Exeter Advocate, 1911-3-2, Page 6Another Modern Miracle ocomotor Ataxia Cured CONGRESS OP ALL rrELE Riticgs Represeuttivcs of AB Mitnitiad to licet in London, England. A most unique congress, fo be knewn as the Universal Racea Con - The s i - Sufferer ilad Been Given Up as Incurable by Severalgress, ito open n London, Eng l Lind, on July 26. This congress, Doctors—Hospital Treatment Also Faired—Dr. ,Aln-hdieeehd astforlai,omtre eheoet daLS;Ii\sVinil.1 All mankind will then asmble in Pink Pills Worked the Miracle. se council in, the very heart of the British Empire, The originator of this eongress is Before the dis,.every of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, locomotor ataxia vs Dr. Fella Adler, of Columbie eensideeed an Incurn able disease. it has bee,tully demonstrated, versify, New Yo4c., In the summer Uni- o ene ehat this disease caa be cured through the use of these PIUS, of 190,3 e, eonfereeo w_c :where the treatment is persisted in, and the directions carefully at ,Eisenaeh, when le ;as de,g4e,e'eud follewed, e n Lcieemoter ataxia is a disease of the spthat though tbmoderconeicence inal cord, and first shows igsetsenil if in inability to stand erect wheu the eyes alia.d advanced in eneral nsitive- te closed, or in the ness and strength, it is, nevertlie- dark. It is obaracteiized by peculiar disturbances of the &aft, aud Jess, ioternationally weak. The yel;411.qtilty ie governing the motions of the legs. One of the common- modern conscience is indee.a fast est and earliest signs is a tired feeling, particularly noted in the hese knees an,c_es. This sensation is provoked bY alight exertion., end rnin alive tos intheaireeekineonelif 4,ft.A.othtersytewvoe,fisybraypt,emsfs. arOefatehava2,a.snpteafetelinagthi: zsroli;iasttedageN:.ith Aits, ei-cee'tes'oo'zim'p pPuIrn: t'43;te,snleelt ililt;ijti ha e te, de eicieua ant ee.. (4 seas e• Progresses, there is an increase in the duration and ex, racial divtheo ...sionsIn rder to ent of the numb feelings, covering at times the foot alone, then ex- power tproblems presented y.' i,. o tending to the leg. The disease is usually of slow growth, and the in- Lor f.-edy this growing evil, the Dui- rease and intensify of the symptoms is net noticed, but its progress Race$ Congress. will be eon.- con et a#4 'VadnallY annroacheq a total lack of feeling in the eened in London 4114 mile oh_ lege, eaue.os. a wobbling gat and an ezitire inability to govern the jeet win be th etativath mutua v,l iboels AO. watend r, abem coes titterlY helP!esS, end ba to ix, eteps, As the diseese Pregres!,es the patient loses all contro,1(;ee,1 aannd4 or''iesPnetai p Oeentl etb eeat Wpie'eesn., LC' T' like a ehild- , e,„ .1`11:ii British Government ha e givee la Proof of tho Power of Dr, Winlitr" -n""s '"'s thie congree$ its moral and meter. 'We Malady aftra4 JAille Roller, of Antler, Sask., sEqs ;," "For jet support, and a„ ipyitatiop year$ !Ntli 100 t4..) 1$07, eon 'arnes was uRlicted with ieco- ll thg the foreign shates have been de- atN4D1 Durina that time he was treated by several of the best spatched throligh the agency of the ta the West but their treatment feiled to be of .-Any bet, aid 1roreiun office, creang worae mid worse, till fioally be lost ell control of hie eee great nurneer raeee that rr11.- h b f oeuld net move at ell, I had to cerry him from his bed to i I he represented may be gather. I would have to tie him, to enable biro to it UP.anll! led from the tact that some fifty pLe as aziefant; he loet ell eoetrol o hit, kidrieY3 aUtl countries have pvoinised, to send daily Icioked kir death to relieve him of leis seiffering, t , egatee. There wil be present sent Wm, to the Brenelon Hospital, hoping that the treat- oen,Dy twentyve ps of par e would benefit heal. thts, though, we were (11$aPnetnted, liaments tile m4101,14, of the mem, „- hoepttt u d doctor advised me to take him home, as they said bevs ehe permanent Court of Ale tithing for him. At thie time a friend advised the uee n, and of the delegates to Will ' Pink Pills, Being wining te tr.lr anythingP th° h°Pnj Hnf aestie Conference, ding relief for my boy, I bought A Aupply. In less khan three I noted a slight improvement in We eenditien. In six months iere, over tarty mon 4 walk once more and from that on the improvement couUnu wone hundred, pro. IV) its /OUT Clirea AO4 Onee rOOTO able. to Atteild school rational law, the bores about the Inoue, What Dr, Will" Pink Pills, giets and soeio- tr hl..$ truly wonderful, arid I would strongly meek. and majority of , for they most certeinly saved uw hoy'e ot the er-Perliament- othez dietingoished What Mrs. Railer says, Mr. A. E, Steele, t 0 a . Among those who will oal dealer of Antler, writes: "With reference papers will be several pienni aYs concerning her on eure by Pink Pills, 1 cnt bebrewsft , $eving that what she eays is 11b$011,1tely trlle Isract Zangtvill will diseour e am personally acquainted with thOonease.w among the nations; Dr. T la not the °illy one performed by Or, Wiilama Pink Pill They . Zeharthaa the author of E -pe brought' thousands hack to health and strenSt lite, will discourse on internation aft.er sorne of the doctors in the country have been forced to 1 language; and Mr. Edwin give up the $ rabic. Not enly in eases of locomotor ataxia, ad, of Boston, Director of t but in eae o atW paralysis, seiatiea, abut* rheumatism, and 1utcnatona1 Sehoel of Peace, will many other sailments have they.' beep successful. The whole peak an the organeeation of Reeret of their wenderful sueeess is their power to make rich red world essocietion foreueourae*ing inter -racial goodwill. Dr. laoses ster will represent the Royal As. ie Society. health -giving 'bleed he cme eseential for good health. The pills are eold by all medicine dealers, or direct by mail at 50 cents a box., or nix boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. 'Yon say you ss Beggs?' sure at 1 ean't roe anything tr e about her." "Neither Call eo it, But it's in the bank, all right." Only one "BROW) QUININE" R rt la LAXATIVof E' NKOMO UZN2R' Lo r tbe signature WW1'S. Used thi World over to Curs a COM $n 0110 P. 26e "Tennty, you (1Ont take after four father much, do you" "No, ma'am. But, gee, you ,«eught to see the way ma does sometimes 1' titiren Win Co Sleighing. They come boms srod with snow. Ralf a teaspoOnlul O Pain.i er in bot sweetened water will prevent any, affects'. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Paink1ller"-PerriDavis.-250. end 60e. Reforms come slowly beeause we all would rather wield the axe Mrs. Jones --"Did you really ex- pect me to accept you the night you prop,osedl" Mr. Jones -"Yee, love. Just before I got to your house I heard a dog howl three times,' saw the moon over my left shoulder, and walked under a ladder." dared you kiss Didn't you hear me say "Sir" when you asked me if you might Sack Slanger-I thought ycn. $aid 'Cert." Minard's Linhnent Co,, Limited. Gentlemen, -. My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it remained stiff ared very painful for three years, Four bottles of MI- NARD'S LINIMENT -completely etired her and ehe has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, „ . J. B. LIVESQUE. St. Joseph, P.O., lath Aug., 1900. lean bear the knife. Come are eaused by the pressure of tight boots, but no one need be troubled with them long when so simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. RAILWAY ADOPTS GIRL. Sore Throat is no trifling merit. It will sometimes carry in- fection to the entife system I through the food you eat. Hamlin! Abandoned Child on Russian Road Wizard Oil cures Sore Throat. - I had rather be kissed by an en- emy than wounded by a friend who 'enjoyed the job. Is Being Educated by Employees. Ludmila Nieolaevna, a ten -year - Old girl, is the adopted,child of the St. Petersburg -Moscow railroad. ;When she was barely a year old the was abandoned in a first-class carriage. Endeavors to trace her parents were fruitless, and rather than send her to an orphartage, an employe of the railroad suggest- ed that every member of the staff should contribute to her support. IThe suggestion was adopted arid sinee then an annual collection has been made for her.. The girl is be- ing educated at a boarding school in Moscow. She spends her holi- days along the line at the houses of her various benefactors, who range from directors of the company to aremen and, signalmen. There le Ha Such Thing as a harmless cough.' The trouble goes from bad to worse unless check* ed. Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst of colds. It allays inilasamation and clears the air The great judge must jook, at 'our luxuries when he hears our talk of love for the needy, IA:nerd's Liniment for sale everywhere. No man e,ver knowshow, much be InisSeS when he loses a chance of giving a pleasure. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets earc a won- derful medicine foi little ones. They never fail to give relief to the baby when his stomach or bowels aro out of order; when teething is painful; whon worms make their appearance or when any of the many childhood ailments seize him. What is move they are absolutely safe and cannot harm the youngest, obild. Mothers have the guarantee of a govern - rent analyst to this effect. Thou- sands of mothers, through grateful- ness fer what the Tablets have 'done for their children, strongly recommend them. Mrs. E. J, Ward, Galt, Ont., says :-"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for two years and would not be without thezn in the house. They are wonderful me- dicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., 14v:4s-- rine, Ont. ,TelJ me the worst, doctor. I can bear it." "Well, I think I had bet- ter bring you my bill to -day; to- morrow it will be too late." A Nagging Sough drives sleep and comfort away. Yon can conquer it with Allen's Law Balsam, which relieyes hard breathing, pain in the chest and irritation of thea throat. GiTO it freely to the chlldroh. Many think that defending their idea of Jesus is the 'same thing as following the ideals of Jesus. PILES CURED IN 5 TO LI DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT- MENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. SUBSTITUTION. "See here," exclaimed the angry man, "I bought this cane here last , "Yes, I believe you did, rejoin - e TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY' , es] the proprietor calmly. "What's Tor 'Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes wrong with it ?" andGranulatedEyelids. murine Doesa't "You said the handle wasgenu- ACCENT ON THE BOX. • smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists ine ivory, and I find it is artificial," Sell murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, Wife -"John. wasn't.tha,t a good sec* $1.00. murine Eye salvo iri, said t e irate party. . nx of cigars I gave you on Christ- Aseptic lubes, 25e, $1,00. Eye Books ' "That 'may be true," rePl'ed ;the and Eye Advice 'Free by'llitail. . dealer, "but it is no fault of mine. Husband -c,1 never Lw a better 'cliMurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. ' I inwort all my ivory from Africa I , ox, y dear, -------- and the only explanation I can give , If you fear to soil your hands in is that the elephant may have had There is no moral health without helpfulness you may be sure you false tusks." man helPfuluessare defiling your heart. s better to lose je loving thai in by self-seekin ?Al .de Lininient Cures nanerue. "I want a license to 'marry the best girl in the `s,v;orj.d',"' said the the cprk Jiat Make or t No man who can he indifferent to the sorrows of men can have. the love of heaven in him. HERE IS A TALE WITH A MORAL, SPORT IN A tiSTRAUA. "Champagne in the Air," Says Sir George Reid. “Nature has been very generous to Australia in the way of climate," said Sir (4eorge Reid, the High MILE EDITIURARRIS CURED Com issioner for Australia, in, • m < OP DROPSY BY DOIDee, recent interview with a newspaper KfleNty Rfte,s reueseetative. "I was thee for " 57 years, and I may say that if of,' ten seemed to me that there was some sort of 4,ihompagne in the at ut mosphere. y "1.'he health and strength giving qualities of the climate have been n broueht home to you by the per- il formances of our cricketers and ether champions in the arena of sport. The Australians excel in 7 , outdeer sports just as the people of 4 1 the Mother Country have always n a done, and in this connection with i their more serious exploits in the realms of induetry shows, I think , not only that the people are rightl physically, but that they are a Youttg People possessed of strength d grit mad meetal quiekeess and ee other !pralities which make or eueoess in the more serious af- fairs of life. "4 is sometimes said that the Aestraliens are too fond of spot, a that they go in toe lunch for Play - -out you. must not ferget thet we are Ii the years of our national youth, uti that we display the foudom or youth for ainusemeats. We are rap- idly approaching the stage of man. el, AMI, rapidly developing, our powers for the more eerzons strain) which must be faced as our nation -1 ai life and reeponsibilities in Two doctors said ehe would die, b to -day she is a healthy, happ girl -Healthy Kidneys in ehildre the guarantee of a happy, user life. McTaggart, Sask., Feby. 2 (Speeial).-That no child as to young to have Kidney Disease eve. in its woret form, and that Dodd'. Kidney Pills will eure it in any form has been abundantly pro -en in the ease of little Edith Harris of th' plaee. In May, 1903, this little girl, then two years old, was so swollen with Drepsy that her waist measure wal iticreased frern 18 inches to 34 inch. es. Two doctors said she must die, Dodd's Kidney P41s eured iler an te-cley she is as merry and heeltby a ebild as is to be found in the ueighborhood, In a reeent interview her fathez aye: "Edith is better than ever, eho has no return of dropsy she she was cured by Dodd's Eidney Pills, over eeven. years ago. She pee to eehool and is healthy. elwaye keep Dedd'e Kidney i he LO1150," There's a moral for parents in this story, Many a ehild has grown Op to a life Of pain and suffering becauee its kidneys were neglected. A life of health and usefulness is estired it the Eidneys are kept i rder with Disehl'a Kidney Pills, Mrs, Prospect Park at xnid "Mortimer)1 tlank 1 hear a r down in the front hall!" Mr Prospect Park (philosophical ',Henrietta, with two bicycles, wooden horse, the hat -rack) 01a -stand, and the baby' ileart for Lim to run into, you wouldn't 'think' you heard a burg - if one was really there:" the Oarnii to rernegge men you Med 'a re 01/CHS and 0 AGENTS WANTED OENTS WANTILD.-$3.00 P. de* easy, Ica tt experience needed. Soils on sled, Abeed- o necessty to farinerS. DoeS., WOik s tbir47 pen; Pays for it;elf in one hour. Trite to -day, 40DEltli MAVIIINURY cO, (Dept. 5Sarnia, WARTED, LYLEIXIL.3,T.,,Ifc4.11.11?!.41.1.11,N..0,W6117a11,14Dliertoci,,Ipx40:104,1,1, and conarai$4-ion. Ne oxp.eriLenen_u:Sesaury,iulsIt`rir4tion. 1:1::ItilNletWq7lfhlV°.131Ak4nu'nitedu.' wit -Amoy corer niSotarneat ptaraw:1;uvoe. Ai,oft Ot-ktiumtesii 0.r4 t 1 5 -'"3 fr' • ure vo to olghtoeu dollars East, 1'0i -en to ----' a'rbe' Farm's FOR SA:F. t.r-icrtiss:1r Speehit peetieu excur;don in April. Write now, e,:nlotSwatte,iftahtrolinuwostatrtoo.,1,45,itta,Olt, 01„0.. RICER, Tumor*mitrips. etc Intertial, *e45extera4, cn.r“.1 iwith0.3 pain. by Our bo:4143 tseayEleut. Write usiseforeoi late. BeljPialn Medical Co., Limited. v rurtgv,rood. est, You Are TERESTRO EN PAINT' T..r.1)00---grittor for Maids, eront.s(d lsesa should try PA 31 0 US su A 1) Al 11lA lis What Zam--Calr aid for Hilo gany famous persons have testi ed to the greet Wtitta of Zuni -Buis nd amongst the most recent is Ad 'ral Rodney U. .1.,loyd. Writing ma the Royal Naval Club, Ports outhe England, it0 haVO tOUnd ZAH143111; most r for healing oats and abras ; while for tile relief of tikin n it is illIV4illabie.A's er famous user of Zam-Buk M. Franz &Wan -lore, the ram ous IVar cerrespondent, who says .114Some eiCliNQUIIRIS dye on me underelething enine in contae with a small ulcer on my leg d blood poisoning set in, luflana- tion, pain and swelling followed. ledical man's treatment did -not seaui to do any good, as ulcer after uleer broke out, until my left, leg fromknee to foot was one mass of It had seventeen deep ul- cers nt one three. I could not put ruy foot to the ground, and was really in a pitiful state, A friend advised Zam-Buk, and I applied this herbal balm. - It was really wonderful how it soothed the pain and aching and gave me ease. "A few boxes ef Zam-Buk healed thd sores, and the limb is now per- fectly healthy, Zarn•Buls is a cure for piles, ec- zerue, oold cracks or ehaps, ringworm, poison, cuts, abscesses, burns, ehildren's rashes, abrasions, and for all skin injuries and dis- eases. All druggists and stores sell. At 50e. box, or post free from Zam- Bulc Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations and substitutes. "Is she well marriedl" "I should say so. She's been trying for years to get a divorce and eaa't." It is easier to prevent than ib i to cure. Inflammation of the lung is the eempanion of neglected Ids, and once it finds a lodepnent the system it is difficult to dem with, Treatment with Bickle's And. Consumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold, and prevent inflammatiou from setting in, It oasts little, and a AS satisfactory as it is surprieine in its resulte. CliE,ERPUL OUTLOOK, It was in the Wild and Woolly West, and a traveller, who was studying the eharaeter of the nun tives, asked a man to direct him to a certain cabin at which he had been advisod to nay overnight, "Going thari" said the mau. Tom's a first -rater, take him just right, but he's mighty queer." "What do you ineane?" asked the traveller. "Well, it's like this," and the man looked at the atraeger in a calm, impersonal way. "He'll be setting outside, must probably, and he'll see you coming. He'll take a good look at you, and, ef you dont suit him, he may set the dog you. "Ef he don't, and you get to talking with him, and say anythieg he don,'t just like, he may throw you down and tramp on you. But ef you're too careful in your talk, on the other hand, he's liable to take you for a sp) and use his gun fust and listen to explanations af- terwards. Small. but Potent.-Parmelees Vegetable Pills are small, but they i are effective n action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in cohsta.nt dem-and everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best prepara- tion on the market for disorders of the stomach. WOULD ISOLATE DRUNKARDS. The chairmanat the dinner of the Bristol (England) Licensed Vic- tuallers' Association, proposed that chronic drunkaide should be segre- gated, made to work at an honest trade, and prevented from marry- ing until they are able no live like other people. iteeitie An Oil of Merit -Dr. Thoinas' Eclectric Oil is not a jumble of me- dicinal substances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the result of the careful investigation of the eurative qualities of certain oils as applied to the human body. It is a. rare eornbination and 'et won and kept -favor from the first. A triaaof it will carry conviction to any who doubt its power to re- pair and heal. Knock, and the door will be opeic- ed-for you to get oue. Mrs Winslow's 'Soothing Syrup .ITas boon used for over SIXTV-FIXE, YEARS by IIILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN' WIME TEETHING-. with PERFECT SUCCESS.' It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. A.LT.,A.YS P.1.1,f cunEs WIND COIAC. and Is the' best remedy for DIARRHMA. Sold by-Dkinsisists In every part of the world Bg sure and ask for "Mrs. WIns/Ow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Idnd. TNVenty...nve eentS bottbs. ihrant.ed , under t0, Food and Drugs Ant, :lune 30th. 7,001. Serial Number WIS. - A.4',7 OLD AEI) WELL TRIED REMEDY. Many mistake soft Words for ten- der, loving ways. ,e One of the Commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them is Mother Craves' Worm Extermina- tor. THEIR "Won't you Smith?" said "I'in afraid visitor. , LITTLE WAY. sing something, Miss the hosfess siveebly. I can't," replied her - 'Oh, but you must!' joined in another visitor, "you reall,v must. We know you have a lovely voice." ``And we'are dying to hear you," said .011other. - With a sigh of weariness Miss Smith drew off her gloves and went slowly to the piano 'and began her song. The other ladies waited 'until sh0 was fairly settled, Then they took up arta con .1.*-1-ue,c1. their con- versation whei it iat It is a, w,a,y,1he4have,. RPA1NT' q77-10UT fesiats ;Ind sevee >see 75 Percept, 00 your paint hill, triPliES AND COLOR CARD FREE FO THE ASKING, The Powdrpaint Co. ,a7 Front Street Tercet°. etteese. pan:Lela Let us know the stzo of any roof oo aro thInking of coverIng and to II maks you an ioterestina etc'. "I see ytia are wearing a hero medal." "Ob,yes, I got that for life-saving." "Life-saving, did you eay?" "Yes, I drove an automo- bile and never killed a person." A Standard Medicine.-Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills comeounded of entirely vegetable substanees known to have a revivifying and saintary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they. can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a -healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. Rainmy Robinson -"Yes, mum; once for a whole yearl. turned me back on lik-ker," Kind Lady -"Ah, my noble man, what were you do- ing at the time`i" Rummy Robin - "D iving a brewer's dray sou-- r 2 mum tie Substitute for "The D L" Menthol Pleator4 although sotne unscrupulous dealers may say tiler is, Recommended by doctors, hospitals, clergy and everybody for pleurisy, stiffness, ole. When you see a bride onithe train i with tears in her eyes t s a sign either that she is sorry to leave her ,mother or that her new shoes hurt her. 'Filinard's Liniment Cures Burns, no. HOIST. "I am sorry to be critical,- my dear," said Mr. Lambkin, "but this /iie is not the kind that Mother used to make -riot by a long shot." "It's too bad, Henry," said Mrs. Lambkin., amiably. "I 'don't know what to ..clo about, it. Perhaps you'd better ring her up over the 'phone and tell her. She sent it over this afternoon." , Ateuila 1 —