Exeter Advocate, 1911-1-26, Page 5At your meals, and at bedtime, drink this sparkling agreeable brew. Your digestion wilt improve. Your slumber will better refresh you. Every drop gratifies., GQASkFOZ. f A 17 Better for invalids than ordinary tonics or patent medicines. It is wholesome as well as pure Made of selected JOHN LABATT Order from any barley -malt, choic dealer !n beverages est blendedhops;and of or direct from the tested spring water. .LONDO3'. CANADA. brewery in London. Retrespective And Prospective As the year 1910 has gone, gone into the care• -dimmed. isles of the past, never againto return; gone with its hopes and its fears, with its joys and its sorrows, its strivings and aspirations, and only leaving behindthe skeleton of high re- solves, of good perp one formed; yet bueathiug to us a legacy of memories., which the mind being immortal shall ever retain. And as the new born year comes to ;us in a mantle of snow for swaddling clothes, we would wish to re mind you of its various necessities tithe line of nourishing foods, and fresh groceries ot all descriptions, and of our tend,, erect care and greatest solieitude for its substantial and per mananent development. One of the goers we would recolimead for the infant Exeter Flour and is, we think, preferable to ltobinsonis pat- ent barley, which we also sell,snd as it develops will no doubt join the ever-increasing army of those whe bespeak the praises of this reliable Flour, More Okt The above adveraseraentj appeared in the Marys Journal recently, and is only one more > t ,nee of the popularity of Exeter fl rs'eyi New Grocery ore Having purchased the pre, rises lately occupied py Ur: M. Jackson, South of the Met- ropolitan Hotel, and establish - a First Class Grocery Stock therein, we invite you to call and give us 'a trial order. Our Motto is to keep noth. ing but fresh goods, and you may be always assured that you will receive good goods all the time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Try us with your next order in. Groceries. JAS. GOULD rders For ' a n prying Take �T r. ��„ ." � . Self....ori Exeter r . Manure Litters Beatty Bros: Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls &Stanchions can be installed as cheap as 5 lumber tint,, last forever. Beatty Bros: Load Binder 10 These three ,things are great t labor -savers For farmers n.nd ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Win, Gillespie, Exeter PHONE 51 Iiiireetmareservoreteraseretarlir Money is Tight But there are people who are constantly looking for opportunities to lend, money on good security. if you want to borrow a few dollars. or a ""few thousand, our Want Ads. will put you in touch with those who have. money to toa t: u..rna..,184 y e w 4.c.N, SE,\FORTH—Mrs. George Hurdle has suffered another bereavement, in the dedt..of her •isistar, airs. Greed which occurred ed at her home i.i 'r..:tchelh on Tuesday.ThisI's blra: P?hurdle's third be-eavetnec,t within two Years; a broth- er Et lid 4is'ters havin3 died within that rims. 'Mrs. -Green,; „wtio was about .311:ty years of age, had been, in , peat' health"' fair the past ,two oza three years: her clean. bairn, due lto p'.3:.11.:. Sae is survived by hier,huab<21d. carisELad. UlaST, air. a,ma 1: rs. W. A. Racknian, tiz L'onarm uask., are tiers as a visit 'to Tel ativOS .1ud 'friends kir' • tyeknaatt .went west a little over two ;years agra atid.:both 'seasons :has iia' good�cro1121'aIds"awns a half` section "'`q4 talfrd ' $}as -Tait',Yaa got si year ti desAite tae,c' ads "0cua of w> at an 004P e„ n , raa BROKE UP THE HABIT. A Woman Who Found a Simple Rem* 'edy For a Big Annoyance. "What has become of those two chU dren who visited rete so Qitenii" asked, one west side woman of another- The other smiled discreetly- ' They are the children of shy niece, and she was making a convenience of me. Of course I lone the children. but I never allow ,myself to become much of a 'victim of'I:imposit ort. My niece is an extremely gay yelxng wid ew, and she does not like to take are of her children. She is fond of shop- ping, matinees, aftetuoon tens and ev- erything, id short, which takes her axvvy from home, and alae got into e, habit of sending her children over to my .bullae for zne to take care of pPben ever she wished to gad about. 1 tie, ebled. It was time to break up the habit, for her own good and that of the children, as well its imine. so I did." "I suppose that made your niece angry/ ^`Oh no; it couldn't. 1 never said anything, about it. The last" time file c-hlidr'en came over I spent the after - lion teaching ' tbenl verses ;trona the Bible, and they liidu t thud It atiffieleo,t= ix entertaining, They never ea toe back. lust how they teenaged to work it outt with their mother 1 do not know.. taut l suppose they strut,^lcer tre;,ged off', Of eotrrse oke c•ohild not eltiea'1 o what I had dime. And it proved a very simple solution. -New York - AN ASTOR DEAL The Only Time Thatt Old John Jacob Sold Real Estate, "One ot the most etriul,-eut real es, tite riles the Astor family e v ell.' anti oltly one sale is recorded in the entire life of old ,Iobiz . ecob AM tor," $old .Ni/44$ I^'. %% U fns, n renal Age trate mmner of New York, "In 1M1 :. etor, tore dawn his ,hottse in 13ra d 1 t'vaty, cleared the whole block from i°racy tet Marx"lay street and built the l!e)tte uiney granite hotel ,known as iSat* gator Meese, which eves one o tlae first notable landmarks la New York and Also one of the best paying pleaces of property. "A few dna after It was finished the old gentteauan and Isis eldest sol, NiVil- ii:tmn were walking tbroudh City Hail Park, where the postofliee now staazdts, and stopped a moment to adneire the teillet ng, the finest hotel to en as at that time. " "Pop, that's a rulgbty One building, :odd William. 'i wish to gracious It was iniiatL' "So?^ answered the father. Vein l,illt,,gl4e rite $1 and you can have lt, "Out came the dollar -a big' silver dollar that is t'herisbed bIr tits family to this day -and Within an hour the deed of the property was made Out anti recorded. This was old Mr. Astor's only sale of real estate In his life." - Washington Herald. A Solomon -like Deoision. A. Rhode island justice was called upon to determine the ownership of a brood of turkeys. The flock, consist- ing of fifteen young ones, was moth- eered'by two hens, a white one and a bronze, and had been running far quite .'a time over two adjoining farms. The owner of the white ben declared chat the turkeys mere bis, while the man who owned the bronze hen assort ed just as positively that they belong (' l to him. The jug tine was puzzled. At last a. witness sane forward who sworn that he bad seen a dog chase th„ flock; that at' the dog's approach tht' young birds flew up into a tree and the bronze ben took to the words. but the white ben turned and g've battle to the dog The justice there upon decided that the owner of the white hen was also the rightful own er of the brood of young 'turkeys. - New York Press. A Woman's Wit. Thehusband of Lydia Child:: was an Invalid for many years: l -ie was not well "oft' in this world's goods. and much of the support of the family was earned by tbe wife. Thinking. of this and of his wife's many sacrifices for his comfort, Mr: Childs once said to her regretfully, "My dear, I wish 1 were,Croesus." Whereupon Mrs. `'Chllds, .with 'ready wit and gracious tact, responded. •''i ou: are Croesus, for, you are king: of Lydia." --Los Angeles Times.: , imaginary,. Pains.: Don't laugh at hysteaieat people with their imaginary pains, says a physi- eian. A "delusion" ' is reality to ;the sufferer. When one believes one has: a pain one has the pain: All pain is in the brain, and to believe one has it`;13 to have it. It matters riot 'a whit whether the message is sent by one's' toe that some kind friend is treading on or whether it is sent°front one part of the brain to another.—New York Tri butie. Unmoved. undersi:i?nd ; your antagonist is eaiting_ you overy .331010 he can thisal9 of?" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum cheerily. "But he hasn't :much of a Vocabulary." --Washington Star. Much , in-Lattte- Tommy --Pop, what sloesnultum in parvo` mean?' T'ommy's,,.Po Holtum in parvo is Latin. Y sOn ; Means- • -- haven't you. ever'$eI a 'fat'-. woman in a'; bathing su1 ?140hUadei5- ph is i ceor( A.FTE HOLIDAY EXCITEMEN'. There are marry ,restful; places to re cuperate at nearby %a the at. Cathay-, i+fiea, Pave:ton and 3fount. Clemens hymn There are inany restful places to, re- erai resorts:.; T.he "I-Iigh1ar d Ina" alt Algonquin Park; you can eajoy the pare air and winter, sports. and rest to your heart's. content, .d. tip to Temagamt Cobalt's Gowgaarda or a;ew gold: field of Parcupino will stat the prosnector.. The Sunny South, Florida, California or Mexico will appeal to those ' who wish to get away frons ilia cold weather, Full i'iformation, tickets, and illus- trated literature from GrandTrunk Age .ts, r r addreaa 3, 'xi-. fcl]on aid, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat- ion, TorontIa, Ont, ZC+ItICH. M'- IF- $: weber L r1int v i it , inah a Zanily to town. --Dr. .foKinrtor spat several gays last wee visiting ,relatives east of Taronta.. -- Edward Stelclt of the kith con was taken 511 last week with aymrtoma of appendtc-. Iiia.—SL's, Graham of Gaderich is vis - Wang ,ng i•.er daughter, ]try, 3. 3, Metter, *-The late Ftev, Geiger's household ef.. Leets have 'beeta tanaught herr, and Ws. Geiger will probably reside here. -34. Napoleon Lebeau aiad !dr. /Cadieux re. turned' from Texas recently, and may locate In th*,e station again -M. 1ieliernw-'tn .has purchased ne. Alfred Gallniaik"a shoe stock and 'moving- It to hly ahoy atore'at „Paehw;aod. - bfr, Louis Thiel of Pigeon., 3ilcla., formerly, blaekamtth (tore, viaited relattvee and triende In taVIII,In.at we'ck. 20 Years ale,, be moved to Michigan, -Mr. Louie' S^...11be had the •trdefortune. to break', i lea recently wiile at the g,riet mill. j The fracture .he a bad.onet and wall lay hint up for a time. --Miss Amelia. ;La- ,parte, who has been at the home of her John ?Sr. and Mira. yapo>•Eefor about sty wecke. Alas returr.,ed ; to De: ';tet t. --Mfr, V, 'Ness, sr„ who was last week reelected trustee of tho public ackteiot, is 'now an Ida thisteentli tei'im, and oal Ike expiration will hays served au :atataight yoar;13„ tbefx�; is lilrti taken.— FuCk ` ±.r Odit Avairaltta ►ttiii�aa l>ti nstralia produces those lowest o Me quadrupeds, tbe duck billed water stole and the echidna, or. Australian porcupine ant eater. They, along with the kaugaroos, may be deteribed as the groundlings of the mammalian family, for in respect of their struc- ture they ere of a much lower grade than, say, a dog ora cat. This inter,- Canty is seen not only in the brain, but in many other details of their bodily anatomy. In zoological circles tbe prevalent opinion is that this mole Is a link be- tween birds on the one band and teem - mats on the other. These "lowest" quadrupeds lay eggs like birds, tbe young being subsequently batched front the eggs, whereas in the kanga- roos and all higher mammals the young are born alive and nourished by means of milk. Spencer's Love Attest r. Herbert Spencer never nlarrled. When be was twenty years old he had something like a tender affair, and .be tells about .it In bis autobiography. The young lady's affections had al- ready been placed elsewhere, and she was only playing with the budding philosopher. One day her "young man" sailed, and they all went out for a walk. Spencer says: "She, taking his arm, lookedover her shoulder smilingly and rather mischievously to see what effect was produced on me there being an evident suspicion that 1 should not be pleased. The revela- tion was not agreeable to ane, but still it did not give me a shock of a: serious kind. KlitlF a Robin. There are persuaons at the present day -and not. all ,old women either -who belie* that -killing a robin will bring bad Inck. According to ancient belief the stormcloud was at huge bird. ' The Arabians represented his wings as measuring 10,000 fathoms. This -bird lived on worms, the latter being the streaks of lightning accompanying storms. The Germans remodeled the fiction by creating the god Thor, whose bird was *he robin- Consequeutly to kill a robin first meant death by light - utile, then bad duck.. EIE ISAla La,;.a,a, or Mobs Ja'N; woe. ih ,uesi of Jos. Hu tsion, hast week.....-. ;,ere is xalk of our 'CitizeJn:s Lorintng ci ewe operative dairy -a- .ala assaciation.--•9GU, Yu:.*ighlut of tile "w'est, is .here vl,ilting hie stater, Mrs, 3. :8o;atltrataa•Misa Aigie Johnston, oe Clinton, 10 "visiting bei relatIves at W1ilosv Hall,—Miss laawltstiaw. of Detroit, visited her slater Mrs. Fred M°cDo:iell last week.-- damea. Moore who *AP somewhat.uader the weather last week has recovered.. afar'bu:vl'and' children have so fat ecovered that they were able to die- penee with the services of a zaurse.-- Maaay or our cit 1zens who were laid up witlh tli -rc-eoe;e ;Peter \Ielyille woo ,iiadgr1ppe'a 9verarcey clvose lia3all ds able to be out aga;4-atrs.,} 3 D Cooke is visitliay laa Detioit,—airs. Kilpatrick died at Icer hoose ,ons ai-ednesday, after a prataacaed. i1Ln s.—A1 s jean 'Chap - taxa and daughter from 31ariltaba are visiting Mrs. D, Fraser of Stanley.— Robt. McTaaren wertt to Lucknow last week to attend the Cua;eral Pt a re - 1 tive—. a ;�asy Lily Xtzngolut has re- turned to 'tovan'after a via;( to l:er ptaakreenctsthIen' oWattolltaa.o,-ftyndiSteafcty has staff or the Molsoxts Batik, at Zurich, ---eve understand that Mr, Walsall -tier contemplates leaving for tho West about the Mat Qf ifareh, .Ir. eintenell, of Centralia, 100 Itas bee;a there abide the death or his brother WIltiam, lett for 'Mane oat 1?ti e,Ineedhy,, DEATH—ta the death or 3L's, George D. Arnold I=feneall loses tie oldest per.9on residing lie -re. She departed.this lire on Tuesday aftei1melting' the graaad age of 87 year 8 mon bs. Her 'death was simply tate result or old age, She was burns ai Cap Diamond. but after- vaarda wont to -haagtti'enl where ah.. event Glome year,e and then moved to Toronto where she was married °tett her now' bcreavod husband. They anoved too xlilsa Craig v 3 Oi-e they spent several yeara. About 20 years' a. -o they came to Her -gall and have resided, here ever stelae, i ee s o Itt , She eti . ;f gree Sena, . e' daughter. 3frs. 3. Macarthur asci tl'arry Arnold of town, G. 'F• Arnold et Buffalo A. ,ar told eat High Il,lwr, Alta. The renaaitns were taken by train ; t+ iR ltsa Craig and interred in Nairn Cerneter5' Art Enormous Sundial. A curious phenomenon is reported In the columns of a geographical publica- tion. It i$' a Iarge promontory in the Aegean sea, known as Rayon' ,Homo, !hich extends 3,000 ' feet above , the level of the water. As the sun swings_ around, the shadow' of this mountain touchez one by one a. circle of islands separatedby-regular intervals, which,:. act ,as marks" It is the largest Mundial in the world. lomme Hope For Hla. round Sorreltop-Then-; you utterly cast mo oft, Esmeralda? :Miss Esmer• aide (with great gentiehaess)-Why, no, SylPester. But --but " it Wouldbe sar silly for a girl to say yes the first time. If -if you ,ere of the dame mind you; Inigiit ask Inc again seine day, you Cat OR at Wm. ga1n Baton. Percy—Young; lttlpiclbalt had hard luck. He ;wasdisinherited recently.. Harold—Cut .aft without a dollar eh?' Percy—No.i His cn er did the lisin heriting. ?Hey'Wpsr, Q�d1off lvlth 98, cental; fac ,g f 4 $m Annoy' f t 'ietaUent 'abO:i' tt mese lies. t3},lrera- all".' i tij' %ie1,600 lies, with a x k� 3 . oy5 , rr4d 1i htng 'gk 1.111.11 Sal eiTSBURT moi'. J. Smith acct Henry Ilod drawing the material for atlotia under their barna In tyle aprlatg.4ffstwo Allem and Bella Pavia arae` horiae from their four weeks visit', with their slacker, 1.tra. 13 Botham o¢.. Delaware,- ,Er, C1art+:sce, Irup1Rn, ;i.. etudeat ot Hutton. Colleen, wilt assist. Rev. G. W. Macey hero with, the Surhdaj Services. -Mr. fits. DIckens ,oat a fine ,horse last. week through death.. Johni. Dula shad n wood bee feat weetC,- S"hoot started last week ire No^< 0 a dangerous wound. She is eai,d enalctng a /air recovery "however. 'EAFOli.TI?--nr:.2. - el: our readers will re;ret. to learsi o3 ttao Budden deans of 3xr. S. C. I1arsto:ae, :0, t., a fornieil principal o£ the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute, which' occured is Western algll taiga school oia Tuesday s:rorntr. . i'Yhi5e in SeigOrth? 31r, Harstosre •vas very papa lar, and his suddela death velli las a, allatter of Teg.ret to his in3:a$ ti:erid,s a'd expuplls la Seafo;th aid vicinity The Torotato ,Kali of ;Wednesday.snakes the following reference tt<o the molar.- cho1:T ,eve:at ; 'While conductina the, devotional exercise at the ',Western high. school yesterday morixiea' Mr. 3..0. Her one, the principal, was a,azed 'Watt, hear. 0n!tnre a.aal died, itr a few initiates EL,A TSHA"RD—A;a appeal by ire tovaa g:ilp from a judglner.t of a t :'visional court reversii,.:g the Iudgment Af Chien Justice Mulock and quashing the -'own;; ship by-law to grant a bonus `of $20,- 0.00 to the ;StMarya an -d W extern On- tario Railway was disrniss"d with, � oata. BY t as dec.siot tl.e the eaa,, way t;odz1Pat y is not etzt;tted "ea t.ee ?son-. SEAB0RTH-Daniel iX,nechtele an oid Huron, boy, and a non or Intra'. I techtel, f. H' i it tote o �aspurhey, d ed t}t l� home Chicago Gnat January 11th, Deceased had been a resident of Chicago for about twenty years,.I-lc was fifty-eight, 5'ears of age. Brifiht'a disease was the e muse of death. ITCIIELL--Tho home of Ma. and Ire. Fred Horn, Logan, was the aceae'. ot: a very happy event on Wednesday, San. lath, when Inas Louisa, second daughter, Was united in the holy-bOnde of matrlmcnty 'to Mr. Chis. Elaigson, son of. Kr. 'Illepry 11iSson, of Aldtchell, 13RYANSTON-':1 ecrious shooting af- fair Is reported from hear Bryanston. Bruce Powell, a youth of 22 years old, discharged a 22 -calibre rifle, accident- ally, It Is ,said, \th'e,huliett etialcia;• his married sister, sirs. aleRoberts, who vatsinthe ,room'at,the time. The bullet struck her In the hip, and went up- wards through her stomach, causing SUB Resident l idk Maid t.;urses txlcaaaa . W. Weetrrveit, aireetereee.'n, C.e... Principal.lfxcc.., FERR �. aShc saw e moan ttLsatcH:s1 armory l� Barre beat tier narnr t�ttla 7leld. tit. Tiib Dls1 r+tarze a- �eseecu iham dart zai rr, It Goes to The Home Our paper goes to the home and is read and welcomed a';•.rc. 1t you wish to reach the hot:a.:- wife, the real arbiter of dorre.:;:; destinies, you can do so through our paper and our Cleve:Med Want Ads. form an interast;ti and well-read portion of it. The Old -Way to cure a Cold The New Way take Howey's Cure -a -Cold Capsules . OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers' heal up; the nerves become strong as' steel, sa that nervousness; bashfulness and. despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face fufl ansi clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, pbysicaland mental systemsare invigorated; all, drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks and 'fakirarob you of'your bard earned dollars." its- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS, Peter E. Summers relates his experiences "I was troubled with Nervous Debility fornanny years. T lay it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became 'very despondent and didn't care whether worked or not.' I Imagined everybody who looked at me guessed ray, secret. imaginative' dreams at night weakened '. me --lay back ached, had pains.in the tl back of my, i head, hands - and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, >� lingers 'vere•'shaky, eyes blurred, hair 0' loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in, the flngert set in and the dodtor told me Ile feared paralysis. ; I toolc -all kids of medicines and tried many' first-class physicians, saw re an electric belt for three, butreceived jade. benefit. I eErotsc rttE>a2MENT nvas induced to consult Drs,. Kennedy & Art Ft'-rpEATmttiT Kennedy, though- 'bad lost,all faith in doctors. Like .a irowning man I: commenced the NEW MZTaov •TREATMENT nand iL ` saved; my Life..' The improvement Was lice nia is—I could feel the vigor goingthr'ough 'the nerves- I was cured meatallyand.phyyiealiy. 3 bare; sent: them many. patients and continuo to do 'so: • CURES. GUARANTEED OR idO PAY' We treat; and cure' VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBIL1°TY,BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDLR-DISEASES and aII Disensea peculiar try INrn, CONSULTATION FREE: BOOKS FREE. if linable to call write for a Queatiots Blank for Hoene Treatment. l'3 ; t S e. an Griswald' S .e r Detri All letters from Canadam to our Canadian Correspt merit in t1-inasor, -call at our ,Medical Instrtuta in Detroit as Ave 5abur 'Windsor, etaces aliLei'. are for t'orrespt 5Canacitau business- Drily Address all letttrS e l S KENNEDY tr+l$e, NNELIY, Wjitdaoi,, tWouti `st be address' idence 3t!epat is