HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-23, Page 4• :se' CREE)11`0N. OCCtte, Sanders & Creech. Pt0P3- 1niSDAY PEE 23 '11, A.EVERTISING TALK Aavc,ru$1.1- is statesmanship multi- plied. .• . (seed advertng and eT,ond sense are ,first rottaine. httsiness that ls" not worth advertise tn.t; i114)t. warth 'ruenitis. g Kita,„sells gooda toedaY and ',Makes a gond rePetation. for to -morrow, Advertising money, sPeni, we Pts z°1 P,Pt eXPehse- strations that illuetrate. are beat. cture dnat. do much goad. Advertising done right is buying bu- s -ten tuture business. Advertising is never any better than the man 0.17 sronlan behind the .penal. "1",e time to stop •selveetising is When ' re ready tee'ose up Your business he merchant who can't think: of. a:,*te7- ,!' thing to adverierse is a dead ene, and slioesit4 keens- it, is tnileral tune. AdVertiaiing is the business news of the 'Store, When it stops the pubtie have a. right to 'believe Mat there is *nothing doir,g.,” There ia adVertAting Valeefe.in 'Mae itteertiOfle. it le the lteePing at a iziwhigb brings remilte in advertising, ft seems•ittrongruous to have te Pay ' PhYalcian hig fee tor ;resenting a man with a, death warrant, MAPS` a woman whO /tPOWS OPthing est or canniegadpreservinS iler faredlY Picitie' all the time. One way te, 4eternize Whether anise lYing is ea note:whether' he ants as we do when we, prevativate, SAINTSDURT, Thee, a Dickens lett Monday tor Fillmore, utter a three menins visit with his parents hem "Ar and Robert Coleman* of LuranWm tollov,,, about li,farvit Mrs, Jam Andrew and Miss Hatt Of Zion, vted at Ittrzi4. Michael Eitertra ovt• SetnelaY.--Mt. Wm. S. Sleamea has gone to Candavitle to SPd a feW days with his daughter-Inlatv. Mrs. Ches. Godot• twat par- puntsaseti the •farm owned by Frank I0 t$‘1.*.teo.--me. Lewis 'Woods is laid up v,Ith,ther grip.-illies Annie "Sinclair SuralaYed at Iolin John's. • GRAND BEND. Mr. jeartee lilrophey or GreenwaY WaS it oar burg on'Wedhesday.---Mles Dalt, who has be visiting her parentf . has returned, and is clerking ror Mr, 'Amos. -Mr. Smith 'Of Parkhill visited here Sunda7,-31r., Fred Page aild,'80o, Charles were in Fort I•lanka tor a tew days 'last week. --There are quite a number oa the leek Rat around here, with la a..o.d Mrs. Wrn. Dewey, en- tertal.ned their friencla to a dance Tuee- day everting. -The remains of Josiah Dlajardine of S. Joseph were laid to rest here Friday. The 'tuners' wus , largely attended. -Mr. Wm Oliver waa in London on business Tuesday. -Mr. L. Raveile le at present in' a very low state of health. His frielids wish him a speedy recoveten-Mr. E. Diajardine . lett far Thedford to _cleric tar HBoss- enberry,--Mt. George Oliver betook him 'self to Greenway Wttlnesday where. he was united in marriage to Ntiaa Matitie Stewardson. Cangratulations . Mr. Nissen is .all 'smilesas ababy boy arrived Valentine day. -Miss Niartles Ta.",Flor, who was visiting her brother Et. J. Taylor, has returned to Varna. -We had ven leesstorns here on, Tues- day, prospects of a go•Dd fruit year. --Mrs. P. Baker 7I's able to be aretrad again we are irlad to report. -Mr. and Mrs. 3 Luther had a tafty-pull Thurs- rday 4.NC.11111g.. All seport a good tittle. -Wedding bells are ringing. -It Is with sdeep regret that we are called upon this week to retard the death or Mr. Fisjardins in his 54tleyear.11e loa.vee-to mourn his loss, four brothers three sisters, thwe daughters and two -sons besides a -host of friends. The • community extend tbeir sympathy to Rae bereaved ones. KHIVA Miss Nora Collins is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. Oecaard Milligan of Dublin. reMiss Ellen Sullivan is visiting 1r1 - in New Tork..-A number from, here. attended the debate at Shipka oa Thersday night. -Miss ICattie Curre- and Master Fred Cunningham spent Sun- day at It, Carrnel.-Miss Martha. Baum- -gm -tea of Shipka spent Senday at David -Lipperes.-Mr. Harold Gower of the Goshen line .spent .Sunday at Henry Islaffen-Nfre. Fred He/tunaof • Ship- ka called on friends here last Thure- day.--Mr. Wifliam Barry is visiting his sister, :sirs. „Tames O'Rourke, of Lee- •dom-A. number frohn here attended the Box Social at Mount Carmel on Monday •Lht...sli repot having a good time. Isaac:Gower at Shapira visited 1--Iesey Pfaff. On 'Sunday.. ---Mr. Charles Holt moved last week te his hisme en .rhe, isith concessien. He will be_ much missed, around here.- Miss Francis KnIg,ht spent at few days last week O'Itourke's.--. A number from le,,,re attended tee wedding Dm Wed - da.'" of: nfr Landenfeld ni Park -o Dieter -ie' Innslywood.---Sinnets Rate, sietiontte.te.„ seed Aibern ' Gaiser ef Seipits. 'seeet nedaY nt Jaeob 'Rate, who Inc bean eicit, is recovering. -- 'Mee and MrS. Fred h14son and innily or , are visitintse,;;at Charles Holts'. ' "IS:SetiOn„ , spent Sunday brotiler,,1 , • , • • Last FtidaY's Free Press geee, the re suit of the mid -winter Exams, of tile eanservatoeY which to Place in Lon- don, a few week ai ago. Among tlease 'Wan passed we 'it/stics. the'naille, of Miss G tP,:etal tI,tearinslee4r,:teletop entho, �r Mia tyri Clark wno pas'sed with firstclass ors the primary piano examination. We also %notice the name of NIis.s Gaiser another Cedta lads who ! a; Preseart stUyLn n Land1- She sneeived first-claes honors in t a* ---Y- We extend Most hearts' eons snatulations, net onlY ka thent but to thistr teacher, Miss Doyle enta has Proved to be 4 very efficient hers -hen -NI -se "Wieltwiret et Exeter has canned the building, formerly known "as Clarte's Hotel eed will sta.rt a Printing. ottnte i, He as tome e.t. the mach, inery on hand already an expects te; start in the near futusse It IS report- • ed that the paper will be called Thee Ceedhon Star", nailed efter oer -Starts" tile Invincible boakeehail teams -The /r13.- ec boy can Or here an. Monday and -played man by a gaille or h,ins Key. Owing teethe light Pot giving sat- nafnetiort. the gante was delayed but weep. things started a-geing, waeo guile heteeesting. Our boys, although a uttes sew at the game, made 4 gopel shawieg and made things hum and pAtove,, Ktitter ShMtrdOwft 44 valttabfe viceit. tho gelsi and Govertter and Teddy were the means of making eerne or our boys, The game tinalia. ,av r o 2reVe T• te best of good feeling eXisted, thrraugh VIS Pants Harold lilissett was the unn, Piro and his &visions were tiever quest., imetto-Rev. /leawa a ew day a in Tonent0 last isrepli.ssidra, Dera attendinS the-spriag, millinery open., lugs in Trent o this wetk.-Mr. and $irti. ClaudBlisett and fairtilY left for Leaden NiondaY Usernitree They arelas- eured the be .w2sites at a haat of friends in their new horee.--Fred Kerr. has had Mr. F. W, Fan:toot-11p, 0,E„. London here the past few 0.4Ys rtanning 4 line feline fon isitnie-Dett. bawsert hag h.,Attpitfl .tet -os or land en, the ,40.1, eta:cession from Wm, Redden and la stew ntendeg any the Premises., -Fred Raistt ndint no difficulty la sell - !rig his brick this* winter. -Mrs. Datt,, Trueraner of Dasitwoott la vieiting ler mother. Mra. Rearm, Finkbeitter.-- Mrs, Garnet Raker has returned to London, AV"' a„ tre,W dar4S. visit h.ere Witb her ifister, CARD OF THANKS -Mr. and Mrs, S. Rollins dalre to thank the very manY frienda who ao 1uty assiated then% during his recent. Illitesa and din- ablement tram W. Mrs, JirAtes Waerritt lett an ThuredaY for a. visit among relatives and friends Nticstigan.-Nir, arid Mrs. Rich, Webb ePent Monday and Tuesday on the A. R. Line. --',Mr. Larien Stone delivered a. horse to ),Ir, 3; Pallock on. Monday takin,g It to Parkhill ,witere, Mr. Pallock ▪ loading a. car load to take West. M. railock has s•Pent a greater part of the wiuter in Ontario -Mr. and litre, Stephen, Wohts Ve110 have spent a. week visiting relativeir 'and friends in Mich- ! an. arrived home on TuestlaY. CENTRALIA , FARMERS AND RECIPROCITY. CANA.DIAN CENTURY OF MONTREAL BELIEVING THAT BECIPROC ITY WITH UNITED. STAT g INTQULD, TgPERIL THE FUTURE OF CAN- ADA AND THAT IT siTQU'LD, EE SPECIALLY DISADVANTAGEOUS TO CAN- ADIAN FARMERS, WISHES TO PLACE ITS VIEW OF TEE QUESTION BE- FORE THE WHOLE FARMING COMMUNITY AND IIAS ARRANGED FOB A SERIES OF ARTICLES IN NEWSPA • • THE FIRST„AlITILE FOLLOWS A FRtrvi WEEK TO WEEK TE DOOR VIDE, OPEN (Ifreist The Carlatilan CentltrY,I'eb, -1,8) If tbe reciprocity coMpitet merely op- ened the door of the Canadian:foodrnare lre 10 Amezieak farmers it Woul3. be very injurious to thousands of Canadian farmers. It costs Ge More to transport American feral 'Prodoets to Canasilan towns and, cities than it does to trans- port •Canadian farm prodects to cities. of the United .States, and the American, farmers have the advantage ot, an earl - ler season,Moreaver they are at least teo times as many farmers in the Un- ited States as the re areink Canada, and eao tett American •farmers will get ens trartee to the marltets of Canada or 'one Canadian farmer wile gets, entrance tho markets of the United States. That the American -farmer will lake d 'yantage or the opowdo4r. ttle eall no doubt, Even a iaritt Wall gal,nst, them they have suceseded in sellMss Immense ituantities otfant pros duets in Canada,. more that -Canadian farmers itave been -able to sell in the United States. 'With reelPracity , in farm predeets the telinAnialeah farmers nrawd the one- Canadian farmer PrettY elose ln. his ownotriricet.' But this ia Aet Atli' that the, caned -Ian farmer hag -to rams 'under the recipruc- ity pact. Owttlg,t,S, Tal'OrtKI natiorktreat- les. any tariff advantagee grMated toy Canada to the United States Must al apply to the following, .,eountries.-Ar? -entine Republi Austria,nuarv Be- Calumbla, Dentuarki Japan, or,. Way. Russia, Spain, Sweden. :Switzer- taside Veneetiele, Ten It is prov&co that the advert- vages grealted to the United 'Stat e% shall extend te, the United Kingdont'and the iieveral British Colonies:* This will brby about tree eatrance, at farm, PrO., duets front those great Al.att ezportin co/Oates, SkUstralla and, New Zealand. In tact Canadian tarmera baire to compete In their own bowie market 'With farm products front all the great toed producing' countries ot-the warld. ,. • , ADDING 'TO THE UNCERTAINTY There is always some uncertainty about farming. The farmer never knows witen he pots sex i in /he ground' what Inc weather conditions will be. There may be froat or ‘hair or, dkought or too much rain. ^ Added to all Olean uncertainties due to Nature' e variations, Mere le.the uncer ttinty regarding the, prices, ..„whicti'wlU prevail when the, crop „is har,ietittal, How maruy acres should:he devoted to on, crop s.nd her many to awatiker; de- pends upon a gueett 'as to what demand there win be for liteso,clig.. ereat agricial- lurel producti at thSAinte of, harvest- ing and what pricoo,selti 4preval1. Viltat Le, trtiob arm crppe Is also ,true at live stock. It la comparatively eaay for the tamer- to study, thee copditiens of , 'PERS OF BOTH POLIT/CAL PARTIES. NO OTHERS WILL* BE PUBLISHED the home market, btu when he has to compete With the fartners of the World at large it is much more difficult • to determine what ;he future will be. It is now proposed Vb add to the un, certainty of, Canadian lar,T1Sta., ImPort'- ed farmproducts from the United States the Argentine Republic, Denmark, Nor. way. Sweden, Russia, Australia, New' Zealand and a number of' other count- ries coming into Canada wit -heat pay- sisns or any duties will to a consider, able exten,t displace Canadian itarnspre- duets la the. home market as a result er yip reciprocity compact, To make up for tosses In the home Market the caetviatn rumor 'wilt itelre ta very grtly inerease his exports to the United, States. In sowing seed, in raising stack, in growing vegetabies and fruit be %ill always have to canseder what Is illest likelY to, Satiate'. AMerican demanda. Alld after he has tkiatie his arrangements, while hie orePe are ungarnered and, the live atoek, whieh he is raising apeclally to sulk thel Amer- ican tuarkelj!a bait groWit..tho United States Congress may suddenly decide to shut out Canadian farm. producte of ail kinds. Remember the lieciproeity Compact is riot a treaty, It. may be ended at will by the United States Congress or the Canadian Parliament, It la well Mat wo are not tied down to a permar.snt agreeament. Even. the Free Trade Farmers' Convention la Otlavirsh G4 December 1.5 and iG, 1910, reetnu, metaled that a permanent treaty should not be made, but that sur understands ints arrived at should be pus into effect by coneurrent eg1slaon Allelasses tile community were n: the Warne opinion 141,1 XesTard, and the Governinent could not have &tied the• unartimans tientiMent of the community. So when we point OtAt that2eltiter the, United Stat- es Congress or the Canadian Parliament Is at liberty to earl thqa4reeartent. at short Apatite we are not blaming' the Govermnent tor this, We believe that Canadiams in general, including both farmers and the city people, will find Mc arrangement eo uneatiefactory that they will bc thankful Parliament has the power to terminate it, but it that forecast should prove wrong titers will always overhaul the cloud of., uncertain- tstyaee:aretrireths n,gaoe.attU itude at the nited. Tnere will always be etrongantluencee at work in thelirtited States. that may cause Conrese to alter tits tariff. Amer- ican farmers may be diseatisfied or AmericannnanuMcturere may think they' are not getting' enougtv out,ot the, agree- ment and demand better terzro. Taft has made no eccret °tittle expecta- tion that the United States la to get greater- cantos:Cons later on. It the' United Statea-,7,Conress endorses the compact It will ba because of thicexpec- taticia, Under -such conditions with what Seelings of uncertainty will the Canadian farmer plan his wor k tor a year ahead. , ” MoonEsvit,,LE. tlss Kennedy ot Ilderten is visiting -.Nirs. F. Elleks.-.Miss Oliva Walker of Edmonton has been renewing acquaint- , was to:- a long time a resident of our vlilage died le Landon en SaturdaY,and els remales were brought here Tues- day tor interine,nts-Thos. Smith, who has 'been Reline- in Ntr. Thos Mitchell's house during the winter, is moving to Lunarn-Thas. Neil, who fell and in- jured himself a few weeks ago, is able to, tes around- again. -Mr. Andrew Hicks la been appointed leader of ,the Meth- odist church choin.-Rev. We H. Butt -see ted a strong sermon Sunday ev- 'ting an tete Tobacco 1-labit„-Rev. An- drew Butt of Paris/sill ls.visiting his PareetitS. He also attended a meeting of the Epworth League executive La Ex - :ter on Monday, being Missionary Vice - President. Mr. Taos. E. Smith, who. has, been re- siding near here with his family tor ths past three years, is moving this week to Luca.n, he having taken a situa- tion with Mr. Wan. Reid. Their friends will be sorry to hear of their departure. FAItQUELS.R.. • At the sale of 'Messrs. Towers Bros. last week the 50 acres north, of Fat-- quhar were purchased by Mr. Fred Hun - kin for s'n2975. Till's property is quite convenient tor Mr.1-lunkin, it joining his own. property a" -t the `back end and thus enabling him to go onfo the 'same without zoirte around by the -road. "-- Mr. Harry F&ds' has the contract -cse caretaking of both" Churthes,on Tliarnes road for Use ensuing year". -Mrs. Jahn Campbell who hes ,,been, 111 for a time is irnprovsag favorably: -Our new as- sassor, fr, Those HI...akin is going his rounds these. days. , The entertainment given in the hal! ',ere om Friday :night last under the auspices of the baseball team was a must enjoyable affair and wasnwell pat-. ronized. An excellent program was ren- d yed, the chair being filled by Mr. 1\103. Catnerth in les usual happy enaa- ▪ Ih cootie csons ,by Mr. D. Davis ol Russeidale were well "received. • The Literary Society of Farquhar rendered rtveralp•leasimrs 'numbers, as did also passmore, Mr, C. Borland andMr- Edgar. Ilualein. /Lr. H. &sale was, Pres - eat with his graniaphone and contribut- . - teres.ut ec1 e.; ed ,.DC -5. Th VeedS 'arn013-1"Led ....1-16**114. , • wisicAEresE.A.,- • I ' Krs,-'vlre1ey. Hey:tt' • Victoria HesPital.„.., - - .== eP " uadergo an era' 1-1.3b,i4sefil? ter., , •st' The S. W, C. linters:I eholdln --1 -Ball on the 20t. nk.Vele by, the London Har- stors.-Strs. Chester Stavra,rdsoli is on the sick Boy gip1R,son has all the Telephones In, mrAtte second. and gossip runs higiliarsliall Miller entertained a tew*ofiyis most estimate trienda to all IDYister saPPer Priday evening. -Mr. ',Elsner „I‘lurdy ar- I*01 honreSt cl-after an extended visit with friends in, NrIchigan. Mr, Tom Boyle arrived harm from Mini- ico Saturday. -Mr. McDonald who has • been suffering with cancer arrived, home from Landau Saturday evening. --Mr. NXose SitztPsOn says he Will have water let the cost be what It may; Jimmy still turas the crank rain -or shine. - Mr. Thomas Gilmour ot-Porr,Huron, visiting friends in Moorseville.-Mr. R. Neil has purchased a tine driver.., Wonder what's doing. DASHWOOD „ 'E. M. BROKENSHIREe Dean -wand, Conveyancer. Deeds, ;Mortgages' and all legal documents -crate-fully and promptly prepared. Charges", `Mciderate. Issuer "of Nlarriage LicenseSi' Messrs Tiernan and Edip-,lioffer are. conducting- an ,auction sale ot pry Etc. at Grand Bend. ,Mise,T, 'Be' Cast': ing wielding the hannner. The Young.,People's :Society Of Latheran church vrill. give an enter- tainment, Zinunp.ris eHalinehere e -on Tuesdayneyersing Fb 2Sth ,,,shen an excelietst program .wil.i he. elv.epti Ever7, -missing a great , -trenetes,sMr.,_ Jacob body should tAtent1,- as -.Le r‘hle:S-" It. be Will , Zellers •left Thursday morning last • to attend the funeral., 'On= his sister; Mrs. Poster, in, 'Ilielaig,an.--Mrs. DorothY-,Pree ker is, at present'-versnillnrrensair attack of g,arzerene, and slig-,ht hopes' of his her recovery. -Quite a number te,fpepnie vsited are suffering f thegri Enlees :shipped a eat • fiom• Tuesda.Y,' Mr. Hy. Solderses son daisghter .of rigeort, "- east week. Mt. Carmel R. C. Church was the, sasess of a an ,intere,sting-eventi,pneWed- oesday of this week wreetsedienniarriesee" of Mr. Wilhiarn- LinclenVelto Sties' daireentersetilisinfr., and Mrs. Loren.,Se D1eteticot 'Stelibetie dsily solemnised. Over a nuredi4jt --aittlestegsaSt titel-r.ee di eLt tt:Itelten-!ga ce'elelltka 4ce ,), whe by ,Fr. Fore7tOr. Tiie-'bric; 0 y,faq641.47'4 v.,as eersornsedt , orne SA.SeSelat-. charm/es 'appearance,', -t by „her groom dressed tnY white siik SHARON Mr, John Brokenahlre or Alma ,Town- ship fs visiting relatives and friends In this vicinity., -A number of young Peopie rrom , her attended a party at Hobert SLawilOppy last:Monday even- ings -Mr. and Mrs. John Brown„ who have beer spending the winter t with. Mr. Jonah Keitle returned to their home Falls made, a .,bee last Thursday after- ‘3,11.1051aialandisullvt err3,a. slumber of neighbors of Arr. James Me- th Centralia on Saturdays" --Quite a gad i1s of wsick with ifeudMoMsns la and his many friends would be pleas- ed to hear ot his complete recovery. -Mr. and Mr. T-Ihrry, Golden and Miss Linda Walper who have been visiting and 'Mrs. 'Moses Amy, spent Sun- day with Mr. S'ad Mrs, Will Malwhinney of the Go4letet, astd left for Exeter on Monday evening where a pleasant time was span t at the thomeeof dr. William Walper.-Miss Idella and Lucille. Sch- wartz 'extertained a number of their friends i9t 'Friday evening. -Mr. Olive and Elgin Amy, Best Kestle and True - mars Morlock spent -Friday last with Mr. Iiirsurn Shapton. of Exeter. -411. THAMES ROAD A pleasant surprise ParY was given on Monday evening by about thirty or forty of the, neighbors at the biome of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Johns, the occasion beteg the approaching departure of the host and -11.0 Asts to Centralia, where they b.e:V.e rents ed- Mr. Jas. Hapdford's farm. A pleasant evening was spent in STIU8ie, speech, and song, during which the fellawing address and s, couch were 'presenIted to Mr. and Mrs.- Johns ;- To Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Johns. Vce, your neighbors, learn with regret that you are about to leave us. -Ever si,,t.ce, you he.ve bsen wall us you have 431 -Leven yourselves to be neighbors of the• riglit stamp, lending helping nand when ever asked or needed: To shoes that we have appreciated your friends/13U we ask you to accept. Ibis couch as a. slight token. of the- deep 'respect itt which youare held by us. THE:CANA-D1AN BANK • SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D.O.L., PRESMENT ALEXANDER LAIRD GENsnat., MANAGER CAPITAL $10 000 000 REST $7 000 0001 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business including the discount and collection of sales notes.. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. • BANKING BY MAIL Accounts moy be opened at every branch of The Cariachan Bank of _ Commerce to be operated by mail, and will rateive the same careful attention as is giver; to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may he deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. Rxeter 13tancit,--W. H. Collins, Manager. Branch also at Credlton. OillarMAMWMolugms. he Moisons Bank. Incorporated1856 Capital (Rid up) - $4,000,000 Rest Fund - $4400p00 Total Assets Over - '$44,060,000 as 7$ Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents inallthe Principal Cities in the World. akINFIRAL BANKINO RUSIN/15S TRANSACTS% SAV1NCS BANK DEPARTMENT ainimmingionommoommemmaminomingainsamin at ail likauches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. AlogsoN CAnximo, Solicitors. N. A IIMMON; Manageir* STRATVOIFIO, ONT. Write us at otIce tor our trge. mul learn 'what la being done in leading bulkiness College in West- erly Ontario. Our graduates secure good positions, and meet with success. Rapt- ness men eay they are the beat. We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy We give Individual Instruction itn,d you may enter at any, time. D A. McLA.CIILA.N, Principal. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM INTER TOURS —TO— MEXICO,. COLORADO, CALIFORNIA, AND PACIFIC COAST potrims. The Grand Trunk Railway System le the popular route from all poLlits east through Canada via Chicago. FEATURES Doable Track, Past Service, Pirte.st Roadbed, Modeni Ektulpment, Unexcelled Dining Car Service, All Elements of Safety and Comfort., TO THE SUNNY SOUTH No more desirable route than, via Grand Trunk and connecting lines. 7 VERY LOW RATES Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent, Exeter, or address J. D. MeDONA.LD, D.P. A., G. T. Ry., Toronto. While resting on this may your thoughts tura to ,the happy days spent with us, for we e-ssu.reeyou we will be Pleased to think nYeenan in this Way add a little to the joys of this dife. Signed in behalf of youneleighbors by sirilliarn J. Keil:lick, John "Westlake, Pet- er M. Moir. , , , Catarrh. Cannot be Cured -with LOCAL APPLICATION'S, 'as they cannot reach the seat of thedisease. Catarrh is a blood Or consti- tutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internrd remedies. Rail's Catarrh Cure is taken „internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces- Hall's Catarrh Cure is nota quack medi- cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicions in this country for Years and is a regular prescrip- tion, It is composed of the best tonics knows, com- bined with thelest blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonder ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. CHENEY 00., Props, Toledo, 0, • Sold by drugolstS price 75c. ' Take Hairs FairdlyTrills for constipation. 'hat we Eeil "Itezall rtamothes , that we guarantee , 'e is ai'emedyfor each hurnan ailment: that :mc;,,nthtaet tyl3e he most popular.. ,es,,mCanaga to -(12.y: that if any you the formulae or each preparation; that they ' pe a1 the money yon payus allS;"We 7 lc:Ts And - Should team those suli*ti by • which they can earn a living. Spotten Busiriesa 06114;es aro the largest triiiiiers in 'Canada, and our graduates secure, the hest positions. You can etud3r at home, or Partly at hpme and • finish at the College. ' INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION • ENTER ANY 'DAY Girls CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON Panrcsrat. 1-1-1-4-444.1444-144.4444+++++1.44 ,PIA -NOS To Rent $2 Per month & up Six months' rent al- lowed on the pur- chase price of a new in- strument. .61..11111ARTIN dt,SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium They noted forr thea quality oof their goods. ++++444•4444++14444+4•44++++ .a!Assikallssassbsseksiksiessessail ! WHERE:TO? •0 4 • 4 To Rivers to order some ; more FLOUR before it Ogilvie's Oatmeal 7 lbs, for 25e - Toasted Wheat Flakes 6, for 25e' D• Grahalll Flotfr Bran, Shorts and• Ft casf all N, Oil 0114 Dr. Hes Stook oq instant LIvn-e 'All kinds of niele taken in ex - „ ' A „ • . . .„? •!'4, . ;