Exeter Advocate, 1911-3-9, Page 4ezeter buoratel
atioltitrs 44 Creech, prOpS.
`TRUIZSDaY, ITA.R. 9. '11,
The Council or the Village of Exeter
met le the Town Hall on March 3rd.
elember $ all present excepi Councillor,
Day. alinateeor previou,s meeting read
and approved- •
A letter was read from the G. T. R.
respeeling We sepply for their eer-
viee here. Rivers-Levett-Tilat the
eieelt coareePond with the
ay satin stating Mat he Coonell will filen-
them with water required for their
e here eoz $500 peer:epee:um,. for a term
A leiter was read front( Goeld Sha.pleY
Moir Co, re,earcling settlemeet ae to in,
,denanity of $175, which the Council
claimed was due the toVen ter noe.ful-
filiment of contract Levett-Waiper --
Teat., Me Reeve instruct solicitor te
write Goold, Snapley Mule Co. Mat he
council stands be- their termer( offer or
$175 in settlement titeir
Levett-Rivers-Tlint the Treasurer be
..xeceueeted to ftureish bend tee amount
et $3000, the eolleotor $1000. sedate
,earetaker of the cemeteey $1000,-ca,r-
elerd "le
Blveree-LeYeteeeThat the -Clerk be la.
`Strueittl l4) advertise in the local Inners
the eele, 6-110rele Power,. gaeoliete erle
gine, and pamPe,-Carried.
Levett-Walper-Teeet the tollowing ace
manes be paide-S. $10
J. Sell,k)r, 148ura3e $.3.0 ; Gluts, Per
ilahher Co., Tor he departmeat $25.00;
Elgetric Light Co„ $9,5; W. A. Balk-
WW,owerlog tp4i1c $21; S. Sandera,
postage and, excennge 2.30; T.. „Week,
sr.. labor 445: T. Hottlden, labor 3.87;
ea. Wells. labor a7e.; Bell TelePh011e Ce
25e.; W. Blesett, pt. sellers' 38.00
C.W. Croes, pt. salary cemetery 29.50
S. Stanialte. leunloer cemetery 25.28:1I
Spackreare acct. cemetery 1;50 ; D.
Harebell), acei cemetery 0.25: la.Davis
lumber ceneeterY. 51,85; Wel $315,72
Rivere-Walper-Thet water be IOM's.
leind to fectoriee, etc., at alto, a lioree
powee Par $car.
Leveti-Ad.leurnment to 17th leen
T, LL Carlieg C!eK.
Children Cry
Rekular Storm Period 1$ ceetral from
the 12th to the 16th. The central day
Q f Mercury period -fells veithlta this per-
iod. on the 16th. The Cull i!on, end
I.ockzi on the equator also, fall 0t the
1,4th and 15th. making this period a
time of decided storm probabilert. We
will name TucsdaY, WedneednY and
Thursday, the 11th, 15th and'igth,
eleys of possible vee e and danger.
ospecially in, the southern states and
about tho GUIS coast, Rain, sleet and
ereow, all :allowed by high barometer
and eold ware toe:el-arc:a rnay be expec
ed ln Ce/ltiral to northern eecteons.
Reactioeary storm period is central on
the 19th, 20M and 213t. This period
i at tho centre of earth's ver-
nal equInoe., with the periods' of Mer-
cury, Venus and Mars all nearing the
end of their perturbing influences. The
'Moon is in apogee, at extreme south
declanation and near last quarter. Un-
settled and threatening conditions, end-
ing in violent quinoetlal storms, will
'io most natural on, and near thra 1.9111,
20th and 21st. Gulf storms, sweeping
into interior parts of the south, should
be anticipated. Northerly winds, snow
and change to much colder, will atttend
and follow these storms in central and
northern States.
Mr, H. Eiiber, M.P.P., or South Huron,
has introduced a 'bill in the °ataxic)
Legislature to amend the act respect-
ing traction enines on highways to the
effect that no traction engine kahall en -
'ter upon or melee a bridge drawing
beeind it any tender, separator, macb-
inery or vehicle.
It was with much .1 -ret.„ that the peo-
ple of this district heard of the death
on Thursday last or Mrs. '.1john Selves,
at the home of her sten, John Selves
in- Fullerton, aged 85 years, 9 months
20 days. The funeral was held to Roy's
cernetery 00 S-aturday. Her husband pre
deceased her about 20 years. She is
survived by two sons and tvee dau,gh-
• te,rs. The late`..eirs. Selves had never
so it is said, been ill a day an her
glee, and her demise was due entirely
to old age-. She was( an :ad resident
of the township, having' ome from Eng-
land in the early days. -Mese J., C.
efour was taken to the leosp1ts.1
don to unde.rge an operation for, a grow -
in the side. -Chas. Waghorh returned
Saturday from a ,esork-prfaelsecting
trip to Brantford. -Mn J. C. Balfour
has purchased the farsn of, Nis late SOF).
Wesley on N. Thames •Road, Fullerton.
-John Summerville has been confined
to his bed' with lageippe for two weeks.
The trouble is affectiog his heatt and
leis fa -lends are alarmed over ,his condi-
tion -The marriage took place at the
home of her sister, :Ars. Aeellie Rob-
inson, Blanshard, on Manch 8th, of
Miss 'Bella, daughter of Mrs. Barr, to
Mr.. Kerr of the -West.-John Williams
ol Brantford -spent Sunday with his
family here. -Misses Ethel and Reta
Shier of St. Mares spent Sunday the
geest of :VEiss 3label Eurk.-Mr. Wenarn
efeeIgh's stock is to b2 sold In London
hureday, it is a regrettable thing
hat Mr. I.eigh was obliged to go out
a,s bee wee a genial, oblig-
RoW to all his customers.
Miss Della Brown has returned
home after a visit with friends in
Berlin the past week. -Mr- Cenrad
Kuhn went to London Tuesday to un-
dergo an Operation tor appendicitis,
Mr. Kuhn has had the secoed attaek
and it was thought best for ham to be
operated upon. Firs many friends
hope the operation will he a stMeess
and that he will soon be able to re-
turn to his home completely mired, -
Mathew Wein bought a fine team
of horses from Eli ,King on. Tuesday
Our farmers are raising good Stock
and theY find it is a good Raying
business. -August Kuhn of the Bank
of Commerce, Duaraville„ spent lest
Sunday here at home. -Mrs John
Wind bad the misfortune to fall at
her borae at her home one day last
week, sererely spraining her arm. -
The revival meetings which laave
been held in the Methodist aburcix
for some time came to a close on
Suoday evening, Quite a number
weresaved and much good was done
by this special series of meetings. -
Miss Leah Young has returned borne
again after visitiog her parents in
London for some weeks.-COOtecil
meeting was held on Monday- The
'cattle by4aw was stastained for a-
nother year. Tenders are being ask-
ed for the erections of a steel bridge
with concrete abutments and flora
across the river at Fred Heist's brick
yards. -Our bays went to Ilensall
Iast Friday night to play Zurich a
gamenf liackeY. We hear our lads
were badly beaten, Quite a number
of our skaters are suffering from
colds and ttacks ot the Grippe. Over
zealousness in skating is bianaed for
this. A little more care and caution
hould be exercised. -Oar Milliners
re bard at work prep wing the bats
for spring trade. So f4r we haven't
learned what the styles are like but.
they mit hi. I irge enough. that -
eortaw for the poor old Man,
Tae Teueei People's Society of the
Lutheran church itere held their annual
emertiment la Zimmer's 11,111 Tu-.
4y eve:slag et last week weicb proved
tL Kreat euccoes and was greete1 by
erowded house, The youde.
serve ranch credie forithe excellent pre -
grant rendered, 'rhe me/0 was turn.
,aeed by the Serino Orchestra or the
ety.--Dr. T, P, Miclaa.usshlin spent
Thursday le t orden.--atr. W. 10, $k-
bert atteeded the millinery oPettlage at
TorOnte last wtelo-blies Salome Tie.
to left foe Lennon laa*, Taurtielay,
;ere she has seemed a poslition 4$
dressmakete-Mr, Conrad Fassold
roate 1441 brother ris
here, 304 alate his brother Merge Of
ot IsaPpea Vieited here over Seinthtea-
Wee loed of DaelawOod people at -
tied the Coneervative mass ateetirtg
ar xeter Friday lasi.-Mte, Sant. flee
et Pigeoa.Miche vialted his friends here
u few daysa-air. Frank ^Preeterleati
t his fingers badly cut in the
turnip uulper the other day. -Mr. Dull -
cart Snider is able to, be up again, alter
a severe o''ttsck of aPPOredicitis.-Lett-
t a services will be contitteted in the
utheran ellueekt every Wednesday dur-
ing. Lent.,
Deatte-Another, or our early settlers
;leased peacefully eavay at the home or
her daughter, Mrs. „Tricot> Boeder, to, the
el.esee ot Mrs. Elizabeth Restemesser,
widow of he tete Ernest e Itestemeyer.
She was bora in Rommaroth Hermon
Germane, Lo 1830, and camel to Canada
in 1849 and settled ht Waterloo goon-
ty. re 1850 she rnaerled her late bus -
bend and came to I -lay Townehip, where
she settled on a farm 2 1-2 miles
eorth of DastoMaed, whree they lived
unit the death of, her husband. eleven
Years ago. She was an affectionate
mother and was ;onenot ,the first zoom-
b6.rs who organized the Lutheran cherch
f which she was a valued member un -
her death. The funeral service Was
a dureed by the +Rev. T. Thum She
leaves to mourn, her death twO sons,-
Lauls ot the 11th Ceencession of Hay,
aed Ernest of Cavalier, N. Dak.; aed
oee daughter, Mrs. Jacob Raeder of
Deshwood. and 25 gra.ndcpildren and
• great-grandehildnen.
Death -Another sad death occurred at
tee home al Mr. turd Mae. T. Kellerman
Sunday evenino, when their eldest son,
Leonard, passed away, after te. short
niness of typhoid fever. . The funeral
took place on Tuesday and was largely
atteuded. The services ware conducted
by the Rev. L. K. Eldt. He will :be',
much missed in his home, and amongst
his comrades, as he was a favdrite
with all who knew him. Deceased was
17 years of age ande leaves` his sot -epe-
e -le father and motheretwO sisters and
two brothers. The bereaved parents
nave the sympathy of the whole cern-
munity in this their.. Sad hour of trial.
al- Albert Andrew has rented his
farm to John Herdman Zr five years
and intends moving to town.---lefelville
Skinner ihla.s moved ontLo Sid. Andrew's
farm aid Mr. Jashua johns has gene
back to ithe farna-The veterineryi, was
around again lase week washing the
cattle that are quarantined and experts
they will be alright, now. -Mr. Byem
ilowcliffe has sold his farm to :Mr.
Wen. Brooks: -Mr. Wesley Parkinsoze
hes purchased a new driver. -Miss 'Liz-
zie JahrlS Sundeyed,in, Exeter, the guest
of Miss Grace Oudmore.-Miss • , Ada
Tucker has installed a new piano and
inteuds taking music lessons. Success,
A -band of young men' feom Jamesest.
church, Emeter, conducted the morning',
service here Sunday with considerabte
acceptance. The pastor, Rev. Butt,
p•reicheci at Grapiton as supplyfor .Rev.
Wells who is in Toronto under medical
treatment. -Me. Johns of Tbarnes Road
eas moved to the farm),Df, Mr. Jamela
Ilandford. "We welco(me him to our
aeigheorhood.-Mrs. James Neil, Wno
els haen very ill is slowly improving,
eed good 'Illope(s are entertainea for .her
sp..,edy recovery. -Sid Aedreve has mov-
ed into the -house sniveled by, Rev. 1Butt,
et the personage -Frank Colwill is
moving' into the house he recently pur-
ceased from Mrs. Campbell, of :Vazina.
Rev. W. H. Butt is preed4ng a series
taVary lateresting sern0 o Great
sof toe Day:4
rote the Canadian Ceram -re. -
*III be remembered that a,t one time
e an eXieneive area ot South:west-,
ern Ontario, was devoted: let growing
corn The dutY or cern, coming int°
Canada .ftom the Called States was re-
znoved and the Caeadiati market Was
immediately so flOaded with importa-
tions of oesert from the United States
that cone growieg had to be alreost
ceMPletelee abandened by eneeiao
eermers, About ebe earlte tiree addition-
al Protection vow 'given to Canadian toe
base greeseeere, and theeresule wee that
tobacco eneps 'took the eteace of cora
crops to that Part et Ontarter formerly
Most. noted for corn, ,
ski-1AT TS THE MATTER wrrir mAwN-E
The farmers a the State of, Maine
Isaye alt the advantages that eeciprocitY
coald bring to the -Maritinee ProVinces
of Canada and mane of the !Asada -40e
agile, They. have tree access to Me
Elwell -talked -or "market of ninety
totes," and cannot be shut out ,of Et
,suddeoly by a vote of Congress as
Car.adian farmers raWrit he at Mee' Mlle
matter be Reelpeeeity Ageeernent, They
are neaeee to the marltete- Boattall
And New York than anY Part of the
aferitiene Province, and yet the :arm.
of. Melee are no mare presteeretted•
thee Those or' Nees' Bruegwiele, Nevia
Scelia and Fringe Edward Island. They
have no dreams abottt the value or the
"market of ninety million pepple,"
Titley know Mat the eoet l railway
hout reatite them eff from meet of the
meeltete o tbe t-heited States, altheagh
here is no tariff to keeP them out,
Toe percentage et leerease in pOpt114-
ion la lese Malted, than in the Maras
time Provinges.
There are sald ope many thousands
of acres of abandoned farms la Maine,
Naw Hampshire and Vermont, afany at
ese farms were oeettPled, fee genera*,
but the, yettree Poalale Moved to
eUtes or to the( Wester.' State
THE PQF 80135
well mak
.e busines
of raising hogs tr teee Recipooeity
egreetneat is adoPted. , The ayerage
price of hogs in Chicago' and Monte -
at eor the five Years eadhig DeeeMber
31, 1910, vvas as follows;
Year Chicago elottere,a
1906 ,, $6.20 $7.77
1907 .. . . 6,10 T.43
1908 . .. 5.70 7,10
1909 „... 7.35 8.61
1.910 8.90 9,60
ett October, 1907, live hogs sold in
Chicago as low as $$.80 Per owt.
against $6,65 per cwt, at the, same ilete
Durieg the same period prices of hog
have averaged lower in Buffalo than in
Teronte, Occasionally the price gees,
higher in Buffalo, but commonly it, is
The farmer of the Southwestern States
has a longer SeaS411 than he Canadian
farmer. He foot onlyi has cheap corn,
bet ale is able to grow la everaa, C11017,4 Of
alfa ife , and this enables rim to Produce
hogs. YOU cheaPly,
The Canadian paelsioe houses exPert
bo crowded one el busiress n inc
importatioae of hog products front tne
bee Chicago packing, hoetaee, so that the
Canadian itog raiser wit: nave ea home
in the eevere Canadlra eettee thele 14
no winter ill Australia, New Zealand
aed the eaxgentine TcpubUc, Vat tie
can live outdears throtritout the year,
so the rarancrs ef liteee countries de not
have the eXPetese et whiter shelter apel
wieter feeding, They 4te Coesequently
able to Peedece butter. Ceeese, eggs and
nte4ts totteh olOre cbc-aply than Cana,,
ellett farmer4 gap. No part et New
zeataud is Tar from the ocean, and,
weile Australia Im'sa yeee interior and
be farms of Auetratia aro an neafr
the sea coast, so that the railway haul
to ocean, parts Is not great, in spite
of Me fact that they are very •ranch
Pr from the British market than
Canada. is, Unmet -tee qUatititlee of Teed
eauatrica are sold in the
igdam. New the Canadian
s to
be frcelY opened ta them
or the Reciprocity Compact
to turn,
Jae, Slmetton and dzwgh-
ter, d Mr. and Mrs..t, Ed, $itau-,
toa ur.nt Flday last with 'Mr. and
Mrs. Josiah Kesile.--Mr, Aaron Beak.
eishire, who has been ttl at Itia home
t'ae Past week. Walal able ta retura to
ns studies at. Exeter High. eiebocti on
Niotaley.-We are pleased to state that'
Mr Albert Drovers le able to be out
toella after his recent illnoes I3ert
ICeetle and Mr Elgin, Aany. spent Sun -
de with "Ztr ,and Med. Dd, Icestle or
Usborne-etta alveoli Amy hart dispos
cad of ale farm of 7,5 acres to 31r. Har-
ry Marten's tor the sum, of 4,5,1.00. Mr.
Martens takes possession on. Nov. 1st
aext.-I.Ntlea M1nl0 Keatle of 'Exeter te
epending a few weeks wiels her terand-
:nether, Mrs. Jane liestle.-Mr. Leon-
ard Schroeder of Exeter spent Sunday
with his parents here. -Mr. Wm. Ressler
of Credlton and Mr. Joseph Wilds of
L'it: Goshen Line spent Sunday at the,
eorne of Albert Brevea.
and Mrs. Geo. Squire are visit-
ing with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur
13eker at Lion's Head. -Mr. ad airs.
V, Millsoa visited friends at Lend,on
this week. -Mrs. B. Butler of Norval,
near Toreato, visited with her sister,
Nies. J. Wright and other friends the
rorepart of this week. -There are a
/lumber of cases of grippe and seme
are seriously ill. Mr, James Brien at
the time of writing is some better, al-
though vary low twith leseureenia.
Obituary -The subject of this antic°,
whose maiden name was Sarah Amelia'
Ilartnoll, was born in 'Osborne in Jan-
uary, 1851. While young she moved
with her parentis onto the farm ntow
owned by Jabez Minima bei -e. When 20
years of age she was united in meg-
riage to*Thomas Gunning, son of Wm.
Gunning. To this union Were berre four
children, three of whom are left
mourn her loss, but while the family
were matte young .the .husband and fat-
her was called away, jusiej30 years ago
last January. For a number of years
the mother and children toiled along
together, ad about 18 years ago she
was again united in tileteriatsee to Dayld
Johnston of Con. 8, Blanshard, where
she spent the remainder of her years.
In, July last ;'sherwa itakea ill ,and, an
operation being deemed necessary she
was taken to the London hospital. For:
a ti-rne she improved but the sickness
returned and she gradually grew' worse
uetil on Tuesday Feb. 28,' she was se -
leased from her long suffering, and
as taken home to be .forever witn the
Lord. She was always a cheerful and
faithful ,,wife and mother. To know heir
was to esteem her and here derruse.came
as a- sad bleew to the cOmenunity. Be-
sides 6. number or sorrowing relatives
she 'leaves to mourn; her death a sor-
rowing husband and three. children, Nel-
son Gunning of Rassland, B.C., Meade.
riovr Mts. Wm Baker of Lion's Head;
and matilea„no ,v. Mes. Hem of
Blaleshaed. The funeral was held on
Max. 2; from her latee'residence. It was
conducted by rtev. Avery of GraritOre and
a large concourse •ef sorrowing friends
and neighbors followed her remains to;
Zees cemetery, where she was laid to
reside her first husbairid.. Tile faMilY
has the siaCere sympathy of ,the COMITY
,uleity in their hour of bereacement.
Cantributed by 3. Wright.
• Mrs. Joen Love spent Monday at MTS.
Petits' and at Idr18. J. J. Taylor's -Mr.
Jamas Malts of, Asentsank is, Visiting at
Robert Stonses.-Mrs. Nelsen I -Jae -ter re-'
home last week after spending',
a, week in Michigan, attending the fune
hbr Elea!
Love spent" one day,last week with a
OUP, miss Gertrude NICLineheY.-- Mise
etriel Fallis has stopped attending the
rkhia Htgia School oa aceount' of he
eak eYes,• We here she 111.0-7 be able
o 'attend agaiti soon•-lqiisi„Tred'ElSOf
and Family* are-ae,PFekteltt4teling Mr
JArne8Keiny-"t'tbeh1 1e.1
r.-; to tese Wat
Wm. Dewey arrived onio lee
wtx rreM AMherettaorge-Mr, Cyrue
Grean %tent teat week in Port Huron
00 usineee, ,Metters. Tiernan and Edig.
holler's sale ended Wednesday
aeeeaeor inede Met round
berO Tucoday.-AVaiter Stamm, William
Oliver and John Baird held wood Nee'
TeureditY.-Mr. 11. Bosseaberry gave a
dance to some or ids friends 'ruesdaY
verting.-Ed. Gillie eon is sick with
b neltitle.-Mr. Wm. Buchanan. Who
boon nick, with an abscess,Is nt'
Proving. ---Miss Myrtle, Cook arrived 00
Sunday and is at present with Mr..
Amoaa-R. Ravelle Is mulling over Ohe
arrival ot a boy late the 1th.
Death -Tee angel of death visited the
etante or Leo Disjardthe Saturday and
took away his little son Howard at the
age of 7 mos., 21. days. The littleoae
vats sick with pneumonia tor about a
weeeThe funeral was conducted by Rev.
Carriere on Monday.
Ir. Chas. Monteith, who hes 'been con-
fined to the hottee Ler two weeks ,witie
a swelling about the throat and I ace,
is able to be out agaene-Mr. Sylvanus
Cann, son of Mr. ,Thas.t Canna who has
been in British Columbia and Washing -
toe tor the past four years, Is home
for a visit, anti intends returning In
the sprIne.-Mr. I-Ienry Passmoro reu
On the ice and sprelned ads arrn last
We are pleased toinete that arrgeng the
successful candidates at the recent' mu-
sic eXaminatione held at the London
Conservatory, little . Miss 1Vinnifrid
Guinan, 8 years or age, passed heo
'Primary examillation, obtaining' 91
_markt; out of a possible 100,
Every mother Should see that her
children's hair is dressed with Parisian
Sage the wonderfei hair restorer and
germicide. A. little neglect on your part
now, may mean niuch loss of beauty
when your .girl grows up.
Pre,vention Better than Cure
Parisian Sage is a rigidly guaranteed
hair restorer and cures all scalp ,di
seases, prevents hair from falling out
alnd creates a rich, luxuriant growth of
hair, a glory to vvornaai...and the pride
of man.
A pleasant hair dressing --ladies like
It, and year druggist W. S. Cole
guareeetees every bottle that he sells
at 50c. and, stands ready to refund
your money if it fails to :do its work.
By mail postpaid from Giroux Menu,
lecturing Cca, ,Fort Erie, Ont. See that
the girl with the Auburn Hair 15 on
each package. Sold and guaranteed by.
W. S
CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST, - $7,000,000
Eyery leranch of The Canadian Barak of Commerce is equipped, to issue drafts on
the principal cities in the following countries withoet delay t
Africa Crete Greece New Zealand SibeFia
Arabia Cuba Reetaed NerwaY ...dea., ...
Argentitie Republic Denmark rc42nd Plo•auta aoupteunca
Australia Egypt India Persia
Aestsia-Iluagary Faroelilands Ireland Pere S Its Settlements
Severe Finland Italy RhEippiee Islapda swod. _
MazeMFormosa tpart, ico;tural
a, ,
Bulga6France Java, goornarse liert Feels cochin China ..lalta. ItxasiaUctd
Germany. Manchuria Servia S
China Great DwaMexico Sam Wcst rusks. etc..,
The alreemint of these drafts is stated in the Money of the country -where theyareipay-
able; that is they are drawn in sterling, fra.ncs, marks, lirc, kronen,ilorms yen,
taels, roubles, etc,as the case may be. This ensurVe tilat the payee abroall will
receive the actual amount intended. 233
Exeter Branch -W. H. Collins, Manager, laranch also at Crediton,
IncorporatecI i855
Capital (paid up)
R4st Fund - -
Total Assets Over
Ba75 J3ranebes in Canada, and Agents and C'errespondents in aflt
Priocipal Cities in the World.
I3ranOltee. Interest lillowee at Illiebeet Ourrent rate.
Agents at Exeter forthe 1)ominion Government,
DlogrioNct Ckantrro, SoliciterS. N. D. ITURDON, Ilifluagerp
Tree aca
ar g done in
'Ceding butdne CoUre nWest.:
ra, Ontario, Our gradgoa
and swat wIth a Raul -
Watt nien say they are the best. W
have three departments,
Commercial, ShortIwoul and 'reiegr ph
wo give Individual instruction and
you inay cuter at any time.
D A. MeLACI-ILAN. Principal.
FOR, •
41.55 T
$42.20 TO
SAN ritts.Ncisco, CAL,
Above Rates are one-way Scepod
Class, applying from EXETER.
Proportionate Rates to certain other
Points .
Secure tickets and full information
from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent,
Exeter, or address J. D. McDONALD,
D.P. A.. G. T. Ry.. Toronto.
Hot spring' is a noted place for the
cure of blood disease. However, it
costs 'money," and rots of iet.i to 'take
a course of treatment there, It also
takes time. Vary few people can get
away from their work for three to
twelve months. The spoint we went to
tnake is this -it takes time te cure an
old case of blood trouble.
Ie you haven't the time and money to
go to Hot Springs, we recommend you
to take Nyars Bleed Purifier. 1
It is a combination of 'standard e-
medies, that is guaranteed free from
basinful ingredients.
We do not claire, it to be a sPeeilic
there, Is no one remedy that will 'cure
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