HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-26, Page 8ralltArririeVrAlirlirAPPIPrierVrII*iirlit
‘IlkzHand us in 14(4nm/1es...of your visitors
each week-
Never go la debt for a. luxury ,or an.
tnineL-essary article of any deseriPiOn
The curlers ha.cra little praetice
the olvila rank on, Tuesday, morning.
for the first time thhilseasOno
Don't put salt en Your; ley Pavements.
Use an ea' ashes. The ek..ait dia.finte"`
grates the �4t and run the walk -
$2200 foThe man who thoroughly understands .r $13.0°
Suits, Pantings
and Overcoatings
SUITS $24.00 Zr $14.00
, aiNcilic."JakaarallIcAr-ta,ciacaek
fr. W. S. Cole wnle in LondonFriday,
Mr., Bert Wilseh was in ,Toront42 this
Week. k g
Miss Pearl Lcavett is visiting in Walk
, .
Mr. Frank Sweet visited in, London
Rev, Shaatpe visited at, St, Marys and
3-'°..14°11 this
Mrs. S. Martin, has returned from
visit in Dorcheister,
Wheat 0.0,1.6.41. 85 85
13a.r1ey. •••• • •••*••••"...* 48 52
. , 48 50
Oats. ..31 32
70 75
Fettne,s* Per bag • • •
R413r. Per ton, • • • • • • • • • • • 9 50 1000
Fleur, per cwt., family 50
Flour, low grade per cw 1 45 145
gimpy 28 2e,.
Live hop, per 7 10
Shorts erton 22 00
Bran perton.......... 2000
anYtniatg doesn't Make much noise ex- Mr, AlYin Grigg of Pembroke is visit -
SUITS $29.00 fOr 112.0Q P12,12411.0 bow Much ho !mews )about f. h friends in town.
SUITS, $18,00 for V.2-00 The Julies Street Pulpit was occup- INfr. W, K, Levett was h Toronto *
OVERCOATS $25.00 for $18,57
OVERCOATS $20.00 ter $15,Q°
OVERCOATS $15.00 for $12.00
QVERCOATS $12,00 for $S,03
iedo Sunday by Mr, Wm, 1B-lbspo„ of business this week,
LendOn. Rev. Mr, EbbIatt ben,. on Mr, '`,ra.p..lt Corn-isb of London was
1,..ention eircuit home-dgethe• theiWeelra
lye are sorry it>. ,,,,repOrk Abe- illness of Mr, T, K., McCallum was in; London
Mrs, Antlon.Y.Bolland. she halting been' this Weeltonbmainoss,
cOnalitted.to her bed for sOlne Utile. and ' • 13. V. F.'peavers was int London
tinder the docor's monday on .Itusittett,s,
if you commend a mares ;velehe ,Alr. halter left 'Weilftepcip,.y morn-
,seis you down aa YQu' IhT en a trip to the. SoO.
• fault vrgh, t he pities Yeti) for
your lack of ktwwiedge.„ 3111°P Mur'''aYir. teftellert "*,1.-sculci9
TAA AN i :‘,1z welde„4.,n,,,,, le Cder:eh this °ver Su3daY wilil tIlerlds'
ly . . .1 .4. 1.., ; ,,,,I;N1'..''. Won Co re left Tuesday to
v....,,,,%, a..,„..,-,,, ze ,„„x„:„,,,,t,,,„, the ee,,,,..„61 3rt_ OA WittA Clinton frends.
oro:mat Tailor, Is,,,t..„,,,,,ip of East who lluron_ IVC:,--te Marion Elliott left Monday to
Tvisit with aelatitrea ink Toronto
) - .te proressional mart bUyb of '
aa oder= house and a merchant, .,,,,,:to i Olarehee Westeott of Seaforth Is vst'
b.,s his printing done out of towint itir3" at Mr, Geo. attiterior,poWst,
to the some ledge—game degree, Miss l4arY Keel Of.; St, ThOnlas ve-
M. 4.„ 4N, Stewart went to. London. Et4,-1-0 ArmotNrtigi laSt Week,
Thursday last mid was oerated, ori at Mr, Geo, Atkinnen an daughter Miss
h.cnont4infer, aa. internnt irohe He Blanch ' lett TueadaY ovieit with
eante tit:rent:4h the ordeal well and is friends 41 Owen
progreaing nicely. M. iSteWartNr Earl Spackmait returned eQt.
vi it over irdaY. tnwa Wedneeday to resume, his dut*,
JawaarY weather this year has ,heen 'ilea in tine 4.5geletnits Battik, ;
.tiw mom noteaktata
we w, eprienv.., mrs.(pr,) MeGilliCtiddY retUrited frOM
ed, years Wing, te the frequent 1-071deR. lAtg, Weelt. :and la raPitily
changes in ;110, temperature, Nearly covering. teem her opera:14h,
every day Op* titaw with fog and
rain, tollOwed with cold, treat and small Mr". 'WM PUIC't 4114 M"f=" Bin
Do You
%la On, all Pti-rebast'g, wortb
our LilinG GOODS that you SKeive
COUP3, and that each eoupan is worth
i„pc, eit our PMms. Yon ear,.
real nice brooch or ring for 10 coupons.
TO ALL. When in need cf Te t at
rkefig.0.-FtS or perfumes drop In and
see our etoelt.
Try ow 'fresh reattlfd Pe -X -44%s.
Gen NOW' Vgentlnes ,atld roe,. cApde
Try out,' C,Antliy, Dats, Etc.,
OlIANGES, tail Prices s.ave
1'4 wr,(pirrs tilUd Pc..; the :PrCnt:Paael
Saturday Special.--
cds la Cnittn. and Glasswarek at very
low prices, Samples at North window.
Powell's Bazaar
3. WiLLIS POWELL, Proprietor.
cods a'4 daughter of Flint, Mch., are vie-
bilrAard, result is heavy
sickness tOr Marry of the people. hInS In Exeter and Kirkton,
P.ZZA,n. rtt'ItIr;..
;k GotlieirusrTueaT- a4 Mrs' Fraser GInter Qt
cthaarines are visaing the latter'
day to wait or*Vottaty Oattnell with n1,,°.r,..* 1.-T,°c1CeY: GreY $
3 viow retaining the titeintey ora ,x-eoe ilea Craig 1, the
, fh,r3, ecgAttritotkm
as hpre Ima has sPcht the Mat summer at Leth-
xe,or. 740-truitc*a sonnror the Nigh ‘b,,,,r,„„,4.,* Y4°"141.g friends irtclv` *is
Selitoolta in the County aro ob3eeting to
the Exete,te animal getting se large, a mrs. (Dr) 1441437 cr sowAton, ix*
when it is re/nen/bev.4 that arrived itere Tuesday eVeng te) visit
tat' centbutatien OtafiSes hero serve a at the iterhe ner father, Alex,
large puritan- of the cauntY clot Dew
*'314 *at the graa''' la tea .3"eme, Mr, and Mrs. 'Henry Isaac. of Green
as, compared to the ,grants received wiay bps,a visiting roa.tiVeS atIld
l'he °31:"1"'" friende in and around Exeter tor the
A C0.31%.110,PCON47 WAYS' Ulm newspaper Past week.
subSCriPtions aro Infallible Web/ et e tr. NV AV. Quaeltertimah, assistant sin.
nall'e 11911°4'1;Y* 'They will eegll°r " 121" itterintenderit of the Rapid" Railway Sys -
•he will cheat the patiler some waY
SaYS ?le has, a meint somewhere, or
Aunt the money .ad it .was lost the
or Ito will take the paper and Mist) Tillie 14ager, after spending the
not pay for it onVithet ground that he millinery season, in Tlisonburg and lat-
dttl not subscri,bo or t, or inc away er a visit 'with her g,rantimother, Mrs.
letttng it come no the office he let. Conning'ham• OlandeboYe, returned
Thousands of professed Christiana aro home last wei*, accompanied by her
diaboinest In this particular at least, mother., a
ad tho printers book will tell fearful Reeve John Taylor of Exeter, Reeve
tales LI the Una/judment, Fred 1-1114da a Vborne, Reeve ‘Samuel
Dont monkey with
that cough, use
Hewers White Pine
and Tar. Big Bottle
for a Quarter.
Fairest Offer
ifilliEver Made
Costs you nothing unless they give
you satisfaction. The fartmus
of which there is one for each
To Advocate readers we solicit your
pationnge in offering you these re.
medie. knowing that you have noth
ing to lose and all to gan, haying
any of the Rexall Remedies, when re-
quired. We refund all money paid
us if they fail to give entire satisfact-
ion. This should mean much to you
We recommend that you consult us
when in need of home Remedies.
Cole's Drug Store
The Rexall Store
Tile 'lien's Tatter
er discover the tritt0"/ ye ha dishonest tem. accompanied by ills wifo spent a
few days during the week wth his
brother, Dr. Quackebs,
TH1E STOCK lc. carry
contains allthe new lines for,
the Winter Trade, ',Corning -from
the best Mills in the world.
THE WORK We turn
out is alit and fashioned in the
the style prevailing the day you
•44 are measured.
YOU GET Everything
be very latest and best when
OUniet us make clothesfor you.
ers of Stephen, went to Gotienielt
day the Toes -
to attend e County', Council /neat-
en the evening of the, Intit to discuss
A meeting of a ntunber a the 1.:144.; swoitzer and Deputy Bocce W.,D. Sand -
nests men was held In the Town Nall,
You have
tried.the., rest
Now get the
Bet. Nyal's
Hair Tonic at
Howey 's
Drug Store.
he Best Way to
Buy Jewellry
is to examine our Stock, of Goods, We have a
very choice and large stock of
Jewelry, Silverware, Cut" Glass,
to choose from --at a great range of prices. We
have something to suit evrybody. You only &II
have to look through our stock to be convinced
that you can get no better choice in any town or W1
city in Western Ontario,
Call, and make an early choice and we -will set
it aside for you.
Local Items
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
<4,1006. VOCIZOCK40000 -(4
Mr, Chas. LIndenfelt was' off datit ow
leg to grP0o, part et last wee.
Mrs, 'Wm. gawirshaw Is confined t
ner bed with a severe attack of grppe.
Wm. lien:ley of Ushorne has rented
his farm on. trto 5th concesson; tp
Arm.strong Exeer,.
A load a yeung peal* from te'
lamest Street League drove to Kirk -
ton ,Ionday evening, and teak (part M
haa. entertainment.
Our Showing
s urniture
One Of the best in Huron County and is without a doubt
the finest ever seen in Exeter. See our goods in
Tables Chairs
Parlor and Bedroom Suits/
Kitchen and DningRoam Furniture
elation is called for this Thursday even -
A meeting of the Lawn Bowling An/so; a$
ing in the Town A. large attendi
mice is requested
tssMerek, noMilltor, will allerliY
move into the ,Iewer part tat the 13,
hot banding, widen Zr, Elliott is hay-
renvated this week.
WW Greig got a asty cut in the
need with the puck wane igrectising
tweitey Monday night. A, few stitehes
were isonessarat to cosv, tile wound.
Two Jtntior hockey teams* represent-
ing the North and the *South, played a
game ot hovitey oril the open air rink
Saturday afternon, resulting in a tie.
The deveration staff et the G, T. R.
has been on duty Item for several das,
decorating and otherwise improving the
interior of the pateenger station. We
east now boast a a model staton.
To.^.4PX,E) OF F.A.IIE.—The ear
tertainment "The Temple et Fame will
be presented in the Opera Rouse, Exe-
ter, mi Friday evening', February 3rd.
Platt of Bali at W. S, Itoiways Drug
Store, opened on Saturday, Jan. 28th,
at noon. Admission ne., 23e. and
the advisability of makng Exeter a Ing* • 1*.. ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual
part of entry. Reeve Taylor was chair- Mrs, G. A. Young and son Sterling a ineetth.g ot tbe congregation of Caven
man, and ,Yolut Grigg secretary. The, London visited at the home of, Itr.. and Presbyterian church was held in the
matter was thoroughly discussed and Mrs. james Beer during the week, on basement of the church on Monday
• potiton Is being prepared for pre- their return from e. viSit 11 Godrich. eveadng, with F. W. Gladman 'In the
sentation the gever/uent. The matter Mrs. TkMnS V41.8 taken quite ill on chair. Reports of a meat' fayerablo,
of a new post office and a ICarnegie Thursday, but is now recovering nieely. nature were Teaci from all the commt-
Library were discussed. Before ad- :Nfr. "Young was also a visitor hero tees. The receipts for the year were
jaunting the meeting resolved itself in part of the, week. . $261.5.50 and the expenditure $2068.11,
to a Bus:loess Men's Assoqiation and The, election of officers resulted as feel -
agreed to meet for organization
on the first Monday lit February, when
a full repilesentation is earnestly de-
Mrs. Bruce Cooper and her sster, Miss
W od, of Vabortne met with a very un-
pleasant accident eh Saturday evening
last. They were driving home from
town and when a short 'distance south
of the Presbyterian church a. horse go-
ing at a lively .speed in the same dir-
ection caused the horse they were 4r1v-1
ing to sun away, and turning the corn-
er at Mr. Dr. Daineeys; both occupants
were hurled out against the fence with
considerable violence, with theresult
that 'Mrs. Cooper sustained a badly
sprained wrist and was badly shaken
up. The horse was captured in Mr. Sinn -
on Campbell's yard, with the shaft of
the cutter broken. Mies Wood escaped
The new anarriage license, which, came
Into vogue with the New Tear is a
decided change front the old one. This
combines a short Ystem of bookkeeping
with all ,,the statistical information
necessary for the indentification of the
parties from the cradle to the divorce:
The face bear,s the usual form. of license
•while the a-everse side has an,
affidavit formwhich the issuer must
Lill out together with about the sante
information -usually found on a model
lien note which_ the minister fills in,
before receiving his fee. On the left
end is a detachable slip for the names
and residences of the contracting part -
ie, to be filled forblawith, by the clerk
ot the rn-uniciiiaalty. The issuer re-:
tains no ret,2ond of the license,.
nteeting of the Presbytery of JHuron In
Clinton last week, a vote was taken
oh church union, and those present • ap.•
proved of the proptosition, on the pro-
posed basis, by 16' to 6.
• BROKE RIBS.—On Friday night last
when Mr. John Gillespie, srwas re-
turning home he slipped on the icy side-
walk and fell, breaking three ribs and
fracturing two others. The injury will
coniine him to the house for a few
weeks. in the meantime his son W.
T., is driving the bu.
ery line of printed matter in a news.,
paper costs RS, -publisher something.
If it is ,to,benefit: some indivdual; that
individual,shuld pay soinething for
One wohld not go intoa grocery:store
to ask the proprietor, ta hand eut ten
pounds Of sugar for nothing, even
though the gift May not be a ,largh
end, the beneficiary. of 'advertising,
doca tot Pay low it tile ProPrictor Must
shoulder the cost. People do not seern,
to understand that, a newpaPer.EiVfr,
its, expanses by renting space,
Isje.st asnticti entitled to coi,
t rent for every day,that ,spaps. oc-
rents td
t b
miners, J
. . S Gan ury, W.D.WANTED—To learn
to E. WILLIS. eeks, D. McInnes, Jos. Senior, Js.
Jeckell, R. G. Seldon; Trustees, J A.
Stewart, John Rowciffe, H. Smith; Sec-
, is, we are sorry to .Treas., Jos. Senior; Auditors, W. D.
to her bed under the Weidenhammer, Ja. Grieve. The du -
Mrs. C Perkins
slate, Is confined
doctor's care.
One needs to be, sharp shod, and per.
fectly -sober to navigate the sidewalks
successfully just now.
On Sunday haat Mrs. Chas Monteith
• of the *Thames Road, sustained an
injury to her, hip by falling.
Mrs. D. Cobbledick of Exeter North
unfortunately fell on Sunday and in-
jured her hip quite severely.
A tree entertainnient will be given In
James street church under the auspice
ot the young Men's Bible Class of
Main street and James street churches
The program will consist of addresses
by both classes, also insturmental and
vocat •seleetions v1111 be rendered. '
Farmers Bank bills are cashed at
par. A few of these notes are floating
around ,town and many people have
been wondering whether they are good.
All bills up to $100 are good, but there
are some $200 bills' that have beta
stolen, and one should be careful in
accepting them.
We want to thank the subscribers
who have already renewed their sub-
scriptions to The Advricate. And waa.re
grateful for the niany words of a.pprec-
la.tion that have been given us on
account of the newsiness of the paper.
These we appreciate. But there is an, -
other class of subscribers, whe put
oft the time of r'enewiing, thinking that
the newspaper people can wait for the
dollar a little longe. They probably
cotild If there wa's only 'one who delays
ayin. But when hundreds do the
same thing, then the newspaper man
la.cks cash. And we 311t1St payi-cash for
help, paper, type, LOC, etc. So we kind-
ly ,ask early attenition to the matter of
baking.—Apply to, W. J. STATI-IAM.
Jon McLaugh-
Itn recelved word, on. Monday' sharning
of ,tha death of -his. eldest sister, Nfrit.'
Rein .. Thrten of 1,,ondem. who', died oh,
Sunday, at StTflonias, aged 72 yere.,
Deceased la survived,' 'by a, husband and.
r, een ' children Mr McLaughlin left;
Tuesday- , morning, -to ,attend the funeral
140v ELTY.-4nri1ProtlaPtiOrl debaie
with, only., fifteen' ;minutes preparationi,
P1Leet the' Jania.
On "!Resolved,that 4
plex envelope was adopted tor the
ensuing year. At the close of the busi-
ness meeting* lunch was provided by
the ladies.
7 he exhibit at our store is open to all cn every lawful
day of the week. Call and see it at any time. No need to go
past this store if you are looking for elegant furniture.
The Leadine Rome Furnishers Ana Funeral Directors*
WAR AND COURAGE.—Devotees or
militarism glorify war oni the ground
that it cultivates courage. Never was
there a more overworked delusion. Truly
courageous souls rise to heigixta of
bravery amid its carnge, butt. 'as a
rule, It is rather the animal courage
of the horse rushing into battle, the
blood -lust of legalized murder, in
by the -boom of guns; and mar-
shal Music. On this place of develop -
tans bravery, does anyone condone the
wars of Napoleon, that,for twenty years
drained the best blood of Eurtop, wast-
ed its resources, relegated Its cities to
rapine, paralyzed its industries, re-
tarded its agriculture for nearly hall
a century, ,and filled its homes with
desoltion; • A spirit of courage pur-
chased at so greaA price is too costly.
Bravery we need irt.the' twentiethi cent-
ury, but the vicisisitucles of. the farm,
the. trails of homeU1e, ti e assaults of
the street, society and the market -place,
on honor and virtue, are the things that
dernarid and cultivate real courage, and
fortitude, which is better.—Farmers
Big Moving Sale
Being Compelled to move frmour 'pre-
actit' place of business we have -decid
edto do set pn l'eb.1st. Afterthat date,
you will .find the harness- shop
two doers South. of owhere ,J.tnow is In
store' now Occupied by Mitts Morlock.,
As ,we desire- to anoVe io winterk 'goods
we will make it,.worth ,while to, buy
them before Feb lst eVen. If you do
,not need to use theiriuntil ,riezt. winter
land Will give '10 '. per eant. oft , all
,r,mitts„' and gloves, blankets,, robes and
to-gether with free '011bt-
;italics ,these 'geode cheaper. than'
�4 tilt ever, be able to' buy them againDo '
rot. forget -that our- irpir depart,
mint.ts up-todate. and we,4,1a1ways try',
't jet you take repairing3Ve
then sane day as. tjr6Agto,
of..sate,y,by-' money onok....tCo.
and e our prch
Now is the time for us to make a clean
sweep of all our Winter Goods. We must get
them out, and are puttingthe prices to
make them go. We mean business and if you
are looking for BARGAINS Here they are.
You will never buy cheaper Winter Goods
It will pay you to buy ahead for next Winter.
See what we are doing
25 per cent. Disc't on Ladies' Furs
We have still some very swell furs in Ruffs and Muffs, Alaska
Sable and Mink Marmot. Now any Fur in the store for I.-4 Off, . This
is bound to soon clear them out Come quick if you need a fur this
Winter or next.
Remember the. off Prices
Lady's & Child's
only a few Co4s left. But
every one to clear at $25 to 550
off regular Price. Lots of time
yet to wear a winter coat, You
will find some real nifty ones
among them.
Men's & gys'
Just after stock taking, we
find a few -odd lines of Men's
and Boys Suits and our Coats
that we wish to clear out at
half the regular price. They
are all this season's goods.
New Spring Goods
We are renewing every day shipments' of Our New Spring Goods.
• Expect Soon to have them all in for your inspection. Theearly buy-
ers get ,t1hest choice and have their goods made up in good time
• This weskwe expect our new Prints and Ginghams.
louse Furnishings
; Carpets
ew ILio1eurot4' ',Nw Blinds
Oilcloths . 'ht "Zgettitiries
l'ilattings iliniiiiit a`
, --
.,. ,
• Clothing