Exeter Advocate, 1911-2-16, Page 3A
"For Tea You Can t Beat Lipton's'
The Only Genuine
liaa' This Signature an the Pae age.
tRE UF 1110:\TREAL JAl
Gdvernor Valete Calls It a Breeding Place
for„ Crime and Disease
W., despatch roiu Montreal says;
Gevernor Vale o the l‘Tontreal
jail stated on Wednesday that he
bee 421 prisone.rs packed into the,
jail, whereas lie 1a or1y aecom-
modation for 225. lie says the jail
is a breeding place or erirne and
disease. -
'The number' goes on increase
ing" he added, "and will increase,
and we can do nothing, but simply
pack them in wherever we have
*quer° ineh of spaee. If there was
onee a blaze 'started here every
soul wont(' be burned like a eock-
ch, and the holeeaust, would be
the worst which would heve ever
.happened in •Canada.
"I tell you 1 cannot sat
nights wondering what ie going to
baPPen. 1 ain beset by' feare ou
every side. Diseipline is sieffering,
for we cannot handle our prisoners
with couditions as they are at pre-
sent., Bow Can we? or how eau we
try to nse reformatory metliecis
der such eonclitionsi- Instead of
sending our prisoners back to se-
eiety repentant and determined to
become good eitizeas, they are
leaving here, if possible, worsethan
when they entered; Vice is ram
pent in the jail; you have no idea
of what goes in, it is the worst of
all the terribly difficult problems tar/1,041,0, Eflowil forms,
with which we have to deal, hut It is said the Q. P. R. will
We •Camla steli it, we eatimet appiy tablish a steamship line from St.
any rcinedies, for we have not g John and Halifax to the West In -
them to apply." dies, calling also at Boston.
r f t
Canticle, the Empire and the We
in General Before Your
Mr. James Cenmee, M.P., is ill
with typhoid fever at Ottawa.
The 0„ N. R. is preparing to biiid
line east from Port Arthur.
Montreal will enlist volunteer
firemen to protect the outlying sec-
tions of the city.
Capt. Brereton, for many years
stipendary Magistrate, died at Ke-
nora on Thursday,
Engineer Earith was areested on
Friday in connection with the train
collision near Paris.
The C.' P. R. ready -mule farm
seheme will be extended in Alberta
and British Columbia,
The Quebee Government may take
aetion with a- view to the suppres-
, ,
sioneof the eecaine evil,
The Cuelph Water counnissione
ere will plant 150,000 more trees
on the waterworks property,
r' es of Cattle, Grain, Cheese
and Other Produce at Home
and Abroad.
Toronto, Feb. 11--E1our--Winter
wheat 90 Per cent. pateets, $3,50 at
seaboard. Manitoba flourse-Firs
patents, $.40; second patents, $4.-
90, and streng bakers', $4,70, on
track, Toronto.
Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 North-
ern, $1.01, Bay ,ports; No. 2 North-
ern, 93c, Bay ports, and No. 3 at
96e, Bay ports; earrying Winter
storage at Goderich le extra.
Ontario Wheat -No, 2 white, bac,
and No. 2 red and mixed at 4c.„,
Barley—Malting qualities, 61 to
62e outside, and feed, 50 to 55e out-
Oats—Ontario grades, No, 2 whit.
35 to 35*, On traek, Toronto, and
32X to 330 outside; No. $ W. 0.
oats, 37e, Bay ports, aud No. 2 at
3e, Bay ports.
5, ,
Three big dCorn-51X to 20prompt ship
ams are being erected ment, Toronto .freights.
on the Ottawa River te eonserve Peae—No, 2 at 82 to 84e outside,
and regolate the flow a water, nye_Ga to 66e, eut$ide,,
A14. Lovejo,y ef Hamilton was Buchlrheateaxo, at 49.Me out-
eeated by Judge Monek becaus sido,,
tweet) miners and Italiansvedualtoiedeflh:11‘s:liteaaLxe:elsdlq:..te-wierralsinaffsaeririle‘irytoetactiolsy: Toronto,T r 01 : a.xilt, " - "agapnnaditsslibiaoarrsti!,ss,$?2$222:4:infn bags
-e- Toronto, and bran, $22, in seeks
Sir Alen Ayleswarth, speaking a
Ottawa, deprecated loose methods COUN RODUCE,
of spelling arif.1 ealled for adherence Apple,s—Spys, (I,50 to $6; Bald -
American Lumber 'Firm Will P
Tree. in New Brunswick.
A despatch from St, John, N, B.,
says Yellowing an extensive inves-
tigation on refereetration, au Am-
erican lumber company, now oper-
ating in New Brunswick, plans hit -
mediate action in reforesting "the
more denuded parts of the prow
ince. Nurseries will be establish-
-0 ab , Salmon River and Matins
Read, where trees will be grown
'frotri seed. The Company has 50,-
4100 acres at Cookshiro, Quebec,
which will be seeded this spring.
The work to be done this year, it
is understood, is merely prepara-
tory to extensive reforestration in case, but the Magistrate would not
allow this, and the defendant was
held in custody.
Mrs. B ulainra Charged With 4
tentPted Milrder•
two trappers near Charlton, have
'A desliateli frenl- °Obalt saYsilheen missing for two weeks, and it
Mrs. B. Soulainrae a Syrian, was6e feared some disaster has over -
given a, preliminary hearing on taken them,
Wednesday afternoon on the charge Sheriff .Lemieux, while wandering
of attempted murder, the result of about the excavations of the Mont -
a quarrel with Mrs. George Alies real jail, am/lbw on an eid sec.
on Tuesday. The women were tion of the building that had been
quarrelling about their children, buried and forgotten, It contains
when Mrs. Boujarnra is alleged to 1 a number at cells where the prison -
have picked up an axe and struek of ,37 \rem otmfiamd uuder
sen -
the other woman over the head and tcnce of death.
shoulders, Mrs, Alies was unable
to appear in court on Wednesday, 1 GREAT BRITAIN.
and the case was adjourned. Her
husband wanted to withdraw the British trade is still increasing.
British Unionists tannot agree.as
to line of action in regard to veto.
Earl Cawdor, a prominent mem-
ber of the Unionist party, is dead,
The British Homo Secretary has
introduced sweeping prison re-
The two-yeareold daughter of M.
John "44115011 of Waterville June.:
tion spilled a bowl ftot soup over
herself and was fatally scalded.
Ford Tceples and John MeCoy„
- New Brunswick and Maine.
Three Men Arrested at Aylmer,
Que., Charged With Crime.
despatch from Ottawa says:
Chief Hamilton of Carleton county
on Thursday morning arrested Hec-
tor Robert, Michael Beandry and
Alfred Noel of Ayliner on a charge
of theft and slaughtering a prize we,
belonging to Alex. Wilson, a far-
mer of Smith March. The ox was
stolen from Wilson's stable on Wed-
nesday, taken out on the ice of the
Ottawa River, killed with an axe,
and sold at Aylmer. The bloody
axe found on the ice led to the
i .
dentification of the men.
`Widow Finds $3,009 in Old Suit of
Clothes About to be Burned.
A desPateh from North Canaan,
Conn., says: The widow of Solo-
mon Barlow, of this place, who died
in a hospital in Pittsfield, Mass.,
on Monday, was about to burn a
suit of his clothes on Thursday,
sylien she found a package con-
taining 83,000 in bonds and bills in
one of the pockets. Barlow was
considered_prosperous, but no mem-
- ber of his family believed him to
have such a sum. He did not be-
lieve in banks. He was seventy-
four yeav, old.
Nova Seotia Mau Seriously Wounds
a Neighbor.
A despatch from Sydney, N. S.,
says: Louis Sodoisk put two bul-
lets into Antonio Ariatoek, n Po -
lender, on Friday. Sodoisky found
a man entering his house through
a window early on friday morning,
holding a glittering object in his
hand. -Sodoisky secured his own re-
volver, and thinking to scare the
intruder, fired twice. Beth shots
took effect, one entering the head
and the other breaking one hand.
Sodoisky was the first to acquaint
the authorities of the affray. He
was released on $1,000 bail.
Bombs for Victor Emmanuel and
Peter of Servia.
A despatch from 'Rome says:
The Tribune, prints a circumstantial
story of an Anarchist plot to throw
bombs at King Victor. Emmanuel
and King Peter of Servia, who is
to visit Rome shortly; ,The paper
says that an Italian Anarchist nam-
ed Dantelo, who resided in New
York and London and. who is now
here, expected to be joined by .two
other Anarchists from London.
These were arrested at Trieste and
the plot wa,s frustrated.
ast Car o o Cod Sells in Nova Scotia for
the -1.est Price on Reoord
arming, -and bhe
ow e-,eonsurner
Until the
eted;',, whieht;
four inontkb
,sto,ckin the !dealers hanJs in St.
. but the quantity is
1imitecl and tiiein are three months
.O.§h will tO40h:. ilM:;
in -SteJo1n Will 'Son b. takenup
dd to this the fact that thegeen
Slij;e*,theecoeSt'has been bought
Pe- to (14.in the
qs dn'f'ptlie le; years, . ,thee)
' t'T•P't:;"O..aSiWt
& "
President Taft opened his recipro-
city campaign an Friday at Colum-
bus, ohica
Piesicient Taft is pressing for
vote on trade agreement during the
present session.
The U. S. House Committee of
Ways and Means has reported fav-
orably on the. trade agreement with
Starvation threatens two million
Chinese unless immediately reliev-
Twa more aviators have been
killed in France.
reported that South Africa
will abolish the British preference
on manufactures.
Million Starving in China—Appeal
Famine Su erers.
-A despatch from Washington
says: Every,Incoming mail brings
to the State Department harrowing
tales of distress among the unfor-
tunate Chinese. On Thursday the
department Made public a report
from Consul Gracev at Nanking,
enclosing .letters from some of the
missionaries in the famine districts.
is the Standard Article
For nutting soap softening weer, re-noving o pelt*
ditinfeting tints, closets, drains ansl for mazy othet
ipurpe4es. A can celeste 20-IblfSAL SODA.
Useful for 001 pitr,poses—Sol4 ,Everywhere,
n. W. arr.i.wrx. COMPANY MIMIY4P OltWee. OAT*
IbO 11'1A.-- OF
Captured After Desperate Struggle a
Will be eut to Asylum
spateh freei Fort William, the eearest dwelliege w
Ont., says: To all appearances as knewn until a few days ege,
wild as the denizens of the .New feared by Ceestruction Inen and
Ontario forest, whieh have been his few lumbermen who vieeted the die
sole companions for the past four tiiet, Fleet .ef foot and as wary as
years, John Reck, about 40 years of 441 untenied tweet, be never
age, garbed in erudely fashioned ed his fellowmen to approeeh hire,
at and trousers of skins, was tale- At the sight of a human being he
en through through Fort William from Ver., variahlY vaniShe4 in the dolue b"4.1"
million Bay, about a hundred miles He was finally captured after a
north-west of of this eity, to Nenora, perate straggle by Canadian Paci-
on Wednesday, where he will be ne Railway Constable Balt, pi this
committed to an institution for the city, and a Dominion constable of
violently insane. Since the winter Igxuice. Re llatl existed during tho
of 1907, when he lest part of his four years en raw fish, rabbits and
he ared or killed with
tbs. In the house na-
bitu wero
ea've,-,, two
pile of
wins, $4 to $5; Greenings, $4 to halide while dynamiting for 44
45Q; No, 2 assorted, $3,50 to $4,- u Beck has lived in the wildeime,
e0 per barrel.
Beues—Car lots, $L70 to $1.75,
id small lots, $1.85 to $140.
ev—Extracted, in tins, 10X
to Uo per lb. No. 1 comb, whole-
sale, 52 Co 52.50 per dozen''No,
comb, wholesale, $1,75 to 52 pe
Baled Straw—o. 1 at $12,50 to
$13, on track, and No. 2 4 59.50
to $10.30.
Baled Straw -57 to $7,50,
track, Toronto. ,
Potatoes—Car lots 80 to 85'c p
Poultry — Wholesale prices ol
dressed poultry e—Chickens, 15 to
16c per lb.; fowl, 11 to 13e per lb.;
ducks, 10 to lec per lb.; turkeys,
19 to 21e per lb., and geese, 13 to
133/:c per lb. Live, 1 to 2e less.
Butter—Dairy prints, 21 to 23c;
choice rolls, 20c,' ancl inferior, 17 to
19c. Creamery quoted at 27 to 28e
per lb. for rolls, i:4 to 2;3c fax sol- quoted as high as $3,25. Lambs
ids, and 23 to 23Mc for separator were up to 56.00, and sheep were
Prints. Ifirm at 54.25 to $4.75 for ewes and
Eggs—Case lots a new -laid, 23 t $3,50 to $4 for bucks. and eulls,
to 290 per dozen, and of piclasd at !calves were quoted as high as 58.-
19 to 20c. 175 for the best vcals and no lower
Cheese—Laxge, 13c, and twins at than $3.75 for the poorest. There
was no change in the situation with
regard to hogs. There were a few
HOG PRODUCTS. inilch cows on the niarket, but $60
Bacon—Long clear, 11 to 12c per was the best figure recorded. The
lb. in case lots; mess pork, $21.50 tbie.aedee efffor eneiliel kr efresr aenedmsepriiinnigec.r s has
to 522; do., short cut, 525 to 525.-
50; pickled rolls, $22 to $22.50.
'Hams—Light to methum, 15 to
16c; do., heavy, 14c; rolls, 12.X to
13c; breakfast bacon, 17 to 1734c;
backs, 18 to 19c. •
„ Lard—Tierces 12Yc • tubs 1234c.
, 4 ) )
pails, 12%c.
Vermillion Bay, a new stscho
of Grand Trunk Pacific. Althou
his identity and place el abode,
crevice in 4, rock twenty miles 'iron
clears, 5 to
31entreal, Feb. 14.—Choice tear,
sold at tiXo • good at 634 to 0,40,
fairly good ii)t, 5Ye' 0c; fair at te,K
to 5Yee, and th.e lower grades at
434 to 5e per pound. Sheep sold
at 4X. to 4e, and lambs at 0)\-f to
634e per pound. The market for
hogs opened stronger; $8.00 Per 100
ph I ips Keel
Mahon Dead
despatch from.
An overheated stove
-fire on Sunday nior
boarding-house kept
Phillips, aged 70, en Pri
and Phillips, with ono lzis
boarders, Michael laefttahon, aged
pounds for selected lots weighed off 47, lost their lives. John Quinlan,
cars. lUlie demand for calves was who Lad retired to rest fully dross-
goodz and sales were naade at price ed, was almost suffocated when he
ranging from 53 to 515 each, as to awoke to find the house in flames.
size and quality. Tile heat was so intense and *the
Toronto, Feb. 14.—A price that sinek-e so thick that Quinlan made
was paid for a good many cattle a hurried escape through one of the
was 56.10, but that was as high as windows on the stairway, and
they went.' Even ' canners were raised an alarm. Quinlan's face
and hands were badly burned.
When the brigade arrived the 6so
was quickly extingnished. Grop-
ing their way through the house
the fvremen discovered the dead
bodies of Phillips and *McMahon
and also the body of Mrs. Phillips,
aged 70, who was lying uncon-
scious on the dining -room floor.
About Four Representatives From
Each Regiment.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
It has been decided that there will
MONTREAL MARKETS. bae ffooiretey- eoitgli at booffiucte r ss:Nnedn al theugnectihr ce,tri
Montreal, Feb. 1.4..—Oats—Caiia- strong on the Canadian contingent
dian Western, No."2, 3034 to 40c, to the Coronation. This will mean
car lots -ex store ; Extra No. 1 feed, that each reginient of cavalry and
3834 to 39e; NO. 3 0. W..., 3834 to 'linfantry will have about foils repre-
3834,; No. 2 Iocal.white, 3734 to 38c; sentatives, and each brigade of ar-
No. 3 local white; 30; tO 37c; No. tilleey the same m.,inber. The non -
4 local white, 3534 to 36c. Flour— commissiZmed officers and men will
Manitoba Spring wheat patents, be raised by the officers command -
firsts, $5.60; seconds, 55.10; -Winter. inn' the different units. l'h men
wheat patents, 54.75 to $5; strong will wear the uniforms of th.eir're-
bakers', $4,20; straight
35 to $4.50 , JO, in bags, $1.90 to ' on the contingent. instead from 5800 to $650.
rollers, 54.- spectiveGerPs
52.. Rolled oats—Per barrel, 54.45;
b..1,9_, of 90 lbs., $2.10. Barley —
Feed, ' ear 'lots ex store, 49 to 50e.
Cora—American No. 3 yellow,, 563 -Ac.
to 57e. Nrillieed Bran, Ontario,
$20; "Manitoba, $20 to ..$23 ; mid -
The' Bev E. C. Lobenstine found dlings Ontario $'22.50 to '393*
almost two-thirds of the 300,000 peo- shorts, 2,,lanitoba *22 to 825; cantPhlal° ntipne2,11. 0:: hvii.je. cedieic.e,oscilt;inlytitttlItit:::10,e,:f:atilnhe:clew, apino:po l'ttli,al: amlit.:10,1b'ne- 1., \''._1:1.kocil et::t'2.0,1$11.72-,,s5c1t1,1:,: (°..).2.3i32:e3s.,;:"(N,121°eIF:y2egsfe sTosTtN(681coeeks1 'et, ec E2tis e'5enQcs'i? A d e s p a e i ,
through the ,winter and spneg. Inc , ,
nas Ives unaided 1,1Y, to- 12c ; easteins, 1]..t.12,, -11.°X.,. _.,
cad with.=
t I I am' Pani says : Dr. m a terial upon. -which thi
tryin.' to sell their chilt 0.,.....nd.s, 22- to 23e. _
dren,. but they can scarce y- oo ain ,. Burirt °I.t.h,e 7,1?aacsn,ltv of Paris •Un i- in its iinmedia.,te,heical, 1-)r. Bur- '
, 4, TTNIT--:—, ' h, 'll' lade ,a, s'lf:,)ecaia„.1.. ne't.(rls."aies °,,Iiietalit-,'(:[Ir,an,th'teh'e, 131 ang11,:leor oi.te
,a pittance for them.
SEI 1.11.1 ?,FFECTI1 E. - ' ‘' ' -1-AN'711e2t—Sprinr, s,talt:i ° , ! ' [ i , ,
B uff al- e -. ,14.-0. 2 re'd, , 9,6-e, as,; vile,. unu.:11sthfait.,t:s1.1 jebreb:liecis11:0:111aruactlicii(1.01.):PnA:lisaa6noltf;f:Ipii11„: .isti,11.10.gilsicliTicveitiedh,teetian'',,isi:sit,iin, t-btlaeilera:1,,?;,1,2.::::;a1;1,..)1;.ti a-ait.
0. - i ',' :a.. herb: - carloads stoic', _,•,,,,,,,,,
t Time:- e8,-(0.111..,,;19430\2q,,,:i le
p # a 1 M. C 11 ingitz.s..
' .. • •
s Checks
, °0.4g41:1' .Y}e)ietei-eTd'02, -02::aori's': ,,n.,eou: Inrieibt'Uvte: ais of the,,bla'6m±:lew'.°a1Ploi.,:7' <)1:Iirt7h'',c1Elatsitl:Iii°nePLF,:111::I)11,tefiai e.neti,2eiri'a.'
35c:: CTIol°°1.7n::;'IN-7,hoa:'te3e, t'1,0Pn2i;rua;11,,„0„rit:(''. -11‘isfesite:°.1-‘11:i;ilig7tfthe()th'IP°'splelkk' l'g,,a1' li?'sg.lit'iol'ilge si.,1,rAT'1);;ii,',.. ,,l, :i\"va-1-1. as:
y Ma1iiing,8'to8c I- ..
'cbe f i'0111 Ne \V YOriti S ay$'',,,
Oekefel-16,,.41A.4tatte,f9r,o,ni-neda:. -3;z,„: : ,iqa,riey.__ei'lattee,elisfutli.io,y ,i,,,sr:iadstsitairg,ei.,,.0aee pr4, n, In,
nice; ee: Sipe d.Y commix,.
t' #.1,ch annOnee '
trabk, 84e' 4., le a, pS-Seboree,
thwti the effectiVeneSS.,1e'.n ,i'7ilienfi'l
at .,
1,4e,T..:tup., i?P,,0 ' eitieral S'etneis.ino Asia urne .,• ;i',,`
NI .. absoiutel'
ect,ec1 n
Winnipeg Teachers to Get as 3Itieh
as Any Others on. Continent.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
The salaries of all teachers, with the
exception ‘of the principals, in the
Public schools of Winnipeg, have
been _voluntarily raised. The aeve
schedule places the schools of his
city on a basis as high as that in
auy other city in America. Tnei
minimum for inexperienced teacher%
has ben raised from $450 to $500.
Regular teachers will be paid $050
to $800 for the first year, instead of
$575to $725. The maximum is to
be reached at the end of the eighth
year instead of -the ninth as before*
and_ it will range from $900 to $1,000
iirope Cannot Be Infected Save Through
rinainal Carelessness.