HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-9, Page 1TTY -TWD YEAR.
Great Big.
Annual Stock
Taking Sale
Sorae of thebargains offered in Men's Wear
pair heavy wool sox for $1,
regular 2,5o. a pair. 4 pr of 50c.
hese for $14, Rig value tor
the money.
Regtaar 7c. for 00c,
‘ .0c, " 40e.
" 5c. 4 20c,
Regular 15e, all sizes and
tyles to clear at 10c,
la Rd, Chamois aud lgocha
Regular $1,00 for '7c,
1,25 4* 05c,
From 25e, to $2.00 reg. with " eLso $1,15
a great big cut, to make them
" $1.75 -
" 240 " $2.00
few hard bats left regithir $2.25 and 240 to clear $1.0.
La4iU6 wishing anything in the line of black dress goods would do
well to examine our stock. We are marking these goods away down
in order to dear thein out, Take a look at our table of china anything
on it, to clear at 10c,
GROCIERIE$- Our stock of groceries is second to none, always
fresh and the hot money on buy.
ras- Fresh white fish 12 1-2c, per lb. Fresh Salmon 15e, per
lb. Fresh herring 25c. per doz. Finnan Boddie 12 1-2 per lb.
STOO1C FEED- We carry Hackney Stock Remedies sold under the
guarantee, that if after trying a package it fails to do what is claimed
the purchase price is refunded. What more cart you ask. Try a
package to -day.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce,
.rrefessoual. Cards.
r 111. 0:18. IIOUGSTON, L.D.S.; D.D.S.
-0 Honor Graduate otToontoUnlyersity.
°kein-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices,
Exeter. Telephone No. 5.
Closed Wednesday afternoons.
gibront grliduKateSof Tor,o&llsint"erDtvp,..
teeth extracted without any pin, or any bad effects
Office oyes Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main street
n E. BRIGHT, 3.23., 3.0. P. & S., TIONOR
.Lie Graduate of Toronto Uniyersky, Two years
resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc.
Office and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew
Street .EXETER. .
structor, James Street Parsonage,
C. A. HOUZE, y. S.
Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col-
lege; member Ontario Veterinary Me
ical %clay; treats all diseases of do-
mesticated animal's on scientific prin-
ciples; modern surgery a. specialty. Op-
eratios on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat-
isfactory,. Calls Ify da Y or night
• proreptly attended to. Office-Main-st.,
Exeter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone
In connection.
drew and Lriughall street, Eeter. Part'
. .
1)R.QuAOKENBUSH, Physican, Surgeon, Ac-
coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old offie, Main
Steet. Residence, corner James and Albert streets
opposite James streetMethodist parsonage. Phone
Office, 30, ' ReKcience 39 b.
• • • -
The' following properties have been
cARLING, BARRISTERS, sorAca, Placed in our 'hands for exchange...
tor, Notrie; Conveyancers, Corthnissioners '
solicitors for 1,1olsoiis Rank, etc. ' yoR .ffood _trame
.„ „•„ sezed
•Piliette,:tO. Loan at lowest rates of bteres .
Offices, Main street, Exeter, • _
R. CARLING, L, R Diax014
. S. Department
Form III.-Hoors, W. bfoeteith 78,
Paso, A. Dow 71.6,W. BPY 71.3, 1.
Me.mhand 703, A. -McPherson "674, G.
Eestle 65.7, H. Jonee 63. C. Copeland
62.3 H. Trielener L6i S. ,Betty" 60.5, D.
1-lrn 60.4. No. cei roll 26, average 24.
W. le. Weidenharnmer, B. A., Prin.
Form IL-TIonors, 11. Puke 83, P.
Brown 79.6; Pas, H Glu 74.2, L,
ran 74, 74, H. Sweet 71, N. Howeee 60,0
R. Wood 68.4, P.0Welsie 66.2, L Ban
rite 53.8. No. on Toll 20, aveMge 21.
obb, 'I'eaqi0er,
Form I -goners, EL Co.ee 86, le. G.
Harvey 77; Paste N. Cermichael 0%
Shptore 65, R. Gedbolt 8;
V. Hodgson 61, Lura. Harvey 61, G.
Dlatchford 60.
ComMereial eedor, Hrors, S. 0tillee
76, Paes, P, Dearing 64, III, Baylibeata
004. COrentereiall Juale, Eenor', 14,11111
0, 23,IsfaY 8'3, B Glillee ° 88,
I. Rivers 08, M Acheso.062, W. Snell
60. No. on roll 38, average 32.8.
M. johnston, Ieeeler
P. 3, Department
Reom 4--84'. IV., Honor, B. Walker
81, 0. lIodgert -80,1P. Hill 79, A. Bev-
eY 18,1. Sweet 75; Pa,se, Viola Rowe
74, Q,gay 73 1-1,11.vere 73M. Case
72, N, Jon,s -70, B. Quance 69, S.Hee-
or 66. Jr. IV, Hoor, Blatchford
75; Pas, W. Manson. 72, B. 11Odert
72, Le Belle liandford 63, Minnie May
62, El, Honey 61, N. on. mil 31, aver-
age 28. •
0. Vesper, teacher.
Room V -Jr. IV., eionrs, 0, 'owell
81, M. 1p191,1, 80, 0., Dvie' 89, A,Mack
01 A. Bell 68, M. Seldom, 67, II,
aremte 07, E, Reeeey 66, 0, l‘fccien
aid, 65, J. Polliek 62, F. Weme C1,,
gwelifie 60. Sr. IH., lamors,
man 81, L, l€ 80, 80, 'Vinent 79,
1;.',ott 78, 23 Horocy,-77,
23, Wed-
rnie 70, r'. Dowey 75; 1)88, E.
eelDs 70, D., Rianta 69, G. Ford rThs, 1.
Pev 07, .A. Johns uG1. No_ on roll 32
verge 30, L•
3. ..M.urray, Teachr.
Room VI.-Fom IXL Jr„ or8, 1
ICydcl 81, 3r„ riartly 78; Palle, L.Wallter
7, M. Walker 71, W. .1aobi 70, E
Powell 05, IL Co:dab 02, A, Davis 01
I. Taylor 00. Form 11., Sr,, rionprs C
Harkness 82, Pass, D. Charlton 71, 13.
livers 74, D. lilnlight 73, M. Morroek
72, C. MorleY ,72, ,1{...oylo 70, V.Mr
shall 70, 2. Easterbrook 63, V Sweet
62, W. liannerts 60. No. on roll 40,
average 35.5. •
IL N. Itinerai, Teahr.
Room VII -r. IL, FIarrors Gladys
Harey 82, W. ICnight 81, Pas, Irene
Willis 74, I. Zuefle 70, k. DelYs 68,
V. Hartleib 08. Jr. II., I-lntora, C.
Ileaman, 78; Pae, Idatrchand 69,
V. Hill 67, E. Taylon67, C. Sanders 62
Sr. Pt. IT.,•I-rekniore, M. Harvey 82, Mil-
dred Harvey 78, T. Connor 76;' Pas,
I. Davis 65, E. Well'62, P. Cornieh 60
Jr. Pt Base, W. GIllespyi 71, J.
Davis 08, I'. Hairless 65, M. Houldcn
60. G. lk.t Alexagder, teacher.
Sr. Pt. II„ P. Weidenhanuner 09, E,
Davis 96, E. Yellow A Vlincent 90,
Collints 81,8, Webstert,83, B. Senior
78; Jr. Pt. II., G. IIannese 99, V. Row-
cliffe 95, E. Kig,ht 80, P. Vincent, 81
S. Sanders 83, 24 Hartielb 81, H. W111 -
on 79, E. Russell 79, R. Palmer 76,
H. Kuntz 70, F. I,,Zanns 65. No on the
roll 52, average 43.
P. W. Hoard, teaher.
Couneil met in' the, 'Town -ship' olk
Feb. 4th. All the member's were pres.f
ene. Minutes of tale previous' meeting ap-
proved. .A.pplication for the' office of
5000 Cedar Posts for Sale
Our posts are the finest quality and
for sizewe have nothing less than. 6
inches at small end. k Our, prices are
right for we, have thenr to sell.
• G. E. HICKS, Cetra.lia.
Two-thiids acre of land, on wIliich is
a franic 'house and Stable, corner An-
ticulars on, application to IlholAelvocate
We have alarge amount of private funds to loan
n farm andeillage properties at low rates of inter
Barrsters, Solleitora,Main t, Exeter Oiti
. .
• Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insttrance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Coldpanies.
Main -St, Exeter.
„. , „,,.• ,,
for ETuriati County. Tertn!;;,,vratilattile,
Dates can be made- 'stl1iieVArtiietite
Exeter, or Henry EllbertC;01;te.60,
iton ' • • .,'„:1.1,1;',;:k04,,,
• nsurnes,,90 Iteettag-,
Lire, Fire, Accident
FARM vikA:NtiO,Lrb41:EINt
Thp undersIgnett:
dred,aefe farm, .anr,0:*
dwelling' in Exeter, suitable to acco-
modate two farrillies; in, good' repair;
will be sold cheap:,
TO RENT. -240 acre tarm „in Ueborne
to rent, to right man: ''Good buildinds
WANTED. -to rent . a, hundred acre
ifarrni supplied keiith the usual build-
ing"- etc..
FOR SALE. -A good fralrie house in
Exeter in good repair.
For particulars apply. at
• •
, , Advocate
IPPRI sA-L•111. k .
• House and two loed on Main Street,
Exeter, being the estate of the late
Mrs. Ann Eacreet frame house and
frame stable. This property is situat-
ed in a very desirable lop,ation. • For
ComenI Dram Tile
For tale
• I r4ow offer all rnyc tilo up to 10
that are anly ineiteilorig at re.dubed
p.ces. Ali tile 'etiiirientleed. 4 in. at
$33.50 per thoisand, 5 in. $ip ; 5 in.
$28.50; 7 in' $35, 8 in. $48; 10 In,
also 12's 11t's and 16's on hand.
0ke all til• 13 in, in future.
., • "tgl),X0RE Lumley P 0.,
A inarried mart Warded to Work on a
farm-aceuetomed -ito feeding cattle.
House provided. Good wages to right
Man. Apply t6 W. D. SANDERS,. Ste-
. ' 1
Good store flar sale Country 'locat-
ion. Doing good ' business Will be sold
right. Write,, or apnlY at Advocate office'
Bineuinonia will relieve the' patient' in
FEBRUARY 9, 1911.
assessor from R. Hnter, Wm, Smith,
Thomas ITurildn and Fred P. Johnoell
were laid before the counil. Elleringtort
--skiner -Tht Thos. Hunkin be AP-,
painted assessor ter 1911.-Ca,ried.
Routly,-No 43CCSIderth# pro
Jobaston be appointed assessor.
py-lw. No. 1, con.firning appointment
of rreinicipal officers and fixing salariee
as read was pased, signedl and sealed,
The couaell decided to neither approve
or4oPoo0 the Pef1f$$I1 OC the! Tax -R-
foem Lague, askig- the Legielature to
amea1 the asseaarnent aet, so that .141un-
lP3Meo Could withthe asSent Of a
mejerity of the reeepayers tax improve-
inai4 values at a lower rate than land
clerk was instructed to fincl out
a/I `tglairns against -the, Peen Drain ac -
emelt, and prepare a schedule for the
Treasurer for the distrebuthen Of the
elitplue to the crd3t. of that account hi
aceprdance with the prevoes of the
BYeka.ve No, 2, 1911 amedng; By-law
No, 4, 1905, Providing for the refund
of the surplus on Pyrn Drain aceRunt
.41Tho dletributiill On wbnud e
jnyr aecounts were Peeped Arid Ore
de's4otted PaYlallt. Conil
Jo .1- it) March 4.-F. Morley, clerk,
The Council met FridaY evening, Ifeb
3rd. .All mernbere present. Minutes o
last, meeting were read and confirmed
M:. Jae. Wevite, et the l'irt°
05armet, waited on the Cul!
garding cera.in aupplie.
24evett-4Va1per-That Kr, Wefts Pre
rare the .ti.uplieh eeceaeary-Care,
Te, autrta:ee Messr, 23. E, Pickard
DVe, px-esentd their re-
3tnr W3n3 wars received and
o.:notion of vrkI, seconded
hy 71;e auditors submilttld
4.31.mhzi0 reronnorelations to the Cettn
for ,r..tloz,,v1«.--(1) We ld
the u,,,,...;oar.4.5 of the Troasorer Accurate
hut the system ueed by' him is. antilluat-0
ed, We would therefore •sugest to
your Doard that the services of some
qualified arecuatant be engaged to
open up a 'suitable sYstern of books for
the Treasurer's use., (2) We would rcc-
anulled that the taxpayers be requied,
to 1137.411 taXes into a chartered hank,
and that the same be accounted for to
the Treasurer; and further that the Col-
lector be retained for the intrinsic of
collecting outstanding taxes only after
thc 15th Dec. itt each year. (3) We
wu1:-,•turVter recommend that the aud-
iors' report be Printed and distributed
instead of the Teasurer's annual re-
port as heretofore enCtiao ,ltith' or Dec.'
(4) We also strongly recommend that
the differences In balances shown In
the hands of the Secretary of the school
board and subscribed to by the Treas-
urer of the municipality, and that shown
In the books of the "Dwn Treasurer
be investigated and ad;usted that the
report, When published be not conflict-
ing. (5) We alio recommend 'that 'aur
Board InSisit I.hat any official of the
town, whose duty it le collet, memeys
use only the official form of recelPt
as supplied to them by the town,.
Welper-Day.: That recommendatlen
No. 1 as read be adopted.--Caried.
Levett-Rive.r,s-That -recommedation:
No. 2 as read be aclopted.-gtereled,
Itiere-Levett-That recommendation
No. 8, as read be adopted„-Cverled.,
Dy-Walper- That recornmendatlion
No. 4, as read be adopted.-Caeeled.
Day-Levett-Tht recommendation No.
5 as yea.d be adopted. ---Carried.
Walper-River-That the recommenda-
tion as a whole be adopted. -Carred,
" The auditors called the attengon of
tha Board to the fact that the duties
of the auditors have beea much more
onerous thn- in former years as wit-
ness the report of expenditurea and, tits-
bursdmets, and would ask that our
remuneration be fixed at not less than
25 a piece, and an allowance of $5
Lor the Eitoograpner.
Levett-Day-That the auditors be paid
20 each and $5 extra for etenographer.
Levett-Walper--That the following ac-
counts 'be- passed and orders issued in
payincet,--,Dlectrec Light Co., $115; G.
Heywood, painting,' $2.55; R. • Davis,
teaming wood 11.38; E. Mellott, labor,
1.20; T. Brock, labor, 1.05; W. 3'. Bis-
sett, pt. salary, 33.00; W. .T. Bissett,
over paid taes, ROSS Taylor C.e., grav-
el and post office bon„ 80.80; T. Hle-
den, caretaker P. H., 10..00 ;;11.. E. Pick-
ard, auditing and stenographer 22.50;
J". Davis, do., 2.50 ;.C. W. Ceoss, cem-
etery account 58.00; jo. Lawson, bal.
ac. 12.50. Total :1,320.48.
Tenders for the lowering of the tan
louse Were opened and read as. 101-‘
ows,-eA. Q. Bobier, .$30; W. A. Balk -
$21„; •Wrie. Treble,- :1;30. Levett-
WalPer-That the tender of 130.1k -
being the lo -west, be accepted. -Car-
• Corrnunications were read from the
lreatrdeAredtilnYaerid.dFarlie?nlbej and
Day-Rivers-Re Waterworks, that the
lerk interviewMes'srs. Dickson &Car -
in, re contract with Goold, Shapley Sc
uir, as to - indemnity. for nonefulfill-
ent, of C�ntract.-Carrjed.
L vet r Th t the Secretary of
he Public Librazy Board correspond
with Mr A Ca rnegit re grant for
ublic, library building for Exeter. --Car-
ed. •
Day-Riers-That the clerk write
01611 McColloUgh D;, Galt, t,e) ascertain
urn• thein the dot of the gasoline en-,-
Inc thtiwas 'ilroeurlo d of 077
c ail having
ie deal.-07Carried.
Loyete--EtIeyee-That the Fire, Chief be
sked fl,,,,,.'House building
Local Items
PIRE.--The Jackson Manufacturing
ComPahY feeterY naTewly escaped,
deatruction by fire elaput a,m. Tees -
thy. The employes Were all busily en-
ggeel when smoke WkEf ee?11.10. bc COM,
ilre up through the /leer in the centro
of the building. The alarrn was g,iven
nd soon e fireman had it, under con-
trol, weien it was. found that the fire
origniated front the basement eear
gasoline engine, but the exact MUSIC gia
aot kown. Tbe dYlkarso. several 6ew
iree mect.ie, and a. c9apielera,140
ity of cleth end ineetinfectuteel elothing
were destroyed by the fire, water and
smoke. Somethies less than $2009
will cover the loss. The factory wi/i
of necessity be closed dcram for about
twO Weete. Pe prompt water ser-
vices seeiared hy the waterworks sys-
em reeeittlY Installed enabled the blaze
to be se wean extingtilehed ether-
wise the less might have bees, very
C. -goner Bro, have acquired the vacant
lot reone Mr, A, G. Dyer situated on,
Statioe litrmt, where the Dyr'.4t, Howe
ard Planing Mills at one time etood,
and will ee soon tie peesbl0re,i etaet the
ere -aloft of a faeterY tO carry on ;belt'
Machine businese, The faetorY will be
erected of cement blocks or Intelern,
type, and prticula,rly a4ted for their
bueinese. A cliartee has been applied
for and a limited company has been
forme, with a very limited number or
stork hIder. The Connor Brothere ev-
er since their eetatilshMent here have
been doing an ever increasitig basinese,
eptecquently they have greatly ou,
;rows, their present Premises. it le rbe
to go MAN extensively ltltex
4743n,ittclure Ot heir.air-0001e4 gas-
oll eegittes, which have preyed a great
etreeees; so great that they have 'bot
la WO to, luk.,:p up wi* the ilOw 01
• ptd ,reeind, meetilists tteY are
•at the bead et the list, 444 being etare"e'd
oeui good practleal bueinese Melt Vali
euccees of the neW company, is stet:MI-O.
1310 SUCCESS.--Laat talent once
more demolastrated their abflify to
please the people or Exeter 'in i an en-
tertinment on 2?rtia7 CAVelling- last.
when The Temple of Fame" wati pat
in the Opera Housel under the aus-
pices of the W. e. r. 1,1, Tho Advance
eele of tickets was a large ono* early
balleatint• that tne people hacl been
well satiefled with the attair given;
two years before, and that the atted-
ee= would be very largeon, this oPea
ion, and when the entertainment began
every available place in the room ',vas
ocLupled. The characters were In( many
cases represented by the same people as
041 the former occasion, That the affair
was thoroughly coljoyed was iivident by
the applause givm and the after -remarks
91' those present. More than eighty per-
sons took part, and represented W,taneri
famous in poetry, msic, at,soclety,
erature, history and the home, together
wall guard, herald, trumpeter, maids
of honor, a,ttondat, pages, croVirk bear-
er, and flower girls galore. The cantata
represented the noted persons as com-
peting for the crown beforosthe Goddess
of the Texnple of Fanle, and endeavoring
to ehow that their Ownparilicular art,
accomplishmet, calling or ability was
e greatest. Thom came the awarding
et the crown, to The'. ...Mther," her
sphere being rightly considered the
crowning tglory ot womanhood. The
speeches, songs, music, etc. were bright
and interesting, and together with the
gorgeous dresses and scenery made the
affair a most pla.sng one.
a short time wrth outside apPlleation
Anyone suffering. from Pleurisy •would
e v, se o Jry histreatrnit. No danger
'with outside application which makes a
euro.permaneist •,
W. W. 13LATC1-1F0111).
, ,rI
Decker Threshing Machine in fair con-
dition together with Decker Steam Trac- a
tion,...Enganc. MaChipe is self -feeder and rx
supplied with b1pWi11d1cuttjI1g .appa.r..
' Por fa, •
• - • 1-.,Ar4z 1101.0dhR701,
On and, alter Feb,
Canning and'..Pres7tiii'
redy h make 7coio,
;r the growing
- ,
ap'Tb�lo clerk prepare
eVeteingT23 Oal'
Sanders -In Denver, Colo., on San. 24
to Mr. and Ms. Harty Sadrs, a
Bice. -At Moray, on Jan. 25, to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Bice, a son.
McTaggart --Int Blyth on Feb 8th1to Mn
and Mrs. Ge. E. McTaggart, a son.
Weber-Zirnmer-At Grand Bend, on
Feb. 7th, by 1/ev. S. A. Carriere, Mr.
Albert Weber to Miss Clara, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Zint-
mar of the Commercial Hotel, Dash-
White -Swan -At the i'dthodit par -
soilage, Pullarton, on Jan. 31, Jioseph
White of Mantoba, to Miss Kathleen,
daughter of Rev. and Mr 8 S‘War..11.
Mahaf1'y--DalrY111Pe-O0 Jan. 25th, at
the residence of the brid's parents,
Crornarty, Mary Eliza, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dalrymple, to Thomas W.
Mahaffy, all of Hibbert.
Dewar -Sutherland -At the m,anse, Nairn
on, Jan. 31, Arles Sadie Dewar to Mr.
Da.v id Sutherland.
• ' DEATETS' •
Young -In London, Feb. 7 Lula Prices from $1
E q & QRR
in 'llobberlin"
made- to - measure
clothes you get the
highest stand
ard of tailoring'
efficiency at
moderate cost.
We positively
guarantee perfect.
ly fitting garments
or willreftmcl every
dollar paid: We
are now showing,
the Spring patt-
ers in light weight
Chevits and Wor.
steds, also Serges.
Drop in and have
a look •over the
daughter of Mr. axnd Nits John. G.
Young, formerly of Crediton, aged 21
years, 11. inenths 12 days Funeral
Friday to Ezeter cemetery.
Gunn -In Clin'
ton San. 27, Ktie, daugh-
ter of Dr. and Mr a Gunn, aged 21.
Reid -In Clinton„ E'b. tet, llobt.
ard, 800 nI 231'. nd 5tr., Jaraes Reid
of Stanley, aged '17 years.
Bronle-In Clinton,;.Tan, 27, ISaac
PrOW,Illee, aged 50 years.
Carter -on, con, 2, McGillivray, on Jail.
• `›fi Carter,
Dawson -In St. tdary, on San. ?e, An
• soli, wife of Robert Dawson, ag-
DO)-LE-La .8eafortn, on January 30th
Eiriama Ts.rriblyn,. relict of the, late Bev..
• Arthur Doble aged 82 years and 4
DYSON-I Egmondiville, ' january 27
ninnt s•
Joseph Dyon, agedyears and Sr
i100'ths 41, 1"' ".„ •
T230231: SON --1/1,
Feb. 4th; Vincent ThierhiisOlY,
,),11`. and l'+1."8. Michael .Th0il4P aged'
to $40.0
We are Sole Agent for th
House of Hobberliti Ltd..
Torc)rito •- Carlotta•
Tlls)re to the Canadian Gentlema
• ••••
• ',1t
• 6,1
• e,