HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-16, Page 4GRANOTRUNK sYs EM
Sanders ct Creech,, Props..
URSD..Y, tl S, I.C, X11
he 'bells ri,,
11e rise:
\ ittiziit wAma:;
but a POM:' thing."
`T': _q ra is no need of
o, anent running,
down. Itis own raven when.' he can find
at ;Fast sig trains 'daily onl whichto
leave: if he wants. tc find a better Place'
just.,;ow 1t looks ae it tbere.veal:
xuamt banaker$ ge to pen te;t*:ary than
"ed1tors- After all, gate .:e iemptatia;
lailes of .atone 'always oex hand, the
'hainSea s Goa' . at ti_av".iia 'c bad F$x
have not the same me temptation, to
appreptiate other people's ino ey, As
a rale it keeps them,busY gettirZ hold
,-of their oven. i
3. W. S ',+-cCulioug'r., provincial
ttep:t$ reg -'al, is warning the
stents of m aam:c-palitiee that they ;must
aead ret„ gas of vital •etat s
.ot these officials are r-eglecting to da
so althot , at ,s compulsory Under Patio
qty o° a"..i`.e Coe clerk it, "Singoe Co,
ready been. Iirled *50, and other
-iireaeecc:tiecss vp:11 follow..
s the rctsaaat Of ia, henferellee bet;tS:ee;••a
" hrige ,gabe'c', e1;.aiaanart of the, Dentiethe
•a -Olai-ay board and Tenses !X. -eaten, chair„
nr ar Of the Ontario railway~e and munici-
pal beard. IMPort$ft bills wilt be ll ttw-
duced in both the Ottavrad and Taranto
pa.r;i tr e ts, which will compel steam
ars/ electro malts to Match con neetktlis
'for the carrie of freight, and will
dabs charges gc,.craliy under such
utanti,itnione. This will aid in the (level-
"; of radial, ttaft:e, w.zielt.inas been
t r(rat eXt`-nt b5,.t :c rhfuaa?
C., b d. Treats and rQt',ier likes to
freight direct from, the short
r at long 'haul ,+aver 4the eteann
Taeoe is a 'bill blare the Legi
-tore to eats .d i(he, r,aideu;lnnncr
clap it .ural e -tools two ,weeaic, assts
Soo' t:^,.;^ un.4tc+rill with theurban schoo
Rural xae110010. Voiw o
after :he samara;r holldaYS twit
earner' thaaa do ,lie ntrban„ echoole,.
oseel1 cover understand. ,tae r'eae
If s revers
lne e
s- as ei.7:fcre
rn� t
oheel,i ba tete ease. .Fara'nera require the
aU13'45'1,24'1'2{7ref tt,t":-r nayn and girls iaa:
he newest season*, more titan any caner
4i :tip of the year. ovi'.ila many town par--
Sa^»ta wou;d doub.?ear >xe p,Kaseti It
their vl''ldre i had tower idle hours ora
ter" Tza;dn.
1: -
l'ne following, "3s. the retort
school for January. Percentage as
israsio a IV—Continuatiota—Class III.,,
I 'Geiser 76. R. KientleoS.6, M. Brown
0'1, ST. Oastreicher. 61, B. Sullivan 60.
h, l,i,akbeiner 50, B. Hill k6.
Class tI-, L, i3row-ab d7, L Rodents
. Fast,aer 37.
Class, L. E Iituetti 6,'-, HoPfaist, 52, F.
Hill 51, Y. Holtzriann 48, J Sullivan
44 H. klotznaaran t34.
ii. Bluett, Teacher.
Division III,—Honors,, 7*. per cent;
Pass 00. Names in., order at.meitit, Sr.
iv., ?armors. L.. Inkbesner, P. Kienz1e,
Gert!, O; Slotz a„--4.14^. "Fat'-ne>♦;equal.
R7, Brown; Pass. F. Di,naey.
Class IV., Interaae4fate—Honors, fir.
Alotz, IL Brown, K,;Sweitzer;- Pass, D.
Ewald, C. 0estreieher and G. 133uett and
s. Nig3aolsorn equal,'E, Smith, SL, Bean,
V. Iiestle,
Class IV,. Jr.—Honors, FI- Finkkeiner,
Pass, R. King. I. Wolfe, G. Lamport.
'-''t,fi'4S Goldthorpe, Teacher.
Division LI.—Claes III., Sr.—Honors,
M. Holtzm,3,aa,a, A, Raiser,, L. -Boltzmann
Pass, L,•Guenther, E. Geiser, V. Redden
, Sambrook, S., f+r%W&orty
Clasa III Jr—Hoi>ors, lnt, Guenther,
R. Claris, 'C, fiat; Pass, I:t, FI?lt, (B..
Fi zkbeiner. V. Roffman-, A, Ftnkbeiner,
R. Schenk, O, 'Eilber;
Class .II;, Sr.— tonora, R. Finkbeiner,
L. Beaver, G. Brown,, L, Y.awson; Pass,.
'Benedict. IL Rau, C. Weiner, 7t=
IIsi;1E, 0 Iiau,"
Anes Watson. Teacher.
Fl;v;atop L --Masa II„ Jr.—Honors, I.
l3 -own, W. Henn, L. Sambrook,. L. Law..
sot : Paas, D, English, L- Brown,
IL—L. Iledd t;, leT. Caiser, G. Coen,
Pt, L,—i . Swestzer, W. Snell,
• Hill, Ft. I. Bm44. Wolfe, E. Lam-
poon Pt. I. 0.—K, Redden., I, 7E'inkbein-
Hiss Snyder, Teacher
Iievtval rtaertir>,a commence In the:
Methodist church on Sunday night. We
frust they willbe the mneasts of 40 -
Is nnucla good. --Quito e.. number ot
ria« p:ople attended the concert given
iwz James ss, tetiiodlst" tfaurch, Ezetes
• The ,Welsh Choir on Friday even-
it was a -treat t, hear the singers
toasts who ..Based It are acarrR,,--
as. D. Croom who has been visiting
s parents for several weeks. lett for
abut ora Tuead„aa.--3oh.n, Zue fie of
sited his mother, ret Chas
ro\a as on Sunday .—Sansuel and Claris-
aelker 3".ave returned to Detroit.
beer having" i-eoovered sufticleot-
ly to al8ow theta to retun n to
,k,.Irs, Garnet Baker of Lord,o
spaaading a few days with her malar,
ties Elia Beaver.-•T,he song service gig
r by tate choir of the Evangelical
stroll last Sunday evening was well
at c 'ded. ll ethe music an
t ., A t:n3o1 d d
were well pleased: with the program,--,
We are plea.sad to9lean:a, that Frederick
Clark of . relay. Alta., a. termer Cred-
;,o.i boy, has been re-clotted councillor
oI iris district. }Us maul' friends here
a;xterad hearty eon ,ratutatlons,: At the
1 rneett;a„ of the Quarterly "Board of
the .4lethodtat Church was Invited to re-
main tor the fourth. term, which` waist ac-
ecpted. Rev, Hicks is a very popular
pastor and has done, grad work and
won unagy friends here. -Mise May Arm-
strong of Exeter .spent the week -end
the guest of Mrs. B. K. Either.- 4Yhlle
walking near the church on Saturday
Samuel Brown fell on }ho icy sidewalk
and thad to 'bo assisted home, ,Me has
suffered a great deal of pain, but there
appears to be no broken. bones. We
trust he will, soon/ 'hatable to resume Iain
duttea.—Water Clark is now caretaker
of the Methodist church. -Quite a .num
bsr attended the burial service of Mliss
Lulu Young at Exeter cemetery friday.
Tho bereaved family have .the'sympathy
of all in theh4hour of trial ,and bereave-
ment,—Art Zwieker, traveller for Canada
Spitz and Grocery Co., London, ,was in
ton Thursday.
re teat
t too t"'e tow
'The shut
a:tusical r
Just as wall + y ',hater wltl haus
,ou .shuns and upa.klin,�
'the ,same health-giviao proaerttea,: Speak
good ward tortyour neighbor. if .you
cast. if
not, don't everlastingly en
iarg4: 0^ their faults.If you have be-
Tcatne thoroughly dis{;runttetl move nosey
moo: somewhere where things will atilt
Tots. z
The immigration - rush to Canada for
1911 ° is on. The advance guard from
Srrland will arrive soma time this week
Scouts have already put in an appear-
a ce, to. lookover the ..around. The G.
t.. aid tbe C ,
T. R. and the
l,Iortlseza, have all carried on an un-
It.ocedtanted campaign this winter to
asc'curc immigrants in Great Britain
far their ro.,speet.3ve, territories. in
'Carcada, and this is' already showing its
ttfect La the trerinnduous rush of
trooldrtga for all the boats eotninf;' to
Canada t:ais spring. The starting of the
rush th:: first weals Inf February is rio-
cgueat oI t::^ popular Ieeiino. in England
tor Canada as a land of opportunities,
tor the i.umigration, agents discourage
as tnuea as possible the coming new
settlers to this country betore March.
leex.€ x.
Fe Sor any
e doesn't
have no,xotr3, Of Canalnen
,year -2w11, ltd insti-
enril".raae.. '1'to t v:-oi]'t
flock by comb" a War,
will *ave the sante
little dogs will :play
the pure air, bright
Catarrh Cannot be 'Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theycannot reach
tate seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consii-
tionaldisease, and in order to cure it you insist
akelnternal remedies. Haii's.Catarrh :Cure is taken
:eternally and act; directly on the blood and Mucous
Surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Care is not a quack medi-
cine.. it Was prescribed by one of, tiie best physicians
is this country for years and is a regular prescrip-
tion, It is composed of the best tonics known, com-
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination.
e the two ingredients is what produces such wonder
fill results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
P..7. CHENEY s'CO., Props:, Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Take hall's Family Pills for constipation.
A banana war is,sa,id to• be on in the
south, ilar ' othat of ayears ago,
s sun t vS g
and the price has jumped in 'slaty. da'
from 32c to 48c
Walking out of his office at Pprcu
pi:e; Charles Salkeld, a pioneer of Co -
bait campy cut his throat w• t'h a raz
from ear" to ear; dying shortly after-
ward. He was a sergeant major in the
B I . n.;7 army and went through` the war
e*riTn the Boers. • I
Solomon Beaver of Sdnilac, Mich.,
spent a few days in town last week
visiting his parents. His brother Geo
rot' returned with him to learn the
tailoring trade. Success, George,—
The chtidren and friends of Jacob
Haist inet in his home to celebrate his
84th birthday. All had a very pleas-
ant. We areto state that the
e pleased
old gentleman is still in fair health, ac
Live in mind and spirits,and we all
trust he will be spared to enjoy many
more years of good health:—Mr. Wil-
son. teacher, spent Sunday at home in.
Several of our townsmen are think-
ing of buying autos this coming, sum-
mer. Albert Moriock has:the agency,
for a good line of cars and being agood
practical man knows what he speaks
about when he recommends an auto—
Otto Brown has bought out a black-
smith business in'Sebewaing, Mich.,
and will "move. the last of the month.
jE.Eilber,'M.P.P., who 'iis attending
the. Legislature in Toronto, spent the
week end at home.—The; pupils of the
H. S. Dept. of our school presented
their lateteacher,.K.'B."A.
h rC
with a handsome gold -headed Bluett,
s Ia.—The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.:
Michael Beaver, which died after;: two
days' illness in Port Huron; was i ter -
Or infants and Chia .ren.
Kind You Have Always Bought
rs the
you have been the; means 0t, raising
its standard of proficiency until it bis
become second to none in the County.
Pupils have passed' .through your
hands who will; always be proud to re-
fer 'to
e-fer`to your instruction with pleasure.
As a member: of the .Bowling Club
and the Orediton Athletic Aseociat-
ion, you will be greatly missed as it
was through; your untiring efforts;
that the Village of Crediton has be,
come known far and wide aa; air wide-
awake town tind a placewhere good,
clean sports are held; and where the
be of good will exists amongst the
pla ers and the town People -
removalis ,t
tadistinct loss to
our town and wehope that you and
your family will be bountifully bless.
ed by' the t:, liver of all good.
We ars pleased, however, that you
are not contemplating a removal to I
far distant point, and although we
will be separated more than in the
past. we look forward to having the
pleasure of greeting you occasionally.
To eresa sun!ht toll;en of your as-
sociattonxpwe us. we desire -you to
accept this gift, which we hope Inay
be the means of recalling many plea-
sant recollection of the days spent in
Revival meetings are being held- in the
Evatzge3cal churr h, The servticee are
opened evert evening' at 7,4;5 with, a
sotag service, The meetings, this week
aro irn the German language,
The .following fa the report of the
ezanainattions held in e, S. Pio. 6, Us -
home, during the month of January no.
Sr. IV 'Total 550—E, Kellett 449; I.
Creery 440; Fl, Coward 332. Jr, IV.,
total' 500—E. Coward 229; 3, Brock
199. Sr, III., fetal 400-1, Heywood
r8; I., Jobitms 252; G. Duncan 252;
D. Cornish 255; Ii. Cornish 236. Jr..
111,, total 350—D. Creery 142. Second
Classes. total 450--M,. Washburn 570;
SF, Routley 367: 0, Deibridgo.322: Y,
Heywood 318; W, Skelton 309; L. Corn
Lan 309; k''. Heywood 289; A. Creery
208; V, Bell abse'.t. an. II,..total ;50--
G, Johns 236; L. Tabus; 229; M. Carron
212; R. Si.'nalo 200; .1. Coward 195;
'd. I eywood 191: A. Andrew 170: W.
Ueywoo., 127;:x, Cornish 1.25,, 'V Class
total 7.?0—E. Reywood, 122.
e .In. E to �. , . ' F m l ri e T a
'raard Stanley. one at tine pionecre
of Iliddulp:a, and a reaidcnt at thls
village tor more than, 50 yearn, died
at tale home here Tuesday evening of
last week at the ago .of dr,,, The fun-
eral took place on, Friday, afterna;on
at two o'clock. too St. James' cenaetvry,
CI ndeboye.
Smallpox, of which teas were 11 num-
bar of mild cases In Llama a short time
ago , aas clow been w1p.d out in tt'at
neighborhood.. 'The community is ab-
solutely free trona it," states George A.
Srapiey, `'secretary of tie Board of
Health, ' There is not a semblance of
the disease. left in the locality around'
Mr. 301n Simpson Is able to be at.
work again after his recent illness of
blood poisoning. --Miss Spicer of Exeter
sprat. Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Andrew.—The boys at the Quigley
camp have fisiashed the contract tof
cutting wood for Mr. Skinner and moved
out on Saturday last.—Mr Albert And-
.e lost quite a valuable cow on i
dal morning, it being sick only a few
darts. -The February thaw has left the
roads in quite a bad condition for tra -
sale of Mr 3, Andrew's farm
stock and implements takes 'place on
Wcduesday, l+'cb. 22. 'T?is many friends
Will regret his leaving this district as
he is a first-class neignbar and°farmer,
Mr. IL Gill has moved ,tno, the house
which he recently bought from Mr.t
Smith.-hlr. Alaicn Oulette of Windsor
is visiting 1I'r. and Mrs. E. and ;Jos.:
Brenner:--fr. Southcott, who has been.
visiting in London, Inas arrived \home.—
airs. Grattan, of the West is ` visiting
around there.—Ur E. Bossenberry . of
Zurich. was itni our burgh last- week.—
¥iss Mabel Ilse returned home Tuesday,
from her visa to Pigeon, ' Mich.—Mr,
Walter Sfattatat has bought all ,the pine
its the pinery.—Mrs. Sant Gratton and
Mrs. Baird are ant the sick list.—Ella-
ray Statton, who has been sick, is re-
covering.—Mr. H. Bossenberry of Med-
ford was here iast week. -Sir. B. 'Lap-
hee of Stanley visited his parents here
Sunday. .
The snow has disappeared once more
and the people are now. looking -for;
aping.—Mr. Ernie Geiser spent Sunday
evea.ing at Wm. " iellin's, Greenway.—
reenway- Mr. Jacob Raiz had the misfortune to
break his leg ; at the ;ankle last week
while working in the woods. We hope
red in the Evangeiieal: cemetery Wed- :to soon see ,hin iout':agan.—Several from
nesday. a The bereaved 'family; : gave here spent Saturdsy night on-, Fahner's
the sympathy of the vicinity. rink and had a very enjoyable time.
O- n Friday evening the school trus- Slr- ?l ieh: Patton- is suffering , from a
tees, past trustees and members of our severe cold. We wish hila a" speedy. re
bowiingelub•with:their wives met.in cove Y.-Mi;ss 'Violet Gaiset' and. Miss
the home:of Mr'and Mrs Bluett for the Pfaff- spent Sunday evening at Grand
purpose of making him a presentation 'Bu .d.--3as:' Hannon was in Crediton
on the eve of his .departure from our ->ioi day on business.—T. McCann. , spent
midst Mr, WV. H' Wenzel , read the Itonday in Zuiiich on business.—Jolla
following `address` after which..Mr. c.P!aee 'intends leaving for the West
Michael Firikbeiner presented' Mr. about ati" C' ' list. -Don't"' tot -get the de
Sluett with a beautiful le.ithergraveI- bate lis 13annon'e Heli Pharsdap•even
in bag,and an address, Mr., Bluett 'ening-''Sat
made a very appropriate reply, thank-. '
ing bis friends fol•. the ,;many ' kind-
nesses shown hind -in the past' and ,es
peelally'for the'g ft'presented to''lx
on this occasion. Asa per had: heed
pre - red to ..,.whicha ";present did
justice, After .tbeti,enfpper the as-iieitze.
9h Marenletls n wpointe do'niark~t
calory a' rl 0. i
to say a feo45°iw+o s .TPJ ev'efr ii pasim
i. off Quite nli
tPd tante
?a �il:tnde�K X137 t6 t;
Li7h5L Y
`Vivs s E ima
isYatives ,'serei
and :wife, ,Of;Brand
i;e^er lye �`� �a5i
it ENS,aLL
Art. 44 pita of Usb4dge is home for
te-w days. ---airs. S, Hobkirk of
forthhas been vl$Pting relatives
town. --Miss Edith White of Brantford
is spending a� week.. with her aunt,
Mfrs. Brandi. -Miss' Gladys 'Brandthas
returned to Wing;hanz Busineas College
afternPorttlitag a few days et her home.
—alp. Solden and suer of Pigeon,,.ITigh,
have been spending .;a fewdays with
their unele J. W. Ort'i+'ein.-C, maser
left on Monday to spend three weeks
holidays in Si:moots Toronto, :and other
Points—The Bensan Gun Club. held, a
Wednesday goon f
shoat an '4 edn slay aftern, or an
oyster. supper, Sides were chosen, by;
3. Passmore and Fred Busch, the lat-
ter wiSlning out by tour birdq. Pass -
mare made the highest single score,get-
tie nine out of ten. After the oyster
supper match some.sweepa were shot
in which 3. Bunkin of Exeter won, first
money, S. Fitton second and T. Brit tneli
Death—After aa -b illness lasting : ever
two weeks John Shepherd,'one of our
moat useful and highly respected citiz-
ens passed awe} on Tuesday evening
of last week. Deceased was born near"
Mo;atreal 64 years ago. Forty years ago
he carne to Chiaelhuist and.: purchased a
'farm, " bile living on the farm - he en-
gaged, in %he cattle business and was
known throughout this sectfan as am
honest, straightforward man of business
He was several thee elected ' to the
Council of Tuakersmith aid was Reeve
tor several terms, sitting as well in
the County Council, about 12 years
ago he came to Tleaaaall. A genial whole
Bottled Mata; of generous impulses be
was liked by everyone and his death
hascast a gloom over the whole atom-
munity, tie was'a man of tine physique
and never knew a 's eenes
until taken down wday,lt`tn pneuralmoniasick. E15s
leaves a widow, formerly Miss. ‘Stewart,
two sons and twa daughters, to mourn
the loss of a kind °husband and father.
Tina mdtts Are Jellni 0l1 the old l ril'eatead
Chiselhurst and 'allllaiat at name;
The daughters are Mrs. Wilson. Wood
at Landon and Mrs, Fred Manna et
Henson. fie was an: enthusiastic Odd-
telIow and the lodge to* part in the
funeral service on Friday, the remains
being interred in M'ieTags-art.'s cemetery.
Mr. and gra. Jackson of the village
will have the epmpathy at mnWay, friends
Ll the death of their infant 'son, which
occured Friday motatng atter a short
to lace oil
,se. The funeral oK p
Saturday raaorrdng 'at 10 o'clock,
If your back is constantly actaing and
it you experience dull, shooting ' pains
your kidneys are out of order. 'It your
urine Is thick and Cloudy or, your Paso -
ages frequent, scanty and painful, your
kidney s and bladder are out of order.
Neglect quickly bringa 03 rheumatism,
diabetics, lumbago, sciatica, etc.
Mrs. John Wagner of 110 Hollis St.,
lianas, N. 8., says,— "Dull shooting
pains would catch me across the small
part ot my back and extend Salm' 111Y
shoulders and neck, often causing; neo
to suffer with severe headaches and
lipells of dizziness. Spots :would daz..
zle before my eyes and evcrythittg wlould
turn black. 1 would fall to the floor.
and be unableto get up again 'without
assistance. A friend told me of Boot'h's
Kidney Pills and T "began their use. The
first box gave me relief a.ndot, am now.
well and strong."
! t
sell Booth's Eid
nay Pills SOC. a
box with a guar-
antee to relieve,
or your -money r
back. They are
the world's
greatest specific
for kidney: and
bladder trouble:
r Postpaid from
the proprietors, The R. T. Booth Co.,
Ltd., Fort Erie. Sold and guaranteed
by W. S. Cole.
CAPITAL, $10,000,000 . ' REST, $7,00Q,
Withits large number e•ofbxanches,a
geats and correspondents, ondents, Th
Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect 'collections throughout:
the world promptly andat reasonabfa rates, Rates will be quoted on
Cheques and drafts on all countries of the world, drawn in sterling,
francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins roubles or any other foreign currency,
can be negotiated atTbe Canadian Bank of Commerce: at reasonable rates.
Exeter Branch.: W. Ii. Collies, Manager. Branch also at Crediton,
e iYIoIs�ns Bank
Incorporated I855
Capital (paid, up)
Rest Fund .�
Tell .its Over
s 78 Branches itt Canada, aud Agent's and Correspondents in allthe
Principal pities in the World.
SAVI CS BANK DEPARTMENTisiganammimmosimminionammumeamilmemmommian
at all Branches.
terest allowed at highest current rate..
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Die 4»N
& a,xllalaSolicitors. 14', . HTfRTi N Nanit o>r'
F31iUCEFIk7I,,t ,—On Saturday evening
of laet week ir>ililn[ iiia!! of I3racetield,
• Time. ale -Millen, and Mr, Shilling-
, who were delegates to Ottawa a la
the Interests of the iarrnere adreased
the neeti-tg on Beaiprocity and the agree
nncra,t between Baited States.
The Grand Trunk Railway System. is
the popular route frons all points east
through Canada via. Chicago.
Double Track, Fast Service, Finest
Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Unexcelled
Dining Car Service, All Elements of
Safety and Comfort.
No more desirable route than via
Grazed Trunk and connecting' lines.
Secure tickets and full information
from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent,
Exeter, or address J. D. McTIONALD,
D.P. A., G. T,,Ry., Toronto,
You Know!
That we sell "E1exa11 I lemed,jos" : that we guarantee
them; that there is a remedy for. each human ailment; that
;.; � ,w ,
tellyou the formulae of each preparation; 'that they
can P P
tidies in Canada to -da • ;
are the most' •alar 'rem v that if any
preparation fails, we refund you all the money you pay us.
"Try Rexall Remedies next time."
Cole's Drug Store
The Rexall Store
alf Price Sale
of the balance of our -heavy Rubbers, Overshoes,
Felt Shoes and Slippers, Heavy Sox,- Spats Etc,
Oa/ digans
city stock of boots and shoes lust opened out and
at less than ,maulfacture
one of our bunion- protectors at
bate), gloves ,a
1 be
Should learn those subjects by'
which they can earn living.
Spotten Burliness Colleges are
the largest trainers in Canada,
and our graduates secure the
best positions. You can study
at home, or partly at home and
finish at the College,
To Rent
$2 Per month & up
Six- months' rent al-
lowed on pur-
price of
a new in-
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium
They notedforr thea quality sof their goods.
Jaz� =aalsc:aci auca
a. .
To Rivers' to order some
more FLOUR before it
goes up."
Ogilvie's Oatmeal 7 lbs. for. `25c'.
Toasted WheatFlakes 6 for 23c'
Graham Flour
i3,aan, Shorts and Fcedif ;ail
kinds ;1,....t .i
ax Meal
Ir, FIt 8 toe ii' no
'an Tsl�ys k111e
fP �1 ^hL 1S i