HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-16, Page 74 Qr Tea You CanqBeat Lipton's" Mended, Packed and Labelled by Automatic Machinery; the Beit Tea in the Best of X?aokkagea.. Gov ern ent oBuild Hudson. Bay Welland Caual A rc: isaateia f t'nf i Citta,waa FnvS EOM. {sear ,i; }'. Ci-'ahatuYi'S annual review of the trarm,por'taatafali l)I'f+ )= ler,1S of the Dominion n ws•ars present- ed to t}its 'Commons on +'Viers 1, o11 a motion to go into supply On the et-tirnattes for the Department tiff 1 -('ails ass and Canals, The Government. propos( (s to pec teed at once.with the eoustructiun of the ,Hudson Bay. Railway for the first 170 miles from. Pas Mission to Split Lake, Port Nelson will pro- bably be the terminal bort of than rhayw+ railway. The railwayWIII b built by the Ciav+erurtaeut, and yrrtagosal will, be subnlittec1 tQ the use later on fort its operation. rIew or enlarged Weiland Ca- nal i psi'oje ^reel, and three different retests* r' etre ` sender etinsideratiriat, With ail aaia roved St. .i,,itewreraC.d� route, Canada need 'fear r14 eeinlie- ttta<aaa from the new United States canals via Beffalo 4 1 Oswego. ne 40velulamertt, of tb0 country would ne jnSta y� alae' a: xt w`uie i+.Dt t,of, both the \ ellaud and th Uew finis Tray etr`altaarls at 110 wc'r,l la;t;tart ria#;c. �n41er° 1SC power policy of the `(a1rw'er'nmerit on the Trent Canal, Irexwe+.r will lieT supplied to central martdietetics :it e.onlpa1'aa- ho cheapest ,price in C'an- lonial Railway Last lee a surplus of $023,104,-� Go, erne for : this year the surplus is. errtiwaated at $090,000, after paying rw� `r $300,000 ern equipment renew - vont, Tlae total ceaett cif eansteuetin>a ref tl1a Nartional Traanscontinental'l-tiaail- m 4r its voaitpletiou from I one an te+ Winnipeg will be $145,33$,- RSt, ' Thhe total expenditure to' date ° the Gravid Trunk Pacific Rail- , zn4 prairie and Company the r aaa rrzfa 4r1 t p tltaiin sections of the G,T,I' is ,49ae' It is exllccted to fin- )trait'; Eeetit;Fu in three EX I1�E1'TSWITII RA# ORE THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, 4IARC H 1e, t7 , THE tiEWS Ili A PARAGIIAril, � C APPENINCS FROM. ALL OTER THE GLOBE IN A N IJTSIIELT,. Ca.uada, the Empire and the Wori it Seraer"al Before i'?ur Eyes. CANADA. Toronto school children izav $104,000 in the Penny Bank, Canada is called upon to ;iv 8IOQ,000 to aid Chinese famine su fexers. "The Georges" of Ontario will juin in the presentation of a Coro- nation gift, Gordon Camper, to eighteen - ear -old married bay C,f Kingstrnr, committed suicide by drinking car- bone acid. A reward is offered for thearrest of Dr, W. Beattie Nes bitt• on the charge, of forgery, in eorrneetao;h with the Farmers" Bank fail trc. The famous old Evergreen Tions iz Prince, Edward county 1)V sanction for, $1£10, The encroaeah nig saradbztnks afire rel. avidly destroy- ing the property, lir. George Garvey :'lied at Nia- garar p Falk 00 I�rlel,l4 sfronr alajiri 1e5 received in the explosion at the iiowwe.r-hoses e, : e makes the fourth GREAT BRITAIN. ri tish trade i. i show Il t cu itnata; to remarkable increases, Lord Kitchener will eonnnand tlr troops at the Coronation The Liberal candidate was re- turned ,in the Northeast Lanark- shire an arkshire bye -election. There were uproarious scenes fire the British Commons on Friday, 4lu in . the debate on the, land claus- es of the Budget, FA REPORTS FORM THE, LEADING TRADE CENTRES OE rices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and ;Outer Produce at Home and Abroad BREADSTUF PS. Toronto, Mar, 147—Flour—Win- wheat, 47--Diour--Win-wheat, 90 per cent. patents, $3. at seahor€t. _Manitoba, flours-' irst patents, $5.40; second pate s, $4,.99:, and bt1-olig bakers', '4.70, on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat ---No. 1 - orthern, ' 3o to 9734e, Bay ports; No, ? North- , ern, 05e, Bay ports, and No.; as 02 c, li`ay ports; carrying 'Winter storage at Goderieb, is extra. O.Hraai" e, Wheat—No. 9 white a, ed Winter 60 to tele, outside. ,f'aarley •- Maltiug *metal tties, 94 to at outside, according to ttra4 lity, feed at :7,3 t t i 55c ¢.kart tri -Ontario No. 9 w"ITite; of tyuc'k, Toronto, a qitt'lde, NCH 2 W. t+RC`, pzaa,r' }::sit'', and No. 2 to 85%e, Bay ports.. Cut'n--No, 3 `v,LIeliC,aah, s1C,. ;.7,"C3d3to1 freight, 1 I'4 as Nu. 2 at, dQ to hle outside. 05 to 47c outside, ckww heat--Ntr, 1 at TX: to 19 outside. 111'411--1aartitalbas at $22, in has, Toronto, and shorts, 2.4, in bags, `.;Toronto. Ontario- brain, $22 to $22,- r. 0, in sacks, Torcan'to, seed, ttvr�t$,. o . to 0. Fy ,k. €viz"d � � READY OJ !JSE ANY WJANTITY For :making SOAP, *oft ening Ovate , res ovingcald paint, disinfecting sinks, r ; closets and drains' and for many otberprir'poacs A cuss equals 2Q lbs Sal Soda. Useful for five Ti hundred purpose . .S'afd Feld 'bor4 E. W, uilfett Cas., Ltrl., ay Teams, (Dat, {+j to UNITED SI TES. The U. $, Government have •reci a rnobiliza:tian af: army a' avy, The CTnited States Governrne has deeicicd that the 'revolution ille crier must end. COUNTRY PRODUCE, A ,le -..-- a s $5' to $5,5Q:; Bald - 1 ins, $'i to $4,50; Grcenint;s, $4 to $4,50; N. 2 4 ;i meted, .`�3,arQ to $4,50 per• barrel. Re:tris,--t.'ar lots, $1,'t5 to $1..80, lad small lots, $1.00 Honey—Extracted, zt titre, le to* per lb.; No. 1 eo a, wholesale, to $2.:14 ,per dozen; No. 2 eouala, ti•holesale, ,$1.75 to $2 pe - Baled hay—No. 1 at $12 track, and No, a at $0 to 810.00, Baled straw -40.00 to $7, ort It, Toronto. utatues---Car lots, 0 to rise hex; bag, Poultry --Wholesale prices of dressed poultry -Chickens, 15 tea ltle per, lb, t fowl, 11 to 13c per lb.; turkeys, 19 to 21e per ib. Dive, 1 to ne less. GENERAL. It is reported that I'resid Diaz 1D: citing. Grade �7. The mobilization n +af United Stas Once), tratiou of Lo w •,Grade Ore of Wide 'forces on the frnntioi' is deeply vented ,ler- Mexicans, dos' atif.eh ; fro Benefit to Canada Ottawa soy`s : C)f' attar conrrneiial importunee are the results t:f ni<3gnetic concert- ation n experiments with raw ares. announced in a report just issued by the 1)epaetment- of Mines. It is as well known fact, states the re- t, that the dePosits of merchant - e iron ores hitherto discovered in Canada are very* limited in ex- tent,; indeed, the blast furnace tcriripani* s n) Ontario had to import ower 7! per cent. of the ore smelt- ed in 11109.. While, however, the supply of merchantable iron ore in Canada is limited, enormous quan- tities of low-grade ores are known to exist. The megnctic concentra- tion o "these ores into products' :',qua'', and in ' tn;tny instances :5u-` tar", to the best natural oras cab ainablo, is, therefore of great i*u- ee. C)P particular interest were ex- periments tarried out with two shipments of iron ores from the Bristol mines, in Pontiac County, Quebec. The conclusion arrived at is thal by either of the two methods the concentrate from Bristol ores would yield very desirable low sul- phurmaterial for the nranufi1cttire of iron by either the electric or or- dinary blast furnace. A recent ex- amination of the mine revealed the existence of an ;fire field of 90,000 $2,009,000 Addition to Mini of Can- ada Car COBipany. A despatch from Welland, Ont., says :'The plant of the Electra Me- tals, 'located in the factery district of Welland, will be doubled in size this spring. The compa,ny have been exceedingly prosperous-, and have found it necessary to bave in- creased accommodation. Uni fed Motors, manufacturers of automo- biles, will erect their factory build- ing the coming summer. As soon as arrangements can be completed, the Sous of England will erect a large lodge' and office building. It is understood that additions amounting to over two million dol- lars will be made to the plant of the Canada Car & Foundry Com- pany here. lI0F-1< 'i'r)11'N W'ltyl l) (fl11 TBE DAIRY MARKETS. er---Dairy prints, 19 to 20c; choice rolls, 1.$ to 10e; inferior, 10 to Ise. Creamery, 20 to 27c per lb. for rolls. 24c for solids, and e.:2 Eggs—Case lots of new-lakl, 22c ' per dozen. .A despatch from Chicago says: Cheese—Large The big plant of the Dupont Pow- at 1.3Xe, der Co., located npar the little town of Pleasant Prairie, 3ust across `SCID naval t 'a ursday r3'. enditu re ow ;nor easy Over re o fr'41r1 London 'Sttrrrates r rt prvvw1e f $221,062,50 er'eIIae of $0,000,000 over• vions year. rho Lost of new truetion is fixed at $15,01,$.5=35, larogranrnae includes five, F7rc,, runight5, three; protected ends one ',mannered cruiser, twwenq strayers, six submarines, and •an increase in the personnel of the navy of 3,000 men, The Right )1urt, Regiaaald: clizl naz First Lord of the �1 a � avored five dreadnoughts, :rtdieal section of the Cazbinet Liberal party of the Cabinet ear +choral party insisted that IMAM suffice. Mr. MoKenn statement shows that as comprom-1, s:@ on fl 0,000 ire 11 h 1 a ex r ;.,.'Fred lame "ee a the? Si5"21F,inas %or naval and the admiralty au- A castling to this, by lie t}aatticship Neptune, fil e er indefatigable, and :od cruisers will Le avail- al ie far or-vt`ci', while the weasels Tinder eurR`att'laeton Wilk include tr"zt laaattleqrzpa, three armored cruisers, eri protected and three u,iarmor- as,ers, thirty-two destroyers, Snbr i kies. i a pointed out that seise ,tlnt, Of the e he increased pay for alt€* lr'Ater it At4rit of the niers, eenchtiags :and. .aard construction at Rosyth, k s said that, a heavy new con- ' ' onion llrogx ;name, which will in - noughts, is Pro- t Chicago Blew Up. AIONTRE AL Ithe line from Wiseonsin, near ,Ke,n- BUSINESS AT iosha, and sixty miles train Chicago, Montreal, mar. 14,......Oats—Cana- "blew up" un Thursda,y night with ahm Western No. 2, 3$:'4 38Xe, terrific force. The shock was felt car lots, ex-st'ere; e:itra No. 1 feed, toago many largo buildings in the 37),4e; No. 2 local white, 37'%c; No. loop were shaken The Boston 3 local white, 36;4lc ; No. 4 local store ont of the largest buildings white, 35,!"...e.. Finur—Manitoba. 'tin the loop, was so severely shaken Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.00; ,ithat large plate glass windows were seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat pat - square feet. • trians in the street below. Pleasant $4.90; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4. - Prairie is entirely wiped out, and 3o; in bags, $7.90 to Si.- Rolled not a buildinr, remains of a once oats ---Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 90 ' enders Dis Resignation as Direc- tor of Exnerimental Farms. 'A despatch from Ottawa; says: Dr. William Saunders, director of Dominion, experimental farms, has tendered his resignation to the Min- ister of Agrieulture. It will take effect at the end of the present month. Dr, Saunders, who is one of the best known men in the Do- minion of Canada, has been direc- tor of experimental farms since 1886. His reason for resigning is that of late his health has not been, good. He proposes to take a long holiday in Europe, and will sail for England in May next. He is 75 years of agc, and lived formerly in London, Ont. BE Legislation Will A.11ow Only Bona Fide Resicents to Vote on Local Option' A despateh trani-Toronto says : over the three-fifths clause, stated intportant change in the that the Government 'Would intro - prosperous little town. One life lbs., $1.95„ reed ba,rley, ear lots, is known to be lost, but up to the ex -store, 49- to 50e. Corn—Arneri- )resent time it is impossible to say can No. 3 yellow, 55 to 56c. Mill - just how many more. The pro- fead—Bran, Ontario, $29 to $93; perty loss is• estimated at 81,500,000. Manitoba, $2,1 to $23; middlings, Ontario, $24 to $25; shorts, Mani - .14 DYNA 3171TE TO OPEN HARBOR. No Other Way of Clearing Entrance to Sydney, NOTa Scotia. A despatch from Halifax says: It may be necessary to use dyna- mite to open Sydney Harbor to navigation. The ice in the harbor is nearly sixteen inches in thick- ness, but the real obstacle is an ice barrier, which has formed across the mouth of the harbor, and which is now about sixteen feet thick. It is made of lolly ice and snow, and effectively keeps all shipping from the port. The dynamiting of this htri.e mass of ice is now being con- sidered. SE,ai captains say that it can be mca no other way. t:t would take .‘le summer's sun to melt it. few people have any idea of the quantity and thick- neSS of the ice on the coast. A sea cantahi Stated that in some places $30. Eggs ---Selected, 23c; fresh, 25 stock, 18e. Cheese—Westerns, 11 3-3 ter—Choicest, 96 to 2.01/2.c; seconds, 24 to 25i/c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, March 14.--Wh.eat— September, 90 5-8c. Cash—No. 1 hard, 99:84c; No. 1 Northern, 98 to 991/c; No. 2 Northern, 95X to 97c; No. 3 wheat, 93X. to 96Xc. Bran— $20 to $21. Flour—First patents, do., seconds, $2.05 to $2.70. Buffalo, March 14.—Wheat -- Spring, No. 1 Northern, carloads track, through billed. Oats—Steady. t.ho ice has Piled tier 1.1P6n. tier, un- BarleY-Malting, 950 to $1. it reached -the great lteight tof sornetl.ing like sixty, feet. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal March 14. — Choice WEEKLY BOATS 'TO GERM steers sold at 6o, good at 5%c, fair- Six Steamers Alietween option law, which will Considerably and German. Ports. - , end to the conaplaints inadc by both alter, the si!,„ation in some totopei,ance liquor peopie in "iPalitiesi. Swill be inti'uduced in connection with ,),,cal option coo: le a' :( g:.17 d g tl tests untler the present law. The, pra.ctioally lirnit to bona fideoresi- owners from voting unless they are dents, aa., those eritit•• residents a ,,116 inter ^ Q upon a hical ojition,by- ested. mail who lives fifty ' miles away from the place can have Hanna Six passenger and freight steamers., forming a direct weekly .Setwice be- tween Ge man nd Cana a, is le latest feature. atinounc.ed for the approa-ching. .shipping season. The ,steaniers will be Tun under the di- . rection of ,theoCanarlit andtwill 1. ply 'from , the 'portS of lianiburg, ly goOd at fair at 50, and corn - moil at 41/ te 4:74c Per '1.b. PriceS ranging frein 3X. to 51.A.c, and bulls calve's' were macle.at from 82.50 to Cattle, butcher:. Or expertio'.$5.: 65 to -$5.90.; goOd tcrinee.liiiimaheavy, $5,50 to 55.70 ,light ineditin-t, $5.35 for eows were 1/0 per 'Ib lower Bill Introduced in the Ontario L by tie Ham Adana Beck 4 despatch from The way haa been opened extension of the Ilydro-elee '"e s vice to all the unorganized t lature ,or numb residents may al. dy e bill any re : the ter negotiations with the ctrie commission. The zone. Hon. Adam Beek's /iromised bill to provide for the local distri- butiou of electrical. power vas in- trodueed in the Legislature•on Wed-; nesday,. and when it beeomes law ties which have' hitherto been pre- vented from securing power be- cause of the opposition of other se tons, will be able to go right ahead. The measure embodies the local improvement principle, in that it provides the means whereby only the portion of the municipality be - 1 'ICA' 1.11Y1Ft, after ta1,7.i.ng, certain ; StP1 into a contract with toe t."ounnissnoti to supply powe.r to the appiinantn. The municipality may i•ssue debentures to enter the expense incurred and levy a. special rate. The rates charged for the power shall be large emingh to re- turn to the inunicipality the interest nd sinking fund upon the Lichen - Unorganized villages may apply o the township Council upon the g basis as groups of individn- als, the costs incurred to be spool- nefiting bears the expense. Under ally assessed upon the village. to $5; general run of eows, 84.10 to $4.75; good bulls, heavy, $5 to canners and -common, $2 to 83. Sheep—Firm at $4.50 to 8,1.85. 75. Hogs—Market steady and un - fed and watered, Heavy hogs over 220 pounds, 50c less. CONNAUGHT'S 'INAUGURATION DAL s Aide on 180, to Ottawa to Make Arrangements. A despatch from New York says: Capt. T. P. RiN,-ers Bulkeley, M.V.O., and aide-de-camp to the Duke of Connanight, the Hon. R. Fellowes,.. a son of Lord Ramsey, and Mr. John Gilliat arrived here on Friday ,t.ni the Mauretania. They are on their way to Ottawa to ar- range matters for the inauguration of the Duke of Connaught as Gov- ernor-General of the Dominion. PARADISE POR DOMESTICS. London Paper's View of Their Di - Iversions in Canadn. A despatch from Ottawa saysl In the Senate an Wednesday, Sena- tor McDonald, of British Columbian called attention to an article in an 1_,?nglish paper, the Mirror, which he said was misleading, as it order- ed servants to go to Canada, where the custom was to allow domestics to go boating and play tennis each afternoon. FIFTY 11 CENL INCIiEASE Census Comnaissioner tine Tells o rangements For Coming Pnsus, A despatch from Ottawa says: "We hope and feel that the census of Canada to be taken this summer lation of the country over that ,of the last official census in 7901 of at least fifty per cent," said :Mr. Ar- chibald Blue Census Commissiori- er, on, Thursday naorning• Mr, Blue stated that all the Commis- sioners had been appointed and that the enumerators, Would be appoint - The work will be "commenced on June 1 and will constune'mare time than the last, one, owing to the large inereaS,e population and the ad- ditional ground to be covered. Ac- oording"to Mr. Blue's 'estimate the census show the total -popula,- tion of Canada to be nearly 8;000,- 000, in 1901 it was about 0,,,7,000. The estimate is largely based on the Blue, said felt that Maritime :Proy:iices W 011 811.{; ;9' these Provinces, laiwever, many 1 migrants who originally intended to settle in 'them had been lit' efinaliretglil7atri.hoaryiltietisont ts.ht.,,ah,T.i!,eeaosftteltilhomeital)slimtr they W0111.6 S110 Y.' en increase ove 1901. All the other ProvirmeS. the Dominion would show subs,' tial ineresises. The Provin8 the nerthwetit, would slin't'idi