Exeter Advocate, 1911-3-23, Page 2BERESFORDe s That e( e „e&L. i\ ftei nre thanfirv year sea - vice in tht, NarY dmiai Itclrd Charles BoreSford has now reiHred iii' reacfi'td t;)- att.itit wl3ict step becomes imperat!ve der the regulations, That he 373..e kieeply the final separation fronttbe serNice he loved, and in Which e was one of the most popeler 4.1 'it Itigh:tr oflh..ers, one eannot doubt And the regret Will be felt keen among- those he leaves bebilld- But he will tal,, into retiremen the high satisfartion of 'knowing that he won the approbation o three Sovereigns, the deep affeetion of :he nation anat Ow esteem 91fl ehorn he had been Inalught to corttnet during Iti.s professioin.a ea'a,er, lila:ling 146btd the-,31itannta, a naval cadet i» 1859he Was After appointed to th borb,;tad vAbsequently to tke efree. And altheoegh et the 730 01,6Pfortlffiitit'S el, of ehe count r /poll the t $ of the Itsh Fet. , before he gave 4 ea of the kind of work that nigh expected from hn wen the opjxr tanity came.. WAS VE TF EXETER ADVOCATE, ' C -,(.1;1.:30.1: 01\tts 1 \c'ilttlli,h111.3.)cigr roll:ightillattimtlieler minims Hill THFID rov the very mouths or the guns of the 1j - n' "Ii for, and engaging in a duel \Nitit them, • F .1 AGAINST (allt_lilAN AND A311:111I- or a ti-ot,p those who won e -lessee - the incident almost held their CAN C 0 31PETITION. breath, expecting to see the frail Tittle craft ink, with a well-placed en ..,i It: ti1211,1.!- c,i(:,,e g litt Lel, T;., . n lal?..e. C<,_>ndoi: had, Gegeentic Engineering Feats pr t 3, ft, a 7 111(31 and l'"t• The Great Selent:M Says t peals (he wo 51 -pounders. The fort was That ilritaia is Not a Back to iguoraut and Ba4es, armed with two 12 inch, two 9 :Number. „ mortars, The odds were appalling. - twenty 32. -pounders and fiveIn spite of what gloomy pe,,,,,,Lintht, No scientm ific ail cotnpels greater Lady Warwick tele&,,raphed to on the iittle glinboat ;,,pit her fire Inay soy about Great Britain losAng interest and aLte.n.ton in tireat B. ri- of the leading " Londpaperr s he t the, tiame..belitheig mas,, oi soils laer gyip of the w.orid,s trade, ir ta2n when <leailag , Nr.,,h religmus emphatic disapproval of the trou- )verhead, and beforehe tenemy 1 ylvuld PPear that in el3.5.,->illeertr4n m?-tters thall 81,vLaclge. kiis ser skirt. ae se lea Am etu eaejece 0,...• oe k.,,overnment hae"e proposed 0 get at the little wasp that was 1 ing our own, but gmbbiitg other -Id dept.e:,s. their aim sufficieinclyiat 44Y rate, we are not wily hold- le?c'elaot,is-10;to ii.tneveiat.,„-n, ' irols.:0, eth: topiluereea, the price of. tobacco to stinging so disagreeable from be tpeeple's, says Pearson's 1Veek-ly, scienc point of yie.v eas the oat - reflection arises standing:event. at the Nene„,ai Free ,,,,t1.1,(ei Npr:eY.thts.. &i Per lb-, and of soap A, number of skeletons have been the eignal had been run up f This' comforting , „ ,, .."horeli a ounce; ineetAng leeeetis at, om the commander,in-chief's flag- from the fact that BrItnsh engin- p( ortsmontb, England, ;..,n, ohrer ship, -Well done, Condor ','' Beres- /eering firms., have recently secured, e,ne name was stolen from StPiran let onee on tbe in the teeth of strenuous GermaA deelared that he had learned 10 re- Cornwall. it is believed that the , 's Oratory, nes of the nation as that of A ittnd Amerjean yompetition, the eongard the universe as a concrete, full- ft ; r ; -i-e. .s.. a medical man. British sailor of the type of wbieb tracts for two great South Ameri- 1-'9die1 realitY with it13 Parts acces-1 According to the annual report . . . SII IIVER LODGE'S VIEWS FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND 8 CO Y, 4'1:PT t ON OF DEITY .1,..tt" 3Z ANIA S1,51pLE. NEWS BY ABOUT JOIIN Drell, IND BIS PEOPLE. trha.lerenees I.an he d That Rains Supreme in the Come mereiai WorId. country and the empire hal'e' (anrailWays. sibic and leteibgibie to all. Among of the b 'I, TO COST .$21,250,000. 'regarded RS disPla.3c,'d Sileh tO the number of empty premises in The President, of Chili has signed fashion as we ean make ese of in the borough. deeree accepting the offer of the person of an incarnate being: Work and help were oiven 1Via. iessr.Griffiths & t'o. to buitd the who came for the express purpose Arnow, the 15...yea,,,_,41 Lon,d,a, hoy w railway between Cab- of revealing to tuna sueh attributes who pawned his elothes in older u), do and Toledo, a distance of about of the Detty as would other , oar on re nn es, a a ) wise obtain food for his taet Arrie0. h d t cost of have been missed " stone coffin eislr, composed of lwar Alfred $.2 1.,.2a0,.004, Mr, i'aorton Griffiths,' At another Point Sir Oliver ad- five slabs and e,, human re- f at A River the head of the firm, has vise d bis bearers to "always mi- nmins, _has on tfto tOld 1,tarted for chili, and frOM all epiar- treet negations, The imposei- e,ebbey eate,,,e e ream eon- ters of the 1;lehe the firm's engin- billty equaring eirele ie. not! cats art,, y; 1,1 lamp numbers d Nese. eers have been ordered by cable to realiy a negative proposition except in the t:annlaptun 4,t44;iet of Dev- E Pease) joiu their chief at the ecat eper- ferm, Negations commonly oushere ci a malude fts mysterious d and IL attune, tikv,o sem, idea, 4,,)f the tremendous task] BLINDNESS as it is deadly in its 4"'' undertaken by the nontractors may nati Preindiee 44WaYs• exeePt watai beautiful sl)eeirrien of the ' Eat formeel from the fact that they they are thorou t bE 1 1 1 mine was eatight in the flower gar- -timate they will rennire a million ('areftillY form) atcd in the light den QL senttew /tau, xurfolk, bon, leepers and over thirty-tive thou- ttetaal,„ eN,P.,evi°4,e,e 91 Tuluthe,Tif week. i$ an extremely rare visi- rod tens of rails, There will be eal prom.. r4ren [nen) A. W01440 be tor to this country, t under three miles of bridges reatlY to admit thQ 'ef; The ages of fearteen of the last .ather more than three roile$ a higher geuer"lizad(gls which 3114Y fifteen persons who have died in the is, and the earth to be rernev- l'Proot, T_heY„are only 'are village of Deddinglamt, Essex, ag- stimated at 14,000,000 cubic when tnrown the Tom 91 a .13i-`gregate 1,086 years, an average a With the enceptiop ef the tiVe aSSerti9n4 Always try for a which uill come from AM- 134eQnitaii:e flernit OctarlannoYteiTeliptirlerhoem,e‘asiluei to for 3 cwt. of eoal were It the rails, tools for cenbiiid - t .engine4 WIlO win be or, positive form, inistruet it, Its pro- g've° to 116° lwrs°:°$' were entertained to tem at the and: meigator is prantidy Steppillg shorediteh Tabernacle by an anonr, which win ho emu., ot, bowl& into 014 ea'53' "gil°14 a mous lady donor. et'e, Hdeenissialike talliee5 militteeceorodfintgbteotaity3'.etit:ttriebz tenetronnt: railroad system exIstezwe (4 a bureall being" there were 400 accidents with re- om New York sl.Arnotfull.orlittL7,Thriso:r:susvitaisv, bides in the eity in the last guar- s„ vont. to VAIPara Toledo a rail- for invest atien as von as ter of 1910, four proving fatal. diately alarmed' nay already runs up to -Arica, and 'care Hince the Cosford rural counen ilemore4 to. from Ariea to La, Paz another rail- FieFulat19.11 ea thought' "P te7,the agreed to pay one penny for every he 'ens waS is being built by British capi- /Inn" lium" Pewet' WjW11:' rat killed in the di$triet, 30,045 rats' itrilltieng:)eracreeivre711(0 tnedeizaltirl;dai, tb hiave been exterminated at a ens& to doubly alarm- Lai - the lions yjr.e, I A German F.+, noscate laas rer- . tne etn11161 Qf neae.ly .en proud since there has been a :lad an empire. „lea—a FitB T 'wait A 1,10 N, e Experieuce With Big tt The 0-1 1101 PeaFe's hom 44 he,,m is tiug parity g of Sir flOtrardard Slater, Ur., 1 They divide ' vonsisting and Mr. Hill, leise Standard. about ball all hour e 11 espied two large lions a f two galloped after ifrcd„ followed sIwor animal and lar. H lea The oleject of the funters N1as urn the game into <hinge feicelo and thus to givo time„ for the other party to tome 14 lig' that Mr, Urey would he A the opportunity to open the l'tru"1/14A o wee, a sport,..mart WW1 00, dvre4 Intuition „for ,Itigh eourage This e unit big game. '1114eird ()4)1rit471WO1ti(sal41447r:; edal,a4.11;.4/1 'cony start- woleb IS other things he said; -God can be lost $122,305 during the year ktwing MANE. 111: r‘,1e: 1,510iie serving111 thO nee that he saved the first if ;NeS by his courage. The 5 -s lying in the Afersey, 'when t went up that there masa, or rd, Without an in.-tant lay yeung BereshIrd leaped to the and front thenve tilted into the hOktill$ IOW ed be sent le), he maN th tht Royal Bunt , with its bar An l -$1W` his IkIttk•t 4,14 hieS, Zy feu r ha the beC4 PhlOg.), part of 11371• att in Port Stanley. e tAands. There was pleu to be had ol,hore. and the 17013I1 rt " Chttral: But a ,was abo the v ship s tod ,once seen to be in , ing his, life. Beresford had a he; v shootinP jaeket. Mereet pokes wore bultong with 4trunimin,u1 Vet he was after the drowning marine while others were wonder- ing what had better he done, or itieg far a boat to be get eta, was successful in saving tin mart's life in spite of his tteigilt‘ ehetltee and cartridges, and •elte.) the news came ashore the societ1 deeided to add a, clasp to the medal they had already given him. F.E STING 1 N(' I1) ENT Avati ittlst /wit% to littl expedit'we of that warn hbu of eructing. They we at seeing one Jug to charge. , keeu on getting the contract for after all. Tho Chrtstlau eol1eePtiQn1 Mrs. Francis Wright, of Smith - 1,1 dtsmounted and fired a the Arica -La Paz railway, but it 'a 61(/(1 is Inial4"1.1: SiniPle. it 4.1)-1 warki who went to the assistance ct i at t-lw bittreliaa in tha,wan aeenred by a company in wbieb peals to the roan in the street, to i r 1, ; ,,theL unlettered, the ignorant and s"irimiggThZen!ilinistannitrtNnvlectein obuhrgiN'aars, hope d aeting his attentisyt Messrs. Griffiths are largely inter- rrora Mr. Grey, loto jumped off Ins'eated, 019 , contract }nice being /eaves. That is the way- with the aael waited the ontjaught. ..„Nt,S15.090,000. greittest tilings. The sun is the, dal b, /chi G, was decoriqed with the Albeit me - g e.orge. Zenter of the solar system •.' mt inenty yards he fired, Into; ,ee-ee RAIN. Foie voRTy yvARS ° ' . ' It WaS stated at Rtngstonon- t, into the shoulder but' - ' ' A GLORIOUS OBJ1i:CT Thames Brewster Sessions that / tl net stop the charge, He got in i For more than half the distance euil oe mystery and unforseen force. during the past six years the Sur - 1 the lion in the mouth, break- a barren deseet without any shot at about five yards., from Ariea the line runs throstilllt But the sunshine is u friendly, rey eompensation authority has homely thing that touchcs coxmnon elnstd eighty-two lieensed houses t N of his fangs. Then ihe lion , of vegetation, and this enormously dun is vietim to the ground and coinplicates the diffieulties of build.' obieets and conduces to comf,,,,rt, in,theicounty at a cost of $500,000. yes, 4Ind conduces to the emnfort Gardens are to be provided for began to mores' him like a dog in. There has not been a shower g the tnilid a mouse.sunshine is not the stin, London elementary schools at the • of rain in the neighborhood for loliut,..ls etit bernaut terrestrial aspect rate of about -twenty eaeh year, the -Meanwhile If. Petthe had followed terrty years, and the absence of rain uf the sal. Day Schools Sub -Committee have Mr. Grey and with Sir Alfred and is so certain that the conteactors, el , would T ii, decided. Tito average cost of form - Mr. Bill galloped to the lion and have not troubled to beild sheds to' ee,",-;e4.).it?„,..e,e„4-e, le.er'Peeve„secilt'eeh,Teci, ing a school garden is Aix:Alt -$75. iis eietim. When thee' were some shelter some thousands oi tone of i-s-i•b-e1-11'nni"--;;;;;;;e-tie-a.17,1,k--aa.a-:;., fifty yards away the linn notieedhis Portland cement but have left it The Epping Forest Committee of esh a/lie/goma and veaFed to oat in the open. ' respect. Christ is the sunshine, that the vorporation of London, in their annual report, state that the nec- essary work of thinning was eon - aimed last yeav, earl/ block of wood- land being treated according to its neAed5r-emarkable sight will be wit- nessed in lAudon on Good Friday afternoon when a large procession nuritl then returned to his vletim, I eelineleiodeegid onsir Of Oliver,tll,',,ahcausl°hues'en of .some :'•111 ilerf.rv and 3,000 laity. i I I'rih'- The w"r"-led ani“triatle, however, by 'meansof a linel she horrifka relief party searcei of pipes about eighty miles long. hastily and illegitimately denied. headed by the Bisbee of Lendem 1 i . r , . . i A.e our readers xnav remember, so bong as we do not imagine it to and his suffragans wilt mareb from 3- unernbe'i, happenedwhatnotfdturIng another great South Am' .elideau rail: be a kegion denuded of a law and St - Paul's Cathedral. the next br ef / men s Further Martin's -ie -the -Fields to 'St. ' Before tel'ing the story of the eilndar there i$ another life-saviqg ineldent ti.at stands to the eredit of the brave Oliver. He had but tlnee years' service, and was still coi he Derenve, when it happened. Ind.ved. it wat; only at few mentle• after tie incident for whieh he rC • A the medal already referred The ship was lying in Dublin Bay, and a beat n as gong ashore with ,onne liberty men, Before the tweltpants had quite settled down Oile uf them fell into the water. Berasford was t-earcely more than a / 1)0v, and in Itis earlier days was but a weak little chap. But he had strong courage, ann. without hesi- tation went to - the as:-istanee of the THE SUNDAY SC11061. STUD' ER.N.ATIONA LSO • Itelf 24. Lesson X111. -- Review Golden Text, Psa. 144. 15. One Truth These lessons Teach. Final power belongs to the eJe great King, Therefore, the Aim is To toad the pupils to worship ant'l serve the 1ing to whom. i5 duo. ne to Pupils' Interest, How one earthly -king recognized the power and authority of Ood t•ho greatest King, Introduction. Many of you have read 'of King Canute on the sea-. 4oro, arid You need not to be re- minded of the story to see 1 your mind the king sitting in his royal chair by the side of the sea with his scepter in his hand and his crown 4,)11 his head. One hand is stretched out over the sea and he 15 saying to the roRing waves; ea, I command .you 'to come no farther! ‘Va‘es, stop your rolling and do not dare to tonett tny feet :” But the tide is coming just as it has ale ate, done, in a few minates King Cannte is throwing hi.; ertavn down upon the :-and. Ito iS saying, "There ie only one King who is all- powerful. and it is he who rules the sea and holds the oecun nq the hot- loW'r el his hand..” doing this to teach his subjects who are gath- ered around that he is only an arthlY king, and that roal power tied glory belong to the heavenly King, for, turniug to them, he says; "Do you, my men, learn a Jensen from what, you ilaNO seen. He whom you ought to praise and serve above 411 others." Leasou Story, We hir,c. boon learning duOng the past three mooths about the earthly ki.ags who ruled over the divided kingdoms of Israel und 7ntlah. Oter and above all there laded the tho Att hesta, turning battles whielaner way he chose, granting peaee and plenty to the kings WhO fOilOWild him in pur- ity and truth, overthrowing the worship of idols, teaching strange and wonderful lessons through his mighty works, permitting his pro- phets to perfoym miracles in liis name. and taking his faithful .ei- vantinto heaven in a chariot of fire' on a whirhvind. We have vome to understand more of 004r3; dealings with men through the histery of sueh kings as jeroboam. Itheeheam, Asa, Om ri, Jehosaphat. arid A I/ e and through the teaehingi of their prophets Elijah and Elisha, If we can remember the lessons for to -day learned front the lessons' of long ago and have planted the truth they hold in eur hearts, we shall not have spent thee': months in vain, Let the tetteher test the Claes by giving the aim of the ditTereet les- sons and encouraging tlee jallpils to tell in their own langeage the story that accompanies. Foe i'Xample, the teacher may say: "in 4.mn of our 1e550118 we learned that the true worship uf our hearts is what God vould have from us to -day. Can anyone tell in his own words the esson through which we learned his truth 2" The response ebunld be, "Elijah's Victory over the Pro- phets of Baal." But if there should tut be an immediate response, 1 ha mpils may he led to remeniber the ceson if the teacher quoti•-s the (Jokier" Text, "Choose you Ibis day vhont ye -will serve." Tho te•tcher night begin: It was at Mount t.'ar ndl. and there IVaA grainolt.ii 8. ompany of pries'is of Baal, oo. he ne side, and a single lonely, vhite-haired prophet on the other maul Mr. Grey. 1 .Abont five hundred mules are i iivrhafetbilAsluOffifcethsetltieraneSaeretnit.dnt DeitY 1 At t wentY-liv 0 Yards tile nartY' conetatitiv eln ',loved in lismounted and an in. The lien food, water, ea • In dealing with miracles, Sir Oli- 1 MInediately made arid Inaterials urrYltt!lirer said they were no more impos. t toward them -mountains, water a.rone the:limy- a., this moment .of peril mr. Biws ing to be carried over thirt miles. sible, nor more lawless than the in- ! eltee fi,red and the balls entered ; rangetnents hare recently Peen o Tht. I i • " :, g, I seem to a colony of ants and bees. 1 rille jammcd. Sir Alhx,d and -1"1. More suitable water -carrying ar:terferenee of a human being would than [In wax. t e recent y opened Trans- order ,efoits own . the lion was on top of A akin to the law Mr. -Grey i i and an mal and and order of a psychological realm, so mixed up that it was most (life. man were e ndean liailwav. is also Biitish built, and these are only the larger our denial has to. foundation." fieult to distinguish 0e, forme „ ' of the 'engineering works being ear- s • • t lead .from It t ' lie on inSouthAmerica by Brit- - te at ers body. It was - - found mpossible to get m a deadly capital tead shot until the lion was almost REGISTERED AS AMERICANS. ifeless. lei/ring the f1 -ay the' °Uteri ion was only about one hundred Middlesborough engineering firm „anis away, growling anti las:1th_ recently Wrested a big contract from Is tail. The Ininter the grip of several P°*elful Arn6.1i" dr<mming 110111. Por this he was 2158 rded the inedal of ;inutile/. so- ciety. It was in Januar,r, that he obtained command of the Condor. one of the gunboats of the Medi- terranean Homdron, and six months later he was the hero of the inci- dent that has rentaincd firmly fixed its tIte rmnantic side of historical reminiscences ev(Irsince_ The British fleet. under Admiral Sir F. B. Seymour, was engaged in 111e bcanba rdm en t o f the A lex a n - d ria. The enemy were effectively replying, and when, in the course 14 1113? hpirib ardm en t, the Tem erai re went ashore, she wa,s 331 consider- able danger from the gnins of the fort, Lord Charles 'Beres:Ford was or- '.der;ttet.to rentler'.'her all the assisl- anee in getting her floated, Anti when he had done the work allotted, to him he started pri some- -hint; that was OVOTI moreto his taste . „ ll)ISA,BLED TEMETI,AIRI two ,t).riorItiipaie( no attention:(6701100firtmonss. orths.IsteNe),a:biaic' c 0 00n int r pac rit st[ngoi" 1) the seewid animal. Mr. Grey's wounds were 1137 400 bridges„ Varying in length from nrmierens, The lion 8,enereb, dawn , , Lea to 105 feet, required in con- ed his face and head, bit his arms,1 nection with the doubling of the hands and thighs and inflietd South .Manchurian Railway system wounds oh his hack, mr. between Suchra-tun and,Dalny. died in, a hospital at Nairobi, Another British firm triumphant- ly carried the war into the 'enemy'S sALT-BArplis OLB8. . country, and has recently finished the tunnelling of East River, New Chicago's Realtli Bureau :160 Ad- YunoarbkjeatotubnleildtehoerA,ehmeenl]isceINI,Iessir„vere - vises Using Salt Soda. To obtain the contract the firni "Salt baths" will keep you from had to go through the formality of catching cold. This is the advice registhting themselves as arnAmeri- given in the latest bulletin. of Chi- can company, and they also had to cago's health bureauagree to a penalty of $2,000.000 if "The skin is nseconci in import- they failed in their undertaincr once to our lungs and kidneys in In the nueldle of .the river is a £eT)0ratirlg 0111s.,13 s,ern, it states. low iecf breaking up through sTit "Ifenee, how needful aro clean' and quicksand, but in few places skins. Here is a bath suggestion ; was this reef high enongh to cover Instead of soap use salsoda, or the outer rim of the tu.nnel. This bi-onnhona to of soda (baking 8oc1a). simply means that to drive through They will clean the skin quicker the quicksand the mon had 1,e work ,3301 betterin cornpressec ali ilia would tesist When through wine I 1 ou lv the tendency of the Quicksand to iad then dash the whole Innly er rash 18 and overwhelm their), and vith a cold 'isataratect solution of at the same time there was a 00n- oulinon salt, and wipensparingly, sfant danger of the, roof of the tun h35 is one of the best 511111 tonics nel being blown out by the immense tal bnacers against colds. Many pressure of air frem • II°1(,1 bar', 1-'000 'Lb warted nand mann Men ,afiected by compressed air 1104<1104 skin girted, Up "by this die, so quirtlly that speeial arrange - _The iNiltirab()Itt ;Fort, had, been a tartict.t.arly act,i,,c 511 filitc3wirin Its 1 . • • •. reCti I es in ,. klange'r<:)tts !ortclor and *hc disubiod T l‘l'llecurrinandor of a lobe 1'1/111) C CA ti) a 01 11e3? W.11 a ROck--ribbed g(rm-proofed, m,ent$ 11114 F.:4) be 03anle and doctors 111 a health is 101 e -e1;,- attained by health-, were kept in rf'i'd'nes r emer- waLcung s80-51;" geneies daY,and night - INSURING AGAINST DEVILS. Curious ;Way the Chinese Have of Tatting Out an Annual Policy. e Once every year, during the first fifteen days of the seventh Chinese of coronation novelties. Imitation month, the curious ceremony of coronets for those who aic not en- Yu-Nan-Whei is celebrated, being titled to wear the yeal article are in fact the paying of homage to the among them. Strange to say, ,real land and sea devils. Seven priests carry out the cere- mony by offering up various forms of prayer, says the Wide World Magazine'and making an unearth- ly -noise by beating gongs. Any one wishing to show bit re- spect to the devils can do so by a PaYment of 600 eash—about 22 borate designs and when not worn 111, C ORON ON JEWELRY, Jeal Coronets a re Chen per Thee the lenitatione.' London jewelers 1,1'e working .0Vnrtitile 117'0E11:Ming all manner coronets are cheaper than the intl- . tations The special tiaras and coronets which the fashionable jewelers are turning Out for the .corming social festivities range in price from $500 to $50,000 or more. They are set with pearls and. diamonds 5 it ela- cents—to each of the priests, for as a hair orna,ment some of them which amount they will continue can be ennverted into neckIacct. their performance for twelve hours The coronets worn by the nol3i1- --a truly modest re,munera,tionity are plain affairs eomparison. For an extra payment of 2,000 Only the ,Iloyal corcniets eau be set cash a number of small red paper with jev,•els. Those worn by peers boats about six inches long, -w5th anel peeresi,es are fashioned in sil- 'ligiIts inside, „wall be sent floating vergilt and a nice one can bn nun clom•n the riv;cr with the current. for 11100 or a little mere. These lights are for the br•nent of , Imitation coronets are not the the soa devils 18 or•der that they only expensive 4-1 "I • side. There were two altars ready for the sacrifice---" When has gone thus far, some pupil will sure- ly be ready to go with 'the ,,tory. Write out the Aims in eaelt les- son either on the blackboard or ou tablets if the lesson is ianttht in individual classes and have tho pupils read all the Aims. If there is time. it might prove telpful to have the pupils restate as many of the Aims as they enn 18 heir OW8 WOIC.16. Teaell cloeing the text. fee this essen, impressing it, as inneh 85 )ossible as a vital lessOn fey neday. Sing during the review Lut,l),,,r.s 1\1811, "A Mighty Fortres Is Our God." iiIIN11.1 SOLD E011 $2710.edfn One. of I.,argest l'r;tie."...netiozes ist 013 of -Nova Scota. '3 A elesPateh from Halifax, in', saYs: ontrollme. interest in the richest tungsten mine in the no rid., located at Schcellte, River, Guysliero Comity, oten , sold ay A, A. Tla,ytsvarel may 1)3 1i1e 1:4) see' 11h010 Nva3i about to which tlic eoronatiim. year is nat0 composed- of prominent, Ca - on dark nights. ' ionning a wide popularity. Hat- nadians. 'The price for the inter- liaVing finished their Perform- pins mounted with wild 63'0 wns are_. est is about a cluarta,r of a 01131011 - ance the Pers00 00 'whose behalf it being turned out in la,rgo 11 unibers. dollars, and outside of Coo coal., lats.:been carried out goes away FacsinnnOn- of the pilpe gbid anoint,- mines is tite biggest. ing, spoon winch plays a pa tt in the fer e1e0 11133110 113NOva geotia, 11 - happy iri flee conviction that lie 11111 not lose any of his fa,mily through 1)111 t130 year either flOm•sickness or drowning, so that tltc.; whole eere- niony inay-be looke(I itpon as an 111- su3'anee policy, A t, this time of Year inany .thoitsands of the srnall lighted boatinay be ioen Itoating down the 'Yang-tze-kiang. coronation ceremony,..have (11,o 3I3 'ward retains .an interest, ,whic/3- • found place in, many 'hoineS,: ander option t,. a syn-k.licat,-.',. The new King Gen,Or ge colnage.i.,s.:. under ecorie.I 0116' ou being made tip into' brooches '.aild; sV.n,dicate' ..• waistbeitta,' and 'dainty tiepins are nrtsale with .Royal 'orOiwns and 1301• jewelled sceptres' . to .'.ornament theni riceet lintriee. to „i„lia.ti'ord