HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-9, Page 71111EIJAATISl1 CURED TO _STAY CURED Liniments of no Avail—The Trouble Iust be Troatea Through the Mood. This artiele is iotended as. a talk to the man or woman with rheuma- tism who wants to be cured. Not merely relieved, not half mired, but aetually cured. The most a _ rheumatic sufferer can hope for io rubbing something on, the swollen aching joirtte is a little relief. And all the while the trouble is becona- ing more firmly seated. Medical autherities flow knew that rheuma- tism is rooted in the Wood ,and that while robbing on liniments or bat fomentations may give tempor- ary reliek they eannot possibly eure—you must go to the reot of the trouble in the blood. That is why Dr, WilliamsPink Pills eure rheumatism. They make new, rich blood, which expels the poisonous aeid, nd t.110 rhelLmati*xn dieap- pears, There are thousands of termer rheamatie sufferere in Ca - „nada, now well end strong, who 4r thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pine that they are now free from the ache and paios and tortures of this dreaded trouble. Mr. Joseph Lud- 'dington, New Harbor, N, S,, says; "Stone three years 4tgo my wife was strieken with rheumatism, and euf- (erect eo much time we dispaired of ller ever getting well again. At first ehe was able to go 0,bout, bat o site of all We did for her she rew eo bad that we had to lift her and out of bed, and finallY the pains grew so excruciating that we rould only move her little by little, with the sheet wider her, Finally '0 were induced to get Dr, liame Piok Pills for her. I 40 not remember just how inaoy boxes she took, but I do know that they'swere the first trisolicine that reached the disease, and that she eontirsued to linprove until she was again as well es ever, and mold do her house- hold wOrk. To us it is simply marvellous what,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for her, anti we are glad to give this testimonial in the hope that it will benefit some other poor sufferer,” Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent, by mail at 50 centa & box or nix boxes for $2..60 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. iwiTERIN 0 RA IND lt 0 P S. ;Varying Sound Effects on Timbre tir las of Different Fabrics. "The patter of the raindrops on the roof, as the poet puts it," said 111r, MaeGlinekinton, "has one sound on a shingle roof, another on a tin roof and quite another still on a roof of corrugated iron; and there's as much variety in the sound of raindrops falling on um- brellas. "You raise a cotton umbrella, for instance, and the ramn. falling on it has no resonance. On a cotton um- brella, the fabric thick and soft and comparatively loosely woven, the raindrops fall with a soft, almost noiseless sort of dull thud; the rain and the sound are absorbed in the sPongier fabric. No „liveliness in the patter of raindrops on a cdtton umbrella. "But now you take what they call a union umbrella, made of a cloth part cotton and part silk, or part linen and part silk. Here we tlo. set a patter of raindrops; the fabric,. is elosely woven enough and tight- ly enough stretched to give some re- mnance. It is a distant patter that we get when the raindrops strike a anion umbrella; but on umbrellas .we get the full effect of pattering raindrops on silk umbrellas only. "The silk umbrella- is made of a line fabric, closely and uniformly woven and as tightly stretched be- tween its ribs as a drumhead. It is on the silk umbrella only that we , set the full effect of pattering rain- drops, sharp, ringing and resbnant. If romantically inclined, we have no place where we can go to listen_ Lo the patter of the raindrops on the roof, we can get somewhere near to that effect by walking abroad in the rain carrying a silk umbrella." els 'How bright and happy May looks since her en gaeeinent." "iyyless;faacieriteh usually lights tip a you "don't seem to e',,;'enjoying yourself. 'No uncle, lraying,a miserable time, Auntie �ld trie to 'eat as Much 'assI wanted • and I cisii't!" • Itlax-7",:feneS ,is the IllOSLi wide - Wake man I know."' Dax,"You' Urprise.me, eI never heard of his ,eingespecially . enterpiss,in.g.. fax --"Oh e it isn't' enterprise that LOVERS CON.VEY MICROBIES.T ILYEWUMAN The siiistrlaii Police Stop itoniantic WHAT RY Courtship. A QUSL0111 of country courtship dating from Ttho immortal past has been interfered with by the pelice in Upper Austria in their efforts to suppress the foot-and-mouth ths- ease whieh is affecting animals in that province, The microbes are, it is said, distributed by human agency. Infected areas bave been careful- ly shut off, but in spite el all pre- cautions the disease is spreeading, rapidly. It has BO* occurred to the authorities that the ancient courting etistom known as "Fen- eterin" may be responsible for the extension of the disease frqm one farm to another, "Feststerin" es a species ef serenading _indulged in by the young peasants. After the day's toil, the young man dresses in his best clothes' and with great seerecy slips Away from his home to the farm where the girl of his af, fections lives, Then, standing be- neath her bedroom windew, he sings old folk -tunes. If the girl is favorably inclined to him, she appears at the -window and allews the swain to kiss her hand, The pollee say that no other emit- raunication. with the infected farms ean bare taken place, and have con- sequently forbidden "Feosterin." Disregrel of the regulation will involve fines and imprieooment. TUNING A. BELL. neweinnen-44 Thk n Bits Are Shared From Tar is Parts of the Metal. "What a beautiful tone that bell has!" is often beard. There are few, however, says The Scientific Amerieati, who know how a bell res eeves its joyful or solemn tones All hells, after they are east and finished must go through a process oi tuning the same as any other musical instrument before they re- spond with a clear, true tope. Ev- ery bell sounds *CC notes, which must blend together in order to produce perfeet harmony. The tun- ing of a bell is done by means of shaving thin bits from various parts of the metal. It is as easy for n expert tuner to put a bell in tune as it is for A piano tuner to adjust his instrument to perfect chords. At first thought it would eem that a bell would be ruined should the timer shave off too much at the laet tuning, or the fifth sound, but suh is not the ease. Ile would, however, be obliged to be- gin over, starting again with the first tone and shaving again till it gave forth its harmonious sound M the fifth tone. BOWEL TROUBLE MAKES SICKLY BABIES •••••••••••,. r3owel trouble is the cause of most ri the ailments from which little ones suffer. When baby's bowels are uot working regularly illness is sure to appear, but when the bowels irc regularathe little one is usually hright, active and happy. No other .nedieme for babies has such good offect on the bowels as has Baby's Own Tablets. They make their ;iction regular, sweeten the sto- .nach and promote good health. Concerning them Mrs. Freeman U'eener, of Barry's Corner, N. S., writes: "I can heartily recommend Baby's Own Tablets for all the troubles from which little ones suf- fer. My baby girl was troubled with her bowels and was so small and puny I thought we would lose her. I saw Baby's Own Tablets ad- vertised and' began giving thefts to her and now she is a big, healthy happy baby, For this_ I thank the Tablets, and I always keep them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by Mail at 26 cents atbox from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., BrosIrville, Ont. GERMAN BUREAUCRACY. A'good story is going the rounds of the French newspapers illustrat- log the beauties of bureaucratic government in Germany, says the „London Globe. We are told that in the Post Office Department, if a clerk wishes a new pencil he has to hand in the stump of the one that has become too short to work with. In the particular instance cited a clerk received his new -pen- 'nil without returning the end..13e- fore the omission was discovered the clerk was transferred to an- other office. Just after he had com- menced his duties at his new post he received an official intimation that be had neglected to hand in his pencilend By this time it had disappeared, but to prevent bother the clerk purchased a new pencil cut off a piece about the length of the missing bit, and despatched it to the stationery department. it s insomia. . FIRST CHOICE. Mr Jawb.wk---"My dear a, great bore forthe one ot hefirst to leave §e 3 eked rs. avOsitek ,rn are a :144;1,, 11.4 aW , ak. VIIi NY prove it ut ,insthe- hall an4.4 k SHOULD KNOW DODO'S 'KIDNEY PILLS WE SURE CURE FOR ALL ACHES AND PAINS. Mrs. Vaillaneourt adds her expert, mice to the great mese of proof that Doild's Kidney PO s aie man's best friend. Lafonel, Alberta, Feby. 4 (Pecial).—That the women of the West ate finding in Dodd' s Kidney Pills A sure relief from those aehes and pains that only women know is becoming, more s.videot every day, and Mrs., Agnes Vailianeourt of this plaee gladly gives her experience'ea an addition to the mass of proof that is being piled, up, "For three years 1 suffered in- tensela' with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Veillancourt states, "I had paio everywhere, 1 only used Six boxea ef Dodd's Kidney Pills end I an completely ured of all ray aeliee and pains. I ant in perfect health to -day," Woman's health depends en .01 Kidney, If they are not in perfect order the impurities are Pot strained out of her blood and she cannot be healthy. She feels it, ir every part of her body and the re, ult is that she is weary and worn and full of aches and pains. What every woman ehould know is that there is sure relief and perfect health for her if she uses Dodd's Kidney Pills. — T'ITIENED PIED 1JPER. Bubonie Plague at Bombay Due to Rats. The bubonic plague has killed 169,000 people in the last fourteen years in the city of Bombay atom:el the highest mortality beteg 20,000, in 1903 and the lowest 5,000 during! the past year. The redoetian 4,1 the mortality can be traced very largely to the number of rats killed in the city, who are the industrious carriers •of the disease, A half nut lion rats were killed last year in that eity alone, of which namber 90,000 were examined by the bee- teriologiets of the health depart- ment and 9,000 of them were found to be infected -with the plague, The wholesale destruction of these red - exits was aecomplished by the mos careful munioipal plaa and co-op- eration. of health and poliee depart- ments, which scattered bread smeared with poison certain hour each day in all parts of the city, and furnished thousands of disin- fected traps to the inhabitants, who caught tens of thousands of them. LAWS FOR IIELGLIN PAIN'TERS' Restrictions Regarding Liquor— Employees Responsibilities. Belgium ha e just drawn, up a sPeeial code of laws governing Painters and the exercise of their craft which are singularly strict and exhaustive. From the fashion in which the new laws hedge teem in with en- foreed precautions one would think painting tbe most dangerous trade in the whole catalogue In the lrst place no employer 4i,f painters may Iemploy a, roan who drinks alcoholic beverage e to the temporary extipe- tion of his logical Power; and no intoxicating liquors are to be brought into the vicinity of the workers. Employers are respon- sible for the care which their men take of their persons. They must see that every painter washes his band e befere eating, ' suspend the men whoae health i not satisfactory, and dieeharge any one suffering from lead poisoning. 'A painter may not wear the same clothes es -he street or in his home which he ,,,,, in his trade. He is imPeratheee required to arm him- eelf with a special suit of clothes and a ecreeeed hat, Contraetors and master paintere are restricted in the nse of white lead to the grooncl lead mixed with oil, and it is stipulated that this mixture mitet he so handled that it deee not splash or eame in contact, with the painter's hands. The law etrietly forbids eeraping of dry painted eurfacea in which white lead has been used. This will doubtleee prevent numb earelees. nese and protect the careless paint- er from his own inehseretiop, but it is terribly restrictive and smacks of over-legislatioe, 176614 int3A v0sidics. intrsts. *Aaiun's. 0 0 — markable how often a w , man ehages her mind," "Oh, not always. Tliertee one idea every wo- man gets that She never ehanges." "What's that?" "Tim idea that she's pretty!" Soft corns are diincult to eradi- cate, but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. A man likes to respect the smart things his children say, because he imagines' it is hereditary. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. After finishing some things it keeps us busy keeping them finish- ed. TO. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tato LAXATIVE Tatou° Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund moway if itfails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on oa.ch box. 23c. And the man who is driven to 'drink by adversity probably would have it brought to him by prosper- ity. Many patent medicines have come and gone'but Sickle's Anti-Con- suinptive Syrup continues to occu- py a foremost place among reme- diies for coughs and colds and as a preventive of decay of the lungs. It is a standard medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need of something to rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup._ An inveterate, wit and punster asked the captain- of a craft loaded with boards' how he managed to get dinner on the passage. "Why," replied the skipper; "we always cook- aboard!' "Cook a board, do . you rejoinedthe wag; then T see you have been: well provided with provisions this trip, at all events." Relief for the Depreesed.—Phye1. cal and mental depression usually have their origin in a disordered state of the stomach and liver, as when these organs are deranged in their action the whole system is at, fected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They revive the digestive pTODOSSCS, act beneficially on the nerves and restore the spirits as no other pills will. They are cheap, simple and sure, and the effects are lasting, Highwayman -- "Halt] Your money or your life!" Victim --"It's no go, stranger. My wife's in the same line of business now the spring sales are on, and she's just finished with me!" 1111nard's Liniment Cures Curtis, Etc. Shc---"What do you mean by put- ting your arm round my waist?" He—"De you object?" She—"Look here, Frank. I'll give you just one hour to remove your .arm, or I'll tell papa." Costiveness and its ,Cure.—When the excretory organs refuse to per- form their functions properly the in- testines become clogged. This is known as costiveness and if n.eg- lected gives rise to dangerous com- plications. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will effect a speedy cure. At the first intimation of this ailment the sufferer should procure a pack- et of the Dills and put himself un- der a course of treatment. The good effects of the pills will be al- most immediately evident. A scientist says the human race is more than 18,000,000 years old— yet some specimens don't know enough yet- to close the door on a zero day. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Welt, Weary, Watery Eyes and GranulatedEyelicls. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Rimedy, Liquid, 25c, 50e, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve 1n.0 Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by 'Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. -- "John " sazd Mrs Spenders "I've got lots of things I want to talk to ydu about." "Glad to hear it," snapped her husband; "usual- ly you wantto talk to me about lots of thinos that vou haven's got." Vlittard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.. GOBBLES EVERYTHING. There is a shaggy little black-and- tan insect, about an eight of an , inch long, that eats everything un-' . e der the sun which is rlot disturbed every day. It has to be surprised at its work 'lice a 1)urglar. In most , etes 1.0ame,otfi9cisilti :et:Lir:foie, omsia,one, ivory0asetsct ,6:1); :6.1-;:nsilivicogs;iy..apitat. are thisdpi' eats latlttt: I going socks .-r- e ear rush and eat On, il.vitioicohtli;yoilick a; riet e. bristles ;, it ' solo- tooth , , ,as well 'as" your husband?* 4# 'q ancileS,,ef rdaii, g I iejects net on an LIGHTHOUSE liErPEll'S STORY. From the light -house at Lobste COVe Head, Ponne Gay, Newfound- land, Mrs- W. Yoneg,sehole an ex- perience of Zans-Buk, which ehoold iertainly act as a true hea.eon light, euiding all sufferers from 'skin ells - base to a safe harbor of refuge. Mrs. Yoeng says: "I suffered with eczema for seven years and to py great <Wight Zarri-7uk has 1.1rerfj. Ines The disease started on ny breast, and pread until it ex. ended over my back. The itching tad borniogeeespeeially when, the 1._ffecte4 parts were warm—was ter. rible; and yet whdh the eruptien was scratched oe rubbedit tinned to bad Pores, and caused great pain. I went to a doctor, and tried rarious preserintions, but seemed lo get no benefit, so tried another fleeter, Again I got no relief, so eied a third decee, and then a, urth. Although they all did their ,est far me I got no relief. thought I never wouhl bettredi when I saw a report in The FURL. - 1y Herakl" telling how beneficial Kaw-Bplz was in caeeo of skin die' ease, so I tried it, "Well, from the use of the ver first box I saw Zawilitle was.gaim to do me good. It eased the Irrita- tion, stopped the pain, and the sores began to dry up and dieappear, short, I found Zara-Bille all that „ was claimed for it, and wstion a very short firfle it worked A, DOER, plete euro." Not, only fer eczema, bet kr ut ere, abscesses, varicose V01115, had leg, poisenedf wounds, eats, eold sores, ehapped places, piles, ring. worm, chddren's ertiptione, burne, scalds, and all skin injuries and dis. eases, Zan -I -Bilk will be found un. equalled, All driaggiets and Morel sell at 50e, box, or post free front Zera-Buk Co„ Toronto, far priee. Refuse harmful substitutes and imi- t.aticeis. Try Zee -I -Bak Soap, tool Twv•rimwereartnmr• , A VETERAN,' Law 'rhe eross-examina did not eeem to worry you, you had any previous experie e Client --"Six ehildren," Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be heal- thy. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator ie the best medicine extant to destrey worms, , HAD A TOUGH FOOT. A bare-footed negro wandered in- to a blacksmith shop in a little southern town, While watching the ' srnith pound the iron into shape, he Unconsciously stepped on a rcti-hot coal. After several minutes had passed," he sniffed his nose once or twice and remarked in an inciden- tal way, "Peabs to me, sah, (let I smells rnbbah burnin"." Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been mod for ewer SIXTY.VVVE rnAns by munoxs or 610TIVEN far their ORILDREN TEETIIING, with ritlilrliCT SUCCESS. lt SOOTlifS to CHILD. SOFTENS 1.00 MIMS. ALLAYS nil PAIN: CURL'S WiED COMO, and lo the best remedy for Seid/WU eV0ts In every port tho world "tenure and adc for 04's.Winslow a Soot/du ke other kind. g Syrup," and tano oI'veentY•nye cents t odic,. 0 larenteed undor the Yood and Drugs Aet, 3tano tet. Mo. Serial Number 1000. Ali OLD ,AND WELL T1U1D =LIMY. HIS TRADE. "I know a slight, unassuming fel- low who can take any man's nerve away.'' "Who is he?" "The dentist." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refuncl money if PAZ() OINT- MENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14days. 50c. "Now," said au Irishman, after a serious accident to a fellow -min- , er, "we'll have to send some man to break the news to Moriarty's wife." "Send Hannigan," sugkest- ed one of the gang. "He's jnst the man to break the news gradual= look how he stutters." Millard's Liniment for sale everywnere. Before marriage, a man feels un- worthy of his sweetheart, but after marriage he acts as if he had done her a great favor in leading her to the altar. Ready-made Medicine—You armed no physician for ordinary ills when you have. at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. For coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchial tron, bles it is invaluable, for scalds 1, burns, bruises, sprains it is ULISILY, passed, while feyelltsi sores, "' 111, i 1 cers and the like it s an ungtiestion. able healer. It needs no testimore ial other than the Use, and that, will satisfy anyone as to -its effecd1 tivesie,se :so' THE f$EST MEDICINE 01- S ACENTS WANTED, A es, wAserso.---s5.os a day Yi experience needed, Klls oat oight, lad necessity ts. inassrs. Does work of thirty mem Pays for itiett i otte Lour. 'Write to.tiF. 610DERiV 6fAenxEllY CO (mere, 6). 5ar41,„ OR SALE. 11/11°TORCYCL145, Flying Markel*, Briarr„uee* „Ly_1Xaies„, Erown's, Linualu, Ells, and °Ultimo .Irsraer a4,1W010& nd :as-itfrom 6S0 to soact fe get eteeep.--11rowD, 516Spa5ina, Toronto. 14104 p,41.4., -„too Towairhip 'stor...goupty elideueoe, az:may wad elay laseit, %ger** ir4i4dine*talx, vides th Loa, d0n 1 dale to R. r-Latiun and o. o.— The Western Real Estate Exchange,- Limited., London, Ont. I r°''° iro tsptirclar40 Irraits Stout, Grain, IL or Dairy Farm ha Ontario, tar Laud la Nia.ni- tiaba, S.ssii"atchesvad or Alberta. Vsztaalt nth, I ,syotLonsandfarnis on hay Nat, somi Largains. It you, w.,11at ta sell s,liv kin4 at property, sqo =0. )lose Main 'OK Nights sad boltdaye. Po.d4 621. U., W. Payr$Lqt, Ninetf Colborne StrOet, Toronto, an IA'ANTgrf,. Wo3aN WANTED io rePre•elliWo • doit4rs1 par day. eadary Luta on, Noexp0rteueo 11e0essary, Write, NIWiQL5 00„ Ihnited, Toronto, stiarn—el 0, -,Its Low WOraka. (VOWS! tdrisoiese e4ra twolve jeff, Write for eatalege ollo,zo, Q000n Eam, Tons FA F 111.4.1)E'T-Zib:W 1..—cagOU/ iPStrile• Itror-tools fro.% ightakfn do Neter. akiripo. E,A14:ti A Mil, ra most fertile iliotrlets ip4 p;evr4ion io prT 'Write pow. ,Mathews Po- 0e, opt« eflt 1ri4 throi/011011t Oatar4a. iflANOER, eei. 14unlips, etc, Mal AO external, eared without est!) 137 our 11.0nie treatment, 'Write us before too late. Dr. Eellman liedleal Co., Limited. CollintwecaL Ont. Thet, SQUi of a. Memo the Action, Insist on the '�TTQ BIGEL" Piano Action AJNT WITHOUT OIL Wolvi!Plvela "111=11actrAer ti rdwirronst *precast of =tints_ a Poe 1'1L4pettt Wi1hi,k1;4.4 '111. of att. Ile oatto so rownu NWT. alma 4ri poqvr„ tsi *U t'Alt $.0 realuired cr0.1. water to aasto laisSt 'Werleasewer, Arri,r0aZ satt siodarsibie oll pota hisderret to soy isolate, Weis% stese r414".11Pfeviea0,14.01MA POW, 104 'coed Mout maw di so unto* arafarmation ead tstaloiNe /tailed ea at so THE POWOR PAINT CO, aReNTO ioniuni 1hi$1 a box U I ngn 6 for 25 The mast highly efficient application for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre Thick Neek, Glandular Enlargements. lts Positive. piLER or all kinds, io any and ail • ••• sieges, quickly relieved and positively cured. Cure your sufferftw and live quietly. "Common Sense" for Piles will do ft. Si a box. $6 for boxes. Mailed on receipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE TORONTO COMPANY, 715 WEST QUEEN STREET firMG A CASE OF LUCK. "I met Dr, Knifem to -day on the street and he eat be dead." "Then you are the only one ef his patients to whom he did so who ever survived to tell it." You will sneeze.; 'perhaps feel chilly. Yu think you 'ase catch- ing cold. Don't wait until you know it. Take a dose of Hamlbss Wizard Oil and you just can't ca,tcli cold. NOTHING TO BUY WITII. Slipner—"Doe' Dr. Cunier tell his patients they can't smoke ci- gars?" Nicktime—"No, but his bills do." Ifinarcl's Liniment Co., Limited. ' Gentlemen,—Theodore Dorais'a customer of Mine, .was coinpletely cured of rheumatism after five. years of suffering, by the ,judicious. use of MINAR.D'S LINIMENT The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to sthe Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. IDIOTIC INTERROGATIONS. How far is a far cry? I Is it wrong to steal a march? ! Does it hurt to be struck by an I idea? How did you ever see the Shadow of a doubt? What artist painted the picture of health ? When the welkin rings, who an- swers the ring'? When Fortune smiles does she show her front teeth? SAVED 'IN iiiS OLD ACE. „ 1 'TO N. Al..1.V 14' ' /909 am * - eigi t ears of age arid 1,ave suffar- ed from kidney and Bladder Trouble for fifteen vears, 1 took doctor's rnedicirlo _ . but got no help. I want to thanit yr)ta for ending inc the sample box. of Gin Pills Nvbich helped Inc. I. have taken six boxes of Gin Pills al. log er tIbearta. ' but ogtoi t. reliefabetfog°re•eup o it had 'Csakri7t near b o, nights every fiiteeri minutes and had to use an instrument ,before 1 could urinate. Now 1 can lie in bed four or five hoursi wthou,ettng Up Hkeizeo 6 for $2 . r tr. TOO FriESH. "Will ouPreneieo support my daughter in the 'svt °to uaicli , 'st:c, she is ,acsustosned if .1' consent to your - marriage ?" 'demanded,' old Dobby made his formal r 1 1\4.1 ;C tol- erably I3. P1PR'se . Skin know, obbY'; , . 14t'' 'm afrga ‘dissa„, rteo cuss's,a II Ie 11 be able to „, a, tow ti :out e Ou h g to i'efiss 4 L'r.111.111/2. , , , .F.e4yaLionay,urug andCh;' ibkiiiUdthf a 10 15 4...v.011Y