HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-23, Page 3Stat is PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS f . REPORTS FORM THE f,E:A,D TRADE CENTRE'S Or .A,3ILRIC .. Prices of Cattle, Grain, . Cheese autl Other Produce at -Home and tbroad.. IJREADSTTFFS. Toronto, Feb, 31_--Fleur.—Win- ter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3-- 50 at seaboard, Manitoba flours are uncrlanged, ,as` follows :--First 1, patents, $5.40;; second patents, $4,- I190, and strong bakers', $4,70, on'. ,track, Toronto, Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 northern,, 99/c, Bay ports; No. 2 northern,, 97c, Bay ports, and No. 3 at 9443' e Ray ports; carrying winter storage at Goderich, le extra. Ontario Wheat --No. 2 -white, 84c, and No. 2 red and mixed, sae, out side, Earley—Malting qualities, 62 to. 65c, outside, according to quality, and feed , 50 to ase outside. Oats ----Ontario grades: No. 2 white, 35 to 35/c, on track, Toron- to, and 32/c to 33c outside; No, W. C,:.oats, 37X,c, Bay ports, ones No. 2 at 36e, 1- ay Ports. Ooril—al/ to 51e for No, 3 Axe- erica/, Toronto freight. Peas:: --No. 2 et $0 to Bac olltsida. Rye -66 to 07c outside. Buckwheat --No. 1 at 49%e alit - side. Bran- Manitobas at $22, in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $24, in basso Toronto, and bran, $22, in sael`s, Toronto, and shorts, $24. [IYIBER THOUSANDS how pallg Mortality From the Dread Plague despatch from Pekin says: The Chinese Government on 'Wed- nesday applied to the Missionary ?ledical Association headquar'terd at Shanghai asking for the despatch of .tcd:titional physicians to the north, The appalling u'. gr' tulle of the trey astatiorl cau,,eet by the plague is revealed by the estimates, The /minimum est !nate of the deaths from plague from Chang -Chun to the north is 20,4200. The ertiratc for Southern Mi ehuria, Based up,.. o1z of the Japanese rail- -1;;t" ar�drriirtistr•ation, e;Ceeds 2,500, '. ,ctalzser ative eetiuiate for the rs vi teas of G11ile-iii enel Shea- f, « is ,500. While it is irmos- it hsil to alat't£n relilldhlc F.tatitics,'. artieul rly 1zoi11 the region north and east zrl 'Harbin, where t1ir�e epi-, denrie is tat izr 'with tlpabatetf fury. *5,000 00 a,s' total is more likely to lin rrn undo ate than an Inver- T1h , i'ixeaxoy of 'Al'ttu- atalnalts to Ilho Wai-Wtr ;r• ur Pjr that his official reports show bout tween 10,000 and 11,000 deaths, but he fears the total is inueh larger. HEROIC; PHYSICIANS .A dcspateh from London says; I.n reply to a question in Parliament by Mr, Allen Bake •, Sir Edward Urey, the Foreign Secretary, on We{11,4e day afternoon stated that the British Minister at Pekin re ports that all physicians hero have been inoculated with Haffkin's vac- cine and: that the Chinese Govern - meat bas dune its utmost for the personal conhfort of the physicians. The french physician, 1)r, Ares- ahs, who died, was not inoculated. T1c3 was infected owing to a patient' corrgfling .in itis unmasked face, Dr. 'ackson, a British physician, died. of exhaustion' after continuous hard work, among the infected coolies. The Minister concluded by declar- ing i17g that Sir JohnJohnJrardalr reports that the heroism of the physicians is beyond praise. tM�VIl A AP11 IENINGS F110A1 ALL OVER TUE GLOBE IN A V. UTSIIELL. artada, the Empire and the Worst in General Before Your Eyes. CANADA. A Montreal firm: will erect five hundred houses of cement en Edi - son's plans, Policeman Delnerlles of Montreal gallantly rescued nine persons from. a burning building. One, hundred and twenty-five persons have been convicted of illegally selling eo.,ainc at Montreal since last July. has The Dominion Government appointed thirty-seven fisheries to be occupied rn 'UNITED STATES. United States Secretary of State noti, says trade agreement is an. mantic, not <a political, question. GENERAL, Id•ussia's•- attitude toward: t liinati Gooses concern. Emperor 'William and the Pope are eonvalescent. Over 65,000 Chinese have died of plague in Manchuria. King. Niclitilas of Montenegro is said to be slowly bleeding to death. The Christian mission ab Chee Foo, China, has been infected with the plague. tn— TO, OCCUPY KUL,IA. Russia Will seize China Possession to Patforce Tieaty Rights. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The Retch states that Kulja, 48 miles over the frontier, in the n s Ili region of Chinese Turkestan, is aecordance with overseers to work under the made c the decision 'arrived at by the Gov tors in Ontario, and has shade a eminent because of China's per- sistent disregard of the treaty of 1881; Under the terms of that, treaty Russia agreed to evacuate the Ili ,region, which it occupied in 1871, on condition that she receive certain Consular and commercial privileges in Mongolia and Man- churia. Russia has become irritat- ed over China's persistent violation of, the terms of this treaty, and this feeling has been greatly aggravat- ed by constant attempts en the part of -China to disregard `-provisions for other treaties, Apples—Spys, 'L50 to $;7.50 , Baldwins, Si•to $5; Greenings, $4 to $-t,50, No, 2 assorted, $3,50 to $•1.50 per barrel. Beaus --Car 10 ,s ' $1, 75 to $1,80,, Bea , and small lots, $1.90 to $2. rearrangement of the inspectorates. Prince Edward,; Island is cut off from 'communication with the main- land, the steainer Earl Grey,being unable to make the trip through '` the ice. Sir Richard Cartwright explain- ed the bill regardin • terminal ele- vators in the Senate.' The Govern- ment propose to appoint a, com- mission ommission of -three, modelled on the Railway Commission. C. E. Eaton, of Montreal,' a la ' prominent businessman, as found dead in bed with a bullet` ,wound' in his head,, on Friday, It' is sup- posed he had the weapon under his pillow and accidentally discharged is GREAT BRITAIN. , ` suffrag ettes are organiZ- `•sIl . 'I3,r�z b inc determined opposition to 'een- 511x. Sir Joseph Larmor has 'been elec- ted to - represent Canibridgc' Uni Bei sity. Honey --Extracted; in t to 11e per lb. No, , comb, whole- sale, ,$2 to $2.50 per dozen. No. 2 comb, ]wholesale, $1,75 to $`2 p01 dozen. Baled Hay—No. 1 at $12.50 to $13 ori track anal No.' 2 at $9.50 to ills, 10 $10.50, } Baled Straw --$6.50 to $7 can tra Toronto. Potatoes -Car lots, 80 to 85c per bag, Poultry - "Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :—Chickens, 15 to 10c per lb.; fold, 11 to 13e per Ib.; Ras been Canada's favorat Yeast over n quarter of a century.' E: for facts to produce 50 large loavets of fine, wholesome, zlour- is g, 110=0 -made: bread. Do not: experiment ---there is nothing `{just as good," E. W. C}LLETT Cts.1.70. WInnipee 70i2 +i4ifi, E)Fii. MOi1traa- Awaded ISIghett Ic'- ors at all E4outioos, LIVE STOCK IAPN:ET, Montreal, Feb. 2&, Choice steer's sold at 3jc good at 6 c, fairly good: at 5"'' c to 6e, fair at 5,1/e to 5r._"e, and the lower grades at 4/4 to 5e per lb. A..few choice COWS and balls brought and the com- moner grades sold fnera that down to See per ib. Sheep sold at 4e to 434e and lambs at 6e to 0/c per lb, Prices of calves ruled lower, With sales at frons. $2.50 to'$12.50 each as to :size and quality. The market for hogs was weaker and prices declined 250 to 40e per 100 The. ' At the reduction the demand `ua good and sales of selected. tots were made at $7.50, to $7:75 per 100 lbs., weighed off ears. Toronto, Feb. 21. --Butcher steers ` . g and e d medium, a 1 Leif x c r_ s it -minding In ) D good and cllaiee qualities, $5:10 to $0.10 per cwt,; butcher cows, all grades, $2.75 to $$5.50 ; butcher bulls, all. grades, $4,50 to $550 canners, $2,50 to x,3,15, Mileh $1.0,000,000 TO, CHARITY. hgehild e Late ;I;;a1011 IViU.t Will of t1 t t of Vienna, Probated: A., despatch from Vienna, . says: The will ,of Baron' _Albert Roths- child, filed for probate. .on. Friday,' bequeaths $10,000;000 to - charity. The Baron's third ,on Louis is ap- pointed -head of the Vienna: bank- ing ]souse of "the Rothschilds. cliilds. cows and springers ranged from 413 to $75 per head. Veal calved $3.50 to $8,50, with a few selects :1t $9' to $0.50, At $�1,2:, to $4-.a0 for ewes, $3.25 to $3.75 for rams, and to ,'6 r lambs. Ho^c,9 $6 ,50 for ar, s. gs, 0 1, A, for shipments f.o,b, ear hrzltry points, and .$7,20 fed azar red at the market. TOWN PAID EXPENSES. 9.4 England's Oldest Postboy Takes Octogenarian Bride. ,t. despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Mr, William Hennen, 94 years of age, i ngland's oldest Postboy, on Wednesday wedded Miss Fanny Wadltanrs, :1n octogen- ducks 10 to 18c per lb.; turkeys, Arian, at Chatham. The town paid 19 to �21e per lb,, and geese, 13 to the expenses of the '-wedding. The old couple, who recently were dis- cha •ged from the workhouse, where the courtship -vas eon•slucted, will. live on a ten shillings a -week old age pension. A. great crowd cheer- ed the union of January and ,No- vember. They received many pre- sents. Joseph Bains, 90 years of age, the 'oldest- bell ringer in Eng- land, chimed the wedding march. 0 TARI0'S NEW Municipalities Obtain Complete Over Milk upply on ro A new bill based en. the reeon1- . which the milk nrigllt sae conta rneudatious made to the Onta Legislature last session is the Pro NO TUEEIl,Cd7LO a1S fII K. w e - . ,Commission-. c`2:i z:1. •ice 1 - 1,. -rrs;,iz1. Milk s � ovl,le 3A$ t0 tubtsrt,ulosIt x r , zto bis sold frrlrrl ars truclucQd in the Reuse on S'i`edner,- tltali milkS13all. , cls,Y lsy the Ron. J. S, Duff, Min- eow which, upon lrlhyszc, examim 1: TER SCAR Reservoir own•. at ,tile � en. ' cies A despatch (rein.:tilontrealsays,: o Chief n; `'4 • °1; ro't ]node t- 415 c le, From a r 1 'n ``of the cit - 1 -wer1 neer :�T�ni � J serious fact wa;. az 5 I<„r ;: the brought . tothat the' v aPer w n: .....: m ” the big xcser��7 alr on: the m.nrn a� t rsro;� is roiiim down at the rate d G idles a 4lay. hat; if thislcohtditidn 'o'f` affairs, sl,aulei:: coni; rite the outlook was; that serious lfiicultf-a 61111" ' Airco lrtter.ce bhe 1n , S gr-� n 8 i1 1334c per Ib. Live,1 to 20 less, THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butttr—Dain=. prints, 20 to 21e e choice rolls, 15 to 20c; inferior, 17 to 19e. Creamery- quoted at 26 to 27c per lb, for rerls, 24e for solids, and 22 to 23e for seperator prints. Eggs-Oaso lots of new -laid, 25 to 26c per dozen, and of pickled at 16 to 17e. Cheese—Large, 13e, and twins at 13/c. frost ` this .winter the ice,: has gait 1 ere the'cit •'s in- takethick near � z > 5 takeis situated at Lachine 'thz,t'the J. « -water _s lowcrin�, rapidly, every day.h Thereore places where tl e.ice is,sco. . Mole sactually' hat ' 7',t 1 as' lr, t _ :•F I •.. .,r :. 1 the k ottGrn: Tlle.x;.ee n they uedu a5 tK Bic 0ntr eal,; • 2ness� ;r9r4t1tS}'tl HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—tong clear, 11f to 12e per -ib, in ease lots; mess pork, 521,50 to $22; do., short cut, $25 to '$25.50; pickled rolls, $22 to $22.50. Hanis--Light to medium, 15. to 16e; do., heavy. 14c ; rolls, 12% to 13c; breakfast bacon, 17 to 17/c; backs, 18 to 19c, Lard—Tierces, 121,4e; tubs, 122;4c ;. pails, 12Xc. BUSINESS AT :MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb'. 21 -Oats -Canadian Western, No. 2, 39X, to 39/c,' car lots ex store ; extra No. 1 feed, 38% to 38./e; No. 3 C. W., 37% to 38c; No. 2 local white, :37% to 38c ; No. 3local white, 363 to 37c.; No. 4 lo- cal white, 353 to 36c. Flour --Mani- toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; do., ":seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.75 to $5; strong bakers', $=1.90; straight rollers, $4.- 35 to $4.50; do., in bags, $1.90 lo $2. Rolled oats—Per barrel, $4.45; do.; bag of 90 lbs., $2.10. Barley -Feed; car lots, ex store, 49 to 50c. Corn -American No..3 yellow, 5614' to 57c. Midfeet]—Bran, On- tario, $21 to $22; Manitoba, $20 to $23; middlings, Ontario, $23 to $24; shorts,. Manitoba, $22 to $25 ; moil- rlle $26 to $30. Eggs -Selected, ')Sc ; fresh,, 30c ; No. 1 stock, 24 to 25c;' No 2; 20 'to 22c ' Cheese" Western, 11 7-8 to 12 1-3:0asterns, to 113/4e. Butter Choicest, 241/, to 25c`' seconds, 22' to 230. svl e e�C SCI 11.1 of lttbnor-t ,t u atr7r expceted, toren a1 dkei �..., q UNITELI`TATEi M11FLIKtTS Minneapolis, Leg. 21.—Whist, Al ay, 96 j, e ; Julys 97 5-8' t+, 9 %c September, 93e; No. 1 hard, 98/4c• .';1 Northern '96X to' 98Xe rtherh : °93 to 961fc ° . No, �, ran 0:'7 ur 1 1r5t patents,tent ) '$ „s ondS 4.35";Y{•,; ,:do., „seconds, tab > siGle . aiS. `° ,35 to 3,;35: `r h 4. til 9t�'�'to,,. s. ;t S prin � y sto -11 &s,rntery rete]• of Agriculture. Itis entitled tion by a 4crti4ied reterinari. "Au Act Respecting the Production shall be declared to be and Sate of Milk for Human Con- sumption," and seeks to embody in its scope all the legislation bear- ing on this subject. T1re bill does it gives - n coaxrtrol over otl>, it sets tl e- pro nee .n .,, itt ES. 5 •Y,1A trout tuiaeretilgsis of the udder or- zxlill� glands, or dose 11111k, orr oal.c� terielogieol or:mis:ros401 (, tl exam- itatichn is sbollu to £o7ttain tubercle bacilli. t is provda trr utensils zta sties ealilpli3ttu lslaa ref' ;mit-: x111 llk suI ctl that in $ rug, xe ]aryl dazr�i c� elr raz > Bac jarnesr pitzrlsc,se, ate >erac�ra7 .tazt Petr.7ilhn iAttghy .e an-cncd - h Being u ed, 1 11e +atlscr clauses 3 lt'itll epeciei elar5505 Qi» 1linstnnce, municipalities oxhld to establish and zlraintain or assist in the establishlneut arld maintenance of milk 'depots to fur- nish urnisll a special supply of milk for ianlanes. caro of cows,the sanitary condi-' The term ""certified" is protect - tion of the places where cows aro ed by incorporating the conditions kept, the water supplied to cows, which most be complied with be- the care of utensils used in hand- ;fore it can be users, and by pee- ling milk the proper storage ` and vidingthat these conditions must transportation'of milk -; the making becertified to either 'b • the Medical ofbcteriological tests as a nide ` alth Officer or an 3incor orated a g He 1� G UE STS OF THE KING". Arrangements for Colonial Prcmu- .iers at Coating Conference. et'S, The 'pruned; at tlhe `municipal' the milk is to be cousuzialeci shout ha' n i n t l l es hose cotnl�lete control ter of the produdtion, care and solo. With this object in Griew, munici- palities use gih-en power to pass by- laws snaking regulations as to the whi canis oY iatl:l:>u, £ar any a A despatch from London, says: I4 is officially announced that the Prince Ministers of the aver -seas dominions and tile; Ministers ac- companying them to the Imperial Conference will be the •guests, first of the Government, and afterwards of the Ding. The Colonial. Office has taken rooms at the Hotel Cecil- The British members of Parliament will entertain 58 of the colonial members, eighteen of them from Canada, for a fortnight. They will heve seats for. the Abbey cere- mony. TO SELL TIMI Clila�:l. New Deem:l a re Slay Inure Cheese Factories in the ;East. despatch from ' Picton, Ont., says: Prince Ed,,vard farmers have before them the proposition to sell cream to >a Toronto firm, which of- fers a tempting price. It is under- stood some of the farmers in the upper part of the' county may take up the idea thisseason. If any great quantity of cream should ,be shipped' the cheese industry -would be: considerably hurt,' 1FORGER, BRAVE, BUT A FQ to the Nvthelesameness_'of milk, and such other /ratters asmay be con- sidored necessary. Councils are also authorized to fix standards for butter fat andto- tal solids, but it is provided that "no milk shall be sold for human consumption which contains Tess than 12 per cent. of solids, of which 3 per cent. shall be butter fat." In addition to this, stringent provis- ions aro made to prevent adulter- ation. Councils are empowered to ap- point inspectors, who are given au- thority to inspect the source of supply, as well as every other; point. BURNED THE CIRCUS. society of medical practitioners. PASTEURIZED MILIfi. Similarly, it is provided that it shall be unlawful to apply the Word "pasteurized"' to any milk 'unless it has been subjected for at least 20 and not more than 30 minutes to a temperature of not. less than 140 and not more than 115 degrees Fahrenheit and at once cooled to 43 degrees Fahr"enheit or under and kept at that tempera- ture until delivered, All the clauses at present in the statutes bearing on 'milk for hu- man consumption are repealed. iionkey. Overturned :Oil Teeter and Only horse Was Saved. A despat•eh from Pottsville, Pa-, says: A monkey overturning an oil heater in the Winter quarters of a small railroad circus at Orwigs- burg, Pa., on Wednesday night, caused the destruction of all the circus paraphernalia, including a cage of monkeys, trained apes, a pack of trained dogs, a den of snakes and several horses- One horse was the only thing taken out alive. Hers➢er°t Thomas, of Alonnted Pol rocs. diets Year in Prison. l etc spatpli front Edmonton, Al to says :: Herbert Thomas, of the Na W 4.P ,',)as" been 'sent'en.ced' 0 ilofile year's imprisonment for .the or'gery of expt;nse vouchers'. Thom- as ';;rs known as the :most', daring all' the North -Wes` 1 1 , kt i t .. 4 (Dl • 1 I7L11 tis i;Si. s. Il r'e- (>Oahrhtlt n3, 1t3 et " P �oii . 000 :}0. i of 2a 0 , ittl lt,.dl l , sc n irini.' e a at h ia1 a W � Ig y lirsda ' mlrt J. e b�x ,rzn. .s Tal - f I er C:o r 4. �preSseadi'a ��'pOSitCK�t',. is 'thee wolzld bb 25, Tester/ Canadau > etpr talk RLSSI N Iv AIRSHIPS. Duma, Asked to Tole $60,000,000 for Four New Battleships. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The Government has asked the Duma to vote' $60,000,000 for 'the construction of four battleships by 1915. The`vessels are to be nam ed Sebastopol, Petropavlovsk, Gan gut, and Poltava. KAISER TO VISIT LONDON. Will: Attend the Unveiling of Na.. tion -al Memorial to Late Queen. A despatch from London says: The announcement that Emperor William wouldattend the ceremony of unveiling the national memorial to Queen Victoria in front of Buck- ingham Palace on May 16 is con- firmed. His Majesty will be ac- companied by Empress Auguste Victoria, and. it is ,expected that the two will be the guests of King George and Queen 'Mary for sever- al days. SOLD COCAINE. Three Men in Montreal Sent to Jail for offence. A despatch from Montreal says: Ili. Recorder Dupuis sent three cocaine vendors to jail on Thurs- day hursda , morning, and •declared. his in- tention. of doing so in every, ..in- stance where such a thing'` is pos- sible. [fl -EU- BBIITJtiE CONTRA Has Been Sec -,-red By a,Ca .ad ani Firm, an AAbout utS13,000/000 �11.�. Amount to . A i Pas ch fror Montreal [ays :• prre ,Bri�dwe Company �s'lnich n, I oK{ b the. Cw tnment to snake: ever alien .the St,:Lawrence Com- p lo i ed y , � t t P' to r la a t Johzisto'n the managine, litect,or of ap . h :,.- 7 It is stated 'that tie ex0erts ono-`. liered, to the, 'official' design. Tl i„ the an .re pare i ,eneer' Pei 5s recommendations , concern ng •pany 1 1 s } ad - new Quebec. , bridge ckecl some ears ago haves tho ll0 lnran Prlet= e Ocim one..lvreK, � a ,..,,., i� ... � 1 ... :''ll fa 'Or Of' Ifs:` l�tE. "ie ' 11�'`•. n Of :the SaTne �orteil four to ane � v ;, s cl.'l, Mr; Iia ga , : .�, ° tlla t. La , s1e 1a `t a esr n 'tender Presented. ` �:? 1 1 re ., a �, R , � h , n.r�an yv i ~d fay, tis un x 'afr at e. Co �t dr h dY b ani :as:; ,co ]'CnCe 'Bridge _ 10 ornnor B -compose. +� the f 1 i Company and :the Canadian R Conrpali`., - The contr,aet'; whic1i do t! hat the pope oul r 111 ei