HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-1-26, Page 1f'. TWF.N Y-TEIB D YEATI.> CARLING'S EXETER, ONTARIO, Ti ow the time to save money on our Furs We will g ve a. on :all Men's Fur Fur Collars.. ►BCI iea oats acid Ladies - off on all small furs sur h as and fur caps• Eve h xig in this Litt, o t at a price. Gen We have some of tats. Whiche rices. $2,50 Hats fo Har of 2 USI' Ce C'c ats w th USt be el Hats the latest St, Ties in Men's, Hard mill Blear cut a,t the following $1.75 and $2.25 Hats for I.Q. Stock Taking is now on We have bargains in all Lines. These remnant must go to make room for the spring goodsthat ar arriving. Highest prises paid for all kznds of rode e, W. J. A R I G Professional Cards.' aGaduNyrHo r Graduate of L.D.S.E D.D.ireity. DENTIST Offices: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices, E xeter. Telephone No. 5. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D.80 graduate of Toronto Iiniveristy. VIONIr DENTIST, teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects O ce oyer Glad man & Stanbury:'s office, Main street teeter. Medical SB. BRIGHT, H. D., H. C. P. & S.. HONOR r Graduate of Toronto University, Two years residentpphyeician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and Reeidence.Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street ,EXETER. DR..QUACSENBUSIS, Physician, Surgeon Ac- coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Main Stieet. Residence, corner James and Albert streets opposite James street Methodist parsonage. Phone Office, 59 a; Residence 8013. Legal. IOHSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI Ler tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc. Nosey to Loa* at lowest rates of nteres O9icea,;Mem street, Exeter; R. CAss,3 o B,A., L, H. Demme MONEY TO LOArl. We have e l erge amount of private funds to loan n farm and village properties at low rates of inter set. GLADMAN & STANBURY,1 Barristers, Solicitors,Main et.,Exeter On • J.. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in'lead- ing!Danadian and British Companies. Main-St:,.'Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' t9A2. ANDERSON, Licensed 'Awctioneer for` Buren County. Terrne reasonable. 'Dates, can be ";made at the. 4dsocate„. Exeter..or Henry Eiiber'e Office; Cred- T. B.• CriRLTNG r�z Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glace r ie Insurance, ,Collecting accounts, and • eon r' ;ducting; auction sales Exeter, Ont •••S scictipP4% the ne to li rIt EXETER SCHOOL WARD UBS. DA , ' JANUAJ Asrequired by 3aw Ltse first meet of the Board for terganleation was held, in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, last, with' T.13, Carling absent,, The following re 'the' order of bust - lies§ duly .fiiaposed of :S,igning oath of office by S. efarttie, and F. „Wagd in; after which the following officers and to Conanittecs been appointed; -Chairman THE FELL COUNCIL ounell met: in tthe flown, ,Hall or tiday,, 2O0a last; Members all pre-- t, `',.iinutes of the last electing were sd and approved., klesars. Bebier and Gidley walled +ori the otru eft regarding a band Indemelfe- l�e ceufei,l in respect of ce taira They retiuested the council to oat: the word jointly es there enszae that would not sign ore that ccou.:L.. .'3s there .had been a remitter ho .acsigned the bored the council lou ' nee ,rase to change Pt. Per evert artd Welp2rt-Tr:et ne action rt led. :leen Gia see end Hes (tepee floe r; mita *hu Sol Trustee Board, MUSIC MISS DELIGHT HOBBS, Violin In- structor, Tames Street Parsonage,' 'MISS LILLIAN ELLIOT CONCERT SOPRANO, PUPILS ',ACCEPTED ADDRESS,-CENTRALIA, ONT. H. Prayne;; Treasurer appointment. held # aheyanee on 'tnotlon of F. . Gladnnate and S. forth ; Secretar ; J. Grigg; Standing Corntatittees, Wood, P. Frayne ; Supplies, P. W. Gladman ; .pairs, F. Weed ar.d T P. 4'Crinf.,; Teachers Supplfee,, II, 1ivaton, arta P. iheayne Insurance, 11,. Heaton;, rou•tde and Sanitary:, Tw F3, Calling'.., H. lIueto:x and S. Martin. Per F. Wood •Bnd, F LL _ Glade:34a that the regular ineetings of the Board be held an tine Bacon$ on - day or Bela anentln,. Per P Wa»d .~,td S, ;\Earths 't114t alto rnspecteral visite Of the BOaird ttel .1ILade. o:. the cull of tae Cha.rnall ; 'Ter S. 'Martin and. W. GladnuUi- lrat '3r, 13 ig.ilt be apDoitat ed the :B'oard's rePr'etaenttt, ive to the Public Library Heard for the years -adjournment, 191142-13, Pe, S. Martin 3i apeclat ecaeion, wee held at the close w;aen the following loudness was duly aubnsttted approved, --Per Ohafr that S. Martin. lT. kivatou :tend .', W. man be a committee: to wait e;'i the Couinty' Council a,t iia next session on behalf o' the. educ;ttio:aal itatereeto of the village. Per H. lIu.,teta and. 8.Mar-1 the that the principal's favorable r - part of the pr,eee<at s'atelieg of tee e hoof be accepted ,ted t'3(; teetici oniial d. sir d b,. the i'rrt opal granted. Per I°, W. Glad,;l•aa, x01(1 S, Martin -,That the ft 3 ?s t 31".r"• exlC 1-c a1'Prot nN a n'.v t t i.nsorn, runt;;u,: e, ;;,on. Per F W. S. tt.^ti',t that the. board tl; arlea:: tea the teelleed ton J+..;8. "1t) at ft txa. Pss F. Rood, adioaxrrilaneflt, , Secretary. C. A. HOtIZE, V. S. Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary ^ Col- lege; member Ontario Veterinary Med- ical Siociety; treats all diseases of do- meatleated animals on scientific prin- ciples; modern surgery a specialty. Og- eratlons on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- isfactory. • Calla '13y • -clay or night promptly attended to.- Office -Main -at., Exeter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone In :connection. PASTURE' FARM .FOR. SALE itdd o. tete council leegardieg cer- balance, of money due thet had not paid over -o the beard. and the ad ing or:, for year e, a;:d as tine cee :cls .',•a3 bueineee it would b' a oSTd t° #o ! (hi t' ,jueted. :dz' Glad :lent s dd that'there had been a 1.:ter written le. one of tf`,.e papers aoKing v.'n,y ie was that the eehOPl epo t 'had riles been;printed as in former years, Was It. beeausr: the} Ired etiMething '.to cover up? He said that they had:"t anytltin ; to cevt:•r up, but ex0l li, ped why the board had, riot weed their tanl ual etetet7leatt wad be- re teTC P aP R than V1P , .,.1J4.�, Take. u at^ til=ls there was always a differ ' nt the prional earls of ex- ;ce a”, Bonn. hundreds of dcilaea be- tarp •.. the ' <.^re about his bread and'"s reean tic Town Tr sttrer's aecoutnt and b asst r, and yeu leave his mind fres for Strretary . of the Scitcrst ato.e he aItlaful tcthersties. Burdett a tee with the fear of the poo:la'ouso' Board teed ...at khe Heard deemed t o^ n dost it tee old age acid you cripple better:?% to do St) ILO the, report vas eigh rsa ,isl"Va.sieee, arrd only gave tile r o pati eget},a7t'.e eviladaX Te attltd ateledrlR r- f; to ll to Lahr, Tao trouble ara�se , terni the Tow; Tro,aaurer Yep; :la.eth atcy *3tlx <: s ».),,. Y hQ rd t, a,Id .fit o,dct tsu hyot.� • ±a l i»1; 3' n cbaetc. t 1 tl p Town TJrka e Istat}. Td:e lleeia� Fifty) acres .good pasture . farm, West half Lot 9 North Boundary 'of McGill- ivray; several acres in bush, ' Apply at once to GLADIIIAN & ST_4NBURY, • Barristers; Exeter, "FARMS FOR SALE Westerly 70 acres Let 21 'South.Boun- elary of Stephen. Good brick house, Darn, riock ' well. and windmill. First- class property, "convenient_ to church and sch3oli ' Akio 50 • acres good pasture' farm, W i-2' Iest 9, N. B., of McGIilSvray, sev- eral acres in bush. ! Apply . at, once to GLADIMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Exch. FAY. ESTATE CHANCES TYae Eoll0';n- properties have ,been placed do our hand`s' for ;evciaang-. FOR SALE} -:j gelid' sized far me, dwell 7Sseter; suitable to acro- xiaodatc 'two ranrilies P good repair; etee; be sold cheap ,. ; , TO 1�ENT.-21 3 acre farrn iru Usborne to recut, to nit i1t man. Gorciii" iauiidinds vVr NTETA..-to rein ,farm supplied ;reit' ,4 `t x lfl"7 t Aft Hundred acre a ' usual build - 6d Cr tie house: 111 t%rii�7�, t'tappiyt` atr �� tu�ho Advoc' i1 Till p 130; VILLE, Ileallnzzulllo, fait, '-9r 8,, ' .J. Sandb, }T xeter^. DearShan F#.tplvfset2 find P.0, Note for $1.Q0 for The Advocate. You este Haat wo cannot flet along without it. ao we alt reel in;torested 1f4 the ,old' town. yet. We >ac2 six papers but The Advoeato its always looked nor More share ant. of iho ottiot'rn l ,suppose you are having lots pr itaiow up In that country. We. hall Leen- ly enough- for sleighing °one week at, Xmas., but it was prts4,ty, thtnt and soon went away again, and the dust to blowing Stere now. We are buoy every day pruntrig trees and gettingready for alext 43eadon's crop, altlal,-ugh we don't expect quite' as largo a crop as we had last year, for that wits, '.by;far the biggest crop that' we haves had since we have bon here. • I will conclude by iw.1ahin'st tyotf the compliments or tho seaaon. Hoping this will find you all. well, as it leaves us as present, I remain, Yours' truly, W, H. Trott. at ova a at .tr at.- S. HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The South Huron, Agricultural Socie- ty met in Brucefieldon Saturday last when, the following officers were elect- ed, -President, Jas. Patterson: 1st Vice Pres., Wm. 1Tt rdock 2nd . Vice -prey., T. Russell; Directors, Ales.- Mustard, John Murdock, M. Boyd, W. Dixon, E. Christie, W. D. Sanders, Thos. Fraser, David McIntosh; Hon. Directors, Hy. Smith, Robt. Charters, Sohn Kitchen See'y-Trees:, 'W. D. McLean. A Seed Fair will ba held at Brucefield on March 8th and a Stock Fair. on April 28 STORE FOR SALE Good store trier sale Country locate.. ion. Doing good. business Will be sold rtght. Write, or apply at Advocate office: Sieamon.-In Eiiniville, on Jan1iary 19 Mrs. Wan. S1oamon, aged 62 years. ,OR; SAL"' House and two lots on Male_ Street, Exeter, being the estate. of the late Mrs. A.ten' Facreflt ; frame house and frame stable. This property is Situat- ed in a • very desirable location. For terms'. and particu ars atePly to S. W. B01V 33 VOGELGSANG'S TREATMENT fo'r' Pneumonia'will relieve the patient In a short ,time 'wliter outside app'licatio;tit Anyone suffering from Pleurisy''would' ba wise to try^ ,his :treatment:. No danger. .with outside application whieh makes a permanent cure. Sold., by, W. W. 13LATCHF• OR11 NOTIC Notice isettereby givens' tha t I Will not be responsible for any debts or .ac-. cauntrs contracted',bee naywiLe,; Ei.izaboth' Taylor, •,he having -left„niy ,bed, and,. board without Just cause' or provocation:; JAMES TAYLOR,' Exeter N. Cement Drain Tile For Sale, I now este ail,, 'nye filo up to 10 in., thsat: are only 12 niches, long, at reduced' prices. .±.11 the guaranteed. 4 in. at e13.50 per; tttoileaind,, 5 in. •ex9 ; 6 in,:c 26.50 � 7 +in 35�y .8tn. x$48; io ie. 7also Yo s 14'sand 1�6's on hand. ; e will make all 1e t13 i a : e future S CU E, Lumley P O l3? a C0U13ectioll UgtIi» rR"E'z,'r. t .r.. r 4 ' Ihu 261. 1911. O, GEIGER WARDEN 0, Geier, Reeve: of Hett'eall, Was the choice of the C9ulttY Council for Warden den ea T sad. y. 'pore was the only busi,tees done oxo. the first day. Thio; is the firet, time I3ersal; has been her:- Prod, ion or ed by havtre t -iia Reeve made War- D, Sex t' mag eicetcd warden cf. a3i,iddlepex. PROPOSED CHANGE IN LICENSE' A CT e:'ere:�ico to an erneednlen': to toe 'Licease Act. believed to fore - dote the . gradiaatr, .ot Lieenoe fees. arebY b g ,otele wilt be charged se ze,�ula.ing to eoa:e extent, say Obigne. of busts se done, trwhiie sloe alter `'lnote'ls 'sill ,not have to tray xaaar'l, was o a- of the fe tures »?' speech €rose the thro-ie read lzy l ez Geve or Gibson at tate farntalt; 'ee eg of ,he 'third teeeeiela of i't• t Legislature oR 0 it@ to on( Tuesele p �f'c ;eebri, T41k. VITALITY OF ANNUITANTS The cgtaestior: If often aaketi ; "Why' ode aermitaete live longer, on the aver-. Cage than ether peopIc l" The great Zee:or hi the question of course is, that thrtse p�oP1e live the longest who have the 11 tat worries, Tt 1s a. truism 111at v+or'y it 1 F Ula oGx t,I0W the tate arae raped 11 4trtn,'. d�. li thie e: elving tiaetr uld call a special nee - %oil and with a. Cr:M=1tl'fia frogs t,' lloartl go fully, later tele. mat-; to de often tra is rniaa eulestaele 9a^ce-a as well, 1sn .+anis women hos yraatlded a ;n; ns svlxe: city suvir?3I may be lntd a1d' for' tate future wltle prrfeet eo„- tt 0e that they e'ia11 be available tea ala arra: ;eflllraa, ”"I .:ala re4rlel,'= t11at I Meat elle, but n bal3Y1 on others, in +overs n:'ent Annuity will not solve tl,-it probleaaa, but it will solve;.' eolvlal , many of 111cM. atsic. your Itostnrtstor, or write to 'te Superintendent of :Annuities. Otto - a, for intornlaitol3e, vet WINCHELSE Mr. and Man. Ziehn Colo or 'Annie Coward. -Mr. Milton '-'41eCurdy and eta- Gillespie, freight and cartage 3,50; with the lifissca EvelYn; Electric Light Co., acct., 118.80; T. Xerre W110 11114 beeA. visiting in. Cen- lroulden, labor, 19.50; T. Brock, ar., tralta and Creditein, has returned to 1.05; T. Brock, Jr., 18,00 ; F, Ifallott, to the bootie of lifr. tied W. ICerr herc.--Mrs Isabella Robinson Is coilfined to her relent with la grippe.- ,NfIss 13antes of Credited Is visit - Elliott of Thedford and Aim 1,V.ill and wife of Chicago have returned home after a visit at Mr. rr. Coward's. lett, Jr., 1.65; T. Houlden, ca.retaker and looking alter work, 19.00; 1L rprd, 3. Mitchell, do., $2; Sick Childrent's Hos pital :$5; W. H. Deathly, error; in as- sessment, 7.46; Those He.ndford do. A. Dow 31.61; Carling Estate 0.48; Hawkshaw 19.99; 11. Gidley 22.40; Geo. Bia.tchford 17.27. -Total $565.84. Day-Levett-That Gould, Shaply and Muir's letter be flied and thak the Clerk v. -rite F. W. Parneombe that the Coun- cil claims indemnity of $300 for non- fulfillment of contract. -Carried. Levett-Rivers-That we ask for ten- ders for the lowering' of tele water tank building down to the cement foundation and the flooffing of 'same the laid; also the, removing of the water tanks. The tenderer to have the old material. Ten- ders to be Inithe (Clerk's!, hands not later than 7 o'clock Friday evening, Feb. 3. Day-Walper-That the Clerk be in- structed to procure Assessors Guide for Mr. Dyer. T. 13. Carling Clerk. a,nd Ales. Milligan of I-tegina, efrs. Robt Ertgliehe-Mr. 1 -leery and Miss Eva Wickert spent a fevr days the past vreek with Mrs. E. Luther of Centralia. -1\1r. and Mils. W. England spent Sunday evening at Mr. N. Poll- ard's.-All parties indebted to W. J. their bills before Feb. T.t.h, as he leavee for •the West shortly after that date. - Mr. Wen. Mellin has bought oul the atock of W. J. Wilsoei ,& Gee and sol- icits the patronage of Mr. Wilson's ma ny customers. The stock is being sold at reduced rates. Give him a call. --Miss Maggie Eagleson, of Corbett spent Sunday with Mos Lizzie Hartle. Messes,' jos 11 and, son Ed. •and ilsherntert ar,e 'Putting in their supply. Haytei7. 'tpe 2..lgt can: ;of 'Stephen were laid to, Teel; '-'dh9, Grand Berle .ceinetery en Tuesday- Cook'o'Cotton Root Compound. 'Alottruiee'esttalt.y. used nionthlY afar 1014 rigillff 0.4 • • SANDERS SC CREED the meet kicking ahout the ,tra.0:-.14.1 E -7,g madet by the departmental store. These big stores get their' business bYl advert/sing, and you know it. Theta it p to you to loPPly the remedy', and de it liberally. uffiers drove to edeeedaY afternoon to play the Creditor: boye. Tiels o first Beason at CUrlirtg'. ----e-a:ren?wksvitic,mhe and .Mrs„ tebeet Carre.,. Freser last week, Crediton Cre vi aal gift of 1,01.000.000, tbrx, ,feandetit 100'2 fee - Pose 91 higher edtteatiole el have beee denoted, three eking the total endoewe ty $20.0,1100000, KICICED-4,Mr. Peter Olt her relay la Ith etelb tet ARRIAGES Lu know, on 3011.15.` rbere Ellber, son et Hilbert, yin of Lueknove, MItchs11, on. Zan. by Rev. T. Blocelel, Mr, Charleo son, 1%litehell, TiTias Louisa, ter or Mr. field Prod 11'orrt, Logan. DEATHS leamon.-iIn =invite, on Jan 9, Wm. Sleamon aged. 0:; Years. Jones -In Mit/obeli, on Jan. 17 I A. Walker, reirct of the late C. li". J2orte0 caga:ged 70 years, 19 months and' ett 'Malcolm, beloved wife of Thomas r McLciah--In London, on January 2.E'r• Annie 11IcLeish, beloved wife Of ..Tofin.•• MeLsish, Of Parkhill. Special Prices For The Next Ten Days $15.00 $12.00 cc $10 00 Other lines clearing below cos OVERCOATS Coats for it it SUITS Lines a 46 12. Some big bargains in every Do not pay a big price for tailored Olot when we can give You hand tailored made to - measure suits or overcoats at a saving of fro ve to ten dollars. NVe have the' new idea, in. clot making. in Exet fts