle pastured by the ,season. '.W. ,M. BLATCHFORD THRESHING MACPIINE FOR -SALE Decker Threshing Machine in fair' con- dition, together' with Decker Steam Trac- tion :Engine. 'Machine is self -feeder and supplied w' Pp d ath:: blower and cutting apitar- atus. For particulars apply to WILLIAM HORN r •Woodburn P.O. Farm ma Rent ' The undersigned liar to rent .150 acres of land, North Thames Road,' 'heir rots Part = 6' and ' 7, two and bne-half atl`ee'::easrt of Exeter', 50 acres',,piowed ready`for; cro, k,Y9 ties of wheat good 'shape build a in,afirst class--ie- pair, runningi d,.good we11.=-A ;Rod uprt' ,date faksri.,�.tilisessiorr tat ;tl staind h 10:40(6,f,,140.47* tL-iaseil ,nsv a The Tercentenary of the Authorized version 'af- the Bible, commonly known as the King. James version, was cam incinerated in Trivitt )1entarial Church last Sunday. Appropriate hymns were selected and special prayers authorized to be used for the occastorir The, re - tor, Rev. D. W. Oolltns, reviewed the grovrth and development or Bibic'trans- dation+ from the earliest days 4t Christ- unity. At`t'ti rnorninp service the early manuscripts, versions and quotations of the Fathers, the sources of our English Bible, were given; due historical canard- oration. In the evening the translation of thebible as artecti•na the English peo- ple was dealt with. He showed the in- fluence of Celtic, Danish and Norman thought, the monumental work of such nteu as; the Venerable Bede, Alfred the Great, Jo3:n Wybu'+ Ty E asnius and LuthercltffcinWilconnectianrwndal,#th Bible t ranslation prayedvery interest - to the largo congregation at both services. The wonderful story of the preservation of Holy Scripture,often at t'rc sacrifice of life, conn?t be too gen-, study kr:awn, and its many truths too' T irmly ,held. BROKE HIS WRIST, -11r, Matthew Fi'tlrttalnor ot Stephen sustained a bnak- i wrist on Wednesday fttprhitrg, tate result ot, % RIM on the cement floor, t«odUag aii€r pigs. i LONG WINTER.-U,ndoubted1y wo forget many things from year to year, hut it is not inta,ginaWon alone ,that Makes this scorn like the longest win- ter we have had for many Years. 11 commenced the last week in October and that Is 'just five months a^lo. This Is a pretty long time of continued snow a,pd Ica and ceua, and should mean that spring is not far distant. Til balance up ,for this long winter we may reason- on ably expect an ideal April and May. CONGREGATIONAL TEA. -A pleas- ant evening was spent by a large num- ber of the people of James street church on Tuesday, when the ladies; served a congregational tea, which was 'tallow- ed by a program. The tea was served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock and.wag',.an en- joyablo one, there being no lack of the choicest eatables. About $60 was real- ized by the ladies, who nade ,;a canvass of those present to buy chairs, with which the ladles have reseated the base - anent. Bev. Hobbs presided at the pro - grant, which con,sLsted at an address by Dr. Oaten of Brussels, whti was vis- iting \1r• Hobbs', two choruses by the catechumen class, recitation by Miss Lola Taylor, violiln selection by Miss Delight Hobbs, instrumentals by Mr. Phillips, and selections by the Orches- tra, which consisted of Messrs. Ed. Treble, Geo. Easterbrook, Willie Barney, Clark Fisher,, Miss Hobbs and. Mr. Phil- lips. DEATH -Am Exeter Old Boy passed, to the Great Beyornd on Wednesday last, March 22nd, in the person of Fred. Brook, who died at hid .home tri. ,Ridge tovrn, at the age of xG :years, 6 months, and 18 days. Depe1sed had +been 111 of, lung trouble for someyears, and had. gradually failed in heaktth until the last few- weeks, when . it became certain that the grim messenger would soon call hint. away. Deceased was born in Exeter North, and spent his 'boyhood days in; Exeter,. learning 'the trade of tailoring with the. late Alonzo Snell. He worked later in St. Thomas, afte:'wards; going: to I3.Idgotown, whore he Lollo ,ved lits trade. 0. ]:'t_ years. A vrifc and_ one son ,aged 14, survive hint, 'besides one larather in the Vest, Geo ge;, and two sisters, Mrs. Cnarle.-NortIic.ott curd Miss 'Mabel of Exeter. The red -mins were brought here for interment, the funeral: taking: place from the dee)* on Friday: morning to the Exeter cemetery. The relatives have the sympathy of `the community ,in their b ireavenlent. TESTING INVENTION -Messrs: Con- nor Bnos., who have been for ,sometime manufacturing • a' gasoline velocipede, an itoiention of their, own, for the G.T.I't. superintendent of Ovate?'' service, C. Bugg, for use on the railway, Have the Jriachine completed; and on -"Wednesday mornmg made a test of the. same, Mr. ,Bugg and ti:. Walter Con v,r leaving, from. the Ex- eter station for • London • on the trial trip. Before leaving, a photo was -taken b Mr.' Luther, y � L t Penhale.. :The _invention is 'a gid' one a a r a d g a demonstrates once more the`:genius of the 0lnufa.Ct;urers. The motor, which Is a five ,arid "a halt hors- avower, air cooled, was especially designed for marine and traction pur- pahea,•and'ds a(Ii1irably, adapted for the claps of wank, for which it r' will be used by the railroad. Tile air-c.eoli.ng•:_device which the firm has; patented has ,solved t'ae deffic`ulty of cooling which prevented, he use of ;Water .Cooled stigmas in' tine Cat.trer; "The cn iiie 1, '2 Oil Ih a steel truss, ; also, designed: and 2.a �kiirnvi aiid presented airiedei ee4+ real ientirel ticaeney 1istm,i1t t 1:' t tf�*6 11'bc srus.�i ,tcd1:l 1:: Lon+ rr; T fy ersigned~Wishes••orl rem;,,,. Sarm, on which t ich 'are -good; term of five years. 1i ,oUBce • X1; X19,,'6 in ;' 10 In. 's . on ; hand.• in. in, future.: Lumley P. . O. titer ur' posts aro the titieSt kr�tiistlit size we have 3 o101 Y j le4rt t res.-: tits ama21 end. Our 'price at Eo 'We : have them t0„ -,eel I:7„;kil0 ti r, I3OWL'EItS RE -ORGANIZE. Sd.NDY BAWDEN WILL PRESENT A TROPHY. The annual meeting of t,'?e Exeter 1'a.1ll.ag A:s,cration was held In the Tovv,z hall on Monday evening, wben �' ar3i' 7,31 repo) is were read and re,.. tree;. 7.1e. bowling fee tar meat ere £ liar ass-cli.t.,ia:a. and others was .fixed S,5.00h3 s u*a asr foxy year. The W. o a az ot,Ie =a resulted ;-President, is. J. litam Vice. �.' . r -, l.'. Clarke; ar,ai r; 11. N. Crea-•ch; TRetrt.hurey,',1..'. Iiurrda Cis -a p Rev. zi W. Collins; aud`,tars, I. 1 Carlini", J. A. Stewart; jx rnhe 'ship Committee, ttee, Pr~esid, ^t, Vice- l catdoa, Sceretay and G. E sudor o L a :d S. G. .t .. :.'t; Tournament ^a to a ley, President, Vice -President, S cr. tzry , W. W. Tainan, and J'. G.' Stan - bury. Sr, Sandy G. Pawden stated brat !te was offering a trophy for cent - petition by rinks of several clubs, ill: the *ieigitborieood, and he desired that L committee be appoLided to confer with hint regarding; the draws1ng up of rules and conditions to govern the playing for tete trophy. A committee consist ot: the President, Secretary and L. H. Dieltsa.x was appointed for the Pur- pose. Mr. Bawde;t was warmly cam- ar'•aided by those present and received the thanks of, the. As elatio:n We have reason to believe that ; the trophy le tt most worthy one, and will go a long way toward boosting the good, old game of bawls la the district. In a later is- sue a description of the Bowden Tro- phy, and condi,titns governing the cern- petition will b published. :Ir. Charles F. Seawright, who has. breo processor is the Exeter Canning F atdery since its erection here, has sev.. sated "his eearlactl,9n with the company and accepted a stmilair situation near 1Tiatiadelnhla, for whisk pi3cc kae wtrilk 1+Ftv,t,* zrhortly y1r. and Mrs, Seawright 'Lx-va been most estimable citizens dur- their residence of four ;rears here sd their departure will he greatly re- gretted. On Saturday afternoon of ibis week Mr. Seawright is having' an ave.. fieri stile sof his household effects at;; 'tie residence on William street. Miss Nettie Walters was itt. Lo'rsdan Monday. . Mrs. T. E. Handford, was in London tide Week, Mr Hobbs of Biri' visited at the Rec- tory over Sunday. Mr. and ;~Ire. Wm. Coultis were in Goderlch this week. Mies Margaret Handford has return- ed from a visit In Toronto. Mr,' Geo, FOnaght aof Ilderton visite@. with his mother here rfonday. Mr. Bert Wilson; left Tuesday for Win- nipeg, where he Intends remaining. Miss Snell ot E11mviile Is visiting her brother Victor, London Road South. Lo(nthOn will have an Old Boys' re- union during vreek of August 7th. Mies Martha Butt of Hensall visited stere and In Centralia for a, few days. Mr. R. G. Baird of Varela. spent -Sat- urday Ole guest of Mary and Effie Tay - lox. Mr. Mack Vincent went to Ridgetlown Wednesday to sing' in -a waving picture show. Mr. Wm. Smith 'left Tuesday venins for Sniowfiake, Man., where he intends terra i.ning. Mr. Fred. Pedler of Pigeent, Mich., vis- ited his, uncle, Mr. John Pedler, during the week. Miss Addie Johns of Eliniville was the guest of Misses Grace and Rose Cud - more over Sunday:- Miss unday:Miss Finkbeiner returned to 'London Wednesday. Mrs. Joh3 Alallott accont- panied her tothe city« Mr. Win. Senior of Toronto was the guest: of his brlather, Mr. Joseph Senior a day or two this week. I Mr. C. A. Colok a -,d 'bride of .St.: Thorn - as are the guests of Mrs. Gehrge Thomas and other relatives in town. Mr. George Hawkins is recovering from his recent illness and while able to leave his bed_ he is yet unable to be o i duty at the, store.: ala . ii nt. -Thomas of Cornwall, Eng- le tad, has arrived here' to make his Mame. v1:: his uncle, Mr. Geo. Thomas. We welcome Mr. Thtamas to our midst. F. W. Baker and family moved Thursday from ` their raid home in Ste- phen to Exeter and are n:ow comfortably. settled on Sanders street. We welcome , and Mrs. Baker to Exeter:. BIRTIIS . Cotter. -moi Toledo Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, on Marchi 241tb, to Mr. and,'Mrs. Harry C. Cotter,. a : son. (Formerly Laurette J. Gregory,) Gould„, -71n Hay, on March 23rd, ,to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gould, a daughter. Laine. -At 11x't. Carmel, on March 20th, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Thos. Lane, a da?ugh-' ter. Fergusai: In 'McGillivray, Con. 7, on ..March .22,nd, to Mr. and Mrs. ,:Harry Ferguson,' a'„daughter. MARRIAGES Ciider-Hil1--lav Seaaart0, March 21, Mr. T)ouglas'Calder do Miss Gertrude Hill; both of Seaforth. Calder-Bruinmr-At the residence l of Isis, and Mrs, Jolrn ,Brunner, parents of the bride,- ora 1biarcii. 21st, Andrew'; C. Calder, Seaforth, pct Miss Florence -Brunner, of Eg,nvondvilie. • DEATHS Hackett --I,• -Lucan, Marr- 26th, gra,' Chas. Baskett, aced 50,_ -years. .': 13irolik Ili , Rid_atown, ori Mural 22nd Fred ' i rock foinzerly of Exeter;ung ed3.1#O yds, '0 ' xliz a a• r�d 8 iia l anais xn � � Mas ys vrn ' i{�rc it -i9 Ellen Kahan, wife of Mr Ed*atd"Rill, 103211 aged 63 yea *r Ca npbeI o -„In, A1ped rad ch., '1 Elirabetkly, 1ktkiii.sohjl b`elpvc, rAP . __ f J .. z�• ".�v'V ;.. r. } The time is short now and. we do not want you to be dissappointed. Our Made - to - Measure System is the newest and most perfect method of mak- ing clothes for men:who are particular in having their clothes made. We have the services of the best tailors in Canada and the choice -of the best cloths in the World, with!r 'the Lat- est styles and we Guarantee a Per. fec• Fit. Our Ready-to-wear stock isO Complete with a bigrange of Styles, Patterns and prices 5 Cor e and . see the Latest Styles in Suits 1113(1O�erco t a ss Rain_ Coats and Trousers, Shoes Hats, C a s Shirts, Neck -wear Rear ' Oxfords, Underwear>Glo ,.Ves Hosiers. tri sa s1