Exeter Advocate, 1911-2-16, Page 5leer. ,1t When you are jacied—yppy appe- tite poor—your whole system weary—just try a glass of ',abaft's An Stout Ale a . Pleases the palate refreshes the body, agrees with the weakest stomach. A -truly wholesome !lever, age that _really nourishes. For a, milder drink try Labatt's L d on on Lager _ r.4,usa to the fittest ,. German brews. klas the true smack of chetce hops. Very light, palatabte,. satisfying. Look for the lavender label. Coneeer (LAGER STYLE) A temperance brevr-r4astes and looks like choice lager, but has less than sli% of proof spirit. Quenches thirst; refreshes; gtves appetite. Oder some today. vier B;e1 (ALE STYLE) The newest non -intoxicant, mild and delicious, with the real flavor and quality of good ale. Complies with local *lotion requirements and may be openly sold 93rwhere. Order any Labatt product from your dealer„ or direct from JOHN LABATT LONDON, CANADA New 1:11*(1)cery Store. Having purchased the pre- , wises lately occupied py Mr. M. Jackson, South of the ?Jet- ) ropolitan Hotel, and establish - a First Class Grocery Stock therein we invite you to call and give us, a trial order. „ " Our Motto is to keep notii- ing but fresh goods, and you I may be always assured that LI you will receive good goods all the time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. 'Try us with your ,next order in Groceries. JAS. GC)UL131 2 Orders For rt, pring a en a NQW. 2 Seldon, Exeter; `VItli.4gRAfii*,1*(iPt ttiesS of, rtf.Tt. d te' • 90 o 99 96 9 il SI,T1ISs . '09,ni, e,'" pp4i4fti-i37.99969;`'',9' ,2'd, 99 ilt;iciff.- 9 n ofr.ft.../frailicatiorafixitlxiorails Manure Litters Beatty,Bros: Feed .,and Litter Carriers 1 - Overhead Conveyors, BEVatV Bros: Steel Stalls4z Stanchions can be installed as aiemirts 1 lumber and last forever. Bea,tty Bros.' Load Binder 41 gi These three things are great Wm. Gillespie, Exeter 1 labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by PE0NE 51 .„,.. - .4...v.,1;OrntrNirxgrAir Z UR I CHt ------- 'NB., Henry Neeb having disPosed his eighty-five acre farm in Hay Town- ship, has purchased Mr. Casper Wal - per's tins hundred and liftY-five acre farm, situated cirri the Zurich Road, known as the I-loppel Farm. The price paid was $18,009. Mr. Neeb Is to be congratulated on his purchase as he has the best alrouind farm In the Town- ship of Hay. It is said Mr. VTa.lper is negotiating for the ,purchase of Mr. Henry Zimmerman's fine 150 acre farm in the same township -Mr. Wm. Phee had a runaway on Thursday last He had been attending Mr "Lento Kipper's sale, and when returning home the corse took fright, upset the cutter and ran away. Mr. Phee escaped injury but the cutter was badly broken. • IL'FLPLEY le; :stet.; NOTICE TO CREDITORS' IAF' 'IRE H°L1D A 'Y. gXC 174MEN'. In the matter of the estate of 3art9a Annie Hayter, late aftho Township of Stephen, in the County Of Huron, ;rid- ow. deceased, • • Pursuant. to See. 38 of Chapter 149 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 18471 notice is hereby given that all" cm:Mora and other8 haying claims against the estate of the said Martha "Atige Hayter,t el0 died on ihe 21st daY a,;4,99V)r, 1911, arc required oni or before the1,1 d1s1ro Ma'rell, 1911, to) send by post or to deliver to Kenneth Gotichrian of. Town of Parkhill, in the County of Middlesex', solicitor for the executors, their christian and surnames, addresses; and.elescriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement 0, their aceomits and the nature f their, securit ies any) held by them. Arai further take notice that after such last gnentioned date, the said Executors w111 primeed to distribute: the assets of the oalddeceased anwng the parties entitled thereto, having re gard only to the claims of which the EXecutors shall then bave, notice and that the said executors Will , not be liable for the said atom ts Ot•fany part 'themot. to an person 4r persons et whose claim or claims notice shall not have been reedited by them at tthe*-time, of such distribution Dated at Parkhill tide 14t9 of Feh-, D.1.011. W11-. liAtTelt JOHN SHERRITT Executors nr KENNETH, GOODMAN/. Their Solicitor . tt:1,""-"trilt.11.1tt""tkV "•;,•ittS",-' at his home in Seafort,h On MIanda " t last week, as,,,ed 72 .years, Heewas a sou. _ e 01, the late Sehh Grieve. a Ai.031.ee 1r A3t ' Elisabeth, the beloved wife et'aro. 'le,' MeKillop, • " , Curtis. <KO at ber home, Salem, l't C- GillivraY, Oa Sunda:Y. Fob* Sth,* in her ----14. 67th year. She was a daughter oil' Mr. FALLING HAM ^ and Mrs...Sara-110. Saw -don and was born ...-.....,-. ta, Yorkah4re, Eng. She came to the terenline„ with bee parents in the•70`s biting then In the prime( of young wain- a:13.1°0d. Poring the list ten years she has 'been, blind and this .affiletion but b encleared ee to those who eyideavored to malce the 'titislCit tier life as bright as love could make it, Siee is Survived by her husband, tv,to• sons and three There are many restful places to re. cuperate et-hearby is the St. Cathar-t hiss, Preston and Mount 'Clemens min - 'here are many restful places to re - era l 'resorts,: The uldIghland Inn" at Aigonquin Park; you can enjoy the pure air and winter sports, and rest to your lwart's cOrdent. 'A trip to Tomagarni, Cobalt, Gowganda or new gold field of Poreupine •suit the prospector. The Samy Soutb, Florida, California. or iqexico will appeal to these who wish to get away frem 11'3044 wea_ther. Fufl InformatiOn, tleketa, and tibia- trated liter.ature from Grand , Trunic A.gents.o address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat. ioa, TOrentio, Ont. • C1eaiing Auction Sale Mr. Joe. WI -ARO tlaa received tristruCt- teas to sel! by Public Auction on, LOT 4, CON. 6, P. ot OSBORNE. or/ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911 099, O'clock. 'sharp, - HORSES -1 draught mare rising ti yr. old; -1 draught gelding ri?ing 3 years old; one draught filly, rising 1-yr-olj:). one carriage geklErig. rising 1 yr, old; 2 draught colts, ri91ng 3 year. CATTLE -4 yews, duo in Marchi'APrilt June. Oeteberl (Me registered jetaseY coW. due to calve IN, May; 2. betiter due In Octolx:r ; a steers rising 3 -year old; 6 steers, rising. a years old; 2 steers*. 2 yr. old; 4 calves. POULTRY -About 50 pure-bred whit9 Alietion Sale ,b sow due in April r OL' FARM STOOK IMPLEMENTS T. Cameron will sell by public auction ciet Lot 9 N T IL., Towninip7of Us - borne, on WEDNESDAY', MARCH 1.nt 1911, at 12.30 o'clock, the .follovittaf property, viz ;- HORSES -Heavy draught mare, 5 yrs. old, with foal: agricultural. mare 5 yrs, eld with foal agricultural mare 5 yro. old: 2 heavy draught geldings doing 3 years; strong farmer's driver 5 yrs, old: roadster rising 8 yre.; rising one yr. draught: filly rising 1, year. agricultural. ' CATTLE -Cow with calf at foot a vows due at time ot 'sale; 2. Cows due afarch; cow duets Sept.; heifer 718- 3 yrs., due in. May; steers 2 yr. old; 6 steers rising 2 yrs. old, good b'aet lingere; 2 betters, rising 1, year old; 2 stows ristip,'," 1 yr. old., HOGS -2 sows duo la April; 1 sow due In May: 9 stare hogs. FOWL -60 pulleto and pair ducks. INfPLEMENTS-Lurnber wagon, nearly new; truck wagon, 2 top buggies, one nearly new; pr, bet:Weis:so, atnoseY-1-lar- :Is binder, Mower, seed OM 3-horee cultivator, ne,W hore Take. now; hay loader, land roller, double wagon box and seat, extra large wagon box, hay rack, gravel box, nevi tanning mit) Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow, new ;'2 waiff las. plows, ono new :,set .harrowo, diets, seuffler, pulper, wheelbarrow; stack rack, 2 '13tri .double working harness, nearly new, set single harness, new ; Quantity mangles, turnips and tiraothY hay, ere= lseparator, new; price, eltins, horse blankets, shovels, hoes. etc ; sap pan, buckets and spites; 100 bushels Bumper King seed oats; good cattle dog. Positively no reserve as the propri- etor .has rented his farm and Is going West. Terms, -Sums ot,%5 and under cash over that amount 10 months credit en furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per eNat. per annum at tor cash, on credit amount s AND. c,o1Pitnr..r.,,. T. CAMERON, Proprietor Auctioneer. SAINTSBORT (Delayed Lit the, mails) Mr. and Mrs W. 7. Davis visited few days.with the latter's sister, Mrs. Garfield Needham last week.- Themes .way last week, of the cutter. Noe horse escaped.-Vrank SrnYth rippe last week Quinton's ,horse ran -a making -a total wreck ono was hurt and th with but little," injury was laid up with La G. •'--111r.' and Mrs. J. Shoebottom of Lon - doe township visited here on Sunday. i -Miss Alice Davis is laid up' with the grip. -Miss Ruth Hodgiets who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. G. Gad - bolt at Winchelsea, has returned home. 1 -Mrs. W. J "SknIth and Mr. Naesati Davis were called to Sarnia ,last week, owing to the ,severe illness of their aunt, Mrs. William Simpson. They re- turned home on Sunday. -Thos. Quin- ton has replaced hie cutter, ;which was broken in the runaway last" week. ,,jtr P. Bender was called to Ford- -Leh, last week, to attend- thefuner- al of his brother.-tie.left' for ler horne Orrns.town. Que., after visit-. 1n,r.," her brothers Messra. John land Rob- ert Williams.-Mr.McFalls,,of the Baby - los is very low vvilth'i pneumonia; arid it is reported thee, his chances for -re- . covery are not every bright. -Mr. 7. Preeterts mother 15 quiiesill at present titocause b•-i.ng gangrene in her foot. .s s, e is aver eighty years Of age tier (hailer foe recovery is not of the best. pretty wedding took place iri the Lutheranelturcli " on Wednesday after-. - „ moon at 3:30,' which Miss Lydia. Decker ' , , _ s e. ; f . Evict, Mrs. Toon: J--"eck- , of the Daibylon. Line Was triads the - . vrjfj ot, .Kr. 40y ot: \L4th the presence 't4NTei. I1 01 Tueedey ACountjr : • 111cPk, *one a sonig 001011tO. er r • Y"o ies4` ornsOtcli At' ita 11•"'' 4 itt Master Love, who bas been on the sick list., is improving.-Mr.1W. H. r"' b 11 of, Brewster accompanied by hls cousin, George of Sarnia,' spent Mon- day at Ur Johii, Love's -In the issue . . of Your paper of twto weeks ago we noticed aii item in your paper regarding the sale of eolt's by Me. C. ,Walper of Mollard Line to Mr. Shereitt -in which it stated that $300 was. paid instead of $500. Mr. Walser is noted for his good horses, as he is satisfied With 'Ione but the best. -Mr- Itobt. Turnbull - • , and son Maxwell spent Monday.'after- , r1,0011 , at the poettoffice.--Mr. threshing 'machine, „also straw and wood cutter is at- work 03 the 21L, ia'Lny nearly tbe season' work. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hickey. and 'utir two _daughtens, Messes ,Bliona and Addle, spene,Sunday,,i!Ideeand M and Gaed ;acad.: A'4,11%; e BWST ett? „ year §4altehe(Wer.his iSsWitSi fece7i,e;7 • Taylor VlBt,5 f 0lAtigs. Ilit'f893 *4 s*; iF 11 WYandotte hens; 4 good coekerelo. IMPLEMENTS-Frost & Wood Binder, Ttake and DISC littrroW; Maxwell Mower, Smatter and Drill; Cultivator 2 good walking plows set br iron 11 r rows, land roller, manure &Treader.; one 70cal wagon, double, box and seat corn plete; farm wagon, with wide tire, hay .ack, pair of sleighs. Gravel box, stone bait, on goiod farmer's carriage, near- ly oevr; one good liltada nearly new, 1 cutter ; pair scales 1000 lbs ; .set double, ,v),rnese, set single harness, grinding stone. root Twiner, about 800 ,bua, man - golds; -00 busitele turnips; Daley churn and many other articles too nuns- nwpous to mention. positively no reserve as the proprie- tor is giving up farming. TERMS -All sums of $10 and under rash; over that amount 10 'months cred- it. 5 per cent. perannurn oft or cash. JOS. WHITE, SIDNEX ANDI1BW. Auctioneer ' Proprietor, Farmers' Institute •••••••••••* The Supplementary' Nit:stings ot the South Huron Farmers* Institute will be held as follows,- HENSALL , FEBIITIARY 21.st .:44 LEWIS of Burtord.-AtternOtOn subject, `Clover, the 'Key to successful Farining.": Evening, • Waste 'Places." W. T. AGARDHOUSE of Hightleld-At- terneen eubJect, 'Conformation and Judging of Heavy Horse, Beet Cattle, and Sheep." ; Evening, 'Waste Places." Local -11. SldITH-Subject selected. DA SIIWOOD FEBRUARY 25th t P. M. L'ErWIS--Atternoon subject, °Cio Ver, the Key to Successful Farming.". Evening, ' Waste Places." W. 5. GARDHOTJSE-Aft,eraoon sub.. ject, 'Conformation and Judging of heavy horses, beef cattle, and sheep." Evening, `Cheap food for Farm Stock." Loral -John Morgan -Subject selected EICET.Eit s vEiari.T.TARY 27th E. lit. LEWIS-Afternoon subject, ' Seed selection:" Evening. 'Waste Places". W. J. GARDHOUSE-Atternoon sub. Ject, *Type of Live Stock." Eventing, ' Cheap Food for Live Stock." Local -A. Mustard, subject selected. • A program will be given at the even- ing meetings. After,noort meeting begin at ;sharp. Evening meetings at 7.30 sharp. Let there be a good turnout. Everybody Weicoxn.e. A. MUSTARD, B. S. PHILLIPS, President Secretary. . • - The following- is ihe,rePort for S. S. No. 3, Stephen, -for the month ,of San. Total marks 300 ;-.R. Parsonsi 259: A. Willis 233; V. Hogarth 202; isT. WjuIig 193. Sr. •III. C..Trletmer 208 'lb San- ders 199, L. Sehroeder 168; Jr. irt., E. Towers 254,'C. Parsons 2•32, T. Wil- lis 198, H. ,Schroeder 193, L. Sanders 163; Sr. IL, L. Schroeder 237, Nr. Trieb- ner 229,2. Sanders 204, V. noN 192, H. Preszcator 140 Jr. IL,L. Hill 232, R. Parsons • 224, A Shapton :192, V. Preszcator 169, E. Hogarth` 12; Pt. II., G. Schroeder 235 E. Preszcator 186,• V. Hogarth 123, E. sianial.ce 505; Pt. I., L ,ParsoUs 165, M PresZcatOr 165, N.:Sanders 104, 6. Wi1h 71.. Emily Tliornpsoni teacher. • , bREWSTER. .• , • , , , (Too late for last week.) No new,s last week owing to the xe- porter's ilinees.s-We had lovely west lei last week. -Tire bear did ,not see .Ns shadow en Thairlsday, eBear.Day.-There,• tves •a terrible blizzard .1`viontilay hitt., it OhTY lasted the , one day --Mr. Silent lst, weelewith friends aroued, Creclito.n, returiting- Saturday. and 1.eft. emits ..for, Crediton on Sundays.' Tyfust be 30310 attraoti3n there. Jr. Will Taylor • of Varna '&13;ent feW days with his brother 34.17:.:41:3i, Tay10r.-41is3' Martha Taylor of DttOtit4.40, visIting 't Mr: and,se. "Mes., R 7 ajiors thaweek- dsughters.„ TUcKERSNITH--An, old. and respect- ed resident of Tuckersinith died at the home of her son-in-law, Thomas Arch- ibald, AfeKillop, last week in the person or Mary Mcitiurira.Y, wife- of the late William Ireland, of the 'kkia Read, Tuck- ersmith. 'Mrs Ireland was 69 years ot ag. She was aj daughter ot the late WIWam McMurraY, one Of the pionc-er residents of th5s township., KIPPEN-Mr. Ws'a McDougall 'Or the third .ot Tuelseramitb, Who' is,C4IO of our most sumesoittil farmers, has dispoaed of hs tinetam a sixty acres ,?.,fr; Woeley French of Port Elgin, The price was 1.4,200„. Mr. French is a son-in- kay, or Joseph 11,Jpshall err our .ug. IMPEN-Misa Magee, lifeLean rece.„iv-, ed word last week trent the United Stat. ea Conant General, bearing the sa thews et the death Otthe,44 brother, Mr. john 'McLean, widen occurred at toka- harna. Tapas, last month. No partictil- ars of the sad event were received, ttliP, ther than, that death was vansed by ;cancer of thettbreat.' TDCKERSMITIIssIlenry Cudmore cif COS. 2, SOld 910 tam, elintaining aCreS, to A. Pepper. et near neigh-, bor. Mr. Cutimore will- retire to Sea - forth. Ho has been a. resident hem about all his life a.tatt'lliS removal. will 'he regretted. MITCHELL -The death. et Mr. Walter Thomson occurred iri Texas last weeit, whither he had "gene a foonthl before to visit his son, in tbel,110Pe of ,regaining his health. Ile wa. oop or tits 1eadn4 oatmeal millers in Ontarlo, and ; was 70 Years et age. Ills remains were brought to 'Mitchell for inerment. MITCHELL -Mrs. .Max 1..Intet Qt bert, who to visiting her nephew here, is a greatgreatgradmother at the age of 85. All her 13 children, 54 grand- children. 23 grea-grandehltdren and oae great -great-grandchild are still iiv- ing. SEAFORTI1-1,V1111am Grieve. one or the oldest residents oft his dlotrictalied Ira, Jas. Harris of NraPPellas Sask., says,* • ' "I. have found Parisian Sege no" be the beet sealp and hair tonic: and dressing' I bare ever used. hair has been cern ing out 1.4 combs lull and wati very' dry and, brittle, and the 'scalp was atwaya itching' and full of dandruff. I have Used twoi bottles of Parisian ,Sage and it has' stopped my hair front the hob - lees and dandruff .have disappeared and my hair Ls fine and soft and glosSY-, vt;ould not be without this' fine 'Dair TO11: ic for many times the Price."'" For warner:a men, or tehildton..Paritelan Sage is *without any. doubt the 'finest .PreParation, Ler the hair. PaintilYlle'..r,* fumed, It is free- frorn greaser stick- iness and to be where,svery tnefn- her a the family could use it dailY- Large bottle 50 cents At Ali druggists'. C‘C,44; .4,1.°VraoirttbeErPleTPOrrtlet.t7P9'%Ttiraiel' °.1rTe' buozIgiffrrt with the Allintrn hair 011-everY Pack- age. Fold and guaranteed Itiy W. S. Cote: AT WOIIK ill 3 a....o•t. *t ,`• 1-r*, rir $4 Werth et Father Morrietts '.?"* Cured tfer nt filliaNH11101 Rhatra4Z Ms.A.zo,t-s, Edgaracif Grand Val .N, D, had a terrible tune 'frth /nflanimat ry RheumatiSuis Anyone *Ito r 411 thiSMOSt jpnfdiSeM4v41199(1 'ra: her auffermg-and her joy when sfLt found Bather MOrricy's "o, Cured her.. $be says; "I t00% Fedherlorisny'o for Inflammatory Riletrtatim. 1 hal suffered everything with: it, but in litMe weeks after starting rather ;tier Pro5Cription1 was A11 to do an.' and after taking f:90.1* dollarS %"" *dt, 'V 2 tuediolr was well. 1 highly mend it any's:: ezer with Rheum... Rheldrflan coyness from hug 1, The rolsobous 1.7.1%e %cal, should remove atay szt the recumuatesinjoi.its aud causes agony. Father 4.•;N'ta, .7' • puts th It Lin eyi the Uric Acid fann the r4r uste:9,43;deur,,th=t a box at yo r 04,6aler's, F,thr a3wine Chtaim, -"f $014 and guaranteed in Exeter hy W. Howey. THE EXETER ADVOCATE Largest Circulation in the District The live business man advertises in the Admoog,te because he knows that the returns are large and sure., like the farmer who sows his seed in tne spring time -he gets 30, 60 and 100 fold returns, Money makes Money Your money will work while you sleep If loaned at good Inerest, and yoticanjind safe and satis- factory borrowers by placing a money-to-lomfd. In our Classi- mid Want columns. A first mortgage Is as sale as a bank end the Interest lshvice as big. onrysema 1,7;..f. a, All kinds of Job Printing done on shortest notice and absolute satisfaction guar- anteed. Try us with your next order. 4i,kiiiti,.4Irt •,,:eok.,4„,„:14,.. '4,,iiti€iviol:1:4:::6711:116 ,, •,-.,;i ..e ri0:;4i :10k, tp, 11.140.,';14:44b.,' .,f‘7V.,9i91*. ,;',a.ra "LtthO1, hetne 44, 4, T4eoig.,,,:t.o.:''' ,Baker" it .itiaproyjkap :her" nia 4440.0 oefeiteet9 sal" - lo re*tiainicing, slab sottVM .areanammui MEN -WE GAN CURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE III AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED SY DRS. K. & K. ...YOUNG OR MIDDLEAGED MEN who need tbeservices of expert specialists why waste your money in, treating with doctors you huow nothing of, .$1 by waste yourmoney with worthless elect; ie belts or drug store nostrums, when you can get guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment from these MsterSpecialias. Drs. K.44c K. have treated patients throughout Canada for over 20 years and are responsible finan- cla.113-. They accept only curable cases and should your care prove incurable it need not cost you a cent. If yeti are unable to call at our cf.lce for a personal examination we will send a Question Liet for you to fjl up from svhicli we can diagnose your cate and tell you 'whether you are curable or not. 'Dien we w11 prescribe specific remedies" for your individual case which you can take at borne, We have DO cure-all remedy that we send to everybody"alike as most specialistclo, but we prcscribe the rem - 8105 required for each Individual case to complete a cure. That's one of. the secrets sboieranonau (rfertir.' oosnt,,:.dee it FldrteasSLBIC0C.CkISUev.t lelenll Do ti,n6eazrse/5a.11i CURES GUARANTEED on NO PAY We Guarantee to care Nervous oebfilrlitiro,rnEelooT:eD,tu‘n,,e::::,,,Veri ,co,a,e..0 • Veins, Kianey, Etne.es euati .. Urinary Discasbs 11 unaLeCto°,cNaSlltj, ItTilAteTlo°rNa QruiRcEsEtecat Struak:' Vs74,,.-i,.;T.r);''. ' '''i`''''''' ..,,,, '. '',, ',,'''4 31 .s. risv;93ii ..) e. 11 letters from 'dine .9auStiae3 d •,ti:' -our :; c.nadifi,."cotiltspod9i14 Metit in' Witnisci-0":*'.,,",1f.s*Oir'.441-Iitead?S: gee,US_perSonlIV,„ 'at OarlMedial"Xlistitute.inptrott,ae "we' see,..., it ',•"..0*.tii4ts"Itin ieUX r Windsor ' offlee.S-*l'i4cla are fer'.0Orrestitptdene041 orys.forpuidistir,,.basteS onitss-,,,11ddressall'iettert V,i„foll,e, 419ii'";.,•,,,..,;"4"',1.,,i1rt,32.4,,',12::a:43si,'.. ,,,, ;,,,M''&1 4,..T.,..,.. :', 13 t!e 1,tv 111