HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-9, Page 611* "For Tea You Can't eat Lipton A Lady Writes "Why Didift You Tell Us Before Iiow Deiieious It Is?' Sold Only IR Airtight Paoka;aa,,` Bri h Capital to Build a Railroad Line Across Panama: ateh :aarna and Baeifie Estates, I inxit- London, is. egfaeeted at an ate in the Panama Assenr- ly, It will provide for a railroad Oncc I;a,vin attained er1 tI Colo; Sarva;. The United St es is watching at act lzet;�reera with an auxiotrs eye this English n. Ratification of the eon - t will give Great Britain a foot- hold on the isthmus 'at the very brink of the canal and 'the right to assert- a "sphero of inflttezzce," from end to end of the Rea ass r p, Republic. expects I;n land t loosen itsn It is the project long eeansidered P g Q o grip, under the titl© of the. r. , It was axpessted American atalaQsz- Darier,, Line. tion w n l completion It is to open up the virgin comntr • a prevent' co i tine Qs 8 y the negotiations, but now it seems on the Pacific slope and will para1 'plain the contract will be closed lel that coast. One day it will be within a feav tees ks the line a ill' nc1 an important link in the inevitable b line linking North and South Am- erica. erica. 'Vast 1 begin at David ancl, will be extend- ed eastward toward the Columbian border; RITE tailj be :Hanes: lana. despatch ,front Edrxeant tn, ., says : I dwatd Wylie, of Fort pewsan, who reacbed this city ridgy, after nearly a month's' trip from. the north by dog tenni, reports that Cariboo are haunting; Lake Athabasca In vast herds, and Gaming nearer to civilization tlzan ever before. He gives as a. reason the excessive cold forcing the herds into thick timber that"fringes the north, shore of the lake. THE QUEEN -MOTHER. Report That She WUI Not ,Attend the Coronation. A despatch from London says: It is stated, it has been,; definitely decided, the Queen -mother will not attend the coronation. IC 1?. tiny" tearie Ilrrzrrtiftig Snort:. handed, at rondor A daspatclr a from London, Ont. ,ondon's factories <are ex- ng trouble through theirt es being sick. As a result rririny of utero are r nuning short- tr handed. Grippe, an e:pklemic of which has bean prevalent in the b city for the past month, is keeping many of the factory men at home. Dolce staffs throughout the city are le diminished in size: An estimate d show's that on an al,er_age more than a hundred employees' of the 1. factories of the city have been off 13 work daily for,the past month with colds and grippe. Office managers also rep;,r'. that they cannot keep v o Ye V, ae' PRICES OF IODUCTS REPORTS FORM THE; LEAD NG TR. DE CENTRES OP AMERICA, Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cireeso. and Other Produce at Rouge 7} and Abroad„ BREADS.2 F1' S, Toronto, Feb. 7.—Flour—Winter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.55 at seaboard. Manitoba flours---• First: patents, $5.40; second pat- ents, $4,90, and strong bakers', $4..70, on truck, Toronto. Manitoba. Wheat ---No. 1 Northern $1 011f,,', Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, 99e, Bair ports, and No. 3 at 96fe, Bay ports, with 'Winter storage 4.4t Goderieh 1e extra. Ontario Wheat --No. 2 ;shite, Soo, and No. 2 red and mixed $50,, out- side. Barley -r -.Malting qualities, 59 to 68e, outside, and feed 46 to 50e crit side. Oats—Not .2 white, 35 to 36e, o track, Toronto, and 33 to 33,Mc c side; No,2 W. C, oats, 3T , B ports, and, No. 2 at 30e, Bay por. Corn—No. 2 ; aacri,cau * ell 5°tue, 1'arompt Shipment, Torou rea,ii ts. Peas–No. 2 at 6-2 to 83c et:r.sid llye--(4 to 64e, outside, Buckwheat—No. 1 at 43 to 40a, utside, Brum--Manitobas at $22, iaa bag Toronto, and shorts, $24, in 'bag Toronto, and bran $22, in sank Toronto, and shorts $�_',4. MOSTPER MADS We know enclosers of Royal Yeast Cakes know that these are the best goads of the wind in the World. Bread nod's with Royal Yeast will keep moist anti fresh longer tha a that made with any other. Dia not experiment ---there is no other 'lust as good. g. W CILLRTT CO, CTD. Toronto, Cot. Awardect ifrgrge�f honors at aft Expoatttotrsq Montreal ends, $4,65, to $5.05; first clears, $3.15 to $3.55; do., seconds $2.- 15 to $2.75, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Feb. 7, ---Some choice steers met a good demand at 6fFe te. 6,.lo, and the eon neon grades n brought the same, price`s as quoted lit_ above. The market for hogs .was. ay 20e to 25c per 100 lbs.; lower with ts sales of seleetcd tats at $7,` tfa' ow, $7,90 per 100 lbs,, weighed toff' cars, to Toronto, Feb. 7.—The top price for a graod bulreh of export cattle, e 1,900 tQ 1,300 Ibs,, was $6.25, ' x1 $ few selected cattle of the- expo Glai•ns were bought for local t g e.l butvh- ering at $5,90 tQ $0,20, Good loads of elaoiee butcher, 900 to 1,000 lbs„ $' sold steadyat " GO., r „ llrrivalaro, but instead rO000 $, $5. to $5.75 r i..c lt.tlf Tnaleh weht, q_ Pari. - , .: Paris, , f1 with; - clitam, $t.45 to Y- • k, s, and nlad on to colltclzn�• halfway with s, l $ 5.``p; good cows !ay' between Paris and Drumbo the passenger Y - 65 to $5,25; oommon vows i.the, eatastre he was the 1 e cnf;or traitz, Rad the Iad : eteady at p t c result of ter been on flan, the'two would easter at $345 to $4; good bulls ive Trainmen and One Passenger Killed on -. T. Buffalo and Cao der1G�, Line, A despatelt front Br alakford says: in charge of Condit k s ` t T1ae !secs of si: nxen neludiag fi':e' with full rightof way. - u b oak, g r: y . No e of rho trainrueat and Daae passenger, were crew were aware of the a ax. Hist and several injured in a ter- ing engine which is e oaod, riblc catastrophe can 'the Buffalo ' bad r , it understood, d st uia and Godericl running orders to its d0stisiu- hate of the Grand titan. and , to avoid regulars." The Trunk Railway, which happened at engine should ha.ve stopped at 9,20 Saturday night, three and a pp COUNTRY PRODUCE, Apples- Spys, .x,50 to $0; Baal wins, $4 to $5;. G'reenings, $4 $4,50; No. 2 assorfcd, $.4.50 to a0 per barrel, Beans—Car lots, $1.70 to $1,, aril small lots, 61.80 to $1,90. I-Ioney—Extractd, in tins, 103° to 1,14 per ib. No. 1 comb, wholesale, $1 t ► •$2,50 per dozen ; tic, 2 eon b, �vlrelesale', $1,75 io $2 per doze r, Baled Hay -•--No, 1 at 612,50 t 13, on track, enol No. o 610.50, Baled Straw --'$7 to $7.50, ort ack, Toronto. Potatoes—Car lea' $4 to 65.10; canners 75, " Lambs, 65.20 to $G.40.- Sheep, d- `$4.20 to $4.75. Flogs, $7,13 f.o.b., to and $7,40' to $7.50 fed and watered. 0 t -o 80c ag. Poultry --Wholesale prices of resscd poultry:— Chickens, 15 to c per Ib. ; fowl, 11 to 13e per lb.; ucks, 16 to 18c ' per. lb.; turkeys, 9 to 21e per lb, and geese, 13 to 3 c per lb. Live, 1 to 2c less. THE DAIRY 111'ARRETS. Butter—Dairy prints, 21 to 22e; oicc dairy solids, `21 to 212e; infer- ior, 17 to 19c; choice large rolls, 200. Creamery quoted at 28e per lb. for rolls, 25c for solids, and 23 to 24c for separator prints, Eggs -Case lots of pickled bring 25 c r ; .r 262^ t0 _,c, cold storage, to .,rc; fresh, ._. e, and strictly new -laid, 30e per'dozen. Cheese—Large, 13c, and twins 13%e. an, kind c f system in their office. Some of the stenographers or clerks are staying at home every day. DEA` II LIST WILL BE MILZION From the Famine and Pestilence in China Before Spring Arrives P � A despatch from Nanking, China, says: That the deaths due to fam- ine, and the pestilence following in its wake, will total a. million before spring,; was the estimate submitted to the relief committee here on Fri- day. Relief workers are aghast with the realization of the task be- fore them. Even were they in re- reipt of unlimited contributions for. relief, the missionaries, doctors, and other volunteer workers would be `'almost' helpless in the face of two and one-half millions of suffer- ing people in the Anhui and Kiang Su Provinces Murder is now adding to the death roll, reported William F. Junkim, Presbyterian missionary at Suchien. In their desperation at the lack of food, he said, the bol- der of the natives have formed ma- rauding bands, who stop at no- thing in robbing wayfarers and plundering houses. In many towns persons wearing good clothes fear to go on the street at night, lest they be waylaid and; stripped' of their garments, which can be sold for cash by the starving highway- men. Scores of intta.nees, of kid- napping have been reported. 7th mmense Crowd Watches the Launching of • the Thunderer. A despatch from London says: the Thunderer, the 17th " British .Dreadnought, and the fourth of the super -Dreadnought type, was -suc- cessfully launched frons., the yards. Df the"Tl ames Iron Works ::Com pang at Cannington on Wednesday: the Archbishop of Canterbury con- lusted the religious service preced- ing the christening by his wife, Mrs. Davidson.: Fifteen thousand ,reo- 21e witnessed the ceremonies. The officials gave' a reception for the ieveral Government eat , officials and other prominent personages pre- sent. - The Thunderer had a displace- ment of 22,680 tons and will be HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 11% to 12e per Ib. in case lots; mess park, $21.50 to $22; do., short cut, $25 to •n-ae nn r ..5. 0• pickled rolls,Ste_. 0, 5..�to a $ � W 4 Hams—Light to medium, 15 to 1Gc; do., heavy, 14c; rolls, 12'2 to 13e; breakfast bacon, 17 to 17%c; backs, 18 to 19e. Lard—Tierces, 12%e; tubs, 13c; pails, 13;c. di ca 39 38 No 41 M fir to s ler $2 $4 ba 5G to ;$2 MONTREAL • MARKETS. Toronto, Feb. 7,—Oats—Cana an Western, No. 2, 40 to 404c r lots, ex store; extra. No. 1 feed to 393 e,` No. 3 G. W., 38% t %c; No. 2local white, 37X to 38c . 3 local white, 36% to '37e; No ocal white, 35% to 360.- Flour anitoba Spring wheat patents sts,-$5.G0; seconds, $5.10; Win wheat $4.75 r patents, to $5 tr•ong bakers', $4.90; straight rol s, $4.35 to' $4.50; in bags, $2 to .10. Rolled oats—Per barrel .45; bag of 90 lbs., $2.10. Feed ariey-Car lots, exstore, 49 to' C. Corn -American No. 3 yellow to 570. Millfeed-Bran, On rio, $19 to $20; Manitoba, <620 t 2; middlings, Ontario, $22.50 3; shorts,, Manitoba $22 to $24. mouillie, $25 to $80. , Eggs—Select ed; 28c; do., fresh, 32c ,• No. 1 stock 25e; No. 2, 21' to 23c. Cheese—West ns, 113 -.,to 32/2c easterns, 114 11%c. Butter—Choicest, 25; 1 to /c; seconds,'92i to 23'_c. 0 • 0 0 t0 , equipped with turbines with a, tri- 'to er tal of 27,000 horse -power., She is 25 expected to make . a speed of 21 knots an hour. • The vessel is 584 fest in ->length,: and is armed with ten 13.5-inch°guns and twenty-four 4 -.inch guns- She ,is the largest ves- sel ever launched so far up',the. -c Thames, Three thousand wo .vre employed in hci- �an ° r4rkmen • e> = , THE NESS IN. HAPPENING "fill £.140' ex•, GRH i a head-on collis;,tn between the westbound passenger train, rtrnnin m Buffalo ,to ,. tratford, and €a, t0 ;rtl engine in charge of Engineer rt Errett of Sarnia, i�unnin m Stratford to Vort Erie. ng in the wake of the coli aiktn conic; a• terrible, dee sal; e, which itreirtera fled tlae l a coopie of the vietivau, aoa t ina prey of the three planter.. coaches of the train. The fart, nothing but the bare trucks �1 heels, and a aaaazss of ,twisted n and charred rust► TJ:'iE VICTIMS. have met at Druipbe. Whether the crew of the engine had forgotten about the passenger train, or who-. ther orders .core- mistaken, is a natter which could not b� learned out of the usual railway reticence. BAGGAGE CAB TELESCOPED. When the crash occurred the laas- senger train was travelling at about 3- •miles an hour, according to the tford passengers. The engine have been going much faster, true with such impact that : ui iS car was completely tol- ped, and the ,mail end of thg tmolting car driven in, where the passengers were buried in flying The ead aro ; A. Turner, 'engin- a ilia r • and�, *r, Stratford;; leaves , wife and 1 r a gla..s. own ri a family, ",I: D; ,Wait Oarlcness '.immediately enveloped r, Stratford;t1Gaves Smith, firs'' the tr,�•in acid its struggling ueeu- wife and .pants, ,the exciterr.ant and eonfus Pater McFarland, baggago-, Three aeroplanes are under eon- rsi tra, taoderich; slurried no Gltilw, ion being' greatly s; pre ad d by the stru4tiozar ' fires, which rapidly spread from the in Toronto, % en, John \V1:itcla ,, express sacs A. G. Ferguson, Manager of tiro ? cages, Goderietr, forauerj" of olcl eoal oil, lamps in use on the Dominion Bank at Hanley Sask. lhitby; wife suffering from shock train, shot birns.1f c ead. t Ilam. Tye, mail clerk, Godoricb.• Miss Annie C"I:obesky of Guelph leaves wifo and grown up fttnaily. stepped off a moving train :.t Clif D, J. Crazier, pa.sen er Drumbo, ton, and was seriously injured. The list of injured includes the Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux gave no- following: W. J. May, snail` clerk, tics :in the Commons f a bill to Hamilton, severely scalded; allow slot stamp machines to bc" at- Henderson, city solicitor, Brant- ford, back injured ; William MCIn- Tll e C. G P. It. has t0 11 e t s let contracts for s customs clerk, Brantford, a big dam in Bow River, which, will back injured; George Hunt, Brant- bring half -n million acres of land ford, shaken up; Robert Errett, under irrigation. engineer, minor bruises and The merger of the Ames -Holden sprains, Company and the James McCready WAS 17 MINUTES LATE. Company, shoe manufacturers, has The ill-fated train left Brantford been completed. 1,7 minutes late, and was running George Murray of St. Catharines was fined $50 for personating an elector and voting at the municipal election in Thor I o d township. - For robbing Conductor Arm- strong of Toronto when he was hurt in a wreck, William Payne was' sen tenced at London to six months' imprisonment. The body of Dolphus Drouillard, a farmer,' missing for about two months, was found in ,the river near Sandwich on Saturday. It is sup- j. posed he was robbed and murdered. Albert Smith. of Londori town- ship, who had :beeo given up as dead by his family, ret•.tr»ed unex- pectedly the other day. While sit- ting in.his, brother's house he" drop- ped dead. Judge Snider reversed Magistrate J elfs judgment at Hamilton J in a g recent liquor case and fined Robert, Gardner $50. The defendant is a hotel proprietor, and the sale was made by a: bellboy "from -a flask. naval: science., The ;tenders ter not of the 1\Tav } Department and prob GREAT BRITAIN. 4,1.1010.0.11 Canada, the Empire nfrfl Aire Wort in General 'Before Your Eyes. CANADA. ly it .p O1\ <L11I1 ti S WOE' PRIZES. 3t the ational Corn Shell' at Colunfbnd, Ohio.. A despatch from Ottawa says: A telegram was received on Friday by the Department of the Interior announcing that Hill and Sons, o , of Lloydminster, had captured the Silver' Trophy Sweepstakes, value 81,500, for the best peck of oats at the National Corn Show, now in progress at Columbus, Ohio. The Reserve Sweepstakes, for the' best peck of wheat, was won by Norman' Cluulz, Davis, Saskatchewan, TENDERS FOR TE YESSELS Four Bristols and Six Destroyers of the J Latest Type. A- despatch from Ottawa says: The Government has ealled for ten- ders for' the construction of the ten new vessels of the Canadian navy, contemplated "in the initial build- ing programme, viz., four IF ^istcls and six" destroyers of the latest im- proved speci- fications p ved type. The 'plana and tvcr- 1 fications are, as has already been stated, based on the plans received from the Admiralty last fall and em- brace the very' latest ''advances in has eorifidence and who might . be bona fide tenderers, will have ac- cess thereto. Letters have been sent to all the leading British and Canadian firms who are in a position to tender, in- viting them to inspect the plans and put in tenders. I- t is stipulat- ed ' P ed that all the vessels must be built ` in Canada. Tenders must be in by April, next. When submitted they will be gone over by the experts; Publicly ,a•dvertrsect, since follo -- ably some time must elapse then ing the rule of the Admiralty, 7:re-- before a decision is reached. as, to Mylius, ` who slandered King tails have to' be kept secret, and George, has been sent to 'zil fbr, Y .. which ,'tender shall;be accepted, all 1` l only firms in whom the department' the conditions being- considered. one year. • UNITED •STATES. Warrants art • i'i r pts have'�: been e ,issued • as in connection with New..Jersey dynes= /,I mite explosion. 1. The 'United States Government have: agreed 10 act as' i'nSdiators. in Honduras UNITED STATES 1VIARKETS. Buffalo,' Feb. 7.7–Wheat—Spring; 1 q;orthe -n, carloads store $1' 5-8 ;"ta'inter,1\; o° -2 red, 98e ask- N" 5 ; nt : , C ;• ecl;i'�o. ., White,. ,,o/�c ail{etl..Goin —No. :3 yello'iv 49j c ; No, 4 ycl: rv, '47%c, all on track; through ed. ''Oats -No_ 2 white, 36c ; -No, white, 35 j c ;' Nu., white; 34 - e: rley-- -Malting, 90 to 95c.' Rye- tzack 840; vtinncapolis Feb; 7—'T hes i,--- 10 '1 -the Power to cngo to ti,e full :;ife"a<V. � t _ , ! bill .lu. v arm a-aci p,_�.,,r., „,fres salt witk� o 3 iao4 dz tstion. Ba ,I•, stemr-cha -supph th e d esk':ve.`ufces .r at your aro ,st M1 rm:a:i Cm. of l May, $1.065-8 to 21.0`,x, ; July, $1.- 0,9/ ` =1:r -8;o. hard8;.- 053 -ft; No. -:i; NeitNhe'.In 0,•,- $��: ,n;4.:;'❑ h'Fwii ; n o tl s:;. m, , - z leJ"�• vz lt;e.r11, 111 ti s 6i ?2 to'' i GENEERAL. Neat landslide 'at PanamaCanal, OF .Ontario Estim.a�;.- .a d eVe1� L1S Will Another m i has taken Exp n i t .en QU 0 00 U,ll _ I� place on .the ane , f' ' The greatpowers are co-operat- enditure+ f 11 r X10000 } � ,- e®VVI ing to stamp out ,plague ;in `China. - A despatch from ` pronto says ; f'lie capitulati� „. I.na bucl Tet. . 5 1 un of Juarcr, Alexi- b ,.,lt„iElr c>ir �Lutsclay, co, to the insttrgeiits'is imminent. the rvl3aii::,A. J. illatlxeson Proem= sial Treasurer; said that the total GEN.',- " estimate for C'l'��i.3g, iS DEAD. s o the year are '11 394,361, and Lhe total ,estimated -ex Was 0:1'11,€at•cdd by the Canadians' at pe rdrture:s, including 62,644,900. •on y, capital account, are $10,283,787. The increase 'in the success an A despat;cit ' fr:-om Iflerksdorp, duties (luring' the ° ear amounted Transvaa ;, ,, 3' s 1, says,: t`�cneral Piet , A'. ;to 18 ,0 ;.:r. � ,a. ' � f r on-j:e • th, , Gte:l . 13a r ° ene,a �• , 7 he ea cess ov"i" r „•.. , .: • • g �e 4; es oft the .1c, c3 stir i U. lr, " p, . t , �, •d..-' �i:tlte �i1t14, Iet'eipis �,.I:zlTrgrf'' Pacl•�Sa,;r Ytr.�af u i1 �A�•Y�`.•`��i"$�9az,5rl�s'r:::' r.r4r,:: .......�1c1:°.�"s�'��.,e•:ssF{T�.-3.+.�,�a,� A r: n si i,tt of aC by a Ioption the increase in revenue from licenses was ,$80,000. in all., eases except the e Tanis- karnir: ; and Ontario Railway,-- the revenue has ,excee;ded. the esti- mates. In the case of the 'Govern- ' Merit railway there was a failing off in receipts ° below . ' estimates , of $303,000. The province can now show as # `x24bills 000,a,000' , 00o, cloo: baln5t ;1ialiilr tieb of• 82 e-. walla, . S: ner,481'2!`2,9,401'0,°10°;000t,)10°:•(.9_, l t0 '.bei antro tkci", „ft his : -.o soon ';t4hx h' �•t` 1741$ 581' 4 rc.•eilae of the -p ;d 5 U�i