HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-9, Page 8411•11111111, SIJrilla Trlit Tlas spring trade this year pronlises Finest Clothing Materials in to be heavy one, and we are ProPar" ea for it with a full supply of the Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Etc. Our workmanship is the best and cannot he excelled, Try us for your new Spring Suit. •W W TAgAN. Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS SETTLERS EXCURSIONS EVERT TUESDAY March 14th to April .25th. inclusive, via Grand Trunk Railway System from ALI points In Ontario, Kins'atpn and West to principal points in Saskatche- wan, and Alberta including points on Orand Trunk Plushly Railway. The Grand Trunk its the OillY cloaft-tmek routs to Chicagp . Full Information, tickets, and trated literature tram Grand Trunk Agents, or address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat- in, Toronto, Ont. NYAL S On 4 Medicine means 'It is right," IVe obtained the distributing agency for l'sii,•ar$ Family Remedies because during alt t years that they have been on the nurse« They have been fOund gOod. That is just the eart of preparp tionst we want to handle—things that have been famed goad by lon trial. There are over eighty Nyal's Retriedies—too Many to name here. We wish to call your special attentiOn, though, to NYA.L'S PURIFIER for ALL I3LOOD .AND SKIN D1SEA.SES. NAYI.,'S KIDNEY PILLS and !ITAL.'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND tor KID- NEY AFFECTIONS, LAME BACK. etc. NYAL`S VEGETABLE PRESCRIP- TION. THE PEERLESS REMEDY FOR DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. NYAL'S PILO, A SOOT„.1-1ING AND EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR PILES NYA.L'S SALVE, FOR SORES, WOUNDS, SCRATCHES, BURNS, ETC. —THE I4NDIESP AND, MOST USE- FUL THING YOU EVER HAD IN THE 3IEDICINE CHEST. Come to us when eleeireneed ahYthing a gooddrug store ought to have—it's; here, and we'll take pleasure in show- ing how well we can serve you. VC 11011EY, Plat Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 LADIES! One week more for our special 10e; china bargain sale. No article on the tables more than 10c. OUR STOCK OF CONFECTIONERY ORANGES, BANANAS were never as large as right now, and toO, we have a new stock of Fancy Iiiisctilts which are going fast. ST. PATRICKS AND EASTER POST- CARDS by the thousands, they are beauties. Conte here for your cards. We have hundreds of small articles too numerous to mention., DON'T 'FORGET TEAT WE GIVE (1 PREMIUMS with all our dreg prepa- rationeour pries are nia higher than, elsewhere, still we give premiums.. It will pay you to delop lin often, and h see what you cam pick ta,p for little 4 money. • i New St. Patrick and Easter cards just opened. _ c Come in and letak around . Nriarveril"gr'grIF LOCAL DOINGS. Mrs P. Mac le is on the sick it at Present, Mrs. Those Elliott is confined to her roOne *through iteepari. Me. John Gillespie has been oit duty this, Week, owing to illaesa. A number of Exeter boy si attended the carnival in Seaforth on,Fridayt'Slight. After 'bars 8t down, tor two weeks the foundey has resumed operations on Moaday, , Mr. Wesley Dearing ,ot • Stcpiteu ia eoetined to his bed suffering t rout a severe attack of labago. efre, Frank Cote s of 'Osborne le con.. fined to her bed, -suffering from a ee- vere attack of broeschites. 13eatriee and Oliver Hodgert entertale- ed a ube t tdieliietriends to our - prise party on Friday night, Mr Harold Swans ot Edea addressed Me. T. E, Handford'e class in the Main Street church Sunday after -eat -411 - .MA, 13. W. F, Beavers will build a house ea the land north of the Maiu st. ceureh, He purchased this property re- eeretier. e Messrs. M. Salter, M. Southcott and R. May coeducted the service in Cen- tralia Methodiat Church on SentleY neening. . load of Eseterites cettendedc„the hoc- key maten tr Hensall between Crediton ad Zurich. Friday night, when the lat- ter team won," 11-5. Ed. Anderson of Seeforth, eon'‘of Mr. George E. Andersen of tEeetere ,won he mile championship skating race tor boys 00. I--aday night in Seatorill. Mr. W, Blatchtond ort, Saturday purchased dr. Jae. Richairdscea res. idence on William Street. Mr. Richard - eon goes west again in a shprt time. Mr. Wm. Snell, wile has been resici- I,ng in Mr, Thos. Betts residence on Gilley at. hag moved with his family ihto Mrs. Maitiesbn'e house on Will- iam Street. Dogs killed twenty-threc hens for Mr, A. Q. Bobler on Saturday and Sues tliy. Had they pot been disturbed in ;itch' work the lose would have been, taseh greater, -efr, and Mrs. W J Vance announce the marriage of their daughter Selena Alberta to :Nit., Johr4 Simmons 451 Hibbert The marriage to take Plac0. on, Wednes- day March 15th. A =tuber of the youngl people gave a surprise party to Mr, Hiram, Shap to oe Monday evening. We are pleased ,to report that Zr.'eShapton Is recovering from his recent fllaees M,r. Albert Andrew last week rented his farm near Elinivilic to Mr, John Herdman. Mr. Andrew will move to town, and may probably take a peos- pecting trip west this summers .The winter picnic ot tlee 10,in Street church people was held on Friday even- ing at the home of Mr./ Adolphus Hoop- er, Lake Road, when a most enjoyable time was spent by those present, instructive, impressive, entertaining Bunyante Pilgra,m's Progress in Pic- ture and Song, will b'l presented to the citizens of Exetdr in Samoa street' Methodist church, on, Monday evening, March lath, by Re'. P.,SI,. Wilkinson ot Aylmer, Ont. A Silver Collection at the door. Rev. Mr, Powell -of Mainstreet church will occupy the James street pulpit on Sunday morning next, and Rev. T. L. Wilkinson of Dunville, In the evening. - The latter will occupy the Main street pulpit in the morning. Rev. R. Hobbs is in Kingsville assisting Rev. Walter Millson in evangelietleal services. Renewing his subscription to The Ad- vocate from Qlds, Alberta, on Feb 2.7, Mr. a Bagshaw says,— We move out on the homestead at Morrin, Alta., 65 miles east, on far. lst. We have had very cold weather this winter, as low as 58 below zero. The last three days have been, a regular blizzard. It is noth- ing new to see frozen noses around here. Mr. Samuel G. Lamport, who for a number of years has .conducted a general store in Clandeboye, last week sold the business to 1408E013., McKenzie Bros. of Lobo. Mr. Lamport has been in very nor health foe some time, suffering rom inflammatory rheumatism, eonse- uently has been obliged to sell. Mr. and Mrs. Lamport have decided to move to Exeter to reside. t Mr. 'William Baker o,n, Saturday sold is 100 acre farm, being Lot! 7, COIL Stephen to gr. John James °ern- s!: of th,e same township for a 'sum, n the neighborhoed , of $7000. Mr. ornishtgets possession on April lst. fr. Baker will have a sale shortlye and will move to Exeter tO reside for a erne east. Mrs. Alfred Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. W.m. Bag -shave, Mrs. Fred. Hogarth of ,Ex- eter and Mrs. Elston of Centralia- at- tended the funeral of Nellie Singular With of Hugh Fraser of near Ailsa Craig which took place on:Monday. Deceased formerly resided in, Steplaen and learn- ed_ millinery- with Mess Horne, conse- quently Will be remembered by many Exeter residents. She had not been 'en- joying the best oe health for a year but was -seriously 111 only three weeks. She was married five ,years ago and is survived by her husband, six brothers, two sister, and her mother who' is 90 years of age. itfrs. Bagshaw is a sis- ter of deceased and Mrs. Bowie, Mrs. Hogarth and Mrs. Elston rileces. SHOOTING A,CCIDENT.—Mr. James Dearing of Stephen had a narrow es- cape from serious injure --on -Thursday .'act. He was out shooting with a double-barreled shot gun add when dis- charging one of the barrels it burst, wit', the re,sult that tete Uttte finger of leis left hand was broken and his finger otherwise PainiullY injured. Powell's Bazaar' J. WILLIS r0-‘-vELL, Proprietor. • • * ell7 s E Tgi + THE STOCK I carry contains all the new lines for the Winter Trade,' corming from the hest mills in the world. THE WORK We turn out is cut, arid fashioned in the * tile style prevailing the day you are measured. ET Everything the vei'y latest and, best -when ou let us teake-clothes for you. - which are PrOteeted:. 'all ,,Ontario," ;to .be kllled Itelt*fte'r GovernMeet ofeieialse bock steeaneeieenel • • , the Legia- , L4. eZfCCt season Lor 000 extend- ed H1 -17i deitie!'and ithe keaeOni. foe, killing ineteeat!e*ilfh,e;',..,Sdeterided Ol'efeetetc ridgte, -kt Irririgrvrierip-rwlwrorin i --VISITORS FLA.11.a.a.a,".e.a.e..41/4.a.Aka Mese Lela. Gould was in London On Moneley ',Mrs. Harry Parsonspent Mooday ,111 Lceedon.- Mtel. Thos. Cornish is visiting in t. this week, Garvey ACheson of London was home over Sunday.M. , W. t, Blatchford wont to Clio - ton Saturday. Sohn Mellott was in London on Thursday last, Miss Jarrott visited Miss May Rive ces over Sundae-. Miss Della Kestie has taken a Poe- 'tiaa in London. Miss Edna Follick visited in St. Mary e last week. "tkiiss Jessie Creech visited in Len - dee part ef 'the week! -"Nirs. E& cud -more of Kippen visited T, Prior's tat week. hiss Winnie Huston, milliner,, has ac,. eepted a situation in Harailton, Ed. Anderzon and .TollPiper of Sea - feet I were in town over Sunday.. Mrs. Wilson of London is visiting see •daughter, etre. W. D. Clarke, Saeeturned trent Seatorth last We0iC. being somewhat indispOsed. Rev. Fletcher, Rev. Sharp, and Mr, Strang went to Blyth ItiondaYinight Enoch Rteweliffe has accepted 4 Paeltion With the l',XeClarY Co. London, M. Will Knight of London spent Sat- urday and Sunday with relatives here, Meseta, L. H. Dieleeole and N, Dyer .-Ittrden were in GederiGh Thursday on businees, Mr. G. E. McTaggart, ot Blyth Ispeat Suoday With ide parents, 1,tr. land .M113, MeTart. Mrs, Wm. Creech returned Monday ev- ing from. Ieralltrerd, where she visit- ed for tWo weeks, mist' May Hawkins d'eturtled last trOZIF P. visit With 1i,01" sister, Xre, Pollard, in Windsor. Mr. Berry and daughter, aftera(e aviait with r. and Mrs. R. G. Seldom have returned to Ingersoll. Mr. _Harvey 'Valeh, ot LOnden la vislting his uncle and aunts Mr. and Mrs- Geo E. Anderson4 "Atertie Hiltz ev4e. has been "hero with his sister, 11,re. I,. V1110011, left Sat.- urday for Pontiac ;filch., , Mr and .gre. Geo. .Mantle visited at the home of the latter's father, Mr Ina, Duncan, Farquher, Sunday, Mr. Homer 13sgshaw lett on Wednes day for the west, atter sPending the winter with his parents here, Mrs. C: E. Dale, nee Amelia Oke. of St. Thomas, spent part ot last week as a guest at the Central Hotel. :Mrs. Garnet Baker of London and Miss Elia Beaver of Creditore visited, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Thursday. Mr. Thos. Snell of Lioedon, was here over Stmday. Re tontelaPlatte /allying or commencing a business la town. Mrs. Frank Hancock left Saturday to visit In London for afew days' prior to returning to heri,honie n WFtidstone, Alberta. Mr. and frs. Silas Stanlake," jr., were at Clinton thia week lattendinet‘the fun- eral of the latter',a grakeimother, Kiplady. 1 Mrs. McGillicuddy returned to her home In "Watford Saturday, after a -yes- it of some weeks with her son, koDrt McGillicuddy. 1,4 Mr. and. Mrs. Alien keicLeani who have been visiting the letters -parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Luxton, for' three Menthe/ left Tuesday anorning for Fillmore Sask, T. B. Carle -nig returned Thursday from Grand Bend, where he conducted a successful auction! sale of .store goods Cor 1VIessrs Tiem1an Se: Eclighoffer et Dashwood. Mr. Wm. Kain, ot Langdon, N. Dakota is visiting friends in and around Exeter, Mr. Rain, was a former resident of lillsgreen and was a pleasant caller on the Advocate Saturday. Mr. Geo Pedier, is, we regret to say, not Improving any. „ lefiss" Etta Kerslake, London Road South is 111 with the Lagrippe. Mr. Geo. Hawkins Is again on duty at the store, after several days, illness. The real estate of the_ late Mrs., George Eacrett was not sold Friday at the the auction sale. Miss May Skinner of 'Osborne, has commenced to learn dressmaking with Miss M. !Tons 1 Mr. R. G. Seldom last week purchase ed the hatese In which he resides 'on, Andrew street fronts Mrs. JohneSnell. eIrs. Paul Coates oif Usb;orne is on the sick list at present, as are alsto,. he two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates, " - Mr. Geo, Mantle on Saturday!, purchas- ed the Flour and Feedebusiness ot 'Wm, Rivers. • %/I -r' Mantle will also con- duct a wood and- epee yard in cZnnec- tion with the business. Ie your bread is devoid of taste, or- der a seek et MODEL. Bread made from it will have the nutty flavor. - —HARVEY BROS. -DENTAL opRicE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that my °t- rice is cldsed every Wednesday J3.fter- noon. DR. ROULSTON. NOTICE—Ila,ving- diSposed -of • nor Four and Fced Business to :gr. Geo. Mantle, ail accounts due hie must be, settled by Mar. 20th. If not they will 'be placed -1u other hands for collection. —WireLIAM RIVERS. The testimony of hundreds— 'Entirely Satisfaciery" ; °Cannot speak too - eighly. of .it"4, °We regret we did 'not leeein io use it before."—MOlDELi, ur ---DIARVEY BR08 4ATr.ei.44,“eiet:ND ENTERTAI mE'NNTwr'-'NA i1Ihe.4dil'in the . C'Ive'1'Pre landt g s s -Day eiiepting' TIngland, •, th;;Batioi vIYPOU0 er EXETER MARKETS. \ OIXANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 75 78 Barley, '• . • • • 50 Buckwhea:t, • . , • .. • . 48 50 Peas.. • . •••••• 142.•••••• Potatoes, per bag FlAys p er ton "*" Flonr, per cwtfamily 'Flour. low grade per ew Butter., . Live hogs, pe' cwt Shorts per ton—. Bran per 70 75 50 •75 050 1000 250 1 45 I4 20 20 10 19 665 22 00 20 00 C. P. R. Lands for Sale The undersigned has been appoint- ed Local Sales Solicitor for Exeter and vicinity. The /ands that we bye for sale are situated in Central Alberta PRINCIPAL CROPS,— Wheat, a . falfa, Oate, Sugar beets, Malting Barley. OLIMATE,—MILD TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES— unequalled. Go oa Market, Cheap Lands, LIBERAL TERMS OP PAY- MENT. --Payment in ten equal an. nual instatments or on crop payment plan. Call and get particulars at W. J. Carlings Store. T. B. Carlin°. gamosomog BUILDERS SUPPLIES MECHANICS fin TOM NAlt-5,GLASS,PUTTY IROHPIPEr FITTIKS "Eureka" Steel Sap Spouts give entire satisfaction to oureustomers, customers, because they are strong, safe and secure, no leakage, easily inserted, do not injure the tree. successful flow of sap. Sap I iii1S If you require sap pails or sap pans, order now. Ours are extra heavy, hand made, Our pans are heavily ironed to with- stand the fire. • ,Threshing Goods We can sell you guaranteed Oil and Grease at wholesale prices and you have no freight to pay. Call or write for special prices. Preston Safe Lock Shingle Tinsniitlaing, Plumbing, and Furnace work a specialty. T. flawkins & Son, i?ElONE 20 We deliver promptly 11/111111f/111111/111/111gMaillifitalitlallifjallft LADIES Send yur- b 4k ngs to 9 Cesol.b,pral:akneb1.iS5ntott st1cli:::::5d2°. ono. to action Guarantee g eekl; "rem $1.00 sm, opn Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second'= Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in s om e other second-hand way. I am the only authorizea Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offict- iai Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada, Our Showing of - High Class Furniture ,s one of the best in Huron County and is without a doubt the finest ever seen in Exeter. See our gcods in Tables Chairs, Parlor and YE3 co/3 ro o m Suits, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture °I he exhibit at our store is open to all on every lawful day of the week. Call and see it at any time. No need to go past this store if you are looking for elegant furnitme. ROWE „ & ATKINSON The Leath= Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. MAY Big Showing of New Goods Every day we are adding New Goods to our already large showing of the season's best styles and materials, You cannot buy too early. Spring is just about here and now is the time to prepare for it, NEW WASH GOODS New Prints, Ginghams, Chain- , brays, Cotton 'Voiles, Ripps, Linens, Vestings. Muslims, Ern, braideries and Laces. Every- thing that is hew will be found here in the most stylish colors and patterns. NEW FANCY SILKS Are very much in demand for this spring in the New Bright Colors. They are taking the place of muslins and just •• as cheap., All colors in Jap, Tokio, Paillette Taffeta. " • NEW DRESS GOODS We areshowing the' best we ever did. ' All this season's most fashionable fabrics in Black, Navy, 'King's Blue, Tan, Fawn. Green and Brown. A lot of Dress Lengths. , ' NEW BLACK .SILKS We have a reputation for • our ,Ellack , Silks. We can warrant .and guarantee the wear of I them. You are sure of your dress not cutting if bought at • this store. Black Silks of all kinds up to $1.50 per yd. Our Ready -t() -wear Department We are going right into ibis line for Spring and soon will have a t complete range of Rea,dY-to-wears to show ,you. SPRING COATS DRESS SKIRT The first sh'ipment to hand. A swell lot to show you in Long and Short Coats are worn this season in Black, 13lue and Fancy Trinamed Voiles, Pana - Fawn. mas and enettan cloths. Silk, Illorren, Regal Taffeta and SatinDozen Underskirts. Ten of thedifferent lines to show you fromi 51. to o 55 . "L ' , • . • , GENT'S FT_TRNISE- ING The New Spring Shirite, Coll- ars Ties, Gloves Underwear Hats and Claps, Fancy SOX belts and Suspenders are all in. You will want some. HOUSE YETRNISH- ING For the early house, cleaning New Rugs Carpets' Ilittits° Kitt4 ting, Lace and Tapestry, tains Blinds, Wall P)er and Linoleum& ,Wer,rti* juseopeaed a crate Of New Dinner -and l'eaW ifog, atiout14-Wpyiee.and will be :cleared., out chep at 4 50 7 tea set for•84,A ' • • - 41, • • . t.21.1 - • ' ° "1=Vz Mtwa - •gr ,4142.124 . , 44.7" "k• t?' ekes; . , LW, LLLLL .N4‘;z1