Exeter Advocate, 1911-2-2, Page 5Retrospective And ProspectiWe As the year 191Q has gone, gone into the care --dim ed isles of the past, never againto return; gone with its hopes and its fears, with its joys and its sorrows, its 'strivings and l' aspirations, and only leaving behind. the skeleton of high. re- solves, esolves, of good purpose forded; yet bequeathing to us a of legacy memories, riC , which the mind being immortal shall ever retain. And as the new born year comes to ;us in a mantle of snowfor swaddling clothes, we would wish to re mated yoti of its various necessities in the line of nourishing foods, and fresh graueries of all descriptions, and of our tend- erest care aad gteatest solicitude for its substantial and per mananent development. One of the goads we would recommend for the infant is Exeter Flour and is, we think, preferable to Robinson's pat - barley, which we also sell, and as it develops it will no doubt join the ever-auereasing army of tbpse who bespeak. the praises of this reliable Flour. ; J. B. Rage'& Co. The above advertisement appeared:: the St, Marys Jour: at r ontly, and ie: only one more in stsuee of the poptiari y cif Exeter flour.-_ at rey� Bras. New Grocery Store aving purchased the pre- ately occupied py Mr. Jackson, South of the Met- ropolitan Rotel, and establish. a First Mass Grocery Stock therein, we invite you to call and give us a trial order,. Our Motto is to' keep Roth. ing but fresh goads, and you may be always assured that you will receive good goods all the time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Try us with your next order in Groceries. JAS. COULD 000gserawalcoa Pppfiiiqpvi Orders For 1 1 1 Spring Taken Now. R. G. Seldon, Exeter Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR.„ WM. ARNOLD, .I desire to announce to the Public of. Exeter that I aiu prepared to give you the best of satisfact£aui in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left hvphone or other- wise at THE ;ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE • 25, will receive prompt attention. _ T.G. Creech anure Cheers eatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. tty Bros.' Steel tails &taLXGhi -. nti t� an be installed as chcaQ lumber and last forever.. catty. Bros. Load Binder These three t?sin a' labor -savers Ioc farmers amities on a farm. For sale ,by Wm, Giuespies Exeter !' PHONE 51 aAi larrierarrairar nd CRUSHED TO DE:. TH. CYleYeoe `3atz. 3i—Arc. ie Janvieson of Aldboro,' rein nailer soutli or here, vias • killed ine;ta,atly thsa, afternoon by a tree faha,�;tm..1:fa sl,tl hes nephew wgre 'te1,itcy a treevriisii' it lodged in atj rel ea treand in th2 removal MI . T a tw3trUeC' vEVct heUaE 47 ��gyl� lists. I -le was urnnaz" led about ar rE ar i -ed - wilth hrs. b h¢�ar�yka7X W.Ta2nSeedn. ced 7 use 4and. ers Ira o'te F o s. abed States ;declare openly ]tittle or no p ospert of i reciprocity : agreement go- aa�t tk 9s time: They, believe'` Clalts'ct of itaaji 9 age. he aifi'.iidti(;he'. pe1ess 'Marriage Prohibited Without a proper license 1f you issue Marriage; Lic- enses, tell the young folies about it iii our Classificci Ads. T levy rli know a license: is r,rCeSS8ry.but they t'„z n't ail °=:now where to get one. This paper is papular with zine young people. THE PONY EXPRESS. lArTER THE HOLIDAY E)CC7TEIV NT Feariess Riders and the Dangers and I. A i"1ai^dshipl Thsyate Fd. Perhaps the most pietufesgpe figure en the old trail was the pony Mires* rider. The 'over1and •sto :e proved. tee. slow for mail end express In its flight from the Missend and the Pacific.. True. It had cut down the months of the old' ex -team to twenty -live.• days. and stili there' was a elauaos+ that the east and west be brought closer to- gether, and it was done. The patsy cut the time'a to ten days. Those who were personally acquaint- ed with the famous potty express of those days could never forget the ip- trepid rider who braved all peril, for- getful of amu, intent only on the 1 speedy delivery of bis precious mo- chila to the next hardy horseman.: Hard and fast he rode over mountain and piton, across Scorching desert and icy snow. through sunsbine and rain, past friend, away from Poe, to the final achievement --the. safe delivery' of his charge, Forty fearless heraenten in saddle: King west. as' many wore tiding east —and 'this novel but useful ente>wp wets in' motion.' For two-yoiare tip pony expire carried m+eseage of haat- gess an#ova Aerovaa A miles of Wage= sxtotkntaina Send plalna2, over coautiy peopled with A beanie raee destitute of euttiva ion or develop txaeitt, tat a region wild. desolate. and little known, It was in 1 that the pony exprea$ tc,ts established, The route. briefly briella scatted, was due welt from St. ,,oseph to Fort Kearney, tilt the Platte to Julet3btarg. thence, by Fort Laramie and. bort Briar, to Salt eke City', thence to Camp FIoy+, Runty valley, the Uutnboldt. Carson City, 1'iiteer- See wille d I~ otsom, 14 Sacramento and ncf Sten FTasco t1,y boat, Tile inteutiou of the pony exprtyss tea to curry' tetters isoand•ztot Banta, p>ouOde at at trip. It wag de dei th lot ,tiate�aasfe t and easiest ltd 171 e 0; the ttiali wata to make tour pockets, ot�e to each canter of the sO obit*. as cowering made of heavy teatth-;i er for the saddles and generally used by the expert Mpxiea+u and Spanish ridete The 'ureebil* vast tentnafe1red t'sdta 'port' to pony and west through frons St, so pb to San Y anclsco.. 'tbs. pockets contatia1ng the: mall beieg1ock' cd and opened Only at military posts eft route end at Salt Lake City. These preciousi letters were wrapped in oiled silk to protect them. but evert this pre, t aution sometimes "failed, Rivers had to be crossed; hotand rider swam together.—W. 0. Jenkins in NationalMagazine, Cut Otli at Ya,rigain Rats". Percy—Young Retpidgait had hard. luck. He was disinherited recently. Harold—Cut oft vvithout a dollar, eh? Percy—No. Hisnia.tiier did the disin- heriting. Be was eat off with 98 cents, There are matey restful Places to se- cuperaite at --nearby kgt: the St. Cathar-t ales, Preston and Mottat Clemens mini There are naan.Y restful places to re. eras resorts., The "Highland Inti" a;t lgotuluin t'urlc; you canenjoy the pure ajar and winter sports, and :eat o 'your 2teart'at conitent. A trip to Teniagami,.Cobalt, Gowganda Oa' new gold tient of I'arcuptne will nuit" the prospector.; The Swim' South, Florida, California or Mexico will appeal to tifeise who v lsb to get away from the coed weather. Full information, tickets, .and Illus.. trated literature from Crand Trunk Agents, or address J. Dr McDonald, District Paasea,,.ger Agent, Colon Stat- lOrn T4 rontt ., Qat,. -HAVEN (Too late for last week,) Mr. Wileto:t Morley visited Ids broths or near Wcicu Fare, on Sunday, --* Mr, Hector Miltsoa le holidaying with hie friends is London this week,—Mr and Mrs. Jahn, Wright vialtecl .with the latter" uncle, lair, Ba;nuel Mutton, near. 'fitct;ell, this week, -Rev. SP. H, Batt y is preaching a series of sermons on," Popular Evils. Service at 2.34 each Stntday at the Whalen Clurenr— r; Prank Bunning knit- alto of tel0 homes pat Monday. Tito animal watt, sick only as chart time. A11,the Stowe AanoylnE. "But his stateraeut about you is s tissue of mallcteaat lies, is it not?" "No; it's ct vera 'substantial combina- tion of malicious lies, with a tissue of. malicious truth,', An acre of good fishing ground W111 yield - more food in a ; week ';than an acre of the haat land will In a Year. NEWS .OF• THE: WEEK Consumption , killed i 6OJ people in Toronto in "1010. gonaumptian is 're-' spoinsiblo for one out of every nine deaths in this city. +t - Judge Elliott at Landon, lefonday sen tenced William. Blakely, a ,convicted' horsethief, to three, years' hard, labor In ' Kingston penitentiary. I4laryaville, across the river+ from Fred- ericton, N. B. was visited Sunday after- noon by a di,sasterous' fire 'which did damage to the amount of about".ii70,000.' Torn Gaffney, Brantford,, woo was. taken in custody by chief Felker, of Paris, on Thursday alight on his wife's fame, ' three miles from Paris, Was sentenced this nlorairlg by Judge_ Hardy t niq o three ' nt's.. in Jail, without. the option of a flra T ,, the probate court Monday counsel far Mrs. Ttners'a 1-Iunn, of Brooklyn N. .., a Ih'alfesistes ofat'1Ze late Mrs. Haw- n as Haw- ley I-iarvey Crippen, better known Belie 'Elmore, applied for lettere' of administration on the estate of the near - d d actress whose ' husband was hanged for the crime on November 2,3rd, of last year. The application( Stated that the estate consisted of weir.;` fa ' -'s and" cas,h,, a d ouht to ahouC:'$.g1ra. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'SA; Greve Too Tall. "1 recall a rase of genuine ,bone, headedness, mixed with •..ebt Ufatinsm, that cost a greet tunny people n bunch of money," saki an - oil operator. "1t was during the time when a bio; strike meant a drop in the price of oil. -`She foreman of a drill crew had been in- structed by the employers to use a code in the event of all being found. If It was a big flow he was to wire, `Pine trees grow tali.` If, on the other hand, the flow was small, 'Pine trees grow small.' was to be the code mes- sage. The• drill struck ii gusher, and the following message was sent by the ivory topped individual: 'Pine trees grow tall as hell, and she is flowing all over the derrick!' Of course there were a number of men about the ex- change who could understand teleg- raphy,_ and the enn .equenee was that the price of oil dropped about S2 a barrel in a few tuluutes."—Louisville Times. SHI1 KA 4fr. and Mrs, John Raiz :spent a &cw days the past week visiting the toren-' er's father at New 13an burg,. who Waslit, twat le naw in;pro lag,—air: Thor" Lynch attended the cattle said in Park* bill on SaturdaY,--Doti t forget the de- bate In Fiannaan'e Hall to -night, Tz u re- daY.—Sa ael Svmitzer reeve, attended Count} Council at Goderieh lard week. -- John O'ii'ara.. was in town ori bfpnilay oo business. -Leer. Steadman Is ho10ng' revival meetings in the Metitodtet chi{reli Xlc+re„for two weeks.—$fret, ',P.eugalt fc, eaac le visit£nt; la bit, Flea;aant the week.—Sitnoe Sweltzer and agister a visited at lir, Thos. Keyes ora afternoon. --Ernest Cattier and erel zer wero In Exeter Saturday intoxicated by Tobacco. Giving evidence against a man on a charge of disorderly couduct at Sow street police court. a constable said that the accused behaved in a 'very violent and disorderly manner in Lei- cester square on Tuesday evening. He quarreled with a cabman. and eventu- ally the witness took him into ens- tody, believing him to be drunk. At the police station the prisoner denied that he had been drinking. and the doctor who examined him reported that he had chewed tobacco to such an extent that it had had the same effect iipon: him as alcohol.=Pali "Mall Ga- zette. Real Laziness. The Little Russians -those of the south—are said to be cleverer Than the Russians of -the north, but they are lazy --dust . how lazy may be' gathered from this quotation from Mr. Maurice Baring's book, "Russian Essays and Stories:" "The Little Russian," said a Little Russian gentleman to me, "Is so lazy that he will say to his wife, `Little wife, say whoa, to my horse. Y have a pain in my tongue." Progressive. "When •,did you "commit your tlrst fatal'eztravagance?" "When my boss referred to my wages as my 'salary:" "And when did you perpetrate this latest folly?' "The day my wife called my salary any 'incase.' "—Cleveland Leader. n VA' Futile: Morriocy s Re"e1 OfthkrIa When Father ldorrisey, the fatuous priest,physihiaa of Bartibogue. N, rr,4 died ,:ayear ago last spring, he left his prescriptions to the Sisters of the Hotel{ Dieu, at Chatham, to be used for the benefit of humanity and of the church„ Not being in position to stake upand distribute the prescriptions' themselves, the Sisters arranged with a number of gentlemen, who hadbeenFatherMorriscy's friends, to doitfor thew, These gentle- men workingunder the name entlemen.workingunderthenaane ofthe"Father Morriscy Medicine Co,, Limited," had by the first of the year placed the remedies in nearly every, store in the Maritime i Provinces. So gladly were they received, tad so satisfactory has been their record of cures. that the Sisters and the Company have decided to place there on sale through- out Canada. Father Morriscy's "No.1"', for Rheu- matism and; the Kidneys --"No, io", Cough Cure and Lung Tonne — "t' o, i t", Stomach Remedy, --"No ssI",for+iratarrh, � and "Father I4orris U 's ireent"-' ani t&tv,' be obtained front most dealers id, this. Feoviac'e. Ifyoars, does, not keep them write tete Father iorriscy Ifedicitto Co., Lisolted, Chatham, N,S, tae Ethel Wlit;trne and Ella ,Ilam- elf for Petrott' on Tuesday rt>asn"' John Quitman has pureiiae- ed tate itaandsonac reoldenee at Mr. 1~, Rummel, together with about three neres of lead for ;2700,-3fr. Stade .of Dash- wood has opened' a, harness shop in Air. G.:+Serncr',s block. --Mr. Henry Bau- er bouiht out gr. Conrad Thief's prbp- erty at the North ans!,tor 51000. There are two a,nd a bait acres in the lot aeui It Is tnicely celluMed.--Mr: iF. Rum- mel, who sold his property last week, will move to. Stratford.—Mr, Jap. Pecker Jr., has purchased Mr. David Schnell's farm. ono nine south. of Zurich, for $6.500. The farm Is n good ane and, la In good order, and;tire new owner has secured tt nicely located farm. hir.Sch nell intends going to Saskatchewan In. SMarch� $Q14 and guaranteed 18 Twee t'” noww, Not Worth While. "1 notice that you usually tell thel truth." "l.es, . 1 I found that telling les gets you into, almost as much trouble." Kansas City Journal, 1.110,Fe ei r w'aghe.the femiatit,� p�, .WQt'rit's cause she iso! F b ghe F �0't 81 , • ,„ , 8 ". , joices that ahOli not to oM she' bee^Elie, mis nine Pesaatt.. ace 701i as Cream peke a regular meat time; habit of this palate -tempting beverage ALE Absolutelypure, mii,dmelio' and delicious, i of 'isiles. and i goodfor who don't e soisle may. At 1.ONDOi-1„ ONTA t11 usiuess & Shorthand SUILIECTS Resident and lel Coors t atourmis Pea. 1. W,°W e turvclt. I.: Vf, We"tarvalt,,ls., G'„ A,, Principal, ,r'ico•t'xinci sl, O ATT ANADA SES "QCANTT COUNCIL arkialll was grated 43000 fol rel rovecLaerefiaLl that town, ,ttbe,t SLiayth of (Ironton was anpaleat Mable far l iddulph, fear rhes Past year were diture was :DISTRICT NEWS, CL1NTON—A double wedding took place on the ^5th Januarys, at the home' of the brides' sister, alas. Whitiehead, when the marriage occurred of Miss Louisa Little to ;lilr. 5 C1uff of Tucker; smith and of alias .A.ntcllaatLittle 10 arr. Chas, Clew of Hallett. Bev. Dr, Stew - ort performed the ceremony' in, the.pros- e,.ce of the immediate reiatives. A sum- ptuous supper was served after the ceremony, and at its conclusion the your.; couples drove -le their respective. 'homes. CLINTON—bits. A. Barge of Clinton was on Wednesday afternoon.. last mar- ried to a, prosperous farmer of near LucknoW, Roderick McKeazaie. SEAFORTH—James McLean of Tuck- ersmith and another man had a narrow escape from death on;cWednesday last: They were driving into town{ leading a heavy horse and when about 'to cross: the railway track their, horse shied at an approaching train, just saving them from being struck by the train. LTEURX-Mr. John Robinson is get- ting the rnateulital on the ground to build a new residence on the,j site or the old hotel at 'West ItiicGillivray. • SEAFORTH.-Johan. Turner, an aged xesideat of *Viet -town, died here on. Suinday. Mr. Turner had been in, poor health for isc$tze time, and his death Was .hoot unee c 4,ed. Prior to coming to town the kept a hotel for a number of years in the +VTllage of Varna. He Is survived by his ,wife and one daugh- ter,' Mrs. H. jK. Beattie of Weretipeg. HULLETT—lvli.as Martha Clark, daugh ter . of the 11: ate Reuben Clark of this township died at the home sof, her bnoth- er, :'Melvia Clark, Huron Ltoad, on Sun- daY. Her death Was particularly- sad. About a week ago she ruptured a blood veasel in, herhead, which' caused her mind tobe affected. Seewas in her 48th year. BrnDULP}I—Several of the farmers in the neighborhood of Lucanhave rented their orchards at a good rent to alt ex- perienced fruit grower. We hear of one'1; farmer getting $O an acre for his ap- ple orchard. This should 'be an induce- ment "to .farmers to set out more."fruit:. trees. R�' ADVOCATE ;ion in the strict T live business mail advertises in the Advocate lie knows that the returns are large ansasure. like the farmer who sows his seed in the spring time -he gets 30, 60 and 100 fold returns, All Tied For want of help. Our Classified Want Ads. will untie the knots.. We matte this a good paper so that intelli- gite, nt peopthe v dwillo. read and'le Isn't that the tarsal of help you want? C,v,t4a.41>a ♦, n a Haab, All kinds of Job Printing done on shortest not'ce azld absolute _ satisfaction guar. anteed, Try us with your next order. The Old Way to cure a Cold The New Way— take Howey's - Cure -a -Cold Capsules SL:AFOItTHIvfrs. John. Abell had the mis€ortune:;to fall' we the icy sidewalk' tne'ot4 er day awl bleak her arm at the wrist .los:' Dyson,, an aged resident of, Eginondviile died` Friday morning. He' '. is survived by his widow, but no fain - FT LLs>RfON.—One of the pioneers. of "�t` of Fullarto;;i Tressed awa y Friday ,n he He perpon ,of John 1i. ;ItoSer,,80t was a'Presbyterlan, .and. In politics 1te was a Liberal.—.Azin Watson, wife of 11..Dawson, died in St., Marys on Thursday, aged 83. 800 is aurviverl by her"husbaticl and a fame v of two sone, raa'two, it: tatiater'g. + kl • DRS.KENN:EDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT 'CANADA, FOR 20 YEARS Et) CAL DIRECTOR IIx. KENNEDY, lsi s OP Das. K. & IC. We Treat and Cure CONSULTATION FREE' y VARICOSE VEINS; NERVOUS DEBILITY Books Free. en Diseases of Men. 11 ambit BLOOD; and URINARY COMPLAINTS to call. write for a Question Blank for KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases HOME TREATMENTaril all k?asisees Peculiar to Men. Drs. IC. & K. are favorably known through- out Canada where they have done bust, neer for over years. Thousands of patients have been treated and cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment: When you treat with them you know you are dealing with respon- sible'physicians as they own and occupy their own office building in Detroit, valued at $100,0IX2.' When they decide your case is.:: curable, dill yourworryis removed for you know they will not deceive you. They guarantee to curs all curable cases. No matter how many doctors have 'failed to benefit you; no matter how much, money you have spent in vain; no matter 'how dis- couraged you may le, don't'givo ftp :in *des- pair until you get a free opinion from these master' specialists. if you are at present"' within the clutches, of any secret belie r hich is sapping your life':, by degrees; if you are suffering from the testate of pant indiscre- tions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread ofsymp- toms breakingout and exposing your past; if you fro suering les the result of a mist' spent life -Drs K. & K. are your Refuge. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED DRS.KEPINEDY&KENNEDY 1 GriswoldSt.,' Detroit,ohm. Cor. Micld «anti Ave, and Gi°ls.� All letters from (attach must bo addressed ataadian C zrres oaderace De art ICE to Stu- C P i? ,..,., Ont Ifyou desire tar,. <. .. . , , meat in .Windsor, L o`", ,. .. Institute t 'etr vit y. see us personally call at our Medical lnstttutexaa I?a..viG as we sec andtreat��, no patients in our 'Windsor offices : which are for Correspondence and -',A Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all Tatters as fo1Iov1e .era DRS. KENNEDY .& KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. fit. iteifori •urptivate'aaaidressi qs. ai T4 :r: Nei