HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-3-9, Page 1'WErtTY TE aRD YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO. TRI RSDAY, MARCH 9s 19I SANDERS & 'CRlEECH CARLING'S Wall Papers Wall Pape: Wall Papers Spring is near and now as the tune to choose your wall papers for your spiing Wring, We have a very large range of papers in the latest designs, something that excells anything that we have ever Rugs, Mats and Carpets Now that house cleaning is near you will be want- ing something in.Rugs, Mats, and Carpets. We have something in these lines that is worth your while to buy, e are having a special sale of Linen collars for week at the very low price of 10e, each, SPECIAL Line of ladle's hose to clear at pair for 25c, Ladie's Sprzng Shoes Come in and inspect our r new line of ladle's spring shoes in several styles. These are something neat and s Ya fish foryoung ladies at .50 and $3.75 perpair. GROCERIES—Fresh every week and of the best quality. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce, W. 3. CARLING. I rofesslonal Cards. MUSIC DR. A.'R. SNAN, L. D.8., I). D. So MISS DELIGHT 1 OBBS, Violin 2n - 1W &Honor graduate of Toronto Univeriety. atructter, James Street Parsonage,, DENTIST,' teeth extracted without any pain, or any had effects OiCceover Gladman &Stanbnry'eoffice, Main street lxeter. Medical lR. BRIGHT, M. D.,. M. 0. P. & S., HONOR Graduate of Toronto University. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc, Office and Residence ,Dte Amos' Old Stand. Andrew' Street,ESETER. QUACKENBUSH, Physician,' Surgeon, Ac- coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Main DR. Street. Residenoo, corner James and Albert streets opposite James street. Methodist parsonage, Phone Office, 39 a; Residence 30 b, Legal. traIOHSON & DARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI LI tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for Molsons.Bank, etc. MoEioyto'Loanatlowest rates of nteres , offices, Main street, Exeter, R. CAutano,'B.A , L, H. Dlcasox oNEY TO LOAN.: { We` have alarge amount of private funds to loan n farm and village properties at low rate's of inter eet.: OLAD'2AN & STANBURY, ( Barristers, Solicitors,Main st., Exeter On J. SENIOR 0 Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead - "ng Oanadian and British_ Companies. Main -St., Exeter. •LICENSED .AUCTIONEER ANDERSON, "Licensed 'Auctioneer "IrOUSE 'TANTE/D-7:3' for, 'Huron ":;County, . Terata: ,'-eat;owiable, th' office. - Dates can.. b 'c. 1 e made at the Advo_ate;r Exeter or, Flenry ,Eiiberrgr.Office, Cred- Iton." MISS LILLIAN ELLIOT CONCERT SOPRANO PUPILS ACCEPTED ADDRESS;=OENTRALIA; ONT. REAL ESTATE CHANCES Tho following "properties have been placed San; our hands 'for. ` exchange. FOR SALE—A good sized frame dwelling in Exeter; suitable to acco- modate two families In good repair will be sold cheap.' WANTED.—to rent ' a hundred acre farm; supplied wjith the usual build lags etc.; ,FO R SALE. --_A' good. frame house in Exeter inegOod repair. FOR SALE—_4 fair sized brick res sidence well located in Exeter; Mod erate price: FOR SALE -A choice residential build- ing property In Exeter. FOR SALE --A rstnali frame house Exeter at a 'very i1ova ,eigihre: For SALE—Ono of the best': residences in Exeter, surrounded by considerable land. iii T B. DARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass nsurance, Collecting accounts, and con- lucting auction sales. —, Exeter, Ont. HOUZE, Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Ctrl - .1e member'Ontarto Veterinary tmed- tcal 9octetjr :,:treats all diseases of ilaesticated an1n'1a1eo tten ,scientific prtn- "' a odert er a a eclalt . O- e1pls m ig.Y P Y.P 'b%atlens on Lump3.7aw guaranteed, sat Islactery , Cal ar r?" Y. day or night •r,5=Hotly •atter ed ' to. "'Office—Main-444' xeter ]say'p .yid•gland - Pktbf f r 1„ nth S', • w . '' ArtM WANT :: tif, "ry t:�.,, a '�fi�>!•.'.:r a ti.: �. ti e ttie g n d r �.:�a "un <r� 1'G' _ � g_ w,� .. ,� atcr. dtYrill acro 'a yh g yy��y{�, •Zr . ri .W y Or, �.. `C O � � 7r*.t. +t . 1 i? ent apply at or particulars apply att. Tho Advocate .Canning Factory (t ol Contracts On and after Feb' 14th The :Exeter., Canning and Preseralin,; Co., will be ready to make co�titracts with farmers for the growing' of stuff for the factory. Apply, to the 11 on,.g'er; i', "St:.M.: S SANDERS 1 now -Offer- all mt. iie'up to 10 in„. that are only 12 ichesi l rig, at reduced' pri•ces ;`Ali tile- gydT .0' ed. 4,• in ' at I3, 5o per=.thi?utinnd, - •tri. $19 ...1, in.' �n26:50 ; 7 ;in. 435; '8,'int '$48 72;; also .1"'s 14's and 164+on hand. ° e We;will mak,all`'tit � to e{1� in iii fu re. S. CIIDi> ilitE, tut ey .:P O. �`?l co,f.iection uy LOCAL ITEMS. ;file. T. kroir is Ill with grip. 75c. pays for The Advocateshot, the end of the year. Subscribe now. Mars, Markham and Mrs ,Searight, were 111 London ane day lciuriaag tars week, Heavy colds and la griPPe have a good many citizen's in their grasp, at present. kCre, Seawright'( mother, who has bee ez visiting .here ,has returned to her home, in Westfield, N. "Y. t Mr. Olaver, who has been :staying e,xg wttta his son -::n -law. Mr, Jolla Her - nese, has returned io Illi$ homne in Bort Hope. Pim Morrison Won i.ts casolai Strate tared last Week, getting 2240 daanages frons the Oan<ada Company for wrongful ect'nettt fro'n their Wild. 31r. \Vtlli.0 Fraser rias tit -Rene aft. uation with the. Ross ,Q= Taylpti Co. as engineer, In. the 'place of Mr. Harry 1lltfrg, who has resigned and; will go west far the Bun—Inter. Mrs, Hobbs, of Uirr, wi a has been, visiting with her daughter, .frs, (Rev,) Collins, 'had the anlsferluare on Mon- iia; afterpOvit last, ,of fatting dawn stairs, with the result that her ankle was badly sprained and: ate, was other-' wise painfully Insured. Hon W. J. ,iazana introduced amend- nents to the License Act, la, the Ont., arid Legislature si.lpuiating that five a .r eget of all bar receipts over and ve Sas per day shall be paid to icease Department, And the On, o College MP tVbarntaey Shall can- the Beattie at olleiniet tonvict= c'd a;t li s,eeond ,otteaca of soiling 3111, uor iUega,4ly. l gr. 1Veldeis1t ranitter and Rev: D. (Mins dlactassed Reciprocity from the ppo„ itlan standpoint in Caveat 3'rrsbY terlatl chu-ala Oa Mandate evening, after watch, a general, discussion 0t the sub- i et took Jalaet',, a latt7,e number of thoac Iaraaaleat taking Part. ' 11, (semi to ttwl 131st a local debater. 01 this' subiret in 1 Public hall would- be moat interreastl,uil; and entertaining. Let us have one ill. the near future. ADV. COLLINS.714 ItE7bfAiN,--At a ,special nareking of the Vestry of talo Trivia Memorial church, 'hold Inv the School Ilall ohx T'ueaday nigl(t last the Rev: I7. W. Collins was prrwalled up - ora to tore;;o the otter', l)1 an Increase Err atlpaand, whtclt had been made him by the, Clinton church. The ntembcrer of aho Trivitt 'Armorial and citizens gen- erally will :b: pleased to know that the Itev. Collins will , remain here. Mr, Col= Una chats endeared himself to,hia congre- gation and the church has so prosper- ed under his able administration that the congregation unhesitatingly made n substantial Increase In his stipend. SEED FOR SALE Choice Clover and home grown Tinn- othy. Seed for sale."—,W. tH, LEVETT TENDERS FOR CEMENT ABUTMENTS AND FLOOR The undersigned will receive tenders to build cement abutments' and floor for bridge across -the Aux Sauble River between Lots' 15 and 16 In the 5t.te caicesslon 131 the Township of Stephen up to April 3rd, 1911, at 2 p.m. Tetnr dors must be in lump sum. Plans and' specifications can be seen; at ;the office of HENRY EIT.'RER, Clerk Township Stephen Crediton',Ont. BARLEY FOR. SALE, O.A.C. No. 21 Seed Barley for sale. This is the best, yielder stlydna;ettt, brightest, stiffest straw ever grown,in Ontario. Good piiunp clean seed. 75c. a bushel. -T. T. COLLINS, IChiva. FOR SALE Our Gasoline Engine Sia Horse Papw- er, Golden R: McCullough make. Same is good condition. By order of ;the, Coun T. B. CARLING, Clerk. CARETAKER FOR. CEMETERY Applications for the position of Care- taker' of the Exeter Cemetery will ' be received b - the undersigned tut v 5 umde szgrn p to Sat- urday, March 11 prox, Duties to com- mence 1st of April. By order- of the Committee. --F W. GLADbiAN,' Sec,' PROPERTY FOR SALE' Two-thirds acre of land, .on which is a frame house and stable; corner An- drewand _Laugetall street, Exeter. Part ticulars on application to The LAdvocate Office. STORE FOR SALE Good 'store tar,sale +Country) -, toe.Doing gond: business Will belocat sold; right. Write, or apply, atAdvocate offices FOR RENT Thirty acres 'of land, 'ready for -crop. Privilege` of drawing crop +off the^place:' A number of acres of. pasture' land ,10 rent.; also a •number of cattle pastured' by the season. ” W. M. BLATCITFORI3, THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE Decker Thr h' ` 'r es an,g Machine infaE con - 'tion together ;with Decker Steam Trac tion Engaane. Nischine is” self f e ter and, '1113131110 :with blower ;, od scuts, aappar xtNd"1a For. Particulars -ticulars apply ,,WILLIAg.;HORN oodham Our posts are 'tile fins for size vee. have ,'anoth,ing' le: ohes at small'etn d Ou t;h .' f e 1'11{, thhertl, I' t r' a '�' i +C lot eio A 1 Reciprocity Discussed e'rrsara ent bgh't roton the reciprocity^ a Free - 'tet- . He trig Was .'lPi sed to the trade agreement and put, forth some The Operaf $trong arguments against it, House was comfortably 1A1- ted o:x Friday afternoon last by repres- entative farmers anal business men of the. South R2di„ng of I uroo. to hear the ftt.:11,ocity question;, and other rol:tteai matters discussed, Toe chair vitae taken by 51r Caali^. anct t' „e speakers were Ii. Ell - /pert M P.P. of, South Hutton ; Heat Ias S. Duff.. O:aiai a Mla tfeter of A ricuik- are; ;ilex, Hs:.ga"rrr, t.i'_ or Winnipeg; ar-0 h S 3E 1' t Qt 3$uskolia, f.was ,013rett bttg„�a 1i, I'lat:a 3T,14', at peel, ad Glen Gilbart Fi la% Mao.. were unable tot pa exert as: aaafouneed, but their Plaeeta were laked b;; rear, Ila;gart athd 31r, Wra ht After deallag at soatl9 length, with pro, yr„a,i;3 tatitaa1 '+Ir Eliber took up the recitrrovitt” queaatioh. 111 said we grew uli wi,tittaut asslata3ee front the United Saaie 1, arid 110W that we have built cin a; Can, diari business --AY develAp- txr,bx iin011, 'incus®ed trade , etc,, we de 3s pt trona the peaPle tea the outIt.They tur.^,ed us dowel before, ,tigw they rind, themselves in need of our p3a2P wiood appl other raw mater vin&,teed up their own supe}y, grad Vi ! Come knoeking at, our doort. k(vrk, without dlscussiQn, aaatination iaato the matter M e7:la rase t Ivta me -ego down. to \Vaeh- the aid, of Uncle* S -ant, drhttt'. su a ehedule, and. the govern accept this aFree- dow of a doubt t. 131,1 Sta.rls !oat over this Fair layat Canadians tde relaitOns wQ e4 .and renlal0: ret to tt3e Urittaali 31.cld ri strong trlb' EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Following is the Exeter School Ire- Part for February S, Department r . 1FormLI,.-1-'Hpn:part�, 8w'.l5 . W. Mon-, elax+ 78, A. Dow 76‘7,;" H, Jones 70.2; 3IUPti •rsott 76. Pass, G. Kesstle. 06.5 1#.rrzey' 65.5; C. CoP'elalld 64,5 ; R. 1loggartl» 03; C. Wood 00. No. oa-., ltel? 26; average 25. W. 13 � 5 cid_o ,ha znr=n ,, E A,. Prin. Form II—Ik' 1 11..:o. t0fialte 77,0. Pass G I';'ci t .d 72t0; II, (Sweet 72,5 ; !`rayeet 70.5; ' ; 3°item 49.2; T F”, WOO 47.8; k'. Brawn 66.6; S. Gager t1G,: , <. fo;'ga.a1 64.6; W. Stcswart 63.8 E. X Robb, Teacher. Farm I,—Pass, Le Harvey 744; J. DavisDavis OM; 7!. Morgan 69.4, T. Seldoaa 68.7., R. Case 63.1„„W.. Shapiota gate, ls. Shapto1. 6,4,0, N. Car aaiciaael; 614,6, J. 'walker 61.7; Cotnnzercial-�l?ase 14- Eilll 7,3,4, II', 11?ay, 62,4, F, Fairlaall. 01, Bart. Gilkies 6O, No,, on hall 88. average 33,7, A 74. Johnston,: las.131, r P, S. Department 1loom 1,V,- --Sr. 4, bettors, I, Sweet 86 F, Hill 82,. 111. Casa ,61, 13, ;Walker 81, E . Rowe 81, O. Hodgen 40. V. Prawe Bowe 79, t,. 3everley 78 I,,. 11« 76, 'C, May 78. N'. J'c to 76 ; PASS li Rivers 74, ta7, Delve :78, E,Quatace or £a8, , Penllale 65, 'Harvey- '611 Jo.. .. QrEa, :, Ir'le 'ra”ood 7*, D. Hedgers 75. s, l.aaaelle 11andford 74. A, l ,wogs ht 74. W. 4iaasazon 72, M,'. aior 011. I, Day ;t170„„'12: May 66, W., o a mall 132, 1ver4ge 29. (1. Vesper, teaeher. 1T'., h%la,0rer„ ,7.:luaton 77. A. Mack 77, 0. ,Davia 6, A, i3elt 1,5; Paoli, E. Partnere 69 cdosd.'td 68, P. 'WOO d?'68. M. Set- 7,oMelt; 64. S-.' 117.. honors, a.sent"8S, L, Zuotle :82, E.7.""4"Gid-. . G1adm13. 70, M#.Knott . I). l:uxltz 70, G. Ford 19, G,Fittop tial, F. 'lktawey 68,'A. Johns 05, E. Da-'' 011; 64. No. on. roll 34,. average 92. J. Murray, Teacher. Room VL—karnl III., Jr. honors, E. Cornish 89,_M. Kydd t3t3a'. r. Hardy 86, !1 Plekard 86, Paas, Wm. Jacobi 7a, A. Cornish CO, M. Day 67, V. Welsh '17, iI. Hector 60,1.G, Walker 04. Form i 1. Sr, Honors, C' Harnda,t(, 01, ".V, pa,.. via 89, D. Knight 78, M; Morlock.76, If. 'Rivers. 76. V. Sweet 760:' Pass, It, Charlton 70, V, Marshall 63e W. }Trim- ness 62. No. on roll 39, Average 34. H. N. Kinsman, Teacher. Room VIT., Sr. IT., Wooers, 'W.Knight 75, Over 60, Willis1..72, V. genes 71. V .I•Tartielb 70, I. Zuefle 60, '\V`, Hcd- dart GO, G. Harvey 60; Jr.,,71., "Over CO, 1tf.:Marchand 70, E. Taylor 081 C. Ford G8, C. Hum= - °65, V. Hill 63. Sr. Pt. 11., honors, 1S, Harvey 05, 111 Harvey (Mildred) 86, T Connor 83, Over 60, E. Wells 70. Tr, Pt. It, bottlers I'. Collins, P. Wcidenhannmer 80, M.Wood 76; Over 60, E. Yellow; 70, J. Davis 09 W. Gillespie 68, P. Harness; 62. No. on' roll 42, average 36. G. M, Alexander, Teacher. Room VIII., Jr. Pt. IT., V.Rwcliffe: 95. S. Sanders 9a, E. Knight 93, G. Harness 90, E. Russell 85, L. !Tart - tett, 82, F. bfar5,15 78, H. Wilson 70, H. Kuntz 59, Iz. Palmer 45. No. on roll 4:0, average 38. 30. W. Howard, teacher. worth, -1314 $3 uirllltY of :locals lauran's member. : th with the fornlatl1. n C9nfederatlan and; the of the Dolninlon and fitments. The duties of raovernnlente are target; d'. you; ct ; [alizliratrative, and the ,agricultural de- Piartnent, over which;; he had the honor to be the head, was one of the most Irn- Portant departments.;Ye have little Id to the immensityrot the agricultural, :Meet -ofif In O_ntarlo. We are trying to got ftirnier,a to understand ,the 'land' and to spcc1n11ze in the kinds of crops: mast -suited to the different locallties, In the east wo 2tave, ,the dairy* ,country. The Niagara peninsula is the great fruit district, where many families make a geed living pn a farm of ten acres. In Huron and Many other counties the nixed farming has the best results, and the great north Country will one day' be a great wheat and. stock dis- trict. He spike of the introduction of our peaches to the British market and the fact that in 1900 the prairie prov- inces got '35 per cent. of their fruit front Ontario, lie made a strong plea for careful, honest packing al fruit. We want to instill connnion honesty into our people, and thus we w,ouid In- crease the price of our; fruits, and gain a splendid credit. Reciprocity, he wild, was a burning question because it ha:d a bearing' on all classes of 'people. Ile gave a re- sume of our dealings with the United States. Until° 1876 both- political par- ties in Canada desired reciprocity, but after the abrogation; at the old treaty the Americans practically said 'let therm starve." Thee Sir John Macdon- ald introduced the National Policy in 1879, and that has continued to be the policy of the governing party. Three general elections have passed since the Liberals came into power and, at no one of therm was there anyl- talk f reciproc- ity, but now all'et`"once we are asked to accept this pact—thatno man un- derstands. We have grown wonderfully ,wince the National Policy has been the dominant idea -of both parties, and now we are asked to" uiido the work we have done, :to injure our railways, our cities and, our ports and to aid in the beltorainen;t of Americas- lines, cities, and ports. Have we not sufficient Na- ll(' pride to +object to this? In dos- , hog let me mention throe instances of the remarkable friendship of United States for Canada.,—The attempt to anne:z. Camila'--by force in 1812 the protection they afforded the Fentatas; aati their refusal to' a.tlow our soldiers to ago ,over 'their railway lines to ,quell the • Northwest Rebellion. Mr. Ilaggart said he vras glad to see the people giving such serious consid- eratioai to the, reciprocity question The Russian War and the American Civil War were largely responsible ' for the good prices we, received between, 1854. and 18116, "lien Reciprocitywas in force. Foll'lowInlg its: repeal ": we had hard times becau se our business was disorganized,- we had loo 'seek ,new channels of trade. Then carie the con- federation, the acquiring of the North- west, the building of the lntcrcolonial. We have established a market in, Great Brrt.3n, built rarlways, established hed a great interprovincial trade, and we. are practically Independent of the Americ- ans. As proof that the ,west is not in favor of the pact lie showed how in Win:iipeg alone it ha:d been condemned b-5 the Board of Trade, the Legislature, fresh, from the people;, tne,(xraini ,°Ex- change, x_char e, and his lastLiberal opponent, D.. C Campbell. 1'1 addition` the pact 'was pot bindiira: Suppose we abandon our trade vial= England in favor of our neighbor to the south. in a few years the treaty neat' be broken, there_ we, win have lost the British market, ;and 111' have .to start ;uye'1' again". Mr. t\ right.,erftietzed; the 0-:'-.l; "oil 1- aitio:n in the: building) of the Grand Trunk I' eific, the ,:niliions loat',oin, the Quebec !arid 6„e; - sawdust wharves and 'dredging. Alao.'thni Ggveiirfnents navy, progrann yr 4slinsd iis. And n1eW sin qz away act inn s ' '<i till m taa`a:geE 1 res.: C.,' �u�.ra �) a"d6L ':Sitikt, �$r bi 1131 BIRTHS ltavelle—At Grand Bond, Mar.4, to Mr. and Mrs. Ravelle, a son. -Hunter-In Usborne, on Mar. 6th, tei Mr. and Mrs.- R. D. Bunter, a daughter'. Rundle -At Woodham on Feb, 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, ,a,, son. Passmore—In Usborne, oat Feb. 25th, to Mr. a;nld Mrs.' Wmn. Passmore, a daughter. " Taylor—At the Sauble Line Hay • on the lst inst. to .Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tay- lor, a daughter. MARRIAGES McLachlan—Scott—At the residence of the bride's father, William street, on., March 8th, by Rev. S, F. Sharp, as- sisted by Rev. R. G. McKay of Cron -t- arty, fir. 'Andrew McLachlan of Crom- arty to Miss Carrie C. Scott, brother of sir. T'annes Scott. Kerr—Barr—In Blanshard, Ma.r. 8, bliss Bella, daughter of Mrs. Barr of Kirk ton to ,Mr.Kerr, ,toe :the West. Gilbert—Robertson—At Iideit,on, on Mels. 1St, John, "WI ILiam:Gilbert to 'Miss, Raz el Pearl Robertson, daughter ,of Mr. John Robertson, ' London 'Township. 1IeI'+ntyre—Scafe—On Feb. 28th by the Rev. Father O'Neil lathe Itt C. Church Parkhill, Miele Nettie Scafe, daughter of Mr, and Mrts. ;Too. L. ,Scafe 'town litre west, Ailsa .Craig; to Mr.: Norman McIntyre. Mettitiger-Mackenzie—In Aberdeen, S. Dakota, on Feb. 22nd, Nellie ,13.. Mac- kenzie, daughter of the late ;Alex. Mac- kenzie of 011. -.on, tot Mathew;ietting- er' of etherd oa,n_ DEATHS Keller.uann-In Dashwood', on March 5, Leonard E:eilcrnlan1,, a, -ori of 7Tr._ and Mrs'. J. I ellel:nlat n, aged 17 years.' .5, 1sten —Near 'Whalen, Feb. 28, ,Mrs_ David Johnston, ill her 58th- year, 0'' j.rdine--•<lt Grai'i0 Bend, Mar,, 4t's, I' liowa.d, son lot Leo. ,Disjardine, aged 7 nnoe., 21 days: Selves—Ito Fullarton; moan Mar, 2, ld1 ,s.. Jolun Selves,, , a ;ed` 8 7, years.• Flora n,—fit Cannel ;Feb 24t.' Mrs,,'b1, haet-,Tfn,i:n, aged 78 '.years. orrri�ish—Trn'St.; Mary's, on,.Sr eb. °25: 31 iosanna Cornish, 'aged 87 years. maAdant---In'Tuckerernifln, bit hiarch`Jet' Mairy 3icAdam, relict of the late Gar ilon b1sAd.rrn geed 69 {years. ' Gtie`'y eta y std rttf.' Yrs rebs ;tt -, Ne }, aF tae 4' t vP d lnery For Men HMIS' 4F OfM3ERLIi++ LIM1TEO vtrythlaxg thew, stylish and up-to-date f just lug clothing 3''33u waay your buying Iia at33 Furnishings, The wide range of ;hew atyice, the great variety of Clothing, the sumptuous tailoring, and the. 1Lb831100 of fancy prices combine to make this store of unusual interest sten. cv We snake a speclalty of Clothing that looks well Clothing that keeps its shape Clothing that !fits comfortably Clothing that does not shrivel at the seams' or creep up the arms. Clothing that Is made of thoroughly shrunken, fabrics, carefully trimmed, and with, the hand -work that is usually found in cue - torn -made garments. uetonrmadegarments. Clothing that presents the maximum correctness in style, presented In all the various forms that are right 'this ;season, and in ,the broadest= possible range of fabrics, plain and fancy. 1000 DIFFERENT SL'ITINGS FOR MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING. FULL RANGE tOF READY -TQ -WEAR 'Boo and �. d So es We want you to become acquainted' with this part of our stock, WE HAVE' THE BIGGEST RANGE OF BOOTS AND 51-10ES IN TOWN No 'store can - (slow you ,a.6. large an assortmen,'t of really high class, shoes. Our lower priced limes are exception- , al values., xception- al'values., COME. IN AND SEE F,OR YOURSELF THAT YOTJ CAN : DO BETTER HERE, Other Lines New Lines of SHIRTS, T111S, COL- 1..ARS, FANCY SOX, UNDET3i'W EAR, HATS Sc CAPS, GLOVES,PIJA2IIAS. 1VERYT.TIING F,OTt- A MAri ii xa 3' 1}