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Exeter Advocate, 1911-2-9, Page 5
Rich, asdn ci ea i lesos'e The most digestible of nourishing beverages ALE and STOUT Creates appetite; mal es meals taste better; brings healthy sleep. Keep it always in the house. Your dealer sells it, or you can order direct. 41 Jolin.Labsitt' LO$DON .' CANADA New Grocery Store Salving purchased the pre- ices lately occupied py fir. Jacksoon, South of the :?et-. potitxu. Hotel, and +ost`Mtalis •`;. ret Class Grocery Stook ectin, we invite you to call and give us a trial order. Our Motto is to keep noth. i lig but fresh goods, and you may be always assured tha you will receive good goods all the time. !4111 kinds of `produce take in'exchangee Trey us with. your "ilex order in, Groceries. JAS. GOULD Tei********7":" Fcriiliticcs Orders For S n.� rit Taken Now• ag 2 R. G. Seldon, ]Exeter Purchased BUS. and DRAY Business Having. urchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to.the Public of Exeter that 1 rim' prepared to give you, the best of satisfaction in work connected with -the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or 'other wise at THE A.DVOOA.TE OFF IC„. PHONE 25;" will . receive prompt"attention. T. G. ,Creech SCi-IOOL REPORT OF .a. S. No 3, tis borne for January„ -Sr. I;C;. max. 350, r McColiogO - 2T4, L Harris, 268, Ida Irvxrie 226, it. Doupe' 209:;; Jr. IV:, ma. 150., T. McCurdy 248, D. Balfour 2 31, F Frames 228, M. 'Hodgen: 2a8, O Copeland 185 ; Jr. III., max. 350, Shute 253, .11. Fletcher 200, L. McCurdy 'I66, G.:Copeland: 160 ; Jr: ' II., 'max. 150 f5. McCurdy 123,'G.I1a,rrah 2,1.; Pt. I.; i raincis, tyi. Daupe, I,•IcGeurdy, M' is MSrCurdy ; Pt., x., jr., G Tdodgert, L: Irvine, E. Harriss, A. Gilfillan, :E. Cape land, L. 'leecCurdy, G. Gitfdlian,.' F. 1\:;1... Curdy No: enrolled 2"T, average 27, 3 , �; '� Elsie 1\.1. Greastin, teacher. • Orin la. IDOL 12EPORT of S•. S. , 1'T So. 1, Es- ,fY 7a• nuary 3r. :1Y 5. Strang, rangy t Ja IU.,: sena, Dou ai: t7yas: Dougal, Willie Strang, To ak al Llva elarvey. Oliver. 1�73e11. 3r.' SV -Cecil I3ar-. to fife. Dougal, Gladys,Mair Avtla ,arit�.sM. it ake GI a,'Lr Elgin Rbwcliffe, Fraiik Manure Litters. east. IA BRILLIANT FOPI The Youthful Disraeli,. Eiegan and Eloquent. Al's INTELLECTUAL EXQUISITE - His Airs and Graces, His Frills and Laces and His Dazzling Oratory In His, Baily Political Battles --A Pen Picture of His Remarkable Face. Benjamin 3iisrae 1i's career In practa cal poi,itice began with a series of re. versee•that might have discouraged a less persistent fighter. 'Five: times the youthful novelist and Versatile bud- ding Statesman attempted . to break iuto parliament before he succeeded in 'winning an election, going down to de - teat three times at Wycombe and Dace at 0;atl aton, in wl Umz Flayvelle Monyypenny's Life otK Benjamin IC/Israeli" the au, - Mor declares that tales are still told Ea,, 'Wycombe of Disraeli's famous Bret speech from/ the portico of the Rel Pion: • "'Titer youthful orator Was 110W at the eight of his dandyism. and. his 'curls tud ratites' played no email part In ha election. Stauding "on the top of the porch beside the l3Sure of the lion. with his pale' tam set off by masses of jet black bait and his person piente• ously adorned with ?ace and cambric. 13e ust have seen t to the spectators s better fitted ter tits role of fissillonabte novelist than for that o f strenuous pot iMien. Great. then. was their sur,, iwtee when this 'popinjay; as as hostile newspaper called trim, ,pagan to. pout forth a torrent or -eloquence with to mendous. energy of aeUon and In s Voice that carried fax along the WO street. idn bad an Instinct nor the dra Matle'effeets wbleh hold the aattei doer rite mob, 'when the poll is declared i shall be there' he exclaimed, accord to a Wycombe tradition, pointing. Lha head of the Hon. "and ray oppo- nt will be there" pointing to the all. By the at:huh/ ion even of the old tosite party the speech yeas a torte fete eita , and his popularity with late crowd Was thenceforth .aarenred." As to the young orator's appearance at Taunton, Mr. Monypenny gathers these`cotnments of an eyewitness from tan almost forgotten book of that brae. "Never Inmy life bad 1 been so true* by * face as 1 was by that of 1;lsraell, It was ltvklIy pale, and from bt+nesth two finely arched eyebrows ° blazed ,out ' 'pair 'at intensely blade eyes.' 1 never Wive seen such orbs In mortal sockets either before or elnce. SIO physiognomy Was strictly Jewish Qverit broad, high forehead were rinse lets of coal black, glossy hslr, which. combed away . from ble right temple. fell in luxuriant clusters or bunches over his lett: cheek and enc, wisest it entirely concealed from view. "(here was a sort of halt smile, halt sneer playing about his beautifully formed mouth, the upper Hp of wide') was curved as we see it in the por- traits of Byron. He was very showily attired in a dark bottle green frock coat, a waistcoat of the most extrava gent pattern, the front of which was almost covered with glittering chains, and In fancy pattern pantaloons. Ere wore a plain black stock, but no collar was visible: Altogether he was the most intellectual looking exquisite had ever seen. "Be commenced In a lisping. lacks daisical tone of roles. EIe minced his phrases in apparently the iuost affect ed manner and while he was speaking placed his hands In all imaginable po- aitIons, not because he felt awkward and did not know. like a booby in a drawing room, where to put them, but apparently for the purpose ,of exhibit- ing to the best advantage the glitter- ing rings which decked his white and taper fingers. Now be would place hie thumbs an the armholes of his waist coat and spread out his fingers on its flashing surface; then one set of digits would be released and hewould lean affectedly on the table, supporting him self .with his right hand; nd- anon he would push aside the curls ,from his forehead. "But as he • proceeded all traces of dandyism and affectation ...were lost. With a rapidity of.'utterance perfectly astonishing he referred to past -events and indulged in anticipations of the- future. hefuture. The Whigs "were, of course, the objects of his unsparing satire. and his eloquent denunciations of them _were applauded to the echo. In all be said he proved himself: to be the fin- ished orator. Every period was round- ed with the ,utmost` elegance, and in his most daring flights, when one trem- bled lest he should fall from the giddy .height to which hd had attained, he so gracefully descended that every hearer ,'was wrapped In admiring surprise-` His, voice, at.flrst so.finical,'gradually becatne full,musieai and; sonorous -and with every varying sentiment was beautifully :modulated. His arms no longer appeared to be exhibited for show, but he exemplified the eloquence of the hand. ' The dandy was trans- formed into the man of mind, the Man talini.looking personage into a prac- ticed and finished elocutionist." ocutionist.",........ ver i ead Conveyors, erat ►'Bros.' Steel faa9Stanchions ars he installed as cheap a u�aaleer and laza forearsr silty Bros.' Load Binder These three things taro, Ira! Iabor-savers for farmers and ne caaaittes on A far>na, For gale by Gillespie, Exete; Pam; at Naylor ,•Earve Neil, ;I"lassie Ross Diek J :' III. You can't sow thisties an reap iitts. It vett plant Perry's Seeds you row exactly what rcuexpect and to a proluSign sad Petite-. Von never e<xcelkd. eSeer3epca aalaltetheatre. 1latlilr, Poe salt everywhere. Fomes tali.Soya Ash**, (tenon r;glaest, feGiLI,IVreeki'. A very pretty wedding was solemniz- ed on San. 25th, bet'wweee Mies Laura May McAlpine and Mr.; T. FI. Blake, both+ of McGillivray, at the bonit3 of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Mc- Alpine, 7th con. Rev. W. 11. Geddes Per- formed the ceremiony and rlra. W. Blake played the wedding march. The bride was beautifully dressed in) ;bronze venetian silk trimmed :' with point taco.. bridesmaid was bliss Lily Beattie of London Tp. and Mr. Ernio 'McAlpine, brother of the bride acted, as best man. ;ring. John Paterson of West McGilli- vray fell Sunday horning on the ice, breaking her wolst. Deaths: -The, death occurred on Thurs- day, San. , 20t,h, of Mr. Joseph Carter, on the old homestead,, tot 10, con. 2.. Mr. Carter's grandfather, Rich. Carter took up hes hornes!tead• in the year 1834. Ttie following are brothers and sisters of the deceased, -John of Saskatchewan ftichard, on the adjoining farm; Mrs. R. Sceli of Owen, Sound; Mrs. Joseph atchie of 7th con., !McGillivray ,and ane sister living at' Nairn. 1 -Te is ,also sur- vived by a. sorrowing wife ,andl one son. The ,interment toSk'place at St. James' cemetery, Clandeboye.' Mr. Carter was highly respected by all who ;knew him. -Word was received by Mr. Wm. Dix- on, of the 7th con.; that WWilliam Smith commonly known as ` Dummy" Smith, A was killed near Chauvin,,1 ta,fonSun- day, Ja.;a 15th, by Grand Trunk Paci- fic express. Tie was walking on the railroad track and dtdinot' hear the ap- proaching train which -killed him..Mr.. Smith Was well-known) in McGillivray, having ' been born at' the `corner of the 20th and 81th, coils. At the meeting of the Council on, the 3rd day, of April next an application to take certain lots from S S. No. 11, and add ,said lots to SYS. No. 1'5, will ` ,be ;considered, and the' clerk has ( been in- structed to ;notify the True Lees of the said schools that suchalterations are to be considered. •s• Sad _Deatn.-This week 't be -cornea our duty to `:record the 'death of a bright and promisiing 'young `man, in the per- son . of Vincent • Thompson, son of Mr: and ?vire. Micta3eL _Thompson of ,the 410 can., who passed away on Saturday .'last' :it the Youthful age of 12 years. The,. deceased bad .been wilting for several - months from diabetes ever .1'nonths'from:di'abe'tes and all that lime the dread di5:eaSe' had been dolms its work and hi:s Young life , gave away u..dsr so severe • a :a train. Fie was a hay much Toyed by his comrades and friends all 'wi,11 be grieved 'at his ite- mise. 'Besides • he, sorrowing parents he he is survivhed by itwo lbrochers and one siter. The funeral took place to the R. C.•buryint ground ';atAd.tr'on Mon diy last. The bereaved relatives have txd' sympathy of ail. n their ,affliction. slaw l IM2itcif ellr a'Md"k;'e rllicc. IefiTi na1004i1 Do I Anie Stran u Dugas Percy FIa - trae';attendanr ,dg,lira,�'aaclie� SEAFORTFT,- Emma- Tau'iblytx, relict f 'the lase Rev 'Lrthur Dobi died at the home of ;her se, -ir -law,: MFr• . D. Bright, q nday •at the ,age of � on .1a '82 Years a.itd 4 niatths. Arthur, ,noble was are of :the pioiiear' • ministers .,of c}xc Sell Church • hildron Q: FLETCHER'S' AFTER TIIE1 HOLI1J A.Y EXCITEMD;":T •t' The -re are ma„ y restful places to .e cuperate at--aearbx fa the St. Cathar� Ines, Preston and Mount Clemens There are ;many restful places to re eras, resorts..; The "mound Inn" tat Algonquin Bark; YAM can enjoy _ the pure air and winter sports,: and rest to your heart's' co ;tent. A trip to Temagarni, Cobalt, Gowgarxda or new gold: field 94 P:arcupine will -twit the prospector. Tho Sunny South, Florida, California': or Mexico will appeal to tblase who wish, to getaway from the cold weather, Full information, tickets, and 1Ilus- trated literature from Grand Trunk A exits, or address J. I), McDonaid, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat.. for?M Torontao, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale Mr. Jos. 'white has received teetx`uct ieraa to, -sett by Public Auction on IAT, 4, COII, 6, TP. 'or US.8OB't3E, o WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1.917 at ono o'clock aharp,- HOESES-1 draught mare, rleirzg' 8 id, 1 draught gelding rlaing 3 year Old; one dra;ugbt tiny. rising 1 -yr -old one carriage gelding, riming 1. yr, old" 2 draught colts, sizing 3 years. CATTLE ---4 Ociveal due to 1.rz rcb, :pr11.- June, October: one .registered Jersey cove, du© to gal* the MAY; :2, belie due la October; ,s steers nese;; $Year oId; b eteerp. rising 2 Years old ; • 2 steers, .3 yr, nld; 4 celvee, POUrarl ir--About 50 Pure-bred wliltiai Wyandotte hens; 4 geed cockerels. PIAS --1 brood slaw, due inrt,Aprll, IMPLEMENTS -•Frost & Weod DLnder Hay Rake and Disc Harrow; 3ts,>;wtTll Mower, Sou#tier and Drill; Cultivator? 2 goers v:alkf-as plo'w`a, act Sofiron liar,.. rows, lansi roller, manure spreader.; one good wagon; double box and seat coin plete: farm wagon. ,with wide tire, hay rack-, pair of sleighs, Gravel box, stone boat, one god farmer's carrIage, near- ly 4.0w: one good Mikado nearly new. 1 utter; pair scales 1000 les ;;set, double tzartleso, get single htlrneae > rfndinar tone. root pulper, about 800 ,outs. man= golds: 200 buslhola' turnips ; Dale churn and mans* other articles too num- us to mention. 7?oaittvely ran reaaervo as the propre- for is giving up farming. TERMS -.Ali, sums of #10- and under c soh; over that amount 10'months creel 5 per cervi, per.annur off for cash. Jas, SVIi4TF:, SIDE) ANDREW. Auctioneer Proprietor. Her Declaration. "Have yon anything to declare?" asked the customs inspector. "Yes," replied, • the lady who -was re- turning from Europe. '°I unhesitating - 1y declare that it is an outrage .;the way this . government permits things to be mussed up in; one's trunk °'-, Chi- cago' ReeotdHerald: b i, -r' etthose who complain of baa, r {Ym4i extsite to dos bt, In Auction to OF FIAflSktl AND LOT IN CREDITt1N The undersigned auctioneer has re-. ce:tved instructions to sell by Public ur»tlon at CREDITOR, on +. W DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, (011 at 2 o'clock, the foilowlnb Propet"ty one and "tuxlt'storey\ brick h'oifse, and read barer and. •,eiabte, situated on 1-5 fere of land, opposite the sehfdoI. Atria .good driving horse, buggy, cut. ter,-.hasno9s, etc. ' A number of household effects. TEEMS -Under $10 cash ; over that amount 0 months credit on approved. joint notes. 5 per cent. off tor cash on credit amotinD3. Terms or Real Estaje made, known on. day of sale, «'SI, ANDERSON C. K. BLUETT Auctioneer Proprietor ZIJRIOPI. Mr. bred Witwcr has disposed of his dwelling and acre of Iand to Mr. Sohtt Decker, isr., of 'lay but will continue to reside th-rern .for at least a. Urns: ),lies Pearl Wurtz left on, Wednes- day on a visit with relatives in Mich. -Mr. and Mrs. John Schnell Have# returned from Michigan and wilt re- main in :town. --Messrs Fred Krampine Alberta, and 'genius Krampine of Sask- atchewan, 'visited their sister Mrs. W. Beaver, 'last week. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Rummel and eon Wilber, left on Thursday for Stratford, where they will reside in future. We wish them every success in their ne,w home. -Mrs. And- drew Thiel and Miss Annie, Hess. spent last week in, Stephen Township, with Mr. and Mrs. Lours Kraft and other ifriends.-Mr. C. Schrag of Stanley, was, the lucky purchaser of Mr.' F. Itummel's jersey cow, at 'the sale. The )price was 587.00. The cow has a record of 18 pounds of butter per week. -Mr. James - Humphrey has- moved to the farm re- cently vacated by 1.2r. Ed. Merner. and will manage the. isame for Kr. J. 3. Merner. Mr. Merner intends going ex- tensively into stock raising. -Mr. John Decker and Mr. ' Leon. Jeffrey have ex- changed properties. The former gets. the dwelling in town • and the latter -gets the 75 aerie farm `o 4 .the Babylon Line. now occupied by John Decher Jr. Pos- sessionwill be given about the middle of March. -Mr. Alonzo Foster has, pur- chased Jacob Sararus', "farm of 100 acres and moat of ,his stock and ample ments.-Mr Simon Sararus has sold his farm on the Goshen Line', to, Mr. Wendel Smith of. the ,same line for 56000.00; Mr:' Sararas retains possession; • - for another er ' year. Father Morrisers �+ iptions slave been etari ng for 3o years, and are ettring to -day, all the common ailments that coiine to every fatnily, [�Ve have hundreds of grateful" letters tIi prove this. Father .Morrisey's No,. tones ftp the Kidneys, re- moves Uric Acid froze the blood,and enresRbewnatism, In tablet form, 50e, Wier MOITlise ?'s No. ie is a mostrr elective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and whooping Cough. A real Lung T nit Teal Bottle, ase. R.a gular Size, 5o. Fir $for sty's Ne 11 Tablets relieve and clue Dys- pepsia Itnd alll fotnas of Indigestion, tach tablet Will digest i g pan Ids of food. ' 'er box, ,roc. E#bc$ y's ft,. 2; positively cures Catarrh. A chnet ,r d treeltMettt-tablete for the blood, azul: a healing salve for the affected, parts. Tablets and salve together, 5oe, Fame .!o 's a household standby for all sorts of sates apains. Masao Iteasaut to use quick to relieve. der bottle, *ee. At your deat4er" . 1 at etoa' •by attsaaste, N.B. aLiN'kfltri-After ala I!Mesa extondi over maIey ars r4Aae Brownlee paases '^aY I Faiday last zL tau 43e or 51 years, Death was date to tubezeuilosle, ito lea.Ye.a a wife and slater, l:,'t1LLARTON--With deem .regret we learn of lite death' of john Boger, rar., tis Stet Yew,. which' occurred on tele sit Tinusrr•. Deeeasol was one of otar idtownship collect Ire slid a. pan high- y respected Mr 'hito o-sterILaIf war tl and 1. qualities,, tNsnN-.tttr 1, u Mrs. C. J. Tebbutt Paaeed'away o'4 t"�e1 014t, at tel+ ale of 63 years,heel uta i?avalid for 20 ya;c,ra( :anal ,.bout two: weeks; before Otulatmas fella rroile her tet;^, which never knit; Cr,Ik1TON-L eoralyd Reid of Stanley Tou^ashlp, a student for four yearo at 010 Cotleglate here, died list week atter. Daly a few days Illness. CLINTRN^Katie, second dau hter Or. and Mrs. Gunn Passed away rem eats( attar A Ifew weeks surae i . hoar( THE ER ADVOCATE llatiin in the Dishist The live business man advertises knows that the returns al C.RO,SIART :i A very pretty and i,nteresting wedding' was celebrated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Wrn Dalryanple,:l2th.1con. of FTibbert on San. '25th when l is's vary, Eliza, their; second eldest daughter,: and. •Mr: Wilbur `.Iahaffy`were •un,ited.111 the holy bonds of wedlock. About 5.30' sistYguests from Clinton, Hensall, Kipper, and, immediate neighborhood gat` hcred to ,witness the ceremony! perform- ed by Rev. R G. 'McKay. Shortly after- ward a most enjoyable supper was ser ved, and: the evening • spent in mirth, ' music and social glee. 'The bridewore � e white silk and she carried white roses. Her travel -1111$ suit` was of navy serge, trimmed•silk,oaudllg and ,eat 'tomatch. .� They 116 sesdd oi11 trA groom's farm it :Hibbex Wnd;will have ,the best', wish- es 'of ish-es'ht t, hvanrY iriends. All Tied Up For want of help. Our Cieissiiled Want Ads. will untie the knots. We make' this as good paper so that intelli- gent people will tread it, and the", do. Isn't that the hind of help you want? A,,,,ytl.y +++4 .r the Ativoa ergo and sl z like the far ler who sows his seed in rue spring time -he rs Q, 60 and 100 fold returns, All kinds of Job Printing done on shortest notice and absolute satisfaction guar. anteed. Try us with your next order. The Old Way to cure a Cold The New Way- take Howey's x . Cure -a -Cold Capsules NERVOUS, LIFELES DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE.AGED MEN, the victims of early indiscretions and later ex cesses, who are failures in life -you are the oneswe can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality, Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, used electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of heaves and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." We prescribe specific. rem- edies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complications -we have no patent Medicines.' This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. ;Only curable cases ac- cepted. We have done bushiest throughout,:' Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY READER Are you a victim? 'Ha'ee you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Hasour blood been' diseased?, i aveyou any weakness?.' Our New Method=Treat,uent will cure you. What 11 has done for others it will do for you, Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of :Charge. Looks Firee- J3oyliood, Manhood, Fatherhood.` (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN' CONSENT. Slo Imamrs *., Sia es oc encs. open.: Everything- Question Etat and Cost. of Treatment FREE FOR HOME ......,,.:,....,� Confidential. tilch IaAve.n A and Cid 8 svvcaBdSf., 'Detroit," •NOTICE All letter fro . Canada w. Cars via mustbe:arldhreSsei', to our Canadian Oorrestiorxoe]]ce,Depart•: argent in. Windsor, Ont. If<yon desire to y see us personally call at our .Medical Institute in Detroit as we seeend;,treat' no patients in, our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and, Laboratory for, Canadian business only-. Address all letters as follows: yr I ENNEDY 4'&r iii lttlli iY; Windsor, Olt, ice ger elft address. •. 7 v