HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-23, Page 74v:
Teakened and Broken Owestilat,
tons Left &Wm' --lbw to
Regain Nolff Health
and Strength
La grippe is one a the most dan-
terous diseases that annuallY
weeps oven Canada, It starts with
sneeze—a slight cold—an4 ends
with a complication of troubles. It
lays the strong man on his hack;
Lt tortures him with fevers and
chills, with headaches arid back-
aches, ,Its vietims are left low-
opirited and depressed, .e,nd an
easy prey to bronchitis, pneumonia,
rheumatism, and often that most
dreaded of all diseases—consump-
tion. You can, AVOW Ift, grippe en-
tirely by keeping the blood rich and
red by the oecasiona/ use a Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, The trouble
lakes nas its victims those whose'
Weed as in A poor enntlition, and
Iq after-effects are rtlore danger -
and more lasting than the trou-
ble itself, Fer the after-effeets of
la grippe there is ebeolutely io
Pther Medicine can equal The Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. Every dose helpa
to melte rieb, red blood that drives
niease from the system, and make
wealt„ despondent men and women
bright, eheeeful and StTODS.U you
have euffered in any way from the
spidernic of la grippe that hes been
weeping over Canada, give this
great health -restoring medicine a
trial, and it will not disappoint
you. Here is proof of the wonder-
ful newer of Dr, Williams' Piuk
pins over the efteeseffects of thin
disease. Mr. P. E.Iu1in C0110O-
teor of custouts at Caraquett N. B.,
ays: "A few wietere ago 1 had a
Severe attack a la grippe, which
completely broke me down, I had
to take to my bed for several weeks,
ancl although durieg that time I eia.
ployeed deetor I slid not seem to
recover from the trouble. I was
left terribly weak, did not sleep
well, had night sweats and little
or no appetite. I was really a phy-
sical wreck. On ,rs former OCCASIOD
had used Dr, Williaine' Pink Pills
for general debility with emit great
succees that I decided to try them
again. I sent for a hitif dozen
boxes and began to take the Pills at
once. When taking the second boX
I began to feel quite a change in my
eondition. I was able to walk about
the house and my appetite was im-
proving. From that on I gained
atilngth every day and before the
six boxes were -done I was able to
return to the offiee and attend to
my work- I have eines) enjoyed the
best of health, and think Dr. Wil-
liamsPink Pills the best medicine
for trouble of this kind."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only
promptly cure the serious after-ef-
fects of la grippe, but they make
well and strong all persons suffer-
ing from any 'form of debility et
general weakness. These Pills have
km laxative or purgative action;
their -mission is to make new, rich,
red blood, and thus fortify and
strengthen every organ and every
part of the body. Dr. Williams.'
Pink pills are sold by all medicine
enalerS, or sent by mail at 50 cents
sobox or six boxes for $2.50 by ad-
dressing The Dr. Williams' Medi
Cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
4. --
He Warns Rim Not to Mistake
Vanity for Bugged Self -Belief.
"Stevey, my boy," said Uncle
Hiram, to his hopeful young neph-
ew, "there's a terrible difference
between vanity and self -belief.
"I'veIcnown plenty of men 'who
were fairly saturated, soaking with
vanity, hat who didn't have real
courage enough to scare away a°
ecat. They thought they were the
liandsoinest name alive; but there
were plenty of homely ° men that
they'd let walk right over them.
They had no end of vanity, but no
real self -belief.
• "As matter of' fact, Stephen:I
think you are labout as homely a
-young chap as I know; but it does-
n't follow from thit that you're
rugged. And as, fartas that goes I
never yet knew a homely man bat
what thought he was handion •
and that thought does a man no
„harm'unless he lets his vanity sat-
isfy him so that he's eontent to rest
Iniic;that withoat, flirt] ff
Our vanity i a soothin, balm
many wounds; it helps us much
bear •lif e' s ,buffetings. en
mebody treats us rudel-e say
Ourselves we know what he is and
we know what we are, and humph!
:so ; and under such exasper-
On our vanity is very soothing to
i,id that's all right.
4Abd there are millions and mil-
of,peoplee Steyey, who never
bere in the world becaus
.11"etegot ilks'9_me but who
ar ' P90111 -e44") neV'er get
cr*Otildn't ry if
n't '
they did get one, because they .erei r
too timid, but who still are filled
with vanity, vanity that is to them
a blessing, for it is all they have or
ever will have; and these may be,
you understand, good, hard work-
ing people, good people; the only
solace they have is their own harm-
less vanity. But it is a great sok
ace; it makes life easier for them
and it makes them hopeful, cheer,
"Sometimes when I think of it I
think our vanity is our •greatest
blessing, and I an not sure now but
what it is eogood thing to remem-
ber, Stephen, that all men, all men,
are vain. Every man, whatever his
in life high or low, is vain and
easily wounded. Never wound any-
body, Stephen,
"So I have no objection to your
being vain, Stephen. You may
think you are handsome if you want
to or you may admire your own
clothes or your neckties; yon may
think you're the finest fellow on
earth; but don't mistake your van-
-ty for self -belief. Above all thin-gs
you want,really to believe n Yonr-
self, and this belief untstniot be a
mere, fancy. It must be a. trne, rug-
ged, 100 per cent. plus° belief, some-
thing very different from vanity; it
/mist- be a teal belief that inspires
you to do things and that sustains
and fortifies you; that invigorates
and constant/3, strengthens you in
whatever yeti. undertake.
"And you must do things, Yon
can't he content to it down and
admire yourself. Yon must butt
into -things and buck 'ern,, and if
you're thrown on one side atlYante
on the other, growing bigger and
stronger all the time with the ex -v.
ereiSO of your strength grown in-
vineible;,finally in your blood, tis-
sue and bone belief in yotmelf,
"That's what you 'meat, Steven
whole hearted, thorough, complete,
100 per contpine belief in .yotir-
self ; with that retell get on in the
vorld and llaVe a little time 'at
over to indulge in harlfileSS "an,
own, Dying, Told or R'illing
eirellS Carle
A warkable deathbed confes-
sion has been made at Budapest by
an old man named Schmidt, who
died in a. -hospital there the other
day, -
Schmidt, who had been a circus
clown, related thet forty years ago
he took an engagement with
travelling .eireue. There he mad
the aegurontence of a tight -rope
dancer, and the two soon became
engaged to be married.
One day the 'girl informed him
that she did not love him ani that
she intended to marry someone elses
Schmidt pleaded with her in vain,
and then his love turned to hatred.
He cut the tight -rope, and when.
the dancer began her performance
that evening the rope broke almost
The girl fell from a great height
and was instantly killed. At the
time no ont realized that her death
had been deliberately planned, and
Sehmidt's secret was not divulged
until be lay dying in the hospital.
The police, have found that a wo-
man was killed during a circus per-
formance foety years ago, exactly
as the ex -clown described.
_QF liEft Fri tiOS
he inherited ill -health frot her
reets, and for seven years was
sufferer from Kidney au lieaiI
Vbiteserth, Temiscoute Co., Que.,
Feb, 29 (Spenial)—That she took the
ter.lvine of her friends and used
Dodd's Kidney Pills is the reason
!ars. Julien Painchand of this place
t;ives for the perfect health that
thews itt her every movement.
"I inherited ill -health ,from MS
parents," Mrs. Painchaud says in
In interview, "For seven years, rny
bieert and Ridoeys bothered me. 1
was always tired and nervons, 1
count not sleep. My eyes had dark
cirel.es rouns! teen, and were puff-
ed area swellen,
"I could herstl,v do my honeetwork
when I was advised to try Deichr
Kidney Pills. One box relieved me
of pain, and six boxes made me
perfectly well,"
Every woman who is feeling fag-
ged, tired and worn out, should
use Dodd's Ridney Pills, They
eure the Kidneys, and every WO-,
taan's health depends, on her Kid-
neys. Hes-lthy Ridoey$ wean puee
blood, and pure blood carrier uew
ife to run down organs whicli sup -
ohs the bedy with energy.
If you're a.. suffering woman ask
your friends, They'll tell you out
o their own experience to use
edd's Kidney Tina,
sieseuger—Anea etauger on tiiis
trip, apt Captain—Well, there is
pirate Isalloeis above us and a
submarine -under ue, and we're tar-
rying twenty tens ofedynamite, Out-
side of that there's Do eamee for
A 'bottle of Biekle's ti -Con
aueriptive Syrup, thICOR etc rding to
direetions, will subdue cough in
a. short time. This assertion can
be verified by hundreds, who have
tried it and are pleased to bear
teetintony to its merits, so that all
ay know what a eplendid mteli-
it is. It costs you onlY 25
to join the ranks of the many
wbo have been benefited by its
Covered a Sniss Valley and liulb
to the Depth of Six
A curious phenomenon was oh,
served recently in the lower Em -
men Valley above the Lake of
Ilrienz, Switzerland, writes a. con -
respondent of the Pall Mall Gaz-,
Last week the inhabitants woke
up to find that it had been snowing
both in, the valley and op the slopes
of the sounding hills, About six
inches of now snow was lying, and
as far as the eye could see it was
not white,but of a grayish black
color, as f a thick coating of dust
and soot had accumulated upon it.
It was much blacker than snow
which has been lying a week in a
Qity exposed to all the smuts of the
surrounding chimneys, whereas, of
course, In the Emmen Valley there
was nothing to soil it,
The only explanation which any
one can offer of the phenomenon
of black snow is that it may be due
to velcanie ash brought by winds
across the sea and the mountains
ef Etna, which has letely been in
Red snow a course is a fairly
common phenomenon in, the Andes'
and was remarked by Darwin, Se
far no other part of the Alps except
the Emmen Valley seem e: to have
bad the unpleasant experience of a
fall of black soma The snow, more-
over, is getting darker and thicker
The inhabitants of the valley are
herdsmen, who in their chalets
make the famous EllIrnerith41
elieese, while those who live OA tile
shores of the Lake of Briene are
chiefly engaged in wood carving,
Every mother of young children
should keep a box of Baby's Own
Tablets in the house. No other me-
dicine has relieved SO many little
ones of the ailinents that afflict
them as have -Baby's Own Tablets'
—no other medicine can be given
baby with that absolute snreriess
of safety as can these Tablets. The
inother has the, guarantee of a Gov-
ernment analyst that they do not
tontain a particle of those harmful
drugs that make those so-called
"soothing" stuffs so dangerous to
the life of the little, one. The Tab-
lets never fail to be of benefit. Con-
cerning them Mrs. hie. A. Albert,
D'araquet, N. B., writes:— ,I am
Lanny to state that I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for constipa-
tion for my two children with great
[;atisfaction." The Tablets are sold
by Medicine dealers or at "25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Me-
licine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A tasty way , of using left -over
boiled rice is to put a piece of but -
Iter in the frying pari and adding
the rice when the butter sizzles Fry
until brown,
kVter ores nose esee fan ts take a toaripoolif.
fel of Painkiller mixed with a glass of hot WAter
and sugar. It surely Prevents chills. Avoid sub.
stitutes, there is but ouo "Painkmer"--Perry
110.-5o. and 500.
Bill ---‘'What's the matter with
your bands?" Jill---`tWriter's
era,rnp." Bill—"How'd you get
that?" Jill—"I started in to make
a list of the resolutions I have
broken already this year."
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Dye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eyo Booki
and Eye Advice Free by Mall.
Murine Eyo Remedy Co., 'Chicago. ,
The number of bright children -we
meet is susprisingly large, consid-
ering the quality of the parents we
, To, iron clothes easily., damp the'
clothes and fold then neatly. ,Then'
roll tightly and lay', aside for ,seve
Oral. hours. After this the clothes
earn be 4uiekly ironed.
Warts en the hands is a disfigure:
'merit that troubles many ladies.
A()1.1oway's Corn Cure will rcmoye
the eblemis ntS
&doek Swell up, when
ion turns out btt%tbafl
The Oil of Power.—It is not
claimed for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil that it will cure every ill, but
its uses are so various that it may
be looked upon' as a general pain
killer. It has achieved that great-
ness for itself and all attempts to
surpass it have failed. Its excel -
lance is known to all who have
tested its virtues and learnt by ex-
The Tiger—What's the matter
with the giraffe? He doesn't look
well. The Lion—No, he says he feels
sick all over. The Tiger—Has a
Sore throat, I -suppose. -
Wenare'S Liniment Cures caraet in cov:rs.
Cook (leaving) --"I buld like to
ask you for a written charaeter."
"Why, what am 1 to write, you
idle, good-for-nothing girl? You
surely don't expect mo to say you
gave eatistactienr Cook—"You
oed do uothing of the kind. 3net
y that 1 stasted with you three
=lathe • that. will be the beet ehar-
atter you could give me."
When cleaning a frying -pan .do
not serape it with a knife, for af-
terwards the pan will be more liable
to "catch!' Boil out the pan with
hot soda -water, and if necessary,
scour. with fine sand:
:Mrs. ikrieslow!s S02,403.1ing'Syrep
Ibis Mien vesci for over vSIXTT-EIVE 'YBARS by
antraeus a 1110TEIERs for tIzeir CHILDREN WEITZ
CURES WIND COLIC. end io 'the hest rumody tor.
DIARRIICEA. Sold by tmuirKtate-in every partoof the
;..yorri411." Be;d'nit'aO'nilvd jaefr iar.mitv,iv:ceaTt
bottle, vtiv larautead° under the Food' ono Imuavev Aet„
Jane 200. 1900. Serle.1 Number 1099.v v .
. ,
Seine children are particularly
iable to sealp sores, etc., and of -
en these break out with annoying
frequency. Stich a ease was that of
he daughter of Mrs. Albert Gae-
iike, of 485 Amherst St., Mont-
real. Mrs. Gaenlike says: "My lit -
three Year old elauglatii suffer -
:4 frequently fro1n scalp disease,
Lnd try as we would, we could not
dd the little one of this. We tried
/verything we eould think of, but
'ailed to effect a euro, until we
nere advised to try Zana-Buk. This
taint seemed entirely different to
Lnything we had ever tried before
,d from first applying it there
'as a marked improvement, The
lores became less inflamed and less
.rritable. After a few days, they
eased to trouble the child; and in
"es than fortnight from first com-
mencing with Zam-Bult, they were
:.erapletely healed. In view ef
lltese facts I feel it my duty to le
others know how beneficial Zara,
uk is."
There is no doubt that for scalp
ringworm, ulcer,s, abscesses,
cold cracks, chapped hands, frost
bite and similar sores, Zana-Buk is
nnstnuttely witlwait effil4L It is
jest aS good for piles, verzeose
sores, poisoned wounde, euts,
buree and ecelds. Rubbed well in
over the affected part, it cures
rheumatism, ete., etc., and rubbed
ioto the ehest it relieves the tight -
boss and feeling of weight dee to
eontreeting a bad cold, All drug -
end stores sell at 50C. box, or
ost free from Zam-Buk Co., Tone -
4o, for price. Try Zarn-Bak aoap too.
A mid IiI1 for Delicate Women,
—The most delivate woman een
undergo a eourne of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pille without fear of uu-
olnueaut eonsoqueneee. Thoir
Uon, while wholly effective, is foikl
end agreeable. No violent pales or
urgings follow their 115e, as thou -
panda of women who have used them
an testify. They are, therefore,
rerongly recommended to WOIDOII
mho ere more prone to disorders of
the digestive organs than men.
"Doesn't it make you sad," ex-
claimed the member of the Audu-
bon Society. "to see women wear-
ing on their hats the feathers of
the poor little birds?" "It isn't
feathers that make me sad," re-
plied the married man. "It's the
bills,' P
To „bake 'potatoes quickl.y, boil
thena in salted water: for ten min-
utes; 'then" putthem in. ,the oven.
The boiling water willheat thein
through ''antl they will 'nook in a
short 'timer,
minard,--i-initrent cures Donis, etc.'
half a bottle of olives has been
used, and you wish to neap the
rest, add a pinch of ,sadt to the
brine pour a teaspoonful of olive
oil into the liquid and replace the
and sure medicine for a
...11tWith worms is Moe
arra ternuuator.
Fairville, Sept, ee, 1902.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Dear Sirs,—We wish to Worm
you that we consider your MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT a superior ar-
dab", and we use it as a sure relief
for sore throat and chest, When I
tell yen that I would nob be with-
out it if the price was one dollar a
bottle, I mean it.
Yours truly,
es " eaid the portly paseen-
ger with the noisy tie, proudly,
"this wateh cost lucna, hundred and
fifty dollars,"
"Weren't the police able to get
your money back'?" asked the meek
little man in the scat just across
the aisle.
Two festive
homeward at
being out all
wife miss you
asked one.
the ether;
ones were ambling
an early hour, after
night. "Don't your
on these occasions ?""
"Not often," replied
"she throws • pretty
The, rin That Briegs
When, after one has partaken o
meal he is oppreseed by feelings af
fulinees and paine in the etomach
he suffers from dyspepsia., which
will persist if it be not dealt with.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the
;Try hest medicine that can be telt-
m to bring relief. These pills are
menially oompounded to deal with
dyspepsia, and their sterling quali-
fies in this respent tan bo vouelaed
or by legions ol_users.
Ile—You aro the only woman I
ever loved. She—Do ,you expect
me to believe that? He—I do.
swear it is true. She—Then 1 be-
lieve you. Any man who would ex-
pect a. woman to believe that can-
not have been much in the com-
pany of women.
melte Doom Signals does not delay storms.
Opium•Iadan "raedoiinel" may check coughing,
lout the cold stays. Do u ot trifle ; when yen begin
to congh take Alien's Lung Balsam, free front
ognsit, full of lusalirigpower.
Harker—"I say, old man, what
is the safest way to make a dash
for the North _Pole?" Barker—
"Why, take a map and find the
North Pole; then make a dash with
a lead pencil."
The Chicago Fire could have
been prevented with one pail of
water, but the water was not hindy.
Keep a bottle of Ilamlins Wizard
Oil handy and prevent the fiery
pains of inflammation.
gEST ieeolnese
AIle,$ ANDwostNo 4911o pr doay sa
03 I.onOly.
system -,constant prastionateful instrets
jou—a few weeks` complete course—tools
gradnates! earn, ,twelte to eighteen dolls:re
weekly. writs tor catalogue. Molar Barb**
College, gal Queen gest, Toroatei
ANTED to represent,
ST y4nM LA.NDS.—Ualt Zile
in acres in most fertile districts. Special
espection eXeNreien APril. Write now,
.aew3. sblathelr$ Co.. Ltd., Galt, One,
Agents wanted throughont Ontario,
EE YOE {WINO Vi7E,r;TY—We know 010$0.
about the oppertnnities for tomerteadixi m the Canadian West. We can stIPAt
on wttli informatien regarding ihe 1300 Of
*sent opp ace for taking up larne lands IO
non 'fertile tuideveloPed see*** vof
Cavvevo.eilan. North-west. Or information le A
,Q1latva9y robvxbio, v11.1 It is free, The gonsvestea4
oulty Cv%)mpauy, D0=0401: xp,i7.ulsge ewe.,
ADGER, Tumors, Ltnat;Mv. etv0. Internal
and external, cured without pain hgt.
uo haute treatment. Write no before ton
,te. nr. Tientun lfedieal Co., "duette4.
el cod,. Orrt-
The Hemot o
Aoton. tr'o3
(131113 IfIGE
Piano Action
Bridget—Please, mum, will ye
lind me yer watch for ter bile ther
eggs7 Mistress—Why, Bridget,
you have a clock in the kitchen,
haven't yon? "Yis, mum; but the
clock is slow, mum."
Your druggist will rofund money if PAZO OINT-
MENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14days. 509,
"Shall we advertise for a man
Also Bags, /roe. .Motals, Rubbles, gto,
PULLANI Toronto, Ont,
Adelaide and Maud Stem,
Phone for particulars. blahs 2411/3.
nerna-1, as,cesereneet
POR. TeirseaSinTZleTtegs
99-101 Queen
. Toronto
"A Little 00Id, You Knew!" will become a great
danger if ibbo allowed to reach dawn the throitil with experieneel" "Well, I don't
le langol• Nil) the peril in' the bud wait know. The last man had so much
Allen's Lung Balsam, a sure reinode containing
no opiates. experiencethat we ormldn't teach
say, Dolly, may I take
your photograph? You look so pret-
ty that I feel I could eat you!" She
—"Oh, I see:; that's why you want
me on a plate, eh?"
Talte LAXATIVE BROM° tpinine Tablets.
GE E'S signature is on each box. 2so.
Tommy (after a long lingering
survey of his uncle, who lost an:arm
and a leg while , fighting for his
country)—"Is that why yeti are on
half -pay, uncle?"
CURED . tifitt itiDNEYS.
Mrs. John Pettigrew, of Central Econ-
omy, N.S., was practically • helpless from
She could not stoop, and her limbs ached
at titwahoe.srlure 'for be'. t9 be up and
As Mrs Pettigrew put it, "I was all
crippled up. I saw .Gin Pills advertised.
and sent for s6rvlie, and after taking .only
Iwo boxes, an ,n different woman. Gin
:Pills 'are the enly things that helped mo,
I vcarmot sav too much "for them.", .
If You have that drvadful' pain in the,.
back—if you are.tortured with Rheumat-
ism get Gin 'Pills at orme..
Write NatiOtkal'Drug & Chemical Co.
(Dept: NS „Lyle:Toronto for dee 'sample.
Reoul es! la/dealers, 50c a box, 6 for
DresVsts refund naeney if it fat s to cure. E. `W.
him anything.
Minarct'S Liniment Cures mstommer.
Madam (to rough looking caller)
—Yes, I lest a pet dog, but this
isn't it. My dog was brown, and
this one is white. The Man—Ah,
mum, the poor little beast tUrned
white from gtief.
The daps Did It. They supplied the Menthol
found vin 'Tho]) L" Menthol Plaster, which
relieves instantly backache, headache, neuralgia.,
rheinnatisre and sciatica.
Old Bill Titcomb had taken a sack
of graip to an old-fashioned mill
to have it ground into meal. He
watched the ponderous wheels re-
volving slowly e,
a tiny stram
of meat) trickled feebly out. Finally
his patience became exhausted,' .
"Do yer know," lie said. "I cud
eat that there meal faster than yr
. ,
mill can grind it 1"
''Yen 1" remarked the miller,
"but how long could you keep on
eating it, Mr. Titconab7"
"Wal," replied Old Bill. ecu -
elusively, "1 reekon lend keep on
at that rate tel I starved.
Your time wili come—but it,won't
w,ait, iready.
IODI 6 for 25
a box
The most highly efficient application
for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre,
Thick Neck, Glandular Enlargements.
3ILE8 Of all kindly, in any and all
stages, quickly relieved and
ositively cured. Cure your suffering
and live quietly. "Common Sense" for
Piles tvill do it. $/ a box, $5 for 0
boxes, Mailed on receipt of price.
Fire, Lifihtnind
Rust and Storm Proof
Durable and
Orli alum:dal
Let us now the size of any roof
you are thinking of covering and we
will make you an interesting offers
hietaiiio Roofing Go.
..e%t eV~.
Young Man—So Miss Ethel is
your oldest sister. Who comes af-
ter her? Small Brother—Nobody
ain't come yet; hut pa says the first
fellow that comes can have her.
Vilnard's Liniment cures Diphtheria.
"There goes a man I'm sorry
",What's the trouble'?"
"That fur overcoat is the only
garment he owns, and he's lost
twenty pounds since this warm.
spell began."