HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-2, Page 3OSI THF VERGE O.F 'A DREAKDOW Dr. l It ass' Pink Pills the Only Hoefor t u We�ka�e� I�er�o s People This warning will, be read by thousands of people who only just succeed r in getting through the day's work without a breakdown. If you feel always tired •-out, have but little appetite, and a poor di- gestion, i-basci n, eanoot sleep well, stiffer ,,from, headaches, backaches and. nervousness, it may mean that you areseriousbreak- on the verge Of a clown. e r Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure weak, nervous, .troubled men and ', Bonen because of their direct ac- tion on the blood. Every dose of these Pills helps to make new, rieh. blood, which tones the vital organs, strengthens the nerves and brings 'renewed health and strength. Ur. Geo. Johnson, of legi1;, N. S. suffered for some years as a result of overwork arid, strain, but found no help fox his eandition until he began the use of Dr. WIlliatxm' Pink Pills. fir. Johnson says :-"While working on a railway handling; :heavy ties1 hurt my back andbad to give up work, Tater I was able to do light work, but for about sit years T suffered from dreadful pains in the back and down my, legs. This condition became aggravated by in• digestion and Chronic constipation, and my life was one of eAnstant znisery. During these years I wag treated by different <lectors, but did not get any help. One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pint Pills, and proved his faith in theist by presenting nic with a box, I1 was more to please him that frets any belief that they wouldbe of service to me that I. began taking the Pills. Before the box was iiia• fished, however, they seemed to be helping me; the pains in my back and lags grew leas intense and the bloating in my stomach, caused by o the indigestion, disappeared. X continued taking the Pills until I had used over a dozen boxes, when T found Myself fully restored to )Elly 1 former -health. 1 am: now -able to do heavy farm work, and for the past year have not lost a day, .,or had the least symptom of sly for- mer troubles, and I attribute it en- tirely to the use of 1)r. Williams Pink Pills," Dr. Williams?" Pink Pills are sold" by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail ab 50' cents a. box or tsix boxes for $2.50 front: The Dr. Williams' Itledieine Co., Brockville,. Ont. THU.N DLII, TERROE,. A great many people, are much afraid of thunder and lightning, but an authority On the subject, , 1?. 0. Snafer, hasbeena stating that.. it is not because lightning Is, so dangerous. It is not, he says, half as dangerous as going out of the house en an icy morning, walkieg down thecellar sta7rs, or a hundred other things, we do every day with- eat a thought of personal harm. More people, are killed each yea' by falling building inaterials, nmore, "die from fright than are killed l.y lightning. The United States Cen- sus Bureau shows only 169 people' killed by lightning in the entire; country during one year, and only? thirty of these people were killed in the cities. Heat and the sun kil- led 763 during the same year, 903 died from cold and freezing, and 4,395 were drowned. She (during a squabble) -Didn't you promise before we were mar- ried to try hard to be worthy of me ? He-Yes,_and what's the re- sult? e-sult? I overdid the , job and made myself a hang -sight better than you deserve. ltuickly stops _coups. iho throat end lunas Sometimes the house: is ,too heavy cures colds. heals 2S cerate: • mortgage on a for the founda A nudlton' Chia 'often moans en on illness: Painkiller is all that is needed to ward it off. Unequalled for cramp .alrhoea, Aveid d,diar substitutes,' there is but. one:' ' rainkilier' "-Perry H S WIh;lf, 1l'hat do you do for a living, Vlore ? I'•sc' de manager of a'1 -Landry.' '`What's the narfic of this r lawn dry ?,, "Eliza Anti." DEER AND EAGLE. The Bird's Method of Forcing Fall From a Steep .Cliff. 'STILL ANOTIIER as POSTMASTER TELLS There is, a belief widely ''iffased among men who see much of deer and deer forests in the Tighlaards that the eagle will follow on deer for a long way until they get ono. of them more or less by itself ie a path on the side of aprecipi:e ande will then dash at it with the aim, often successful, of forcing it off the path to a fatal fall doyen the eliffside t says he Westminster Gaza ette, This is a common articleoff faith, bat it does not seem, possible. to „ i, get ai y eye first eye evidence for the ;fact. This, however, the pre-' sent{ ..writer has seen -three eagles "wafting on" over- a hind and calf for several miles and until the whole cortege went right out of sight ,around theeorner of the hill,! The calf appeared to be the real! object of the eagles' attack and it may have been 'fancy, but �eryn only � oertainly it seemed to rise as if 'there was a preconcerted or sys� tematie method in the eagles' be havior, as -if the bird or birds can the side of the hind further from the calf SWOOped` at her with the idea, of distracting her :attention from it in order tea give the one on the other side a ehane,e tostrike the calf, but the hind seemed al-. most as quick in. her, movements as the eagles themselves", �now and then rearing up on her hind legs and stabbing at the lairde with her forefeet whenever they swooped in front.of her. She would turn ,a moment to the bird at one ;side and then would be back:. again on the instant with her baby, which for its part appeared to realize the danger and did its best to keep elose to the protection of its mother. So the running fight went on a$ long as' my glass could show it and the eed'of it is conject- ural; onjectural; but it. is obvious that if it is the habit of eagles thus to "wait on" the deer» for za favorable ino ment for attack (and no doubt this. is their occasional way) this would be quite good enough foundation for th»;r theory that they wait de-; liberately till they have them on al steep eliffside in order to force and terrify them over and down it. That is the probable explanation and it chines to about . the same thing as the theory of the stalkers and gallies as far as the' physical' features of the affair go. AS DUUB lYIti G A DOOTOR IN THE HORSE That is what thousands of mothers say of Baby's Ow.t, Tablets. 'These Tablets promptly and surely euro all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood, and" what is more they are absolutely safe -they have never been known to herrn the youngest baby --they never will t t g b ay c l learnt anyone -they are good for babies of all ages. Concerning them Mrs. Wm. Higgins, Kern, Dat., writes "`I shall never be without Baby's Own Tablets in the house as long as my children are small. They are a wonderful medi- cine and are as good as having a doctor in the house. I gave them to my little boy for colic and they quickly cured him. I am always glad to recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a. A girl likes to have a man flatter her so that she can think it over and wonder if he really meant it:.. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. One way to win an argument is to -keep still until the other ' fellow loses it. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tourdrnggqlpt will refund money if PAZO OINT- 115NT fails to euro any case of Itching, Blind, I,leedinp, or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. De''Broke-So the 'tailor` called „again with my bill? Did you say i was out?. His Man --Yes, sir, and I told him that I"thought he was, too.' There is '-no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare., with. pickle's Anti-Consuznptive;'1S'yrup irl expel - line from the system the'irritatillg germs t,hat': colds =engender it :the air passages. , It is suicide' to neg- lect yelil.'cold Try the cheap ex- periment of -ridding yourself of it by using Bickle's 'Syrup which is a simple. remedy, ;easily taken,: and: once used it will always be prized, as a sovereign medicine. TREREALM O a FICTION, Ml, Graham',threw clow=n leis, teirspalier . with an expression ,.'of ttinoyance, "It's':too hitch when 1a e daily` rapers beg7ln','iko�,pX,lnta' 9 M1 t airy -tales.nt: saiele' ot me' see it," said IV1'ra Gra. am; "Perhaps T `eoulel read it';;to 1'e children it bedtime to night.'ar1 i It's ,net ` thah�„lc' ind,” ! ��tiid tier ,,,' llu5�t'is ill umbel s+" 1ZI'ea lye d �t�h ;�F.4i•�� yl, 6i 1N li le 0 0 e a WILY HE PINS SIS FAITH T4 DODD'S If,IDNEY I1IEES.. Doctors failed to cure his Driglit's Disease, hat he found relief in the Great Canadian Iiicine a , liremedy. Clam - Point, Shelburne -0o, 2lt,.. S., Tann, 3Q (Speeial),---Joshua Nickerson, postmaster " nere, is upon.. tlzt . many it this neighbor kood who _tell of pains relieved and disease banished by Dodd's Kidney "I am sixty-two years old," says tee ostn;aster, "And 1'll tell you by p 'highly.,of Dcdcl's IS,.4 l; think so k , hieney Pills. Owing to a bad sad my ' Kidneys .eonrnenced to bother sae, and the trouble developed in- to Baekaehe, st.ifs ees, saf the joists, and finally Bright's Disease. 4 T was treated ay a doctor, b fit that did not help rise much, and it was six boxes of 13otld's Kidney Pills that brought nee relief," Everywhere you go in Canada people tell you :orf the great work Doth rs Kidney Pills .are doing, and everyone who dells you can give the reason why. That reason simply is that there is nu ease of TNidney Disease Dodd's kidney:' Pills can- not cure, These people have tried them and proved this true, Hath- gape, Itheumatism, Dropsy, Diabe les, Lumbago, Heart Disease and Bright's Disease are Baine of the Inoue serious troubles that Dsadd's Kidney Pills always cure, simply be- eause these are all either Kidney diseases or are eatased by diseased Kidneys, 3neys, " tell you, my dear boy,,1 oil r11µ eights. I believe a lieu La be Inaster;in his *WO house,'? :'Of cotexs e+, that's all right.' But what I wept to knout is if you are allowed to smoke in the parlor 1" Clear Stomach, Clear Mind.-•Tba stomach is the workshop of the vi- tal functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy.. ¶the, spirits fag, the mind droops and work becomes im- possible, ' The first care should be to restore healthful action of'tho stamach and the best preparation; for that purpose is Paarmelee':s Ve- getable Pills. General use for years has won them as leading place in medieine. ,t. trial will attest their value. About the safest thing for a man to do who is afraid of getting mar- ried is to Inc himself to a cavo and play hermit. By Ilrlhing the Nerves with opiumou may� stop a cough, but the Inflammation goes from bad to worse. m Allen's Lung , lislrwa containing no opium, goos to the root of the trouble find uure3 deep.soatod affections of throat and lungs 1Nhen you have learned to keep your face eloeecl. at the proper time, you have sufficient capital to en- gage in business for yourself. The Oil for the Farmer. -A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the farm house will save many a jour- ney for the doctor. It is not °only good for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature who suffer from pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick cattle. There should always be a bottle of it in the house. The newspaper lists of those in- vited to a wedding also include those who do not come. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In COWS. 1 OIII'LID LABOR IN JAPAN. BW isrs CAUSED OPEN SORE' Two-fifths of the Million Factory Tlanels 'Women and Children. Aceording to Dr, Kuwada, a member of the Japanese House el Peers, more than two-fifths of the 1,000,000 factory hands are women l and, children, With no. la`tvs to - fear or evade, says a writer in Suc-gg e eeSS, the mill owners are employing 9,000 ehildren under the eoil 14. In the match and t, abaeco in- dustries part] elarly the work is i for the most part done by children, and of these many are under 19 ,ears of age. In the spinning milts these child' vvoti rs are r often Gtrlk el to continue at their tasks ;at night without receiving extra pay or chance £ rest. I• G t di9O ed1 4 e of shop raffles they are lashed and fined, this latter imposition nsnal- ly ',4Ining out their meagre wages. Most of the girls are recruited from the poor rural districts by agents: who here them on. with fasa slug€tin; tales of cat;, lice- Tlae ig- noraiat parents, persuaded that the eitr will afford old tl u- daughters greater opportunity for education. and retii ur.ent, offer up their chit-., dren to an existence fettee which few live to return, and these broken iti health and morals. 17148 endows, steps coughs. +Crrree tike *real end tan11a. + * E a91de: Ilx24 CentfaGe ! XTRA PRECAUTION,: st . "Your digestion is ter, You must go on or gat least two weeks, feat soup, milk and wncl, lawn the way, be titastieaaate your food all out oaf of a liquid diet Take nothin; raw eggs, eful to roughly. Perhaps some people 'talk inces- santly in: order to disguise the fact that they have nothing to say. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY ' for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Dye. Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50e, $1.00. ?brine Eye Salve in Aseptie Tubes,e 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye . Advice . Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. WREN ALL ARE EQUAL. The pessimist could not help thinking ' a very sad thought ""Money,''' he ' reflected, "is=' no- thing in : itself.. "Suppose we all had nioney, pp a sup- pose every' human being had :forty or fifty thousand dollars apiece? It wouldn't do us ' any good at all. ' We'd all ' have to black our own boots and do 'our own washing, we'd all ;:be so 'rich," on a:BHHnd One t•4 4, Ioiian amid.El e sharers noted on tb xeinium of rice being A IIIA AT 25, fid, IEI' ical ret p; h aa're nosy at a sent "Don't you think my new suit perfect fit?" "A fit! Why, it's .a perfect `eo ulsion." As a, vermicide there; it ale pre- paration that equals Mother Graves' !Worm Exterminator. It has saved the lives of countless children, ONE WOMAN'S WISDOM. "Do you think his intentions are serious' 1" asked her mother. "I'in sure they are," answered the young widow. "His attetkttons are so ridiculous." Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable.. You will be surprised to see how quickly Flamlins Wizard Oil will drive that stiffness out. One night, that's all. HEALTHFUL HABIT. 'Toes your wife take deep breathing exercises?" "Yes, when she is too mad ' to speak." W.elaomo as Sunshine after a storm Is tho relief when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Allen's' Lung ilaisam, No turn in IL The good o6eot lasts, Take a bottle kerne with you this day. IT WAS THERE. Mrs. Prunes -"How did ,you find the steak, Mr. Newboard •?" Newboard-"Oh, I turned over. the potato." Zapf-Luk Worked alt Wonel,el'fttl Cul+a Mr. J. Nixon, of 90i William: :Ave., Winnipeg, ;a blaeksni;th at t,.ile C.P.R. shops, hair his icor badly burned by some molten metal fal- ling upon it». He says„ "The been was a very bad one, and after the first few days it left an ()pee sore, which showed marked signs of blood -poisoning. It discharged freely' and caused me terrible ag- } on', For three weeks I r-ii.kfered acutely and Gould get no ease, At last I obtained a preparation from. the doctor, which seemed to stop the dischar;,ing and made me quite al,but hopeful, finally the wound be- eame as bad as eget. °"T was then advised to use Zam- Bak„ and from the first aiplication the balm, gave me relief, The in= Ilanunation was thoroughly check- ed, and the poisonous matter clear- ed away in a ver• :short time aft.,e bet;anntng with. ZatiaBek. Heali*ig tllera began, and in less than two weeks the wound was healed. Zarn-Back is equally good for pile, bled-PelsnZng, festering 'wounds, chaps, cold sores, ebildren." ilptions, scalp uoros, ase ulcers, ehitblains, etc, All rrgists and: steres Dell; at 50V, or pest free from Zatu-Bok Co, Toronto, upon receipt of price, You are a aurae, ,against 'hatrinftkl sub- stitutes and inferior preparations,. Only ono "BUOMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROAio QUININEE. Look for the signature of E. ` W. GROVE. Used the World over to Duro a Cold in One Day. 25e' Dl~ SERVING. Seymour "I hear that \'iroigier was awarded a Carnegie .hero *dein' Ashley --"Yes, IG wTas for pro ecting the judge of ai baby show,,, "Jackson is a man who makes lit- tle things eon tt." "How- does he do it?" "Teaches arithmetic in a kindergarten school." miner/es Liniment Cures Distemper. A traveller, overtaking an old doctor, whose nag was much fa tighed, quizzed the old gentleman upon his turn -out. "A nice -horse yours, doctor l. Very valuable beast that! But what makes him wag his tail so, doctor ?" `Why, as you have asked me, I will tell you. 1t: is for the same season that your tongue wags so -a sort of natural weakness." The Pill that Leads I" hem AIL-' Pills are the most portable and compact of all medicines, and when. easy to take are the most a,ceep- table of prepsmtions, But they nt t attest their power to be po- pular, As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills; are the most popular Qf all pills they must fully meet all re- quirements, e-quirements, Accurately com- pounded and eonaposed rff ingredi- ents proven to be effective in regu- lating the digestive: organs. here is no surer aaedieine to be had any- where. 0. ' lin n Absolute Cure for Opthallnla') Cataract -\ �� ?.. " etnnd Cogjunctivit(a-:• 3}Gy.f1'eborses ell suf ,+ prEroEtrduessed,�cyaa � t trjak4wd��golYvtde ,aur horse owonei .that thls emedy abn�Ililuted euros detects or the eye„ frro> ectirdyo63hel1, n,rtb, of tlmo the animal hag been ct'ed n AO moa er how many 50tor. have bled { difa3lied, nee, (1510 under our GUA9IANTLb dyrefundedI nder,dirsetionls'Itdoesnot'.qur. E tab abr:ebetk(osltfritktq(�art .aolpt of oruef s I 0 eltltdaies'n, DeDftifsl3Vl1�8sh bi ,Chlcaigbtl he re GOOD E; A.il11'L' E. r, Itioulton traxlklyr confess hag is islet at liieuiber of .ank r go:xegulaar. �" he inva:riab- anti wharf s more, I get necting-ltouse en time. It's Iz1y religion not to disturb bion of other folks." The publisher of the best Farmer'spaper 1n the .Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: F'1 would saythat T do not know of a medicine that has Stood the test of time like M]NARD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing; remedy in otir house- hold ever-fire.I can remember, and bas outlived dozens of would'be competitors and imitators:" THE END. "You say their friendship termin- ated abruptly?" "Yes they eloped." tie Make the Emphatlo Statement that "The D h L" Menthol Plaster will do more to relieve neuralgia, lame back, lumbago and kindred troubles than any other plaster. 550 tins and 61. yd. rolls. All druugists. OF COURSE THEY SAY IT. "They say he couldn't stand pros- perity. "Who sayl" "'The ' men he refused to lend money to." t.ChiS. fr 7E FO�1t? 'ORK. -.- WIS WANT EELLS 3t:1D L ,iarpille3 to operate oar?a.gh-.'cod svt?ma- ilgitting Machines at horse; Whole or 4p3r6 nutting, Iottbe trate ; good wages, For alt ttektO a address, 9'a,e Canadian Wholesale tributfng CO.. Dept. W. Orilliy;, nt:.rio. EN WANECIr as .8-:.5, f.)r:.,5romafa. Me an )ntiil', and kpr.`. t,tn$Eg ttS9 on ail Caned. iatn railroads, kapetrnexxoo EEtaWoces*ary- no strike. Positioxls ptarmste0 t-firapetoot 106e. Pp,iooti*an, Ifrallroad -�orbr 6Wiloytng i leadeinartsry tr� Meat KO ta poelr9ns stxs sga; send ararsip. Rntway 4,4 ociativn, Poo, sot. „_Th;ouro.p Itroet 3 00 S u. N.I V11114TE£p4, I N THE lx.",ECkfll Alas --rite s - ustna:t raetice » a afni ,nttrso, .. TOm CO-^+JS...r.. n r t- �_ ra - ca.a r• ton 4acv wee,.s x:ar;p:ess eau q t t e, tira.tt:a;es mmso :*teles 'in eighteen dollars 'week• a9, urate for cat3iuyua. MOlsr Barbar college. 65i +t3 va , it gat, r rete 01ij isle. Pr, Dedman Medieal, Co,, LLrmted,, aI14r errood, Ont, ICER, Tumors, Luu1re. etc. 14ternzt nd e4tornal, cured without pain by me treatment, write us befOrf-` too. ?Ars. Winslow's Soothing . Syrup Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVr Yrarta br ILIT.LIONS of- i/OTsE1Ls for their. CIIILt it1 1 WHIILE SEETHTING, wrth I SSF,ECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the 00I10. SOFT:\S rho GUMS, ALLAYS a11' PAIN:: CURES WIND COLIC a,d. Is the best remedy .fore DLtitltli2A. Sold' by Druggists in everyPart of the world Do sure and & 1 for "Hrs. Winslow's soothing. Syrup.. and take no other klnd• Twenty -Ave crofts a bottler 0 lora,-gleed unser the rood.nnd Oman Jolt, Inn 99th, 1911. 'fierlal Number 1091 a.`i OLD AND NULL TiiIIED REMEDY. And we may have occasion to re- joice to -day because of the things we neglected to do yesterday. Mtnard's Liniment Cures Colds, eto. A man on pleasure bent may find himself on ,pleasure broke. No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed. CARPtIED 40,000,000 BRICKS; Edward Ashbee:,an roinploy,e 'af. the High Broom :Brick Company, near Tunbridge bells, `'Lngland, holds the records of haling carried considerably over 40,000,000 bricks oil. a::wheelbarrow. i n tiie last thirty years. The weight -of the: backs is r,stimated at .nearly, 130,000 tons, and in the: course of his work he leas walked'. nearly .55,000 'miles; `or more than twice the distance round; is world, 'Ashbee is a man of fine'. physique,' and looksIiuch younger han his xtfty yearns A°i. ,-CTRIC LECTRIO +t A A x t 5t ::::::::.,Tc. pM oIIdC1ettlfiNo lca�l , N ELECTRICALp ;zi�x�nfs 101 Queen $ti E. Toro t tl yOLt klcrlov ithe shit e;'4 a (eool'lq) ti "lyse; noo is rktat .so difficult t you irrtagise, It pa better than perhaps claim, For ratan who. ~rail work, the business is pleasant: and pro- titaiile. ThS WRtlonat Lite ix $oitnd and prosperous, Its Polioles reit readily in t tktnpetWon taritlt rty polieyo issued. You rlankaid investigate. probably decide to Agent, iGt u: territur'y Tula: is a genuine Opportunity to advance your fortunes. National Lilo Assurance Co. HEAD OFFICE, TORORT0 f Ro hirifj Fire, Lidhtniu Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Or namental' Let us know tho size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you nn interesttng offer, Metallic Roofing Go. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO end WINNIPEG • Shines Stoves So They Stay- Shined '!Blahuff ;lar" is 'a jop to every WOittall.*190 tales pride` ti her'hoiueck. It enables 'her to :have the slot es. alw ays clean, freshly po 1�)a Irl and brliziantly k ack, "'Blac'k — 1{itigltt'.r readq to ase eada+sppited and a few rubs brie s i irrorhke p0 sii f 1 dOC3 w Il YI1tlY aft �lfork and dirty worlr a "aiEo� 15o�lia1ung elibidit 5b e Fi hl"4,, k.l VA 1ki yl4