HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-2-2, Page 1tp
BUSINESS TALES CANNING HE Reciprocity schedule
NEXT:aO'VERNc3R GENE1;iAL BP°rxC.'TOIL.R'" Ppsr'tGl�a S]
announcement h
Great ig
Annual Stock
Taking. Sale
Some o1 the bargains
pair heavy wool sox for $1,
regular 25c. a pair. 4 pr of 20rc,.
hose to $1.00. Big value for
the money'.
Regular 15c. all sizes and.
yles to clear at iOc.
to S2.O0 reg. with
at big cut to axaai:e thein
tiered in Men's Wear
'Regular 75c, for 00c,
f e 25c. ,.,
G'ilatriois and tociaw
alar $ for ?5c,
$1,40 ,. $1,10
$1.50 ,a ,1,] ;~r
$1,75 $1.'
$2.50 •F ,tea` �Oti
A few bard bats left regular $2.24.1 d 2,50 to clear $1,0,1Ladies wishing anything in the line of black dress goods would do
well to examine our stock. We aro marking these goods away down
in order' to clear them out. Take a look at our table of china anything'
on it to clear at 10c,
OROOER ES- Our stock of graceri
fresh and the best stoney can buy.
is elecond to °none, . always
At last the definite
that e h
an at the Duke of Connaught, broth
er of the late King Edward, and uncle
of the-Preent King, will be the next
Gaver,n.or-•General of Caned?, coming
here i:n, September next, The appoint-
-amt is ear two;eyears. wtslch may :be
A'ti z
p a. circulated An `this cor•trnurr
its regarding'
tee d:►furict Farmers Bank
va.s seeped he all from far and i:ear.
The petition was presented to Huron &'zooid
Caurty Cour,.eii at Gode ic-t ante will be. opsrareo:
preao;t_gd to the Dorn;ilon Gavernmenb he �•
at Ottawa, eeitiog their eesestenee to-
wa;ds the welfare of tate deponiteeei *liT1Ci,ES 11tLE QV DI,TTy,
wl;a placed their little elk lint the hands
er tilc bank which recently suspended Dive aulatata^'cixtt1e. iteritefoand necle;
peement. The depoatta at thio branch awi4ae, altecP 1=rmlaa,live. Cte.
alone range individually florin ;l to I'e+ultry--dead or a
310,00e. and In all aro said to exceed \Y'Leee, rye. nate, barley Med beef^
e 8,000, and the -situation looks dark w;teat, dried pray and beans, edible.
all of them. corn, sweet corn or maize,
Ilay, etr;tw and caw pease,
l resp trUite--ApPlee, pears, peachy
apes, berries, Me -
<Mowing is a partial =1i t of the,'
artfelea contained in the agreement be..
twee,.a Canada and '-the Uliited States,
as submitted to the House, of S-mmo:is
z T:huredaY hY Hon, :sir, Fieidi.'rg, wlto
w#tz FIri
. fr.
, Patterson, ,son, has,. been nen
otlati > witty the leeited States Gover
Oee Of the moot notable facts oen
acted with the country newspaper of
.o -de y 1s the large ,iacreaee 3'i the
amou(tt of advertising of local business
house. The change has takers place
gredually, and has been narked eapee-
;ally during tee past year or; et).It $s
A deal we F7cluded this week
which the Exeter Cenol,- Feetery trees.
become ethe property- of a nefeber ,
Eeeter geetletaie i, re=nd it will be .epee
ated us;der tie same naat,uageme;n„s
last year,. with hut a talrg'zt cbarego-
peremeel of the Board of I)a"recf+ ;
.t;hlg significant, ..rid ,ani irir,p4iry s Corleldemble specaiaileu ban, bee -r
rapt* for• ,some time, Trio list is. elle
to tae, caul- of it t ).r'o't :rc sero t::e den ersltip of the xactere
idea iia e t,wo classes, those admitted ;got only o c
t ,oso *=t the rtewsp3*rer ons rrrrc+�i13, a.r+d, for' a tiara
, and iia
y t s,. en' which the +
. r
F.. H
o z
free E. d
h� is
'k u_ a
X *'
C e.
-R a S
`� d.
duty eras b ,c t t4.z a pM, red' that the Dominion [tie4±eatarirf3r::
4ztti reduced. I- c,ette . of o;a torsi as well ,n
ar rte law R will Cam e
on a date to be name
xaa C
o* ' i
u 1,
"I 'J LAST HtruoN INSt'i%CTOIt4, 'E..
;irlt weti.}t tax C(kztrit t'rziincdl reached
a selection to the position,, o1: I'. S. In-
spector tor East Ialuran, lo' be vacated.
March 81st by rho ret,'reniont of Mr.
P. Robb, There were four applicants,
Mr. \Ve#deethapnmer et Exeter haviee
rvithdrawt:, viz., 'Messrs, J. C. 'Smith or
W., Dr. Field of eloderikh, Mc-
vicar of Loedoe and ]Tcii.a'ni li Of Eel
t'areete. The matter leed :evidently' been
well Caucawelt b;Tore .head, tor on the
lir t b i1?o; fir, Smith eeeelvcd .l n vo et'
a.tti Dr. eeelti 17, eia appointment lz+e-
's.a e to •eche tee:firm .d lay ;rezotution.
tineeN I*Atli
Died, fruits -Apples, pears, peaches,
a a id apricots.
Dairy Products --Better, cticeee ,fresh
milk and cream -In cane.
Ixoryee, cottonseed oil
5cede--flaxseed or a,lneeed, cotton &
Ml ,, eds, llnrothy, clover and trtk er
acid field sceda, but not Slower
of all k1:^.d&, fresh. Treeen, p1e}ad
salted o. preserved, except 'l9sla
od, .aard el Vie fish, 'such as
sta_rra, 1 netore tsards clams.
ttaied t »^i'.ivr, w9;lte aaad other flues
tS",o haai.�' In isea;c ou ouiraar 1ptia; ; ;tc„ Meer re wars t . 4a4i'u, kir ; ci . butt
`f»Ataf:t' tip ti4oss,
woo, are le L °reara. Tlrtibcr^`*ae�Jt, iiid£4r a41'ii�r(-U tall
in e:eae yell ii,zpp- to h.tve steglecttd wise t,clar by eaw3n d , and rqund t9tt
ttrc, little .uattr . of ptyLata up wouldn't used for spam mein budding '+varve
It benicer to'114rul8ra; the arnoun.t before
the du:iner Aa prevented. There are rc
few only who are a number of ytiara
behind. These anuet be settled very anon
or the s ccountd twill .hu placed in other.
ha:ltie for collection, at the rate of
FISH -Fresh white fish 12 1.2c. per
per year. Save money by giving
per Ib, Fresh Salmon ]u"c. per the platter early attention. We while at
lb. Fresh herring 25c. per doz. Finnan Haddie 12 ].2 per lb. - tti#F same time to "pray, that we',appreC-
ta'fie ttic :eupport of :those whp habitual-
1t' keep pall rep. We,feei that with all
our faults, these 'people are doing the
best they can to 'snake tela path of the fratie;'5.i bare and rode, In coil
Cd!tor and :&tali a fairly plearsant onc. brace in stripe, aheete or. plates.
STOOK FEED- We carry, Hackney Stook Remedies sold under the
guarantee, that if after trying a package it fails to do whet is claimed
the purchase price is refunded. What more 'can you ask. Try a,
package too -days
Highest prices paid' for all kinds of Produce,
rrofeee1onal Cards.
:®R` G. V. ROULSTON, L.D.S,•
Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniyersity.
Offices -Over Dickson Carling's Law Offices,
Exeter. Telephone No. 5.
Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D..D. 8.
Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlsty.
teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
OTIce oyer Madman & Stanb office, i
n 'a o ee Main street
no R. BRIGHT, M. D.. M. C. P. & S., HONOR
Graduate of Toronto Uniyersity, Two years
resident physician Royal, Alexandra Hospital, etc.
Office and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew
Street ,EXETER.
DL QUACKENBUSH, Physician, Surgeon, Ac-
coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Maid
Street. Residence, corner James and Albert streets
opposite James street Methodist parsonage, Phone
Oifice, 89 a; Residence 30 b.'•
tore, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners
4'eoUottors for Maisons Bank, ete.
Mosey to Learn at lowest rateaof nterce
Offices, Main street, Exeter, •
R, CARLING, B.A., L, 11 Dicxsos
We.bave alarge amount of private funds to loan
n farm and vfflage°properties et low rates of Inter
Barristers, Soticttors,Main et., Exeter On
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance. in lead-
ing Canadian and -British Companies.
Main -St,, Exeter.
IdU,51 C
i:tiwfd boards, not lurtfier niatiufaclur-
d ttr:a.tr a awed.
I'tvtng poet, railroad flea and tele
p'sore, trolley. electric light aria Other
paloe of ceder or other wood.
Wood. 4taves and stave bolts.
Rickets and paling's.
Plaster rock or gypsum, crude.
ellea, not i anutactUred, alae asbestos
ftoorepan, glycerine, crude.
Local items
Mr. Geo. Pedier' Is thought to be im-
proving somewhat this week,
Ors. A. Dow entertained a number of
relatives to ani oyster supper on Tues-
day evening. .
Mrs,- (Capt.) Collins of Detroie return-
ed Friday eventing, after a visit of a
few days with is1.r. and Mrs. E. A. rol-
lick. i
Miss Lindsay ..and Miss DoW etre vis-
iting In Toronto. Miss Anna Dow ac -
MISS $EaLItHT HOBBS, Violin In- campanted them as far as London Sat
atrucbor, James Street Parsonage, urday.
v.. S.
Graduate at Ontario, Veterinary Col -,
lege; member Ontario Veterinary Med-
teal Society ; treats all diseases of do-
mesticated animals on scientific ; prin-
ciples; modern surgery a specialty. Op-
erations on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat-
isfactory. Calls 'Fly day- or night
promptly attended to. Office=Main-st.,
Exeter, Dr. Ranrsay's old stand: Phone
in connection.
' The following properfies have been
placed in our hangs , Eor exchange.
FOR SALE -A ; good sized frame
dwelling in Exeter, suitable •to acco-
modate two families ; in good repair;
will be sold cheap.
TO RENT. -240 acre farm ,iiv Osborne
to rent, to right man. Good buiidinds
WANTEDeeto' xer_t a hundred acre
,farm, supplied with the usual build-
inga etc.
FOR SALE. -A good frame house in
Exeter in, good repair.
For particulars apply ,at
The Advocate
WM. ANDERSON, Llecnsed Auctioneer
for Buren County. Terms reasot,able. house aril,& two Iota' on 'Alain Sti°set,
,Dates can be;nlade at the '-Advocate, ,Exeter,: being the: estate of the late
Exeter. or F3ei rt'' Efiber'', Office Cre - Mrs.' .Ann Eaer
, d eft ; frame house and
Iton. ' ' frame stable. This ';property is '° sltuat-
1°f ` ;; , ed in' a very desirable location Forp
and Particu.ars n tY t o
S.' W. RGivl
..5:WM11L�,�"•tl,Ilil Y. , acct ■ ■
testi`, )..:,
Cement Drain
-Tile For Sale.
0 ,. all ri#9f tile(.tr ,
e 12 ine seeen8' at reduced
,A11 tile guarantleed. 4 in. .; at
per thousand, 5 in. $19 6: in.
1" i, 11y 0 r ill: .$35' `n ie. $18 i 10 in.
un 1 7 .; also �2's:14'n p •.
.., . .�,. •, ;� �, N .r., .,,. A� � .tt. w.,. •e ,''a(. an •1fi., ..ken h d
ik. .tr y .q... , ..tN.. ,.,,'Ini.,.. 1 .. 1. •r ,an
d .B� 1lsE fi 4 �' +,:.
.�- F1di- 'O o .
.a're � i
o ,.
11: t'
ts�.l .� G:
jrr �a. ..-j` .,d.... tir+e!'
.,r i,`ri..2aiu...,"", -- y.aFsY,1i_..&.._..s ear t_ F 7 �' + slr.1•�;a ,... •.7`r ' ...
'§.` CUD meet'-`:
St a contieeti°lie
Life, hrires Asci r
rac >C ne u . n e, oileht�tlg a
1ductfn' suedes)
STi?1isclir t t of .,tI c dvoea
eget a ` i e the is
Daniel Wood has purchased the
John Treble pioperty south of town.
It contains 4& acres and was bought
for $5000.
About thirty five of the members of
the idain street League drove to ITen-
salt Monday evening and supplied the
program at the union meeting.
Mr. Elder Elliott and Mr. Luxton .Iif11
of Flint 11$teh., arrived here Wed nes-
day morning to attend the funeral of
their grandfather, Mrs. Thos. Elloitt, at
Wo acknowledge receipt of invitations
to the Elevesnith Annual At ;Home of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor-
onto, which takes ' plate in the Temple
Building on February 17th.
Mr. Hubert` Walter has taken a situa-
tion with Hearers. ;Jones & May, in the
boot and shoe and grocery department,'
while Mr. Sparks goes into the dry -
goods de art
g p mdnit. Mr. A. Walter has
taken the ,situation vacated by Hubert
with 'eer. J. E. Smith.
SPARROW MATCH.-X,;sparrow match
was held on the:`2nd'and nrd concession
of •stephen• during, the week ending Iast
Friday ;might, beteveen sides chosen„ by
Messrs James Stanlake for the eolith
and James • Dearing for the North for
ani oyster supper, the former's side win
sing by ;2903 to 1690. On Friday ,night
all congregated at the home of Mr,
`Wesley Dearing and enjoyed the ' oy-
ster supper, fifty-five sitting down to.
the tables. The remainder of the evening
wee ,pent in social amu scinlentls.
5000 Cedar` Posts for Sale
Our posts are the finest duality and
tar size we have;: ,trath,ii. leas than 6
.niches .r small end. Our prices are
right for we )rave: thein` to .sell.
• 'G. EHICKS, Centralia.
Good stone $ar selo Country ;,locate,
Ion. Doing; good business •Will be sold:
right. Write, oe apply at Advocate office
VOGELGSANc,'s' TRE:.e.TaiENT- for
Pneumonia= `will relieve .the patient
a snort time with :outside application.
Anyone suffering front. Pleurisy wo'"
be Wise t0 tryliis treatment No daif
rYit,h outO e .application ?tlola rl�ia t C
ifnlaRie.,� ,Cure.
Cream Separators and 'parte thereof.
;Steel sheets or plates, zinc tin.
Crucible cast eteel wire, galvanized Ir.
07 or steel wire. i
Typecasting and: typesetting machines-
Barbed Lensing wire. round rolled 'wire
rode; coke
Pulp of wood ; r ewsprint paper and
other paper and paper boards made from
pulp not including printed or decorated
wall paper. ,
Beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork and all
other refrigerated meats excepting
game, , Bacan and ham, ,)nests of all
kinds, preserved in any manner per
pound and one-quarter cents.
Canned heats and canned poultry,Ex
tract of meat, 20 per' cent, ad --valorem
Lard per pound one and one-quarter`
Tallow per 100 pounds 40 cents.
Egg yoke, egg albumen seven and one
half per cent. ad valorem.
Tomatoes om e andother theree vegetables, les, includ-
ing corn, in cane or other air -tight
packing, and including the weight of
the package, per pound one and one-
quarter cents.
Wheat flour and rye Flour per barrel
fifty cents.
Oatmeal and rolled' oats, including the
weight of paper covering, per hundred
pounds fifty cents.
Lump sugar and maple syrup, per
pound one cent. e.
Ploughs tooth and disc hat -revers har
ves'ters, reapers, agricultural' dents and
planters, n10wers, Horse rakes, cultiva-
tors, machinery including windstackers
baggers, weighers, & self-t'eeders there-
of and finished parts thereof imported
for repair of the foregoing, fifteen per
east. ad valorem.
Portable .engines with boilers in. com-
bination, horsepowers and tractlen en-
gives, for farm purposes. hay loaders
potato .diggers, feed or fodder cutters
grain•'crushers, fanning mills, hay tedd
ere, farm or fields rollers, manure spread
erg weeders -and windmills, and parte
thereof, imported for repair of fore-
going except 'shafting, twenty per cent
ad valorem.
Cutlery, , planed ' or ' not, viz. pocket
kaiveS, srlasars and gnears, knives and
forks for househjold purposes and table
steels, ft wenr,ty 'seven and a half per
cent. ad valorem.
Brass 'barsd instruments;, twenty two
a 'half par lceri1 lad vvalorem.
Clocks, watches, time -recorders, clock
and watch keys, Meek cases 'and clack
mavementsetwenteeseven and a half per:
a--' ace valorem,
I\fusi:ac is rr,urnelit.cases, fancy •cas-
es or boxes,portfolios, satchels, ree
ticules, card ',eases, ;purses, pocket
books, flybotokls.., for artificial flks,
gill the foregoing cosnp'osed wholly or
in Part of leePer cent ad vale •
enie rt, portimid and hydraulic or wet--
1111;, ;an,,barxels1 bags or sank', the
•i ,tof the package* to be ,included
ht fasduity,' per 100 lbs.,
'r,�it rt�li�h,�nts: f
i t,%.pat Eraage
Carts or other air-'
to be Included in the.
per Ib .2c. t
s,iouaid and r ori 4Oa. the
kitamitious ceel such
a th eeagquarter
Cl.i14-i Y_rfi., a .l.'v
e.^.a g. oitd 0r ere the _ ,;user. I,` - ,qt
li._er, tetitsus t resat tr, eca* t:a3 rWascex
Q ti_f ;a; ,.a race pe?queerest,. .
oudd i .., ee 4t to till tten o� t`t a
Perim -IMO O`t5
3a t .ezc gads ,sem o" t`cv i i ,etrea-id ,o lee tri t
epaillee t.zt ' f .ee r a$t - k'. { o i �. aIfs b, leer;
ra ,t o t} l.f° °h as > g k Z. a ., t ,.F .4 -o wIll a# o,.- "(i+• ;
great ot,or,,; of th,, tart;,': cit..er$,. Til e o[ ',)oder cert' U4e, p:,a:ot- Iticre..eia.g• 1.h* ..
el ;a new storage bu:ldit ,
1, 15)a the llnproverarente,-
iiiishrunts advertise their 3rC
art se 1 a:del-4 , and Girt' rantropoiilFt
ew4-papers which c[ :i: c, their tidvxt
t3sements are d1stributed over t:h
Ct,untry acme one peper. of which
4era. nearly every home, 'The reguit
drat the nv'tropolltam satttbllell;rieete
have build up ani- immense malt traede..
town, and indeed i.ti most t,0wee,
ie eco occs'eion far f'cis aur -of-
buyin:T but much of the trouble=
with the bustnesa man --simply be-
e trez does not yet advertise as l e
s`ratrld, and some of them d- 1
vert) �te at all
What car, the
papa ; The local Newspaper a tri
ia2iror�, refleeein t', e biuslr,rse dill
sef she colallaa(ssity :and it :your advertisi.-
meet la raai4; seen teere'lei, Inetee ct tele
.dividutt,s. whey an0lrtb utt the great put*,
t aaaleu'a; putol:C will 001. taut' tet your
dotn} unytidog to d aw tlicatt
:starts -the city Merchant 1s
Paull. ,it It 11 a man, buys as
order and sends to tlrc
tele ate seea advert Itied
;me Wagon, ler.
rid keep this business a
the 11
amed Crunnican,on the lintel
reaneo0eton of ndon Township, leave
be 111 of smallpox, It was discovered'
the other day. The matter ware not re-
ported • and the members of the fancily
claimit was a mild types and that they
did not recognize the disease at the
time. The hotne has now been dleinfect
cd. On he edge of Biddulph';Township,
to the east, another case has been re-
ported in the family of Michael Blake:
Cases aro reported in, the neighborhood
of 'Mooresville and in )icOlili,vray Town-
ship, being so light, however, as to be
mistaken, for chicken pox.
firs, elertka Aikci:ts, a. wiel
arty years 4f age, a much
ire -lana e-(cideece :ef. List
detel tat ,he.pho:ne Sunday cereal
re elle had lived slope Saar eat
1 a etel'hen, 10;)
d Mrs, Fr: i of Lute er^,;...' .,
Itepl:+Gn, 4.0' oer -2 :..-
Sas, ficin'. a,
C B a;ta»r�i.
a.t'rt7, Ai#v.
scevrti dau?
of Jaivis, tortaberly* c
1Pear"-Re;nbcic-On Jan.
Itlepcn of the bride',} pace)
hfret. 3, Reinke, sr., Tucks
daughter Minnie to Iie^ziatt G, I
of East Wawn.nesit.
lleiresrny-Jarring-At i'rtrkllili: i rias .
acv 2titri, 1911, ?,Tr. Nell 3teKonirs,.t17
.4iiae ),aura I3elen, daughter or QST;
sited :i &e Geo. James, bot.4li of P.arkl'r313
iliakeAlpinc-tn lteOlUltvru} "
Sart- 21, Laura daughter of 11:r., a.tit ,
*1rxr. I3c11 McAlpine, to Stir. Tl.oa. X3is
of 3fc[illivray. i
Clew -Little -Ire Clinton, Jan- 214 Chaa
Slew of iiullett to Miss, Amelia
of Clinton.
C1uff-Little-I21 Clinton, Jan. 21i,
CI off of Tuckeramith t;o Idtss Loui'ese,
Litho of Clinton.
4. 448 fix'.
Elliott -..t 1Cirkton, on Jan. 30th] liars,
Jima Prowse, wife of Therms P7llali 3,
aged 06 years, 10monthe and• `:2 tilg z
Brunner-Innlondville, San. 2+', 'S
John, Brunner, aged no years.
special Prices
For The Next
Ten Days
$17.50 Coats for
10 0 0
66, 46
Other lines clearing elow cost
dines at
. .
Some bigbargains in everylin
not pay a, big price for tailored Clothes -
w® can give y(au hand t iiored, . xiaace
=easlaire suits Or overcoats at a sawn
five to ten dollars. `e have the new idea